Preparing your body for the new year. Baths for beautiful skin. Is it possible to be allergic to New Year's champagne

V new year's eve every woman wants to be just irresistible, feel queen of the holiday... You can choose the outfit and makeup, but it is better to take care of the condition of the skin and hair in advance, so that on the very eve of the holiday you do not spoil your mood with a look in the mirror.

In general, the process of preparing for New year it is better to conditionally divide your body and face into several stages. The first stage can be started about two months before New Year's Eve, then all that remains to be done on the eve of the holiday is to create the final image and make the appropriate makeup. However, this process can be accelerated by trying to keep within two or three weeks before the holiday. Well, and even in the most urgent cases, you will have to put yourself in proper shape a couple of hours before the celebration. Let's consider each stage separately.

So, you consider yourself to be one of the people who prefer to foresee everything in advance, including preparing yourself in advance for the upcoming new year's days... This is, of course, the most preferable option. There will be time and figure to put in order, and the face to correct in time. Any of lovely ladies can use this time and their opportunities in their own way. In general, if you really take on yourself, seriously, then you should give up unhealthy habits for at least a month, regularly (at least three times a week) visit the gym, beauty salons, and if necessary, now will just be the time correct your figure with a diet... It is quite possible to lose several kilograms in a month. In addition, it would be nice to buy gifts and New Year's paraphernalia in advance, so that at least you don't have to waste time on the eve of the celebration, including spending it in queues and bustle.

If you decide to take care of yourself when December is already in the yard, then everything will have to be done as quickly as possible, since there is no particular time to hesitate. Immediately you should be aware that losing weight by a couple of tens of kilograms, as well as by a dozen, is unlikely to succeed, especially since starvation should not be included in the plans, it will only exhaust both the psyche and the body. Before you should be faced not so much the task of losing weight as do attractive figure , that is, what is called, create a silhouette. You need to start with the obligatory morning exercises, which should last at least half an hour. Perfectly adjust the figure aerobics, fitness yoga, dancing and classes in gym... Try to organize your regimen so that you have an hour or two of physical activity every day. Visit beauty salons and sign up for a massage. Body shaping and shaping skin freshness is excellently promoted by various water treatments and wraps. On the pre-holiday week, it is worth visiting the pool and solarium a couple of times, but on the eve of the holiday, be sure to visit the bathhouse, using extracts of medicinal herbs. Works amazing!

In about three weeks, start changing the menu, but not drastically. The most important thing - normalize metabolism, reduce consumption of fats and carbohydrates... Given that all these days you will be actively engaged in physical exercise, the menu must be stabilized: replace sweets, for example, with dried fruits, refuse buns, increase the consumption of protein foods, vegetables and fruits. 31th of December before the start of the holiday, it is better to eat fruits and kefir in general, because, as a rule, in the process of preparing dishes, everyone has time to try something tasty.

O new year hairstyle will have to be taken care of at least a week in advance. This, of course, is not about giving the hairstyle some particularly exquisite festive form, but you should update the style itself, dye your hair, make a haircut or curl in advance. In addition, in many hairstyles, the ideal of shape can only appear after a few days. The best option- consult a stylist. He will tell you what and when you need to do to look perfect.

Finally, one should think beforehand about the skin of the face, and the body generally. Care should be made more intense. If you turn to a beautician, you can plan the course of events in advance and select the appropriate cosmetic products. It will cost less than buying express funds on the eve of the holiday. When you have about a month at your disposal, you can go chemical peeling, procedures like oxygen masks, make injections to smooth out wrinkles, etc. If there is only a week left, then there will still be time to attend massage courses and fast effective masks. Among cosmetics that you use at home, choose the most effective and expensive. There will be no point in saving here. Be sure to take care of the skin around the eyes and the eyes themselves. These parts of the face require special attention.

In order not to wander in the cold in search of the necessary cosmetics, visit online cosmetics store where you can choose everything you need. Moreover, in such cosmetics stores, before the holidays, you can easily get good discount or a nice gift.

It is clear that all the procedures are best done in advance, but often in the process of preparing for the New Year, there are only a couple of hours left to prepare yourself for the holiday. There are several options for such cases as well. How effective everything turns out to be will depend largely on your comprehensive self-care throughout the year, but at least the traces of fatigue, fuss and stress can be eliminated. Before starting the procedures, it is worth deciding what specific actions will have to be taken and in what sequence. The fact is that not all means act the same in time, from some the results come almost instantly, from others - within a few hours. You also need to consider where, how and in what company you will spend the evening and night.

For making hair smooth, elastic and silky as a fast-acting agent, it is necessary to use intense -gloss. If you intend to spend the night dancing, ultra-strong hair fixtures will not work, they will stick together and you will not be able to comb them, and all attempts will only ruin your hair. For styling, it is better to apply elastic styling.

If there is not enough time to cleanse the skin in the salon, the procedure can be performed at home.
Make steam bath for face. Put dry mint or chamomile flowers in a container with boiling water and hold your face over the steam for about 15 minutes. The skin will not only be cleansed, but also hydrated. Then you should treat your face with a gentle exfoliation and apply a basic moisturizer.

For getting rid of dark circles under the eyes and relieve fatigue from the eyes, make a mask of sour cream, holding it for about 15 minutes, and then rinse off with cold herbal tea.

For softening and moisturizing the skin Express patches are great. They act instantly, and the procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.

Before the holiday, it is better to refuse from taking a shower, replacing it with a warm relaxing bath with the addition of aromatic oils... After the bath, exfoliate and rub the skin with a radiant shine lotion. The effect will be spectacular.

Of course, attention should be paid to hands and manicure. Apply nutritious cream, and for cuticles use emollient oil(you can use olive). Treat your nails with nail polish remover, fix the nails with a nail file and apply a clear or translucent varnish. Nails should not be painted bright varnish... Brightness will attract increased attention and can show all the disadvantages of a home manicure.

Here are some more tips for preparing your skin and hair for the holiday. They will be relevant if you do not have time to visit a beautician in advance, and you will be able to prepare only at home.

First you need to peel the whole body and take fragrant bath, as well as make a face peeling and mask. Don't forget about your hair, use masks and hair rinses.

Full body peeling and aromatic bath

For the procedure, you can use a ready-made body scrub. This will save you time, but you can also use your own product. For this you will need coffee grounds, where we add 3 drops of orange essential oil, 3 drops of juniper oil and 3 drops grapefruit oil... This scrub has a powerful anti-cellulite effect.

Take a bath immediately after exfoliation. First coat the whole body cosmetic clay suitable for your skin type. Prepare the bath as follows: dissolve about 200 g in water sea ​​salt, into which previously drip 2 drops of eucalyptus and peppermint oils, 3 drops of coniferous (or fir) and 6 drops of geranium oil. Then immerse yourself in the bath for 10-15 minutes. As a result, your skin will be clean, smooth and hydrated.

Facial peeling and mask

You can use ready-made scrubs or face masks. You can prepare the following tools yourself:

For oily skin:

Salt scrub- dip wet cotton pad v regular salt(or baking soda) and in a circular motion apply it on steamed face skin. Salt and soda crystals perfectly remove all impurities present on the skin.
Curd-honey mask- Mash 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 0.5 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg. This mask has a moisturizing effect.

For dry skin:

Oat-grape scrub- chop a few grapes and cereals, mix thoroughly. Massage into skin.
Curd mask- combine an equal amount of cottage cheese, olive oil, milk and carrot juice, mix and apply to skin. Rinse off after 15-20 minutes warm water... This mask nourishes, moisturizes and whitens the skin well.

For sensitive skin:

Nut scrub- grind 4 kernels in a coffee grinder walnuts, add 0.5 egg yolk, 2 teaspoons butter and stir.
Honey mask- pour 1 teaspoon of dried linden flowers, let the broth brew under the lid for half an hour. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the strained broth.

For combination skin:

Oat and rice skra b - combine 2 tablespoons of chopped flakes with 1 teaspoon of ground rice and the same amount of vegetable oil, mix and pour in a little warm boiled water... This scrub cleanses and tightens the skin, leaving it smooth and supple.
Mask to restore balance between dry and oily skin areas- Mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley with 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 raw egg... Add 2 tablespoons of warm milk, 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

For normal skin:

Coffee scrub- mix 2 tablespoons ground coffee, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Massage onto face. This scrub perfectly cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes and tones the skin.
Sugar Protein Mask - whisk 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Leave on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water and massage the skin with a piece of ice. The mask has a tonic, cleansing effect.

Hair masks and rinses

For shiny and thick hair, use one of the following masks.

Protein mask with chamomile flowers: 5 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, pour 0.5 cups of warm purified water, cover and leave for 4 hours. Strain the cooled infusion through a sieve and combine with 1 whipped egg white, stir until smooth. Apply the product to your hair, massage your scalp and wrap it in a towel. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Egg mask with vodka: 1 egg yolk rub until foam forms, pour in small portions 2 tablespoons of vodka and 0.3 cups of purified water, mix well. Rub the product into the scalp and wrap it in a towel. Rinse off after 15-25 minutes with warm water.

You can use burdock oils with various additives before washing your hair. They are great for treating dry hair. Apply warmed Burr oil on hair half an hour before washing. Massage your head and wrap your hair in a towel.

After shampooing, use a conditioner that will give your hair natural shine... Rinse aid does not need to be rinsed off.

Lemon rinse: Combine 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 4 cups of purified water, mix well and heat. This remedy is suitable for weak and slow-growing hair.

Firming rinse: Pour 2 tablespoons of dried stinging nettle leaves in a boiling glass of purified water, cover and let stand for 2 hours. Strain the infusion through a sieve and use as a rinse to strengthen hair.

After these procedures, you will be practically ready for the New Year. Your skin will look rested. A healthy skin and hair is the key to your beauty. Now all you need to do to celebrate is to choose an outfit and makeup. But most importantly, do not forget that the key to a successful holiday is your good mood, smile more often! Happy New Year!

Almost every woman tries to fold a few extra pounds s for the holidays or an important event. But the beginning beach season and the approaching New Year makes every girl very critical to examine the reflection in the mirror. There are 28 days left until the New Year, and we will share with you tips that will help you get rid of a few extra centimeters at the waist.

Let's start with the easiest to begin with fast weight loss- from the regime of the day.

Metabolism is often disrupted due to lack of stability biological clock organism. Moreover - internal organs due to violation biological rhythms begin to work incorrectly, and, therefore, to assimilate incorrectly useful material... Create a clear timetable for your life. It is clear that under current conditions it is very difficult, but at least adhere to a more or less specific daily routine, and that's half the battle.

Try not to take any groceries at the store - with today's advances in biochemistry, these products are often no longer natural. And today no one really knows how various chemical additives affect the body. However, even the simplest observations say that chemistry has a detrimental effect on the body.

The same goes for foods that are loaded with hormones. For example, muscle growth hormone is added to chickens. As a result, men who regularly ate these chickens experienced an increase in the pelvis and thigh muscles, just like women.

Avoid soda entirely. Any. This will significantly help you lose weight quickly. Drink natural water... Try to completely eliminate everything from your diet. flour products... First, today bread is terrible in relation to food additives and secondly, ballerinas never eat starchy foods.

Leave the table a little undernourished, do not eat after 18.00, eat a lot, but little by little. And most importantly, never eat before bed! Whether he is at least during the day, at least at night. Lead active movable image life. Do not sit at home, and if you are, open the window and do your household chores with physical activity... Stop smoking and drinking. Go in for sports. The best thing is to run in the morning and in the evenings for half an hour at an average pace.

There are only a few days left until the New Year 2016. Gifts are packed holiday menu ready, the dress is waiting for its release. It's time to think about preparing your body and skin for the new year, so that you feel well-groomed and beautiful during the chimes. Follow the beauty tips and you will have time for everything!

Eat vegetables and drink enough water

A few days before New Year 2016, try not to consume fatty foods, sweets and drink more water. During this time, the body will remove toxins, the complexion will improve, the inflammation will subside and the skin will become more elastic.

Thanks to correct diet and 5-6 glasses of water a day, the swelling of your legs will disappear, and your waist will decrease by a couple of centimeters.

Take care of your feet and hands

So that the skin on your hands and feet on New Year's Eve sparkles with health and beauty, take care of its nutrition. This does not require special expensive funds... You just need to apply a moisturizer to your hands, and a nourishing cream to your legs. After that, put on cellophane gloves on your hands, and on your feet - cling film and socks. The gloves should be removed after 20-30 minutes, and the socks with the film should be removed after a few hours.

Get a festive manicure and pedicure

Nothing pleases a woman like well-groomed hands with beautiful manicure and toes with a pedicure. A few days before the New Year, visit a salon or do the procedure at home.

Expert advice:

“When preparing dishes for New Year's table and when cleaning the house, do not forget to wear gloves so as not to damage your manicure. "

Don't settle for serious salon treatments

If, before the New Year, you are offered in a beauty salon to try serious procedures (mesotherapy, laser, peeling, nanoperforation, lifting), do not agree. After all, after any aggressive influences it takes time for the skin to recover (usually three to ten days).

Make a face mask

To make your face shine with beauty, you need to take care of it. You can visit the wizard, or you can perform the procedure yourself. For example, an express face mask with protein and lemon can be done half an hour before application. new year makeup... To do this, you will need egg white and lemon juice. Cooking method:

  • beat the protein to form a foam;
  • add half a teaspoon of lemon to it and stir;
  • apply the resulting mixture on the face until dry;
  • wash off the mask and apply a moisturizer.

This express mask is suitable for oily to combination skin.

So winter has come! And with her festive mood, running around shopping in pleasant pre-holiday chores, buying gifts, sewing Christmas costumes children and the expectation of a miracle on New Year's Eve ... And of course - the desire to look 100%! And then one day we try on our ceremonial-weekend outfit or buy a new one Evening Dress and - oh horror! - we find that we have slightly (or maybe not slightly) "gone beyond": the tummy is treacherously sticking out, "love hands" have appeared behind, and the waist is far from the aspen ...

How often do we decide to lose weight for some holiday or event - March 8, birthday, summer vacation or New Year ... Of course, in order to tackle yourself properly, you need to have at least a couple of months in stock, so as not to torture yourself with miracle diets like "minus 10 kg per week", but if the scale of the disaster is not so terrible, then for the days remaining before the main holiday, you can try to rectify the situation. "Fast" diets are, of course, harmful. And everyone knows that what went away quickly will come back just as quickly (if not even faster). But if we promise ourselves that we will be in next year try to control yourself, then you can try.

To begin with, we will change our diet a little. We will try to reduce the consumption of those products that have bad habit settle on the bulges of our figure in the form of extra pounds. Here sample list these pests:

All kinds of buns and pastries,


Potatoes in any form,

Corn (including cereal and popcorn),





- sweets in any form,

All of these foods are high in glucose and malt.

But from following products it is advisable to abandon it altogether, and not so much to improve appearance how much for the sake of health:

Grilled meat,

All kinds of smoked meats

Sausages, sausages,

Ready cutlets and other semi-finished products.

You also need to remember that salt retains fluid in the body and contributes to edema, so you should limit yourself to the use of a variety of pickles and pickled delicacies. And, of course, sugary carbonated drinks, beer and champagne are absolutely unacceptable.

And what can you eat during the pre-holiday weeks? In fact - a lot. Very useful for our body will be the use of coarse bread (or bran, just do not forget that the bran must be steamed before use), brown rice, cereals (from buckwheat, barley, wheat, oatmeal), beans, peas and other legumes , fresh vegetables and herbs. If you want something sweet, you can replace sweets with fruit, bitter chocolate (only really bitter!) Or dried fruits, just remember about calories!

As for fats, you should not completely abandon them. Essential fatty acids speed up metabolism, and that's all we need! Eat fish often (especially tuna, salmon, and mackerel) and don't forget about nuts. Salads are best seasoned with olive (ideally) or any other vegetable oil- it will improve the absorption of vitamins and other benefits from vegetables and herbs.

Pay special attention to the liquids you drink during the day, especially if you have pressure problems. If you are a dedicated coffee lover or tea lover in all its types, then you can find a compromise here too. Coffee can be replaced with healthy chicory (I'm waiting for rotten tomatoes from angry connoisseurs of a divine drink!), Or in extreme cases - limit yourself to one cup. And the caffeine content in tea can be reduced by drinking not the first, but the second brew. Just do not do as our thrifty grandmothers, who brew tea leaves tomorrow and the day after tomorrow ... This is a mockery of the drink, moreover, does not bring health anything but harm. Simply, when brewing tea, you should wait a little, drain the liquid, give the first brew to the one who needs to cheer up, and pour the steamed tea for yourself again. True, this will require good tea capable of withstand several infusions.

And don't forget about the glass hot water in the morning - it will wash away the mucus from the walls of the stomach and "warm up" the whole gastrointestinal tract... Compliance with all these simple, in general, rules will tune your body in the right way and help you quickly lose a few extra pounds if you decide to sit on a "fast" diet.

There are a huge number of diets. These are two-week diets, and weekly, as well as 6-5-3-day diets - as they say, choose the taste. The most important thing is to remember that there are contraindications in every diet. For example, " Japanese diet»Requires use a large number coffee, which is absolutely unacceptable for hypertensive patients. And "Larisa Dolina's diet", which is healthy in content (kefir, fruits, lean meat), implies cleansing with enemas and laxatives, which, you see, is not good for the intestines.

The best option quick release from extra pounds can be considered fasting day. And it doesn't matter what kind - buckwheat, cottage cheese, apple, milk tea (tea brewed in milk) - they all well "drain" excess water and contribute to weight loss by 1-2 kg.

Here, for example, is a variant of the 5-day diet. Strictly speaking, this is not even a diet, but an unloading complex that will allow you to lose up to 3 kg.

Day one, cottage cheese and apple: 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 4 green apples, 2-2.5 liters. liquids. Cottage cheese and apples can be eaten separately or together, apples can be baked. The main thing is that this amount of products must be divided into 6 receptions, and dinner should be no later than 8 pm. What you can drink - water, still, filtered or spring, and 2-3 glasses of green tea, you can drink it with honey. Sugar is excluded.

Day two: the same cottage cheese and apple.

Day three, kefir-cucumber: 600 ml of kefir, 500-600 g fresh cucumbers, 2.5 liters of liquid. We drink kefir 150 g each, alternating with cucumbers (2 medium cucumbers per reception). Do not mix kefir and cucumbers! That is, on this day, 8 meals are obtained, after about 1.5 hours.

Day four, kefir: we divide 1.5 liters of kefir into 6 doses. Liquid (water and green tea with honey) is still in the amount of 2.5 liters.

Day five, pre-holiday: in no case starve, anticipating a night feast! Therefore, be sure to have breakfast (cottage cheese, fruit or porridge). After a couple of hours, you can cook a light vegetable salad, filling it with vegetable oil with lemon juice or soy sauce. For lunch, you can eat fish (or poultry) with vegetables, vegetarian soup, or vegetable soup with chicken broth. Make dinner just as light (fish and vegetables).

In general, look for the most acceptable option for yourself and go ahead! The most important thing is not to get loose at the festive table, otherwise everything will go down the drain. Or worse, get an upset stomach ...

One of the most important rules of the pre-holiday diet - on December 31st, do not go hungry all day so that you can “fit more” at the table. Eat little by little, in small portions, so that by the time of the feast you feel not brutal hunger, but a pleasant appetite.

Happy New Year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

December you need to make an appointment at the beauty salon. 4 weeks before the holiday there are still no queues for specialists, you can choose procedures and carry out a whole course of rejuvenation, tightening, face contour correction, skin lightening, use a solarium. In addition, there is time to experiment with the type of haircut, length and hair color.

If you do not want to spend money before the New Year on a beautician and hairdresser, you can ask someone close to you to give you a certificate for salon services. Or make an "exchange" with your friends - buy gift cards for procedures for each other a month before the holiday.

Regular visits to a Russian bath or sauna can replace a trip to beauty salon... But at least 5-6 "procedures" will be required. Make it a rule to spend a couple of evenings a week in the sauna in December, and the result will amaze you. There will be no trace of fatigue and nervousness, the skin will become fresh and elastic, fat deposits and traces of cellulite will disappear.

Try to eat healthy in December so you don't sit on strict diet a week before the holiday. Do a simple set of exercises in the morning and evening, fall asleep and wake up on time. And most importantly, eliminate cigarettes and alcohol from your life. These "joys" will be enough on holidays.

3 weeks before the holiday

Start taking a smart bath every night 20 days before New Years. Add 100 grams of baking soda and 150 grams of sea salt to the water. Such a bath, subject to daily use, will help you lose 1.5 to 5 kg of excess weight.

To help your hair grow naturally and shine on a festive night, use moisturizers regularly. Try to wash them only with shampoo marked "facilitates combing".

The restoration of the epidermis occurs while we sleep. Go to bed at the same time. Make sure to sleep at least 8 hours. Stock up on night care cosmetics with maximum number vitamins and minerals. Do not be lazy, thoroughly cleanse your skin from makeup, do masks, massage, steam baths for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

2 weeks before ...

It's time to start actively using thermal water and masks with clay content. You can apply water every evening. Remember it is forbidden to spray your face thermal water before going outside, especially in winter.

The clay contains a huge amount of mineral salts and microelements useful for the skin. Scientifically proven that such masks have maximum efficiency in terms of rejuvenation and lifting of the epidermis.

Don't look for new “super effective” skincare products. Ingredients unusual for the skin can cause allergic reaction, which will be completely out of place before the New Year.

A week before the New Year

During this period, you can make nourishing and moisturizing masks daily, alternating them. Before applying the product, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the skin. And after the mask is removed, be sure to apply a cream that matches your age and skin type.

If you did not manage to sign up for a massage with a beautician, then you can and should do it yourself. Make it a habit, at least twice a day, to "pass" the skin of the face with your fingertips, but without pressure, just patting it lightly.

Suddenly appeared pimples do not need to be cauterized or removed mechanically, smear medicines who helped acquaintances, girlfriends or mom. Use aloe juice - a simple, inexpensive, and reliable remedy.

Manicure should be done no earlier than 2-3 days before the holiday night. Do not forget about hand skin care - baths, masks, cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing.