Easy puzzles for kids. Addition tasks with pictures. What does not burn in fire and does not sink in water

1) From the four sevens, you need to get the numbers 1,2,3,5. Any arithmetic operations and any brackets are allowed.

2) Two pigs and three lambs on the farm weigh 46 kg, and three pigs and two lambs weigh 44 kg. How much does 1 piglet weigh? How much does one lamb weigh?

3) Olenka bought a notebook. She decided to number the pages and started from the first. She had to write 39 numbers. How many pages did Olya number?

4) 1/3 X was added to the number X, and then another 25. It turned out 33. What is the number X equal to?

5) How to write the number 50 using three identical numbers. Happened? And now with the help of three identical numbers.
Write the number 100 using three hundred.

6) Which is larger, a third of a half or a half of a third?

7) I was given an example at school in which all odd numbers are written in blue, and all even numbers are written in yellow. And I thought: "What color will the number be - the sum of an even and an odd number?"

8) Sasha put 3 identical round parts from the designer on one bowl of toy scales. On the other bowl - 5 rectangular parts. The scales have evened out. Then he put instead of round 6 square parts. The scales again showed a state of equilibrium. How many round pieces should be placed on one bowl if there are 12 square pieces on the other?

9) You are a bus driver. At the first stop, 6 men and 3 women entered, and two women with children entered. At the second, one man came out and one woman entered with a dog. At the third stop, two more women entered. How old is the driver?

10) Cucumbers were pickled in a barrel. The weight of a barrel of cucumbers is 80 kg. When half of the pickled cucumbers were eaten during the autumn and winter, the barrel of cucumbers began to weigh 41 kg. How much does an empty barrel weigh? How much will a barrel of cucumbers weigh if you have already eaten 2/3 of the original number of cucumbers in the spring?

11) In the 5th group kindergarten 40 mittens dry on the battery. In the 6th group on 1/5 fewer children than in the 5th. How many children are in the 6th group?

12) Arrange the "+" signs between the numbers 5,6,7,8,9,0 so that the total is 170.

13) Tolya and Vova rode in the same elevator. Tolya arrived on the 1st floor, and Vova - on the 12th. How could it be?

14) The children played football for 2 hours. Goalkeeper Fedya was supposed to be at home already 5 hours ago, in order to do his homework in an hour, after another 2 hours to come to his grandmother in the village to help dig potatoes. And after another 2 hours, he was already supposed to take the train going back to the city. Parents are waiting for him at home at 20.00. What time did the guys start playing football?

15) Vitya and Anya have pencils. If Anya gives Vitya 1 pencil, then they will have the same amount, and if Vitya gives Anya 1 pencil, then she will have twice as much as Vitya. How many pencils does each child have?

16) Olya invited friends to a birthday party on a day off 3 hours after the hour that follows the hour before the hour, which is 11 hours after midnight. What time should the guys arrive?

17) Petya rode a scooter first 1/5 of his way, then 1/4 of the rest, and then another half of the rest. He has 25 meters to go. What is the whole path of Petya?

18) Each of 2 stores has 120 kg of potatoes. Each sack of the second shop contains 4g fewer potatoes than each sack of the first. Therefore, in the 2nd store there is 1 more bag than in the first one. How many bags of potatoes are in store 2?

19) Masha and Dasha go towards each other and throw the ball to each other. Masha walks at a speed of 200 steps/hour, and Dasha - 50 steps/hour. The distance between them is 10 paces. The ball flies at a speed of 400 children's steps per hour. IN last moment the ball bounced into the bushes and the girls met. How many child steps did the ball fly?

20) Vika and Sonya have fish in their aquariums. Vika gave Sonya 2 fish, after which Vika had 3 times more fish. How many fish in the aquariums did each of the girls have at the beginning, if there are only 12 fish?

21) Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile decided to plant an alley of lindens. Cheburashka thought that Crocodile Gena had so much work at the zoo that he should plant trees himself. He took a shovel at night and planted all the seedlings after 4 meters. Waking up in the morning, Gena was delighted, but decided that Cheburashka planted trees often. Together they dug up lime trees and transplanted them after 6 meters. The first hole has already been dug. After how many meters will the holes coincide again? Solve the same problem with numbers 8 and 12, 3 and 8, 3 and 15.

22) Three refrigerators cost as much as 9 juicers, and 2 vacuum cleaners as 1 refrigerator. One juicer costs 1 thousand rubles. How much does one vacuum cleaner cost?

23) Tea in beautiful box costs 50 rubles. 20 kop. A box is cheaper than tea by 1 rub. 20 kop. How much does tea cost without a box?

24) Continue the series of numbers:
1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23,..., ..., ....
Write at least three numbers.

25) Sveta's mother gave money for 3 ice creams. The girl bought a cake with 1/3 of this money, and then with 1/3 of the remaining pie. Sveta spent the rest of the money on 4 chewing gums. How much does one ice cream cost if the price of chewing gum is 10 rubles?

26) Vanya, Kolya and Sasha go to school along the same road from the same entrance, the distance from which to the school is 280 m. Having left at the same time, they followed at different speeds. When Sasha was 3 minutes from school, Kolya and Vanya walked a total of 392 meters. When Sasha crossed the threshold of the school, Vanya and Kolya had to walk 200 meters in total. Find Sasha's speed.

Logic tasks for children 6-7 years old help to develop right thinking, to form interest in mathematical education among preschoolers.

Age features

It is in early childhood that the foundations are laid mental development. Logical tasks for children 6-7 years old help to fully prepare them for future life. Mental activity, as well as the processing and comprehension of information offered in tasks, contribute to the formation of certain ideas, as well as the acquisition of generalized and specific knowledge. The acquired skills will help the children to find the right solution in various life situations.

Where to start?

We offer ready-made for children 6-7 years old with answers. The child is offered pictures that depict: a bus, a scooter, a bicycle, a car. It is necessary to determine the vehicle that is superfluous in the proposed list.

Task 1: solution

The answer is a bicycle. The meaning of the task is that fuel is needed to travel by bus, car, scooter, so they can be attributed to one group. When riding a bicycle, human muscle strength is sufficient, therefore this remedy not included in the general list.

Such logical tasks for children of 6-7 years old not only develop thinking, but also form the horizons of preschoolers. Children learn skills colloquial speech, freely argue, speak, plan their activities, ask questions, draw logical conclusions.

Task 2

There are also logical tasks with a catch for children, which are aimed at developing the imagination of the younger generation. Petya is weaker than Kolya, but stronger than Misha. Who is the weakest guy?

Answer: Misha.

To resolve this, you need to make a comparison between Misha, Kolya, Petya. Kolya is the strongest, therefore Misha will be the weakest.

Psychologists call a variety of logical tasks for children 6 years old the right direction for the development of children, which does not bring problems with their physical and mental state. Experts advise starting with simple tasks, gradually increasing the level of their complexity.

Task 3

We offer logical tasks with answers for children, which adults will have to reason about.

There are as many blue parrots in the zoo as there are yellow birds. The number of red and blue parrots is the same, how many birds are there in the zoo if there are three red parrots?

Answer: 9 parrots.

In order to cope with this mathematical problem, you need to carefully listen to its condition. Since the number of all birds is the same, therefore, red, blue, yellow together will be nine birds.

Solving such a task, the child receives the skills of analysis and synthesis, comparison, learns to streamline his actions, navigate in space.

Types and examples of logical tasks

Subject tasks can be offered during desktop or didactic games. For example, the guys must choose from the proposed list of items of one geometric shape, color, size. Such tasks perform a specific function - teaching the child to complete the task, striving for results, the ability to find their mistakes, and correct them:

  • 1st task. A chicken weighs two kilograms on one leg, how much will it weigh on two legs? (2 kg).
  • 2nd task. Two dads, two sons, as well as a grandfather and grandson entered the cafe. How many men were in the cafe? (three).
  • 3rd task. There are five sons in the family. Each has one sister. How many children are in this family? (Six).
  • 4th task. Four girls played with dolls for an hour. How many hours did each of the girls play? (one hour).

Word assignments

Such tasks for development logical thinking for children can be of different subjects:

Task 1. Kids must guess by the description of pets or identify the animal by the listed external signs.

Task 2. Five cones and four bananas grew on a pine tree. How many bananas are left if all the cones have fallen?

Guys who have formed creative thinking, understand that bananas cannot grow on a pine tree, so they answer that not a single fruit will remain on a pine tree.

Children solve logical problems much faster than adults, rather include logic and imagination.

Task 3. Masha lit six candles, a little later put out 3. How many candles does the girl have left? (3 pieces, since the rest were completely burned out).

Task 4. Seryozha broke a wooden rod into 3 parts. How many breaks did he make? (Two).

Psychologists are convinced that it is precisely the various logical tasks contribute to the formation harmonious personality child, so such exercises are included in the new federal educational standards in the programs preschool education. Only when using developmental tasks and games can we talk about the formation of the younger generation with full-fledged logical thinking.

Diverse finger games help activate brain activity, stimulate the formation of speech skills, develop fine motor skills, have a positive effect on creative activity. For example, you can offer children to stage fairy tales, stories using fingers.

The success of schooling directly depends on the ability to solve logical problems. math problems for preschool children.

Task 5. Where can you jump, but where you can not jump? (On the plane).

Task 6. Seryozha ended up in a room with a gas stove, a candle, and a kerosene lamp. What is the first thing a boy should light? (Match).

Task 7. What can Masha see with eyes closed? (Dreams).

Task 8. Maxim saw the "little green man". What should the boy do? (Cross the road at the green traffic light).


At preschool age, the game is used as the main activity. It contributes to the rapid assimilation of skills, knowledge, concentration, memory development. It is towards the end of the preschool period that the formation of verbal-logical thinking begins. It is associated with the development in children of the ability to use words, analyze and perceive the logic of reasoning. In order for the child to have no problems with social adaptation, it is necessary to pay Special attention the formation of his logical thinking.

Psychologists identify three types of conversations that contribute to the formation of logic in preschoolers. Introductory activities are designed to familiarize children with objects, phenomena, processes. The main task of this form of work is to obtain new knowledge, the formation of interest in the upcoming activities.

They are short-term, emotional, development is impossible without them. mathematical logic. The second version of the conversation involves the raising of questions by the educator, in order to find answers to which the child will have to join the active mental activity.

Work is built on the basis of mobilization children's attention, thinking, memory. The child constantly controls the course of the conversation, looking for answers to the questions asked by the teacher. Suitable for older preschoolers. For example, a conversation can be ended with a riddle or a proverb that stimulates the subsequent activity of preschoolers. When building a conversation, it is important to update the experience that children have, to direct them to the upcoming mental activity. For example, during a heuristic conversation, the educator reveals contradictions that children are forced to solve.

Exactly preschool age is the most important point in the formation of logical and ecological culture. At this time, the foundations of personality are laid, including both positive and careful attitude to wildlife and people around.

Logical tasks that help a preschooler to learn and understand the phenomena and processes occurring in wildlife, contribute to the development of an emotional and value attitude towards plants and animals, awareness of the connection with the living world.

At this age, children are happy to join in the process of solving logical problems, the main thing is to make the lesson interesting and exciting.


Danetki is a kind of puzzle-mystery, which is a description of strange, unusual situations. To solve the puzzle, the players can ask clarifying questions to the leader. The host has the right to answer only "Yes" or "No".

More about data...

Danetki is a kind of puzzle-mystery, which is a description of strange, unusual situations. As a rule, a riddle does not contain a clear question. The players just need to find out how such a situation could arise. In order to unravel the causes of the occurrence, or the background, of this situation, the players ask the host clarifying (leading) questions. The facilitator has the right to give three types of answers "yes", "no" and "does not matter" (options: "not significant", "not important"). Hence the name of the game.

These games are simple in nature. At the same time, they develop the skills of logical thinking. Experienced puzzlers form their own chains of questions - algorithms. That is why danetki are often used in computer science textbooks.

Games close in meaning to the Danetki - "Warm-cold", "Yes and no, don't say, don't take black and white." In a certain sense, the last game is the opposite in meaning to danettes, since it is impossible to answer clarifying questions "yes", "no", "white" in it. "black".

Who is the inventor of this type of puzzles, it is probably impossible to find out. However, there is an author of books about non-standard, extraordinary thinking, who created a whole series of riddles based on the principle of danettes. This author is Paul Sloan. In this section, we will introduce you to danetki from P. Sloan's book "Original puzzles for lateral thinking" (Lateral thinking puzzlers), as well as danettes collected on the Internet.

Those interested in the issues of non-standard thinking are advised to read another book by P. Sloan - "The Art of Thinking Out of the Box".

How to unravel money...

It is said that when the North American Indians first saw horsemen, they mistook them for some unknown creatures with four legs and two arms. Very often, faced with new situation or a problem, we turn to past experience and form a quick but erroneous judgment. We make too many assumptions, ask too few questions, and end up with the wrong conclusions.

Danetki are designed to become a funny antidote for any bad habits lazy or inflexible thinking. These puzzles, if you try to solve them in small companies, I can be entertaining game and training the flexibility of the brain. Someone may know the solution, while others - family members, friends or colleagues - ask questions to find this solution. Of those who ask greatest success those who achieve are those who have a rich imagination and logical abilities, who test all assumptions, and then try to narrow the search area by asking, if possible, general issues before moving on to specific details.

As a rule, puzzles do not have obscure solutions and do not require special knowledge. They are not intended to deliberately confuse the reader. The exception is the "WASLU Tests", which contain special questions where various dishonest tricks are used to confuse you.

These puzzles designed to test your ability to formulate questions, logical abilities and perseverance. If the direct approach leads to a dead end, try to approach the problem with different sides. Do not look for direct answers, otherwise you will lose all the charm of the game. If you don't get anything at all, look for help in the hints.

Remember that in life there are no answers at the end of the book!



Brought to the elephant by a monkey

Two bananas.

Here is a happy gift


He had one banana


Now how much has become



How many times have they told the cat: It is ugly to eat without a spoon.

I just run into the house

Licks porridge with tongue.

With a pig it's even worse:

He swam in the puddle again.

And the naughty goat:

Ate four dirty pears.

(How many were naughty?




TO rich cat guest came -

Famous goat in the city

With a gray-haired and strict wife

Longhorn goat.

The rooster appeared fighting.

Behind the rooster is a hen,

And in soft cap downy

A pig came - a neighbor.

count quickly

All cat guests! ( 5)


Three chickens are standing -

They look at the shells.

Two eggs in a nest

Have a hen lie.

Count quickly:

How many chickens will

At my hen? (5)



The hero stands rich,

Treats all children:

Vanya strawberries,

Tanya with a bone

Masha with nuts,

Petya russula,

Katenka raspberries,

Vasya with a twig

What hero are we talking about in this riddle? List what the forest can treat?; How many children did he treat - whom with what? (6)


The hostess once came from the market.

The hostess brought home from the market:

potatoes, cabbage,

carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets… OH!

How can you call in one word everything that the hostess brought from the market? (vegetables). How many vegetables did the hostess bring?(6)


Tra-ta-ta, Tra-ta-ta!

We bring a cat with us

Chizhik, dog,


monkey, parrot,

What a company!

Count all the cheerful company!(6 )


Six funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired:

He lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are ahead?(5)

The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes.

She put the dough behind the oven and fired it up.

The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes,

And how many they need completely forgot.

Two things - for the granddaughter,

Two things for grandfather

Two things for Tanya

Neighbor's daughters...

I thought, I thought, I lost it.

And the oven was completely fired up.

Help the old lady

Count the cheesecakes!(6)


Brought goose - mother

Six children walk on the meadow.

All goslings are like balls.

three sons,

how many daughters? (3)

(6= 3+X; X=3)

How many ears do three mice have?

How many ends do two and a half sticks have?

How many minutes are 6 sausages cooked if 2 are cooked for 6 minutes?



Our Masha got up early -

She counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls on the window,

Two Arinka on a featherbed,

Two Tanyas on a pillow,

A parsley in a cap

On an oak chest

How many all? (7)


Alenka is visiting

Two chickens in bast shoes

Cockerel in boots

Hen in earrings

Drake in a caftan,

Duck in a sundress,

A cow in a skirt

Warm coat.

How many guests?

Count quickly!(7)






Egorka was lucky again,

Sitting by the river is not in vain.

Two crucians in a bucket

And four minnows.

oh look - by the bucket

There was a sly cat...

How many fish home Yegorka

Will it bring to our ears?

(Not at all)

Badger Grandmother

She baked pancakes.

Treated two grandchildren -

Two pugnacious badgers.

And the grandchildren did not eat,

With a roar, saucers knock.

Well, how many badgers

Waiting for supplements and silent?

(No one waits in silence, two wait with a roar)


10 monkeys were sitting by the window.

One of them fell

And there were 9 of them.

9 monkeys climbed onto the bridge

A boat was passing by

And there were 8 of them.

8 monkeys were completely exhausted.

One went to bed

And they became 7.

7 monkeys began to eat bananas.

A passer-by was walking by

And now there are 6 of them.

6 monkeys went for a walk in the park.

One flew away

And they became 5.

5 monkeys found a head of cheese.

Towards them a mouse

And here are 4 of them.

4 monkeys played until dawn,

But then mom came

And they became 3.

3 monkeys were playing on the grass

One fell into a hole

And they became 2.

2 monkeys look growing pine

And climbed on it

And only one got off.

1 monkey began to sing songs

But she got sad

And there are 10 again.


Logic tasks. 1 class A

Grandmother knitted two pairs of socks for Nina. How many socks did Nina's grandmother knit?

Chickens are walking around the yard. Petya counted 6 legs for all chickens. How many chickens?

Tolya has 2 pairs of mittens. How many mittens on the left hand?

What is the smallest number?

There are four children in the family: there are as many sisters as there are brothers and sisters. How many sisters?

From the barrel they took 2 times 2 full buckets of water. How many buckets of water did you take?

The kittens are in the basket. All kittens have 3 pairs of ears. How many kittens are in the basket?

There were 6 kids on the hill. The two left for lunch, but after dinner they returned to the hill. How many guys were on the hill?

The spider has 4 pairs of legs. How many legs does a spider have?

Yura has 3 dice, and Serezha has 2 dice. There is a box on the table that contains 4 cubes. Will the boys be able to fit all their blocks into this box?

The beetle has 3 pairs of legs. How many legs does a beetle have?

There were 8 buds on the bush in the morning. By the middle of the day, all the buds have blossomed and become beautiful roses. How many buds are left unopened on this bush?

The package contains red and yellow apples. 4 red and 5 yellow apples were taken from the bag, and the bag was empty. How many apples were in the bag?

Dima won 2 games of chess against Alyosha, and Alyosha won 3 games. How many games did the boys play?

Each of the three adults leads two children by the hand. How many children go with all the adults?

How many whole loaves of bread can be made from six halves?

5 children walk one by one along the road. Every boy, except the last, is followed by a girl. How many girls are walking down the road?

I came up with two numbers. When I added them up, I got 6. When I subtracted the other from one, I got 6 again. What are these numbers?

There are 8 cakes in a box. How many cakes must be taken from the box so that there are 5 cakes left in it?

Katya thought of a number, added 5 to it and got 15. What number did Katya think of?

There are two children in the family. Sasha is Zhenya's brother, but Zhenya is not Sasha's brother. Could it be? Who is Zhenya?

There were 10 apples on the apple tree, the gardener allowed the children to pick 1 apple from the apple tree. There are 6 apples left on the apple tree. How many children were there?

The train consists of 10 cars. Petya got into the fifth car from the beginning of the train, and Fedya got into the fifth car from the end. Do they travel in the same carriage?

A chocolate bar consists of 6 square slices. How many breaks do you need to make to break this tile into separate slices?

Peter is the son of Sergei, and Sergei is the son of Fedor. Who is Pyotr Fedor related to?

There are 3 more apple trees in the garden than pears. Apple trees 7. How many pears?

Several pages fell out of the book. On the first page that has fallen out is the number 5, and on latest number 10. How many sheets fell out of the book?

Zina has 4 postcards less than Galya. Zina has 6 postcards. How many postcards does Gali have?

My name is Ivan Sergeevich, and my grandfather (my father's father) is Petr Nikolaevich. Write down the name and patronymic of my father.

The red cord is 1m longer than the green one and 2m longer than the blue one. The length of the green cord is 5m. Find the length of the green cord.

Hats hang on a hanger; 1 more hats than berets. Hats 8. How many hats and how many berets?

The minuend is greater than the subtrahend by 2. What is the difference?

Guess how old my grandfather is if we celebrate his 70th birthday in 15 years.

The difference of two numbers is equal to the subtrahend. Think of these numbers and write an example.

The difference between two numbers is 0. Think of and write down an example.

Grandma put 12 pears on a plate. After the grandchildren took 1 pear from the plate, 8 pears remained. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?

At a mathematics lesson, Olga Petrovna asked Gosha to name all the numbers less than 7, and Vitya - all the numbers that are greater than 3 and less than 9. What identical numbers did the boys name?


4 socks

3 chickens

2 mittens

The number 0, because< любого натурального числа

2 sisters

2+2=4 buckets

3 kittens

6 guys

8 legs


6 legs


4+5=9 apples

1+1+1=3 or 1+2=3

2+2+2=6 children



6 and 0

3 cakes

Number 10


four children




4 pears

3 sheets

10 postcards

Sergei Petrovich

5+1=6, 6-2=4m


70-15=55(years old)

6-3=3, 14-7=7 etc.

12-8=4 grandchildren

4, 5, 6.


4 socks

3 chickens

2 mittens

The number 0, because< любого натурального числа

2 sisters

2+2=4 buckets

3 kittens

6 guys

8 legs


6 legs


4+5=9 apples

1+1+1=3 or 1+2=3

2+2+2=6 children



6 and 0

3 cakes

Number 10


four children




4 pears

3 sheets

10 postcards

Sergei Petrovich

5+1=6, 6-2=4m

31. 8-1=7, 7-1=6 Answer: 7 hats and 6 berets


70-15=55(years old)

6-3=3, 14-7=7 etc.

12-8=4 grandchildren

4, 5, 6.


4 socks

3 chickens

2 mittens

The number 0, because< любого натурального числа

2 sisters

2+2=4 buckets

3 kittens

6 guys

8 legs


6 legs


4+5=9 apples

1+1+1=3 or 1+2=3

2+2+2=6 children



6 and 0

3 cakes

Number 10


four children




4 pears

3 sheets

10 postcards

Sergei Petrovich

5+1=6, 6-2=4m

8-1=7, 7-1=6 Answer: 7 hats and 6 berets


70-15=55(years old)

6-3=3, 14-7=7 etc.

12-8=4 grandchildren

4, 5, 6.


1. Mom bought 3 pairs of mittens for the children. How many left mittens and how many right mittens?

2. There were 7 benches in the park. 3 benches were replaced with new ones. How many benches are there in the park?

3. The apartment has 2 rooms. They made two out of one room. How many rooms are in the apartment?

4. Yura asked the library for Nafanya magazines from the second to the sixth issue. How many magazines did the librarian give him?

5. The apartment has 4 rooms. Two rooms were connected together and made one large room out of them. How many rooms are in the apartment?

6. Julia counted 10 legs for all the chickens that were sitting in the basket. How many chickens were in the basket?

7. Tanya said that she has more than 4 dolls and less than 7. How many dolls could Tanya have?

8. Kolya is older than Seryozha, and Seryozha is older than Misha. Write down the name of the boy who is the youngest.

9. There were 8 green tomatoes on the windowsill. After 3 days they turned red. How many green tomatoes are left?

10. Rabbits sit in a cage so that their ears are visible. Vova counted 5 pairs of ears. How many rabbits are in a cage?

11. The blacksmith shoed two horses. How many horseshoes did he need?

12. Alyosha was treated to sweets. He decided to give his sister 4 sweets and take 3 for himself. How many sweets did they give Alyosha?

13. Masha and Vanya each have 9 lollipops. Masha ate 4 lollipops and Vanya did the same. How many lollipops does Vanya have left?

14. Nina thought of a number. She first added this number to 7, and then subtracted it from 7. The answer turned out to be the same - 7. What number did Nina think of?

15. Roma was given as many badges as he already had. Roma counted all the badges, there were 8 of them. How many badges did Roma have at first?

16. To seat 7 children in a room, 2 chairs are missing. How many chairs are in the room?

17. A spider has 4 pairs of legs, and a beetle has 3 pairs of legs. How many more legs does a spider have than a beetle?

18. There are 6 cells in a box. Each cell contains only one Christmas tree decoration. Is it possible to put 4 balls and 3 cones in this box?

19. Sister older brother for 1 year. How many years older will the sister be than the brother in 5 years?

20. Can the sum of two numbers be equal to the summand?

21. Can the difference of two numbers be equal to the one being reduced?

22. Write down a number less than 20, in which the number of tens is 4 less than the number of units.

23. I pasted 4 decals on each page of the album. How many pages did 8 pictures take up?

24. The sum of two numbers is 8 and their difference is 4. Guess what these numbers are?

25. My name is Nina Alexandrovna, and my grandfather (my father's father) is Ivan Nikolaevich. What is my father's name?

26. On the left pan of the scales are a bag of flour and a weight of 1 kg. On the right pan of the scales is a 3 kg weight. Scales in balance. Find a mass of bags of flour.

27. in the shoe department of the department store there is a sign: "Shoes 37 - 42 sizes." Is it possible to buy shoes in size 39 in this department?

28.What double figures can be written using the numbers 5 and 6?

29. Sugar is sold packaged in bags of 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg. Mom knocked out a check at the cash desk for the purchase of 7 kg of sugar. The saleswoman gave her 3 bags of sugar. How much sugar was in each of the packets? Consider possible cases.

30. Compare the numbers *2 and 95 Record using one of the signs< или >.

31. Julia and Marina found an equal number of mushrooms in the forest. Yulia had 4 mushrooms that turned out to be wormy, and on the way home she threw them away. And Marina found 5 more mushrooms. How many more mushrooms did Marina have than Yulia?

32. There is money in the desk drawer. With this money you can buy 2 chairs of the same price or one chair. What is more expensive chair or chair?

33. There are as many books on the top shelf as there are on the bottom. 3 books were placed on the top shelf and 3 books were removed from the bottom shelf. On which shelf more books and for how long?

34. There are 12 red and green balls in a box. Take 3 red and 4 green balls from the box. After that, there are no green balls left in the box. How many red balls are left in the box? 35. There are 5 more apples in the basket than in the bag. 7 apples were taken from the basket. Where are more apples left: in a basket or in a bag, and by how much?

36. The wizard made 3 keys for three locks: copper, silver and gold. Only one key fits each lock. The copper key does not fit either the first or the second lock. The silver key does not fit the second lock. Which lock fits each key?

37. Petya has 4 less candies than Seryozha. Mom gave Petya 5 more sweets. Who has more sweets and by how much?

38. The green ribbon is 3 m longer than the red one. 5 m were cut off from the green tape, and 2 m from the red one. Compare the lengths of the remaining pieces of tape.

39. Yura has just enough money to buy 4 waffles or 2 sweets. Will he be able to buy 1 candy and 4 waffles with his own money?

40. Write down 6 numbers according to this rule: the first is 1, the second is 2, and each next is equal to the sum of the two previous ones.

41. Olya can buy 4 pencils and 3 notebooks with her own money. Will she have enough money to buy 3 pencils or 3 notebooks?42. Grandfather allowed each of the three granddaughters to pick one rose from four bushes. How many roses did all the granddaughters pick?43. Write down 5 numbers according to this rule: the first is 18, the second is 10, and each next is equal to the difference of the previous two.

44. Half the number of apples on the plate was taken for compote. How many apples are left on the plate if the compote was cooked from 6 apples?

45. Bought a package of yogurt. Half of the kefir that was in the bag was drunk by Masha and Dasha. There are 2 cups of kefir left in the package. How many cups of kefir were in the bag?

46. ​​Melon is heavier than watermelon and lighter than pumpkin. What is the heaviest?

47. There are vegetables on the table: turnips are 1 less than cucumbers, and cucumbers are 1 less than tomatoes. How many fewer turnips are there than tomatoes?

48. The red ribbon is shorter than the blue ribbon and longer than the green one. Which tape is the shortest?

49. Dima is 1 year older than Serezha, and Serezha is 1 year older than Roma. How many years is Dima older than Roma?

50. For every minute, 10 liters of water are poured into the bath from the tap. During the same time, 2 liters of water is poured out through a hole in the bottom of the tub that is not tightly covered with a cork. Is the amount of water in the bath increasing or decreasing, and by how many liters every minute?

51. Petya took 3 cubes and put them one on one so that it turned out to be a “tower”. The red cube was lower than the blue one, and the blue one was lower than the green one. Which cube did Petya put the highest?

52. A tower was built from three cubes. The yellow die is placed above the blue and below the red. Which cube is the tallest?

53. The cake was cut into 4 identical parts, and then each part was cut into 2 identical parts. How many people will the cake last if everyone puts one piece on a saucer?

54. There are gingerbread and waffles in the box: there are 2 less gingerbread than waffles. How many waffles if there are 6 gingerbread cookies?

55. Mitya is 2 years older than Gena. Mitya is 10 years old. How old is Gene?

56. Sum of two numbers 9. Sum more than the first term by 5. What is the second term equal to?

57. 6 girls and 2 boys skated at the rink. Soon the three children were called to dinner and they went home. Was there even one girl left on the rink?

58. Bought a jar grape juice. Four children were given a full glass of juice from a jar. After that, exactly as much was left in the jar as the children drank. How many glasses of juice were in the jar?

60. Melon is 3 kg lighter than watermelon. A piece weighing 1 kg was cut off from a melon, and from a watermelon -

piece weighing 3 kg. What is left more: melon or watermelon, and by how many kilograms?


3, 3






5 or 6









7-2=5 chairs

4+3=7 6<7 нет, нельзя

for 1 year

Yes. When subtracted is 0.




6 and 2

Alexander Ivanovich



55, 56, 65, 66

*2 < 95



3+3=6(k) > top shelf

1 way: 12-4=8, 8-3=5.

2 way: 3+4=7. 12-7=5

In a package for 2 apples >.

Petya has 1

Lengths are equal


1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.


4+4+4=12 roses

18, 10, 8, 2, 6.




On 2.

green ribbon

For 2 years

10-2=8(L) increases

green cube


For 8 people






4+4=8 glasses

Watermelon per 1 kg >.


3, 3






5 or 6









7-2=5 chairs

8-6=2 or 4-3=1 one pair is two legs

4+3=7 6<7 нет, нельзя

for 1 year

Yes. If one of the terms is zero. For example: 5+0=5

Yes. When subtracted is 0.




6 and 2

Alexander Ivanovich



55, 56, 65, 66

1) 3kg, 3kg, 1kg; 2) 2kg, 2kg, and 3kg

*2 < 95



3+3=6(k) > top shelf

1 way: 12-4=8, 8-3=5.

2 way: 3+4=7. 12-7=5

In a package for 2 apples >.

Copper key from 3 locks, silver - from 1, gold - from 2 locks.

Petya has 1

Lengths are equal


1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.


4+4+4=12 roses

18, 10, 8, 2, 6.




On 2.

green ribbon

For 2 years

10-2=8(L) increases

green cube


For 8 people






4+4=8 glasses

Watermelon per 1 kg >.


3, 3






5 or 6









7-2=5 chairs

8-6=2 or 4-3=1 one pair is two legs

4+3=7 6<7 нет, нельзя

for 1 year

Yes. If one of the terms is zero. For example: 5+0=5

Yes. When subtracted is 0.




6 and 2

Alexander Ivanovich



55, 56, 65, 66

1) 3kg, 3kg, 1kg; 2) 2kg, 2kg, and 3kg

*2 < 95



3+3=6(k) > top shelf

1 way: 12-4=8, 8-3=5.

2 way: 3+4=7. 12-7=5

In a package for 2 apples >.

Copper key from 3 locks, silver - from 1, gold - from 2 locks.

Petya has 1

Lengths are equal


1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.


4+4+4=12 roses

18, 10, 8, 2, 6.




On 2.

green ribbon

For 2 years

10-2=8(L) increases

green cube


For 8 people






4+4=8 glasses

Watermelon per 1 kg >.

Tasks for the development of attention, imagination, logical thinking, mathematical thinking for elementary school students

Task 1. Counting

Color pairs of tomatoes whose sum of digits is 7

Task 2. What letter does it begin with?

Task 3. What is superfluous?

Color the extra picture.

Task 4. Copy by cells

Draw the same kitten in an empty plate.

Task 5. Magic carpet

How many figures different shapes on the carpet?

Write your answers above the lines.

Task 6. Where is whose portrait?

Match each child with his portrait.

Task 7. Copy by cells

Draw the same kitten in an empty tablet and color it.

Task 8. From point to point

Connect the dots in order and you will see what is drawn here. Color the picture.

Task 9. Crispy carrots

Help the rabbit get to the carrots.

Task 10. Cars

Count the cars and write in the circle how many there are.

Task 11. Copy the cells

Draw the same piano in an empty tablet and color it.

Task 12. Where is whose mother?

Line up the cubs with their mothers.

Task 13. In the kitchen

Color the picture.

Task 14

Solve the examples and match the answers with the corresponding pictures.

Task 15. From point to point

Connect the dots in order and color the picture.

Task 16. Magic square

Fill in the missing numbers and the mathematical sign.

Task 17. Funny painters

Color the picture.

Task 18. Look and circle

Circle the picture below and color it in.

Task 19. Animals

Unravel the words and write the names of the animals.

Task 20

What is written here?

Task 21

Use the clues to solve examples.

Task 22

Unravel the words and make captions under the pictures.

Task 23. Big and small

Connect big pictures with the same pictures. Circle the big pictures in blue and the small pictures in green.

Task 24. Water safari

Help the traveler find the boat.

Task 25. Wardrobe

Unravel the words.

Put them in frames and color the pictures.

Task 26. What letter does it begin with?

Connect the pictures and letters with lines.

Task 27. Twins

Connect the same balls with lines.

Task 28. Balloons

Guess the sequence and fill in the missing numbers.

Task 29. Shadows

Connect the shark with its shadow with a line.

Task 30. Fruit cart

Write the names of the fruits in the cart.

Task 31. Find the differences

Find eight differences between the pictures.