The concept of living alone. What documents are needed. Other types of benefits

I read somewhere that from July 1, 2013, the regional standards for the maximum allowable share of citizens' expenses on paying for housing and communal services for pensioners living alone are changing from 22% to 18%. Question: Who is a retired person living alone? In the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region "On approval of the procedure for providing state. social assistance in the Moscow region” dated April 23, 2004 No. 240/15 clearly states:”. Lonely living citizen who is a pensioner - a citizen who receives a pension in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, independently conducts household(regardless of other relatives, including those registered at the place of residence or place of stay of a single citizen who is a pensioner). And how are we in Vladimir region? Is there a clear definition of this concept?

I note at the same time that there is a Post of the Constitutional Court Russian Federation dated 02 02 1998 No. 4-P on registration at the place of residence or stay - such registration or its absence DOES NOT AFFECT THE RIGHTS OF THE CITIZEN, DOES NOT DETRACT THEM AND DOES NOT CREATE NEW RESPONSIBILITIES.

Who is a single pensioner

When determining the right of citizens to measures of social assistance and support, it is considered that single pensioners are elderly citizens (men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55) who have no close relatives. And pensioners living alone are understood to be citizens of the same age living separately from close relatives.

It can be obtained not only in the form of money, but also in food, hygiene products, clothing and other essentials. Pensioners undergo a medical examination every three years (from 60 to 99 years old), with the exception of disabled veterans of the Second World War, persons awarded the sign “Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad” and recognized as disabled due to a general illness, labor injury and other reasons.

Are lonely pensioners lonely? If there are more than one

But at the same time, we emphasize once again: in the discussion that unfolded, some experts defended the position that not only a pensioner living completely alone, but also retired spouses living together in a separate house have the right to exemption from land tax. The benefit to them, according to this part of the experts, should be provided, even if they have adult children living (registered) at addresses separate from their parents, regardless of the number and well-being of children. Supporters of this approach are based on the fact that tax relations are regulated by tax legislation. If the provisions of any act - in our case, for example, on social assistance and protection - do not comply with tax legislation, these provisions are not applicable in tax relations.

In local governments several times sounded - and very alerted - interpretations that have absolutely nothing to do with the definitions of a single pensioner from both tax and social legislation. "Lonely - if there is no one relatives, there is no one to leave an inheritance." “This is if a person is helped, and then his property goes to the state.” The emergence of such considerations, in our opinion, also requires a more detailed explanation of the status and rights of persons who are granted benefits. No restrictions property rights the law does not impose on a "lonely pensioner". A person with this status, like any citizen, has the right to dispose of his property at his own discretion - to bequeath it to an individual or organizations, donate, sell... It is unacceptable if the decision on registration of rights to benefits at the level of public perceptions is linked to any illegal restrictions or requirements. A more detailed study of the status of a single pensioner in the legislation would prevent such a possibility.

Who are lonely pensioners

To apply online, just fill out small shape, where you should indicate the situation that has arisen, ask a question and leave contact information. Even inexperienced user will be able to apply to the experts. We guarantee maximum attention and disinterestedness in relation to everyone who turns to us for help and support.

Good afternoon! The question is this: A pensioner who has no direct relatives, he has two people of working age registered who are not his relatives and live separately from him, one of them is unemployed, and the second receives a living wage, they are registered on his living space. Is such a pensioner living alone? And can, on the basis of the fact that he has 2 people registered, deprive him of his status and social benefits, respectively.

Subsidies for pensioners to pay utility bills

In the case of a positive decision (and poor pensioners who regularly pay rent almost always receive state assistance in such matters), the pensioner will receive a cash accrual to a savings book or bank card. This amount will allow him to reduce the amount of payments.

You need to know that the subsidy for public Utilities It is provided only to those pensioners who have no rent arrears for the last six months. Otherwise, it is very unlikely to count on assistance from the state. But if a pensioner concludes an agreement, pledging to quickly pay off his debt, the state can meet him halfway.

Benefits for single pensioners: what is due in 2018

Once a year, this type of citizen has the opportunity to go for treatment in a sanatorium with payment for travel and all rest. Only for this you need to provide medical certificate, which describes in detail the state of health of the pensioner. In addition, they receive subsidies. If the manufacture of dentures and their repair is required, then the state also helps in this.

All of the above benefits can be supplemented by other social assistance. For example, they may issue necessary items people who are in difficult situation. Social institutions provide a range of services, including sanitary. These include cleaning the home, as well as performing patronage for all single people. Only disabled citizens retirement age can count on such assistance.

Lone pensioners in Estonia will receive an allowance once a year

The allowance for 2017 will be 115 euros. According to the government-initiated amendments to the Social Welfare Act and the State Pension Insurance Act, the benefit will be received by people who have reached retirement age, who lived alone for six months before the benefit was paid, and whose pension is less than 470 euros.

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Options for benefits and payments to single pensioners

A pensioner who draws up benefits for housing and communal services can pay half the cost for water, electricity, gas. Also paid 50% of the cost of cable TV. For services telephone communication citizen does not pay. When planned money is collected for the overhaul of a house, a single pensioner is exempted from surrendering funds. This issue is also specified regionally.

A lonely pensioner is a person who does not have relatives who can take care of him, or his relatives live on the other side of the city or region. Not everyone can pay for a flight to remote parts of Russia. But the government takes care of unprotected category people by providing benefits for flights from one city to another.

Who is deprived of benefits for single pensioners and what can be done in such cases

115 euros per year - maybe not a great amount. But Vasily Nikolaevich was really looking forward to this money. However, he did not receive either the fifth or the sixth of October, when all payments were to be made. I went to investigate, and it turned out that he, it turns out, was not the only one registered in the apartment. And, in the understanding of officials, he also lives not alone. Therefore, he does not have the right to allowance for a single pensioner.

“Unfortunately, on this moment No suitable solution, said an adviser to the Compensation Department of the Department social insurance Merle Sumil-Laanemaa. - IN similar cases A lot depends on the owner of the apartment. It is he who can start the process of registration or discharge of a person from his territory.”
She added that they have already received questions about what to do if the owner of the rented property does not agree to register a pensioner in the apartment he rents. And because of this, a person cannot receive an allowance for a single pensioner.
“We are planning to amend the law in the future to make registration easier,” a spokeswoman for the Social Insurance Department promised.

How can a pensioner get the status of a low-income

Obtaining the status of a low-income pensioner means acquiring the right to social assistance provided by the state in the form of subsidies, benefits, various additional payments, etc. To acquire such a status, an elderly citizen must contact the social security authorities at the place of registration with all documents and write an application in the form. After the papers are accepted, a decision will be made on the appointment of social assistance or on the refusal of it, indicating the reason.

In order for a pensioner to receive additional benefits and benefits, he needs to acquire the status of a poor citizen. This status can only be confirmed if certain conditions are met and complete package documents to the social security authorities at the place of official residence.

Subsidies for lonely pensioners do not differ significantly from other options for state support. To obtain them, specific conditions are required to consider a citizen lonely and needy. At the same time, concessions affect several areas of a pensioner's life at once and are applied as necessary for the implementation of such assistance. The status of a pensioner living alone and benefits for him are regulated by legislation adopted at the federal and regional levels, which increases the guarantee of their provision.


Subsidies to single living pensioners are provided in the manner provided for in the implementation of social state support measures. But who counts as a single pensioner? For this category of citizens, separate conditions are provided for applying for material assistance.

The first condition is obtaining the status of a pensioner and registration of pension provision. There are three payment options available:

  • insurance, provided for those who have reached age limit And minimum seniority labor;
  • social, established for persons who have not received the right to an insurance pension;
  • state, assigned to individual citizens (military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, civil servants, and so on).

The right to such accruals arises simultaneously with the assignment of the status of a pensioner and the issuance of a certificate.

Assistance to single pensioners will be provided if there is a match additional requirements. For this category of persons, these include the following:

  1. Required to receive benefits. It is provided exclusively by federal law.
  2. A citizen is a loner, that is, he must live alone or with disabled family members.
  3. The person is not married, which also suggests loneliness.
  4. Mandatory self-management and without the help of other people, in particular family members.

For persons meeting the above requirements, not only subsidies and subsidies, but also various tax, social and compensations can be provided in full.

Support options

What benefits will single pensioners be entitled to under the stipulated conditions? Subsidies are provided in several areas. Under preferential treatment will hit like social Security and the area of ​​taxation.

The first group includes standard benefits for single pensioners. The following assistance options will be available:

  1. Reimbursement of utility costs. This option is valid only if the person has the status of a veteran, which provides for the presence of orders and the receipt of a special rank from the state. Or its costs exceed statutory limits. Also, if a pensioner has reached the age of seventy, then he can receive a fifty percent discount when paying overhaul, and one hundred percent reduction in all payments upon reaching the age of eighty. It concerns the benefit of electricity, heating, gas, garbage collection, overhaul and other utilities.
  2. Assistance in purchasing medicines. This option will mean that upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor and a medical card, you can get a discount on medicines from fifty to one hundred percent of the payment amount. This also includes treatment in resort conditions with the provision of medical services.
  3. Address help. It involves the implementation of gasification of specific homes of needy citizens.
  4. . Non-working pensioner receives such assistance only on a first-come, first-served basis.
  5. Benefits for travel in public transport. Not only are there discounts, but complete release from payment. You can apply for benefits without taking into account the address of residence.
  6. Includes free installation and use. This subsidy is also implemented on a first-come, first-served basis upon application.

In some areas, other options for benefits for single pensioners may be established. In the Moscow region in 2019, for example, they offer additional compensation from Mosenergo.

Most socially significant payments provide for the regular nature of the provision. Most often, additional payments to pensions are paid monthly. The amount of such benefits is usually not more than the indicator living wage, and indexation - 4.1%. You can receive at the same time free services doctors, telephone companies, prosthetics clinics, and the like.

The second group concerns the payment of taxes. It also includes several options for one-time concessions:

  1. Abolition of personal income tax. Provided for a pensioner recognized as unemployed. This type tax is not withheld from allowances, allowances and other accruals. If the person continues to work, then personal income tax is calculated on a general basis.
  2. Property tax relief. It is supposed to abolish the obligation when it comes to an apartment, house or other real estate. However, the rule only applies to one object. When there are several of them, the property suitable for release is determined by the owner himself.

Also on general rules allowed to issue tax deduction if a citizen of retirement age is purchasing a new home.

How to receive

Benefits for single pensioners in 2019 are issued in accordance with the general rules of federal law. A separate type of assistance will relate to a specific authority. If a social benefit is implemented, then the necessary structure is social protection, if tax breaks, then the Federal Tax Service, and pension supplements are provided Pension Fund. It is necessary to determine the structure according to the address of residence.

It happens that old man when you retire, you are left alone with all life's difficulties. At the same time, he can only rely on himself and on regular state benefits. Upon completion of labor activity, a person still bears obligations - pays taxes,. He also travels by transport, goes to medical institutions. Sometimes, due to lack of livelihood, seeks additional source income or continues to work at the same place of work, regardless of age. However, the acquisition of a pension status brings some privileges to a citizen. What benefits can retirees living alone expect?

Preferences for single pensioners

The fact that a person belongs to social group citizens receiving state security due to pension legislation, gives the right to enjoy benefits in many areas. There are slightly more privileges for single seniors.

A person classified as a "lonely retired person":

  • receives benefits according to pension legislation RF;
  • lives alone or with disabled family members;
  • manages the household independently;
  • not married;

State concessions for such citizens are to provide:

  • benefits;
  • subsidies;
  • compensation.


Article 23 of the Tax Code imposes tax obligations on all Russians. The pension status of the taxpayer gives him advantages.

  1. Personal income tax - income tax 13%. not held with pension benefits, other social . From the salary of a pensioner who continues to work, it is deducted on a general basis.
  2. Contributions for real estate ownership are charged at a discount. 1 object of each type (house, apartment, garage) is completely vacated. When there is a second similar object, first apply standard deduction(by area), then taxation will be carried out. Previously paid contributions - property and personal income tax - are refundable if the elderly person purchases a new one. The deduction will be 13% of the cost of housing. The land tax is regulated by the municipalities. federal benefits no (TC article 395, paragraph 7). Statistics show that for land, local IFTS charge taxes at minimum rates, provide discounts of 50 - 100%. Vehicles are subject to taxation (TC chapter 28). A 100% exemption applies to specialized vehicles for the disabled. The subjects of the Russian Federation, which have been granted powers, reduce taxes at the expense of minimum rates. Machines with a capacity of 100-150 Horse power are not subject to duties at all (depending on the region).

Housing and utilities

The housing and communal services sector is the most costly for the budget of a single person. Payments have to be made monthly, and a significant part of the pension is allocated for this.

Privileges can be exercised if the pensioner:

  • has a preferential status (participant of the Great Patriotic War, veteran, disabled person);
  • has titles and awards approved by law;
  • spends more money on receipts than federal or state law allows.

When an elderly person has a certificate of a beneficiary, in addition to pension status, the social protection authorities compensate for the difference between the actual and preferential accrual payments (from 50 to 100%). The income of the payer in such a situation is not taken into account.

The percentage of total expenses for housing and communal services and the income of the applicant is important when establishing possible benefits if the person gets pension provision due to old age. Largest part family budget, which a citizen can allocate for payments - 22%. This is the standard according to the Government Decree (No. 54). Regional coefficients are much lower in many cities (Moscow - 10%, St. Petersburg - 14%).

The amount of the allowance is not taken into account when establishing the privileges for major repairs.
It matters here:

To a lonely pensioner who graduated labor activity, according to article 169 of the LCD compensate:

  • 50% monthly payments for overhaul, if he is older;
  • 100% of the funds paid to the 80-year-old payer.

The fulfillment of the stipulated obligations of social support occurs in two ways:

  • compensation;
  • subsidizing.

Compensation is paid after the payer pays off the bills (Article 160 of the LC). First, the pensioner must find funds to pay, then part of the amount will be returned to him.
Subsidies are assigned before payments are made (Article 159 of the LC). This is a targeted payment intended only for the repayment of newly incoming bills.

Compensation for pensioners living alone is also provided if the applicant has left his place of work.

Other types of benefits

Elderly people are more likely to seek medical help than others. The health sector also prepared concessions for recipients state support:

  • prescription medications with a 50-100% discount (for registered beneficiaries);
  • wellness spa treatment(if there are indications);
  • free prosthetics (on a first-come, first-served basis);
  • vaccination;
  • clinical examination.

A lonely pensioner in need of help can, through an authorized service, invite a social worker who will provide him with support at home.

The person's place of residence is significant. Since it is the resolutions of municipalities, subjects of the Russian Federation that determine fringe benefits for single pensioners.

The authorities of some regions compensate for the expenses (partially or completely) of their residents on:

  • travel by public transport;
  • installation and use of a home telephone, radio point;
  • gasification of houses;
  • garbage removal.

Moscow cares not only about financial well-being citizens, but also organizes their leisure. To brighten up the loneliness of people old age, organizes free events:

  • health;
  • intellectual;
  • sports;
  • entertaining.

Retired Muscovites who live alone are paid supplements to their pensions, and 50 percent discounts are provided for water supply, electricity, and television.

Implementation of privileges

Benefits in terms of taxation are materialized through the IFTS. It is enough to inform the employees of the executive body about the presence of a pension status, to confirm the information with documents. The staff will give you an application form to fill out.

Other issues are decided by the social service. Preferences regarding housing and communal services, transport costs, a set of social services, subsidies are assigned to the powers of this body.

Some privileges for pensioners can be provided by medical institutions on their own, bypassing the instance of social protection of the population.

Majority Benefit Russian pensioners slightly above the living wage. Indexation planned for 2019 will be from 3.7 to 4.1%. Whereas tariffs and prices are growing much faster. It's good when relatives can help. If a pensioner is single, then any savings are important. State assistance in the form of discounts, concessions, subsidies will help to save part of Money so it's worth using it.

Lonely pensioners are more in dire need of state support, in this regard, our expert Ivan Lukin deeply understood the problem, read the results below. So, what kind of support measures can lonely pensioners count on.

Lonely pensioner: who is this?

In order for a certain category of citizens to be able to classify themselves as a certain category of unprotected subjects, they must understand whether they meet the established criteria or not. So it is with a single pensioner. You need to understand who it is.

While each person may have their own vision of loneliness, there is a well-established definition of a lonely retiree that must be reckoned with.

The lone pensioner is a citizen who has reached retirement age and retired on legal grounds who does not have relatives who provide him with material and physical assistance.

In addition, the subject who has a relative, but he is not an able-bodied member of society, can also be recognized as lonely. For example, if a pensioner has a disabled son, then she can also receive the status of a single pensioner.

In other words: the pensioner must manage his household on his own.

reference Information: a single pensioner can only receive this status if he does not have any registered marital relations with another subject. And this, perhaps, is one of the main problematic issues in this industry. It is not so rare that situations arise when people do not actually live, and their marriage is registered. So, in this case, it will not work to get the status of a single pensioner.

If a person meets this definition, then the current legislation provides him with the opportunity to use a number of privileges.

What can a single pensioner who does not have close relatives expect:

  • For material support, which will be realized through the provision of cash payments;
  • Benefits that can be expressed in the provision free travel, free rehabilitation, discounts on utility bills, etc.;
  • Social service support.

At the same time, the range of benefits provided in each individual region may differ, since the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to independently establish such support and assistance measures. Besides, important role in establishing discounts and benefits, has the presence of titles, awards, achievements, etc.

Therefore, in order to determine exactly what benefits are due to a single person, it is best to contact the social protection service of your locality.

What benefits can single pensioners count on?

Again, please note that the list of benefits presented below is not universal. Further, only a list of possible benefits will be disclosed, within which a pensioner can count on assistance. But what is the size of the benefit, it is necessary to specify.

Possible benefits for a single pensioner:

  1. Benefits for payment of housing and communal services. There are options here. The benefit can be provided as part of the issued subsidy for housing and communal services at the expense of small size income, or within the framework of those privileges that a particular pensioner has. For example, in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, pensioners who have reached the age of 80 can receive a 100% discount;
  2. Free travel in public transport. This measure is valid in almost every region. The list may differ. public transport to which the exemption applies. For example, not in all cities pensioners can travel for free in the subway;
  3. Benefits for medical service. In the field of medicine, single pensioners may also be granted certain privileges in the form of free provision of medical procedures;
  4. Receiving targeted financial assistance.

This is perhaps the most popular list of those benefits that pensioners can use. Although in addition to these measures of state assistance, there are social measures support for these people. And then we'll talk about them.

Social support for single pensioners

It is clear that the main problem lonely pensioners is the inability to fully care for themselves. And if in the case of the presence of relatives such support can be provided by relatives, then in this option there is no one to provide assistance.

That is why any single pensioner has every right to contact the social protection center of his district and ask for help from social workers.

In 2019, the list of social support measures for single pensioners includes the following measures:

  1. Home care for a person who has lost physical ability self-care;
  2. Cooking by a social worker;
  3. Acquisition by a social worker of all necessary goods for normal life support;
  4. Accompanying a person to organizations that he needs to visit in without fail. Such organizations include polyclinics, hospitals, laboratories, government agencies, etc.

In order for all these functions to be performed, a specially trained social worker is assigned to a pensioner who does not have close relatives. He must fulfill the tasks assigned to him. Visits for single pensioners are held at least several times a week.

Another thing is that wage for such workers is not high, so there are not many people who want to get vacancies. Because of this, there is a large number of lonely people per social worker, despite established norms. Therefore, not every social worker has the opportunity to pay due attention to people in need.

Benefits for single pensioners in Moscow and the region

The capital has the most funding, including in the social sector. Therefore, the sector of social protection of single citizens should be one of the best in Moscow. Although not a fact. A large number of single people, a large number of other highly paid vacancies, leads to the fact that it is not always possible to receive proper social assistance in terms of care and support. social workers lacks. Although other benefits are denied in full.

What can a single retiree expect? in the capital:

  • Discount on the purchase of medicines;
  • Receipt medical care in medical institutions out of turn;
  • Free pass;
  • Receipt of monetary compensation for the use of urban communication services;
  • Free prosthetics.

The list, as you can see, is not long. But even this can somehow help a lonely person.

tax incentives

In addition to the fact that a single pensioner can receive social support from the state, he can also receive some benefits to pay his tax obligations. At the same time, all tax rebates are provided not only to single citizens, but also to all pensioners.

What taxes is a single pensioner exempt from:

  1. From paying income tax. This applies exclusively to the pension, which is the only source of income;
  2. From paying property taxes. All pensioners, without exception, have the opportunity to annually not pay tax on one of the real estate objects;
  3. Discounts on transport tax. The amount of the discount in different regions different.

Thus, it cannot be unequivocally said that state support measures for single pensioners in 2019 comprehensively protect and help this category of citizens. But, despite the shortcomings, the main thing is that the help that is written on paper should be implemented in reality. Otherwise, single pensioners are left alone with their problem.

Benefits for single pensioners are provided for by the law of the Russian Federation. In 2019, there is a whole list of benefits that single and lonely elderly citizens can use. It is important to understand who can be considered single pensioners and what privileges they have.

Such concepts as a lonely and lonely living pensioner are not fixed by law. They are considered people who have reached old age, who do not have relatives. According to the law, men who have reached the age of 60 are called elderly people, and women after they reach 55 years of age.

In fact, these are citizens who have nowhere to wait for help, who do not have adult children and relatives who could support them financially. Or having relatives of retirement age, as well as disabled relatives with 1 or 2 disability groups.

The right to receive benefits has the citizen living alone and his family, which, in accordance with Article 6 federal law dated 10.24.1997 No. 134-FZ On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation refers to. This category of persons has the right to receive social support from the state.

Pensioners can take advantage of benefits if they comply with next condition. The income per family member does not exceed the subsistence minimum, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is established regionally. The calculation is carried out according to FZ N 44-FZ of 04/05/2003

The Government of the Russian Federation has established a list of incomes that are taken into account when calculating per capita income, it can be found at Decree of the Government of August 20, 2003 N 512."On the list of types of income taken into account when calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone to provide them with state social assistance." Income includes:

  • All payments of a labor nature, including salary, average earnings in the cases provided for;
  • Compensation payments issued during the performance of public duties, public work;
  • severance pay;
  • Income received from the use of family property, as well as from the sale of products from their own farm;
  • Social payments to persons of retirement age;
  • Other types of income available to a single pensioner.

Reasons why per capita incomes are low should be valid. If there are citizens of working age in the beneficiary's family who do not work under disrespectful reasons, it is impossible to attribute this family to the poor. It should be understood that it is necessary to consider a pensioner lonely - the absence of relatives, family members who live with this citizen, conduct a common joint household.

Benefits for single pensioners provided by law are provided if they live on labor pensions but have low income status. Social assistance from the state can be obtained by contacting social protection at the place of residence with a statement.

What benefits are provided

Benefits for single pensioners governmental support which is carried out with the following objectives:

  • Maintain a decent standard of living for single non-working pensioners;
  • Target use of budget funds;
  • Targeting assistance to those in need;
  • Security social conditions life, availability of necessary services;
  • Increasing the income level of a person of retirement age;
  • Reducing the degree of social inequality among citizens of the Russian Federation.

The state provides assistance in various fields. Social benefits in 2019 they include a discount on utilities, on payment for residential premises, in a number of regions there are benefits for travel on all types of passenger transport.

In some regions, low-income citizens of retirement age can receive compensation in the amount of a part of the amount paid for housing and communal services, and the overhaul fee is compensated. If a single person has the status of a hero of the USSR or Russia, then the overhaul payment is completely at the expense of the state. Citizens who have reached the age of 80 receive similar compensation.

Tax incentives are that older people are exempted from the obligation to pay property tax. To exercise this right, a citizen must apply to tax office at the place of residence. Moreover, for the time in retirement when a person paid tax, he is required to recalculate and reimburse the overpaid amount.

Such pensioners are also exempt from paying income tax, tax on real estate, state fees when applying to the court, is reflected given status and on transport tax. This fee also does not have to be paid. Senior citizens are entitled to monetary compensation for sanatorium treatment and medical care.

Benefits for single pensioners are established by local authorities. Specific data should be obtained from the social security authorities at the place of residence. There are other benefits that are approved by individual regions for elderly people living in their territory.

The law provides for the possibility for pensioners who solely own housing to receive income and maintenance. Through a monthly life allowance set out in an annuity agreement, older people can use the services of another person in care in exchange for a living space that will go to the caregiver after death.

How to draw up documents correctly

Social card of a pensioner, available to residents of Moscow, also provides a number of advantages. From it, citizens can pay utility bills without a commission, have discounts on the purchase of goods and services, and a pension can be transferred to it. The convenience lies in the fact that the maintenance of this card is free, there are many ATMs and branches where you can withdraw cash.

Documents can be issued at the multifunctional center, local governments. The decision whether a person belongs to the category of low-income citizens, whether benefits and payments are due to a pensioner, and in what form they will be received, is made within 30 days from the date of application.