Barbie cartoons: full list by year

Today we will tell you about the history of the creation of the Barbie doll. Barbie - is the most successful and famous doll in the whole world, in the entire history of toys .

The history of the Barbie brand begins with the creation of the toy of the same name. Today, almost everyone knows a long-legged blonde doll. And this is not surprising. After all, she is the most successful doll in the history of toys. Belongs to Barbie of Mattel - virtually the largest toy manufacturer in the world. The products of this company are distributed in no less than 150 countries of the world, and in addition to Barbie, toys such as Batman, Superman and Harry Potter, which are produced under an agreement with Warner Brothers, are also quite popular.

Its creator is the American Ruth Handler, who, together with her husband Elliot, opened Mattel in 1945, the initial goal of which was to produce baguettes for paintings. However, in post-war times, more and more people sought to invest in entertainment, buying the most various toys for their children. Sensing that this could be a good source of profit, the Handler couple change the direction of their company and start production of children's doll houses, and then also music boxes. By signing a deal with the Disney cartoon studio, they run advertisements for their toys during the Mickey Mouse Club run, making the company extremely popular with potential buyers. In 1957, Mattel notices the fashion in the Wild West and begins to produce toy hard drives. Through advertising and new trends, Mattel is becoming more and more successful. Until it releases a Barbie doll and thus makes a real revolution.

The idea to create this doll came to Ruth after she noticed that her daughter Barbara was especially eager to play with paper dolls that imitate adults. After a little thought, Ruth decides to release a toy with which girls could fully "play adults." The famous doll is based on the heroine of German comics Lily - femme fatale with a wasp waist and long blond hair... She was very fond of little customers and quickly gained popularity. Named after the Handler's daughter Barbara, doll Barbie soon gave rise to such a great mania that the company did not have time to release new copies, thereby meeting the incredible demand. At the same time, Mattel received its main income from the sale of not even dolls, but related products - clothes, accessories and toy houses.

The first Barbie was dark-haired and wore a hairstyle “ ponytail”; she had mother-of-pearl earrings in her ears, on her legs - open sandals heels, and she was dressed in a black and white striped swimsuit. Mattel told the country about its doll through TV ads, and the excitement began around the doll ... There were so many orders for the Barbie that the company at first could not even meet the demand for the doll! The girls began to go crazy for Barbie, while the parents of many of them took the doll more than cool, believing that playing with it would not benefit the child's psyche.

But the popularity of the doll grew and grew. Barbie was not alone for long - in 1961, Barbie had a friend Ken, who was named after her son Ruth Handler. In 1963, the best friend Barbie - Midge, and in 1964 - Sister Skipper ... Now Barbie has more than a dozen relatives and friends; and her "breakup" with Ken came as a shock to doll fans all over the world.

Out of the box, the Barbie doll wore a ponytail (hence the corresponding logo image) and wore a black and white swimsuit and black high-heeled sandals. All other elements of her huge wardrobe had to be bought additionally. Already in the 60s, the most famous fashion houses began to develop clothes for Barbies, and soon this doll became one of the most fashionable and sophisticated in the world. Yves Saint Laurent, Pierre Cardin and Jean Paul Gaultier come to the conclusion that sewing outfits for Barbie is no less prestigious than for Hollywood celebrities. Having acquired a wide variety of wardrobe items and a large, albeit a toy house, Barbie clearly began to demand company.

By 1961, Barbie had become the absolute bestseller among the fashionable dolls of all time. And it is not surprising - after all, the doll was born exactly when the world began to revise social role women, when the sophistication and sophistication of haute couture took possession of the minds and hearts of people ...

The history of Barbie has not been without unpleasant moments... In 1993, the Teen Talk Barbie went on sale with phrases such as “Math is very difficult”, “Will we have enough clothes?” “I like shopping,” “Let's have a pizza party!”. This doll caused a stormy negative reaction from the buyers' side, as she formed the image of a “silly dummy girl” and taught clearly not the best lesson in life aspirations to the girls who played with her. “Pregnant Barbie” also did not find wide recognition in a number of countries: if earlier claims to the doll were that it “thinks only about entertainment and clothes”, now there is a reasoned opinion that doll “childbirth” looks like a soulless and mechanical process , and the birth of a child does not evoke a sense of miracle, as in life.

After changing many outfits, houses, cars and pets, the Barbie doll eventually got into the Guinness Book of Records, and also became an exhibit at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. Despite continued attacks and accusations of negative impact on the child's psyche (girls go on a diet to somehow match the fictional image), Barbie continues to be one of the most popular dolls in the world to this day. There are several reasons for this. First, this blonde beauty personifies exactly what girls want to be when they grow up. Secondly, Mattel has pursued a very correct marketing strategy, gradually expanding the Barbie world, introducing more characters and various items into it, and thus consistently fueling customer passion.

World famous fashion houses do not leave Barbie unattended. Since the mid-eighties of the last century, the production of collectible models of the famous doll in luxurious toilets began; In 1985, an international exhibition of Barbie dolls was held in outfits by Yves Saint Laurent, Pierre Cardin, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Christian Dior. Even today, Barbie demonstrates works from famous couturiers - Givenchy, Blass, Bob Mackey ... Sometimes designers even make the doll itself a part of the design of accessories for their collections.

Barbie's "real name" is Barbara Millicent Roberts. In the 1960s, her personal legend said that she came from Willows, Wisconsin, and grew up in the family of George and Margaret Roberts. In the 1990s, Barbie's biography changed: with the release of the new "urban" series Generation Girls, Barbie was declared a native of New York.

In 1961, Barbie "met" her "boyfriend" Ken (" full name"Ken Carson). They "were together" for forty s extra years, although production of Ken was suspended on several occasions. In 2004, Mattel announced that Barbie and Ken were parting ways. However, two years later, they "reunited". According to official legend, Barbie and Ken are not married. The only married doll in the series is Barbie's friend Midge, who in 1991 “married” “Ken's friend” named Alan and gave birth to twins. In 2013, Mattel decided to "rebrand" Midge, making her childless and unmarried again.

M ultrafilms barbie

Information for free

The very first cartoon Barbie - Barbie and the Nutcracker, 2001, directed by Owen Hurley, artist Tony Poolem, starring:

Kelly Sheridan
Kirby Morrow
Tim Curry
Peter Kelamis
Christopher Gazet
Ian James Corlett
French Tickner
Kathleen Barr
Katie Weslack
Alex Doduk

Barbie and the Dragon
Barbie as Rapunzel, 2002 (0+)

Barbie Princess and the Pauper
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper, 2004 (0+)

Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses
Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses, 2006 (0+)

Barbie and the Crystal Castle
Barbie & The Diamond Castle, 2008 (0+)

Barbie and the three musketeers
Barbie and the Three Musketeers, 2009 (6+)

Barbie: A Little Mermaid Adventure
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale, 2010 (6+)

A fashion icon, a superstar, a top model, the most famous and popular fashion doll in the world - all this is she - the brilliant and inimitable Barbie doll (Barbie), or Barbara Millicent Roberts (Barbara Millicent Roberts). I can't even believe that in March 2014 Barbie, this incredible beauty with perfect figure, will be 55 years old! This doll to this day can be called the most beloved doll of girls all over the world! Over such a long history of its existence, Barbie has appeared in hundreds, if not thousands of stylish images and stunning outfits, tried on the most different professions, got a close-knit family and numerous friends, visited several fantasy worlds (for example, in the kingdom of Fairies), became the heroine of several animated films, conquered virtual space, and not only…

Barbie Mini Biography

But before we share the success story of this fantastic doll, let's take a look at the fictional biography of Barbie as a character that was invented by the doll's creator.

So, Barbie is originally from Wisconsin (USA). Her parents' names were Georg and Margaret. Barbie has younger sisters, Barbie is the oldest child in the family. Her family later moved to New York, where Barbie herself attended Manhattan International High School.

Barbie is a very open, sociable and kind girl, she has a lot of friends. And Barbie is very fond of animals, during her existence she had more than 40 pets.

Barbie is constantly in search of her calling. She has already managed to visit a flight attendant, pilot, veterinarian, diplomat, doctor and even an astronaut. By the way, the height of the Barbie is 29.2 cm, and the weight is 206 grams.

But above all, Barbie is young, bright and beautiful girl, therefore, in her life, a beautiful romantic story... In 1961, on the set of a Hollywood movie, Barbie meets a handsome man by name. Their romance, so vivid and talked about, will last for 43 years. During this time, Barbies will travel around the world, attend dance school together, and even become participants and avid fans of several Olympic Games... However, more and more often Barbie will think about marriage, family and children, but is not ready for marriage ... On this basis, a discord occurred in the most famous doll couple. So, on February 12, 2004, almost on the eve of Valentine's Day, the world learned about the separation of Barbie and Ken ... On this, it would seem, one can put an end to the Barbie love story ... But it still has a continuation. and Barbie will meet again on the set of Toy Story 3, playing key roles in the film. And in 2011 from the pages of the largest social network Facebook will ask Barbie to return to him, stating "Barbie, although we are made of plastic, but our love is real!" While Barbie has not decided on a decision. But we, with a howl, vote FOR the reunion of this beautiful and most recognizable doll couple, in fact, like millions of Barbie fans of all ages around the world vote FOR a Barbie-Ken couple on the official Barbie website!

How did Barbie get popular and take over the world?

Barbie's predecessor appeared in Germany in 1955. It was a doll with long legs, big breasted, slightly upturned nose, and her name was Lilly (Bild Lilli). Moreover, initially Lilly was not even a doll, she was a character in a newspaper comic strip. This character was invented by the editor of the German newspaper Bild Zeitung simply because there was a small section of the newspaper left for which there were not enough materials. So in the form of a comic strip on July 24, 1952, the image of Lilly with a funny caption appeared in the newspaper. This character became so popular that in 1955, Lilly was brought to life thanks to a puppeteer named Ralph Heuser. She immediately fell in love with the public as a prototype. ideal woman... But then it was still only a distant and imperfect example. modern doll, which no one saw as a child's toy. Lilly was perceived solely as funny gift adults, because the drawn character himself is impudent, beautiful and passionate girl, which certainly did not correspond to the image of an exemplary homemaker ... And only in 1959, the American company Mattel (Mattel) revolutionized the toy industry for children, buying the rights to the image of Lily from the Bild Zeitung newspaper, and creating its first doll named Barbie !

So, in 1959, the progenitor of modern Barbie, a doll named Lily, was seen in one of the showcases in Switzerland by the vice president of the American toy manufacturer Mattel. Ruth Handler later writes in her autobiography that the copyright purchase was not an accident at all. She wanted to create just such a doll for her daughter Barbara, whom she affectionately called Barbie. Her daughter dreamed of a real doll that could be combed and dressed fashionably. Actually, as you may have guessed, the doll is named after the daughter of its creator.

The most important thing was that it had to be exactly an adult doll, which would be a bright representative of the fashion world. This is how the first Barbie doll was born. It was after the appearance of the doll in Europe that the image of a baby doll or bobblehead, habitual since the sixteenth century, was eliminated, playing with which the girl traditionally assimilated female models of behavior.

Barbie has become an alternative and a real revolution in the world of toys of the 20th century. It was precisely such a toy that the world lacked - a woman as a woman, a woman in the form of a doll, a woman as gender concept, woman as gender. At that time, this model of a toy was very relevant. Waves of emancipation swept across Europe, a woman's self-consciousness grew stronger as equal to a man floor. That is why Barbie was rapidly gaining Boundless love, recognition and popularity.

The doll began to develop as one of the most beloved dolls of all girls in the world. She was dressed up by Dior, Kenzo, Pierre Cardin and others famous fashion designers... For the 200th anniversary of the United States, Barbie was assigned, along with Coca-Cola and Mickey Mouse, to cultural heritage centuries. The doll has become a symbol of a self-sufficient and self-valuable European woman.

But the world of Barbie would not be complete without her beloved and devoted friends, who appeared on sale a little later. Let's get to know them better ...

Barbie Friends: Who Are They?

Very often, any doll released by Mattel is called a Barbie. Only this is not entirely true, because Barbie is alone! She can change outfits, but the image of a cheerful smiling blonde girl does not change. If you see a brunette, brown-haired woman or a teenage doll, then this is not a Barbie, but representatives from among her many friends and relatives. Like a real person, Barbie has relatives (these are her younger sisters), a beloved (Ken), closest friends (Midge, Teresa, Christie), as well as a couple of dozen friends and acquaintances (these are characters released by Mattel in different series and images no more than 1-2 times). Let's get to know the characters that are closest to Barbie, who have been accompanying her for more than a decade!

Already in 1961, Barbie had a friend - Ken (Ken). The history of the name is interesting - it was also not chosen by chance. The male doll, after Barbie, was named after the son of Ruth and Ellion Handler. Dark-haired Ken loved fashion no less than Barbie, so he also had a large number of different looks and outfits.

A little later, in 1963, Barbie got her best friend Midge, and in 1965 Barbie's younger sister Skipper was introduced to the world.

Barbie's social circle continues to grow over the years. In 1968, the Christie doll, Barbie's second girlfriend, was released. She is distinguished by her dark skin and African-American descent, and for the first time represents to another ethnic group.

Later, other dolls followed: Teresa in 1968 and Kira in 1990 - the Latin American and Asian girlfriends of the Barbie doll. In 1997, by the way, Barbie has a very unusual friend named Becky, who is in wheelchair... In this way, Mattel strives to foster understanding and tolerance in girls for different ethnic groups and social strata.


Movie Star Barbie!

In 2001, Barbie's acting career began. She played her first role in cartoon film"Barbie and the Nutcracker". In 2003, Barbie plays in the cartoon "Barbie and Swan Lake", and then in "Barbie and Rapunzel". All these films were brilliant success, and girlish hearts began to beat more and more often at the word Barbie. Barbie discovers new truths in films - with the help of self-confidence and dedication, you can make this world a little better.

In 2005, a new movie adventure "Barbie and the Mysterious Pegasus" was released, opening the doors to a truly magical kingdom full of secrets and mysteries. An evil wizard has stolen the royal daughter Annika (played by Barbie) and threatens to enchant the entire kingdom if Annika does not fulfill his plans. Will a meeting with the mysterious Pegasus, a magical flying horse, help her? And will she be able to win with a magic wand after a heap of exciting adventures and dangerous encounters?

The intriguing adventure continues in 2006, when the film "Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses" was presented to the world. In the new film, our heroine plays the role of Zheniviev, the seventh of 12 sisters. Genevieve and her sisters live in the fortress with their father, King Rudolph. The father took the evil Duchess Roswitha as an assistant for raising his daughters. But 12 princesses inherited magic books from their mother and thanks to them they find their way to the World full of magic, magic, music and beauty.

And, of course, Barbie's triumphant march as a movie star continues in the mega popular Pixar Toy Story trilogy. If in the 1st and 2nd parts of the film Barbie is awarded supporting roles, then in the 3rd part she plays one of the main roles, and even paired with her former boyfriend Ken (remember Love story that we mentioned above?). This film brings Barbie great love from the audience, and gives the collectors a whole thematic collection dolls dressed in outfits with images of the heroes of the film.

On this stellar career Barbie doesn't end there. Surely we will have many more exciting films with the participation of our beloved heroine.

Now, dear readers, it seems to you that you know everything about Barbie? In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg! For such a long history of its existence, the doll has changed its appearance more than once, appeared in images famous women planets and even "got fat" ... Do not believe me? Here are just a few little-known facts and myths about such a seemingly simple and understandable doll for all of us ...

What you most likely did not know about the Barbie doll!

  • The very first Barbie doll, presented in 1959 at an industry fair in New York, was made in 2 versions: Barbie - blonde and Barbie - brunette. The doll was dressed in a fashionable black and white swimsuit (the outfits were supposed to be bought separately). The doll also had sandals, sunglasses, large earrings and bright red manicure. Not a single wholesaler took the doll seriously, but retail buyers liked the doll and sold out in a matter of days.
  • In 1967, Barbie received from designers a slightly open mouth and eyelashes (painted or natural, depending on the model). It was from this time that the doll was distinguished by its feminine forms and looked more proportional and more harmonious than its predecessor. Now the prototype of Barbie is no longer the drawn Lily, but quite a real man- American actress Jane Mansfield. This shocking blonde was distinguished not only by her beautiful forms and luxurious hair, but also the desire to turn everything around him into a pink-airy kingdom. Following Mansfield and Barbie, glamorous pink things and objects began to surround.
  • That Barbie, who is familiar and loved by many girls today, got her famous and popular wide-smiling face with big eyes only in 1977. Since then, Barbie has become exclusively blonde. Dolls with other hair colors were discontinued for subsequent years, and models with different colors hair and under names different from Barbie returned to shop windows only in 1991. And in 2000, Barbie got a navel and she “recovered” a little and became the owner of a smaller breast, thereby approaching more real female proportions.
  • A woman with a figure similar to that of a Barbie is born on average 1 in 100,000.
  • In 1960, a unique Barbie doll appeared - Valentina Tereshkova, in 1970 a Barbie in the image of the singer Cher, and in 1975 - an Olympic champion Barbie. The variety of Barbie looks knows no bounds! By the way, on the same dates, Barbie became the owner of the first property: a Dream House (1960) and a car (1970).
  • Since 2003, Barbie has become 100% popular in the world, and every girl in the USA and Europe has an average of 7 dolls.
  • Barbie has never been married (breaking up with Ken happened in 2004) and even more so pregnant. In an interesting position was the best friend of Barbie - Midge, who was married and became a mother twice. Interestingly, the pregnant Midge did have a belly, which was attached with magnets, and in which the doll baby was placed. However, the public did not accept such a doll and the pregnant Midge was discontinued.
  • In terms of statistics, 5 Barbie dolls are sold every minute in the world.
  • With the development and growing popularity of the Barbie doll in psychology, the term "Barbie syndrome" appeared. It is an irresistible desire to look just like the famous doll. The most a shining example became the American Cindy Jackson, who had about 30 plastic surgeries and spent about $ 50,000 to become like her favorite Barbie heroine.
  • The first doll cost only $ 3 and sold about 351,000 dolls at the first launch.
  • Mattel is active in philanthropy and supporting people in the fight against the worst diseases of the 21st century, which is why Barbie has a friend, Becky, whom we mentioned earlier. Becky even competed in the 2000 Paralympics! And Barbie herself in 2012 appeared in the most unexpected way. Barbie was bald. And this doll had 2 tasks. Firstly, to support girls with cancer and help them to take on their temporary appearance. The advertising slogan spoke of their beauty. And secondly, to teach other children to be tactful and more tolerant of people who are struggling or who have managed to defeat this terrible disease.
  • A huge number of fashion designers sewed outfits for Barbie. And, let's not be afraid of this word, the great Karl Lagerfeld created for the 50th birthday of Barbie (in 2009) his own collection of dolls (Barbie and Ken), whose outfits and images amaze with their authenticity, style and fashionableness!

Instead of a conclusion ...

Most toys fail to stay on the market as long time how the barbie doll did it. Barbie has gone through a huge number of once popular toys: from bobbleheads to the famous Tetris. And no one can explain or unravel the secret of her success. In our opinion, the whole secret lies in the uniqueness of the doll. She is inimitable and stunningly beautiful, who has become the embodiment of a girl's dream of fashion and beauty, of adulthood.

Despite the fact that she has many faces, she remains one of a kind, unlike any other toy. This is a doll that will reveal to your daughter the whole world fantasies and girlish dreams. This is a doll that embodies the feminine ideal. She is able to inspire and delight. She deserves not only your attention, but also unlimited respect. Any other doll can be replaced with a similar toy, and the original Barbie is always inimitable!

It seems that many modern forms entertainment should be electronic. Some even in mandatory connect to the internet. However, despite the proliferation of electronic devices, many of our favorite toys are still pretty simple. These are board games, balls and dolls. *****

What was the inspiration for the first Barbie doll?

Many kids still love to turn off their gadgets and play with these toys. If you go to local shop, in the toy department, you can see firsthand that toy cars, hoops, and jump ropes are still popular today. And one " old school"The toy may be even more popular than ever. What's up with the conversation? The Barbie doll, of course!"

In childhood, many played with a doll. Although the boys prefer to call them "soldiers", such items have been popular toys in boys and girls for hundreds of years. True dolls were often self made, were made at home from materials found on the farm. It could have been pieces of cloth or even corn husks.

Throughout most of history, dolls have been made to resemble babies as much as possible. Small children could pretend to take care of them. Everything changed in 1959, on March 9th. On this day, Barbie first appeared at the American Toy Fair in New York.

Inspired by her daughter Barbara, Ruth Handler created the first realistic drawing-based Barbie doll to help children focus on their future. As planned, children could fantasize with her and imagine themselves as adults. According to Handler, "Barbie's philosophy is that with a doll, a girl can imagine herself as who she wants to become when she grows up. Barbie always supports the idea that a woman has a choice."

After founding Mattel Creations with her husband Eliot, Handler launched the first Barbie in mass production... She became the first adult serial doll in the United States. Original design was taken from Lilly, a German doll. Well, this doll, in turn, was based on a cartoon character. A huge success awaited a doll with a height of 30 centimeters. It sold 300,000 copies in its first year.

Barbie's expanded name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, and she is originally from Wisconsin, namely the fictional town of Willows. Due to its immense popularity, the company created other dolls to join, including boyfriend Ken (named after Handler's son), best friend Midge and Sister Skipper.

Year after year, new toys appeared in the Barbie line. In addition to the main ones, you can find: cars, buildings, and fashionable outfits... The most incredible Barbie variants have been produced, reflecting big variety professions. Among them: an airline stewardess, a pilot, a doctor, an astronaut, an Olympic athlete, and even a US presidential candidate.

While Barbie's popularity has been undeniable over time, not every child is a fan of her. Many critics say that Barbie promotes gender stereotypes and unrealistic expectations of image and appearance. Others say Barbie encourages imagination and self-confidence.

Despite the debate, Barbie still stands firmly on the pedestal. Although Barbie turned 50 in 2009, by then the company was selling $ 1 billion worth of Barbies every year.

Since its debut, over 800 million Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide.

We recommend buying a baby doll or doll for a child at

Barbie is every little woman's favorite character. Every girl dreams of being like these graceful beauties with perfect make-up, so it is not surprising that cartoons about barbies have been consistently successful for more than a decade. Indeed, it is in the fairy-tale world of the barbie, the list of cartoons about which we will consider today, that becomes alive and real.

Today we have compiled a list of cartoons by year. The article will be supplemented with interesting facts about these amazing dolls.

Barbie and the Nutcracker (2001)

This is the first full-length cartoon about a barbie, released at the very beginning of the 21st century. Young Clara gets from her aunt unusual gift- wooden nutcracker in beautiful outfit... But in fact, the Nutcracker is an enchanted prince who is trying to kill the evil Mouse King. Only Clara is able to prevent him. But how if, by the will of the spell, she became as small as her prince? Rating - 6.7.

Cartoons 2002-2003

"Barbie and the Dragon"(2002). The story about amazing girl Rapunzel with the most beautiful hair in the world, who, with the help of the dragon Penelope, left the witch's tower and found herself in the exciting world of a fairy tale. This world will give her not only adventure, but also true love. Rating - 6.9.

"Barbie: Swan Lake" (2003). Beautiful girl Odette was turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer and is now forced from dawn to dusk to live in the guise of a bird. However, there is a way to remove the terrible curse - to find true love... Rating - 8.4.

Interesting fact! The doll was named after the daughter of its creator - Barbara.

Cartoons 2004-2005

"The Princess and the Beggar" ... A story about two perfectly different girls with the same appearance. Anna Louise is the princess of a small kingdom lost in the mountains, and Erica is from an ordinary peasant family... But everything changes when the princess disappears. Rating - 8.7.

"Barbie in Fairyland" ... The young fairy Elina sets out in search of the guardian fairy who can help her rescue the heroine's friends and return their wings.

"Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus" ... Princess Annika and Pegasus Britta will experience many adventures together on the way to the sorcerer who turned Annika's family to stone. The girl has to create a magic wand to break the spell. Rating - 6.3.

"Barbies and Girlfriends in Hollywood". The story of four beauties who strive to conquer Hollywood. Rating - 5.

Interesting fact! Whoever the doll has been in the entire history of its existence - a model, a flight attendant, and a secretary. She served in the police, the army and even flew into space.

Cartoons 2006-2007

"The fabulous country of Mermedia". The young fairy Elinna finds herself in the world of Fairitopia, where many adventures await her. Rating - 8.3.

"Twelve Dancing Princesses" ... A cartoon about how important the family is. The princess and her sisters team up to help their father rule the kingdom. Rating - 6.5.

"The Barbie Diaries". Feature-length cartoons, the list of which we are discussing today, usually talk about princesses. But this is a non-standard cartoon about three girlfriends, where there is no fairy princesses and magic. In the center of the plot are teenage girls whose life is just beginning. And their problems are exclusively teenage. Rating - 8.9.

"Fairyland. Magic rainbow". Elinna, along with her friend, the fluffy Bibble, goes to the School of Wizardry. But the evil sorceress Laverna is making cunning plans. Rating - 6.5.

Interesting fact! In the 90s, the doll not only spoke a few phrases, but also knew how to ... give birth to children. True, the birth looked too mechanical, because the public did not like it.

"Barbie as Princess of the Island". The girl, shipwrecked, grows up in the society of animals on desert island... But soon she and her friends find themselves in the prince's castle. They will not only have to learn etiquette, but also reveal the palace intrigues. Rating - 7.3.

"Mariposa". Long years fairies and elves are forced to resist evil creatures attacking their peaceful settlement. One day the fragile defense will collapse and the fabulous men will remain defenseless. History is rated 7.2.

Feature films 2008-2009

"Barbie and the Crystal Castle". To save their friend, imprisoned in the mirror, Liana and Alexa go to the Crystal Castle, which is located in fairy land... Rating - 6.2.

"Barbie and a Christmas Carol". The story is dedicated to the daughter of the main character. The girl has matured and can now travel to the fairy-tale world of fairy tales with the help of a magic ball.

Interesting fact! If a living girl had the proportions of a doll, she would not be able to take a step, since her legs are incredibly long. But with a figure like a doll, only one woman out of 100,000 is born.

So, we continue to discuss all the cartoons about barbie. List for 2009.

Barbie presents the fairy tale "Thumbelina". Little Timby fairies live in a fairytale world of flowers. But one day people invade their world and they are forced to protect it.

"Barbie and the Three Musketeers". The main character goes to Paris to become a musketeer. And soon she and her friends have to save ... the handsome prince. What an unexpected turn! Rated 6.9 points.

All cartoons about barbies, the list of which we are considering today, have an interesting plot. But newer cartoons also boast good graphics.

Interesting fact! The plastic top model was born on March 9, 1959.

Feature-length cartoons 2010-2012

"Fabulous country of fashion". Aunt Barbie decides to close a fashion house in Paris, but the girl will do everything possible to bring back the lost magic of beauty and save her aunt's business. Rating - 6.7.

"Barbie: The Adventures of the Little Mermaid". Our heroine is a half mermaid who understands the speech of underwater inhabitants. And one day they ask her for help. (8 points).

"The Little Mermaid Adventures 2" ... The Little Mermaid's adventures continue. The girl now lives in the underwater world, makes friends and even makes enemies for herself. Rating - 7.3.

"Princess Academy or Princess of Charm" ... Blair, having entered the Princess Academy, learns that she is the missing heiress of the kingdom. But the insidious witch wants to prevent the girl from taking the rightful throne. (6.2 points).

"Wonderful Christmas" ... A story about sisters who are stuck in a hotel in a small town due to a blizzard. This Christmas will be truly fabulous! Rating - 7.2.

"The Princess and the Pop Star" ... Tory is royalty and Kira is a pop star. Each of the girls is tired of their own life and one day, thanks to real magic, our heroines will change places. Rating - 6.2.

Interesting fact! In total, there are about 70 dolls in the family of the plastic beauty - aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers. Dolls old age have grey hair... Also, the barbie has pets and attributes of a luxurious life - a car, a house, beautiful furniture and clothes.

Cartoons about barbie 2013-2015

"Barbie and Her Sister in a Pony's Tale" ... Nature, horse riding - a paradise for four sisters. But the girls will soon find real magic after meeting with a fabulous pony. Rating - 7.3.

"Mariposa and the Fairy Princess" - Mariposa goes to a neighboring kingdom as an ambassador. There she meets the princess of the valley and soon the girls become friends. But Catania is in danger. Score - 6.6.

"Pearl Princess". Lumina is a stylist in a beauty salon, and also a real mermaid. But she is unaware of this. Rating - 8.1.

"Pearl Princess 2". Lumina lives happily in the sea kingdom. One day she learns about the ball, which is being arranged by the king and queen. The girl must definitely get to the ball. Score - 5.8.

"Barbie and the Secret Door". Our heroine accidentally finds secret door in his garden and finds himself in a world inhabited by amazing creatures. Here she will find real friends. The story is valued at 8.2.

"Barbie: The Rock Princess". The princess and the rock singer switch places due to a technical error. One goes to the camp for young musicians, and the other to the royal camp. Rating - 8.5.

"Super Princess". A story about the adventures of a wayward and restless princess.

"Barbie and the Puppies Treasure Hunt" ... Four sisters accidentally find a map in their grandmother's house, on which it is indicated where the treasures are buried. The girls and their faithful puppy go in search of treasures.

Interesting fact! Immediately a year after the "birth" of the beauty, she had a boyfriend, Ken, named after the son of the creator of the doll.

Cartoons 2016-2017

The following cartoons about barbies are a list of new full-length films about slender beauties.

"Spy squad" ... Three gymnast friends have retrained as super-agents and are now looking for elusive thieves.

"Barbie and space adventure" ... The main character left the Earth and, together with her father, settled on a distant planet. Many adventures await her, which viewers rated at 7.8 points.

"Barbie and Her Sisters Chasing Puppies" ... Four sisters and their charming pets go to rest on a tropical island. Rating - 4.4.

"Barbie and virtual world". This time, the main character finds herself in the virtual world of her beloved computer game... Score - 7.7.


The stories about barbies (cartoons are sorted by year above) are incredibly instructive. The creators have chosen the theme of love, friendship and mutual assistance, which always remains relevant.

The first Barbie wore an indoor black and white swimsuit, stiletto heels and sunglasses. 50 years ago, the doll could be bought in two flavors: a brunette and a blonde, but the dark-haired doll did not sell well and was discontinued and replaced by numerous Barbie girlfriends.

The toy became a hit. Five years after the toy appeared on the market, its sales were in the millions. Even the Washington Post wrote about the premiere at that time: “An unprecedented doll appeared on the shelves, not like a child, but a girl. shops were taken by storm. There were even injuries ... "

As time went on, Barbie had relatives and numerous girlfriends. She changed her wardrobe, even a gorgeous one appeared underwear... The doll became the owner of cars, bicycles, houses and animals. The figure of Barbie also changed - her arms and legs began to bend, she learned to speak and even sing.

Until 2000, Barbie had a rotating waist, but did not have a navel, then her chest became smaller, her legs narrowed, her hips became wider, her arms and legs began to spread apart, her waist stopped rotating and a navel appeared. Barbie's height is 29 cm, her proportions towards human body — 1:6.

Friends, girlfriends and competitors

In 1961, Babri had a friend, Ken. He was named after youngest son Ruth Kenneth: They've been together for over 40 years, but never got married.

In 2004, the lovers had to part at the request of their manufacturers, Mattel. But the Australian Blaine appeared in the life of Barbie.

In 1963, Barbie had a friend, Midge. In 1991 she married Allan, after a while the producers decided to make her pregnant. Pregnant Midge wears a wedding ring on her hand, with which manufacturers offered a detachable belly, a collection of clothes for a pregnant woman and a doll that has already given birth, a set of furniture necessary for a young mother.

However, the pregnant Midge immediately had many opponents, believing that the toy could serve as an impetus for an increase in the level of child pregnancy. Then Barbie made friends with features of Hispanics, Asians, African women and all kinds of dolls in national costumes.

Barbie has changed hundreds of professions - from a stewardess to an employee of a McDonald's restaurant. And in 2009 Mattel even released a Barbie in the form of Angela Merkel - Federal Chancellor of Germany. The toy has a haircut and hair color like Merkel, she is dressed in a black crepe suit "Barbie has always shown that women have a choice," says Ruth Handler.

Babri has many competitors. The Bratz sisters are produced in the UK, and the Fulla sisters in Egypt. Fulla dressed in traditional clothes and hijab, introduced in 2003. In addition to clothing, the set includes a pink rug for daily prayers. It was reported that Fullah is very popular because it is more in line with Arab values.

The "non-life" standard of beauty is also attacked, to which the girl begins to strive. According to experts, if Barbie became a human, then with a height of about 170 cm, her weight would be slightly less than 50 kg, chest volume - 99 cm, waist - 45 cm , hips - 84 cm.

The toy even named the syndrome, or the phenomenon of Barbie - the desire to be like a long-legged plastic blonde, which can lead to mental disorders and various diseases. For example, there is a case when an 8-year-old English girl deliberately refused food and ate paper, citing as an argument your desire to be like a barbie doll.

But the most famous story about Barbie syndrome is the story of the American girl Cindy Jackson. To get closer to Barbie in terms of parameters, she underwent 27 plastic surgeries, including her two lower ribs removed to make her waist thinner.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources