Free medicines for pensioners. How to get compensation for drugs to pensioners? Transport benefits for pensioners

Pensioners and the elderly in Russia can be called one of the most unprotected categories population. That is why, within social assistance and mer. social support, pensioners are provided with benefits taken not only on federal, but also on regional level.

In this article, we will consider those privileges and benefits that the elderly residents and pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow region will be able to take advantage of the Moscow region in 2017, as well as raise last changes In the social sphere related to a variety of social programs.

Benefits to pensioners provided at the federal level:

Federal social benefits of pensioners are provided absolutely in all regions. Russian Federation. These benefits are divided into three important categories:

  1. Advantages when paying property tax. This benefit implies the complete liberation of pensioners from tax deductions for real estate available. It is important to know that the benefits are provided only for one object relating to a specific category. real Estate. In other words, if the pensioner is the owner of an apartment, a private house, any economic structure and a garage at the same time, he will be released from taxes at all. This is due to the fact that each of the objects listed by us belongs to different types real estate.
  2. Exemption from the payment of income tax. IN this caset. income tax not charged from any species pension paymentsas well as with material assistanceprovided by a pensioner once during the year, as well as from the funds allocated for the sanitary treatment of the pensioner, the acquisition of drugs (in the event that money is provided former employer). Any payments, in addition to pension, are not subject to taxes in the amount of not more than 4,000 (four thousand) rubles.
  3. Benefits to pensioners who, after entering a well-deserved rest, continue to exercise labor activity. These include the opportunity to issue an additional annual leave (at your own expense), as well as the lack of need to work out 14 days after submitting an application for dismissal.

Benefits to pensioners when paying utilities services in Moscow and Moscow region:

Pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow Region have a number of advantages and benefits when paying for housing and communal services. It should be noted that the disputes in this topic are not silent and the measures of social support for the elderly citizens are constantly adjusted. So, this year the Government and the Ministry of Housing Policy approved the following measures Pensioners support:

  • monthly cash compensation for telephone communication within the city (the amount of preferences is currently 190 rubles);
  • pensioners, residents of the capital pension age, liberated from paying for the export and disposal of garbage.

In addition, in Moscow and the Moscow region there are subsidies for those pensioners who pay for utilities More than 3-10% (the accurate interest rate is determined depending on the income received) from the cumulative revenues of the family. Compensation is paid after the design of the relevant documents and obtain a positive decision.

Benefits to pensioners for the purchase of drugs:

Acquisition of drugs and spending on drugs is a topical topic for each elderly pensioner of our country. However, as providing social support, a system of benefits for the acquisition of medicines has been developed. Take advantage of this pensioner support measure, if:

  • a citizen receives minimal pension payments provided for in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • the drug has a prescription, discharged by the attending physician;
  • the pensioner acquires medicines for passing outpatient treatment.

Discount on the overwhelming majority medicinal preparations It is 50%, but there are exceptions. For example, if medicines are needed for treatment sugar diabetes or oncological diseases, they are provided free of charge.

Other privileges provided by the Pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow Region:

Among other things, for the elderly citizens of Moscow and the Moscow region there are additional social benefits and measures of social support for the elderly:

  • every year, every pensioner is provided with the opportunity to receive a ticket to spa treatment for free. This privilege is provided only on the basis of an appropriate medical detention;
  • each pensioner has the right to social service in daytime, to help in the form of the purchase of food and drugs;
  • each pensioner is given the right to patronage services, constant sanitary and hygienic care;
  • the right to free dental teeth. This privilege does not apply to expensive modern designs;
  • the right to a 50% discount (after 70 years) or for complete liberation (from 80 years) from payment of contributions for overhaul residential building. This benefit is provided on the fault conditions. That is, the pensioner first contributes, and then receives compensation in the established amount to a special bank account or on a social card;
  • relatives of the pensioner on preferential terms are provided services for the organization of funerals and the burial of the elderly.

Benefits of pensioners with limited physical abilities:

For pensioners who medical indications And according to the results of the medical and social expertise, one of the three groups of disability was assigned, there is a whole program of social support and the provision of benefits:

  • compensation for housing and utilities services, electricity, gas supply, hot and cold water supply;
  • free travel on city public transportwho, at the request of the pensioner, a disabled person can be replaced with monetary compensation paid monthly;
  • the right to receive a 50% discount when paying land tax and transport tax (but it applies to a unit of technology, the capacity of which does not exceed 150 horsepower);
  • the opportunity to serve free claims In courts of various instances in the event that the amount of the claim is no more than 1.000.000 (one million) rubles;
  • 50% discount on tax pay for notarial institutions;
  • the ability to buy on preferential conditions for rehabilitation - wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, hearing aids and so on;
  • free or 50% discount are provided with medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, oncological and other serious diseases;
  • free travel in suburban trains and electricians if the pensioner is treated in another settlement.

Benefits provided by the owners of a social card:

Relatively recently in Moscow for older retirees began to operate special social cardwhich gives the right to receive a number of additional advantages in the social plan. Their list was established by the regional authorities, and in 2017 it looks like this:

  • the possibility of pensioners is free to use the services of public urban transport of Moscow (including the metro), as well as to ride without making payment on suburban electric trains. Today, rumors are stubbornly run that this preference is replaced by monetary compensation for the passage of 400 rubles per month;
  • the ability to use the services of a polyclinic without presenting a personal insurance medical policy;
  • providing discounts for a variety of goods purchased in those trading points where you can use to pay for the Sberbank Mare "Social" card.

Such a social card of the pensioner has another important and indisputable advantage - an income of 3.5% per annum is accrued to the rest of its own funds, thanks to which the payment instrument can be used as a savings book.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of funds for drugs, that is, cash compensation for drugs to pensioners. Thus, people who have reached retirement age can count on refund moneypreviously spent on acquisition medicines. This applies to drugs acquired by the prescription doctor for treating or preventing diseases.

The law is also spelled out and providing free, that is preferential medicine certain groups of citizens. These are not only pensioners, but also working citizens previous ageworking in harmful production. These include large families, juvenile children up to 3 years or children from incomplete families.

The state program allows you to make compensation for medicines to everyone without exception to pensioners living in the Russian Federation if they spent own funds for treatment or medicine.

Pensioners in Russia can also count on preferential sanatorium resort vouchers. In order to get such a ticket, you need to be patient and carefully read this article.

We will tell you in this article, how to get compensation for drugs to pensioners in 2016-2017. There is a special tax deductionwhich is described in art. 119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This is one of the so-called social deductions. Thus, the pensioner gets the right to return part of the taxes given to the state. It also applies to pay for treatment not only itself, but also relatives.

Get compensation for medicine Pensioners are easy. But you need to collect required documents. Such tax deductions greatly facilitate the payment of expenditures on medicine, therefore they recognize them socially significant. In order to take advantage of its right, you need to submit an appropriate application to the tax service.

The most important thing is that you need to remember, the documents must be collected in advance. That is, still at the stage of circulation in medical organization for help. It is important to follow the prescription prescribed. All recipes must be applied to the implementation in the desired quantity. One for the acquisition of drugs, and the other - to provide in the relevant authorities.

Financial compensation For the purchase of drugs It can only be provided with a full package of documents. It includes:

Recipes for all medicines. The form of filling of all recipes must correspond to form 107 / y;
Checks and other documents confirming the fact of acquiring drugs on the specified recipes;
Certificate of the size of all pension payments.

There are situations where the receipt of cash is personally pensioner to which they are impossible. Then the relatives or proxies can enter into business. Relatives include only children, spouses and parents. If the compensation documents are not personally submitted by a pensioner, but by another person, it is necessary to attach another one - a document confirming the relationship.

After collecting full list need to submit a prepared package of documents in state bodies. In this case, in order to get compensation for drugs to pensioners, you need to contact Pension Fund Russian Federation. Hands are followed by territorial body at the place of residence or registration.

Do not forget that the pensioners are paid only part of the sum, not all spent on the treatment amount. In the legislation, registed maximum amount Payments possible to pay for the year. To date, maximum size The deduction can be 15,600 rubles, which is 13% of 120 thousand rubles. If you have spent 10,000 rubles, you can count on obtaining only 1300 rubles.

Communal benefits of pensioners

The amount of benefits is estimated monthly depending on the value of payment for utilities and the sum of the total income. By general rule The amount of compensation is equal 50% Communal costs. According to housing legislation ( art. 169 LCD RF) When organizing a winmont of real estate, the pensioner also receives a certain compensation:

  • Veterans, disabled, low-income - 50% .
  • All citizens after 70 years - 50% .
  • After 80 years - 100% .

The provision of this type of benefits should be applied to the Regional Center for Society or MFC (Multifunctional Center), FSS or Local Self-Government. At the place of treatment, an appropriate statement is issued to which the necessary documents are attached.

What documents are needed?

  • Property Property Property Documents. In case of her lease - a contract of social, service or other hiring Moscow
  • Settlement papers (receipts and checks) confirming the facts of previous payments for utility payments in Moscow
  • A copy of the document certifying the right to receive social support measures (for example, a veteran certificate).
  • Information about the income of the applicant and members of his family.

The required application and documents can be sent by registered mail through the mail or through the Internet network on a single portal of the State Service.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of pensioners

Sanatorium-resort treatment of pensioners enters medical service certain categories of persons, but funded from the federal budget. In the list of recreational social benefits:

  • Discount when buying medicines at their retail items. Its size - 50% . This right It is implemented upon presentation of the prescription attending physician. The document is valid for 10 days.
  • Free travel to the place of treatment within the region of residence in the direction of Polyclinics, where the pensioner was examined.
  • Preferential sanatorium-resort treatment.

Health events are governed by relevant subtitle acts and departmental standards.
For example, preferential treatment for veterans of the Second World War FSS RF of 09.02.1996 N 07-44 Yush. According to the procedure, the procedure is provided with a 10% discount from October 1 to April 30.

Where to go and how to get?

To obtain a ticket, it is necessary to contact the regional department of the social insurance fund or FIU and make an application. Application must be applied:

  • Documents on medical examination.
  • A copy of the passport.
  • A guide document confirming the right to benefit.

Sometimes there is a practice of reimbursement for non-use of the sanatorium-resort voucher. Wherein cash Listed from the budget of the FSS.

Medical benefits of pensioners

Medical Benefits for Pensioners consist in preferential and free provision of drugs, preferential right For maintenance and provision of the opportunity to pass a wellness course on a ticket once within one or two years.
Medical benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2017 in sphere preferential leave Drugs are regulated Order of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow No. 914 of 10/22/14.

To the list of medical pension benefits in 2017you can attribute:

  1. Under certain conditions by solving the local or regional authority, the pensioner can get in certain amount free medical care Not only in its clinic or urban hospital, but also in various geriatric cabinets and gerontological centers.
  2. If the pensioner has a disability, and does not refuse the standard set social services State provided to him, he can receive the necessary drugs on preferential terms. To date, the list of medicines that fall into this preferential list has 360 drugs. I would like to note that more than 60% of them, and more precisely, 228 items are related to the most important drugs that are necessary to ensure human life Moscow
  3. If the pensioner is a disabled person or veteran, then within certain programs at the local or regional level, it has the right to receive vouchers in the sanatorium free of charge.
  4. Every person who crosses the frontier of 60 years has the right to make himself free influenza vaccination, which are held annually in accordance with the epilation in each region in different time of the year. In order to get this vaccine for free, the pensioner needs to contact the clinic at its permanent place of residence, to the doctor enshrined behind him.
  5. Also, citizens who are between the ages of 60-99, from 2017, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health, are subject to dispensarization, which can be made only 1 time within 3 years. There is an exception for people who have disability as a consequence of their disease, the disabled of the Second World War, as well as those who have a "resident of the Blocade Leningrad" sign. The above categories of people are obliged to undergo a dispensary inspection, regardless of their age 1 time per year.
  6. If the pensioner is a resident of any area related to Extreme North or regions that are equated to the latter, and it does not work, while he receives a disability retirement or old age, it has the right to demand compensation of spent funds to travel to his place of rest. This place should be exclusively in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Transport benefits for pensioners

Pensioners to the main manual receive a set of social services (NSU). It includes compensation for passing public transport. Its value is different depending on the region of the residence of the pensioner and is established by local authorities.

If the applicant refuses a preferential pass, the amount of compensation will be included in the amount of additional addition to pension benefit. For example, for monthly cash payments (EVER). Certain benefits for the passions of pensioners act:

  • For air tickets (Velikina discounts is installed by the company-carrier) Moscow
  • When driving in the train.
  • On Russian Railways tickets.

Where to go and how to get?

Obtaining benefits on travel takes place at the time of purchase of the relevant ticket upon presentation of a pension certificate, which, in turn, is issued in the local compartment of social protection.

Tax benefits for pensioners

Tax benefits for pensioners in 2017 provide:

  • Exemption from income tax.
  • Cancellation of real estate tax and other property registered for a pensioner.
  • Exemption from vehicles for transport tax on one unit of technology, no capacity above 100 hp (Really for most regions of Russia).
  • Discount when paying land tax in the amount of 10,000 rubles. The specified value is subtracted from the general cadastral value of the site, and the result obtained is used when calculating the tax amount.
  • Exemption from the state fee paid when submitting a claim in judicial authorities. If the claim concerns the property worth more than 1 million rubles - the amount of the tax is held.
  • The right to tax deduction when buying residential real estate.

Responsibilities of employers in relation to pensioners

It is worth noting that for pensioners in 2017 there are certain relaxation and at the place of work, among these benefits in 2017 will be:

  • The employer is obliged to dismiss a pensioner without working if the latter expresses such a desire due to the care of a well-deserved rest. The citizen himself can queue for employment in the employment center. At the same time, he will be paid a manual for one month in the amount of wages.

How to get targeted pensioners in 2017?

Step 1.Specify the address of your body of social protection (at the place of registration) or the center for the provision of state and municipal services. There you will take the necessary documents.

Step 2.Write a statement. Specify the method of obtaining material assistance. Thoney can be listed on the personal account, open in any Russian bank. You can also receive money at the expense of the federal post office at the place of residence or in cash, through the cashier of the territorial division of the social protection body (p. 3 of the Procedure; p. 3, 4 of the provisions).

Step 3. Prepare originals and copies of documents (p. 3, 4 of the Procedure; n. 3, 4 of the provisions).

You will need to imagine: a passport or other identity document; a document confirming registration at the place of residence (certificate from the passport table at the place of registration); pensioner's ID; Documents confirming difficult life situation, Extraordinary circumstances. This may be an extract from the household or house books, certificate of internal affairs bodies about the loss of documents and money, a certificate of fire, natural disaster, and so on.

Step 4. Submit an application and documents in a dilateranch or multifunctional center can be personally sent by normal mail or email with a digital signature (through a single portal of state and municipal services).

The decision to assist the Mattheck (or about the refusal) officials are accepted in the time set in a particular region. For example, in Moscow, this is given to this month (paragraph 3, 4 of the provisions), and in the Moscow region - 10 working days from the date of the appeal of the pensioner, but this period may be extended by decision of the head of the territorial unit to 25 working days (p. 6 order).

The day of appeal is the day of reception by a territorial division or a multifunctional statement center and documents. If the documents went by mail, the bill begins from the date of their receipt to the body of social protection.

Step 5.Get material assistance.

When you receive a notice of providing material assistance, you need to contact the organization that you indicated for receiving money: a division of social protection, post office or a bank. If you refused, you need to contact a massifatch or multifunctional center to determine the cause of such a solution. You may need to submit any additional documents Or information that officials have the opportunity to revise the decision.

Tags: Pensioners 'benefits, Pensioners' benefits in 2017 Moscow, Tax benefits for pensioners 2017, benefits for pensioners in 2017, benefits for property tax on property, Personal Tax Pensioners in 2017, Benefits 2017 for Pensioners in Moscow

According to the current legislation, pensioners can receive some drugs for free. However, exist various categories Citizens who give individual medicines. Receipt occurs in municipal polyclinics or individual pharmacies. How exactly can you get medicines where to apply and whether it is necessary to present documents described in this article.

Here are the main laws that regulate the rules for providing drugs to pensioners and disabled non-commercial basis:

  1. Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 328 and No. 665.
  2. Government Decision No. 710.
  3. Regional law laws.

Regional benefits exist separately from federal and do not depend on financing from the state budget. From the regional budget there are money to help pensioners and disabled. Each region independently decides which medicines and in what quantity to provide for free.

Medicines or compensation

In 2018, there was also amendments to the list of drugs that are provided with certain categories of citizens for free. Almost 100 items were added this year.

Today, many refuse free drugs so as not to stand in line for them. In this case, they can get compensation payment based art. 6.3 FZ-178.

A complete list of drugs can be clarified by a doctor or look at specialized sites. It is worth noting that there are various lists of medicines. The regional quota will not be federal and vice versa. However, some drugs are there and there. This is done to increase the number of scarce drugs that are necessary in large quantities For patients.

Video - Who are free medicines?

Is it possible to abandon benefits in favor of money

There are several reasons because of which citizens choose money, and not provided by legal grounds privileges:

  1. No need for this benefit.
  2. Lack of necessary rare and expensive drugs free-base.
  3. The necessary drugs are not included in the list of free medicines.

To make a refusal of benefits, it is necessary to write a corresponding statement and send it to the territorial office of the FIU at the place of your registration. You can do this personally or by mail. It is important that the letter comes to October 1, 2018, so that experts manage to process and issue everything as necessary.

Important!If with time the person who has the right to benefit will decide to abandon monetization, then on the basis of FZ №178 It is necessary to send a corresponding statement to the FIU. If a trustee is engaged in the design, then you need to make a power of attorney and assure it with a notary.

It is worth remembering that the amount you will receive in 2018 for the refusal of benefits will be 1048 rubles 97 kopecks. This includes medicines themselves, annual treatment in a sanatorium in the presence of a disease that is treated in places and travel to the sanatorium and back. Get a ticket to a sanatorium is possible through the attending physician on the basis of the benefits provided for by FZ No. 178. They are laid with disabled and patients with various diseaseswhich are treated in the conditions of location in the sanatorium-pretender. It is worth noting that the ticket is provided once a year. It is required to independently clarify the doctor, how to get it and what documents will need to provide it.

Compensation for a disabled person for refusing free drugs

Disabled people can also refuse benefits in favor of money. Failure implies the impossibility of free to receive:

  1. Medicines from the list of federal and regional benefits.
  2. Travel to sanatorium.
  3. Spa treatment.
  4. Specialized medical services.

The main reasons for refusing benefits are impossible to receive medicines and medical services in a municipal clinic in a timely manner for treatment.

To refuse, you need to write a corresponding application and submit it to the IFC or the FIU Department.

Important! It is necessary to issue a refusal until October 1, so that experts manage to accrual the premiums to the pension. The application must specify the name departments of the FFR, Applicant's phoe, registration address and describe the situation, in connection with which there is a refusal of benefits in favor of money. Wheelchair 3 Groups gives the right to call a free FFR employee to a house for transferring the necessary statement.

Often, people with disabilities cannot independently arrive in the responsible authority for the transfer of the application. Then you can send a trustee by issuing a power of attorney. Additionally, you should call and clarify whether it is necessary to assure it from the notary.

The response to failure is provided in writing within a month.

Important! If there is a refusal of benefits for a disabled child, then it is necessary to further obtain the consent of the attending physician of the child.

All compensation is carried out on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 57..

How to get compensation for refusing free medicines

Sometimes the necessary drugs are not in the pharmacy for providing on a non-commercial basis. Then patients are forced to buy them. It is possible to return the money to the next way:

  1. Appeal to the Department of the FIU.
  2. Providing an application for compensation.
  3. Providing checks confirming the fact of payment for medication.
  4. Providing a prescription attending physician for free-based medication.
  5. Provide individual program Rehabilitation (if available) and OMS policy.

The application is seen within a month. The acceptance of a positive solution allows you to get money spent on the purchase of drugs. Disabled compensate for 100%.

Features of medication for military personnel

According to , Personnel servicemen who are still retired, can receive medicines in preferential list According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, in specialized military organizations. If there are no required drugs, you can contact municipal institutions Civil type. At the same time, civilians cannot contact civilians in paramilitary institutions.

A military pensioner for drugs from a specialized organization must provide a complete package of documents, which includes:

  1. Passport.
  2. Documents confirming the status of a serviceman.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Recipe.

The lack of at least one of these documents is the basis for refusing the provision of medication for free.

Additional benefits for certain categories of citizens

Exist fringe benefits and preferences provided FZ №178. In particular, in addition to drugs, you can get the following:

  1. Treatment in sanatoriums.
  2. Travel to sanatorium.
  3. Dispensarization every three years.
  4. Free service in any state clinics Countries, regardless of their status.
  5. Discount on limb prosthetics.
  6. Discount on obtaining a number of dental services.

Warm veterans, rear workers and blockadas can undergo dispensarization every year.

List of documents for free medication

It will be necessary to provide established by law Documents for obtaining free medicines:

  1. Russian sample passport.
  2. Insurance certificate.
  3. Medical card.
  4. Help from the FIU about the availability of the social package.
  5. Documents confirming the right to use benefits.
  6. The recipe filled in accordance with the requirements of FZ No. 178.

After their study, the specialist can provide you with a medicine specified in the recipe, for free.

What is regional drug benefits

In almost every region in addition to the list of drugs laid by federal benefit, there is also a regional list. It is compiled on the basis of the most deficit preparations that are necessary for patients. Data on what medicines are most needed free of charge, provided by statistical departments. They are in municipal clinics and hospitals.

According to internal regulatory acts, it is solved, what medicines and in what quantity it is necessary to purchase for further distribution through pharmacy kiosks and hospitals. Money on the purchase of drugs is taken from the regional budget.

Important! Category regional beneficiaries wider than by federal quota. This also includes honorary donorsLarge families, orphans and poor families.

To obtain regional benefits, a similar package of documents is needed.

Procedure for refusal to provide free medicines

Quite often, patients face a situation that they are denied the provision of the medicinal product they need. Here are the main reasons:

  1. Absence necessary package documents.
  2. The medicine was issued on this recipe.
  3. The recipe is incorrectly decorated.
  4. No medication available.
  5. Appeal is not personally patient.

If cases with incorrectly decorated prescription and lack of documents are objective reason For refusal and here, the patient independently needs to eliminate the causes that do not allow issuing issuance, then the current legislation is violated in the case of nonertial appeal.

If you refuse, you must write a statement in which the reason for the refusal and the date will be indicated. With this statement you need to refer to the head physician. He signs it, after which it is possible to go to the prosecutor's office. There is also a different way of action - this is writing complaints to Roszdravnadzor. The claim must be formulated clearly with the description of the facts.

There is no time for consideration of such complaints, but the supervisory authority is obliged to provide a written response about the results of the inspection and the decision.

Does it make sense to abandon free medicines in favor of compensation

On the this question It is impossible to answer unequivocally. It all depends on how important these benefits are relevant for you. If you can really get the required medicines for free, then it is worth keeping the benefit. In addition, it gives the right to sanatorium-resort treatment. But if you do not use these preferences, then you should write a statement to the FIU. Then your retirement will be an additional surcharge.

There are many examples of refusal of benefits when disabilities were appointed due to the deterioration of hearing or vision. But for some time other diseases that require expensive treatment were identified. To reduce costs, citizens had to write an application for refund of benefits.

At the same time, you should not forget that various dental services also provide benefits. In particular, pensioners and people with disabilities can receive a discount when establishing ceramic teeth or the implementation of other operations in this area. Elderly people often need dentist services, so it is strongly recommended to think several times before refusing from benefits.

The most popular questions and answers to them by refusal of benefits

What is the amount of compensation for preferential medicines?For disabled groups, the amount amount amounts to 3541, 87 rubles, people with disabilities 2 groups receive 2529.45 rubles, and 3 groups of 2024.86 rubles
Is it possible to return money when buying medicines for your money if the refusal of benefits is not issued?Yes, but for this you need to assemble the full package of documents specified in the article above
Why should I submit an application for refusal until October 1?This is due to the fact that during the 4th quarter, the FIU shall form accruals on next year. Also, they develop a plan for the volume of purchases of medicines. If the disabled has abandoned the benefits, and then again decided to return them, that is, the risk of a shortage of some drugs

The question is expert: .

The current legislation implies the right to receive funds return to persons who have achieved for the purchase of medicines appointed by the attending physician for treating diseases or maintaining the health of a citizen.

Legislation imposed legal acts that suggest certain preferential conditions For free customers with drugs of pensioners. Besides specified group citizens, such rights have healthy citizens who lead their activities on 2 harmful industriesjuvenile children (up to 3 years)or children in incomplete families or multi-fashioned.

Thanks to this state Program There is an opportunity to compensate for the financial costs invested by a pensioner in the treatment and payment of the necessary drugs, distributed throughout the Russian Federation.

Such a tax deduction is provided by Art. 219 Tax Code. It refers to one of the social deductions. Using this right, the pensioner can return to the cash equivalent of the taxes given by the state. Also, paying for your treatment or treatment of your relatives.

The deduction facilitates the payment of medical expenses - in the state they are recognized socially important. Take advantage of this right is easy: You only need to submit to tax some documents and statements.

Collection of the necessary documents, according to which the process of payment of money will be carried out, namely, compensation for the purchase of drugs should be started at the stage of appealing for medical care.

When prescriptions for recipes, in the future, medicines will be purchased, you need to make sure that the health career was given to the realization of the desired number of recipes. One of them will be provided directly in the pharmacy, and the other in the right state body.

Documentation that should be collected as follows:

  • recipes for medicines, the fill form of which corresponds to 107 / y;
  • checks or other documents confirming that drugs purchased under the specified recipes were paid;
  • certificate of pension payments.

There are cases when the return of funds personally cannot receive a pensioner. Then such a procedure can pass his close relative.

Related to close relatives: children, spouses and parents. When submitting documents for the right to benefits and free acquisition of drugs in one of the listed persons, an additional document should be attached, which confirms the specified relationship.

After all the necessary documents are collected, you should submit collected documents in a specific organ. In this case, this is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to which they relate, respectively, where a pensioner is registered, or resides relating to the territory of such a fund.

We must not forget about the fact that only part of the amount is subject to payment, which was spent by a pensioner for medicines. There is a fixed fixed amount of material resources that is paid for the year.