Epilation pain cream. Pain relief for hair removal at home. How to make home hair removal painless

Before removing hair from intimate areas of the skin, you need to know how to relieve epilation in the bikini area. For this, there are many remedies that help to cope with discomfort.

Application of creams and aerosols

But you need to know that this type of pain relief has a number of contraindications. The drug should not be used when:

  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood pressure;
  • liver and kidney problems;
  • the presence of seizures.

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It should also be remembered that the use of lidocaine spray can cause allergic reactions... For this reason, it is recommended to do a preliminary practice test first.

To make depilation painless, you can use intimate cream Emla.

This ointment is based on Lidocaine and Prilocaine. If you use such a drug, then you do not have to worry about side effects, and this tool also has a long exposure time. Emla cream is specially designed for use on the epidermis and has minor contraindications. It cannot be used for individual intolerance and methemoglobinemia. It is also worth paying attention to how it is done

It is necessary to apply such a remedy to the area to be epilated 60-120 minutes before the start of the procedure. The duration of exposure depends on the desired penetration depth. For 1 session, you will need 5-10 g of cream. Emla's patch is often used for pain relief.

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To apply it, remove the aluminum part and apply it to the area to be epilated. For 1 procedure, you will need 2-3 plasters, they are used in the most sensitive places. You can use Emla's patch only on those parts of the body that are not damaged or wounded.

To make epilation of the bikini area painless, you can apply a cream Light Dep... This remedy appeared relatively recently, but has already become widespread among women. The ointment is distinguished by its speed of action (25-30 minutes), ease of use and low cost.

Also, this cream is suitable for sensitive type skin. The main active ingredient of the product is anestoderm. This ointment facilitates the procedure by blocking pain receptors without reducing the general sensitivity of the skin. Light Dep is produced at water based, and this moisturizes the epidermis before such a procedure. But is laser hair removal harmful and how to avoid negative consequences?

The video shows how to anesthetize epilation in the bikini area:

The cream acts for 20-50 minutes from the moment of application, it depends on the individual sensitivity of the dermis. This product does not cause allergic reactions or skin irritations. The action of the active components of the substance occurs on the surface, they do not penetrate into the blood, therefore the drug has no contraindications. You may also be interested in information about how it looks and how it is done

For internal reception

Painless hair removal of the bikini area at home will be if you take special pills before such a procedure. Most often, anesthetics are used, which are used 20-30 minutes before the manipulation. Doctors recommend taking these drugs:

All of these tablets are available without a prescription and can be purchased at any pharmacy. But, despite their effectiveness, these drugs affect the body system and most organs. Therefore, sometimes it can lead to side effects. You need to use those pills that the woman drank earlier. When deciding to take a particular drug, you need to consult with a specialist.

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Other methods of pain relief

If a woman has unbearable pain during epilation, then you can use injections. For this purpose, a 2% solution of Lidocaine is used, which is injected under the skin. The injection radius is 3 cm, so they can be staggered at a small distance from each other. This procedure uses an insulin syringe with a fine needle. The agent must be injected to a depth of 1-1.5 mm. Minor bulges form at the injection site, but they dissolve extremely quickly. If there is a slight burning sensation, then this is quite normal.

The video shows the use of lidocaine for hair removal:

Before such injections, you should consider some important nuances:

  • you cannot do injections yourself, it is better to ask a beautician about it;
  • it is forbidden to exceed the permitted dosage (for the bikini area, a maximum of 1 ampoule is needed);
  • do not inject the drug into the membrane of the labia minora.

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This method of pain relief is widely used before the treatment of intimate areas.

It is very important to choose a suitable day for epilation, then you can not apply special means... Immediately after the end of menstruation (2-3 days after menstruation) level pain sensitivity minimum. Therefore, experts recommend planning hair removal for this period. One week before the start critical days the level of sensitivity, on the contrary, increases. It is believed that if you carry out epilation from 16 to 18 hours, then such a procedure will be less painful.

To dull the discomfort, you can apply cold compresses or ice to the skin. This must be done 5 minutes before starting hair removal. You can relieve the bikini area by steaming the skin. This method is suitable if a woman is epilating at home. You need to take a hot bath or shower to enlarge the pores and make the procedure easier. It is also allowed to apply warm compresses... But what hair removal is best to use and how to choose the best one, the information will help to understand

A local massage can be done to relieve the discomfort during hair removal. Should be kneaded sensitive skin in the bikini area before the epilation session. This will significantly dull the pain.

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If you do not want to take painkillers, you can use a scrub. If you treat the areas of the body where it is planned to get rid of vegetation with such a tool, then the discomfort will be much less.

If you know how to numb the skin, you can easily epilate and remove unnecessary hair.

Epilation is not a pleasant thing. Not many people can easily withstand the pain that the process of pulling hair out of the bulb causes. But all women want smooth legs. How can you force yourself to go through such a painful procedure? It's very simple: use lidocaine for epilation for pain relief.

Features of Lidocaine

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that blocks pain in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body. It is produced in different forms and the method of application depends on it. The solution in ampoules is intended for injection, in the form of a spray and cream - for surface anesthesia. Lidocaine dilates blood vessels and is a cardiac depressant, that is, it is used for disorders heart rate... It is used for pain relief:

  • for dental and gynecological manipulations;
  • with injuries and bruises;
  • during painful medical and diagnostic procedures;
  • when suturing;
  • during childbirth;
  • during surgical interventions.

This anesthetic can cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, before using it, a test for sensitivity to the drug is mandatory.

When local edema the use of lidocaine is prohibited.

Spray anesthetic

To anesthetize hair removal, a 10% solution of lidocaine hydrochloride is used in the form of a spray. This concentration is also suitable for mucous membranes such as gums. The mucous membranes quickly absorb fluid and tissue numbness occurs after 3-5 minutes. The skin has a denser structure, so it takes much longer for the solution to penetrate.

It is necessary to apply the spray with extreme caution so that its solution does not get into the eyes and airways. If anesthesia is performed on the face, be sure to cover your eyes, nose, and mouth. Respiratory penetration is dangerous to human health and life.

To anesthetize the surface of the skin, it must first be cleaned: take a shower with light scrub, freeing the epidermis from the dead layer of cells, dry well. After steaming, the pores open and the cells absorb the solution better.

Sprinkle generously with lidocaine spray on cleansed skin. Untreated areas will remain sensitive. Prevent the liquid from drying out and evaporating, immediately wrap the wetted area cling film... Thus, the solution will penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis. The compress is kept for 40-60 minutes and only then the polyethylene is removed, the excess moisture is wiped off and the hair is removed. The procedure will not be painless at all, but you will not feel any strong discomfort.

Spray lidocaine is convenient for treating large surfaces, but the liquid spreads, so you need to act quickly so that the solution does not lose its analgesic properties.

Anesthetic cream

In addition to the spray, there are creams and gels for local application containing lidocaine: Helicaine, Lidochlor, Emla, Lidocaine gel. Most often with epilation and laser treatment Emla cream is used for the skin. It is most common among beauty salons, as it contains another analgesic prilocaine, which enhances the effect and result. At the expense of active ingredients such analgesics penetrate deeply into the skin and long time block pain.

Creams and gels are applied as follows: the composition is applied in a thick layer to the surface that you plan to epilate. The treated areas are covered with foil. It is not necessary to do this, since the cream does not dry out or evaporate, but the compress opens the pores and the product penetrates deeper and faster. You should wait some time for the components to take effect. This will take 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the individual.

To see if it's time to remove the bandage, try pinching your skin through it. If you feel cold numbness at the same time, you can start working. After such a "freeze", the effect lasts about one and a half to two hours, gradually subsiding.

Creams and gels are good because they can be applied in intimate areas, which means bikini hair removal will cease to be an excruciatingly painful procedure and you can enjoy the feeling of smooth skin anywhere on the body.

Pain relief injections

The most common form of lidocaine release is in injectable ampoules. With their help, local anesthesia is carried out during dental, gynecological procedures and other surgical interventions.

For some people, removing vegetation turns into torture and they agree to any method of pain relief. It all depends on the pain threshold, the treated area and the density of hair growth. Therefore, epilation is also possible with the introduction of an anesthetic solution under the skin.

Do not take risks and do not inject yourself at home. It is dangerous not only for your health, but also for life. The body's reaction can be the most unpredictable, which can lead to respiratory and cardiac arrest... Such manipulations can only be performed by a specialist with medical education and only after an allergy test.

During injections, lidocaine is injected under the skin no deeper than 2 mm using an insulin syringe. Injections are made at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. In this case, there is a sharp burning sensation, pain, tingling, and small bumps form, which dissolve over time.

Injections have some advantage over other anesthetic methods. The solution, injected under the skin, acts faster, and the effect lasts about an hour. In addition, such pain relief is much cheaper than using creams and sprays.

The use of lidocaine as an anesthetic in pregnant women is advisable only when the level of expected benefits is higher than the potential risk. Therefore, it is not recommended to use without special need this drug being in position. Women during lactation should also refuse this form of anesthesia. Lidocaine has the ability to penetrate breast milkalthough its use in small therapeutic doses does not harm the infant.

Failure to follow instructions or improper use of products containing lidocaine may develop serious consequences and side effects:

  • a fall blood pressure;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • weakness, disorientation, loss of consciousness;
  • paralysis and muscle cramps;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • allergy, anaphylactic shock;
  • cessation of breathing and cardiac arrest.

Among the contraindications for the use of lidocaine are allergies, various forms chronic diseases, age under 12 years old, problems with cardiovascular system, pregnancy, neuroses, instability of blood pressure, convulsions.

Before the procedure, carefully read the instructions for any anesthetic and remember that epilation is not as scary as it seems.

In any case, only the first 2-3 procedures are very painful. Further, the skin gets used to it, the pores in which the follicles are located expand and it becomes easier to extract hairs from them. Attitude to the process also matters: do not create unnecessary fears for yourself, relax and carry out hair removal slowly but surely.

Both athletes and ordinary people sometimes there are situations when you can't do without. This can be: muscle and ligament sprains, back problems, bruises, fractures or dislocations. There are a lot of analgesic substances, it is only important to know which remedy to use in a particular situation. The analgesic must be in home first aid kit for first aid.

Anesthetic action

Anesthetic is a mild suspension containing a small dose of an acidic background. The main component of a substance is contained in an ionized state and affects the work nerve endings... Thanks to this composition, positively charged ions have a deeply penetrating effect on nerve fibers. Temporary pain relief or dysfunction occurs.

Because the additional constituent substances are easily dissolved in the emulsion. This, among other things, concerns many antibacterial drugs that are used during the operation. Another advantage of ointments is that they contain oils in their structure that do not allow the anesthetic to be absorbed quickly, and the period of pain relief lasts longer.

To date, up to sixty-eight different anesthetics have been invented. Each substance has a specific effect on a specific organ. The most widely used substances in medicine are lidocaine, morphine and alkaine. Morphine and similar funds are not sold in pharmacies, they are used only in hospitals and they are used strictly as intended. Many ointments that do not pose a threat to the patient's life can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Application area

The scope is huge, here are some examples:

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It is important to understand that any anesthetic drug is used to relieve painful shock and inflammatory process, but he does not eliminate the very cause of pain. Therefore, during the period of anesthesia, you need to get to the hospital or call an ambulance.

What is the basis of anesthetics?

The main broad-spectrum drug is novocaine. However, in recent times it is considered illegal and unsafe. Novocaine is an infiltration anesthetic, therefore it began to be used as an additional component in creams and anesthetic ointments.

The most popular cream in the pharmacy is Bupivacaine. Its fast-acting effect was appreciated back in the nineties of the last century. The advantage of novocaine is that it stays in the blood for up to ten hours. It is very convenient for severe fractures and joint diseases. The pain disappears within 20 minutes after application, none of the anesthetics can act so quickly.

Lidocaine. An injection with this drug is often used in dental clinics. The drug is injected into the gum for pain relief. Sometimes the lidocaine substance is included in ointments for corns and mosquito bites. The duration of the effect is short, about two hours. The disadvantage is that the person continues to feel pain, only a little dull.

Any pain medication, in whatever form it is released, has some adverse reactions and contraindications. To avoid negative reactions, it is important to carry out subcutaneous prophylaxis. If within an hour the negative effect does not occur, then the anesthetic is considered safe in your case.

Allergic manifestations are most often observed:

  • burning
  • redness skin
  • (urticaria, blisters)
  • swelling of the skin, swelling
  • anaphylactic shock (this reaction occurs only if the dosage has been exaggerated)

If pustules form at the site of application or near the ointment, this means that the patient cannot tolerate some of the components of the medicine. In such a situation, the use of the ointment should be stopped immediately to avoid more serious consequences.

Each drug can cause malfunction of the central nervous systemss and cause a problem with reproductive function... You need to consult a doctor in mandatory... It is dangerous to prescribe anesthetics for yourself or your child on your own.

Local pain relievers

This section applies to anesthetic substances that are used only in hospitals or hospitals.

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The first substance is dicain. The drug is toxic and narcotic, if you overdo it with a dosage, it is possible fatal outcome... It is safer to use this anesthetic in a single case, since with repeated administration there is a possibility of developing dependence.

The next drug is pyromecaine. It has a long-term effect and is used for deep anesthesia. The substance is produced in the form of a two percent solution, less toxic.

Anestezin is a very light anesthetic that is used for a superficial analgesic effect. It differs from other substances in that it practically does not dissolve in liquid, is ineffective in carrying out operations, and produces a weak analgesic effect. It is good to use it to relieve pain in ulcer diseases, with deep wounds, to relieve skin inflammation. Available in the form of ointments oil solutions and powders.

Trimecaine is similar in character to lidocaine. Very quickly affects the body, is used during any operational procedures. The anesthetic is distinguished by its antiarrhythmic and membrane stabilizing effect. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and cell membrane. It is widely used in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, myocardial infarction and left ventricular fibrillation.

It is important to use anesthetics with caution, since these substances have narcotic constituents. At the slightest violation of the dosage, it is possible to lead the body to intoxication. Signs of poisoning are:

  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • pallor of the skin and face
  • convulsions
  • vomiting
  • dyspnea
  • breathing disorder

Symptomatic therapy will help get rid of such negative manifestations.

Anesthetic for sprains and osteochondrosis

For serious bruises and sprains, the following pain relievers are used:

  • Lyoton and. The composition of these drugs includes the substance heparin. Heparin restores the structure of capillary vessels, dissolves purulent and blood clots.
  • Viprosal and Vitrapox are anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Extreme ointment is prescribed for resorption of hematoma and elimination pain syndrome... It is better that in the composition of the ointment additional component there was bee honey.
  • For children, Fastum gel and Solcoseryl are produced. The same pain relievers are allowed to be used during the gestation period. Only a doctor can determine the permissible single dose.

Bikini is the most sensitive and delicate area, which epilation without anesthesia terrifies most women, especially when it comes to deep bikini. Cosmetologists offer several options for how to relieve pain during bikini hair removal. At the same time, almost every representative of the fair sex wonders how anesthetic for bikini hair removal is safe for her skin and the body as a whole. Let's try to understand this issue and choose suitable drug for these purposes. Skin anesthetics are sold in pharmacies and online stores. However, it should be remembered that online stores sell, as a rule, unregistered medicinal products under the guise of cooling gels and creams, which poses a significant danger to a woman's health 31. In pharmacies, 3 drugs are now available for skin anesthesia - Acriol Pro, Emla creams and various lidocaine preparations in the form of a spray.

How to anesthetize hair removal in the intimate area

Painkillers when epilating a bikini with an epilator or wax should be effective and safe, so many women think about the question of how to anesthetize when epilating a bikini, and do not buy the first product they come across at the pharmacy. It doesn't matter if you get epilation in the salon, or you get rid of your hair at home, choosing an anesthetic cream for the bikini area, it is better to give preference to a product with the status of a drug than to fight with negative impact unknown anesthetic. It is important to respect the doses and not exceed the permitted areas of application, as this affects the safety of use 26.

Before you go to the pharmacy and buy a spray or anesthetic cream for the bikini area, you need to find out which drugs can be used for these purposes in order to avoid the following factors:

  • an allergic reaction;
  • the development of infections;
  • damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart and central nervous system (CNS).

To protect yourself as much as possible from the negative consequences that can be caused by pain-relieving hair removal gels deep bikini or appropriate creams, the composition must be carefully examined.

Varieties of anesthetic drugs for external use

You can buy an anesthetic for bikini hair removal at the pharmacy. price category, but you must remember that expensive does not mean good. In anesthetic drugs, the main thing is the composition, especially if its use involves interaction with delicate skin deep zone bikini. Also, huge role the release form plays, since a cream containing a water and fat base (emulsion form) penetrates the skin better than gels and sprays.

There are several products that cosmetologists use for epilation, and each of them has its own positive and negative sides... Cosmetologists use injectable anesthetics and local anesthetics for external use. The second option is safer for the patient's central nervous system and does not require special knowledge to apply before epilation. Let's get to know them a little and try to decide how to anesthetize when epilating a bikini?

Acriol Pro - anesthetic cream for the bikini area

They are excellent pain relievers for bikini hair removal with epilator, wax or other methods known today. Acriol Pro new Product on the market for external anesthetics, but it can be confidently called a worthy anesthetic for intimate area... In terms of the release form, this is not an anesthetic ointment for bikini hair removal, but a cream that has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Composition. This bikini pain relieving cream contains only 2 active substances Are lidocaine and prilocaine, which mutually reinforce each other 26, reducing the sensitivity of the treated skin area to pain; they also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties 4, 7.26.
  • Compliance with all production standards medicines 2. This gives a guarantee of the quality of the drug, including the absence of harmful impurities that can affect the allergy of the anesthetic.
  • Price. Compared to other products, this bikini pain relieving cream is competitively priced 5. Buying Acriol Pro, a woman pays exclusively for the drug and its analgesic effect, and not for the brand name.

Lidocaine spray as an anesthetic for hair removal

Lidocaine is one of the most popular ingredients in anesthetics for external use, both in cosmetology and medicine. It relieves the mucous membrane well, but loses in the power of skin pain relief to the combined drugs lidocaine + prilocaine 26. Also, like any anesthetic, it requires special care when using, since an overdose of the drug can lead to the following consequences:

  • metallic taste in the mouth, numbness in the mouth, ringing in the ears;
  • a decrease in the force of heart contractions;
  • drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety, etc.

Pain-relieving deep bikini hair removal gels or lidocaine-based cream will become excellent option for the mucous membrane, but if you plan to remove hair from the entire intimate area, then it is better to give preference to combined anesthetics, since they are better for anesthetizing the skin 26.

Anesthetic cream for the bikini area "EMLA"

This is another option than to anesthetize hair removal in the intimate area. In composition, it is absolutely identical to Acriol Pro cream, but produced by another manufacturer.

Anesthetic cream for intimate hair removal, certified as medicinal product, unambiguously more reliable and safe option for use in cosmetology, and this fact has been proven by numerous studies.

How to relieve pain in bikini hair removal? Cosmetology products

In addition to the above drugs, on the Internet you can also find pain relieving gels for the bikini area, creams or sprays related to unregistered anesthetics or certified cosmetics... As a rule, they contain the same lidocaine, but in combination with one or more components, namely prilocaine, benzocaine or tetracaine.

Manufacturers of cosmetic anesthetics do not adhere to a strict ratio of components and often add preservatives. In addition, these pain relievers often contain dangerous impurities. All this can lead to negative consequences for the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as cause an allergic reaction 31.

Endure painful sensations when epilation is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to the body. But, if you use unknown anesthetics before the procedure, then instead of getting comfort, the situation can be aggravated. In order to minimize side effects drugs, it is better to buy anesthetic for bikini hair removal from trusted manufacturers and give preference to drugs with strict adherence to the composition and availability full instructions by application.

Smooth skin, tender and soft is the dream of many women. To achieve the ideal, it is necessary to remove ugly and coarse hair from the legs, from the bikini area, from the face. Extracting vegetation from the root (as with shugaring) is a preferable option, the result will be long-lasting. And as it grows back, the hair will not turn into stiff stubble.

You can do laser, chemical or electrolysis in the salon. You can use shugaring, wax or an epilator at home. But this procedure is often very painful. Therefore, women are afraid to do it. But pain relief during epilation will reduce the discomfort from the procedure.

Pain relief methods without special means

In order not to sacrifice beauty, you need to use special means. Especially for areas with delicate skin (for example, in the bikini area, armpits). Everyone chooses the most suitable method of pain relief. For example, some people like sprays, others like ointments and creams, for example, "Emla" for hair removal. This will make the procedure more comfortable and painless.

For not very sensitive areas, some ladies do not use pain relievers. Unpleasant sensations, of course, they are present, but they are quite tolerant. There are several ways to reduce soreness and make waxing less uncomfortable:

  • It is often recommended to cool the treated part of the body before the procedure, for example, apply ice. But you should not do this, because under the influence of cold muscles tighten and pores narrow. This makes it harder to remove the hair and the procedure becomes more painful.
  • If used wax strips, then you need to tear them off one sharp movement... If manipulated slowly, it will only exacerbate the suffering. The same applies to shugaring.
  • Before epilation, do not treat the skin with alcohol-containing products, since the skin becomes tougher and denser.
  • During the period menstrual cycle the pain threshold increases, so shugaring and other vegetation removal operations will be more painful.
  • The scrub makes it easier to remove hair, so after the scrubbing procedure, depilation at home will be easier.
  • A warm bath or shower steams well and softens the skin.
  • If you remove hair with sugaring, peel off wax strips, etc. while inhaling, this procedure will cause less pain.
  • A good effect is given by special attachments for epilators. Therefore, in case of pain, it is advisable to use them.

The above methods only slightly reduce pain when shugaring and other methods of hair removal. In some cases, the pain can be unbearable, so it is better to use medications, only they need to be used in accordance with the instructions for use.

Using an anesthetic spray

Actually exists a large number of pain relievers. But, perhaps, the most common because of its affordable price and effectiveness is "Lidocaine". He is familiar to many from visits to the dentist, where he is used as a local anesthetic. For teeth, it is used as an injection. For epilation, the optimal form of release is a spray. You should not get too carried away with anesthesia, but for especially sensitive areas (for example, a bikini) you cannot do without an anesthetic.

Before using the product, you need to steam the skin well. Better yet, take a bath. This not only makes the skin soft, but also relaxes the entire body. Wipe the treated parts of the body dry before applying the spray. Then the product is sprayed onto the area. A thin layer is sufficient for anesthesia. Shugaring paste or wax strips are applied over the anesthetic. On a visit to the dentist, many will remember that the doctor does not start working with the teeth immediately, but some time after the injection. This is due to the fact that the drug takes some time to take effect. When epilation, this condition must be observed. Otherwise, the procedure will be painful. For better accumulation the drug in the tissues can be wrapped in a film. You should always remember that this is a drug, the dosage of which must be strictly observed in order to avoid various unpleasant consequences.

Like any medication, "Lidocaine" has contraindications. Therefore, you need to read the instructions before using it. It can also cause allergic reactions.

It is believed that the Hungarian drug is more effective than the domestic one. Foreign medicines are also preferred in beauty salons. However, at home it is still more a matter of taste and habit.

If there is no spray in the store, you can buy Lidocaine in ampoules. He also has affordable price... Of these, the drug can be poured into bottles or other vials with a spray bottle and used for local anesthesia at home.


  • Allergy and individual intolerance to the drug;
  • Disorders of the excretory organs;
  • Convulsions;
  • Low pressure;
  • Age under 16.

Currently, another anesthetic drug, Prilokain, is becoming more and more popular. It is more effective because it is designed to relieve skin pain, while Lidocaine targets mucous membranes. However, the price is also different.

It must be remembered that sprays are used to remove hair from armpits, arms and legs. For the treatment of the groin, bikini area, face, it is better to use ointments or creams, since they can be applied to a strictly defined area.

Creams and ointments for pain relief

Another very common remedy is Emla ointment. The original drug is produced by the Swedes. It is this cream that is most often used in beauty salons during laser and electrolysis and for pain relief of other procedures. The ointment combines "Lidocaine" and "Prilokain", it "freezes" the skin well. The cream can be simply applied to sensitive areas (in the bikini or underarms), the effect can be enhanced and accelerated with an occlusive dressing.

The consumption of the cream is quite significant. However, if we consider that the treated areas are small, then it is used insignificant amount cream. So, for a deep bikini zone, you will need from 5 to 10 g of ointment. Average consumption: 1-2 g per 1 cm3. The price for quality pain relief will not be sky-high.

On the basis of "Emla" special plasters are produced for hair removal. They are especially effective for combating facial hair, for example, during electrolysis, since they have small size... The simultaneous use of more than 3 plasters is prohibited.

Do not use external pain relievers if the skin is damaged or allergic reactions have occurred. When getting into wounds, the risk of side effects and complications increases.

In addition to external anesthetics, tablets can also be used at home. They are good for sugaring, waxing, or an epilator. However, they have an even larger list of contraindications and possible side effects, so the instructions for use should be carefully studied. Pain relief for any type of depilation is often a necessity and is performed with the help of medications, therefore, requires careful and careful attitude.