What does a classic pedicure include? Edged classic pedicure. How to do at home

Modern technicians skin care and toenail care there are many. One of them is the European pedicure. Like any other procedure, the European pedicure has its own characteristics, performance techniques, advantages and disadvantages.

most main feature European pedicure technology is its safety. Pedicure is suitable for anyone, even if he has diabetes or there is a tendency to fungal diseases. One of the varieties of European pedicure is the use of a special machine. But, despite this, the European pedicure is characterized by the absence of injuries and infections.

Features of European pedicure

  1. This technology implies the absence of scissors and blades. Unlike a classic pedicure, the risk that the feet will hurt or become inflamed after the removal of rough skin is small. In addition, the feet and the skin around the nails are treated with special pedicure files, so the effect is guaranteed.
  2. There are 3 types of European pedicure technique: dry, wet or SPA and hardware. The dry pedicure technique is considered the most effective, because the result will last for a long time. following procedure should be done in two weeks. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, a dry pedicure can be done once a month.
  3. In the European pedicure, the cuticle is not mechanically removed. Within 5-6 sessions as a result special processing the cuticle stops growing, and the toes look well-groomed. In addition, the risk of hangnails is reduced, so the skin on the legs will look perfect.
  4. When using a European pedicure, it is almost impossible to contract fungal infections.
  5. Along with the practical result, the dry pedicure procedure is a pleasure and pleasure, so this great way to relax.
  6. Dry pedicure is suitable for everyone: men, women, adults, children. This type of pedicure is especially useful for children's feet, prone to sensitivity.

Despite these positive points, the European pedicure has some disadvantages.

  • First, there may be allergic reaction, because pedicures use substances containing alkali.
  • Secondly, a European pedicure is only suitable for those who constantly monitor the skin of their feet. If the skin on the legs is fluffy and rough, then it is better to apply a classic pedicure.

At home, the European pedicure technology will take about an hour. To make a high-quality dry pedicure, you must follow the steps:

  1. Steam your feet well hot water. This is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.
  2. Then you need to remove from the nails old varnish. It is better to choose an acetone-free product that does not dry the skin around the nails.
  3. To remove the cuticle, you must use special cream or a gel that softens the cuticle. The advantage of this procedure is that the cream dissolves dead skin cells, so it is enough to remove them with a special spatula without using scissors. Beauticians recommend using wooden ones that do not scratch the skin.
  4. After that, you can move on to the nails. Polished with a special nail file nail plate to make it smooth and even.
  5. Another file to give nails desired shape. It is better to make the edge of the nail even, and not rounded, so that it does not grow into the skin.
  6. On the feet should be smeared with a special exfoliating cream. In those areas where the skin is rougher, apply more cream. For best effect feet can be wrapped in a plastic bag or towel and left for 30 minutes.
  7. After the skin has softened, the feet, especially the heels, should be rubbed with a pumice stone or a special brush. Modern salons use scrapers with small blades that give the heels a smooth finish. But you need to use these scrapers with care so as not to damage the skin.
  8. At the end of a dry pedicure, the nails should be treated with a fat-free lotion or nail polish remover. Then cover the nail platinum with varnish of any shade.

This is another kind of European pedicure, which allows you not only to make the legs attractive, but also to enjoy it. To do this yourself at home, follow these steps:

  1. Remove old varnish from nails. Lower your feet into warm water, preferably adding aromatic oils or a little shampoo to make the skin soft.
  2. Then wipe your feet dry, and push back the cuticles with a wooden spatula.
  3. To give nails perfect shape, you need to cut them either with nail scissors or tweezers. File the edges of the nails with a nail file so that they are even.
  4. To remove the rough skin of the feet, you can use a special scrub, which is then removed with a soft wet wipe. After that, a nourishing cream is rubbed into the skin.
  5. Finish off the pedicure with bright varnish on nails.

IN modern world both women and men take care of themselves. It keeps youth, gives beauty. Wealthy confident people will not allow themselves to appear in society in a unkempt form. To do this, they turn to professionals who provide all types of hairdressing services. also should not be ignored. The complexity and regularity of the procedures give a good result.

The essence of pedicure

Existing and pedicure include a set of actions. They are produced in without fail regardless of the chosen method. The foot requires a particularly wide range of procedures. Caring for her includes a certain sequence of actions.

Initially, the dry, keratinized layer of the skin is softened. Then the upper layers of the epithelium (dead cells) are removed various methods. Next, the master processes the nails, eliminates their ingrowth (if any). Also, in the case of determining other deformations of the nail plate, its shape is corrected.

Handles the cuticle. During the procedure, corns, calluses, cracked heels are removed. It completes the pedicure course. It improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the body, as well as the mood of a person. This useful procedure if performed by an experienced professional.

Methods and approaches

Depending on the level of the salon that provides foot care services, the client is offered one or another set of effects. In addition to the basic procedures, they can offer a relaxing massage. It is even possible to get healing procedures or psychotherapeutic during a pedicure session.

Existing types of pedicure (photo below) may include a course of paraffin therapy, depilation, in-depth antiseptics. Such a wide range of procedures makes the presented service popular.

There are beauty salons that during the procedure use the effect on all the senses. Apply aroma oils, play of light, sounds. A person during the procedure listens to the sound of the surf, the singing of birds, etc. This is a very useful, relaxing effect. Color therapy also has a healing effect on the psyche. This allows you to escape from the affairs, the daily hustle and bustle. During the session, the person rests both physically and psychologically.

Varieties of procedures

There are several basic approaches to performing a pedicure. The oldest of them is the classical approach. It has been widely used for many years. This is the easiest job to do at home.

But it has many shortcomings. That's why modern views pedicure is very diverse. The most popular today are European, hardware, To choose best approach before performing the procedure, it is necessary to consider the features of each of them.

Classic pedicure

This approach uses the technique of cutting the rough skin of the feet, nails. First, the legs are steamed in the bath. Then the nails are cut, polished with different files. So their shape is corrected, deformations are eliminated. Then the cuticle is trimmed.

After these actions, heels and feet are treated with pumice or other grinding agents. The main types of pedicure apply elements of this approach to one degree or another. The classic version is the most inexpensive and therefore affordable. But it has more than other types of disadvantages. At home, it is even more preferable to perform such a technique than in the cabin. This is the only type of pedicure that is actually easier to do on your own.

Disadvantages of classic pedicure

When steaming the skin of the feet, a classic pedicure involves the use of water. Types, techniques are varied, but many use foot baths. However, water is favorable environment for the development of fungus and other skin infections. Even when using antiseptics, there is a chance of getting infected through the bath similar ailments. This is especially true for special hydromassage devices. Not a single institution is able to qualitatively disinfect nozzles after each visitor. This process requires a lot of time, which is sometimes not enough. There is, albeit small, but the likelihood of getting itching, burning on the skin, deformation of the nail plates after the procedure.

But this is not the worst. The method of cutting the cuticle sometimes leads to injuries with inaccurate movement. skin. And this is far from uncommon. In this case, it is possible to become infected with very serious diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, etc.). In the salon, there is no way to disinfect the instrument as thoroughly as in a hospital or dentistry.

Another disadvantage of the method is the cutting of the stratum corneum along with the partial disruption of living cells. This enhances the regeneration process. Skin grows faster. Therefore, this approach is not efficient enough.

European methodology

Today, there are improved versions of the classical technique. These include the most different types pedicure. Their main differences lie in the improvement of one or more procedures. But general principle is saved. One such modified approach is the European methodology.

All stages and actions remain the same as in the classic version. The only difference is the lack of cuticle cutting. This is a safer pedicure (you can not get hepatitis, HIV). With a wooden spatula, the cuticle moves to the edge. At the same time, it is treated with a special tool. It softens the skin. With regular repetition of the procedure, the cuticle grows more slowly, and cuts can be avoided.

However, the application water procedures leaves the possibility of infection with fungal infections.

SPA pedicure

The types of pedicure considered earlier can be supplemented with various caring procedures. The principle remains the same. On the initial stage legs are steamed in a bath of water (there is some chance of infection with a fungus).

But the use of various scrubs, masks and foot creams gives best result. The skin becomes hydrated healthy look. In the process of applying the product, a light massage is performed. It is very relaxing and calms the nervous system.

Combined approach

The most controversial reviews are found about combined type pedicure. He is marketing ploy, allowing the master to take a large payment for his work. This is the usual classic version, in which the skin is polished with the help of the apparatus. It just makes the job easier for the master. However, all disadvantages classical method are stored in it.

This variety provides, like all other approaches, applying varnish to the nails (at the request of the client). However, nail extension is a separate procedure that does not include any pedicure. Types of coating are different in structure, color and possible therapeutic effect.

hardware method

The previous option cannot be considered a hardware pedicure method, since it involves steaming the skin of the foot. before starting the work of the master, it provides for the treatment of the feet with a special antiseptic. Next, a special substance is applied to the skin. It softens only dead cells. Further, using a device with various nozzles, only the keratinized layer of the epithelium is removed. Living tissue is not affected. This eliminates the possibility of cuts, skin injuries.

It is also the most hygienic approach. During its implementation, it is impossible to become infected with a fungus or other even more serious ailments, since baths are not used. This method was developed and widely used in Germany. Attentive to detail, the Germans ruled out the possibility of infection with various infections and viruses. This is a really good process.

The competence of a beauty salon worker should raise serious doubts if he polishes with a device on a wet foot. IN best case The process simply won't work. Wet skin particles clog the pores of the machine nozzle. Therefore, mixed types of pedicure are regarded as unprofessionalism.

Machine processing wet skin not only ineffective, but can also lead to burr formation. The procedure will have to be repeated again, but not with this master. After the work of a professional, the legs retain their beauty long time. characteristic feature hardware pedicure is an gradual decrease the need to carry out the procedure. When removing only the stratum corneum, the recovery processes in the tissues are not accelerated. The skin becomes healthy, soft and extraordinarily beautiful.

Having considered the main types of pedicure, it is worth concluding that all of them, except hardware method, one way or another, expose the health of the legs to the threat of infection various infections and fungus. Therefore, it is better not to save money and take care of your feet with a truly safe approach.

Despite the fact that many new technologies for performing pedicures have appeared, classic pedicure never loses its relevance and has many admirers. When performed correctly and accurately, you will receive perfect pedicure, which does not need to be frequently corrected.

To make your legs even more attractive will help stylish and fashionable coating nails with decorative varnishes using decor. All that is needed for a classic pedicure is the careful execution of technology and a little imagination and taste to create a beautiful style.

The classic pedicure was first used in 1830 by the American doctor Zitz, who used metal tools to trim the cuticles and dead skin. At first, such a pedicure was called the "Zittz method."

Features of this type of pedicure

The classic pedicure is also called edged, because its essence is to cut off the dead or keratinized layer of the skin with the help of special tools. As a rule, scissors with different types blades and tweezers.

This type of pedicure is considered quite dangerous and traumatic and requires the utmost care from the master. Another important condition such a pedicure is the careful treatment of cutting tools with antiseptics - this helps prevent infection.

As a result of such a pedicure, you get perfectly beautiful and well-groomed nails. At the end of the procedure, the nails are varnished.

How is it different from other types

Exists four main types of pedicure who have their distinctive features in execution technology:

Fashion ideas for a beautiful classic pedicure with a photo

In addition to the fact that a classic pedicure is a cosmetic procedure, it also includes a decorative coating of nails. We offer you the most fashionable and interesting ideas nail design.

Single Color Varnish Ideas

Varnish is considered a classic, so a pedicure in this color will go for any occasion and style of clothing.

Black pedicure, despite some aggressiveness, continues to be popular and very fashionable.

Juicy in a pedicure will emphasize your femininity and will look elegant.

If you want to vivid image, then a turquoise pedicure with a manicure will definitely attract everyone's attention.

Ideas for combining colors in a pedicure

Combination of two contrasting colors in combination with the geometry of the pattern will look stylish and very impressive.

Marigold different colors will allow you to easily pick up an outfit and get a harmonious look.

French Pedicure Ideas

Decorated with rhinestones, it will look fresh and very elegant.

very bright and interesting option french pedicure when a neon gradient is used.

Multi-colored motifs of the French pedicure will emphasize your individuality and the details of your image.

A bright fuchsia jacket with a floral pattern will add casual style to your style.

Decor Pedicure Ideas

A bitmap on a bright background will make your pedicure interesting and bright.

Stamping with rhinestones on a dark background looks very beautiful and impressive.

Berry accents on a large nail in a pink pedicure look fun and bright.

A beautiful shade of blue in a pedicure looks extraordinarily chic in combination with rhinestones.

Classic pedicure technology step by step

Getting Started trimmed manicure must be known and strictly followed the following rules:
1. Antiseptic treat cutting tools: scissors and tweezers.

2. Steam your feet in herbal decoction with the addition of an antiseptic.
3. Remove the remains of varnish from the previous pedicure from the nails.
4. Using scissors and a nail file, even out the length of all nails.
5. Apply a special emollient to the cuticle.
6. Treat the feet, especially places with keratinized skin, pumice or a special abrasive nail file.

7. If there are cracks or calluses, it is necessary to carefully cut off the steamed skin from them and grind it with a finely abrasive pedicure file.
8. The already softened cuticle must be moved with a spatula, and then cut with cuticle scissors.

9. Polish your nails with a buff, and sand the entire skin of your feet with a finely abrasive nail file.

10. Apply a cream (antifungal or anti-crack) to the skin of the legs and do a light foot massage.

11. Apply a transparent base on your nails and let it dry. Cover your nails with nail polish.

Video on how to make a beautiful classic pedicure

In this video with a lesson, you will learn what a classic pedicure includes and get to know the execution technology in more detail.

Combination with other types of design solutions

A beautiful pedicure must be in harmony with your whole image, so we offer you a few ideas of the most successful combinations pedicure with elements of your clothes, accessories and shoes, because the decorative nail coating is also included in the classic pedicure.

Combinations of pedicure with shoes

The red color of the pedicure is so versatile that it goes well with shoes of different shades.

Black pedicure in this case goes well with the accent decor of shoes.

A chic combination of gold and turquoise in shoes, jewelry and pedicure. Great choice for summer holidays!

Combinations of pedicure with clothes

The three-color scheme of your suit can be an idea for beautiful pedicure. Strips in a pedicure are always relevant.

Simple monochrome clothes can be diluted with a multi-color decorated pedicure in the same range or in contrasting colors.

Combinations of pedicure with accessories

Neck jewelry can be not only in the same color with a pedicure, but also harmoniously combined with decorative elements.

If you like to wear bright and extravagant bracelets, then their color, decor geometry and style can be repeated in a pedicure.

It is very beautiful when your pedicure is combined with the unusual decor of your handbag. It looks very stylish and trendy.

If you decide to do a classic pedicure yourself, then be sure to follow our step by step instructions. Get inspired by new pedicure ideas and create your own personal style. Be beautiful!
We are waiting for your comments.

Many women stubbornly ignore a complete, high-quality and regular care behind the feet of their charming legs only because they are hidden from prying eyes most of the time. And how wrong they are in doing so! How ridiculous when beautiful and well-groomed girl, exposing the soles of his feet (in the pool, on the beach, wearing sandals), suddenly opens his ingrown, twisted and shapeless nails to the whole world! Yes, and most insanely pleased when everything in your body is the height of perfection. Therefore, it is imperative to do a pedicure twice a month, which will turn your legs into an ideal one. But any salon today offers a variety of types of pedicure - which one to choose?

You will be interested to read:

A small overview of existing types of pedicure

Beauty salons will offer you a choice of several nail and foot skin care procedures, which will differ in prices, duration, treatment of feet and toenails, and results. How to understand and assimilate their main differences in order to try exactly what you want? Short review the most popular methods salon care will help you make the right choice.

Of all the types of pedicure, the classic one is the oldest, as it has been used to take care of the feet for more than a hundred years. He absorbed the experience of many years of existence of cosmetology, and he has his own characteristics:

- to begin with, with a classic pedicure, the skin of the legs is steamed out in pleasant warm baths with the addition of cooking or sea ​​salt, soap;

- all manipulations (removal of the cuticle or keratinized skin from the feet) are carried out using cutting tools.

It is the classic pedicure that is so easy to do at home, and if you are not a lover of beauty salons and hardware cosmetology, you will surely like it. But be extremely careful: with a classic pedicure there are big risk cut with a sharp blade when cutting the cuticle.

2. European (unedged, dry) pedicure

Many people call European pedicure a kind of classic, but now it is listed everywhere as a separate direction, because it has its own characteristics:

- the skin of the legs before the procedure is not steamed, doing everything “dry”, but you can not be afraid: no pain or discomfort you won't feel;

- the cuticle is removed gradually (it is the ways to eliminate the cuticle - that is the main difference between the types of pedicure): it is applied special remedy, which slows down its growth and softens;

- the cuticle is not cut, but gently pushed back to the edge of the nail;

- For keratinized skin, European pedicure offers soft, but effective graters and scrapers.

Get ready for the fact that you will not get off here with one visit: for a soft and careful removal cuticles require at least 8-10 procedures. You can also easily carry out a European pedicure on your own: perhaps only these varieties of pedicure (classic and European) can be done at home. Other - business card beauty salons.

With the development of hardware cosmetology appeared and this technique foot care for over 40 years. If the above ways are carried out manually, then cutters will delicately and gently look after your legs. This is what the replaceable nozzles of the pedicure apparatus are called, which perform various functions:

- remove the cuticle;

- shape nails

- grind them;

- remove the keratinized layer of skin from the foot.

At the same time, to soften the skin, special solutions and funds. Don't be afraid of the unexpected side effects: trauma and the risk of infection are reduced to almost zero. But the results will exceed all your, even the wildest expectations! After all, the main difference between a hardware pedicure and other types is that it eliminates excessive skin removal, as a result of which coarsening of the feet occurs much more slowly. After such a procedure, you can enjoy the softness and tenderness of the heels for a long time.

If the cutting objects of a classic pedicure, the too long course of a European one and the buzzing cutters of a hardware one are unpleasant for you, a SPA pedicure will surely become a saving ray for you in the dark kingdom:

– you will be offered aromatic foot baths;

- Do a foot massage

- nourish and moisturize the skin with special masks.

At the same time, all cosmetic products are designed specifically for the skin and nails of the feet, and they contain fairly highly effective and high-quality components. Apart from unearthly pleasure you will get an excellent result: well-groomed and beautiful legs.

5. Combined pedicure

Combined pedicure takes into account individual characteristics each client. The professional determines which type of pedicure can be used in this case to remove the cuticle, and which one to remove the stratum corneum.

This method appeared relatively recently and is aimed primarily not at foot skin care, but at the condition of the nails. Here you quickly and efficiently:

- remove the cuticle;

- will degrease the nail plate;

– complete disinfection of the nail;

- extensions with acrylic or gel different ways(forms, tips);

- giving nails a beautiful, refined shape by filing, grinding and polishing.

A permanent pedicure would be nice to do before a trip to the sea.

All of these methods are now provided to their customers by every beauty salon. Knowing the features of each of them, you can determine for yourself their advantages and disadvantages.

Every girl who monitors the health and appearance of her legs should have information on how to make a classic edged pedicure. This cosmetic procedure is one of the first salon procedures foot and toe care. The classic edged pedicure is primarily intended to improve the hygienic condition of the feet and prevent foot skin diseases.

Rules for a pedicure

When doing a classic pedicure in the salon, the main rule of the master’s work should be the disinfection of tools, containers, foot baths. If sanitary standards are not observed, there is a risk of infection with hepatitis C, HIV and various fungal diseases. The master must carry out a classical edging pedicure in sterile disposable gloves. During the procedure, contact with blood is possible. Gloves will protect both the client and the master from possible infection. The technique of performing a pedicure by a professional master should be accurate and safe, the risks of getting cuts are minimized.

Step by step cutting pedicure

Classic edged pedicure in a specialized salon is carried out in stages:

  1. Disinfection of the skin of the feet. For this, the stage of soaking the feet in baths with the addition of various disinfectants is carried out. Comfort temperature water - 38 degrees C. The duration of the bath - 7 minutes.
  2. Cleaning the surface of the nails from the old varnish. You can use any nail polish remover.
  3. Cutting nails. The length must be cut in small steps from corner to corner, using special tongs. File nails on this stage Not recommended.
  4. Cuticle softening. A special softening agent must be applied to the side rollers of the nails. You need to distribute it over the entire surface of the nail.
  5. Cutting off rough skin from the heel area. The procedure is carried out using a special machine. It is necessary to hold the machine at an angle to the skin so as not to cut it. You need to cut off the rough skin gradually, you should not remove a large layer, this can lead to painful sensations when walking. Movements must be made along the cracks, from the middle of the heel to its edge.
  6. Cutting off rough skin from the metatarsal area.
  7. Sanding the skin with a pedicure file. The rough surface of the file quickly and easily removes the remnants of rough skin on the foot. Periodically, the surface of the foot should be wiped with a damp cloth, then the surface of the nail file will self-clean.
  8. Treatment of cracked heels. Using special forceps, it is necessary to carefully cut the skin around the cracks. The cutting blade of the tongs should be positioned along the crack. At the end of this stage, it is necessary to sand the skin of the heel again with a file.
  9. Skin treatment on the fingers. Using a soft file, the fingertips and sides are polished.
  10. Cuticle removal. The remaining softening agent must be removed from the nails with a damp cloth. Next, with the help of spa, it is necessary to clean the lateral sinuses of the nails and push back the cuticle, remove dirt from under the free edge of the nail. With the help of special forceps, it is necessary to remove the cuticle and process the side ridges.
  11. Shaping free edge nail. Using a file, it is necessary to give the nails the maximum possible square shape, this will prevent their ingrowth.
  12. Foot disinfection. Using a special tool for disinfecting nails, you need to treat their surface. The area between the toes must be treated with a special antifungal talc for the feet.
  13. The final stage. Apply polish or nail polish to your nails. Treat the surface of the heels with a cream that prevents cracking.

Basic pedicure tools

The master has in his arsenal, in addition to skills and experience, many various tools, allowing you to make a trimmed classic pedicure with high quality. Main tools:

  • Rasp - a tool for filing the corners of the nails and scraping the cuticle layer from the surface of the nails. Used for ingrown nails. At one end of the tool there are special notches, with their help, the nails are filed. Due to the shape of the tool, the master can penetrate into the deep sinuses of the nail;
  • Files. A variety of surfaces of this tool allows you to polish not only nails, but also skin. Soft surfaces polish the nail to a shine, and rough hard surfaces can remove layers of rough skin;
  • Scraper. Has replaceable sharpened blades. Designed for cutting calluses and rough skin.

Additional procedures

At the request of the client, the pedicure master can supplement the classic pedicure with the following procedures:

  • foot massage session
  • covering nails with various varnishes, with drawing and other decorative elements;
  • modeling of the nail plate;

Edged pedicure at home

For this cosmetic procedure no need to visit a salon. You can do a trimmed pedicure at home. Of course, the result of a do-it-yourself pedicure may not be as perfect as that of a master, but self-carried out foot care will help improve them. appearance. Be prepared for the fact that it will be very difficult for yourself to remove the rough skin on your heels with a scraper. Try not to injure the skin. Follow the above procedure step by step very carefully. Even at home, care must be taken sanitary standards during a pedicure.

Start by using a foot bath, then gradually treat the skin of the feet and the nail plate. The scheme of the procedure does not differ from the work professional master, except that the first time you will spend more time on it.

When choosing cosmetics foot care, pay attention to natural ingredients in their composition. Instructions for creams and talcs will help you in choosing the right product.

Even a self-made edged pedicure will give your legs beauty and grooming.