The diet of the baby in 8. Soup-puree from young vegetables. Diet and sample menu

The seventh and eighth months of life is the most crucial stage - the beginning of the transition of the baby from specialized infant to adult type of nutrition. Let's help mom and baby get through it without any problems.

The diet of a child 7-8 months

Both infants and artificial children eat densely 5 times during the day, approximately 200 ml of breast milk or each. For super-caring mothers who have maintained lactation and forget about the need to give the stomach not only food for digestion, but also time to rest, the child can have a bite to eat many more times. Surely this habit was not formed in one day, and provided enough there is nothing wrong with milk. But this style of eating can be a serious obstacle to. If the baby does not get hungry, he will refuse new, completely unfamiliar food. Therefore, it is important to try to gradually increase the interval between feedings up to 4 hours a couple of weeks before the start of complementary feeding, at least in the morning.

Most infants still continue to eat at night, withstanding only 4-6 hours. Artificial milk replacers are absorbed more slowly, more slowly, so babies who eat them are already beginning to please their parents with longer sleep without waking up to give a bottle.

Introducing basic foods

Regardless of which one you choose to start accustoming the crumbs to "adult" food, there are ground rules:

  • in order to be able to follow the reaction of the baby and not overshadow the upcoming night with colic in the tummy, it is necessary to give new food in the morning;
  • if abdominal pains appear, regurgitation becomes more frequent or the stool becomes very relaxed, it means that the peanut is not yet able to digest this dish, and it is necessary to replace it with a similar one (for example, instead of buckwheat, try introducing rice);
  • if allergic manifestations aggravated or first appeared, then it is necessary to cancel the introduction of this complementary food for a week, be sure to tell the pediatrician about it so that he can assess the child’s condition and decide whether it is possible to continue to give this dish or “forget” about it for a long time;
  • start with half a teaspoon, increasing daily by ½ - 1 spoon until a full serving is reached (for a 7-month-old baby, this is an average of 170 ml, for an 8-month-old - 180);
  • after complete addiction to the first feeding, it is transferred to lunch or evening time, “freeing up” the first half of the day for the second, and then, according to the same scheme, for the third feeding.

Another important rule

Before forcing your baby to grind pieces of food with incisors (they are designed for biting off) or swollen gums, try to chew the meat thoroughly with only your front teeth. The first foods should be ground into a homogeneous mass using a blender or a very fine sieve (twice). And so it is necessary to do until small molars capable of chewing (that is, grinding food) erupt. Otherwise, you will not achieve anything but an aversion to food due to an unusual consistency in the mouth and abdominal pain from indigestion.

Vegetable puree for complementary foods - introduction features

Read more about which vegetables are healthy, and how to give vegetable puree to babies, read.

Why do pediatricians more often advise starting with it?

  1. In connection with the acceleration every year more and more large children are born with excessive raises in weight. Thanks to plant fiber, the problem of childhood obesity recedes.
  2. Vegetables are very different in taste from milk or mixture and, even more so, from sweet porridge. How older child the harder it will be to get used to them.

To make it easier for the baby to get used to the new taste, you can “hide” it by diluting it with the usual breast milk or an adapted mixture, and at first give it very liquid. As the proportion of puree in the feeding volume increases, it is made thicker, and less milk is added. At first, it is also necessary to drink milk (not juices! - after all, the baby has not tried them yet).

You need to start with a one-component puree, and then gradually, one by one, introduce other vegetables into it. For each New Product you need to take at least 3 days to make sure that the child takes it normally. Cook only in water, not in meat broth, do not add salt or add any spices. Only a few drops are useful vegetable oil(introduce gradually, with one drop), dill or parsley, but in very small quantities.

You can mix vegetable puree with other products only after the introduction of all three main complementary foods, which means after 8 months of age.

Complementary porridge - how to give

What cereals are useful for babies, and how to introduce cereals into infants' nutrition - read.

After the little one gets used to one cereal, another can be introduced either as an additive to the first, or as an independent dish in a separate (morning!) Feeding. You need to start with about one tablespoon, adding one more every other day. According to the same scheme - and all other cereals.

Cook cereals in water until completely softened, and then add breast milk or an adapted mixture. If the mother expressed it no more than 20 minutes before feeding, then it is not necessary to bring it to a boil. The same applies to mixtures that form hard small lumps from exposure. high temperatures. It is most useful to give dry baby cereals, crushed to the desired crumb consistency and enriched with all the useful ingredients necessary for health and harmonious development.

Complementary foods meat - the norm for 7-8-month-old babies

Choosing what kind of meat to give the baby Remember: you need protein, not fat. That is, it should be red meat, and only muscles, and not offal rich in cholesterol. The liver of animals is “stuffed” with antibiotics used in feed, hormones, harmful impurities (heavy metals, pesticides) that enter the body. Therefore, it is better to postpone the acquaintance of a child with her until the age after a year. An exception is children's canned meat with liver. The products used for their manufacture undergo very strict, including toxicological, control.

The most tender, easily digestible and least allergenic meat is horse meat and rabbit meat. In second place for nutritional value- pork and beef. Unfortunately, the proportion of babies with protein allergies is growing every year. cow's milk. They should not be given beef or veal. The meat of waterfowl (goose and duck) is considered the toughest and most difficult for a child's stomach.

The attitude towards chicken meat is twofold. On the one hand, it is not much inferior to the leaders in quality, while being much cheaper. On the other hand, the rapid growth of brollers is achieved, among other things, by hormonal additives in the feed. In addition, chickens at poultry farms must receive antibiotics, including antibiotics that accumulate in bone tissue. Therefore, such meat can be the culprit in the development of gynecomastia in boys, allergic reactions, intolerance to certain groups of antibiotics, early caries and a tendency to obesity. That's why we recommend giving chicken from a personal farmstead or from children's canned meat.

Meat complementary foods are introduced from ½ teaspoon, adding the same amount every day and bringing up to 30 grams in about a week, if the child is 7 months old, and up to 40 grams. per day - if the 8th month. Give it separately, and after getting used to it can be mixed with porridge or vegetable puree. Salt or seasoning (except dill and parsley) is not necessary. If the meat is fatty, then the first broth must be drained.

Considering that it takes an average of 20 days to introduce one complementary food, the 7th and 8th months of life will be devoted to just this. As a result by 9 months, the child should receive daily (from approximate distribution by meals):

  1. Breast milk or the usual adapted milk formula - 2 times 200 ml - early in the morning and at night or at dinner.
  2. Porridge with water or breast milk ( adapted mixture) - 180 gr. + as a supplement, milk, boiled water or a mixture (20 gr.). Is it breakfast or dinner. Babies who do not want to part with frequent “snacks” at night can try to give porridge before bed.
  3. Meat homogenized puree - up to 40 gr. and about 150 ml of milk or formula. More often at lunchtime.
  4. vegetable multicomponent puree or soup-puree on vegetable broth - 180 ml - for dinner or in the afternoon.

Important: do not forget that after eating dense and harder to assimilate complementary foods, the baby will need additional drinking boiled water, which occasionally can be replaced with the usual (!) Children's herbal tea.

The menu of a child at 8 months of age should be balanced. Of particular difference between crumbs artificial feeding and breastfeeding no. Unless the artificial man needs more wholesome food, and the baby in given age you can have mother's milk and food in proportions of 50:50, since he receives almost everything from his mother needed by the child substances.

The baby can already eat a lot, but it is still worth carefully introducing him to new foods. New food is introduced into the diet gradually to observe the reaction of the baby's body. You can add new products to your favorite dishes - then they will be perceived better.

The first (after sleep) and the last feeding (before bedtime) should be formula milk or breast milk!

What products are available?

What to feed a baby at 8 months? Definitely porridge. You can cook, corn, rice, oatmeal individually, or you can mix several cereals. Do it better on cow or goat milk diluted a little with water.

In addition to cereals, the baby should eat:

  • vegetables (all varieties of cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, onions, carrots);
  • fruits (apples, bananas, pears, peaches);
  • berries (currants, raspberries, blueberries, cherries);
  • meat (veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • eggs (no more than one egg twice a week);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt);
  • herbs (parsley, green onion, dill);
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • fish (lean fillet).

The last point has been controversial for a long time. Some mothers say that it is too early to give fish at such a young age, others insist that the fish contains the substances necessary for proper brain activity, which is important at a time when the baby learns the world. Remember that the child's diet is thought out only by the mother, who sees her child and his reaction to different foods.

What foods are banned?

There are also a number of foods that are undesirable in the diet of an 8-month-old baby. We will not write about chips, crackers, sweets bought in the store, mayonnaise and so on, because this is a matter of course. In addition, it is better not to give the baby:

  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • kiwi;
  • nutritional yeast;
  • bread;
  • flour;
  • fatty;
  • acute;
  • sweet (marshmallow and similar sweets);
  • sausage and other raw-smoked products.

You should not put salt, spices or sugar in your child's food, you can only season it with sunflower or butter for taste. I will also change the child of 8 months to breastfeeding or on the artificial one, you need to remove everything to which he has allergic reactions, diarrhea or constipation.

Sample menu for the day

  • 7:00 - milk formula or milk;
  • 10:00 - any porridge, fruit juice or fruit and vegetable puree;
  • 14:00 - vegetable puree, some meat puree, egg yolk;
  • 18:00 - cottage cheese or kefir, one cookie, you can supplement with milk or a mixture;
  • 21.00-22.00 - milk or mixture.

This is how the menu of a child of 8 months looks like for every day, but all children are unique: someone eats complementary foods from 4 months, and someone at 8 months only gets to know him. Only the regimen itself remains unchanged in children: feeding occurs 4-6 times a day, leaving an interval of about 4-5 hours. Some people eat when they wake up in the middle of the night. Try not to overfeed your baby at night so that his body also rests during sleep.

Sample menu for the week

Creating a child's menu for 8 months for a week is practically a science. It is necessary to distribute meals for a week in such a way that the baby gets the maximum benefit from them, and so that he does not get tired of eating the same thing. We have made the following approximate table:

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner Night meals (if required)
Monday Milk or formula Curd Oatmeal

Apple or pear puree

Zucchini and potato puree

egg yolk

Rabbit mousse

vegetable juice


Vegetable juice or compote

Milk or formula Milk or cookies
Tuesday Milk or formula Buckwheat

Natural yogurt or kefir

Peach puree

Soup with potatoes and cauliflower

Meat puree

Milk rice porridge with pumpkin

Fruit juice

Milk or formula Milk or applesauce
Wednesday Milk or formula Rice porrige

Plum puree with quince

Fruit juice

Cauliflower and zucchini puree

Turkey or chicken puree

Blackcurrant juice

Milk oatmeal porridge

Fruit and vegetable juice with pulp

Milk or formula milk or fruit puree

On other days of the week, you can repeat this menu or come up with something else.

The menu of a child of 8 months on artificial feeding or on the chest does not have to look exactly like that. Adjust it at your discretion, ask your pediatrician, and most importantly, watch the baby. If the baby does not like the product, try giving it little by little, mixing with other products. The child refuses to eat, for example, broccoli, "calculating" in any puree? Stop feeding her and try again after a few months.


Between meals, treat your baby to drying or homemade crackers so that he scratches his gums. Be sure to give juice, water or compote throughout the day. It is better to make the drink yourself to be sure of its quality. You know how to feed a child - it remains only to figure out how to create a varied menu from these products. Try to decorate dishes at the same time - the child will like it, and he will eat with great appetite.

The nutrition of the baby at 8 months is still five times a day, you should not completely abandon breastfeeding. All food can be replaced with complementary foods, and breastfeed only in the morning and evening.

Required products

The menu of an 8-month-old baby is expanding a little, now you can add dairy products to it (baby kefir, bio-yogurt).

Fermented milk products will help improve the intestinal microflora, enrich the body with calcium and B vitamins.

Starting from a period of 8 months, fish can be introduced into the diet. The fish is enough useful product, which contains the necessary vitamins, amino acids, fats and minerals necessary for full development and strengthening the immune system.

You need to choose ocean fish (hake, pollock, cod, salmon). Nai the best option for the child there will be a fish fillet. The fish is given boiled, mashed, along with vegetables; you can also make light steam cutlets out of it.

When all the main products are present in the child’s menu, attention should be paid to the composition of dishes and variety. Now various fruit purees can be combined with cereals, cottage cheese and other products. Puree alone can be given for no more than two weeks, then it must be mixed with other products. Also, the child can be fed with various cereals with the addition of fruits. All products can be boiled, baked in the oven or steamed.

Puree should be of a thick consistency and not drip down the spoon, without salt, sugar and other seasonings. It is better to add a few drops of vegetable oil to the dish. Egg white you don’t need to give it, it can cause allergies, but the yolk can.

Cereals that can be given to a child at 8 months:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Barley;
  • Millet;
  • Corn.

From fruits it is allowed:

  • Apricot;
  • Peach;
  • Apple;
  • Pear;
  • Banana;
  • Currant white;
  • The cherry is white.

Allergic reactions can cause:

  • Citrus;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Red berries;
  • soy products;
  • Cocoa and chocolate.

The main symptoms of food allergies are:

  • Rashes on the cheeks, mucous membranes, buttocks;
  • Vomit;
  • Runny nose;
  • Diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • Colic in the abdomen;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Redness of the eyes.

An eight-month-old baby is allowed to eat soups, such as meat broth or cream soup with a broth base. Shredded meat is allowed for the baby from the age of 7 months, then its amount needs to be slightly increased. It can be mixed with cereals that are cooked in water, or added to vegetable purees.

All meat must be lean ideal option there will be chicken, veal, turkey, beef. Instead of meat once a week, you can give your child a liver. But poultry meat must be introduced carefully, sometimes it can cause allergies.

You can use ready-made baby food in the form of various fruit purees and ready-made cereals.

During this period, many children begin to erupt teeth, you can give them a bagel or a cracker. So little by little, bread will appear on the child’s menu.

For an 8 month old baby started faster get used to various new foods, it is better to mix them with familiar dishes. To begin with, you can add only a tenth of the product, then gradually increase the portion every day. If the child does not eat immediately new food, wait for it to get used.

Child's menu

Approximate feeding for an 8 month old baby:

  • First feeding. It is carried out in the morning, breast milk or an artificial substitute is best suited for it;
  • Second feeding. Starts around 10 am. The child can be given porridge on the water (about 120 g), egg yolk (1/2 part), vegetable oil (1 teaspoon), Fresh Juice and fruit puree (80 g);
  • The third feeding can be started at lunchtime, around 2 pm. Give the child vegetable puree (170 g), meat puree (40–50 g), vegetable oil (1 teaspoon), juice (20 ml);
  • Fourth feeding - around six o'clock in the evening. The baby can be given cottage cheese (50 g), yogurt (100 ml), fruit puree (70 g), breast milk;
  • Fifth feeding - before bedtime. Breastfeeding is the best option for the baby at night.

Exactly the same menu is designed for artificially fed children, only ready-made mixtures are used instead of breast milk.

  • All food must be prepared in a hygienic manner;
  • Products must be fresh;
  • Food should be given to the child up to 30 minutes after it has been prepared.

The menu of a child from 8 months is somewhat reminiscent of the dietary table of an adult with problems with the gastrointestinal tract: liquid milk porridge, mashed boiled (or baked) vegetables and fruits, lean meat broths. The absence of spices and salt in the baby's diet further enhances the similarity. This is not surprising: the child's digestive system is in its infancy and has not yet grown strong enough to quickly and efficiently digest any food, the liver and kidneys, so far, also do not work in full force- and therefore the nutrition of an 8-month-old man should consist of dishes that do not require the work of these organs in an "emergency" mode.

Basically, complementary foods for a child of 8 months of age include food already familiar to him - the difference lies only in their quantity and degree of grinding. You can add the pulp of an apple, pear or other fruit to the porridge, and “crumbs” of meat, finely chopped across the fibers (of course, if the baby is already confidently eating from a spoon, and even makes attempts to chew food) into the soup. Remains unchanged in the child's menu mother's milk- after all, breastfeeding is still extremely important for a toddler under the age of one year.

Opportunities to expand the range of dishes through new products

However, there are some nuances that make menu 8- month old baby much more varied than with the feeding of a child of an earlier age:

  • To the white poultry meat, which until then was the main diet of the little gourmet, veal, lamb meat is added;
  • With caution, offal are introduced into complementary foods - the liver and tongue;
  • In addition, there is another source of "animal" protein - fish.

A new product should be introduced into the baby's complementary foods according to the usual pattern nutrition, giving preference to white varieties of river (perch, pike) or sea ​​fish(hake, catfish, cod, pollock, sea bass, etc.). You can, of course, and red fish, but it is much fatter, and therefore can cause allergies or indigestion.

When to supplement your baby with formula while breastfeeding

Unlike animal and poultry meat, fish requires less heat treatment time, is more tender in texture and is better absorbed (because it contains less connective tissue) - however, cooking fish dishes for a child requires more care due to the presence of enough a large number bones, and the risk of an allergic reaction to fish is much higher.

And a few more rules for introducing fish dishes into the diet of a breastfed baby:

  • Any fish in the baby's complementary foods should be introduced carefully, with special attention observing his health. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, it is better to refuse this product for now - perhaps closer to one year old, the baby's body will not react so sharply to such nutrition;
  • Fish may be present in the child's menu no more than 1-2 days a week;
  • Meat and fish should not be included in daily ration feeding the baby at the same time, even as part of dishes that are not included in one feeding;
  • Better if in children's menu fresh fish will be present, but, in the absence of such, freshly frozen fish can also be used in complementary foods: you need to boil it by dipping it in boiling water (without defrosting it).

Variety of food - in a different combination of tastes of already known products

An 8-month-old baby has enough on its menu a wide range of products that have successfully passed the “testing” since the first complementary foods. Except egg yolks(chicken or quail), as well as the previously mentioned fish, the child's diet includes:

  • Cereals - buckwheat, rice, corn, oats (hercules), barley and barley groats, millet. In the absence of allergies to semolina, this cereal can also diversify the baby's diet - however, you should not get carried away with such complementary foods (even if the baby is delighted with semolina): the benefits of it are minimal, and the risk is too speed dial weight is large (and this is undesirable). Peas and beans should be used with caution in complementary foods - these are still too “heavy” foods for digestive system crumbs, which, moreover, cause increased gas formation;
  • Dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, etc.
  • Vegetables are also quite widely used in the nutrition of an 8 month old baby - zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, beets. In addition, spinach and celery are healthy (although the picky eaters don't particularly welcome them on their menu). Onion and garlic are also useful (but in small quantities, and after heat treatment in the composition vegetable puree and soups). Currants, strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, apricots - all this fruit and berry variety is included in the child's diet, depending on the presence or absence of an allergic reaction;
  • Meat and offal - chicken, turkey, rabbit, young lamb, horse meat, veal. All these types of meat are included in the diet of a child who has reached the age of 8 months. Boiled and carefully chopped offal ( beef tongue, liver, heart) are especially useful for children with low hemoglobin content, underweight and other initial signs of rickets.

When does a child begin to hear well and on what day after birth does this happen?

It is possible that the list of foods consumed by a child is even more diverse than the one listed above: nowadays it is quite common to believe that healthy child, starting from 6-7 months, everything is possible, except for salt, sugar, honey and nuts. However, even for absolutely healthy baby, a significant amendment should be made, focusing on his tastes and preferences - after all, the child does not accept some products under any circumstances (and forcing the baby to eat them is far from The best way diversify the children's menu).

In this case, it is easier and more logical to proceed as follows: for some time to exclude "unloved" food (replacing it with products similar in composition), and expand the range of dishes included in the children's menu, due to flavor variations of their components.

Menu options for the little gourmet

The variety of the baby’s menu is a guarantee of maintaining his food interest, striving for new taste sensations. However, it is also not necessary to wean the baby from the breast ahead of time. Therefore, when compiling a menu for a child at 8 months old, feeding a baby who has just woken up (6-7 hours) and already falling asleep (around 22-24 hours) is a priori breastfeeding.

In the rest of the feedings (lunch, lunch, dinner), the baby is supplemented by breastfeeding - and therefore it makes sense to think through daily menu for 3 meals a day.

  • Lunch:
    Porridge made from equal amounts of rice and millet, with the addition of a small amount butter or vegetable oil. In the process of preparing porridge, you should first boil the cereal until half cooked, then grind it in a blender (adding milk or water to the desired consistency), and only then bring the porridge to final readiness.
  • Dinner:
  1. Chicken soup. Boil clear chicken breast broth, add finely chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, potatoes) to it and cook until tender. Further - to choose from: vegetables can be thoroughly mashed with a fork or chopped in a blender (we also do with a part of the cooked meat). You can add ¼ hard boiled and mashed egg yolk, ½ tsp vegetable oil. Dilute the resulting puree with broth and bring to a boil.
  2. Vegetable puree from cauliflower and potatoes (with meat). In a puree of cooked and mashed vegetables, add the meat chopped in a blender, from which the broth was cooked.
  3. Apple pear juice
  • Dinner:
    Cottage cheese with apricot pulp and kefir.
  • Complementary feeding table during breastfeeding

    Similarly, you can come up with countless menu options that will delight the baby with their diversity. The tables below can also provide inspiration and data for balanced nutrition your crumbs:

    Table 1. Menu focused on healthy child

    Table 2. Sample menu for a child with an allergic reaction to cow's milk

    The child's diet already includes white vegetables and dairy-free cereals. From the second half of the eighth month, porridge can be made a little thicker, and vegetables can not be whipped, just kneading them with a fork. During this period, you need to accustom the baby to more solid food. The process of chewing has a beneficial effect on the gums and teeth. Also, at eight months, the baby strives for active knowledge of the world and you can already introduce him to a spoon and a drinking bowl.

    When compiling, it is advisable to follow the advice experienced pediatrician. He will take into account many factors - what kind of food is the baby on, how is he gaining weight, how often do allergies or constipation occur. A public table will help you navigate this issue on your own. World Organization Health. It is recommended to arrange innovations in daytime no more than once a week. Prepare food immediately before eating.

    Up to a year it is better to drink a little one drinking water or special herbal teas. If you still prefer store-bought juices, then take clarified and without sugar. daily rate no more than 70 milliliters. You can also cook dried fruit compote.

    What to feed an eight month old baby

    Acceptable foods for an 8 month old baby:

    • Vegetable puree
    • Purees, fruit juices
    • Dairy products
    • Lean meat, fish
    • Egg yolk
    • Cookies, bread

    Vegetable purees for an eight-month-old baby are best prepared from zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. The use of potatoes is also allowed, but in combination with other vegetables, so that its share does not exceed 1/3. Offer your baby vegetables every day for lunch. Serving volume - 150 - 170 g.

    If by now you have met dairy-free cereals, now it's time to add a dairy option to the baby's diet. Start with buckwheat, corn, or rice, then move on to oats and multigrains. It is ideal for breakfast, serving size is 150-170 g. It is too early to include semolina, millet and pearl barley at this age.

    In the second courses, put 3-5 grams of butter or vegetable oil to improve the taste and provide required amount healthy fats. But it is worthwhile to wait with salt for up to a year, until the baby's kidneys are ready for such a load.

    Meat is the source huge amount vitamins and minerals. You can prepare a one-component puree from low-fat varieties. best choice considered rabbit, beef, lean pork, venison. You can mix it with the usual vegetables. The meat must be cleaned of fat, veins and films, boiled and chopped a couple of times in a meat grinder. Then the crushed product must be wiped with a sieve. If you are buying ready meals in jars, then carefully read the composition and give preference to mashed meat without additives. Addendum potato starch and spices increase the likelihood of allergic reactions. Start your acquaintance with meat from 2-3 grams, gradually increasing to 30.

    Do not boil meat broths for babies up to a year. During cooking, substances are released into the broth that can have negative impact on a fragile body. The optimal solution in this case, it is a light vegetable soup, in which you can add a little greenery.

    Some children do not tolerate the components of cow's milk, in such a situation, veal will have to be abandoned. It is also often allergic to chicken.

    Fish is a treasure trove useful substances. It contains omega3, vitamin D, amino acids and trace elements that play important role in the development of the organism. Many pediatricians recommend introducing it into. Fish is a perishable product, so you should approach its choice responsibly. Choose low-fat varieties - pike perch, hake or cod. After cooking, carefully remove all the bones, and chop the fillet in a blender. The maximum allowable portion is 20-30 g. Allergy sufferers fish meals contraindicated up to a year.

    Some doctors recommend cottage cheese and kefir as the first step in complementary foods. But, as a rule, they are introduced closer to nine months. Cottage cheese can be prepared at home using a solution of one percent kefir or a solution calcium chloride. It is necessary that fermented milk products appear on the menu every day, best for dinner. You should start your acquaintance with cottage cheese without fruit fillers, gradually increasing the portion to 40 g.

    At eight months, the yolk of a hard-boiled egg appears on the children's menu. Start with 1/8 and work up to 1/2. Grated yolk is added to the finished dish or slightly diluted with breast milk. In the absence of allergies, it can be consumed twice a week.

    FROM fruit juices and mashed potatoes of a little gourmet are recommended to be introduced last. The above products have a higher nutritional value. Introduce fruits into the diet of an 8-month-old baby, preferably from a spoon apple juice or apple baby food. Gradually, the juice can be brought up to 50-70 ml, and the puree up to 50-70 g. Citrus fruits and Exotic fruits it's too early to suggest. A pear, peach, apricot, prunes will be quite appropriate.

    If the crumbs already have front teeth, you can treat him with bread or special cookies. It quickly softens in the mouth, however, keep a close eye on the baby so that he does not choke. Bread up to a year is recommended to be given exclusively white. Daily dose flour products in the diet of an 8-month-old baby should not exceed 5 grams.

    Diet and sample menu for the day

    From the very beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, it is important for parents to establish correct mode food intake. The health of the little one depends on this, and it is also very convenient for parents. Feeding should be done at regular intervals - normally it is about 4 hours. With this approach, the baby eats 5 times a day, and the amount of food consumed is 1000-1200 ml.

    Sample menu for the day:

    • Morning (6 am) and before bedtime (10 pm) - breast milk or formula (200 ml)
    • Second breakfast (10 am) - porridge (150 g), yolk (no more than 2 times a week), fruit puree (40 g), breast milk or formula (50 ml)
    • Lunch (14.00) - vegetable broth (30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree(30 g), juice, formula or breast milk (50 ml)
    • Dinner (6 p.m.) - kefir (50-100 ml), cottage cheese (30 g), breast milk or formula (50 ml)

    Follow the regime so that the crumbs develop the habit of eating healthy food, and his body receives all the necessary nutrients at the most favorable time for learning.