Congratulations to the cheerful person. Happy birthday greetings. Ditties from a girlfriend

Happy birthday greetings

How long is this day when
The water of the word is cloudy,
When your house suddenly became a museum
And there is no end to friends -
And everyone turned into friends
And rubbish you rod, like a museum! -
And the food is waiting to be eaten;
I do not want to admit it.
I'll fly for a second
And quietly in your ear I will whisper:
Kitty! Happy Birthday!

I want to wish you the night away
Have fun on your birthday!
On this day, you can do almost everything
You can even get a little drunk!
Let the soul unfold and the heart sing
And do not try to get bored today.
This day is only yours, enjoy it to the fullest,
To have something to remember!

Congratulations with all my heart
Today, on your birthday!
Let the sunny mood
Will not be overshadowed suddenly by a storm
Let the road be bright
Let the sadness rush away quickly!
We wish you a life without anxiety
Love and loyal friends!

Today is a holiday of mood
Your birth!
Take whatever you want
And it pleases that the eye!
We wish you awards for your service,
And cosmic joy
Male, beautiful faithful friendship,
Electric love!

how sunshine you came to this world
In a beautiful spring time.
Nature revived and suddenly revived
As if admiring you!

Everything around rejoices and sings loudly
Waking up from a long sleep.
So may it always live in your heart
Hope, love and spring!

In the hot summer, like the coolness,
You have appeared in the earthly world.
As salvation, as a reward
Like a sip of living water!

Mother, wife, sister, girlfriend
You make us happy by loving.
All glasses we are in a circle
We raise for you!

how gold autumn good!
She has so many wonderful colors.
Let the soul have fun and sing
We are celebrating your birth!

You have so much light and warmth
You give us happiness, joy and peace.
We thank autumn for giving
You and your character are golden!

On a clear day of snow-white winter
We celebrate your birthday.
Let the cold not touch you
Always be optimistic in life!

We wish you from our family
Happiness, health, kindness and love!
Let your dreams come true!
We will not freeze when you are near!

We wish the birthday boy now
To forget my years even for an hour
Well, better for a day or even two
To make his head spin.

We have been close since childhood, do you remember that
And again they gathered at a wide table
Do not regret the moments of the days lived
And, as before, appreciate your best friends!

We will praise you today
Your birthday has come!
And congratulate on this bright day
I was the first to hurry you.

Take everything you need from life
Open yourself to faith and dream.
Live to the fullest
Let everything be in beauty!

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Happy birthday greetings

Let them tell me that I'm commonplace
Like a two-ruble aspirin.
I want to raise a crystal glass,
But drink a decanter in the evening.

I'm not a drunk. I only wish
There is so much to wish for you.
And to make everything come true - I know for sure
You need to fix it with a glass.

So, let's begin. Health, money,
Children, love, more children.
Good luck, courage in your decisions
And a lot of lucrative ideas.

Where there are children, there will be happiness.
And understanding three hundred tons.
Let no one forget you
Even after a million years.

From wordy wishes
Sounding this evening
I hope there will be understanding.
I sleep in the salad. My time has come.

Happy birthday greetings to a man

Today you have fun
He celebrates his birthday today.
This holiday is like a show for him,
And I hasten to you with congratulations.

Happy birthday to you,
We'll walk until midnight today.
May you be lucky on your holiday
And the wizard will bring the key to happiness.

Happy birthday greetings in prose

I want to wish you in the next years of your life to learn all the subtleties and perversions of sin, but only in thoughts. But at the same time, I wish that the kefir of family life remained your favorite drink.

Happy birthday verse funny

Congratulations! I wish you
The strength of the male and the attention of the female,
Business to develop to the scale of the universal,
Cold beer in warm company.
You can again about female attention
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
To meet frostbitten less in life,
Cool car and green light,
(To beer, I forgot, more salty),
Soak our enemies all in the outhouse,
And, accordingly, world peace!

Short birthday greetings

Let my bright rhyme
Will become like a furious dash
And the birthday boy will plunge
For alcohol in the refrigerator!
Let the body not get sick
In bed, the girl will warm
Penthouse will be awarded in the Maldives,
Always be so beautiful!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

What is Birthday?
Cake, candles, congratulations!
The guests are drunk at the end
All with lipstick on your face!

Eh, what a pity today I
I can't be with you
But congratulations sms,
Be beautiful and adorable!

Original merry birthday greetings

What you need to wish for your birthday:
So that there is no creaky bed,
To bring breakfast to bed for you,
So that they love very much and deeply!

Money so that the chickens do not peck at you,
And all so that around in everything they help,
I present such congratulations to you,
And in a moment I fly out for a meal!

Happy Birthday greetings

How important it is in life to do everything:
To plant children and give birth to a house,
And don't forget to build a tree,
And I would also like to have a model wife ...

You will have all this, I know for sure
In a different order, maybe, but not the essence.
Happy birthday to you today
And I'll try to drop by in the evening!

Happy birthday in verse funny

I wish you red girls
To drive blood in your veins,
Wines, vodkas and different sherbets,
What love on an empty stomach!

Let the fun of the fairy tale splash
And let everyone understand the joke
I will not make eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

Birthday greetings-rhyme

I wish you the keys from the car
So that you never feel sad!
And all that a man wants is
Beauties with forms are always
More cold beer,
Salted fish under it,
So that everything lasts always longer,
Nothing annoyed!

Happy Birthday greetings in verses

I wish you health, success, prosperity!
And the money to stick to your palms and heels!
I wish you good luck and true friends
Great happiness and sunny days!

Cool birthday greetings from a friend, funny

What to wish a man on his birthday?
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam,
And do not know genital diseases ...

To have more love in life,
Preferably - several times a day!
For all women to love you
And warmed the soul and the bed!

Happy birthday greetings to a woman

Birthday? Interesting.
We congratulate you!
Where are our treats
Where is the champagne, friends?

IN everyday life many of us lack the fun and sense of celebration. Work, responsibilities, decision various problems - no time for fun. But, as the classics tell us, in the life of every person there is a place for a holiday. These days, problems and worries fade into the background, we completely try to give ourselves up to fun and doing nothing. A special place in a series of holidays and memorable dates takes a birthday. On this wonderful day, any person feels like the center of everyone's attention. From all sides he receives congratulations on his birthday, funny and serious. Friends, relatives, colleagues vying with each other tell him various pleasant things, give him gifts. When the holiday comes to an end, you really regret that the birthday is only once a year.

Birthday crept into the house,
I got ready the day before
Surprise and amuse
And invite all your loved ones!

Here in the morning the avalanche calls
The table is large in the middle,
Congratulations, gifts -
The holiday turned out to be bright!

I wish that OGO-GO!
And never OXO-HO!
A little bit AH! Well, you can UH!
To take your breath away.
Of course, that was WOW !!
And so that FU is not enough.
So that sometimes THIS IS YES!
"THIS IS YES!" - not nonsense,
"CAN'T BE!" Is real,
"YES WELL HIM!" - even virtually.
OGO! - to surprise you more often,
“WELL, EVERYTHING IS PIPEZ!” - was missing.
And at will EGE-GAY!
And to make it come true, come on, pour!

happy birthday poems
Be the funniest and happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
Let everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

Years rush by, it's a pity, of course
You will not delay them for an hour.
We know: youth is not eternal,
And we are sad about that sometimes.

How many knocks it doesn't matter
Why count the years?
Keeping pace with the century - it's important!
And keep up with the road!

Let there be everything that is needed in life
Why life is good:
Love, hope, loyalty, friendship
And forever young soul!

The old legend says:
When a person was born -
The star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.
So let it shine for you
At least up to a hundred years old,
And your house protects happiness
And joy will always be in him.
May everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be bright and clear
For many, many years to come!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood,
Never know sorrow
And all the best in life.
Never lose heart
Not to see the chagrin
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

May you always have cash
What will you spend them on is a personal matter
Maybe you can buy a house, a car, a summer house,
And then you will treat your friends to change!

A friend belongs to the category of the closest people and it can be quite difficult to find something original to congratulate her. Over the years of close communication, all her desires have become known, many of which have long been realized and all the congratulations that can only be said have been said.

And now, the next holiday is approaching for my beloved friend, but I can't come up with something interesting. Don't be upset! We have several creative ideaswhich you can use to wish your girlfriend a happy birthday in an original way!

First of all, let's note that there are three components of bright and interesting congratulations... Let's dwell on them in more detail.

  • The surprise effect. This is perhaps the most important component, since the most powerful emotions manifest themselves only when a person is absolutely not prepared for what awaits him. Often the first reaction is some confusion, but then a moment of delight and joy always comes.
  • Creativity. Definitely bright and original congratulations is unlikely to work without the connection of imagination. In addition, all kinds of creative skills, which will make congratulations for a friend more interesting.
  • Pleasant emotions. Congratulations should cause joy, and not scare or, even worse, disappoint the birthday girl. So if you are for the humble and shy girl put on a multi-character play accompanied by increased attention to her person - she is unlikely to appreciate it. Therefore, when thinking about how to congratulate your girlfriend on her birthday in an original way, take into account her nature and character.

10 cool ways to wish your girlfriend a happy birthday

1. Voice greeting

This is the simplest and convenient way cool to wish your girlfriend happy birthday. With the help of a special service, you can order a congratulation from famous people, stars, politicians. Choose the time of the call to follow the reaction of your friend, who will undoubtedly be in shock, or better, film her at this moment on camera!

2. Musical or Video congratulation

We choose beautiful template and in a couple of minutes we create online original personalized video congratulations, musical cards and a slideshow with your wishes and photos.

3. Flash mob

Congratulations for your friend in the form of a flash mob will be very bright and memorable. In order for everything to go smoothly, it is necessary good organization... For example, the mass vivid impressions a friend will receive when she looks out the window in the morning and sees a group of dancing friends with umbrellas. On each umbrella it is necessary to attach letters that will make up a congratulation, and at the end the dancers become so that it turns out "Happy Birthday". But for such a congratulation, you must first practice or entrust this work to professionals.

4. Forgotten holiday

It is necessary to persuade all friends and acquaintances so that no one congratulates the birthday girl on the holiday. When a confused friend is already completely desperate, you need to come to her with balloons, gifts and champagne.

5. Congratulations in the photos

You will need a camera, posters and felt-tip pens. Write congratulations on the posters, nice words, compliments and wishes to a friend. Have someone take a picture of you with each of them. Photos can be placed in in social networks, but you can put it into a photo album and give it to a friend.

6. Portrait from photo

It will be a great surprise for the birthday girl. You can order it online. Ask the artist to write a few wishes from you. Such a gift will delight the birthday girl for a long time, and remind of the past holiday. You can also print a photo with your girlfriend on a T-shirt and write your wishes with a marker directly on her.

7. Pirate party

This greeting is suitable for a group of girlfriends. Without saying anything in advance to the birthday girl, organize pirate party: Prepare clothes, pirate hats, rum and other paraphernalia. Break in to visit an unsuspecting friend, or unexpectedly "attack" her on the street. If your birthday is in summer, you can celebrate a holiday on the banks of a river or lake.

8. Festive quest

This is not just a congratulation, but an exciting adventure for the hero of the occasion. It's easy to organize. Prepare gifts for the birthday girl with friends and place them in different placesdo not forget to attach a note with further instructions and the search route. Where can you hide gifts? Anywhere! In the storage compartment in mall, in the park under the bench, in mailbox etc. Give your friend the instructions with the point of the first point. Let her go to an amusing trip and enjoys it. At the last destination, you must meet a friend with flowers, balloons and champagne.

9. Stretcher or poster

You can originally congratulate your friend on her birthday using a poster or banner with congratulations and a photo of the birthday girl, which can be placed near her home. Surely she will like such a surprise very much.

10. Gift with delivery

Book for girlfriend beautiful bouquet flowers, put a greeting card with a signature in it. Have the bouquet delivered early in the morning to be the first pleasant impression in holiday... Instead of flowers, there can be any other gift - a dress or beautiful shoes... A lonely friend will be pleased if a nice young man delivers a present and tells her a few pleasant words and compliments. A positive charge for the whole day will be provided!

11. With your own hands

This is perhaps the most soulful way... After all, what is created with warmth and attention always gives a lot of pleasure. You can make a "book of wishes and desires" using different techniques and the most different materials... In it you need to write your own and leave room for the desires of a friend. In addition, it is the most economical, but not inferior in its originality method. You can also do unusual postcard do it yourself.

Scene for congratulating a friend "Back to childhood"

The presenter takes the birthday girl to the center and says:

On a wonderful day (date of birth)
A girl was born
And the sun on this wonderful day
The sky lit up brightly!

Puts a cap on the birthday girl's head, a rattle around her neck and a pacifier in her mouth.

Everyone immediately fell in love with the girl,
They gave her gifts!

Donates beautiful doll in the box.

(Name) grew to the delight of everyone!
But there are no problems!
For your disobedience,
Received (name) punishment.

He puts him in a corner, jokingly "thrashes" with a belt.

Our (name) has grown up,
It's time for her to go to school
Learn and try!

The teacher comes out with a magazine and reads out the subjects:

Friendship studies - five,
Help, indication - five,
Veselologiya - five,
Companionship - five!
For diligent teaching
There will be (name) rewarding!

Gives a diploma to "Best friend".

Well, now (name),
Already an adult girl,
So now
Let's have fun!

And we wish our (name)
Always stay that way
And our strong friendship,
Do not burst forever!

Scene congratulations girlfriend "Ambulance"

The room is entered by two in white coats - a doctor and a nurse.

They say: “Did you call an ambulance? Where is the patient? Urgently for inspection! "

The birthday girl comes out.

The doctor feels the pulse:

“Oh, yes, our pulse is fast! This is a dangerous symptom! "

Listens to breathing:

"And breathing is frequent, which is also a dangerous sign!"

Examines eyes, ears, knocks on the knees with a hammer:

"Yes, there is only one diagnosis and there can be no mistake!"

The nurse is scared: "What is the diagnosis, doctor?"

Doctor: "The syndrome of gayness and extensive birthday in acute form! The patient can infect everyone with a good mood! "

Nurse: "What to do?"

Doctor: “The case is hopeless! I can only recommend this product (takes out champagne) 200 grams inside to all the guests right now! For the patient's health! "

"Birthday - sad holiday"... This is sung in a famous song from the cartoon. And why should he be sad? The task of each and every one to do everything in order to make the birthday of a loved one unforgettable in the best sense the words!

You can donate to a loved one best gift, with which he will be very pleased, but in no case should you forget about the congratulation itself, about the words that you will speak and how you will give, how you will present your gift.

Generally the most best congratulations - in the morning. If you congratulate the birthday person in the morning - when he just woke up, or even wake him up with your congratulations - you, firstly, will provide him good mood for all day. Secondly, whoever gave him what and no matter how congratulated - you will be the first to congratulate him.

Congratulations should be cheerful, high-pitched, loud and joyful. Here are some options on how to provide a birthday person with a cheerful birthday greeting in the morning:

1. Cut out a piece of cellophane the same size as his room door plus a supply: each side increase by about 30 cm. Inflate a lot of multi-colored balloons... The next step is to glue a piece of cellophane from the bottom and up to half of the door, and put our balls into the resulting space. So gradually fill the space with balls to the very top of the door, glue the cellophane. This should be done, of course, quietly at night or in the morning, while the birthday person is sleeping. In the morning - imagine: he opens the door, and a sea of \u200b\u200bballoons pours out on him :-). But remember that the idea will only work if the room door opens to the inside of the room! Spectacular start holiday and happy birthday greetings are ready!

2. Another option for a cheerful birthday greeting is with back side the doors of his room :-). You must have the keys, of course. While he is not at home - hide with big company people close to him in his room. Prepare the room as you like. Balloons, greeting posters, a set table, glasses of champagne ... Turn off the light and quietly wait. The light turns on - and behind a slight fright, the birthday man gets a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions!

May there be a birthday
Gay, funny, drunk
Let them sound to the whole district

The laughter of friends and the clink of glasses
Let everything go "Hurray!"
And it will be easy in the morning!

We are immensely grateful to you
after all, you are a lifeguard! ...
Save us from boredom
and bad mood!

Hey buddy, you're not in the bath
So give it up
And with good friends
Of life new Year meet!

Happy Birthday friend!
What is for all motorists
road signs, for a traffic policeman - money!
I wish you money too
rushed with great speed!

Different things happen in life
You fall, and then you take off!
And if you turned out to be bad
Be strong! Hold on! Do not lose hope!

You are very cool! You're doubly cool!
You are the coolest in the world!
Even if you bet - cool, even lie down - cool!
You are cooler than those and these!
So be cool anytime, anywhere, daytime, evening and morning!
For this cool we will pour and drink too cool!

I wish you reliable friends and health
After all, this is sometimes not enough for us
And the rest you will buy for money
Which I wish you too!

So that there is sometimes tension in life
I want to wish you some money
And so that they do not lie, but spin in business
And soon they turned into big capital!

I wish good health!
So that the chest does not hang with a rag,
So that cunnilingus once a week
Someone would do you!

And at dawn in the early morning,
When there is no strength to wake up
So that not an alarm clock - damn it,
And passionate sex woke you up!

I wish this picture:
There is something to wear, there is an apartment, a car!
You are queen! Rivals are fools!
And there are only big bills in the wallet!

Always be beautiful and carefree
Fuck all the household chores
"Oh, what a woman has passed!"
And don't forget about makeup, of course
Even if you go home
So that every man he meets thinks:
"Oh, what a lady, my God!"
And one more famous tip:
Sometimes take a glass
So that every man he meets thinks:
"Oh, what a woman, damn it!"