Educational toys for children 2 years old. sensory development. The development of mathematical concepts, logic, thinking, attention, memory. Outdoor toys

For 2 years, the baby accumulates so many toys that they sometimes cease to fit in baskets and boxes, and the child, meanwhile, ignores them and does not want to deal with them. How can parents understand the variety of goods and buy for the baby really useful companions for the development of daily entertainment?

Toys are not only soothing "helpers" of parents, they should be a real source of development for the crumbs.

Features of the game of a child in 2-3 years

To decide what toys a child needs at 2-3 years old, you should understand the characteristics of children of this age. Kids are now active and not able to do one thing for a long time, but most of them already develop certain preferences in classes.

During this period, games for the baby should be varied: develop, educate, entertain, physically engage him and gradually accustom him to perseverance. Since speech is actively formed at 2-4 years old, some classes are devoted to the development of fine motor skills, while others are needed to develop self-service skills and train coordination of movements.

By the age of 2, the psychological development of children reaches a level where they begin to actively copy the actions of adults. During this period, objects for role-playing games appear in the arsenal of toys.

What toys does a child need at this age?

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The stores have a lot of toys for children 2-3 years old, and almost all of them are able to develop and educate the baby (we recommend reading:). Regardless of the purpose of the purchased product, it must have certain properties:

  1. Be safe. Toddlers under 3 years old still tend to put all available objects in their mouths, so the purchased product should not have loose or easily detached small parts.
  2. Be understandable. The baby must himself or with a little help adults figure out how to play with the gift.
  3. Be interesting. When choosing a toy, it is important not to rely on someone else's experience, but on the knowledge of your child's hobbies. If the boy is given period like to copy mom - buy him dishes, a doll or an iron. Acquired "male" tanks and helicopters may not be of interest to the baby now.
  4. Be quality. Color solution toys, the material from which it is made, and the sounds it makes - all this should be pleasant and comfortable for the baby.

Based on the listed signs, you can easily choose a good toy for your baby. All games must be safe, fun and of high quality.

Educational toys for boys and girls

Educational wooden lacing toys

This category goods designed to teach kids necessary skills to develop their spatial thinking, fine motor skills, logic and eye. These toys can be roughly divided into two groups: some are role-playing, others develop kids, honing important movements.

  • Laces are inexpensive goods that help develop the eye and fine motor skills in the crumbs, and contribute to the development of perseverance in children.
  • Frames-inserts contribute to the assimilation of the concept of sizes and shapes, develop fine motor skills, coordination, eye and attention.

Wooden frame insert " Geometric figures»
  • Story toys also teach kids. Dolls, strollers, kitchens and ironing board, cars and suitcases with tools, doctor's kits - all this helps the child to merge into the adult world and repeat the actions of others.
  • Designers teach kids to create. They also help to build perseverance in children, use their imagination and logical thinking. Working with the details of the set contributes to the development of fine motor skills.

These toys require active participation adults in class. By themselves, they will not develop your child, they are just a tool. You must show the baby how to use the objects correctly, and when he learns everything, he will be able to act on his own.

Educational toys

Children 2-3 years old love to play with plasticine

Modern parents it seems that the toys of this group are expensive items well-known firms. In fact, to develop a child, with right approach, may be goods that are completely familiar to us, spending on which will have almost no effect on the family budget:

  1. Plasticine. traditional material designed to improve fine motor skills creativity can be a great helper for the development of the baby. From plasticine, you can stick vegetables and fruits together with the crumbs and play in the store, teaching him to count. Soft material can be spread on cardboard, and then cereals can be attached to it, creating paintings. You can come up with a great many games with plasticine - and all of them will become educational for the baby.
  2. Cubes. Wooden, plastic, foam rubber, with and without pictures - all of them, with the right approach, will become effective tool for the development of a child 2-3 years old. With their help, you can build towers, houses and garages, learn to distinguish colors and sizes. Games with cubes will teach the baby to be assiduous and diligent.
  3. Mosaic and puzzles. By picking up a product whose large parts are easily and effortlessly assembled into a single whole, you will help your baby learn to analyze and group objects. As you develop simple products, the child can buy complicated options.

To ensure the harmonious development of the baby, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive goods. Simple and familiar to us from childhood, cubes, plasticine and mosaics will become an effective stimulator for the formation of the necessary skills for the crumbs.

Didactic toys

This type of goods, more than others, requires the active participation of adults in the classroom. Target didactic toys- help the child to know the world, learn to compare, analyze and make right choice. There are enough specialized products of this category on the shelves of stores: these are didactic cards with images and names, and paired puzzle pictures, and cubes with illustrations on their faces that are put together.

Children's dominoes with pictures of plants, vegetables and fruits

Another product that can be classified as didactic toys for children is a variety of board games. Lotto and dominoes with images of animals, vegetables and fruits will be great family entertainment and will contribute to the accumulation necessary knowledge and concepts of the baby.

Musical toys

Despite the fact that many interactive toys and books play a lot of tunes, parents are eager to get musical instruments for their children - and for good reason. They develop not only musical ability but also fine motor skills, breathing and coordination.

Active development the child is promoted by a variety of musical toys

For kids you can buy:

  • whistles;
  • pipes;
  • harmonicas;
  • diamonds;
  • ratchets;
  • maracas;
  • drum;
  • xylophone;
  • toy piano.

It is clear that these musical instruments will not be able to captivate the baby for a long time, but 5-10 minutes a day will be enough for him. Regular activities with such toys will contribute to the development of hearing and a sense of rhythm in the crumbs.

Toys for an active child

Toddlers 2-3 years old are constantly on the move, and their attention is rarely able to linger on one object for a long time. In an effort to accustom the baby to perseverance, do not forget about the need for dynamic games - in order to properly redirect the "extra" energy of hyperactive children, you should organize outdoor activities at home.

Ball pools are in high demand for young children.

Ideal for this:

  1. Ball games. If the space of the apartment allows you to organize playground for such activities, you can play futsal with the crumbs or teach him to throw the ball into a basketball basket mounted on a wall or door.
  2. Skittles. It's quite dynamic and gambling, which, with the right approach, will make the hyper active kids"sweat". The bowling alley develops accuracy and trains coordination of movements when placing inventory.
  3. Transport. Scooters and bicycles, on which the baby will learn to ride at home, will develop his balance and expend excess energy. Another acceptable option for active kids - a balance bike (we recommend reading:).
  4. Pool with balls. Budget and compact inflatable models filled with plastic balls will captivate your baby and his little guests for a long time.

toys for active child are selected based on the temperament of the crumbs, his hobbies, as well as spatial capabilities.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house allows, you can equip a whole sports section with swings, rings, mats and trampolines.

Interactive toys

Modern interactive toys look interesting, but kids get bored pretty quickly, so try to choose only practical "smart" models. On store shelves you can see:

  • various pianos;
  • educational tablets;
  • toys that, when you press the buttons, play different melodies;
  • rugs and posters;
  • game centers with buttons.

Monotony interactive toys, unfortunately, children get bored pretty quickly, so they should be put away in the closet after the baby has played enough. A week later, they can be taken out again and given to the baby - interest will temporarily increase again.

Rating of the best toys for kids

It is clear that such an abundance of toys is not only beyond the reach of many families, but will also become a kind of "stealing" of the imagination of the kids. To avoid littering the apartment with unnecessary goods, it is better to limit their number.

Active kids almost never get tired of playing with a ball.

On the forums, mothers often discuss the problem of necessary and useful toys for children 2-3 years old. Based on them practical experience you can rank the best of them:

  • Ball. It's really useful toy with which you can come up with a lot of training and development activities.
  • Board-easel. Two-sided models are very convenient, on one side of which you can draw with crayons, and on the other with markers.
  • Story games. It could be anything - Railway or a racing track for a boy, a kitchen or a doctor's set for a girl, the main thing is that the kid can try on those “masks” of adults that he sees every day.
  • Comfort toy. Every day the baby is full of new experiences, which sometimes it is difficult for his psyche to cope with. So that the child falls asleep well and feels comfortable in stressful situation(at the doctor's kindergarten, visiting unfamiliar people) it is important to “get” a beloved friend for him.

Toy-comfort "Giraffen"
  • Modeling. Now it is important to develop perseverance and fine motor skills in the crumbs, plasticine and modern noveltykinetic sand. Optimal and pleasant to the touch replacement for them - salty dough(We recommend reading:).
  • Constructor. Girls and boys should definitely learn how to create with their own hands: build towers from wooden cubes, buildings from plastic blocks, and easily create incredible structures from magnetic frames.
  • Puzzles. The kid will be happy to collect pictures from large parts, and the feeling of success will stimulate the baby to conquer new “heights”.

  • Car. Rolling mini-transport, arranging races and walking for dolls is not necessarily a strictly “male” occupation, girls also like such children's entertainment.
  • Creation. Plasticine and kinetic sand Finger paint with brush sets and safe paints, applications and mosaics - every child should have all this and develop his imagination, fine motor skills and perseverance.
  • Didactic cards. These are realistic images (or better - photographs) of animals, vegetables and fruits, plants, buildings, clothing and everything that developing babies should be aware of the environment.

This is the main list of really useful and fascinating objects that will contribute to harmonious development crumbs. In addition to the toys included in this list, parents should also take care of buying books for the child, - your joint classes instill in your child a love of reading.

"The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

- A child should have a lot of toys! - my mother said decisively, when she came to visit us and brought another package of toys.

It's great when parents, grandparents love, delight the child and enjoy themselves choosing and buying gifts for the baby, but ... Obviously, with the modern abundance of educational toys, you can simply go broke by turning the nursery into a warehouse. And most importantly, buying a lot of toys thoughtlessly, it is easy to harm the baby. And therefore, when choosing toys, it is important, first of all, to take into account the skills and interests of the child, to think about what certain educational aids can teach (with the help of adults) to the baby. Let's discuss what educational toys really should be at home for a child from 2 to 3 years old.

The main areas of child development from 2 to 3 years

Each child has its own individual rhythm of development, and therefore it is definitely impossible to say to what skills and at what level a particular child aged two to three years is most sensitive (receptive), especially since sensitive periods do not have clear boundaries. But psychologists identify the main areas of development and activities that are most characteristic of this age.

These areas include:

  • physical development, improvement motor abilities;
  • development of speech and communication skills, development emotional sphere;
  • development of the game as the main way of knowing the world;
  • development of imagination, fantasy and creativity;
  • development of the cognitive sphere (memory, attention, thinking) and sensory development.

In addition, it is important to know that at the age of three years, the child's thinking is visual and effective in nature and is aimed at identifying various properties real objects, their shapes, colors, sizes.

Below is an overview educational toys for a child from 2 to 3 years that will help meet the needs of the child in the development and implementation cognitive interests.

Toys for physical development:

  • Balls of different sizes and colors. They can be thrown to each other, rolled on the floor and down a hill, thrown at a target (in a box, for example), or hit the goal, kicked, caught up, crouched behind the ball and passed to each other as part of the relay, clap your hand and hit the ground .
  • Fitball can also be useful for gymnastics.
  • Swedish wall useful for moving up and down, you can also learn to hang on the horizontal bar.
  • Small pillows. AT outdoor games you can step over or jump over them, arrange an obstacle course.
  • Sports mat or soft mat. You can do fun exercises and exercises to combine movements and words, arrange imitation games (these games, in addition to developing coordination and gross motor skills, still work great for the development of speech, the emotional sphere).
  • Orthopedic or touch pads indispensable for massaging small feet.
  • Bicycle, scooter, balance bike, sled, skis.

You can read about how to organize a home gym.

Toys for the development of imagination, spatial and constructive thinking, coordination of movements, large motor skills

  • Constructors with details different sizes and forms, cubes, Lego sets. You can build castles, towers, tunnels, garages, fences for different sites and roads, lay out figures of animals and people, and so on ... Build together or ask a child to build a figure according to your model, gradually complicate the task, add a plot to the game, populate castles and houses little men and so on. About how to build from Lego constructor without instructions, you can read .
  • Clothespins. With clothespins you can create various images(rays from the sun, thorns from a hedgehog and paws of animals), use them in creative pursuits.
  • Fishing toy in her various . This is a multifunctional toy. And if you manage to interest the baby, then you can use it to develop memory, attention, mathematical representations, skills of playing by the rules or in a team (to catch fish in turn).
  • stencils(animals, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, geometric shapes, spirograph, and so on).
  • Materials for creativity( , construction and so on).

sensory development. Development of mathematical concepts, logic, thinking, attention, memory

What educational toys do you use? Share your experience in the comments!

What does a child need to be happy? Caring for loved ones, goodies and, of course, toys!

Since ancient times, caring moms and dads have tried to entertain the child with homemade funny toys made from different material: wood, fabric, pebble, etc. Nowadays, there are a lot of outlets where you can buy a toy that matches the age of the child, his development, interests and abilities.

For each stage of growing up correspond certain kind games and entertainment. For example, children under one year old like rattles, rubber Stuffed Toys. How older child becomes, the more he is interested in developing and educational games, control cars, talking dolls, etc.

What toys do children like 2-3 years old

Today we are going to talk about developmental toys. two year old. By this age, kids become more active, inquisitive and intelligent, so games should be not only exciting, but also educational.


One of these games is sorters, the meaning of which is that the kid pushes the elements various shapes into the corresponding hole. Typically, figurines are geometric shape: square, oval, circle, asterisk, etc., playing with which the child learns to recognize, match and compare.


funny toy for kids of two years is a mosaic, playing which they form artistic imagination, the skill of designing on the same plane, study colors, and also develop creative fantasy. The mosaic consists of a small perforated field and chips the same shape, but different colors: red, green, yellow and blue. The essence of the game is that the baby puts each part into the nest of the field, forming the desired pattern.

Musical toys

A special role in the upbringing of a child is played by musical instruments, as well as toys that emit a cheerful melody. A prime example is a xylophone - a toy that is able to make magical sounds, thanks to the smooth movements of the baby's fingers. Playing such a musical instrument, the little one develops hearing, motor skills, a sense of rhythm and learns to distinguish the tonality of the melody.

By the way, a children's guitar, drum, pipe will be a wonderful musical instrument for a young musician. The only barrier to buying may be that parents love silence and are not ready to listen to the sound of one or another instrument every day that their child will play.

Water toys

It's no secret that many children love to play by taking daily water procedures. For these purposes, I propose to purchase containers with which you can pour water, arrange them in the shape of a pyramid, let them float on water, etc. These toys are not only useful for children, but also for adults who are trying to wash the fidget.

Games for the development of hand motor skills

There are games that develop fine motor skills, perseverance, attentiveness, coordination and logical thinking. These include puzzles, stringing parts on a rod (pyramid) or on a wire (beads). It is very interesting to watch how the kid enthusiastically collects a picture from colored figures, and rejoice with him when everything works out.

"Puzzles" - translated from English - is a puzzle that develops the child's intelligence in a playful and relaxed way, as well as visual-figurative thinking. Putting together the picture, the little one learns to be patient, diligent, and also purposeful, bringing what has been started to the end. Perhaps some parents think that two year old it's hard to figure out what to do with the pieces of the picture, but I want to assure you that many one and a half year old clever people add up quite easily simple pictures from puzzles. Therefore, if you want your little one to familiarize himself with this interesting game, then purchase puzzles that are appropriate for his age.

When buying a puzzle for a two-year-old kid, pay attention to:

  • number and size of cards. It is desirable that there be no more than 6 pieces, and a large size. For the first time, you can take puzzles, which include only two elements. Experienced mothers claim that babies who began to collect puzzles early, by the age of 3, already easily cope with a picture of 12-24 parts.
  • material quality. Nowadays, puzzles are made from wood, rubber, plastic, cardboard, etc. If you opted for a cardboard puzzle, then the cardboard should be thick and smooth. Wooden puzzles must be perfectly sanded and in no case contain burrs and roughness. There were cases when the kid lost interest in the puzzle only because their quality left much to be desired. Agree that it is always more pleasant for us adults to work with high-quality goods, not to mention our demanding and fastidious children.
  • sympathy of the child and his attitude to this or that fairy tale character, cartoon character, little animal, pet, toy, etc. It is desirable that the little one chooses the picture of the puzzle himself (unless, of course, this is not a gift for him).
  • pattern size and color. For a 2-year-old kid, I recommend buying large puzzles with a bright, colorful image. Also pay attention to the fact that the drawing is simple and understandable, then the young smart guy will easily and quickly cope with the task.

Once you have purchased the desired puzzles, do not expect little fidget he sits down to fold them. After all, this is the toy that requires explanation and training. Therefore, take the time, put aside all your affairs and show your child how to select the elements of the picture, comment and discuss each action with him. Show your child how to put the puzzles together and let him do it himself. If he succeeds, then be sure to praise: “Clever, well done!” This is very important for a young craftsman to hear. After all, it is from childhood that self-esteem, self-confidence and self-confidence are formed.

Another positive moment of this puzzle is that it provides a great opportunity to learn, communicate and have a great time with your baby. As a rule, such a game is able to bring all family members together to build beautiful pictures from numerous details.

Educational games

Let's dwell on another type of game useful for children - these are educational games. After all, it is very important that the child not only develops physically, but also mentally, so that he grows up full-fledged, an educated person starting from very young age. At the age of 5 years, the baby is able to absorb any information! That is why his brain needs food for thought, which close people can give by reading books, playing educational games with him and answering an endless stream of questions pouring from a young talent.

Read more:

Games for children of two years

Educational cartoons for a child of 2 years

Applications for children 2 years old


Our educational toys for children from 1 to 2 years old in a detailed review.

Starting from the age of one, the child actively masters vertical life. That is why, along with intellectual toys, he now simply needs those that contribute to the development motor activity. It is with them that the review will begin.

Toys that promote the development of motor activity

Toys that contribute to the formation of everyday skills

Toys that contribute to the intellectual development of the child

As at a younger age, at 1-2 years old it is important to take care of intellectual development child.

  1. Development tables. We have double-sided chicco and elc with balls. We play with chicco from 6 months to this day.

  2. The first thing that should appear in the baby's gaming arsenal is the simplest puzzles of 2-4 parts . Ideally, if these are thematic sets - flowers, vegetables and fruits, animals. So the child will learn not only to add pictures, but also understand the meaning of such a thing as a "category".
    When the child learns to put together the simplest 2-piece puzzles, you can trust him to choose something more interesting in the store.
  3. Closer to 2 years, the child begins to understand the charm of not only puzzles, but also cubes. He may try to put pictures together, look for familiar letters, or simply build towers. It is ideal to have, as in the previous case, several thematic sets.
  4. In the game, of course, there must be a place cards and books . Only if earlier baby it was possible to simply show objects, now you can switch to more complex, again thematically, sets - an account, clothes, who eats what, mothers and children, comparisons, and so on. When studying with a child, it is important to “dose” the daily amount of information that he receives - every day just showing everything and at once you are unlikely to succeed.

  5. Fundamentally new toys that the baby has yet to master - a variety of lacing and figures that are worn on laces. In stores, their choice is very large - from universal to themed, designed for boys and girls.
  6. Boards of Segen. Very detailed in the material Segen's Boards: methodology and practical exercises at home.
  7. Sorters closer to 2 years for children become very interesting. The variant of our house sorter Ks kids is suitable for children from 1 year old.
  8. All kinds of constructors and mosaics closer to 2 years.

  9. Mushrooms. Sort, size, color, more-less, etc.
  10. Another great educational toy for a child 1-2 years old is called "Magnetic Stories" (although the box says 3+, but it is quite suitable for more younger age). It is a set of several pictures-fields, a magnetic box into which they are inserted, and directly magnets. Using all this, you can create your own own stories- of course, the baby will not be able to do this right away, but it is quite possible to help him. There are quite a lot of options for sets - there are thematic ones (for example, dedicated to the seasons), there are dedicated to some cartoons (for example, Masha and the Bear), there is a so-called starter one.

Creative Toys