Redemption of the bride in the winter on the street. Scenario for the ransom of the bride in a private house. Modern and original script for the ransom of the bride in winter

The modern bride price is different in that leading role they play comic tests for the groom, during the passage of which he shows his ingenuity and proves that he is worthy of becoming the husband of his beloved. In order for the event to be fun and relaxed, its organizers need to pick up suitable style, script, choose props, decoration, own outfits and organize interesting contests for the hero of the occasion.

The role of rituals at the wedding

Every nation has a marriage, but since ancient times it has been one of major events in human life in any culture. For this reason, the wedding has always been surrounded by many signs and superstitions, from which traditions were then formed. They were observed in order to bring happiness, luck and prosperity to the life of the newlyweds.

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Each marriage took place according to the same scenario, since it consisted of established customs. For modern newlyweds, pre-wedding preparation takes a lot of time and effort, because you have to think through every stage of the wedding, and our ancestors had no such problems - everything was already predetermined.

Hundreds and even thousands of years have passed since then, so most of the traditions have been forgotten, as they have lost their relevance. Some of them have changed, others have remained the same, but still there are customs that are still observed. Even exchanging wedding rings and transferring already lawful wife across the threshold of the house in your arms - these are wedding traditions.

The old foundations are being replaced by modern ones, which are no longer based on the beliefs of the people, but on personal preferences and fashion. In any case, both old and new traditions form the basis of the event, and all other stages are only superimposed on the frame and complement the scenario.

The essence of tradition

In ancient times, it was not customary to give away the bride just like that, because for her family she was an au pair, she contributed to the production of food. When the girl left why at home into the groom's family, then her parents lost a pair of working hands, because of which they suffered quite tangible material losses.

To compensate for them, the groom negotiated with the head of the family about the amount of the ransom. It could be money, cattle, products and tools useful in the household. During the matchmaking, the girl had to show herself with the most better side- cook something, politely treat the guests, then clear the table. All this, coupled with the beauty of the bride, increased the size of the ransom.

Now the old order is no longer relevant, the event is held in a completely different way. The groom no longer pays the parents of his beloved, but must pass the tests prepared by her friends and relatives. All competitions are aimed at testing ingenuity or memory, so it turns out an interesting and vivid spectacle.

How is it going now

In most cases, before the wedding, brides make up in the modern style “Marrying is not easy!”. The celebration goes like this: the groom drives up to the house of his beloved, where he is met by her friends and relatives. They charge a fee for the opportunity to enter the entrance or the gate if the bride lives in a private house. After that, competitions are held on each floor of the entrance or in several places of the courtyard, for the victory in which the groom goes further, and for failure he pays a ransom.

The modern ransom of the bride assumes that all tasks, entourage, costumes of the organizers and other details of the event are selected in the same style.

Expert advice! Thematic Scenario looks much more attractive and is not considered banal, so if possible, it is better to choose this option.

For redemption, you can come up with any style. The most common, for example, are considered, and the military. For a funny modern bride price scenario, it's best to choose a theme that will fit with the interests of the groom, for example, if he is a fisherman, football fan or a gamer, then you can come up with contests in this spirit. You can also use the circumstances of the acquaintance of future newlyweds: if they first met on an airplane, a hairdresser or in a store, then the script can be chosen in the spirit of an airline, a beauty salon or a flower shop, respectively.

After choosing a particular style, you need to think about outfits. The organizers of the ransom can remain in the usual wedding suits and dresses, wearing only badges or signs with his stage role.

However, the pageants will look even more fun if the bridesmaids and relatives of the bride choose the appropriate costumes. You can sew them yourself, make them from improvised materials, or rent them from a theater group.

You also need to take care of the surrounding space. Posters and balloons are considered universal details for decorating the bride's house. You can also use real or artificial flowers, paper garlands, lanterns and pompoms. A sign with the name of the institution is hung over the entrance to the entrance or house, for example, a beauty salon, a store, a military commission, etc.

Contest Options

The classic start of many modern ransoms- this is proof that the groom came to the address. To do this, he is offered not only to name the name of his bride, but to depict it with banknotes on a tray. This is a kind of payment for the beginning of the ransom, that is, after that, tests will begin directly, which can be passed without money, armed only with your ingenuity.

The next step of the bridesmaids is to offer her lover to feel like a prince from a fairy tale about Cinderella. Sheets with circled feet are laid out on the ground or on the platform in the entrance different girls, if desired, you can add more contours male legs for comedy. The groom will have to guess which print belongs to his beloved, and you can accompany this competition with the phrase "Guess which leg you have to kiss for the rest of your life."

At the next stage, children's photographs of several girls, including his bride, hang in front of the young man. The groom is invited to guess his betrothed, for this it is advisable to use at least 20 different pictures. In some cases, this competition is held for the witness, because he is supposed to know the bride of his best friend only slightly worse than the hero of the occasion himself.

When the photos are left behind, a dartboard appears in front of the groom, in which the usual fields are replaced by the following phrases:

  • boredom;
  • the demon beguiled;
  • bet;
  • I want my father-in-law's car;
  • mother-in-law likes it;
  • nowhere to live;
  • parents forced;
  • friends laugh;
  • for love (in the center).

The young man is given one dart and is invited to show real reason which he decided to marry. In some cases, the groom is given several attempts: the first two to shoot, the third to show what he said to his friends, the fourth - what he said to his parents, the fifth - what he said to the bride, and the sixth - how things really are. If the groom does not hit the bull's-eye with the last shot, then he pays a fine.

Advice! The target can be purchased at a wedding prop store or you can make your own from ordinary cardboard and foam.

After checking accuracy, the groom is offered to demonstrate his ingenuity and readiness for family life. For the competition, sheets are prepared with written abbreviations indicating the duties of the husband in married life. They are either glued to each step of the stairs, or laid out on his way to a private house as footprints. Abbreviations can be as follows:

  • MP - wash dishes;
  • HRV - meet from work;
  • MZ - earn a lot;
  • ПШ - buy fur coats;
  • VZ - carry to rest;
  • DC - give flowers;
  • NZPG - do not forget about the anniversary.

The groom can come up with other decoding of abbreviations, the main thing is that the answer fits the realities of married life. If the organizers of the ransom still do not like him, then the young man pays a fine.

Following the ingenuity, the groom's memory is checked.
Since men rarely pay attention to seemingly insignificant things, a young man can be caught in his inattention to his wife. In the hands of the presenters it turns out, on each of which a number is written, and the groom needs to guess what it means. You can choose from the following options:

  • the number of kilometers from the bride's house to the registry office;
  • heel length on wedding shoes brides;
  • waist circumference of the bride;
  • mother-in-law's age;
  • the number of pets of the bride;
  • the number of cars that the father-in-law had.

When the groom is very close to the bride, you can arrange a competition "Footprints". To do this, footprints are cut out of white paper, which are pasted on the steps, walls and railings with a large distance. The task of the groom is to follow exactly these footprints without stepping on the surrounding space. To do this, he needs to guess to ask his friends to carry it, applying it to the prints.

You can put a basin in front of the bride’s door, and attach the inscription “Put here the most valuable gift for the bride." At first the groom will put there wedding rings, flowers, money, telephone and other things, but in the end he must guess that he himself needs to stand in the basin.

You can continue if you wish. modern competitions for the ransom of the bride on the condition that friends must carry the hero of the occasion to his beloved in this basin.

The main idea of ​​all youth cool scenarios bride price modern style- this is fun and ease, so you should focus not on the monetary component of the event, but on competitions and entourage. Modern assignments differ only in that they are presented under the same topic, and the hosts skillfully accompany them with their comments. If you approach the matter with soul and imagination, then the ransom will turn out to be stylish and bright.

The ransom of the bride is entertainment, as a rule, only for the main character - the groom. The rest condescendingly endure and smile at what is happening. This is easy to fix by selecting original script, which will require active action from all those present. Great option- fabulous tests.

The ball will show the way

Fairy tales often offer the hero a guide - magic ball. Mark a certain part of the path with the stretched yarn and tell the groom to follow exactly the thread. What will be the surprise of a man when the ball suddenly wraps up on a tree or a wall of a house.

The lover must guess to ask the help of friends to lift him up. Then he will be able to go through the entire proposed route.

Redeeming the Snow Queen

One of the girlfriends dresses up as the Snow Queen and says that she enchanted and froze the bride. She will not agree to give away a beautiful statue just like that, but only if she is presented with a worthy replacement.

The groom's friends must build a snowman girl to decorate the halls of the castle instead of the beautiful bride.

On a silver platter

In the best fairy-tale traditions, the main character should be delivered to his beloved on a silver platter, i.e. actually in the pelvis. First, a group of friends decorate a basin with gold tinsel and figure out how to attach a rope to it to turn the basin into a sled. And then he rolls the groom in this design to the bride's house. If there are many comrades, complicate the task by inviting them to also bring the hero to the door of his beloved.

Don't arrange winter ransom brides indoors, because nature itself at this time of the year suggests interesting ideas pastime! The main thing is that the contests do not take too long and the participants do not freeze.

A wedding is one of important days in the lives of both the groom and the bride. Therefore, every person wants his wedding to take place on the highest level. However, to achieve this without pre-training impossible. It is necessary to organize the celebration itself, a banquet, a photo session and many other moments that require time and money.

At the same time, do not forget about the ransom of the bride, as this process is one of the most important and most traditional in the entire event. Naturally, it is necessary to pay attention to where exactly the ransom is made, since its scenario may depend on this.

Do not try to do something banal on hastily: it is necessary either to prepare properly, or to abandon this idea altogether if it is not interesting to either the groom or the bride.

If you still want to hold this event, then this article will suit you, as it will describe the ransom in a private house, as well as possible scenarios. Why exactly a private house? You can find quite a lot of information about ordinary apartments on the Internet, and you can come up with many options on your own, but a private house is a reference to ancient traditions when the bride was bought in villages.

Foreclosure in a private house is an event that can be played in a very interesting and bright way, and with the help of this article you can achieve an incredible result.

Bride ransom, what is it?

Before considering a ransom in a private house, it is necessary to tell what this event is in principle. The fact is that many people have not often encountered weddings in their lives, so they may not have a fairly clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is happening there.

So, if you don’t know what bride price is, then don’t worry, because there is nothing complicated about it. The essence is very simple: the groom arrives at the bride's home before marriage, but there the bride's witness and her girlfriends are waiting for him, who prepare various contests and tests that the groom must pass in order to get his bride.

But why in this case ransom? The point is that if he fails a test, answers a question incorrectly, or is unable to overcome a certain obstacle, he will have to pay a ransom to move forward. It can be both money and various pleasant things, such as sweets, flowers, and so on. Only after fulfilling all the conditions, the groom can get to the bride and take her as his wife. But what are the features of a ransom in a private house?

Foreclosure in a private house

Frankly speaking, the ransom of the bride in a private house is not much different in essence from what happens in any other place. However, this does not mean that you should not turn on the fantasy and conduct everything at a basic level, just like millions of other people.

You should use the presence of a private house as an excuse to add some traditional themes. This can manifest itself in the costumes that the bridesmaids will choose to buy, in the nature of the tasks, in how exactly they will communicate with the groom (you can always use folk ditties, old country dialect and other tricks to make the process more varied and interesting). But, of course, the essence should not differ much from the classical idea of ​​a ransom.

You shouldn't do a large number of tasks, as this will tire both participants and spectators, also you should not make the tasks too complicated, because if the groom just has to pay the witness a ransom at every step, then there will be no interest in the process.

Also, do not forget that the groom has a witness, whom you can also include in tasks so that fun pastime does not turn into a routine for the groom. In general, there should be few tasks, they should be simple, varied and involve not only the groom. It is on this that you should build a buyout scenario in a private house.

Where does it all begin?

So, the main advantage of a private house is the fact that it has only one entrance, and you can get to it only through one gate or entrance. Therefore, you first need to decorate the courtyard of the house thematically.

To do this, you can use both standard decorations, such as balls and ribbons, and more appropriate options, such as images of the bride and groom. You can diversify what is happening by playing traditional instruments such as button accordion or balalaika.

It all starts at the gate, where the groom and the witness are met by the witness and bridesmaids. They block the entrance to the courtyard, not letting the men in until they agree to pass all the tests that have been invented for them.

Only when they agree, the witness and girlfriends part and let the groom and the witness into the yard, from where it is already possible to start testing without waiting for the entrance to the house. This is another benefit of holding a foreclosure in a private home. The scenario of the ransom of the bride in a private house from this only becomes even more diverse.

Answers on questions

The most important element of the ransom in any conditions are questions to the groom regarding his bride. You can ask them just like that, or you can make everything more interesting, for example, by drawing footprints on the garden path that the groom needs to follow.

If he answers the question correctly, he can move one step closer, but if he makes a mistake, he is forced to take a step back. In order not to delay the process, you can offer an alternative and pay a part of the ransom for each incorrect answer so that you do not receive a fine, but only move forward.

A modern bride price in a private house may include additional special effects, such as light music or something similar, but attention will still be riveted on the main action.

What questions to ask? Here, the bridesmaids and her witness should already show their imagination. Naturally, you also need to find a balance here so that the questions are not too complicated, but at the same time they do not seem banal. You can ask the color of the bride's eyes, the date of acquaintance, the size of shoes or rings, his last gift for her (or vice versa), favorite dish, first or last date and so on.

There are many options, so you need to carefully approach this point and choose only the most interesting questions. Ridiculous ransom brides in a private home can also include various outdoor tests, but you should remember that these tests should not exhaust the groom too much, humiliate him and force him to do things that you yourself would not want to do. So be careful about the questions of testing on the street.

Trial of Strength

Buybacks in a private house are cool, most often include some elements that allow a man to prove that he is strong and strong enough to protect his future wife in a joint life.

For example, it could be a test in which the groom must hammer a nail into a board, but this option is traumatic, so you should include it entirely at your own peril and risk.

It will be much more interesting and safe to place a log across the passage to the house, which the groom (himself or with the help of a witness) will need to cut in order to go further. So he can prove that he can protect the fragile bride in later life by taking her from the arms of her father, who had done so before.

Door test

How can I continue the scenario of the ransom of the bride in a private house? cool option will be available to you if you have more than two rooms. And given the fact that in most private houses there are much more rooms, this scenario can suit you with a very high probability.

So, its essence lies in the fact that three or four rooms are locked, and these keys are taken by the witness, who has cards with tasks corresponding to the keys to the closed rooms. The groom must take one card at a time, complete the task and receive the key to the room.

Naturally, these rooms will be empty, but according to the scenario it will be displayed in such a way that the groom will find his bride in one of them. What kind of assignments can you come up with? You can already decide this yourself. Or you can always use the tips from this article!


What tests can you come up with for the ransom of the bride? A modern scenario in a private house requires one setting, a traditional ransom requires another, but all this is done quite easily, but interesting tasks- This is a much more complex problem that not everyone can competently solve.

After all, if the tasks are too difficult, the groom will spend a lot of time on them, and failures can ruin his mood. If they are too banal and simple, then no one will enjoy the decision.

Well, the test for the first door can be a mosaic. You can buy a children's mosaic, or you can make the challenge a little more personal: print out a photo of the bride and groom, cut it into squares, and have him assemble the whole photo. You should also keep an eye on the time: it should be limited, as the audience can get bored if the groom fiddles with one test for too long.

Find out your favorite

This is a classic element of any ransom, in which each bridesmaid and witness leave a lip print on paper, and among these prints is the bride's print. The task of the groom is to choose the print that belongs to his beloved.

Game with change

Given that this is a ransom, the groom and the witness must have enough money. They can also be activated by asking the groom to put the name of the bride on the floor using coins for a limited amount of time.


On pieces of paper, you need to write one letter at a time, if you wish, you can fold a camomile from these leaves. The groom must tear off a petal from this chamomile, characterizing his future wife with some word starting with the letter that is depicted on the petal. It can also be compliments, affectionate nicknames and other nice things.

Last steps

As mentioned earlier, the bride will not be in the rooms, but in the last room you can open a window to stage the bride's escape. And the groom will only have to find her, using the clues of the witness.

The bride can hide in the garden, with neighbors, in a car, or in any other secluded place. You can come up with an additional test for finding a bride, or you can simply guide the groom, for example, according to the principle of “hot” and “cold”.

A rare wedding does without the ransom of the bride - this amazing and fun ceremony has long become part of wedding day so you need to prepare for it in advance. If you decide to hold a ransom ceremony in a private house, it is worth considering the scenario. In fact, the ceremony will turn out to be much more interesting, because you will not experience a lack of free space: you can think over the tests carried out in the yard, in the hallway and directly in the rooms.

Don't forget to decorate the house: you can hang a bright colorful poster with the inscription "The Bride lives here" on the gate or gate! Hang in the yard colorful balls(from them you can form garlands or intricate figures), pots with fresh flowers, ribbons. All kinds of wall newspapers and posters with bright applications and photographs of the bride and groom. If there is a familiar artist - ask him to draw a couple of cartoons and funny pictures. Ask friends who know how to play the guitar or accordion to sit in the yard to make the redemption process more fun. Girlfriends, seeing the groom, can perform ditties - and they will raise their spirits, and set themselves up in the right way.

When the groom approaches the gate, he is met by a witness or host.

Witness: - Hello, dear groom! How long have you been walking! We've all looked at you, waiting. He did not come for the bride (the groom answers). Yes, we have a red girl, smart, beautiful, caring, hardworking. Do you really think that we will just give it away? Prove yourself worthy first. Do you agree to pass the tests that we have prepared for you?

(The witness deliberately stands near the gate and blocks the way for the groom until he agrees. For the sake of laughter, you can dress up two friends as bodyguards and threaten the groom that if you spoil, the guards will quickly send you out under white hands).

Witness: - Here's your first problem. A chain of footprints will lead you to the threshold of the bride's house, but the right to pass will give you the right answer to the question. You really try, otherwise you will have to return with nothing.

Trial 1

White traces are drawn with chalk towards the house: each step is the answer to the question. If the groom answered incorrectly, he takes a step back or pays a ransom, if he does not want to waste time and moves forward a step. Questions may vary:

  • How many years ago did you meet your fiancee?
  • What color are your lover's eyes?
  • What size shoes does she wear?
  • ring size on index finger right hand?
  • What did you get her for your last anniversary?
  • How old is your father in law?
  • Favorite dish your fiancé?
  • Where was your first date and so on.

The groom reaches the threshold of the house, where he is met by a smiling father-in-law.

father-in-law: - Once I got to the second test, good memory you, son. But now we will check whether you will be my support and hope for my daughter, will you cope with the work of a man?

Trial 2

The father-in-law gives the groom a hammer, a board and a nail and offers to hammer the nail with one blow. It turned out - it goes on, it didn’t work out - it offers a ransom. You can put a log across the threshold, and the witness and the groom must saw it in order to clear their way. After that, the groom is let into the hallway, where one of the bride's girlfriends is already waiting for him.

Friend: - Dear groom, your bride is preening in front of the mirror, preparing for the wedding. Yes, I completely forgot about the timing. Go hurry her up. But before you go further, decide which room you need the key to!

Trial 3

The rooms in the house are locked and numbered (3-4 rooms are enough). The task of the groom is to get the key to each of them by passing the appropriate test. The girlfriend holds a tray with numbered cards, the groom chooses one of them and does everything that is written there. By the way, you can come up with tasks not only for the groom, but also for the witness, so that a ransom from funny joke did not become a tedious routine.

Exercise 1. Put together a mosaic. The witness is given a cut into small pieces picture or postcard, and he must collect it in 2 minutes. You can buy a children's puzzle and encourage the test subject that even a child will cope with this task. If the witness does not fit into the time frame, treats the audience with stored drinks and sweets, pays a ransom.

Task 2. Find out your favorite. This is a task for the groom, posters with prints of hands or lips will come in handy. The task of the subject is to find which print belongs to his bride. You can cheat: the poster may not have the imprint of the bride’s lips at all, which means you can with a pure heart demand a ransom.

Task 3. The witness asks the groom and the witness to rummage through their pockets and find all the little things that are only there. With the help of coins in 2 minutes, they must lay out the name of the bride.

Task 4. Compliments. The witness offers the groom a "chamomile", a letter is written on each petal. The subject's task is to come up with affectionate nickname bride, which would begin with this letter. If the groom fails, he pays a ransom.

Trial 4

The search for a bride or the game "hot-cold". Having opened all 4 doors, the groom discovers that the window in one of the rooms is open, but the bride is not. The witness offers her help: supposedly she knows where the bride can hide and will guide the actions of the groom. And the game "hot, cold" begins. The bride can hide with her neighbors, in the attic, in the car, in the clearing behind the house - this is at her discretion.

Witness: - Dear groom, you coped with the tests with dignity, accept from us a letter with the title of the best seeker. I wish you to cope with all the trials and obstacles in life as easily as with our contests! And now we should hurry up, so as not to be late for the registry office!

Weather conditions in winter are very often stormy and unpredictable. Therefore, even with a good weather forecast, we do not advise you to focus on a street celebration. You can limit yourself to a five-minute scenario with several contests. The most famous characters can take part in the script winter fairy tales A: It will be interesting and fun. There may be The Snow Queen, Baba Yaga, Frost and many others.

Features of an original, interesting and undoubtedly cool winter bride price scenario

To take care of financial support at the wedding is the groom's question. Everyone knows this and it is hardly worth mentioning it. However, the fact that the groom has small coins for ransom, envelopes with money can be lobbied by his friends or wedding organizers.

Photo pictures of the winter scenario

Do not miss the opportunity to see some photos dedicated to the theme of the winter wedding

Mandatory details: small coins, envelopes with money, a saucer for money or a bank. In addition to money, the groom must have chocolates and alcohol with him.

Financial support for a fun wedding event

In winter, however, as in any other time of the year, you need to use special props that create a great atmosphere. Winter theme- this is:

  • snowflakes,
  • white rhinestones,
  • lace,
  • sequins,
  • big garlands,
  • sequins,
  • tinsel.

All this can be used in interior decoration. If the wedding takes place on New Year's Eve, then you can safely use any New Year's decorations.

Props to create an unusual environment

For a photo session in winter time you can hire a Russian troika with decorated sledges. However, the carriage is also interesting option for winter wedding photo shoot both at the stage of redemption, and in further wedding matters.

Russian samovar, fir cones, mulled wine, wreaths of spruce branches, felt boots, balls of colored wool, bright scarves, shawls with chic flowers, bundles of bagels, lanterns - all this is also a prop for a wedding in the traditional Russian style.

For a photo shoot, you can rent white fluffy rabbits. They are so warm, soft and cute. Usually in the photo they look very wintery.

Arrangement of the place of purchase

What is customary to decorate in a room where a wedding or a ransom is held?

  • doors
  • holiday tables
  • walls
  • and other interior items (chairs, sofas).

First you need to decide on the thematic color of the wedding. In winter, red and white are very popular. This is a royal color combination. The interior in red and white colors speaks of sincere passion.

Decor details - red lipstick, red bridal bouquet, red ribbons decorating invitations, red dishes and so on. A wedding in black and white is an extraordinary charm. Even such accessories of the bride as an umbrella and gloves can be black, not to mention the details of the interior.

A wedding in golden cream color will be very elegant. At all times, gold symbolizes luxury and wealth. Therefore, do not save on jewelry and decor.

For ransom or contests, cream cakes, gold bridesmaid shoes, chairs with gold ribbons, vintage gold candles and candlesticks, rings in a gold box, gold sequins, sequins, tinsel, gold beads, gold stars, gold bells, gold cutlery and dishes will come in handy.

The bride's bouquet may consist of yellow-orange roses. It will be very impressive if the groom comes to the bride in a golden limousine. Although not every city has such a car. Therefore, you can simply decorate another car with gold-plated jewelry.

On the door to an apartment or house, as a rule, they hang a poster with funny inscriptions like “Who has what, but we have a wedding!” or "Who goes where, and we get married!". There are a lot of options for such posters. Witnesses or other organizers of the wedding should take care of their presence.

Presentation plan

The ransom of the bride is always a well-planned scenario. Kind of like a theatrical performance. When the groom arrives for the bride, he will have to pass the tests prepared by the bridesmaids.

Of course, the task of the groom is to get to the bride, spending a minimum of money. Faithful friends help him redeem his beloved.

As a rule, such an event is noisy, fun, with humor. It includes several stages:

Incredible tests of the groom and contests for his true friends

The simplest and short script The ransom includes a major test for the groom. They are usually determined by a witness with a witness. But there are more thorough redemption options, let's get acquainted with them.


The scenario of a fairy tale is a real performance. The prince and princess are the bride and groom, the sorceress is the witness, the wizard is the witness, the sorcerer is the bride's friend or brother, the baba yaga is the bridesmaid, the king and queen are the parents. At the very entrance, the groom gets with fairyland, where all the characters test him.

The scenario "Fairy Tale" is not limited by any conditions and is very suitable for the Russian style of a winter wedding


So themed contemporary script involves the participation of doctors in the ransom. A poster “Quarantine” is pasted on the door to the entrance, and when the groom arrives, he undergoes disinfection, an examination by an ophthalmologist, and a medical examination by a Neurologist, Laura. In the end, he receives a diagnosis: love. After that, he is given a prescription: treatment by the bride.


A whole gypsy camp is involved in this type of ransom. The groom, as a rule, pays off with wine, vodka, chocolates, champagne, sweets. Gypsies tell fortunes to the groom for a happy family life, are asked to gild the handle.


The classic ransom of the bride includes the test "fortune-telling on a camomile" (when the groom answers questions about the bride), "the road of love" (the groom climbs to the bride along the painted footprints and names her on each of them affectionate name), “enter the house” (the door is blocked by inflated balloons, one of which contains a piece of paper with the inscription "key"), "my betrothed" (guessing your bride).

Happy happy ending, as well as the redemption of the groom by the bride

In emancipated times, the ransom of the bridegroom by the bride is a common thing. This redemption looks really cool. The bride drives up to the groom's house in a pink or white car. All the bridesmaids are with her: they are dressed in black trouser suits and dark glasses on the eyes.

From the outside, they look like a real mafia or gang. At the entrance they are met by the groom's friends. Resourceful girls pay off with cold beer, which they brought with them. A kiss on the cheek is given to those who have given up beer. This is how the first stage of the redemption goes. On the stairs in the entrance, the groom's friends arrange a bowling alley. The task of the girls is to pass in such a way as not to knock down a single pin, otherwise they will have to pay.

Bridesmaids use all their flexibility, remove excess clothes, climb the stair railing. The past girls at the end receive the balls with which they knock down the skittles. So the road for the rest is cleared.

At the groom's door friends ask tricky questions which are absolutely not girly. You need to understand men's topics, otherwise you will have to pay off the remaining beer.

Friends put the key to the groom's door in a huge glass of beer. The only way to get it is to drink the whole cup. The girls decide among themselves who is capable of such a feat. Of course, there is another way to get the key: pull it out with a large magnet, if one of the female gang suddenly turns out to be one. In the house for the bride, several tests are also being prepared.

In conclusion, we bring to your attention a short video about the ransom of the bride on fairy tale scenario. Happy viewing and happy wedding!