Brian Tracy 100 Absolute Laws of Success. Brian Tracy "100 Absolute Laws of Business Success

Brian Tracy - 100 Absolute Laws of Business Success

Universal laws that underpin success business people all over the world.

He also gives examples from real life, which clearly illustrate how each of the laws works, and also offers the reader exercises on how to apply these laws in work and life.

Foreword 3

Chapter first. The laws of life. 14

Chapter two. Laws of Success 27

Chapter three Business laws. 67

Chapter four. Leadership Laws .. 105

Chapter five. Laws of money. 131

Chapter six. Trade Laws 165

Chapter seven. Negotiating Laws .. 197

Chapter Eight The laws of control, time. ..232

One day, many years ago, I embarked on a lifelong journey to find out why the world works this way and not otherwise. Like so many other people on this path, I went into trade, then management, and finally entrepreneurship and business building. Over time, I began to notice natural and predictable characteristics and principles that seem to accompany every business success. It is the purpose of this book to list and explain these principles.

My mission in life has remained unchanged for over twenty-five years. Its essence is to help people release their personal potential by supplying them with ideas and strategies that they can use to achieve what they want much faster and to a much greater extent than would be possible without these ideas.

I believe that life is the most precious and wonderful from all the gifts. Spurred on by this conviction, I have spent many years trying to find ways to shorten the time it takes you to achieve the tangible and intangible goals you set for yourself. Thus, this book is dedicated to the laws of business success.

It is written primarily for people working in the business world who would like to maximize their personal potential and get the most quantitative and qualitative results in exchange for the hours, weeks and years of their precious life that they invest in their careers.

Any of these laws can save you months or even years of hard work if you still lived and worked without knowing the law. And each of these laws is essential to realize your full potential. Constant violation of at least one of the laws costs you months and even years of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with yourself.

Tell me, what would you prefer, all other things being equal: to earn fifty thousand dollars a year or one hundred thousand dollars a year?

The answer is obvious. Anyone would prefer more, not less, for the same investment of time and effort. And the reality is that people who apply the laws in this book in practice earn much more in the same amount of time. more money than those who don't.

These laws are similar to the laws of physics, mathematics, the laws of mechanics or electricity. These are practical, proven laws that apply to success and business wherever and whenever. Ori has nothing to do with health family life, love or others critical factors that make up happiness. In this book, I do not address these issues, it is devoted only to the eternal principles of business success.

The best news about business success is that it is entirely up to you. If you do what other successful people do, you will get the same results that they do. If you don’t do it, you don’t get it. Ego is so easy!

Some of these laws may seem trivial or self-evident. Some of them repeat each other when viewed from a different plane or expressed in a different terminology. This is not a reason to ignore or neglect them. Great success and mastery in any field of human activity always come to those who know the "basics" brilliantly.

As you read, reflect on each law, and be honest with yourself, evaluate your position and your behavior regarding that law. One glimpse of a new idea that hasn't dawned on you before can be enough to make you dramatically change the course of your life.

By applying the absolute laws of business success and living your business life in accordance with them, you will have a very tangible advantage over those who do not. You will enjoy such peaks of success that you could not possibly have dreamed of before. In a few months or years, you will achieve more than many people achieve in their entire life!

My own story

My background doesn't inspire much. My parents never had money, and from the age of eleven I had to take care of myself on my own, interrupting with odd jobs. High school I graduated without a certificate. After years of hard manual labor in the most different places I started trading. After gaining experience in trading for many months, I began to ask myself a question that drastically changed my life: "Why do some people achieve more success than others?"

The Bible says, "Seek and you will find; for everyone who seeks finds." When I started looking for reasons why some people do better than me, the answers began to be found everywhere. And by putting the answers I received into practice, I began to achieve the same results as other successful people.

There is a 10/90 rule in life. It states that the first ten percent of the time you spend developing the laws, principles, rules, methods, and techniques that underpin successful action in any area will save you ninety percent of the time and effort required to achieve your goals in that area.

Over the years I have found that smartest people- those who take the time to develop the rules of success in any business, before trying to get results. They do their homework beforehand.

When I was in my mid-thirties, I started getting a formal education. At a major university, I took a management course and received a master's degree in business and management. I have invested roughly four thousand hours studying business principles. In subsequent years, in search of the so-called "secrets of success", I additionally read hundreds of books and articles.

When I had the opportunity to start a trading company operating in six countries around the world, I turned to specialists for advice and took courses on organizing trading enterprises and recruiting personnel. Then the laws and principles I studied, which seemed to be the most effective, I applied in practice.

In one year, from a commission-based street vendor who could barely make ends meet, I became the head of a company with ninety-five employees and millions of dollars in annual revenue.

When I later became involved in construction, I followed the same path. I borrowed all sorts of books on construction and real estate from the library and studied them all night long. I have spent many hours talking with other developers, bombarding them with questions. Having prepared in this way, I purchased a plot of land for a hundred dollars, put together all the necessary financial analyzes and proposals, found a financial partner who could support my project with money, and over the next twelve months built shopping center worth three million dollars, which is fully rented out.

The same thing happened when I started importing Japanese cars. In a year, I built a network of sixty-five dealers, through which over time I sold cars worth more than twenty-five million dollars.

Becoming general manager construction company with a turnover of two hundred and sixty-five million dollars, I put into practice the time-tested laws, principles and techniques that I collected and worked out all my life and which elevated me to my new position. I completely renewed my staff, reorganized and redirected the company's activities and in less than a year brought it out of the crisis.

Businessmen started hiring me as a consultant and problem solver. When I went from company to company, I followed the same procedure. I was immersed in given view business, learned the fundamental "principles of success" for the industry, and then applied them. As a result, I have been able to save or earn millions of dollars time after time for my clients.

Then I began to systematize these ideas and principles by conducting public and private training sessions. Over time, I have organized a series of seminars and training programs for individuals and companies, many of which are now videotaped and audiotaped. They are marketed and marketed in thirty one countries around the world in twenty languages.

The reason these ideas, and the seminars and programs based on them, have been so successful is simple. They are built around practical and proven techniques that enable people to do without years hard work, in order to achieve the same results. The application of the studied ideas by my graduates results in an increase in sales, a decrease in costs or an increase in income by hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

Over the years, working with hundreds of businesses and thousands of business people, I have found that all leaders of successful, dynamic, prosperous and growing businesses consistently apply these principles in their operations. And when you start doing what they do, you will start getting the same results almost immediately.

The lion's share of business success can be attributed to the consistent application of these laws. Most failures are due to violation or ignorance of these laws. When you begin to align your activities with these universal principles, you will find that you do more and better results with less effort. You will gain self-confidence, become calmer. You will have more optimism and cheerfulness. Your work will become more effective and efficient.

Instead of exhausting yourself at work, feeling only irritated and tormented by your own powerlessness, you will easily and quickly perform large amounts of work and receive much top scores than other people, even if they put in twice the effort.

There is one very simple analogy regarding the use of these principles that I often talk about in my seminars. I ask the question, "If you bought a gym machine and brought it home, how will you benefit from it?"

The businessmen attending the seminar very quickly respond that the benefits of the simulator are directly proportional to how often and for how long they use it.

One important point: no one has ever raised the question of whether the simulator will help to acquire the best sports uniform and become healthier. It goes without saying for everyone. The simulator is a proven tool for physical fitness... It has long been tested by time.

The same can be said when you start applying these tried and true laws and principles in your business life. The question is not whether they will work or not. The question is how correctly and persistently you apply them in your work. And, as in the case of the simulator, the more often and the more persistently you apply these laws, the better they work and the better and more results you will achieve.

One final note before we start. The most common quality of successful people is their clear focus on action. They are more proactive than reactive. They take the initiative. When they hear a good idea, they immediately take action. When they take action quickly, they see immediate impact, allowing them to make timely adjustments and keep moving forward. They learn and grow from their experiences. And they keep trying new ideas.

When you find a good idea in the pages of this book that applies to your work, immediately start building on it. Don't be put off. One decisive action on your part or the decision you make to change something in your routine can change your whole life.

You should be concerned with one single question: "Does this idea work?" And these ideas work. In our business system, they work almost everywhere, in almost any circumstance. And the more you use them, the better they will work for you. The more you harmonize your life with these laws and principles, the more happiness and success awaits you ahead. There are no limits.

Chapter first

Laws of life.

1. The law of cause and effect

2. The law of faith

3. The law of expectations

4. The Law of Attraction.

5. Law of conformity

The laws of life

Why are some people or organizations more successful than others? Why do some people do brilliant career taking up more and more posts, moving forward and upward all the time, making a lot more money, getting higher salaries and moving up a lot faster than others?

And why do others have to run from one place of work to another, constantly worrying about whether there is enough money until the next paycheck, and feeling underestimated themselves, their hard work and their contribution to the common cause? Why are so many people, as Thoreau once wrote, "live in quiet despair"?

When I started my business career, I was the last outsider. I moved from one job to another, rarely of my choice, somewhat dumbfounded by the maelstrom of events around me, and the seemingly unreasonable and unpredictable behavior of my masters. I felt like a pawn that played (or which was played) into a game with rules that are not quite clear to me.

Then I started asking myself; "Why are some people more fortunate than others?"

I noticed that the people around me who achieved greater success than me, did not look smarter than me and did not possess the best character... Sometimes these were rather difficult people with very dubious morals. Often their ideas and opinions seemed crazy to me. And yet they did better than me.

Great discovery

The first significant breakthrough for me was my discovery of the Aristotelian principle of causality, which we today call the law of cause and effect. In those days, when most people believed in gods who sit on Mount Olympus and, amused, play with human destinies, Aristotle argued something completely opposite, and this forever changed our view of the world.

The law of cause and effect

Everything that happens has a reason; every effect has a specific reason

Aristotle argued that we live in a world ruled by law, not chance. He stated that everything happens for a reason, whether we know it or not. He said that every effect has a specific cause or causes. Every cause or action has this or that effect, whether we see it or not, whether we like it or not.

This is the law of the ancestors, the "iron law" of the Western way of thinking, Western philosophy. The relentless search for truth, causal relationships between events led to the rise of the West in science, technology, medicine, philosophy and even the art of war. And today they continue to be the driving force behind the technological development that is so dramatically changing our world.

This law states that wealth, happiness, prosperity, and business success are direct or indirect effects, or results, of specific causes or actions. This means that if you have a clear idea of ​​the desired effect, or result, then you can probably achieve it. You can study the actions of others who have achieved the same goal, and by acting exactly as they did, arrive at the same results.

Success is not accidental

Success is not a miracle. And it's not a matter of luck. Everything happens for a reason, good or bad, positive or negative. When you know exactly what you want, you just need to copy the actions of other people who have achieved it before you, and over time you will achieve the same results that they achieved.

In the Bible, this law is mentioned in the form of the law of sowing and reaping: "As you sow, that you will also reap."

Isaac Newton called this the third principle of motion. He said: "For every action there is an equal in magnitude opposition."

For you and me, the most important formulation of this universal law will be as follows: "Thoughts are causes, and life circumstances are consequences."

In other words, "thought is creative." Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. With your way of thinking, you create the whole world- your own world. All people and situations that you meet in your life have only the meaning that you give them in your thoughts. And when you change your way of thinking, you change your life, sometimes in a split second!

The most important principle personal and business success is a simple statement: your future is determined by what you think about most of the time.

All religion, philosophy, metaphysics and psychology are based on this great discovery. This principle applies to both individuals and groups of people and organizations. Everything that you see and experience is a manifestation of people's thinking, which underlies any event. Ralph Waldo Emerson recognized this when he wrote: "Every large organization is but the manifest shadow of one person."

Your feelings and reactions are not determined by what is happening to you, but by what you think, what is happening to you. Your circumstances and conditions are not dictated by external the world, the circumstances of your life are generated by your internal the world.

Your choice, your life

You always have the freedom to choose. By and large, no one is forcing you to think, feel, and behave the way you do. Rather, you choose your emotions and your behavior by choosing your attitude towards the world around you and what is happening to you.

Dr. Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania calls this reaction your "style of explanation." This is how you interpret or explain what is happening to yourself. This is what determines to the greatest extent all your successes and failures, present and future.

Fortunately, the style of explanation is not innate but acquired. This means that it can be changed. Your way of explaining the world around you for yourself depends only on you. You can interpret your experiences in such a way that you feel like a happy optimist rather than an angry, irritable pessimist. You can choose to react in such a way that your responses are constructive and effective. It's up to you to decide what to be like. And you are always free to choose.

Your thoughts and feelings are constantly changing. They are instantly influenced by the events taking place around you. For example, when you receive good news, your mood is instantly enlightened and you relate more positively to everything around you. If, on the contrary, you unexpectedly receive unpleasant news, then you can instantly become upset, become angry and unhappy with everything, even if this news is inaccurate or false. Your reaction is determined by how you yourself interpret the event.

How you can immediately apply this law

1. Explore the most important parts of your life - family relationships, health, work, financial position- and trace the causal relationships between what you think, say, feel and do and the results you get. Be honest with yourself.

2. With complete honesty with yourself, reflect on what you really think about your role in the life you live. Think about how your thoughts in all areas of your life generate and sustain your present situation. What changes could you make to your thinking in order to improve some aspect of your life?

Four basic laws

Four fundamental laws follow directly from the law of cause and effect. They are at the heart of all the laws that you will become familiar with in this book. They, fortunately and unfortunately, account for much of the human experience. Happiness and success comes when you live in harmony with these four laws. All sorts of misfortunes and failures are generated by their violation.

This "Big Four" is made up of the laws of faith, expectation, attraction and conformity. They obey the law of cause and effect, which explains most success and failure, happiness and unhappiness, prosperity and poverty.

The law of faith

What You Believe Sincerely Becomes Your Reality

You always act according to your beliefs, especially your views about yourself. Your beliefs are a kind of filter that does not allow information that is inconsistent with them to pass through. You don't always believe in what you see; rather, you see what you already believe. You reject information that contradicts what you choose to believe, whether your beliefs, your prejudices are based on facts or fantasies.

The word "prejudice" means "judgment forward" when we come to a conclusion in advance, before receiving any information, or even in spite of, in opposition to it. One of the most effective strategies for success is not to judge people or events until you have enough information to make an informed decision. In particular, you should not judge yourself and your abilities ahead of time. Your most deeply rooted ideas about yourself and your potential may be completely false.

The worst beliefs you have are "limiting beliefs." They take place if you think that your possibilities are limited by something. For example, you may consider yourself less talented or capable than others. You may think that others are better than you in some way. You can fall into a common trap of underestimating yourself and settling for a fraction of what you are really capable of.

These limiting beliefs act like brakes, keeping your potential from unfold. They are holding you back. They give rise to the two main enemies of personal success - doubt and fear. They paralyze you and make you hesitate when you need to take reasonable risks, without which your true potential will not be revealed.

To ensure your progress to move forward and upward in life and in business, you must constantly challenge your limiting beliefs. You must drive away thoughts and assumptions that you are limited by something. You must accept as a fundamental principle that you are an "unlimited" person and that what others have achieved is within your power.

In my youth, largely due to a difficult childhood, I myself fell into this kind of psychological trap, having come to the conclusion that since other people have a better life than me, it means that they are somehow better or smarter than me. I decided that they more worthwhile than me. Therefore, I must cost less. This false belief held me back for many years.

The fact is that no one is better or smarter than you. If others are doing better, this is largely due to the fact that they have developed their innate talents and abilities to a greater extent than you. They learned the laws of cause and effect before you and applied them to their lives and work. And everything that anyone has ever achieved, you can probably achieve too. You just need to learn how to do it.

The law of expectations

That, what you confidently expect becomes a fulfilled prophecy

You are always a prophet in your life, thinking and speaking about how things will go. When you confidently expect good things, good things usually happen to you. If you are expecting something bad, you are usually not disappointed here either.

Your expectations have a deep impact on the people around you. What you expect from people and current situations determines your attitude towards them more than any other factor, and those around you, like a mirror, reflect this attitude of yours, positive or negative, back to you.

Dr. Robert Rosenthal of Harvard has conducted dozens of experiments over the years to test how teacher expectations are reflected in students' grades. In his fundamental book "Pygmalion in classroom“he recounts numerous occasions when teachers spoke of a student or an entire class with admiration and predicted a quantum leap in academic performance in the coming school year.

Although students were selected at random, while the teacher believed that a particular student had exceptional ability and expected good grades from him, this student performed much better than other students in the same class and received higher grades than would otherwise be possible. predict from his previous assessments or behavior.

V personal life what you expect from your employees, bosses, customers, and even your future tends to come true. Your expectations of good or bad have a powerful effect on people and events, so be careful!

Law of attraction

You are a living magnet; you inevitably attract people, situations and circumstances into your life that are consistent with your thoughts

This is one of the great laws that to a large extent explains successes and failures in business and personal life. They wrote about him in ancient Egyptian mystical schools three thousand years before the birth of Christ. It is so powerful, all-pervading and all-encompassing that it affects all of your actions, words, thoughts and feelings.

Everything that is in your life is attracted by you and corresponds to what you think about and what kind of person you are. You can change your life as you can change the way you think. You can change the person you are.

You have probably heard more than once: "A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar", "Like is drawn to like", "What you need needs you." All this different shapes expressions of the law of attraction.

Your thoughts possess incredible strength... This is a peculiar form of psychic energy that travels at the speed of light. Thought is capable of penetrating any obstacle. That is why it happens that, for example, you think about a person who is at a great distance from you, and the next moment the phone rings and this person is on the wire. Your thoughts connected with that person the very moment they entered your head.

Companies develop products production processes, services and management practices that appeal to a constellation of customers, employees, suppliers, investors, and circumstances that are in harmony with the dominant mindset in the organization. Each person inside and outside the organization can be thought of as a certain musical instrument. Together they form a large orchestra. When they play together, they create the piece of music that shapes the course of your business and your life.

When things go wrong at the company The best way to make a change is to invite a new person who will change the way of thinking of employees, their attitude towards themselves and their work. New values, new perspectives, new strategies and new policies in relation to clients and to each other are bringing about rapid and often startling changes.

Law of conformity

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world; it matches the basic characteristics of your thinking

This principle explains to the greatest extent happiness and unhappiness, success and failure, greatness and emptiness of life. Having dealt with these issues for many years, I still revere this powerful law; it's like admiring the grandeur of the Grand Canyon.

Just think! Your outer world reflects the inner world in everything. By and large, nothing can happen to you if it does not correspond to something within you. If you want to change something in your life, you must start by changing some of the inner aspects of your self.

This is sometimes called the "psychic equivalent". Your the main task in life - to create within yourself a psychic equivalent of what you would like to experience in reality. The fact is that you cannot achieve anything in outside world until you first create an analog of this inside.

Your life is like a mirror enveloping from all sides. Wherever you look, you are everywhere. In relationships with people, for example, your inner self is always reflected from others and returns to you. Your mood, your health, your financial situation are a reflection of what you think about most of the time.

This is difficult for most people to accept. Many people believe that their life problems are caused by other people and external circumstances. They are shocked and angry when told that they are the creators of everything that happens in their lives. They want others to change, but they do not want to change themselves.

The Law of Correspondence is a principle underlying almost all religious and philosophical movements. This is the key to personal freedom and happiness. This is a direct path to great success and fulfillment of desires.

There is only one thing in the world that you can respect — your way of thinking. However, when you are in complete control of your thinking, you gain control over all other aspects of your life. Thinking and speaking only about what you want, and refusing to think and talk about what is undesirable for you, you become a creator of fortunes.

Control law

You are only as happy with yourself as you feel that you are in control of your own life.

The reverse wording of this law will, of course, sound like this: you are dissatisfied with yourself insofar as you feel that your life is not under your control or that it is controlled by other people or circumstances.

Psychologists have long recognized the critical importance of a sense of control as an element of character and personal growth person. They use the term "focus of control". The focus of control is internal or external source impact on some side of your life. If you feel like you are making the decisions that guide your life, you are considered to have an "inner focus of control."

If you think that you are being controlled, forced to do something or held back from any actions that you personally would very much like to take, your bosses, bills, childhood experiences, health or something else, then you have. " external focus of control ".

Awareness of who or what is controlling you is a critical determinant of your level of health and well-being. People with internal focus of control who feel they are in control of their lives tend to be less stressed and have higher personal success than people with external focus of control, which seems that their actions are dictated by other people and external circumstances.

The so-called "cognitive psychology" focuses on studying the way you think and how it relates to your health and happiness. Explore carried out in this direction for more than a quarter of a century. have shown that a "sense of control" is essential for maximum personal growth.

The law of chance

Life is a chain of random events, and everything happens only by chance

This law is in fact psychological attitude, without a shadow of a doubt accepted by the majority of people, which makes it a law for them. If you believe in the truth of a statement, even if it is complete nonsense, you will think and feel in such a way that it will become true in relation to you.

The law of responsibility

You are completely responsible for your present and future.

Your future is determined by what you think about most of the time. And only you yourself can decide what to think about and how to think about it, only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. From the age of eighteen, and sometimes even from an earlier age, you make choices and decisions for yourself. And you are responsible for the results of these choices and these decisions.

You and no one else are responsible for who you are and where you are. You do the work you choose and earn as much as you want. You are always free to choose, but once you make a choice (or fail to make one), you must accept the consequences of your decision.

Individual responsibility concept - important question personal and public life... There are essentially two main approaches here. On the one hand, there are people who believe that no one is actually responsible for anything. They believe that all the troubles that happen to anyone, anywhere, are either the government's fault, the society's fault, or the management of the company they work for.

Others argue that in a society of individual freedom, individual responsibility is absolute. Adherents of this view say that people are responsible for the consequences of their actions. Each person is responsible for what he does and for what he negligently does not do.

If you want to be free and happy, you don't have to let this take on responsibility. It must be unambiguous. The progress in your life is directly proportional to the responsibility you take on in this area of ​​your life. Nobody can and will not do it for you.

The interesting thing about responsibility is that the more you accept it and the more you rely on yourself, the more people are ready to help you. But the less responsibility you take upon yourself, the more you blame others, the fewer people will be willing to do anything with you.

Direction law

Successful people have clear feeling goals and directions in all aspects of your life

Lloyd Conant, founder of Chicago-based Nightingale Conant, the world's largest producer and distributor of audio programming for success and achievement, has worked with and studied successful people for over fifty years. He concluded that "success is about goals and everything else is a comment."

Ability to set clear, specific goals in all aspects of your life, like no other skills and qualities, guarantees you a higher level of success and achievement. Being absolutely clear about what you want is the starting point for all great things.

Brian Tracy

100 Absolute Laws of Business Success


One day, many years ago, I embarked on a lifelong journey to find out why the world works this way and not otherwise. Like so many other people on this path, I went into trade, then management, and finally entrepreneurship and business building. Over time, I began to notice natural and predictable characteristics and principles that seem to accompany every business success. It is the purpose of this book to list and explain these principles.

My mission in life has remained unchanged for over twenty-five years. Its essence is to help people release their personal potential by supplying them with ideas and strategies that they can use to achieve what they want much faster and to a much greater extent than would be possible without these ideas.

I believe that life is the most precious and wonderful of all gifts. Spurred on by this conviction, I have spent many years trying to find ways to shorten the time it takes you to achieve the tangible and intangible goals you set for yourself. Thus, this book is dedicated to the laws of business success.

It is written primarily for people working in the business world who would like to maximize their personal potential and get the most quantitative and qualitative results in exchange for the hours, weeks and years of their precious life that they invest in their careers.

Any of these laws can save you months or even years of hard work if you still lived and worked without knowing the law. And each of these laws is essential to realize your full potential. Constant violation of at least one of the laws costs you months and even years of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with yourself.

Tell me, what would you prefer, all other things being equal: to earn fifty thousand dollars a year or one hundred thousand dollars a year?

The answer is obvious. Anyone would prefer more, not less, for the same investment of time and effort. And the reality is that people who practice the laws outlined in this book make much more money in the same time than those who do not.

These laws are similar to the laws of physics, mathematics, the laws of mechanics or electricity. These are practical, proven laws that apply to success and business wherever and whenever. Ori have nothing to do with health, family life, love, or the other critical factors that make up happiness. In this book, I do not address these issues, it is devoted only to the eternal principles of business success.

The best news about business success is that it is entirely up to you. If you do what other successful people do, you will get the same results that they do. If you don’t do it, you don’t get it. Ego is so easy!

Some of these laws may seem trivial or self-evident. Some of them repeat each other when viewed from a different plane or expressed in a different terminology. This is not a reason to ignore or neglect them. Great success and mastery in any field of human activity always come to those who know the "basics" brilliantly.

As you read, reflect on each law, and be honest with yourself, evaluate your position and your behavior regarding that law. One glimpse of a new idea that hasn't dawned on you before can be enough to make you dramatically change the course of your life.

By applying the absolute laws of business success and living your business life in accordance with them, you will have a very tangible advantage over those who do not. You will enjoy such peaks of success that you could not possibly have dreamed of before. In a few months or years, you will achieve more than many people achieve in their entire life!

Welcome to the golden age

We live in a wonderful time. There has never been a greater opportunity for more people to achieve greater accomplishments than today. And this situation is improving every year.

Why is this happening? The simplest answer is that today we already know how to achieve the best results in different areas of business. And this information, this understanding, these ideas, like water, spread to all corners and reach every person who is ready to accept and use them.

The wonderful thing about information and ideas is that they are infinitely divisible. If you have an idea that can help me work more efficiently in some area of ​​my business, and you share it with me, we both enrich ourselves. If I share this idea with someone else, and they, in turn, share it with others, everyone will benefit.

Knowledge also has a cumulative property: if it exists, it will not disappear. They become available to all more people, multiplying many times. Each new knowledge reveals relationships with other areas of knowledge, and this allows knowledge to be strengthened and expanded at an accelerated rate. Each breakthrough in knowledge creates new opportunities that expand and multiply if you use them.

Competition is the driving force behind this explosion of knowledge and technology expansion. Today's competition is more assertive, decisive and merciless than ever before, and will become even fiercer in the future.

They say that business is war. Books, articles and training courses dedicated to business are full of such military terms as "war for markets", "guerrilla tactics", "counterattack" and so on. All these metaphors are valid, but there is one thing between these two types of "wars" the most important difference- their nature. A conventional war is aimed at enslaving people and seizing territories. Business warfare aims to conquer consumers and markets. Fighting aimed at destroying the enemy and winning through the use of superior forces. Business competition seeks to find better, faster and cheaper ways to meet the needs of customers, thus competing with other companies that seek to please the same customers.

Business competition is fierce. The keenest minds and the most talented people work to find ways to satisfy customers with new and the best goods and services. The race continues. And only those who are able to comprehend and apply the most best ideas and methods are faster than their competitors.

Buy a book Comments (1)


lemark81 I wrote:

Well, I don’t know ... in my opinion it wasn’t written for us, although there is something to learn.

So for this there is a lot that needs to be changed ...
You can talk and write about business, if it is present, and not proclaimed ...
"Where can I get such a song? .."


lemark81 I wrote:

We need our own, Russian ideology.
Who can suggest an explanatory book from a Russian author?
And so that he does not copy from foreign ones, otherwise many do so.

Vadim Zeland, as an option.


lemark81 I wrote:

39819911 Well, I don’t know ... to mine it was not written for us, although there is something to learn.
We need our own, Russian ideology.
Who can suggest an explanatory book from a Russian author?
And so that he does not copy from foreign ones, otherwise many do so.

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In particular, this book "How to Ruin own business"

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"How can I control my time and my life?" interpersonal relationships and personal life "," Is it realistic to achieve all this, while remaining happy Brian Tracy 100 Absolute Laws of Business Success
Tracy Brian
He is married with four children and lives in San Diego, USA. He advises 350 firms and trainers annually, and also conducts seminars for 350 thousand participants. He is considered one of the best personal development and management consultants in the world.

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Chapter first
Laws of life.
2. The law of faith
3. The law of expectations
4. The law of attraction.
5. Law of conformity
The laws of life
Why are some people or organizations more successful than others? Why do some people make brilliant careers, taking on more and more posts, moving forward and upward all the time, making much more money, getting higher salaries and moving up much faster than others?
And why do others have to run from one place of work to another, constantly worrying about whether there is enough money until the next paycheck, and feeling underestimated themselves, their hard work and their contribution to the common cause? Why are so many people, as Thoreau once wrote, "live in quiet despair"?
When I started my business career, I was the last outsider. I moved from one job to another, rarely of my choice, somewhat dumbfounded by the maelstrom of events around me, and the seemingly unreasonable and unpredictable behavior of my masters. I felt like a pawn that was playing (or was playing) a game with rules that were not quite clear to me.
Then I started asking myself; "Why are some people more fortunate than others?"
I noticed that the people around me, who achieved greater success than me, did not look smarter than me and did not have the best character. Sometimes these were rather difficult people with very dubious morals. Often their ideas and opinions seemed crazy to me. And yet they did better than me.

Great discovery
The first significant breakthrough for me was my discovery of the Aristotelian principle of causality, which we today call the law of cause and effect. In those days, when most people believed in gods who sit on Mount Olympus and, amused, play with human destinies, Aristotle argued something completely opposite, and this forever changed our view of the world.

1. The law of cause and effect
Everything that happens has a reason; every effect has a specific reason
Aristotle argued that we live in a world ruled by law, not chance. He stated that everything happens for a reason, whether we know it or not. He said that every effect has a specific cause or causes. Every cause or action has this or that effect, whether we see it or not, whether we like it or not.
This is the law of the ancestors, the "iron law" of the Western way of thinking, Western philosophy. The relentless search for truth, causal relationships between events led to the rise of the West in science, technology, medicine, philosophy and even the art of war. And today they continue to be the driving force behind the technological development that is so dramatically changing our world.
This law states that wealth, happiness, prosperity, and business success are direct or indirect effects, or results, of specific causes or actions. This means that if you have a clear idea of ​​the desired effect, or result, then you can probably achieve it. You can study the actions of others who have achieved the same goal, and by acting exactly as they did, arrive at the same results.
Success is not accidental
Success is not a miracle. And it's not a matter of luck. Everything happens for a reason, good or bad, positive or negative. When you know exactly what you want, you just need to copy the actions of other people who have achieved it before you, and over time you will achieve the same results that they achieved.
In the Bible, this law is mentioned in the form of the law of sowing and reaping: "As you sow, that you will also reap."
Isaac Newton called this the third principle of motion. He said: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."
For you and me, the most important formulation of this universal law will be the following: "Thoughts are causes, and life circumstances are consequences."
In other words, "thought is creative." Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. With your way of thinking, you create a whole world - your own world. All people and situations that you meet in your life have only the meaning that you give them in your thoughts. And when you change your way of thinking, you change your life, sometimes in a split second!
The most important principle of personal and business success is this simple statement: your future is determined by what you think about most of the time.
All religion, philosophy, metaphysics and psychology are based on this great discovery. This principle applies to both individuals and groups of people and organizations. Everything that you see and experience is a manifestation of people's thinking, which underlies any event. Ralph Waldo Emerson recognized this when he wrote: "Every large organization is but the manifest shadow of one person."
Your feelings and reactions are not determined by what is happening to you, but by what you think, what is happening to you. Your circumstances and conditions are not dictated by the outer world, the circumstances of your life are generated by your inner world.
Your choice, your life
You always have the freedom to choose. By and large, no one is forcing you to think, feel, and behave the way you do. Rather, you choose your emotions and your behavior by choosing your attitude towards the world around you and what is happening to you.
Dr. Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania calls this reaction your "style of explanation." This is how you interpret or explain what is happening to yourself. This is what determines to the greatest extent all your successes and failures, present and future.
Fortunately, the style of explanation is not innate but acquired. This means that it can be changed. Your way of explaining the world around you for yourself depends only on you. You can interpret your experiences in such a way that you feel like a happy optimist rather than an angry, irritable pessimist. You can choose to react in such a way that your responses are constructive and effective. It's up to you to decide what to be like. And you are always free to choose.
Your thoughts and feelings are constantly changing. They are instantly influenced by the events taking place around you. For example, when you receive good news, your mood is instantly enlightened and you are more positive about everything around you. If, on the contrary, you unexpectedly receive unpleasant news, then you can instantly become upset, become angry and unhappy with everything, even if this news is inaccurate or false. Your reaction is determined by how you yourself interpret the event.
1. Study the most important parts of your life - family relationships, health, work, financial situation - and trace the causal relationships between what you think, say, feel and do and the results you get. Be honest with yourself.
2. With complete honesty with yourself, reflect on what you really think about your role in the life you live. Think about how your thoughts in all areas of your life generate and sustain your present situation. What changes could you make to your thinking in order to improve some aspect of your life?
Four basic laws
Four fundamental laws follow directly from the law of cause and effect. They are at the heart of all the laws that you will become familiar with in this book. They, fortunately and unfortunately, account for much of the human experience. Happiness and success comes when you live in harmony with these four laws. All sorts of misfortunes and failures are generated by their violation.
This "Big Four" is made up of the laws of faith, expectation, attraction and conformity. They obey the law of cause and effect, which explains most success and failure, happiness and unhappiness, prosperity and poverty.
2. The law of faith
What You Believe Sincerely Becomes Your Reality
You always act according to your beliefs, especially your views about yourself. Your beliefs are a kind of filter that does not allow information that is inconsistent with them to pass through. You don't always believe in what you see; rather, you see what you already believe. You reject information that contradicts what you choose to believe, whether your beliefs, your prejudices are based on facts or fantasies.
The word "prejudice" means "judgment forward" when we come to a conclusion in advance, before receiving any information, or even in spite of, in opposition to it. One of the most effective strategies for success is not to judge people or events until you have enough information to make an informed decision. In particular, you should not judge yourself and your abilities ahead of time. Your most deeply rooted ideas about yourself and your potential may be completely false.
The worst beliefs you have are "limiting beliefs." They take place if you think that your possibilities are limited by something. For example, you may consider yourself less talented or capable than others. You may think that others are better than you in some way. You can fall into a common trap of underestimating yourself and settling for a fraction of what you are really capable of.
These limiting beliefs act like brakes, keeping your potential from unfold. They are holding you back. They give rise to the two main enemies of personal success - doubt and fear. They paralyze you and make you hesitate when you need to take reasonable risks, without which your true potential will not be revealed.
To ensure your progress to move forward and upward in life and in business, you must constantly challenge your limiting beliefs. You must drive away thoughts and assumptions that you are limited by something. You must accept as a fundamental principle that you are an "unlimited" person and that what others have achieved is within your power.
In my youth, largely due to a difficult childhood, I myself fell into this kind of psychological trap, having come to the conclusion that since other people have a better life than me, it means that they are somehow better or smarter than me. I decided they were more worthwhile than me. Therefore, I should be worth less. This false belief held me back for many years.
The fact is that no one is better or smarter than you. If others are doing better, this is largely due to the fact that they have developed their innate talents and abilities to a greater extent than you. They learned the laws of cause and effect before you and applied them to their lives and work. And everything that anyone has ever achieved, you can probably achieve too. You just need to learn how to do it.
How this law can be applied immediately
1. Free your mind from doubts and fears. Imagine there are no limits for you. What great achievement would you dare to dream of if you knew for sure that you would not fail? If you had the money, talent, skills and connections you need, what would you choose to do in your life, who would you choose to become, and what else would you have?
2. Challenge the beliefs that hold you back. Most people are blind in this regard. They need candid information from someone who knows them well and who will be honest with them. Reach out to a person you know and whose opinion you value, and ask him if he does not notice any beliefs in you that may prevent you from more fully discovering your potential.
3. The law of expectations
What you confidently expect becomes a fulfilled prophecy.
You are always a prophet in your life, thinking and speaking about how things will go. When you confidently expect good things, good things usually happen to you. If you are expecting something bad, you are usually not disappointed here either.
Your expectations have a deep impact on the people around you. What you expect from people and current situations determines your attitude towards them more than any other factor, and those around you, like a mirror, reflect this attitude of yours, positive or negative, back to you.
Dr. Robert Rosenthal of Harvard has conducted dozens of experiments over the years to test how teacher expectations are reflected in students' grades. In his seminal book, Pygmalion in the Classroom, he recounts numerous occasions when teachers spoke of a student or an entire class with admiration and predicted a quantum leap in academic performance in the coming school year.
Although students were selected at random, while the teacher believed that a particular student had exceptional ability and expected good grades from him, this student performed much better than other students in the same class and received higher grades than would otherwise be possible. predict from his previous assessments or behavior.
In your personal life, what you expect from your employees, bosses, clients, and even your future tends to come true. Your expectations of good or bad have a powerful effect on people and events, so be careful!

How this law can be applied immediately
1. Expect the best! Assume the best intentions on the part of your subordinates and employees. Assume from the outset that they intend to perform well, accept good decisions achieve good results. When things don't go the way you'd like, which happens all the time, instead of overreacting to it, sit down and have a friendly chat with the person, asking questions and trying to figure out exactly what happened. Everything has a reason.
2. Start with your family. Tell your spouse and kids regularly that you believe in them, that you think they are wonderful people, that you love and are proud of them. David McClelland of Harvard discovered that the best and most happy families among which the most outstanding children emerge are characterized as families with "positive expectations."
Parents in such families constantly support their children. positive attitudes, reaffirming again and again how much they love them and how they believe in them. Whatever problems arise, children always know that their parents support them one hundred percent. And they don't disappoint their parents.
3. Behave in the same way towards your employees. The most the best managers, entrepreneurs and traders are people with "high expectations" for everyone they do business with and in all the businesses they do.
4. Expect the best from yourself. Imagine that you have unlimited potential and are capable of anything. Imagine that your future is limited only by your imagination and everything you have achieved so far is only a small fraction of what you are able to achieve in reality. Imagine that the main events of your life are still ahead and everything that has happened to you so far has been only a preparation for the great that still awaits you.

4. Law of Attraction
You are a living magnet; you inevitably attract people, situations and circumstances into your life that are consistent with your thoughts
It is one of the great laws that largely explains success and failure in business and personal life. They wrote about him in ancient Egyptian mystical schools three thousand years before the birth of Christ. It is so powerful, all-pervading and all-encompassing that it affects all of your actions, words, thoughts and feelings.
Everything that is in your life is attracted by you and corresponds to what you think about and what kind of person you are. You can change your life as you can change the way you think. You can change the person you are.
You have probably heard more than once: "A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar", "Like is drawn to like", "What you need needs you." These are all different forms of expressing the law of attraction.
Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. This is a peculiar form of psychic energy that travels at the speed of light. Thought is capable of penetrating any obstacle. That is why it happens that, for example, you think about a person who is at a great distance from you, and the next moment the phone rings and this person is on the wire. Your thoughts connected with that person the very moment they entered your head.
Companies develop products, manufacturing processes, services and management practices that appeal to a constellation of customers, employees, suppliers, investors, and circumstances that are in harmony with the dominant mindset in the organization. Each person inside and outside the organization can be thought of as a certain musical instrument. Together they form a large orchestra. When they play together, they create the piece of music that shapes the course of your business and your life.
When things go wrong at a company, the best way to make a difference is to invite a new person who will change the way employees think, how they feel about themselves and what they do. New values, new perspectives, new strategies and new policies in relation to clients and to each other are bringing about rapid and often startling changes.
How this law can be applied immediately
1. Begin a thorough process of introspection, self-examination. Take a close look at the world around you and check how it harmonizes with your thoughts. Take full responsibility for all the good things that happen to you. You yourself pulled it into your life. Then look back at what you don't like and take full responsibility for that too. This is also your own fault, some flaw in your thinking. What is this flaw and what are you going to do with it?
2. Look inside yourself and ask the question: "What is causing this situation in me?" Rely on the basic principle that you yourself are the creator of your life, your destiny. With your thinking, you are constantly programming everything that happens to you. What changes do you need to make in your thinking if you want to change and improve some aspect of your life?
5. Law of conformity
Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world; it matches the basic characteristics of your thinking
This principle explains to the greatest extent happiness and unhappiness, success and failure, greatness and emptiness of life. Having dealt with these issues for many years, I still revere this powerful law; it's like admiring the grandeur of the Grand Canyon.
Just think! Your outer world reflects the inner world in everything. By and large, nothing can happen to you if it does not correspond to something within you. If you want to change something in your life, you must start by changing some of the inner aspects of your self.
This is sometimes called the "psychic equivalent". Your main task in life is to create within yourself the psychic equivalent of what you would like to experience in reality. The fact is that you cannot achieve anything in the outside world until you first create an analogue of it inside.
Your life is like a mirror enveloping from all sides. Wherever you look, you are everywhere. In relationships with people, for example, your inner self is always reflected from others and returns to you. Your mood, your health, your financial situation are a reflection of what you think about most of the time.
This is difficult for most people to accept. Many people believe that their life problems are caused by other people and external circumstances. They are shocked and angry when told that they are the creators of everything that happens in their lives. They want others to change, but they do not want to change themselves.
The Law of Correspondence is a principle underlying almost all religious and philosophical movements. This is the key to personal freedom and happiness. This is a direct path to great success and fulfillment of desires.
There is only one thing in the world that you can respect — your way of thinking. However, when you are in complete control of your thinking, you gain control over all other aspects of your life. Thinking and speaking only about what you want, and refusing to think and talk about what is undesirable for you, you become a creator of fortunes.
How this law can be applied immediately
Look around you for examples of how the world of your outer experiences is a reflection of the world of your inner thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. How does the current situation in your business or career reflect your inner attitude towards your company, your employees, your products and services, your customers and your goals? Be honest with yourself.
Today, begin to create in your consciousness the psychic equivalent of the life that you would like to enjoy outside. Visualize and imagine that your business and your career are perfect in every way. What changes should you make to your thinking in order to create an inner world that corresponds to what you would like to see in reality?
All the laws of business that you will become familiar with in this book are a logical continuation of the law of cause and effect and its combinations with the laws of faith, expectation, attraction and conformity. They all say one thing: if you change the quality of your thoughts, you will change the quality of your life.
And since you are not limited in your thoughts, there are no limits to improving your life. It is completely in your hands.

Chapter two
Laws of success
6. Law of control
7. Law of chance
8. Law of responsibility
9. The law of direction
10. Law of compensation
11. Law of services
12. The law of applied effort
13. Law of overcompensation
14. Law of preparation
15. Law of Compulsory Efficiency
16. Law of Decisiveness
17. The law of creative thinking
18. Law of flexibility
19. The Law of Perseverance

Laws of Success
What is success? It can be defined as "satisfaction with what you have." Success is not necessarily defined material things or accomplishments. You can achieve success simply by reaching a state where you are completely satisfied with your life in all its aspects and do not feel any dissatisfaction or urgent need for anything else. In this sense, you can feel happy just sitting in a quiet place and contemplating the world.
Achievement is different from success. Achievement means "getting what you want." It requires the ability to set goals, develop action plans, and then implement them. Achievement involves overcoming obstacles and difficulties in moving towards the goal that you have set for yourself.
In both cases, whether it's about success or achievement, great things first need to be clear about what you want to achieve in each area of ​​your business and personal life. Motivation requires "motive," and the clearer you become of your true motives, the more you will achieve and the faster you will achieve it.
The basic principle of human action is that all your actions and actions are aimed at improving some aspect of your life. Any of your actions are directed by a certain kind of goal, regardless of whether you are aware of it or not. As Aristotle wrote, all behavior is "teleological", or purposeful. And the only factor that governs all your actions is your desire to live better than you would live without these actions.
The wonderful truth is that you always achieve the goals that you set for yourself. If your goal is insignificant - to get home in the evening, for example, and sit in front of the TV - you will certainly achieve it. If you have a big goal - to achieve financial success, prosperity and respect among others - you will achieve that too.
Your mind contains a cybernetic target-seeking mechanism. As soon as you subconsciously programmed a certain goal or desire, your subconscious and consciousness take control and inevitably bring you closer to the goal, whatever it may be.
In this sense, the goal is achieved by you almost in automatic mode... The ability to automatically find a target is as natural as the ability to breathe. The difficulty always lies primarily in your ability to put clear goals... By mastering and practicing this extremely important skill, you will almost immediately achieve more high levels success.
The key to activating the laws of success is to be absolutely clear about what you want and what exactly will change when you achieve what you want. How impossible it is to build a house without a project, you cannot build better life without a clear list of goals that you would like to achieve, and written plan actions to achieve each of these goals.
Unfortunately, almost all studies indicate that fewer than three percent of adults have clear, written goals and detailed plans their achievements. As Mark McCormick writes in his book What They Still Don't Teach at Harvard Business School, these three percent of people with clear goals earn on average ten times more in the same time than those who don't. sets itself no goals.
You can get into this the highest category by simply sitting down with a notebook and pen and making a list of the goals you want to achieve. Most people have never done this in their lives. The very process of writing down what you want to achieve and what you intend to do to achieve it in the next three to five years will change your life.
By writing down your goals. you will immediately become a different person. Your attitude towards yourself and your future will change greatly. in a positive way... You will feel more confident and optimistic. You will feel more in control and in control of your life. And most importantly, when your goals and plans are written down, the likelihood of their implementation increases tenfold, that is, a thousand percent.

A simple exercise that can change your life
Here's a simple yet powerful exercise. Take a piece of paper and list ten goals that you want to achieve in the next twelve months. Write down your goals in the present tense as if the year has passed and you have already achieved them.
Before each goal, use the word "I" to personalize it, for example: "I make so many dollars a year", "I achieve this level of sales (or income)." Your subconscious mind only accepts personal, positive and present-tense commands.
This is an amazing exercise, almost magical. Even if you don’t do anything else, but simply write ten goals on a piece of paper and hide this sheet in your desk for a year, after twelve months, when you re-examine your list, you will be pleasantly surprised. If you reread the list a year later, you will find that eight out of ten goals have been achieved, sometimes in the most surprising way. Oftentimes, your goals will materialize much faster than you think.
An insurance manager in Houston heard this recommendation at one of my seminars in Phoenix on Saturday morning. On the same day, returning home by plane, he made a list of ten goals that he would like to achieve during the year.
On Sunday night, he revised his list and was surprised to find that five of his ten goals had already been fulfilled. He quickly jotted down five more goals, bringing his list back to ten. By Thursday at next week five more goals from his new list were achieved. In his letter, he informed me that in five days, with the help of written goals, he achieved more than he expected to achieve in whole year hard work.
The following laws of success will work for you when you work in accordance with them. These are universal principles, discovered many centuries ago and thoroughly tested during this time. As you begin to apply them in your business and in your life, you will be amazed at how much and how much easier you can achieve.
6. Law of control
You are only as happy with yourself as you feel that you are in control of your own life.
The reverse wording of this law will, of course, sound like this: you are dissatisfied with yourself insofar as you feel that your life is not under your control or that it is controlled by other people or circumstances.
Psychologists have long recognized the critical importance of a sense of control as an element of character and personal growth. They use the term "focus of control". A focus of control is an internal or external source of influence on some aspect of your life. If you feel like you are making the decisions that guide your life, you are considered to have an "inner focus of control."
If you think that you are being controlled, forced to do something or held back from any actions that you personally would very much like to take, your bosses, bills, childhood experiences, health or something else, then you have. " external focus of control ".
Awareness of who or what is controlling you is a critical determinant of your level of health and well-being. People with an inner focus of control who feel they are in control of their lives tend to be less stressed and have higher personal success than people with an outer focus of control who feel that their actions are dictated by other people and external circumstances.
The so-called "cognitive psychology" focuses on studying the way you think and how it relates to your health and happiness. Explore carried out in this direction for more than a quarter of a century. have shown that a "sense of control" is essential for maximum personal growth.

The first consequence of the law of control
Change is inevitable
They are not only inevitable - they are inevitable. They are accelerating. They are unpredictable and endless. They relate to all aspects of your life.
Most people are afraid of change. They are deeply rooted in the desire to avoid any kind of change, even positive. This is why goal setting is so important. Goals allow you to control the direction of change. Goals ensure that the changes in your life are directed primarily in the direction you want. They give you power over critical aspects of your life. They increase your sense of personal control and well-being.
Second Consequence of the Law of Control
Controlled change inevitably leads to greater gains than uncontrolled
By working on your most important goals every day, you have almost complete assurance that you will feel better and accomplish more than you would if you didn’t. Your sense of control is heightened automatically.
Third corollary of this law
To control your life, you must begin to control your mind.
Your ability to generate the right thoughts and determine the desired goals and results is the starting point for happiness and high achievements. Successful happy people think and talk only about desired things; it becomes a habit for them. People who do not know success, people who are unhappy most of the time, unfortunately, think and talk about what they do not want. By virtue of the laws of faith, expectation, attraction and conformity, what you think and talk about most of the time happens in your life.

Third corollary from the law of responsibility
No one is in a hurry to help you
If you want something, it's up to you. If you want to improve your life, you must become better yourself. If you want to change something, you have to change yourself.
The most wonderful reward you get from taking full responsibility is the amazing sense of control and freedom you get. By taking responsibility for yourself, you will be more satisfied and happy with yourself. You will be completely free from the influence of the law of chance. This will lead you to great things. This will allow you to step on the accelerator pedal of your potential and move faster towards the realization of all that is important to you.
How this law can be applied immediately
1. Take responsibility for your work, for every aspect of it. The best specialists in any sector of the economy they work as if they were the owners of their enterprises. They see themselves as independent entrepreneurs, whoever signs their payroll. And in the company they are always the most valuable and respected employees.
Never make excuses for yourself or blame others for your failures. Never say or think, "This is not my job!" This is what people who have no future think and say. This is not for you. You are a responsible person.
2. Voluntarily take on any task, for any additional work... Raise your hand first in meetings when something needs to be done. Take the initiative. Be proactive. Go to your boss and tell him you want to be in charge of a larger area of ​​work, and keep asking for it over and over.
When you get an assignment or volunteer to do something, do it quickly and efficiently. Treat every opportunity to prove yourself as if you were football match you get the pass and you have a chance to score the winning goal. Pick up the ball and hit the goal!

Brian Tracy 100 Absolute Laws of Business Success