Restore softness and freshness to the towels. How to make towels soft after washing. Top reasons towels lose softness

Good day, dear hostesses! Today we have a "big wash". Many housewives are puzzled by the question of how to do terry towels soft after washing. Sometimes terry products acquire rigidity, sometimes the wrong choice of powder and an inappropriate washing regime are to blame - we will find out the secrets.

Why towels get hard

So what can you do to keep the towels soft as on the day of purchase and not get rough over time? There are a few simple rules to help keep the texture soft.

There are many reasons for this. Common mistakes in washing lead to a change in the texture of the fabric and impart stiffness to the garments.

Why do towels lose their softness? Main reasons:

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the choice of powder, especially if it is based on phosphate.
  2. Poor quality powder should not be used.
    The hardness of the water is equally important, if it has a high content of calcium and salt, then the towels a priori will not be fluffy.
  3. Also, do not forget about the use of water softeners, they will protect the fabric. Refusal of such funds leads to coarseness terry cloth.
  4. If you wring out the towels in economical mode, then the lack of water affects the quality of washing out the powder and emollient remaining in the fabric, they impart rigidity.
  5. Do not iron towels without using steam in the iron.
  6. Too dry air during drying also makes the towels soft.
  7. If the temperature for washing is selected incorrectly, this will have a detrimental effect on the products.

Do not underestimate the importance of terry towels, because they, like clothes, are the subject of daily use, and mistakes during the use of the product can create some discomfort. If you follow just a few tips, the products will last for years, retaining their original soft texture.

How to soften towels in the washing machine

Liquid detergents should be preferred to powdery detergents, they are gentle on the fabric and rinse out faster.

Advice. When using dry powder, one rinse cycle is not enough. In order for the product to be completely washed out of the terry cloth, an additional rinsing regime is required.

You can not use bleaching agents, they have a detrimental effect on the fabric. When adding conditioner, you should pay attention to the presence of silicone in it, it will help soften the towels.

Special ball-shaped devices that fluff up the pile during washing are very effective. It is enough to add only 2-3 of these balls during washing and they will retain their soft texture. Alternatively, you can use regular tennis balls.

Important. Towels must not be washed at temperatures exceeding 40 degrees.

It is not necessary to fill the washing machine drum to capacity. Ideally, it should be at most one third full. Only in this case the powder will be completely washed out of the towels.

Correctly selected spin mode is very important, ideally it should not exceed 500 revolutions.

When adding 1 tsp. soda or sea ​​salt into the detergent, the fabric softens.

Vinegar (9%) prevents hardness and can be added to the rinse aid compartment, but no more than 150 ml.

Important. Chlorine and phosphate have a detrimental effect on the texture of fabrics, so it is better to refuse detergents containing these components.

Must definitely use special means that have a softening effect on water.

It is preferable to wash towels separately from other items, as metal parts such as buttons and other fasteners can damage the terry cloth.


Today, most housewives use washing machines, hand washing is a thing of the past, but some still do not trust the washing technique, preferring the manual option:

  1. Hand wash powders are unacceptable, it is better to use liquid products or soap (ideally household). Such means will not impart rigidity to the products and will perfectly preserve their softness.
  2. Before starting, you should soak the towels in cool water.
  3. In a separate container, you need to dilute with the addition small amount salt or soda (2 tbsp. l.). Then you should pour the towels with a warm solution and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash slowly and thoroughly, too vigorous movement will damage the texture of the fabric. Do not rub the towels, this will deprive the fluff of the villi. Washing should be smooth, but thorough.
  5. Rinse after hand wash- a rather laborious process, you can add a tablespoon of vinegar to the last of the three waters.

There are a few other tricks and ideas you can use to keep it soft:

  1. Do not neglect the data on the tag.
  2. Shake the product several times before drying.
  3. No need to dry out under the scorching sun or on hot batteries.
  4. be sure to use steam.
  5. Ideally, the water should be passed through a special filter before washing.

How to bring old hard towels back to life

Even old and hardened towels can be breathed into life by using following tips:

  1. Dissolve table salt (3 tablespoons) in five liters of medium temperature water and soak towels in it for 30 minutes.
  2. After that, you can start washing as usual. The addition of an emollient is encouraged, while powders are best avoided.

For faded fabric with spots, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Before soaking, ammonia (1 tsp) is added to 1 liter of water and salt in the same amount. The fabrics must lie in this composition for at least 12 hours. After that, the products are washed in the usual way.

How to determine the hardness of your water supply

The issue of water hardness during washing is very important, because it is this aspect that affects not only the quality of the process, but also the softness of the washed products.

With soap

To test the quality of the water, simply crumble the soap into it. In soft water, almost all the soap will dissolve, in hard water, many particles will remain.

There is another way to check, the level of water hardness can be determined by soaping your hands. If the soaping process is easy enough, then the water is soft.

With tea

To test the water using tea leaves, you need to pour boiling water over loose leaf tea and carefully study the color. If it is not cloudy, but bright, then the water is quite soft.

NS respectful attitude and proper care Terry towels can keep their unique softness for years and give your skin an unforgettable feeling.

In order to restore softness, fluffiness and freshness to towels, there is a simple and affordable way... There are two versatile ingredients used for this.

Life hack for housewives

You've probably noticed that over time, fluffy terry towels become stiff and lose their elasticity and softness. And even the use of conventional commercial fabric softeners and softeners cannot help!

So what can you do? Buy new towels or try to restore softness and fluffiness to your favorite towels?

Here are some tips to help you liven up your towels and keep them soft and fluffy for a long time.

1. When washing, let the towels be free

Always wash towels separately from other items. Never completely fill the washing machine. Towels need freedom to cleanse well and stay fluffy.

If you want your towels to stay fluffy after washing, you need to fill washing machine only half or three quarters of the drum.

2. Natural drying

Never dry towels on a radiator or near any other heat source. It is also not recommended to dry terry towels in direct sunlight. The best place to dry your towels is in a shaded outdoor area. If this is not possible, then just hang them on a rope in the bathroom.

However, it is very important to wait until they are completely dry. If the towels remain slightly damp, it may not nice smell and if you put them in a closet, they can even get moldy.

3. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT! Perhaps it will surprise you ... BUT !!! Do not use fabric softener when washing towels! Because in fact, by accumulating in the fibers, it makes the towels even tougher, and they also lose their ability to absorb moisture well.

An added bonus is another secret:

There is a simple and affordable way to restore softness, fluffiness and freshness to towels. For this, two universal ingredients are used that are in every home - these are baking soda and vinegar .

1. Take:

2. Load towels into the washing machine, select the maximum wash cycle. In a container for liquid detergent pour out the vinegar and start the wash (WITHOUT RINSING AND SPINNING).

3. When the wash cycle is over, put the baking soda in the powder container and start the cycle again, this time with rinsing and spinning.

Your towels will then look like new again.

Terry items often become stiff after washing. However, I wondered how to make terry towels soft and fluffy again, only with the birth of a child. It turned out to be not difficult at all. I offer you several ways.

Reasons for stiffness

Bringing tough things back to softness is easy when you know where the problem lies. First, I'll tell you why the towels are hard after washing in the machine.

Image Cause

Cheap low-quality laundry detergent.

Inexpensive washing powder poorly washed out of fabrics. From this, terry products become tough.

Hard water.

Washing towels in water, rich in calcium and magnesium damages the structure of terry products.

Incorrect washing mode.

If the products have become rigid, they were probably chosen too heat and powerful spin.

Dry air.

When you know how to make towels soft and fluffy, but it doesn't work, the reason may lie in the wrong drying. Air humidity below 20 is harmful to things.

Ironing without steaming.

Mahra does not like dryness even during ironing. It is better to steam products from that material or iron them slightly damp.

How to keep terry soft

  1. Dry the garment before sending it to the bin.
  2. Do not wash towels with items that have zippers or metal inserts.
  3. Shake the terry items before drying.
  4. Dry your products away from high temperatures.

10 rules of machine washing

As it turned out, main reason stiffness of products - improper washing. Here's how to wash your towels to keep them soft.

Image Recommendations

Rule 1. Choose detergents in liquid form

They are less harmful to the terry, quickly washed out during rinsing.

Give preference household chemicals free of chlorine and phosphates.

Rule 2. Add machines to the air conditioner compartment vinegar

150-200 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water will save terry products from hardness.

Use 9% vinegar to avoid damaging your technique and fabrics.

Rule 3. Do not expose towels to high temperatures.

It is preferable to use the shortest wash cycle at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

Rule 4. Do not fill the drum completely

Rule 5. Choose a spin of no more than 400 revolutions

Terry clothes do not tolerate tight curls well. From this they stretch and lose quality.

Rule 6. Using a "massager" for terry.

You can find a ball for breaking fluff and terry threads in any household chemicals store. During washing, they will prevent the fluff from sticking together. With them, you can load towels and wash without using detergents.

If you don't find special balls, you can use a rubber foot massager from an orthopedic salon.

Rule 7. Use a conditioner that contains silicone

This substance in the composition of the product will keep the pile soft. The tool is relatively inexpensive, the price per liter is 400-600 rubles.

Rule 8. Follow the recommendations on the tag

Rule 9. Add salt

Terry towels will remain soft after washing if you put a tablespoon of salt in the powder compartment.

Use sea salt whenever possible. She will not only soften the product, but also refresh it.

Rule 10. Add soda

To keep the towels soft after washing, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the detergent. Alkaline effectively removes stains and eliminates water hardness.

2 methods on how to restore softness to terry

If the clothes have already been damaged by washing, it doesn’t matter! You can return softness and fluffiness to the towels with your own hands at no extra cost.

I present two simple but very effective methods:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Soaking in cold water

Regular water can restore softness to terry towels:

  1. Soak the item for 12-14 hours.
  2. Rinse.

Method 2. Salt + ammonia

It is easy to get rid of dullness and soften towels after washing:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of alcohol in a liter of water.
  2. Soak the terry cloth in the solution for 2-3 hours.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Dry indoors with high humidity air.


Now you have figured out how best to wash towels and restore their softness and fluffiness. None of the proposed means helped, which means that the matter is in the quality of the product itself. How to choose good product from terry, you will learn from the video in this article. Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments.

Hello! Why do some terry things get tough? This question worries many housewives. Let's reveal the secrets correct wash... Exists simple tricks, revealing how to make terry towels soft after washing. We will tell you about them today.

How to restore softness to towels

By purchasing a terry towel, we hope that we will bask for a long time in its fluffy nap. But unfortunately, after just a few, some products lose their original fluffiness.

Why are the towels hard after washing? Terry cloth is made up of pile, which are tiny loops. It is these loops that give it elasticity, softness, and make it possible to draw in water.

If the hygiene item is properly looked after, the villi will not lose their shape, and any item will remain with the same delicate nap as on the first day of purchase.

The reasons for the stiffness of the fabric:

  • incorrectly selected funds;
  • too hard water;
  • improper washing and drying.

Correct wash steps

What if the hygiene items become hard? The answer to this question is obvious: you need to look after properly! What can you do at home? To remove strong dirt, it is necessary to soak in a vinegar solution: 15-20 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of warm water.

If washing takes place in washing machine, then:

  • separate the white towels from the colored ones;
  • put terry clothes in a mesh bag so that they do not come into contact with the washer drum;
  • do not wash a wet, undried thing, in order to avoid musty smell;
  • you should not use bleach, which will definitely stiffen the terry cloth;
  • choosing detergent powders such as Tide, Ariel and other advertised products should be avoided. Powder particles will be hammered into the fibers of the fabric, giving it unnecessary stiffness, use "Weasel".
  • add 9% vinegar - 150 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water to the compartment for the conditioner.
  • use terry balls or a foot massager. The spiked balls will prevent the villi from sticking together.

How to choose the best remedy

The most the best means for washing, these are gels that do not linger in the loops, rinse out easily from there. with heavy pollution better to wash. Lather the stain with soap, leave for 3-40 minutes, then rinse, then place in the machine.

If the stain persists, wet it with ammonia, then rinse the product, then wash in the selected mode.

How to choose a mode for washing

Not every program is suitable for this process. The required water temperature for terry products is 30-40 ° C. You can turn on 60 ° C if there is no prohibition on this temperature on the label.

Great attention paid to spinning. The optimum number of revolutions is 400 rpm. If you use a faster spin, the loops of the terry cloth will stretch a lot, lose their shape, and therefore will not perform their functions.

You cannot use wash modes with not enough water. The mahra must be saturated with water to extend all the fibers of the fabric.

A large drum load will also not contribute to quality. It is enough to load on 2/3 of the drum. Well, if you do three rinses, then all hard things will become soft and delicate, as the fibers get rid of the detergents.

How to use the rinse aid

How to soften terry products? Be sure to use a fabric softener to restore the texture of the fabric. (Just don't pour too much, quantity is not the best way to soften terry clothes). After using a quality conditioner, your hygiene products will feel soft and fluffy.

Pay attention to the composition of the conditioner, there must be silicone. After the whole process, you can rinse in a vinegar solution. Vinegar solution will also give softness to the product.

After a good rinse, go to to drying:

  • Before hanging the towels, shake them well so that the loops take original form.
  • It is not recommended to dry directly sunbeams... Mahra becomes so tough that it is difficult to restore it to its previous state.
  • must be hung in a well-ventilated place. The breeze will improve the condition of the fabric, rid it of the remaining moisture.
  • It is impossible to overdry the products, this will lead to sticking of the loops.
  • If it is not possible to dry in the open air, then the best place for drying, it is a bathroom, where the air is always slightly humid.
  • If there is a drying machine, then the towels are dried in it.

Do I need to iron terry towels? No, not recommended. Use a steamer instead of an iron.

How do I restore a towel?

How to soften a tough piece:

  • The best way- wipe again, following the above recommendations.
  • To soften water, use hand wash capsules or washing machine tablets.
  • Keep the product in the solution common salt about 40 minutes. This procedure will help to straighten the loops in the fabric.
  • After salt water, squeeze the product by hand, shake, hang to dry.
  • Another way to achieve fluffiness is to soak overnight in plenty of cold water. In the morning, rinse, then dry. Pure water removes detergent residues that have made the fabric roughened.
  • A good option is to use a steamer. The flow of hot air will return the loops old form.
  • Soaking in a solution will help soften the towel: put 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l. salt, pour in 1 tsp. ammonia... Soak for 2-3 hours. Then rinse well.
  • Soaking old towels in saline solution for 20-30 minutes will help restore softness to old towels. Salt - 1-2 tablespoons 5 kg of laundry can be added to the powder compartment for washing.

Requires gentle care... A new product will retain its softness and elasticity for a long time if it is washed, dried and ironed correctly. Otherwise, even dear quality item can quickly turn into a tough, washed cloth. If, after drying, the towel has become rough and prickly, does not absorb moisture well and is literally "worth a stake", do not get very upset and immediately send the thing for scrap. There are several ways to recover initial appearance products and return the softness lost after washing.

Why is terry cloth coarse

Terry cloth is most commonly used to make bath towels. Due to its loose structure, soft long pile, natural composition, of various density, this type of fabric has unique properties distinguishing it from other materials. Due to the large surface of the villi, terry towels perfectly absorb water and massage the body, have a persistent color, and do not cause allergies.

Terry towels are good for everyone!

However, terry cloth has its drawbacks:

  • The villi are not resistant to mechanical stress, and when hooked, they quickly stretch into long loops.
  • Because of high density the fabric dries for a long time and wrinkles easily.

Terry towels can be washed both in the machine and by hand... The main thing is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations stated on the product label. Coarsening of the fabric after washing occurs for the following reasons:

  • In many regions, tap water contains a large number of lime salts, which makes it hard. Salts and other impurities settle in the fibers of the fabric, clog the air gaps, which significantly degrade the quality of the textiles, making the towels rough.
  • Terry cloth does not like washing with detergent. Powder particles are poorly washed out from the fleecy structure of the material, so it is better to use special liquid products.
  • Incorrectly selected washing mode, too hot water and the rapidly rotating drum of the machine can also cause the terry cloth to become rough.
  • Boiling terry products.
  • Drying towels on radiators and other heating devices.

In addition, the durability of textiles directly depends on the quality of the fabric - the denser the pile, the longer the towels will remain soft and fluffy.

How to restore softness to a towel

Water will help remove detergent particles from the lint cloth.

If, after washing, the towel has become so rough that it cannot be used for its intended purpose, you must take Urgent measures to restore the structure of the material. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. A towel that is hard to the touch is immersed in cold water and soaked for 12 hours. Then the product is rinsed in warm water and, slightly squeezing out excess moisture, hang out to dry. The water will dissolve and remove the smallest particles of powder trapped between the fibers of the terry cloth after the main rinse. As a result, the towel will become fluffier and more pleasant.
  2. Cooking (preferably sea) salt will help to correct the situation. At machine washable it is added to the powder and the products are washed in delicate regime... For manual cleaning, salt is used during rinsing. Salt crystals are dissolved in a container with warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 1 liter of water and rinse the towels thoroughly in saline solution. It helps to restore the original appearance to textiles made of terry soaking for several hours in a solution made from sea salt and water, taken in a proportion of 3 tbsp. l. powder per 1 liter of liquid.
  3. With the help of tea soda, you can restore terry towels damaged by improper washing. To do this, they must be soaked for 1 hour in soda solution(for 1 liter of water 3 tablespoons of soda) and then rinse thoroughly in clean cool water. When machined, baking soda can be added to the softener drawer for an extra rinse. This will not only soften the fibers of the material, but also remove stubborn stains and unpleasant odors.
  4. A dry hard towel can be steamed. This is easiest to do with a steam generator or a regular iron.

The methods listed above will allow you to reanimate damaged towels, although this will take a lot of time and effort. To save yourself from unnecessary work, you need to be able to properly wash and dry terry cloth products.

How to properly wash and dry towels

To properly wash terry, you need to know a few secrets

For bath towels to serve long time and always remained the same as if they had just been bought in a store, you need to know a few secrets and not forget about them when starting the next wash.

  • Before loading terry cloth items into the washing machine drum, make sure that no clothes with iron hooks and rivets get into it. Sharp details fittings can catch on the hinges and tear or ruin the product. It is best to wash terry towels separately from other items.
  • Do not fully load the drum of the machine and switch on the water saving mode. Products should occupy no more than 2/3 of the volume.
  • It is better to use special gels or liquid detergents for washing.
  • If washing powder is used for cleaning, it is necessary to carry out an additional rinse several times.
  • You should not get carried away with bleaches, they should be used only in extreme cases and only for white fabrics.
  • To soften hard water, you can use 9% table vinegar. It is added to the drum of the machine in an amount of 100 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • Towels are washed in a delicate mode at a water temperature of no more than +60 ° C. The shorter the wash, the softer the fabric will be when dry.
  • When choosing a conditioner for washing terry products, preference should be given to products made on the basis of silicone.

Important! Terry towels should never be boiled. If the garment contains complex dirt, it must be removed with a stain remover or other suitable agent before washing.

When washing fluffy bath towels, many housewives use special rubber balls, which are placed in the drum of the machine along with dirty things. The balls rotate with the laundry, breaking the fibers and preventing the items from piling up.

To squeeze out products from terry cloth should be at low speed. If it is possible to dry your clothes outside, you don't need to wring out the towels at all, but just let the water drain spontaneously and hang to dry. Without unnecessary twisting, the terry will only become softer.

Bath towels are dried both vertically, hanging on a rope, and horizontally, spreading out on a flat surface. It is better to hang your laundry on the street or on the balcony, as the terry cloth loves Fresh air, and the thing dried in this way acquires not only softness, but also a pleasant smell. The main thing is not to overdry the towels by hanging them out under the scorching sun rays.

By observing the rules of washing and drying terry cloth products, you can keep towels in proper condition for several years, enjoy their softness and feel comfortable.