Nipples for feeding children. The best bottles for feeding newborns. How to choose a bottle: additional selection criteria

Choosing the right baby bottle for feeding your newborns depends on your future comfortable accommodation with a baby. The feeding nipple performs at least important role in "raising" babies. In this article, I will not give a long time known facts, about what bottles and nipples are for feeding. I will only share my experience or mine. real reviews so you don't spend tons of money on things you don't need. Go!

Which feeding bottles are best?

  1. Avent. I did not like the bottles of this brand, although they have an excellent breast pump. Firstly, the bottle is very wide and during feeding it is not visible how well the baby grabbed the nipple with his mouth, whether he is not getting enough air. I consider buying a bottle of Avent a waste of money.
  2. Nuk. We tried anti-colic bottles of this brand. It didn't help us.
  3. Kurnosiki. We use these bottles all the time. They are the easiest to maintain (rubbed inside with a brush, rinsed with boiling water and done), arranged us for the price and were soft enough to get rid of lumps of pressure on the bottle when clogging the nipple hole. Over time, inscriptions and drawings are erased on them, and the “container” takes on an unaesthetic appearance. It is easy to deal with this - you just need to buy a new one, since this pleasure is inexpensive. By the way, the handles on these bottles are quite comfortable for babies and my daughters started holding them on their own quite early.
  4. Poma. They are made of very hard plastic and when the nipple gets clogged it is impossible to press on them in order to force the lump out of the nipple (for example, when you give your child compote from dried apricots).
  5. glass bottles. See cons below.

Challenges of feeding from glass bottles

Being in the second stage, we started to eat from glass bottles with the simplest latex nipples. If, like me, you don't want to switch to plastic bottles at first, remember these three things:

  1. The flow of formula during feeding depends on how the nipple is pierced with a needle.
  2. The simplest nipples for 1.5 rubles (at 2015 prices) tend to stick together. It can be very disappointing when a child tries, eats, but the mixture does not go away. To avoid this, and at the same time check the temperature of the mixture, you need to drop a drop of "infant food" on your wrist. If the mixture dripped with a strong delay, the hole is too small and feeding will be long and tedious. If the mixture runs in a thin stream, the child may not have time to cope with such a stream and will choke. Then there will be colic.
  3. Do not boil glass bottles in a saucepan. Especially on the road. Mess up the bottom. Circles form on it from the bottom of the bottles and then nothing can lime them.

In general, do not be afraid and switch to ordinary plastic bottles. They can also be boiled in a saucepan and nothing will go bad.

Nursing nipple is the best choice

latex nipples

These are yellow nipples. As for my girls, at first we ate from soft latex nipples. As I said, we were at the stage of gaining weight for some time, and with our nipples and bottles it was impossible to go there. All latex nipples at the end of feeding were collected from mothers in the department and boiled. The disadvantages of the simplest latex nipples I have already described is that they stick together and are sold without holes for the flow of the mixture.

There are latex nipples with pre-drilled holes. These do not stick together, but they are very rigid. It is difficult to wash them after feeding because they are too narrow at the end and the latex is very tight.

silicone nipples

These are transparent nipples. These nipples are slightly stiffer than soft latex nipples and much softer than thick latex nipples. Their characteristics are much higher. The holes in them are already made by the manufacturer and they are of the following types:

  • Slow flow - 0 to 6 months. The holes in them are very small, so it is impossible to feed a child from them with anything thicker than the mixture.
  • The average flow is from 6 to 12 months.
  • Fast flow - 12 months and older. We used these nipples to feed the babies with porridge, a mixture with cookies, potatoes mixed in a blender, pumpkin and other “food for the toothless”.

Which nipple is better to choose for feeding?

  1. Avent natural. The nipples of this brand are good. They imitate the female nipple and it is convenient for the baby to grab them. However, complete with a bottle, the “feeder” turns out to be very wide, and it is impossible to put the Avent nipple on another bottle. Won't fit. Plus, the nipple eventually (if not used) becomes yellow, even brown - the color of strong brewed tea due to natural chemical reactions.
  2. Nuk. This brand has anti-colic nipples. Colic is really reduced, but the nipples are very quickly torn.
  3. Kurnosiki. Yes, cheap. But, they also break very quickly. We were torn about once a week.
  4. Most of all, for the price and quality, I liked the silicone nipples Lullaby(can be found in the Lenta hypermarket, they cost about 100 rubles for two pieces). Too bad I didn't stumble across them sooner. The nipples are quite hard, so they are not suitable for feeding babies up to six months. They cost a little more than Kurnosikov, but they last forever. The best option.

So let's sum it up:

  • Best Baby Feeding Bottles - Kurnosiki;
  • Best pacifiers for feeding babies - Lullaby.

Baby's first utensil is a baby bottle. Every child begins life with it, even with breastfeeding, its presence is mandatory. But how do you choose a safe baby bottle? How to find the very ideal shape, volume, material and nipple? We will now voice all the answers on the right choice of bottles for newborns. Let's tell all the important information and many secrets of experienced moms, nannies and pediatricians. Now it remains only to be careful.

1. Material of baby bottles (glass, plastic, polypropylene).

All bottles are now divided into glass and plastic, while, as always, many are of the opinion that only a glass bottle is the most environmentally friendly. In principle, this is so, it can be endlessly sterilized and easy to wash, just ideal. But there is one significant minus in it - the glass beats. Therefore, from a safety point of view, such bottles are suitable only for the smallest and always with careful control parents. But do not neglect the plastic, now it is not the same as before. Now everywhere there is a note that the plastic does not contain "bisphenol A" (BPA-free mark), which means that the old problem has been eradicated and the use of plastic in baby feeding possible without restrictions. In addition, plastic bottles have an important plus - they do not break. But the main thing is to choose high-quality proven brands, only they allow you to sterilize the bottles many times without negative consequences.

So what to choose? It all depends on the mother and the age of the baby. Up to six months, in principle, it is better to choose glass bottles, although plastic is quite suitable. But for a child from six months, it is better to buy plastic bottles, as the baby becomes active and it’s not even an hour when you turn around, and a new bottle will fly rapidly to the floor.

But we didn't talk about polypropylene, which we mentioned in the subtitle. Now many mothers are looking for this option. And then we will be "carried". After all, in the beginning, we, in fact, told almost nothing about the type of material. Taking cheap bottles from China (or even from Russia, which are also made in China), and expensive ones from Europe, we have different price and various plastics. Therefore, it is very important to understand the markings that should always be on food grade plastic. If they are not there, most likely, bottles are dangerous not only for a child, but even for an adult. So, firstly, the baby bottle should have the designation "spoons and forks", which indicates the food suitability of plastic. Secondly, the type of plastic must be indicated, often it is the number 5 or letter designation PP and the number 7 with its European counterpart PC. 5 or PP - denotes polypropylene, 7 or PC - polycarbonate (includes bisphenol A). And on this moment only 5 (PP) is considered the safest materials. That is, choosing plastic bottle for a newborn, it is important to buy polypropylene. It is the safest, because even water filters are made from it, which are considered the most optimal for the home.

Only such signs on a plastic baby bottle confirm its quality and safety.

In our ranking of the best baby bottles, we mentioned three trusted brands that definitely have a 5 (PP) mark on their products. Many others will definitely not please you. Let's say more, there famous brands, which boast of German origin, but in practice they use only nipples from Germany, and the container itself is from China and the mark cannot be found there. And, of course, such marks will not be found on cheap bottles. And this is not advertising, check if you do not trust our logical, albeit slightly subjective, opinion.

2. Volume.

Having dealt with the material of the bottle, you need to decide on the required volume. To do this is simple, you just need to look at the average norms of milk or formula for one feeding. We will indicate them now, but if you forget, they are easy to remember by looking at the box of milk formula. So, a baby only up to 1 month old can drink up to 100 grams of milk per dose. From 1 month to 6, the norm increases from 100 to 200 grams, which, of course, can fluctuate and depends on the weight of the child and his appetite. But this shows us perfectly that buying bottles of, for example, 120 grams does not make much sense. Except for those who do not need to save. For those mothers who count every penny, it is better to choose a bottle of 240, 250 or 260 grams, which is optimal for ages from birth to 1 year. But on the other hand, if this extra bottle for water, then there is no need to buy a large one, a volume of 120 grams is enough.

3. Shape of baby bottles.

Having decided on the volume, we begin to look closely at the form. To date, all baby bottles for feeding come with a neck of two sizes and, often, it determines the thickness. Narrow neck, this is a classic from the past, wide - modern approach. The first ones are convenient for kids, they are easy to hold in their hands, the second ones are convenient to wash even without a brush. Although many manufacturers have long since corrected the inconvenience in width by making them thin in the middle or adding handles. True, the first option canceled their advantage in easy washing, therefore, everything is subjective here and each mother decides for herself what is best. But at artificial feeding it’s better to buy bottles with a wide neck, it’s much easier to pour powdered milk mixture with a spoon.

Baby bottles for newborns are very different.

By the way, do not worry about the shape of those mothers who practice pumping. Modern breast pumps have a special adapter, so they are often designed for all types of bottles: for both wide and narrow necks.

4. How many bottles should I buy for my baby?

And since we have touched on the topic of pumping, it is worth considering this factor when determining the amount. For such mothers, you need to buy at least 2 bottles. In other cases, it is necessary to think more carefully whether or not to buy more than 1 bottle. This is especially true for babies from six months, when, in addition to milk formula or milk, teas and juices enter the diet. But again, there are drinkers, mugs, which also need to be taken into account. Although, according to some experts, a bottle-fed baby should have 6 bottles. It seems to us that this is a lot, because many other experts advise the child to immediately accustom the mug, which will replace most of the bottles. But we recommend buying 2 baby bottles, this minimum will definitely not interfere with any type of feeding.

5. Choose a nipple for a baby bottle.

We figured out the very basics of choice, but it's time to important element, which we decided to leave in the end - this is a nipple for a baby bottle. Today, nipples are divided by materials (latex and silicone) and by shape (classic, anatomical, orthodontic). In addition, there is also a separate type of innovative nipple with an anti-colic system. Consider all the pros and cons of each type to help with their evaluation and selection. After all, each child has its own type, so only the mother or pediatrician of your child can make such a choice. And, of course, remember the size, which is indicated on each package in the form of an age mark.

The choice of pacifier is one of the most milestones at the time of buying the right bottle for the chest.

5.1. Latex nipples.

These are the same yellow nipples, reminiscent of models from the past. But do not be afraid of them, they are quite practical. Their main advantage is in the texture, which is similar to human skin, therefore, such nipples are more attracted to infants due to tactile sensations. They only have big disadvantage, they tear quickly, so if you choose this type and it fits the baby, be sure to stock up on a few things to have a supply.

5.2. Silicone nipples.

Modern, beautiful and durable. They are a little less reminiscent of a nipple, but this did not stop them from being the most popular in the world. And if the baby is not breastfed, he will not notice the difference, so in this case they will definitely fit. Otherwise, there may be whims, although the child quickly gets used to this.

5.3. Nipples with a classic shape.

Many prefer the classic - cherry shape, as it has shown its effectiveness over time. But it all depends on the child, so in some cases it is more correct to choose other types.

5.4. Anatomical nipples.

They are more correctly thought out in terms of anatomy, as they repeat the shape of the female nipple. Many kids will like this choice. And this is especially true for mothers who want to continue breastfeeding.

5.5. Orthodontic nipples.

Bevelled nipples that help form a correct bite. Logically, such nipples are preferable to use, but a baby may not want a different shape. And in cases where the pediatrician notices an incorrect bite, only this option is the only correct one.

5.6. Nipple size.

Like clothes, shoes, nipples also have their sizes. Bottles are always sold with a nipple, so it's important to take this into account when choosing a nipple. But you do not need to buy "for growth". Nipples gnaw through over time, so they still have to be changed. Buying a new one is not a problem. Therefore, we focus on the age that we find in the designations (popular on any children's products), for example, 0m, 3m+, 6m+ and 9m+. By the way, it refers to the pacifier, and not the bottle itself. But here it is important to take into account one more point, the size indicates the size of the hole, that is, the speed of drinking. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the child himself when choosing, for example, small children at the age of six months sometimes drink quickly and nipples 6m+ are “small” for them, the drink is stretched and the child gets very tired, but it happens the other way around - the baby is weak and such a nipple is “large” for him, he chokes. With the wrong pacifier, children are nervous, so this is important point. It is also worth mentioning the composition of milk. Milk formulas are different, like a woman's milk, so the speed of eating will depend on this. For example, for a thick version, you need to select a larger size. But all this is easily fixable, since the nipple is cheaper than the bottle and it can always be changed to the correct one.

5.7. Teats with anti-colic system.

Anti-colic baby bottles are still considered an innovation, so they are not widely used, although most children suffer from colic. At the same time, the colic itself is not fully understood, so few people will undertake to say something “for” or “against” such bottles. But sometimes, if colic greatly interferes with the child's life, it is worth thinking about such a choice. True, it is very difficult to wash such systems and they cost more than the classics. It may seem like a trifle, but for any mother with a baby, every minute counts.

6. Important little things.

When buying a bottle for a baby, it is important not to forget about all kinds of additions and accessories. The presence of handles on the bottle, the density of the cap, a special thermos, all this is important and necessary. There are also sterilizers that are more practical than a kettle of boiling water, although they are expensive. Of course, do not forget about the brushes, which often come with a bottle. There are also additional bottle caps for those who express and store milk in the refrigerator. In addition, a well-visible scale, preferably two-sided, is important. And, of course, bright drawings that amuse the child during feeding. And all these little things are extremely important, so they should always be taken into account.

7. Feeding Precautions.

It is important to understand that the bottle can be harmful if used incorrectly. Therefore, there are precautions that every mother should be aware of. Firstly, feeding the baby should always be supervised, as often infant can't handle the flow of milk. Secondly, when warming milk or preparing formula, it is important to assess the temperature immediately before feeding. To do this, thoroughly mix the cooked, heated or chilled milk and only then test its temperature by releasing a trickle on the outside of the palm. Thirdly, the bottle is not a toy, it was created for feeding and nothing more. Fourthly, the nipple from the bottle is intended only for use on it, and not as a pacifier. And fifth, prolonged feeding can lead to caries, so the control of the pediatrician is important in order to switch to a mug in time.

Of course, this is only the basis of safe feeding. But with it, everyone will understand all parental responsibility from new purchase- a baby bottle.

We always choose only the best bottles for your baby.

And remember, every baby needs a bottle. Breastfeeding or artificial supplementation, it is important in any case. For formula milk, tea, water, juice or expressed milk at departure, their application is wide and varied. A bottle for a newborn is useful to every mother and it should definitely be present in the “disturbing bag” of every pregnant woman. We hope everyone understands this and our advice will help with the choice of this important accessory child. This is one of the first things your baby, from which his life and knowledge of the world begins.

Sooner or later, every mother is faced with the need to choose a bottle and nipple for feeding her baby, even if he is fully breastfed. By six months, almost all children get acquainted with the bottle, because new “drinks” begin to appear in their diet - for example, fruit juices. Choosing a bottle and nipples for your baby is a responsible task, because it depends on their quality and whether they are convenient for a child. baby's well-being. And if it's about a baby mixed feeding, then the quality of the nipple determines how successfully you can combine breastfeeding with supplementary feeding with infant formula. How to do right choice“It all depends on the situation: on the nature of feeding and the choice of mixture, for feeding which the nipple and bottle will be used. Let's take a closer look at existing bottle and nipple models and the situations they are designed for.

Choosing the shape, material and size of the bottle

By choosing the right baby bottle, you will find many different options: glass and plastic, with and without handles, with special inserts, inclined and straight, and even donut-shaped bottles. To make the choice easier, you need to understand why there are so many options.

Bottle shapes

Standard straight bottles have been used successfully by mothers for many years. A donut-shaped bottle may be comfortable for a child to hold on his own, but such a bottle is very difficult to wash thoroughly. Convenient option for both baby and mom - a straight bottle with a "waist". Baby bottles with inserts are designed to reduce the amount of air that your baby will swallow with food. This helps to reduce gas formation and calm the baby. Bottles with disposable liners are very easy and convenient to clean, but these liners can be expensive to replace.

Bottle materials

Glass bottles are easy to clean and allow a large number of sterilization, which is a big plus. However, a glass bottle is heavier than its plastic counterpart, and can break when dropped. Plastic bottles are lighter than glass, they do not break and, due to the material, can have a different shape.

Bottle sizes

When your baby is still very young, it is more convenient to feed him from a small bottle. But the older the child becomes, the larger the bottle he will need. Both a small (125-150 ml) bottle and a larger bottle (250-300 ml) will be useful to you. When the baby is a little older and needs a larger bottle for thicker food, the smaller bottle can be used for water and juices. When choosing a bottle, pay attention to the volume scale - raised marks are much more reliable than paint markings.

It is also advisable to immediately purchase brushes for washing bottles and special remedy for washing children's dishes. In addition, you will need a thermal bag or a bottle case - so that the drink does not cool down if you have to walk for a long time, and it was convenient to take it with you.

Choice of baby pacifier

Choosing the right pacifier for your baby is very important. suitable for the child the nipple will contribute to the development of the correct bite and the formation of adequate taste habits. Nipples differ in shape, size and material from which they are made. The best option is a nipple with a wide base, reminiscent of the shape of a mother's breast, this is especially true in cases where the baby is mixed-fed and must switch from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding - and vice versa. In this case, the sucking movements when feeding from such a nipple will be exactly the same as when breastfeeding. Silicone stands out among the materials - it is considered the safest and most hypoallergenic material. Silicone is harder than latex and more practical to use.

In addition, when choosing a pacifier, you need to pay attention to the hole through which the baby will receive food: the flow rate will depend on the size of the hole. If the hole is the wrong size, it can lead to too fast or, conversely, too slow feeding, why baby will experience discomfort, such as swallowing air or having difficulty trying to suck. The intensity of the flow of milk during breastfeeding depends, among other things, on the duration of feeding and the activity of the baby, so the nipple for feeding should also be chosen depending on his age and appetite, as well as on the nature of the mixture that your baby receives. Usually, the nipple for newborns has one hole: the diameter of the hole in the nipple is so small that the baby makes the same effort as when breastfeeding. The hole should be such that the food does not pour on its own, and the baby needs to make some effort to receive . Also, the size of the hole depends on the choice of mixture: for anti-reflux mixtures with thickeners, a nipple with a large hole is needed, since a regular nipple will simply become clogged with such a mixture. For mixed feeding, on the contrary, an elastic nipple with small holes is used so that the easier flow of the mixture through the nipple does not contribute to the baby's rejection of the breast.

A common problem with bottle feeding is aerophagia, in simple terms, swallowing air. It happens because during feeding through a regular nipple a vacuum arises in the bottle, and at a certain moment the child must come off the nipple so that air enters the bottle through its hole. When the nipple is released, the baby swallows air. Aerophagia can contribute to the occurrence of regurgitation and colic in children during the first months of life. In order to avoid this, nipples have been developed with a so-called anti-colic valve, which prevents the swallowing of air.

In addition to all of the above, when choosing a pacifier, do not forget to focus on the "tips" of your baby. The process of choosing this baby "accessory" is rather a process of weeding out options that are not suitable for your baby - be prepared for the fact that you will have to try to offer your baby several types of nipples. Your baby will "show" which model is best for him.To find the right pacifier for your child, offer him several options and observe how he eats and feels after feeding.Age recommendations for using nipples are indicative, so carefully follow for the well-being of the baby and his behavior during feeding. The appearance of symptoms of anxiety and discomfort will be a signal for the need to choose another nipple How to know that you have made the right choice of bottle and nipple?

If the bottle and nipple are well matched, when the bottle is turned upside down, a few drops of liquid will fall from the nipple, and then the dripping will stop. Armed with knowledge and listening to your baby's needs, you can easily find the right bottle and nipple for him. There are many wonderful moments ahead of you, discoveries and travels, when the bottle and nipple will indispensable assistants. Good luck!

The material was prepared on the basis of the manual Nutrition for a healthy and sick child. Manual for doctors, ed. Tutel'yana V.A., Konya I.Ya., Kaganova B.S. Moscow, 2013. - 264 p.

Bottles and nipples are used when breastfeeding different reasons becomes impossible. They are also useful for those babies who are on breastfeeding: first for drinking water, and later - for juices, liquid cereals and mashed potatoes.


small bottle- a container for the food needed by the baby.

Pacifier- attached to the bottle and provides feeding to the baby, and also replaces the mother's breast (sucking reflex). The nipple has one or more holes through which the food from the bottle enters the baby's mouth.

Important: be sure to use a cap that protects the pacifier from external influences between feedings. The nipple should be covered with a cap if you take the bottle with you, and also if it just sits for a long time.

Dummy- unlike the pacifier, it serves only to satisfy sucking reflex baby. The pacifier has no holes.

Holder pacifiers- prevents the pacifier from falling on the floor or the ground, and hence its contamination. Attaches to baby's clothing with a clip.

cup- a cup closed with a lid with a spout or a straw. Helps your baby move from a bottle with a pacifier to independent drinking from "adult" cups. The drinking cup compares favorably with a regular cup in that it does not allow liquid to spill onto the baby.

Spout (tube)- attaches to a sippy cup (bottle) and serves for comfortable drinking.

Feeding set- includes necessary items for feeding a child. The set for babies includes several bottles and nipples, as well as caps and coasters; for older children - plates, cups, spoons, forks.

bib- a piece of clothing covering upper part baby's chest and protecting his clothes from contamination during meals.

Container- storage container baby food. There are also containers in which pacifiers can be carried to ensure they are clean.

Thermal bag- retains the original temperature of the contents in the bottles. Thus, the bottle will be cool in summer and warm in winter. Good for walking or traveling with a baby.

Breast pad- Absorbs leaking milk, keeping breasts dry between feedings.

Brush- Designed for washing bottles. It is made of materials that do not damage the nipple and do not scratch the surface of the bottle. With this brush, cleaning the container will become simple and convenient.

Important: The brush should be changed every 2-3 months.

Sterilizer- easily and quickly disinfects bottles and nipples. It can be electric steam and steam (for microwave).

Important: The bottle and teat must be sterilized after each feeding. If there is no sterilizer, then you can fill them completely with water and boil for 5 minutes.

small bottle


Standard- narrow elongated bottle. Universal option, which is equally well suited for both liquid mixtures and drinks. Often used for very young children.

Ergonomic- often has a notch in the middle (waist), which makes it more comfortable for the child. This bottle will be the best option for older children.

curly(including triangular, polyhedral) - more comfortable to hold, but suitable for children who can already hold independently various items. In addition, curly-shaped bottles are more difficult to wash.


Standard- occurs most often. Most nipples will fit this neck.

wide- facilitates cleaning the bottle and filling it with mixtures.


Glass- durable and easy to clean material that tolerates repeated sterilizations. However, the glass bottle is heavy for infants, which can drop it and break it, as a result of which they can cut themselves. Therefore, it makes sense to use such bottles for older children.

Important: it is better to opt for more expensive bottles made of heat-resistant glass. Cheap containers can simply burst during sterilization.

Plastic- combines light weight and high strength. The plastic bottle does not break when dropped, which makes it good choice for the little ones. In addition, plastic can be given any shape. However, with frequent sterilization, such a bottle fades and loses its transparency. There are disposable plastic containers that are sold already sterilized.

Important: when choosing a plastic bottle, pay attention to its safety for the health of the baby. The material must be free of phthalates, PVC and BPA.

Silicone- lightweight and durable material that can withstand high temperature. Due to the softness silicone bottles can be squeezed, which is useful when feeding the baby mashed potatoes and thick mixtures.

Volume of containers

The volume of the bottle can vary from 30 to 330 ml. It should be selected based on the age of the child. For two month old baby a bottle up to 120-125 ml is suitable, older children can purchase a capacity of 250-260 ml.

Important: bottles should be of a size that fits easily in a refrigerator, drawer or sterilizer.


If the baby is fed breastfeeding, it is enough to have 1 small (100-150 ml) and 1 large (250-300 ml) bottles. The first is for water, the second is for expressed milk. If it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, and he is on artificial or mixed feeding, then 2 small (for water) and 6 large (for mixtures) bottles will be required.



Plain (round)- repeats the shape of the mother's nipple. A good option for the smallest children who are breastfed or mixed.

Anatomical (orthodontic)- It has different forms(flattened, stretched). Such a nipple follows the shape of the baby's palate and helps the correct formation of the arch of the palate.


Silicone- it is odorless and does not cause allergies, it can last for several years, however, it is not cheap.

Latex- softer and cheaper than silicone, but short-lived - darkens and cracks, and also has a taste of rubber. The latex nipple should be changed every 2 weeks.

food flow

This indicator means the volume of food flow and its pressure. The flow of food depends on the size of the hole or the number of holes in the nipple. It is indicated on the packaging by numbers from 0 to 5.

"Mini"(0) - nipples are intended for babies up to 6 months to receive additional liquids (juice and tea). However, we must remember that they are needed only for those children who are fed mixtures. Babies who eat breast milk additional liquids are not required.

Slow(1) - the best option for babies up to 6 months and premature babies. Good for juice and tea for older children.

Average(2) - used for children from 6 to 12 months. It is recommended for tea to a child who has already reached 12 months.

Fast(3) - intended for children over 12 months old. It should be noted that such a nipple is not suitable for thick food.

For porridge(4) - for porridge and other thick foods.

Adjustable(5) - the best option for children from 3 months. Allows you to easily set slow, medium or fast food flow.

Important: The size of the hole in the nipple should not be too big or too small. In the first case, it will be very easy for the baby to suckle, and he may refuse to breastfeeding, in the second - he will quickly get tired and lose interest in such a nipple.

For liquid food, the number of holes in the nipple should be less, for thick food - more.


measuring scale- is situated on outer surface bottles and allows you to prepare the exact amount of the mixture, as well as monitor the amount of liquid drunk by the baby. It is better if its divisions are convex, and not drawn, as they can be erased. They must be multiples of 30 ml with marks in milliliters and grams.

Anti-colic system- equalizes the pressure inside the bottle, which prevents the baby from swallowing air while eating. Bottles with an anti-colic system are found in 2 types - reservoir (with a built-in system) and with a tubule in the nipple. It is better to stop at reservoir ones, which, although they are more expensive, are more reliable and efficient. But bottles with such a system are more difficult to wash.

Non-spill valve- built into the spout of the drinker. Provides comfortable drinking for baby without the risk of spilling liquid.

Thermal indicator- measures the temperature of the contents of the bottle. It is enough to stick it to the container to see how warm the food is for the baby.

For weakened children (for example, premature, with sucking problems) - there are such items:

  • additional feeding systems to increase or resume lactation;
  • bottles with a smaller capacity (10-25 g);
  • special drinking spoons (including for babies with lip defects).

Pens- provide the child with a comfortable grip of the bottle. They are worn on the neck or built into the bottle. Bottles with handles are suitable for babies over 8-10 months old.

  • It is better to opt for products well-known manufacturers- it is certified and passes tests confirming safety.
  • Buy bottles and nipples from the same manufacturer. Then you will not have problems with their compatibility and possible fluid leakage. The same applies to the brush needed to clean the bottle.
  • Inspect bottles and teats regularly. If damage, cracks, plaque are noticed, then replace such items.
  • Before each feeding, check to see if the hole has widened. To do this, turn the bottle upside down and determine how the milk flows out: freely or with pressure. The best option- milk comes in small drops.


When buying a pacifier or bottle for a baby, you must immediately discard Chinese and unknown brands, for example, Bead, Sun and Moon, ECO-PUPS. Such models can be generally dangerous for the health of the child, since there are few of them on sale and there are no reviews on them at all. Among inexpensive bottles you can choose some products Canpol babies, Baby Team, Baby-Nova, Lindo, Nuby. Before buying, be sure to read the compositions, look at the certificates of conformity sanitary standards. It is advisable to study specific models - there is a high probability of size deviation from the norm, which can lead to colic, complicating the baby's digestion.

Still, it is better to buy models of already proven and reliable brands Dr.Brown, Chicco, Medela, NUK, Philips, Tommee Tippee. These companies conduct thorough research to release their products, use the most environmentally friendly and safe materials, and often have an anti-colic system. It is worth remembering that it is categorically not recommended to save on such products, because the well-being and health of the child may depend on it!