Overcoming shyness in older preschool children. The child is shy due to self-doubt. How to help a shy child

  • At this stage, it is supposed to use different versions of correctional games-dramatizations (psychodramas) and plot sketches, which enable preschoolers with behavioral problems to "reincarnate" into heroes with opposite character traits - shy, feel decisive, aggressive - friendly, impulsive - restrained. At the same time, games of this kind make it possible to simulate the most difficult situations for preschoolers with negative symptomatology in game form, develop the skills of communication and interaction in difficult situations for them.

Liberating games to overcome

childish shyness

"Guess the emotion"

Here, almost the most important thing is to properly motivate the need for the game. The fact is that the children in question are usually shy of their face. And even more so they are ashamed to grimace in public. A this exercise will be perceived by them as antics. Therefore, you must take an active role and set an example for the child. In addition, since shy children are usually happy to be in the role of artists (of course, when they are convinced that they can do it), you can imagine mimic, pantomimic, etc. exercise as a useful acting training. Play together first. Then, when he is already able to easily cope with tasks, involve his friends in the game. The rules of the game are very simple: the presenter shows some emotion by mimicry, and the players name it and try to reproduce it. Whoever does it first gets a point. Start with easily guessed emotions: surprise, fear, joy, anger, sadness. They should be shown exaggerated, even caricatured. Gradually expand the range of feelings, introduce different shades of emotions (say, irritation, resentment, anger, rage). Older children can be given the task not only to guess the emotion, but also to play off a small scene impromptu (either in dolls or "in a live plan") with the appropriate plot.

"Live illustration"

The poems by A. Barto are ideal for this game. She has a lot of poetic genre sketches, accurately conveying a variety of childhood experiences and colored with a gentle humor, which often turns out to be more curative for nervous children than any medicine. One player reads a poem, and the other with facial expressions and gestures illustrates the described events and emotions. Teach your child to gradually capture and convey subtle nuances of feelings. Barto's poems provide a wealth of material for this. For kids, rhymes like "Bear", "Bull", "Ball" are more suitable. For older children - "Resentment", "Lyubochka", "Sonechka", "On the way to class" and many others.

If there are several players (and, I repeat, your goal is to gradually remove the shy child from the closed world of the family), then an element of competition can be introduced. Have the facilitator evaluate the performances and reward the winners. But, naturally, an adult should not forget about the main goal of the game and encourage a shy child even if he is not up to par. Your task in this case is psychocorrection, not the establishment of justice.


The sorcerer casts a spell on one of the participants in the game so that he loses the ability to speak. The child will taste all the questions with gestures. With the help of the questions asked, he tries to tell the story of how he was bewitched. Other children should retell what the "bewitched" one is showing.

"Tell poetry with your hands"

The child tries without words, with the help of pantomime, to tell the well-known poem or fairy tale. The rest of the children try to understand what he is saying.

"Fairy tale"

The child is invited to come up with a fairy tale about a person whose name is the same as his. This exercise contributes not only to a better self-awareness, but to the development of the ability to speak about oneself without hesitation.

"What I am, what I wanted to be"

The child is asked to draw himself twice. The first picture is as it is now. On the second - what he would like to be.

"Draw an animal"

This game is used by many professionals. Children are asked to show various animals and birds in a pantomime way. It is important to consider two points here. Firstly, we must try to create an atmosphere of unrestrained fun, so that each performance is met with bursts of laughter and applause, and secondly, not to give too difficult tasks. Try every time to first imagine: how would you yourself depict this or that animal? (For example, can you portray an armadillo or a hippopotamus in a similar way?) Try to choose animals with striking distinctive features and easily recognizable habits. Be sure to discuss later with the children what character the shown animal has. Shy children have difficulty communicating with others. And the inability to correctly express your feelings, constraint and awkwardness play an important role here. Some psychologists claim that the child remains a non-verbal creature almost until school. Those. he mostly communicates not at the verbal level, but at the level of facial expressions and gestures. True, I think that this is somewhat exaggerated, but, of course, facial expressions and gestures are very important for full-fledged communication. It is believed that children with low-expressive, "immobile" faces lose at least 10-15% of information when communicating. They do not fully grasp what is communicated to them at a non-verbal level, and often misjudge the attitude of others towards themselves. So, pantomimic games will help your child not only free up, but also better understand other people.

"We won't tell where we were, but we will show what we did"

The purpose of this common children's game is to show any action without words. If there are a lot of guys, you can split into two teams. One shows, the other guesses. Then they switch places.

"Pantomimic scenes"

The presenter briefly outlines the situation, and the child (or several children who have assigned roles to each other) depict it in pantomime. Situations should be simple and emotionally charged. For example:

The boy is skating. Falls down. He wants to cry, but restrains himself, remembering that a boy should be courageous, and even smiles. Although with difficulty.

The child notices the fruit on the plate. She carefully looks around to see if his mother sees him, otherwise she will be angry, because his mother allows him to eat fruit only after dinner. He puts a piece of fruit in his mouth and grimaces - it turns out that there was a lemon on the plate. (Play mom, and then switch roles with the child. The more roles he plays shy kid, all the better).

The brawler swings at another child. At first, he is frightened, wants to run away, but then gathers his courage and gives him back. The brawler is crying.

The child goes out into the yard and sees children playing. At first, he does not dare to approach them, but then he nevertheless approaches and introduces himself (without words, only with gestures).

The girl walks through the forest, picks mushrooms, looks at the trees, admires beautiful flowers... Then he almost steps into the anthill. Shakes off the ants crawling on the leg. Ouch! The ant bit her. Painfully! (You can invite the child to continue this story himself).

"Conversation with a deaf grandmother" "(A version of the game proposed by MI Chistyakova)

The child is talking to a deaf grandmother. She speaks, and he explains to her with gestures, because the grandmother hears nothing. Naturally playing with children school age should become more complicated and colored with humor. For example, four year old baby it is enough just to show where the grandmother's glasses are, and the third grader is already able to depict with gestures both the glasses themselves and the fact that they broke, since someone inadvertently sat on them. In this game, as in the previous one, there can be a great variety of options. It all depends on your collective imagination.

To help you tune in to the right wave, here is a small fragment of such a game:

Grandmother opens the door for her grandson.

Grandma: Where have you been, mischievous man?

The grandson shows with gestures that he played football.

Grandma: Well, how's your mood?

Grandson raises thumb up - they say, excellent.

Grandma: Why are you limping?

The grandson waves his hand: say, trifles, do not pay attention.

Grandma: No, after all ... Have you fallen?

The grandson shows without words how he caught the ball and fell, breaking his knee. He was in pain, but he didn't show it.

The simplest technique for creating comic situations is if the grandson asks his grandmother about something with gestures, but she understands him incorrectly and does the wrong thing. Here, of course, a lot depends on the resourcefulness and artistry of an adult. Remember: the more humor there is in the game, the sooner your child will relax and unwind.

"Through the glass" (game proposed by N. Kukhtina)

Imagine that you are communicating with someone through soundproof glass and must convey a message without words, pantomime. For example: “You forgot to put on a hat, but it's very cold outside”, “Let's go swimming, the water is warm today”, “Bring a glass of water, I'm thirsty”, etc. You can guess the message and get points for it, or, on the contrary, you can complete the leader's task. In this case, he must assess whether the meaning of his words is conveyed correctly by gestures. Like other similar games, this one, among other things, develops intelligence.

"Different gait" (exercise suggested by V. Levy)

Invite a shy boy or girl to be like:

The kid who recently got up on his feet and is taking his first steps,

Deep old man,

Drunk, lion,


Artist on stage.

Games to help shy child learn

defend one's opinion

« Mischievous double "

The presenter agrees with the children that they repeat all of his gestures, except for one, instead of which they make their own, also a predetermined gesture (for example, when he jumps, they will have to sit down). Anyone who makes a mistake is out of the game.

With children 6-7 years old, you can, firstly, increase the number of unrepeatable gestures, and secondly, individualize them. Each child will have to do something different. That is, he will have a goal not to succumb not only to the presenter's suggestion, but also to the influence of other players. And this is not so easy, given that truly shy children are very suggestible.

"Reflection in the mirror"

The rules seem to be even simpler than in the previous game:

repeat the presenter's gestures - and that's it. But just portray his double in the mirror. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. However, despite the seeming simplicity of this game, it is not easy to win. Children are likely to get confused when necessary, say, bending to the left when the leader bends to the right. Therefore, tasks need to be complicated gradually. At first, the ratio of gestures that are completely copied to movements that require mental adjustment should be approximately 7: 1. For example: squatted down, straightened up, jumped up, leaned forward, straightened up, stood up on tiptoe, dropped down, raised RIGHT hand("Reflection" raises the left). Then it should be reduced. But keep in mind that the most difficult thing is not when the ratio becomes 1: 7, but when the “mirror” and “non-mirror” movements are alternated. (1: 1 or 2: 1).

"Late mirror" »

The players sit in a circle. They need to imagine that they are preening in front of a mirror. We made one movement - stopped for a second, looked in the mirror. Another movement is a pause, a third is a pause. The neighbor on the left should repeat the leader's movement, but only when he starts the second movement. The third one from the left will also repeat this, but with a delay already two steps (i.e. when his right neighbor starts to reproduce the second movement of the leader, and the leader himself will make the third movement). Thus, the last player will have to keep in mind a lot of previous movements, so children aged 8-9 should not play in a large team, they cannot do such a load.


The adult presenter distributes the letters of the alphabet between the children. Then the presenter says a word, and the players “print” it on a “typewriter”: first the first “letter” claps their hands, then the second, and so on. If the children are small and there are few of them, distribute not all, but several letters, and add short words from them.

"Stubborn donkey"

Truly shy children are docile. Parents almost never complain about their stubbornness and negativism. A child of a different kind begins to rebel when pressured on him. And the "invisible" endure, although the force of pressure exerted on them by their parents is usually greater than in other families.

Therefore it is true shy child it is useful to be stubborn at least in the game. Don't be afraid, he won't overtake bad habits, but just a little more liberated. Moreover, according to the plot, the donkey will find itself in funny and ridiculous situations. The game is played on a screen. Everything should revolve around the donkey's unwillingness to obey the owner. Here he comes loaded from the bazaar and halfway lies down on the road, refusing to go any further. Here he saw an appetizing thorn and runs to it, not succumbing to the persuasion of the owner. And then it is silent when it is necessary to shout, and vice versa, it shouts when it is necessary to be silent, etc. Ask the child's opinion (but not at the very beginning of the game, but a little later) whether the donkey has a kind owner, whether he loads the donkey too much with various tasks. Maybe the donkey just gets tired and therefore stubborn? Change roles as you play.

"Mothers and Daughters"

It is useful for a shy girl to play with her mother, who will play the role of a daughter. And in this case, the mother should not be in charge of the game. Her task is exactly the opposite: to completely submit to the will of her daughter, trying not to introduce into the game the usual stereotypes of family relationships. I warn you in advance, this is not an easy task. So watch yourself both!

« Who has more reasons? "

The host makes a statement, and the players confirm it. You can give as arguments and some examples from life. (Sometimes it's easier for children.) If a lot of children take part in the game, a shy child runs the risk of being left in the shadows, so three of them should play, or even better, together. If you notice that the child is struggling, tactfully help him with leading questions.

Fighting is bad (because ...).

It is better to do the lessons quickly.

It is better to have many friends than few.

Having a dog is great!

Five is better than four.

"How to say this?"

This time, not so indisputable statements are chosen, and the players will have to not only confirm them, but also refute them. For example:

It is good to have a lot of money (someone will probably mention thieves and the mafia, and an older child, especially who loves to read, will probably remember the motive of the experiences of rich people, which is quite common in literature, who suspects others that they do not love him, but only him) capital).

It's always good to win.

When they make comments to you, it is unpleasant.

- Sitting at home alone is boring.

Adults are always right.

Watching TV is harmful.

« A cunning debater "

With older children, you can try to complicate the game "Who has more reasons?" and try to come up with counterarguments to the above (and similar) statements.

For example, the statement “Reading is useful” will not at all be perceived as an axiom for people with severe myopia (and even depending on which books to read, and even depending on what time - reading at one in the morning will bring the child more harm than good!).

Fighting is, of course, bad, but falling out with the person who hurt either you or your friend, you will feel right. And in general, it is better to end the lessons as soon as possible, but if they are done playfully, go ahead, it is unlikely that this will delight the teacher. A four in Russian is better than a five in physical education. At least this is the opinion of the overwhelming majority of parents. And with the dog everything is not so simple ...

"Show yourself"

You can try to untie the painful isolation by giving children the opportunity to express themselves, to play the role of another, speaking in someone else's voice. Masks, costumes release such unexpected aspects of behavior that are usually inhibited. Give the children masks or have them make them themselves. Each child will take a new name for himself and in the game will behave in accordance with his new role... You can also transform yourself by painting your face. Puppets can be used to express feelings

Games for building trust and self-confidence

"Caterpillar" (Korotaeva E.V., 1997)

Target: play teaches trust.

Almost always, partners are not visible, although they can be heard. The success of promoting all depends on the ability of each to coordinate their efforts with the actions of the rest of the participants. "Guys, now you and I will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around this room together. Form a chain, put your hands on the shoulders of the one in front. Between the belly of one player and the back of the other, squeeze a balloon or ball. Touch your hands to the balloon (ball) The first competitor in the chain holds his ball in outstretched arms.

Thus, in a single chain, but without the help of hands, you must follow a certain route. "For onlookers: notice where the leaders are located, who regulate the movement of the" living caterpillar ".

"Change of rhythms"

Target: help anxious children join the general rhythm of work, relieve excessive muscle tension.

If the teacher wants to attract the attention of children, he begins to clap his hands and loudly, to the beat of the claps, count: one, two, three, four, .. Children join and, too, all clapping their hands together, count in chorus: one, two, three , four ... Gradually, the teacher, and after him the children, claps less and less, counts more and more quietly.

"Bunnies and elephants" (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.)

Target: to give children the opportunity to feel strong and courageous, to promote self-esteem.

"Guys, I want to offer you a game called" Bunnies and Elephants. " everything shrinks, tries to become small and inconspicuous, his tail and legs are shaking, "and so on. Children show. "Show what the bunnies are doing if they hear a person's footsteps?" Children scatter in the group, class, hide, etc. "What do the bunnies do if they see a wolf? ..." The teacher plays with the children for several minutes. "And now you and I will be elephants, big, strong, courageous. Show how calmly, measuredly, stately and fearlessly elephants walk. And what do elephants do when they see a man? Are they afraid of him? No. They are friends with him and when They see him, calmly continue their way. Show how. Show what the elephants do when they see a tiger ... "For several minutes, the children portray a fearless elephant. After the exercise, the children sit in a circle and discuss who they liked to be more and why.

"Magic chair" (Shevtsova I.V.)

Target: help to improve the child's self-esteem, improving relationships between children.

This game can be played with a group of children for a long time. Previously, an adult must learn the "history" of each child's name - its origin, what it means. In addition, it is necessary to make a crown and a "Magic Chair" - it must be absolutely high. An adult spends a short introductory talk about the origin of the names, and then says that he will talk about the names of all the children in the group (the group should not be more than 5-6 people), and the names of anxious children are better called in the middle of the game. The one whose name is told becomes king. Throughout the story of his name, he sits on a throne in a crown.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children to come up with different variants his name (gentle, affectionate). You can also take turns to tell something good about the king.

"Two cockerels quarreled "( 25 min.)

The aim of the game. Development of relaxedness, self-control.

Game procedure. Cheerful music sounds (preferably A. Raichev "Two cockerels quarreled"). Children move in a "Brownian motion" and push lightly with their shoulders.

Note. It is not allowed for the blows of children to be too strong and painful. Children must necessarily play "truthfully" and at the same time keep the symbolism of the game ("pretend").

Games for the development of randomness

"Needle and thread" (25 min.)

The aim of the game. The development of arbitrariness.

Game procedure. The driver is chosen from among the children. To cheerful music, he plays the role of a needle, and all the other children. ... the role of the thread. The "needle" runs between the chairs, and the "thread" (a group of children one after another) follows it.

Note. If there is a squeezed out child in the group, then offer the role of a "needle" to him. During the game, when he leads a group of children, his communication and organizational skills will develop.

"The dragon bites its tail" (25 min.)

The aim of the game. Removal of tension, neurotic states, fears.

Game procedure. Cheerful music sounds. Children stand in a chain and hold each other tightly (by the shoulders). The first child is the "dragon's head" (the last one is the "dragon's tail."

Make sure the children do not let go of each other. Also, make sure that the roles of "dragon head" and "tail" are performed by everyone.

"It's boring, it's boring to sit like that" (25 min.)

The aim of the game. Development of relaxedness, training of self-organization.

Game procedure. There are chairs along one wall of the room, their number is equal to the number of children. About opposite side the rooms also have highchairs, but their number is 1 less quantity children.

Children sit near the first side of the room. The presenter reads a rhyme:

It's boring, boring to sit like that

All look at each other;

Isn't it time to go for a run

And change places?

As soon as the presenter finishes the rhyme, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to take chairs. The one who was left without a chair loses.


1. Do not allow children to start running before the end of the rhyme.

"Fox, where are you?" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game ... The development of arbitrariness.

Game procedure. Children become a semicircle, the leader - the center. Children turn away and close their eyes. The presenter gently touches one child's shoulder, which means that he will play the role of a fox. All the rest are hares.

At the signal, everyone opens their eyes and turns. Nobody knows who the fox is. The presenter calls: "Fox, where are you?" The fox doesn't respond. The host calls for the second and third time. And only the third time does the fox rush to catch hares.

If the hare managed to squat down, you cannot catch it. The caught hares are out of the game.

"Owl" (25 min.)

The aim of the game. The development of arbitrariness.

Game procedure. Children themselves choose the driver - the "owl", which sits in the "nest" (on a chair) and "sleeps". During the "day", children move. Then the presenter commands: "Night!" Children freeze, and the owl opens its eyes and begins to catch. Which of the players moves or laughs becomes an owl. Music sounds ("Balalar" by O. Geilfuss).

This manual is intended for teaching staff: preschool educators, teachers - psychologists, speech therapists, students studying in the specialty 050144 "Preschool education" and all those interested contemporary issues and trends preschool education... The manual presents material on the organization of work aimed at overcoming the shyness of six-year-old children through art therapy. The manual also contains a series of sand therapy games, a series of correctional and developmental lessons with the inclusion of plasticineography, finger games, psycho-gymnastic studies, music therapy and isotherapy.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Main part.
  3. Conclusion.
  4. List of sources used.
  5. Applications.


The study of the psychological nature of shyness in preschool age and the specifics of its manifestation, the reasons and factors that determine it, is becoming increasingly important in the modern world.

Shyness is considered as the cause of many disorders in the psychophysiological sphere, as an integral part of neuroses, depression, stress, asthenic conditions, phobic disorders, etc. Evidence shows an increase in the number of children experiencing strong emotional experiences.

The problem of studying shyness was studied by both domestic and Western scientists: L.N. Galiguzova, L.D. Lebedeva, E.I. Gasparova, Yu.M. Orlova, A.A. Zakharov, J. Kopchak, V. Stern, F. Zimbardo, D.B. Watson, D. Baldwin, C. Gross, C.G. Jung, K. Izard.

Psychologists define shyness as a personality trait characterized by a lack of freedom of communication, the presence of internal constraint in behavior, which does not allow an individual to fully realize his hereditary and personal potential.

The reasons for the manifestation of shyness can be the child's self-doubt, lack of attention from adults, negative events being in unfamiliar situations.

A shy child is characterized by embarrassment, awkwardness, increased heart rate, strong heartbeat, fear, unwillingness to enter into a conversation, difficulty in eye contact, lack of initiative, avoidance of people, low self-esteem, anxiety, lack of communication skills, a feeling of failure, defeat, lack of trust.

Shyness makes it difficult for a child to adapt to society, leads to isolation and loneliness, so it is important to use a variety of ways to correct children's shyness at the earliest stages of preschool childhood in order to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences. In psychology, there are various forms correction of shyness: psychological studies, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation exercises, pantomime games, art therapy, fairy tale therapy. Modern psychologists consider art therapy to be one of the main means of correcting shyness in children.

Art therapy is a method of correction and development through creativity. Psychologists point out that art therapy techniques provide relatively painless access to deep psychological material, stimulate the processing of unconscious experiences, providing additional protection and reducing resistance to external changes.

Art therapy is resourceful, as it is outside of everyday stereotypes, which means it expands life experience, adds confidence in one's abilities. How better baby is able to express himself, say modern psychologists, the more complete his feeling of being a unique person.

Unlike many correctional and developmental areas, art therapy uses the "language" of visual and plastic expression. This is especially true when working with shy children who cannot always express in words their emotional state, difficulty, problem. Being in the creative space, the child gets the opportunity to express himself, as a result of which there are improvements in his emotional and behavioral spheres. Art therapy correction helps the child to reveal his “I”, which also leads to positive results of psychological assistance.

The novelty of the research lies in the development of a system of correctional and developmental classes using art-therapeutic forms and directions, a series of art-therapy games aimed at correcting the shyness of six-year-old children.

The practical significance of the research is the proposed system of work, which can be used in the practice of a preschool teacher. V this study the following methods were used: testing the forms and directions of art therapy, psychodiagnostics of six-year-old children in order to identify signs of shyness, psychological and pedagogical experiment to test the methodology for correcting shyness through correctional and developmental work, psychoeducation for preschool teachers and parents.

Main part

In order to overcome childhood shyness in preschool educational institution a system of work "Seven-flower" with children of the sixth year of life can be organized. The purpose of the work is to determine the influence of art therapy techniques on overcoming the shyness of six-year-old children; increasing the psychological and pedagogical awareness of teachers and parents on the problem of correcting the shyness of six-year-old children with the help of art therapy.

In order to identify signs of shyness in children, you can use the following psychodiagnostic tools.

1.1 The first technique is the “Ladder” self-assessment technique. The purpose of this technique is: to identify the level of self-esteem of children of the sixth year of life.

Stimulus material for the "Ladder" test: drawing of a ladder consisting of seven steps. In the middle you need to place the child's figurine. For convenience, a figurine of a boy or girl can be cut out of paper, which can be placed on the ladder, depending on the gender of the child being tested.

Testing: the child is given a piece of paper with a ladder drawn on it and the meaning of the steps is explained. It is important to see if the child understood your explanation correctly. Repeat it if necessary. After that, questions are asked, the answers are recorded.

Analysis of the results: first of all, they pay attention to what step the child has put himself on. It is considered normal if children of this age put themselves on the rung of “very good” and even “very good” children.

1.2 The following technique is the drawing test "Non-existent animal". Its purpose: to identify the presence of anxiety, low self-esteem, low level of development of communication skills in children of the sixth year of life.

Instructions for the child: invent and draw a non-existent animal and call it a non-existent name.

It is important to explain to the child that the animal must be invented by him, to captivate him with this task - to create such a creature that no one has invented before. After the drawing is ready, ask the artist about the creature that he got. It is necessary to find out the gender, age, size, purpose of unusual organs, if any; ask if he has relatives and what kind of relationship he has with them, if he has a family, and who he is in the family, what he loves and what he fears, what is his character.

To identify anxiety, it will be necessary to consider the drawings of the children. So signs of anxiety in the drawings of children can be the presence of protective elements (thorns, shell), bold lines with pressure, large eyes in the animal. Signs of low self-esteem will be: the location of the picture in the lower part of the sheet, especially in the lower left corner, the tail drooping down. The lack of communication skills in children can be judged by the toothy animal, open mouth, without drawing lips and tongue, especially if the mouth is shaded.

1.3 The third technique that can be done is the Signs of Anxiety technique.

Purpose: to identify signs of anxiety in children.

Instructions: after observing the child, note the personality manifestations characteristic of him, summarize them.

Observation criteria:

1. Cannot work for a long time without getting tired.

2. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something.

3. Any task causes unnecessary anxiety.

4. During the execution of assignments, he is very tense, constrained.

5. Confused more often than others, etc.

Interpreting Results: Add up the number of pluses to get an overall anxiety score.

High anxiety - 15-20 points.

Average - 7-14 points.

Low - 1-6 points.

1.4 The next step will be to conduct a questionnaire for parents on the question: "If a child has ever experienced a feeling of shyness, how did this manifest itself in his behavior?" The purpose of the survey: to find out whether parents consider their child to be shy, and how the shyness of children manifests itself at home.

This technique includes criteria for shyness, to which parents must respond either positively or negatively. After that, the parents will be asked a series of questions, by answering which they will be able to determine for themselves whether their child is shy or not.

The main areas of work of the experimental group

is an:

1. Working with children. Areas of work:

1.1 A series of sand therapy games.

Purpose: correction and development of children's communication skills, their emotional-volitional sphere, sensing.

1.2 A series of correctional - developmental classes with the inclusion of finger games and exercises, isotherapy and psycho-gymnastic studies.

Purpose: to form the ability of children to show various emotional states; develop a psychomotor component; develop creative skills in juxtaposing various emotions that express the state of human animals; foster a sense of mutual assistance.

1.3 A series of correctional and developmental classes with the inclusion of plasticineography.

Purpose: to teach children to plan and complete their work to the end, to work in co-creation, to draw in unconventional technique plasticine; develop the ability to plot and composition, independence, self-confidence, individuality; educate artistic taste, moral qualities, kindness.

1.4 A series of art therapy exercises with the inclusion of music therapy and isotherapy.

Purpose: removal of emotional stress, development of imagination, communication skills; stimulation motor activity, development of imagination, joint activities children.

2. Work with parents in order to increase the level of psychological awareness on the problem of correcting the shyness of six-year-old children using art therapy methods.

Appendix 2.2 Series of folders - sliders for parents

1. Folder-slide "Shy child"

2. Folder-movable "Using elements of art therapy in interaction with a child"

3. Folder-movable for parents "Art therapy for your child"

4. Folder-movable "Application of art therapy methods with children preschool age»

Appendix 2.3 Series of screens for parents

1. Screen for parents "Why do parents need art therapy?"

2. Screen for parents "How to help a shy child?"

3. Screen for parents "The influence of art therapy on the development of children in the sixth year of life"

Appendix 2.4 Workshop for parents on the topic: “Shy child. How to overcome childhood shyness? "

Appendix 2.5 Parent Consultation Series

1. Consultation for parents "Methodology for conducting isotherapy with children."

2. Consultation for parents "Art therapy and preschoolers".

3. Consultation for parents "How shyness manifests itself in children of the sixth year of life."

4. Consultation for parents "Ways to solve the problem of shyness in a child."

3. Working with preschool educational institutions, in order to increase the level of psychological awareness on the problem of correction of shyness in children of the sixth year of life using art therapy methods.

Appendix 3.1 Series of electronic consultations for preschool educators

1. Electronic consultation for teachers of preschool educational institution "Development of interpersonal relations of older preschool children by methods of music therapy and mandalotherapy"

2. Electronic consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Miracles of art therapy"

3. Electronic consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Preservation psychological health children by means of art therapy "

4. Electronic consultation for preschool educational institutions "What is art therapy?"

5. Electronic consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Shy and anxious child"

Appendix 3.2 Series of consultations for preschool educators

1. "Conditions for the selection of techniques and techniques for creating images"

2. "Requirements for the organization of sand therapy"

3. "Stages of making a light sand table"

4. "Plasticine - a technique of drawing with plasticine"

5. "Sand therapy in kindergarten"

6. "Behavior of a teacher with shy children"

Appendix 3.3 Round table for preschool educational institutions on the topic: "The use of art therapy to create psychological comfort among participants in the educational process"

Appendix 3.4 Master class for preschool teachers on the topic: "Art therapy in working with preschoolers"

Appendix 3.5 Directory of sites for the study of child shyness in psychology

Appendix 3.6 Electronic catalog of special literature on working with shy children

To establish contact with children will be organized special work, including the following techniques:

1. Communication games("Catch the Eye", "Animal Piano", "Needle - Thread");

2. Games problem situations("Why so?", "A family trip", "Yes and no", "A friend's recipe");

3. Relaxation exercises ("Rainbow", "Multi-colored mood", "Joyful song", "In the edge of a good mood").


The study of psychological and pedagogical literature from the perspective of this research allows us to make next output: the problem of shyness is widely considered in the works of both domestic and Western psychologists: D. Baldwin, F. Zimbardo, K. Izard, D.B. Watson, W. Stern, N. Webster, E.I. Gasparova, A.A. Zakharova, J. Korchak, Yu.M. Orlova, T.O. Smolevoy and others.

Shyness in modern research it is interpreted as a personality trait characterized by a lack of freedom of communication, the presence of an internal constraint of command, which does not allow an individual to fully realize his hereditary and personal potential.

Modern psychologists characterize a shy preschooler as cautious in their actions, painfully timid, distrustful.

In this study, shyness is understood as a personality trait that is formed under certain conditions of upbringing and is characterized by a lack of freedom of communication, difficulties in speech, unreasonable silence, constraint, manifested in embarrassment. Shyness is a state of shyness in the presence of other people.

Psychologists say that the causes of shyness in preschool childhood can be both congenital-genetic and acquired. The main acquired causes of shyness include: previous negative events, lack of communication skills, social anxiety, unfamiliar surroundings, fear, being in the spotlight, etc.

Thus, shyness is a result of upbringing, arising and consolidating at a certain point in the interaction of children with other people.

Shyness can manifest itself both in the form of physiological manifestations, and in internal conflicts, violations of thought processes. So the signs of shyness in preschoolers include: embarrassment, awkwardness, anxiety, increased heart rate, strong heartbeat, fear, unwillingness to engage in conversation, difficulty in eye contact, lack of initiative, avoidance of people, etc.

Psychologists note that shy children have low self-esteem, anxiety, and a lack of communication skills. One of the main tasks of working with such children is correction and development through art therapy.

Thus, the problem of correcting shyness through art therapy is contained in the works of domestic and foreign psychologists: K.G. Jung, G.L. Landreth, I.V. Dubrovina, T. D. Martsinkovskaya, V. Oklepder,

R.S. Nemova, A.V. Averina, A.A. Osipova, Yu.M. Orlov and others. Art therapy is a method of correction and development associated with artistic creation.

Psychological studies have shown that, in contact with art in its various manifestations, a child gets rid of anxiety, acquires communication skills, increases his self-esteem and reveals his inner world.

Modern psychotherapists distinguish following forms art therapy: spontaneous drawing, associative drawing, drawing feelings drawing music. Art therapy areas are also distinguished: plasticineography, sand therapy, music therapy.

Organization experimental research included, conducting a psychodiagnostic examination of preschoolers using the techniques: "Ladder", "Signs of an anxious child", "Non-existent animal". From the results of the study, it can be seen that shyness, which was determined by three criteria: the level of anxiety, self-esteem and the level of development of communication skills, was characterized by the parents' opinion of the child “Mom said so”.

The reasons for the shyness of the child can also be considered the authority of the parents, the inattention of the parents to the disturbing problems of the child, ignorance of their foundations of pedagogy. Observation of a group of subjects showed that shyness manifests itself in stressful situations - when answering a question from adults, when participating in a game in starring and etc.

So shyness is psychological condition troubling many preschoolers. Such children are characterized by low self-esteem, a high level of anxiety, and a lack of communication skills.

List of sources used

  1. Art therapy - new horizons / ed. A.I. Kopytina. - M .: Kogito-Center, 2009 .-- 336 p.
  2. Big psychological dictionary / ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, V.P. Zinchenko. - 4-ride - M .: Infrv-M, 2003 .-- 578s.
  3. Breslav G.A. Color psychology and color therapy for all / G.A. Breslav - SPb .: Peter, 2005 .-- 336s.
  4. Burno M.E. Therapy by creative self-expression / M.E. Burno - M .: Medicine, 2010 .-- 196s.
  5. I. V. Vachkov Fairytale therapy: the development of self-awareness through a psychological tale / I.V. Vachkov. - M .: Os-89, 2009 .-- 416s.
  6. Veraksa N.E. Foreign psychologists about development preschooler: a guide for teachers preschool institutions/NOT. Veraksa, A.N. Veraxa. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006 .-- 114s.
  7. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art / L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Garbuzov; Ed. A.N. Leontyev. - M .: Art, 1968. - 675s.
  8. Gasparova E.I. Development of social confidence in preschoolers / E.I. Gasparova, Yu.M. Orlov, N. Naritsyn; Ed. V.A. Handless. - 3rd them., Stereotype. - M .: Academy 2010 .-- 267s.
  9. Grabenko T.M. Miracles in the sand. Sand game therapy / T.M. Grabenko, T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. - SPb .: Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, 2010. - 430p.
  10. Child psychology. Textbook for universities / ed. E.O.Smirnova - M .: VLADOS, 2008.- 366 p.
  11. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Fairytale therapy-therapy in a way / ETC. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva // Psychological newspaper. - 2000. - No. 6. - p. 18 - 19.
  12. Zimbardo F. Shyness / F. Zimbardo. - M .: Education, 1991. -560s.
  13. Karvasarsky B.D. Art therapy / B.D. Karvasarsky // Psychological encyclopedia / ed. B.D. Karvasarsky. - SPb .: Peter, 2012 .-- P.52 - 58.
  14. Kiseleva M.V. Art therapy in working with children: hands. for children. psychologists, teachers, doctors and specialists working with children / M.V. Kiseleva. - SPb .: Rech, 2009 .-- 158 p.
  15. A.I. Kopytin Systemic art therapy / A.I. Kopytin. - SPb .: Peter, 2001 .-- 208s.
  16. A.I. Kopytin Theory and practice of art therapy / A.I. Kopytin - SPb .: Peter, 2012 .-- 155s.
  17. Kogan S. Improvement with sound and fine arts/ S. Kogan. - M .: VLADOS, 2000 .-- 144p.
  18. Kravchenko A.I. General psychology: textbook. allowance. / A.I. Kravchenko. - M .: Prospect, 2009 .-- 432s.
  19. Krol V.M. Psychology and Pedagogy: Uch. manual for tech. Universities / V.M. Krol - M .: Higher school, 2011 .-- 576s.
  20. Lebedeva L.D. The practice of art therapy: approaches, diagnostics, training system / L.D. Lebedev. - SPb .: Rech, 2009 .-- p. 54.
  21. Lebedeva L.D. Encyclopedia of signs and interpretations in projective drawing and art therapy / L.D. Lebedeva, Yu.V. Nikonorova, N.A. Tarakanova. - SPb .: Rech, 2006 .-- 346s.
  22. Lyutova E.K. Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children / E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina. - M .: Genesis, 2000. - 320s.
  23. Lyutova E.K. Cheat sheet for parents / E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina. - M .: Rech, 2007 .-- 56p.
  24. E.A. Medvedeva Art pedagogy and art therapy in special education/ E.A. Medvedeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, L.N. Komisarova, T.A. Dobrovolskaya. - M .: Academy, 2011 .-- 346p.
  25. Nazarova L.D. Folk art therapy / L.D. Nazarov. - SPb, Speech, 2012 .-- 336.
  26. R.S. Nemov General foundations of psychology / R.S. Nemov. - Humanitarian publishing center "VLADOS", 2003. - 640s.
  27. Oxford Explanatory Dictionary of English language/ Oxford University Press. - Publ .: Oxford University Press, 2003 .-- 828p.
  28. Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection / A.A. Osipova. - M .: Academy, 2010 .-- 190p.
  29. Pedagogical Dictionary / G.M. Kodzhaspirov. - Rostov n / a: ICC "Mart", 2005. - 448s.
  30. Petrovsky V.A. Concept preschool education/ V.A. Petrovsky, A.G. Asmolov; Ed. V.V. Davydov. M .: Academy, 1988 .-- 67s.
  31. A.A. Rean Psychology and pedagogy: textbook. / A.A. Rean. - SPb .: Peter, 2001.- 432s.
  32. Russian explanatory dictionary / E.L. Lopatin. - 3rd ed. - M .: Rus. Language. - EKSMO, 1994 .-- 834p.
  33. Smirnova E.O. Interpersonal relationships preschoolers. Diagnostics, problems, correction. / E.O. Smirnova, V.M. Kholmogorov. - M .: VLADOS, 2005 .-- 122 p.
  34. Tarasova E.G. Healing powers art. Art pedagogical techniques and techniques. Method. Manual / E.G. Tarasova. - Tambov: TOIPKRO, 2010 .-- p. 12.
  35. Reader in psychology / ed. A.I. Kopytina. - SPb .: Peter, 2001 .-- 192s.

The full version of work with applications is possible.

The reason for the child's difficulties in communicating with other people is shyness, which in the future can be reflected in his adult life. Excessive shyness in children needs to be corrected. There are various methods for overcoming this character trait.

The essence of shyness

Shyness first makes itself felt back in childhood when the baby is 3-5 years old. During this period, he begins to actively explore the world and communicate with the people around him. Shyness is not hard to recognize. When communicating with adults, the baby is constantly shy, shy, keeps silent and does not answer their questions. He is experiencing strong feeling awkwardness, preferring to avoid situations where he will be forced to enter into a conversation with a crowd of strangers.

Despite their shyness, shy children in mental development are in no way inferior to their lively peers. On the contrary, while studying calm kid makes great strides, has many talents and abilities. True, he is afraid to express himself, not believing in his own strength. In many cases, shyness is the reason for the formation of various fears in children.

Shy children see themselves as inferior to others, they are insecure and are constantly worried about what others will think of them. This behavior affects the communication process, negatively affecting the adaptation of babies in society. These children take a passive role in communication with their peers, they are very vulnerable and sensitive, thanks to which other children easily subjugate them to their influence. It also happens that babies suffering from shyness are attacked and bullied by their peers.

If you notice communication problems with your child, pay close attention to this and observe him. For shy preschool children, the following behavioral features are characteristic:

  • complete absence of aggression;
  • they avoid any communication;
  • do not like manifestations of interest from strangers to themselves;
  • are shy and afraid to enter into conversations;
  • negatively perceive themselves;
  • are sensitive to any criticism.

Pathological shyness that prevents a baby from living normally in society is a problem that needs a mandatory solution. The above behavior creates conditions for correcting shyness in preschool children, therefore, parents who notice a similar problem in their baby should be vigilant and not leave this situation uncontrolled.

Correction of pathological shyness

To teach how to cope with pathological shyness, a child will need the help of not only relatives, but also kindergarten teachers, as well as a psychologist. A complex approach will help the baby to overcome shyness, self-doubt, teach to communicate with people around, make friends.

It is important that when identifying a similar problem the kindergarten teacher treated the baby correctly, showed attentiveness and provided assistance. The feeling of trust that is established between the child and his teacher plays a huge role. If contact is established, the educator will help the baby to be liberated and to believe in himself.

Shy children need more attention, so the teacher, despite all his busyness, should take time for such a baby to talk to him at different topics and ask how he is doing. You can appoint a child as your assistant and instruct him to perform simple tasks.

There are special techniques that a teacher can use to correct shyness in preschoolers. The main conditions for this process are benevolence, care, attentiveness to experiences and feelings. little man... Educators assign one of the main roles in the correction of shyness to the developmental game. This approach to the problem allows us to solve the following tasks:

  • overcome the shyness and stiffness of the child;
  • help the baby to be liberated and to believe in their strength;
  • to build the correct communication links "kid-adult person-peers";
  • allows a shy toddler to develop skills and communication skills;
  • expand social connections;
  • achieve emotional relaxation;
  • understand internal psychological problems baby;
  • if developmental lag is detected, send for examination.

The conditions for correcting shyness are to create a comfortable and welcoming environment around the baby in which he could relax, stop worrying, let go of all his fears and start communicating with other children.

Psychologist's help

Help a shy child decide existing problem maybe child psychologist... In this case, the work will be built step by step. At the first stage, in order to motivate communication and develop communication skills, the doctor will use such a common approach as fairy tale therapy. At the second stage, with the help of collective play, the baby will learn to establish contact with other people. Then the attention of the specialist will be paid to the study of the psychoemotional state of the little patient (the ability to show and recognize their emotions). On the last stage with the help of creative implementation, the child will try to apply the acquired communication skills in practice.

Game therapy is the most effective method for working with preschool children. During the fun, interesting communication the child forgets about shyness, relaxing and learning to communicate with peers. The psychologist arranges group sessions to help simulate various life situations and find simple ways to solve them. Games "Director", "Exhibition", "Orator" will help a shy kid to stop being afraid of being in the spotlight, teach him to express himself in public and not be afraid to express his opinion.

Since children suffering from shyness experience intense inner tension and fear all the time, it is important that the game includes relaxation elements, during which the child will perform simple relaxation exercises with calm meditative music.

Tactfulness and patience are two quality approaches that professionals should take when working with a shy toddler. This will give him the opportunity to open up and get rid of such an unpleasant character trait.

Ways to combat childhood shyness

The main helpers for children in the fight against this "ailment" are their parents. To overcome shyness and insecurity in your preschool child, you need to be tactful because your toddler may take your help as criticism and worry that he is disappointing you.

To overcome children's stiffness and timidity in communication, simple ways will help you.

  1. Don't make endless comments because of his behavior. Observing your child will give you a better understanding of their personality traits.
  2. Help your kid expand his circle of contacts. This is not difficult to do. Encourage his fleeting acquaintances, invite classmates from the kindergarten and housemates to visit, walk on such sites where there are children of the same age. Don't quit while communicating. Help him get to know other guys, keep the conversation going and play.
  3. Be sure to provide your child with fun and varied leisure activities. When choosing sections to visit, remember about creativity baby. Only for real interesting activity help him feel confident and calm.
  4. Try to invent various games, during which the kid would not only learn about the world around him, but would also reveal various abilities and skills. Don't prevent your little one from taking initiative and accepting independent decisions about how you will spend your day. It is important to teach the child to communicate in the family without hysterics and shouting, boldly expressing his opinion.
  5. It should be remembered that the constant change of place of study negatively affects even a confident and courageous kid. If you had objective reasons, because of which you were forced to change kindergarten, help your child to survive this adaptation period... Involve your toddler in a variety of homework assignments. This will help him feel needed, give him confidence and liberate him.

The main thing in the process of your communication with him is to show patience, calmness and love.

Shy children do not get much from life, because they limit their communication with the world around them. They lead a secluded life and feel very lonely. It is difficult for such kids to make friends, they get lost in a large company of their peers, they do not know how to stand up for themselves. So that he does not feel socially rejected, psychologists advise parents to instill in them communication skills. This is not difficult to do.

  1. Teach your child to look the other person in the face. To do this, when talking with the baby, ask him to support you all the time. eye contact... Repeat as often as possible these phrases: "Look me in the eyes!" and "Don't lower your gaze!" This will reinforce the ability not to hide your eyes during a conversation, which will give him more confidence in the process of communicating with strangers.
  2. Make sure your little one knows how to start and end a conversation. Think over and write down phrases with your child to communicate with various groups of people. Let the baby try to formulate himself how he would communicate with a stranger, a guest of your house, his friend, a newcomer in the group, a kindergarten teacher. After dividing the roles, rehearse what this communication might look like. Actively involve the child in telephone conversations, the immediate absence of the interlocutor before the eyes makes the communication process much easier.
  3. Prepare your baby in advance for various social events: visiting guests, going to a public place, speaking at a matinee, focusing on what you can talk about in different situations.
  4. Pair games, according to psychologists, are the simplest and most in an efficient way correct shyness in a preschool child. To do this, invite your baby's friend to visit, be sure to exclude watching TV at this time and give them the opportunity to get to know each other better.


Shyness in a preschool child needs special attention from adults. Do not leave the situation to chance, such a character trait can create a lot of problems for the baby, which will definitely remind of themselves in adulthood. Shy toddlers need behavioral correction. Parental support, educators will help the child get rid of shyness, establish communication and make many friends kindergarten, as well as work with a psychologist.

Course work
Psychological conditions for overcoming shyness in older preschool age

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………… .3
CHAPTER 1. Theoretical foundations of studying shyness in older preschool children ... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1.1. The concept of shyness in modern psychology……………. .….5
1.2. Reasons and factors for the formation of shyness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .9
1.3. Manifestations of shyness in older preschoolers ... ... ... ..... .... 12
Chapter Conclusions ……………………………………………. ………………. eighteen
CHAPTER 2. The content of empirical work on the study of overcoming shyness in older preschool age …………………………… ... 20
2.1. Diagnosis of shyness in older preschoolers ..................... 20
2.2. Games and exercises to overcome shyness ... ... ... ... ... ... 25
2.3 Tips for parents of a shy preschooler ……………… .......... 31
Chapter Conclusions ………………………………………. ………. ……….….… 36
CONCLUSION ………………………………………………… …………… .37
REFERENCES ………………………………………………… …………… ... 39
APPENDIX ………………………………………………………………… .41

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the problem of shyness goes back to childhood and prevents children from enjoying communication with their peers, finding friends and receiving their support. They try to be invisible, not to take the initiative, and most importantly, they do not feel like full-fledged people because of all kinds of complexes.
Shyness can manifest itself in a child from a very early age. From the point of view of psychology, this is a complex phenomenon, which is based on many personality problems and characteristics. But on the outer level, shyness is mainly manifested in communication. It is difficult for a child to communicate with others, to be in the center of a company, to talk when a large number of people are listening, to speak in front of others. The very thought that now he will attract attention to himself is unpleasant to him.
The shyness of a child in the process of upbringing and education, on the one hand, can serve as an obstacle to the high-quality assimilation of the material: shyness, being a high emotional stress, blocks various thought processes, negatively affects memory. On the other hand, shyness damages the psycho-emotional health of the child: for a shy child, speaking in front of a group is stress, which, in turn, can lead to fears in the child.
It is necessary to start taking measures as early as possible to prevent the development of shyness in children. Methods of dealing with shyness depend, first of all, on the degree of manifestation of it in a child and are different in a particular case.
The theoretical substantiation of the problem of shyness is considered in the works of F. Zimbardo, Bruno and D. Brett, Russian psychologists L.I. Bozovic, I.S. Cohn, A.A. Reana, A.B. Belousova, I.V. Dubrovina, I. Zimina, N.V. Klyueva, B.D. Elkonin and others, but despite this, the question remains relevant. Therefore, we have chosen this topic.
Theme: " Psychological conditions overcoming shyness in senior preschool age. "
Purpose of the research: to theoretically substantiate, in the process of empirical work, to test the phenomenon of the formation of shyness in older preschool children.
Research object: the phenomenon of shyness.
Subject of research: psychological characteristics of shyness correction in older preschool children.

    Explore theoretical aspects shyness of preschoolers.
    Consider manifestations of shyness in older preschoolers.
    Analyze the diagnostic tools for studying shyness.
    Explore ways to prevent and deal with shyness.
Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical foundations of the study of shyness in older preschool children
1.1. The concept of shyness in modern psychology
Shyness is one of the most common and difficult problems. There are several approaches to this problem in psychology. Trait researchers are convinced that shyness is an inherited personality trait. The modern version of the theory of innate shyness belongs to R. Cattell. According to this theory, shy people (type H-) are born with a more sensitive nervous system than carriers of H +. This increased sensitivity leads to the fact that the person tends to avoid conflicts and threatening situations. R. Kettel believes that since the H-traits are innate, then no events that make up a person's experience can change them. R. Cattell considers shyness as a biologically determined trait associated with the excitability of the nervous system. He believes that shy people are distinguished by a special sensitivity and high excitability of the nervous system, which is especially vulnerable to social stress.
Behaviorists believe that a person is a product of what he has learned. He internalizes those actions that are rewarding and refrains from those that entail negative consequences. According to this theory, shyness is an acquired fear response to social stimuli. It can arise for the following reasons:
- negative experience communication with people in certain situations, based either on their own direct contacts or on the observation of others;
- lack of adequate communication skills;
- premonitions of inadequacy of their own behavior, and - as a consequence - constant anxiety about their actions;
- self-humiliation due to its inadequacy.
Psychoanalytic approaches to shyness operate with confrontation scenarios internal forces in terms of defense mechanisms, aggression, regrouping of forces. Shyness is seen as a symptom. It represents a reaction to the unmet primary needs of the id. D. Kaplan considers shyness in part as a result of the orientation of the ego towards itself (the so-called narcissism).
The traumatic effect of some events on a shy person is determined by the displacement of the "great danger" from the sphere of life where this danger really exists. Fear, embodied in the symptoms of shyness, namely, to be rejected, also correlates with some events in which it can be embodied in a more mitigated form than in connection with a real danger in some other area of ​​a person's life. Other authors focus on the processes of the child's psychological separation from the mother and the formation of a sense of his own individuality. If such isolation is carried out prematurely, then in the future it is possible for a person to form fear of the uncertainty of life situations. This kind of fear is the hallmark of deeply shy people. It should be noted here that psychoanalytic reasoning about the occurrence of shyness is based on examples of pathological shyness.
In Russian psychology, shyness and shame were not fundamentally separated from each other. So, for example, I.A. Sikorsky, considering the higher states of mind, highlighted shame as follows: “The main movements and gestures arising from shame are as follows:

    In the desire to hide the face, covering it with your hands or lowering it down or to the side.
    In the desire to hide entirely - to fall through the ground.
    The eyes of a bashful person are directed to the side, or undergo restless movement in order to avoid human gaze.
    Silence, reaching the impossibility of opening the mouth, as well as involuntary restraint, movements are performed quietly, noiselessly, furtively. "
K. Izard in his monograph on human emotions, among the nine fundamental emotions, distinguishes and examines in detail shame and shyness. However, he does not distinguish between these concepts, and this creates great difficulties in the correct understanding of the statistical data and theoretical reasoning given by him. K. Izard emphasizes that situations that cause shame are different for different people. A common feature of situations that induce shame is the presence of arousal and pleasure in them. At the same time, shame at the theoretical level is viewed as an emotion, and shyness as a personality trait. It is emphasized that fear, guilt, shame and shyness play an important role in human relations, in the processes of socialization and personality development.
According to V. N. Kunitsyna's definition, shyness is a personality trait that occurs in a person who constantly experiences difficulties in certain situations of interpersonal informal communication; manifests itself in a state of neuropsychic tension and is characterized by various disorders of vegetation, psychomotor skills, speech activity, emotional, volitional, thought processes and a number of specific changes in self-awareness. Shyness is most closely related to shame, an emotion that arises in situations that produce social anxiety and has a variety of characteristic manifestations. On a psychological level, shame can be triggered by a situation that focuses attention on the "I" or on some aspect of the "I" that turns out to be "inappropriate." Any experience that creates in a person a sense of inappropriate self-disclosure can cause shame. In addition to heightened self-awareness and specific features of self-perception, shame is accompanied by a temporary inability to think logically and effectively, and often a feeling of failure, defeat, affects the sphere of thought processes. Shame usually occurs in the presence of other people, but it can also arise in solitude.
Shyness as a separate, independent personality trait in Russian psychology practically not studied, with the exception of a few works. I.S. Cohn defines shyness as "an accentuated self-awareness, an individual's heightened concern about his self and how others perceive it." In particular, I.S. Cohn pays great attention to the problems of adolescence. This period is characterized by an intensive formation of self-awareness, the image of "I" against the background of serious changes in psychosomatic functions: interest in their changing external appearance, inner world increases, anxiety and emotional excitability increase. It is in adolescence that shyness is most likely to form as a personality trait; the basis for the consolidation of the corresponding behavioral reactions can be characteristic of this period, some instability of the image of "I", self-doubt. Increased emotional instability increases the need for intimate, confidential communication, but is blocked by shyness (a person does not dare to talk about his experiences out of a sense of false shame or fear that he will be misunderstood). Difficulties of a communicative nature are manifested in adolescence especially sharply and leave an imprint on the subsequent development of the personality.
In spite of different interpretation shyness by different authors, it is possible to highlight a number of common points to understanding its nature. This is the connection of shyness with self-awareness and self-esteem, the emotional experience of shyness and the emergence of difficulties in the process of communication.

1.2. Reasons and factors for the formation of shyness
It is customary to highlight natural and social factors forming shyness. Natural factors include temperament due to the type of nervous system. The overwhelming majority of shy people are of the melancholic and phlegmatic type. However, there are also shy choleric and sanguine people.
The social factors include the type of family education.
There is a very close connection between the type of child's upbringing and the characteristics of mental development. The most common manifestations of improper parenting:
Indirectness. There is no emotional contact between parents and children. The child is shod, dressed and fed, but his parents are not interested in his soul. As a result of such upbringing, you can raise either an aggressive child, or downtrodden, or timid.
Hyper-care. Parents bring up the child too "correctly", they program his every step. The child is forced to chronically restrain his impulses and desires. A child can protest against such a situation that results in aggressiveness, or can submit, becomes withdrawn, fenced off, and ultimately shy.
Anxious and suspicious type of upbringing. They tremble over the child, take care of them beyond measure, and this is fertile ground for the development of indecision, timidity, painful self-doubt.
As a result of the distortion of family upbringing, as a rule, children grow up with emotional disorders of the polar types - aggressive and shy.

- the order of the birth of children in the family;
- shyness of parents.
Studies show that “first” (that is, the first-born) children are more in need of support and have lower self-esteem than later children.
"Second" children learn more effectively interpersonal skills (the ability to negotiate, gain favor with oneself, persuade, find a compromise, etc.). Have shy parents shy children are more common.
A complex of behavioral symptoms that characterize shy ones can be distinguished:

    locomotion, which reflects the struggle between two opposite tendencies of approaching - moving away;
    emotional discomfort experienced when communicating with strangers;
    fear of any public speaking; 4) selectivity in contacts with people.
    The reasons for shyness are as varied as their definitions.
The main source of shyness is fear of people. The foundation of shyness, of course, is laid in childhood. Its appearance largely depends on the upbringing of parents, educational institutions and the social environment. True, there are also people who, being not shy, suddenly become shy under the influence of any events.
Shyness should be viewed as a process, as a state and as a personality trait. Shyness as a process manifests itself in different ways in people depending on age and profession, can increase and decrease under the influence of personal influences, has temporal characteristics and a certain intensity. It can be represented as a continuum, at one end of which there will be very shy people who suffer from the inability to be free and relaxed in communication (personal shyness), and at the other end there will be shy people (free in communication), extremely rarely experiencing embarrassment, tension in situations public speaking, dating. Between these poles is a group of situationally shy.
Under the influence of social conditions, experience of communication, upbringing and self-education, a "rearrangement" of the components of this process can occur: the unashamed one, acquiring complexes, becomes shy, and the shy one, having adapted incorrectly, goes into the group of shameless ones.
As a state of shyness, it is accompanied by disorders of the autonomic and psychomotor spheres, speech activity, emotional-volitional, mental processes, a number of specific changes in self-awareness that characterize the general state of neuropsychic tension.
As a personality trait, it is associated with the experience of psychological discomfort, stable difficulties in establishing contacts, decreased adaptability and self-esteem, and increased sensitivity in contacts. It is often included in the syndrome of personality traits that reduce contact (autism, alienation, introversion, feelings of loneliness) and communication success (excessive sensitivity, anxiety, reflexivity).
Shyness can be a temporary manifestation (age-related and situational shyness) and a permanent personality trait. Age-related (adolescent and youthful) shyness occurs during the period of active assimilation of social experience, new social roles, the formation of a sexual position, an increase in the subjective significance of communication with representatives of the opposite sex. Significant internal instability during puberty, together with the need to actively master social roles, leads to a decrease in self-confidence, the appearance of indecision, stiffness, and increased self-control. Age-related and situational shyness should be considered as social shyness, since various social factors can be the causes of its occurrence. It lends itself to correction until it is completely overcome under a favorable set of circumstances: successful marriage, professional success, physical and neuropsychic health, personal needs. Personal shyness usually has both a biological predisposition and adverse social influences in its genesis.
The category of shy people is not homogeneous. It includes especially shy (experiencing tension, awkwardness, lack of freedom in most social situations; the only exceptions are situations of communication with relatives, relatives, friends or well-known business partners); adapted shy (those who have developed individual methods of self-regulation and relieving tension and in many situations that previously caused tension, copes with difficulties satisfactorily) and - according to a number of signs (isolation, low self-esteem, autism) - those people who are more correctly classified as “ pseudo-stasis ".
Thus, the phenomenon of shyness is extremely widespread and causes concern among shy people, the difficulties that arise in them in communication and, as a result, the occurrence of such negative consequences as neuroticism, alcoholism and drug addiction.

1.3. Shyness in older preschoolers
As a rule, shyness manifests itself in childhood. Many parents face the shyness of their children when they go to visit or visit their house. The child is shy, snuggles up to his mother, does not answer questions from adults. Sometimes children are embarrassed to approach a group of playing peers, do not dare to join their game. This is one set of situations in which childhood shyness is manifested. In fact, there are many more such situations and they often end up in kindergarten, where the child has to communicate with different teachers, answer in class, and perform at holidays. In these situations, the child cannot find protection from the mother, and is forced to cope with his problem himself.
Observations show that arising in early childhood shyness usually persists throughout primary school age. But it is especially clearly manifested in the fifth year of life. It is at this age that children develop a need for respectful attitude to them from the side of an adult.
Complaints about shyness, shyness of preschool children arise even in connection with their preparation for school, that is, at about 6 years old. Low level development of communication, isolation, difficulties in contacts with other people - both adults and peers - prevent the child from joining in collective action, become a full member of a group in kindergarten or classroom. The child reacts sharply to comments, takes offense at a joke, irony addressed to him, during this period he especially needs the praise and approval of an adult.
Adults need to be especially careful and considerate towards a shy child. Helping the child overcome shyness, form the necessary ways of communication in him: to involve him in joint games and collective activities is the common task of the educator and parents. However, in senior preschool, it may be too late to start. Only adults can help a shy child, and the sooner they start doing this, the better.

- emotional discomfort that a child experiences when meeting and communicating with strangers, and sometimes with strangers adults (low voice, inability to look directly in the eyes, silence, stuttering, incoherent speech, posing);
- fear of responsible actions (avoiding responsible actions, avoiding the situation);
- selectivity in contact with people, preference for communication with close and familiar adults and refusal or difficulty in communicating with strangers.
It is not difficult to notice the manifestation of shyness in a child. Shyness as a stable characterological feature appears in a child's behavior early enough. For a child who does not attend a kindergarten or nursery, it is still premature to talk about shyness as an established quality. At this stage, such preconditions as anxiety, emotional instability, tearfulness, a general decreased mood background, a deterioration in appetite and sleep disturbance due to some changes in the usual routine of life - moving to the country, going to visit, etc. are sometimes noted. ...
As a rule, shyness is most pronounced in those activities that are new to the child. He feels insecure, hesitates to show his ineptitude, he is afraid to admit it, to ask for help. A shy child does not know how and does not dare to make contacts with others, especially unfamiliar and unfamiliar people. Even among well-known acquaintances, he is lost, with difficulty answering the questions of adults (with the exception of close relatives, to whom he is usually very attached). In a child care institution, such a child adapts extremely slowly, with hard work... He cannot ask the teacher a question, even the most necessary one. As a result, he gets into trouble more often than other children. A deeply shy child loses his individuality, he tries to get lost in the crowd.
The position of such a child among his peers is very unenviable. Without taking advantage of the sympathy of other children, without coming into contact with them, he is doomed to isolation, loneliness. At best, children do not notice him, indifferently remove him, at worst they treat him derisively and rudely. A weak, defenseless, shy child is not only unable to give back to the offender, but cannot even complain, as he is shackled by shyness and fear of the offender's revenge.
The vulnerability of such children is a direct result of their vulnerability, impressionability and lack of necessary skills communication. Their feeling of lack of confidence in themselves and their actions is, moreover, associated with increased sensitivity to assessments of any kind, ridicule. Insufficient communication experience does not allow the child to understand the reasons for this or that attitude towards himself on the part of other people. He does not know why he likes or dislikes him, but habitually generalizes his life experience.
An important feature of shy children is a tendency to an internal way of expressing emotions, restraint in their external manifestations. Such children almost never laugh or cry out loud, do not rush away in fear (for example, from a dog), but, numb, remain in place. Even their rare pranks are distinguished by their shyness and naivety, they do not make noise, do not jump, rarely do anything illegal. Shy children feel and understand more than they can express, they accumulate more information, knowledge and skills than they use in real life.
Due to the fact that children of this kind are very vulnerable, they should be treated especially gently. Raising the voice, shouting, prodding, pulling, frequent prohibitions, reprimands and punishments can lead to neurotic disorders in the child.
Although shyness can be detected literally “at first sight,” parents often underestimate it. Many of them do not understand that shyness is a certain violation of the behavior and, moreover, the personal development of the child. They consider this particular option to be the norm, and the more active and direct behavior that they see in other children is attributed to a manifestation of bad manners or immodesty. Usually they are happy with their child, considering his shyness to be a positive quality. Such parents do not distinguish between modesty and shyness, which are not really the same thing. If modesty is truly a positive quality, then shyness based on complete self-doubt is a flaw that leads to many unpleasant consequences in the development of personality.
Vulnerable in a shy child is the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe feelings. He is not inclined to the vivid manifestation of his emotions, and when the need arises for this, he is shy and withdrawn into himself. The child simultaneously experiences the desire to behave at ease and the fear of spontaneous expression of feelings.
A shy child is characterized by the desire to protect the space of his personality from outside interference. He seeks to withdraw into himself, to dissolve among others, to become invisible, the very thought that now he will attract attention to himself is unpleasant for him.
Some people think that shyness is more characteristic of girls, but this is far from the case. At different stages age development 20-25% of boys suffer from shyness - about the same as girls.
Thus, the main difficulties in communication of a shy child with other people lie in the sphere of his attitude towards him of other people.
Traditionally, it is believed that shy children have low self-esteem (a person's assessment of his own, psychological qualities and behavior, achievements and failures, merits and demerits), that they think badly of themselves. However, this is not quite true. As a rule, a shy child considers himself to be very good, the best, that is, his attitude towards himself as a person is the most positive. His problem is different. It seems to him that others treat him worse than he treats himself. As a shy child gets older, there is a tendency to a gap in self-assessment and other people. Children continue to value themselves highly, but from the point of view of adult parents and educators, their assessment is getting lower.
Doubt in the positive attitude of other people to oneself introduces disharmony in the child's self-awareness, makes him suffer from doubts about the value of his I. An innate sensitivity to social influences contributes to the formation special type the personality of a shy child. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that everything that the child does is checked through the attitude of others. Anxiety about his Self often overshadows the content of his activity. The child is focused not so much on what he is doing, but on how adults will evaluate him: personal motives are always the main ones for him, overshadowing both cognitive and business ones, which makes it difficult for both the activity itself and communication.
Despite the fact that you can "grow" out of shyness, you shouldn't hope and passively wait, and not everyone gets rid of shyness as they grow up. But even if positive changes have occurred, an unpleasant aftertaste from past failures and acute experiences remains in the memory of these people.
If you prevent the development of shyness in older preschool age, then for children this problem will not become a mental illness in primary school and adolescence.

Chapter Conclusions
Shyness is one of the most common and difficult problems. There are several approaches to this problem in psychology.
Despite different interpretations of shyness by different authors, there are a number of common points to understanding its nature. This is the connection of shyness with self-awareness and self-esteem, emotional experience shyness and difficulties in communication.
It is customary to highlight the natural and social factors that form shyness.
The following factors are essential for the formation of shyness:
- the order of the birth of children in the family;
- system of upbringing in the family;
- shyness of parents.
The main source of shyness is fear of people. The foundation of shyness, of course, is laid in childhood.
Shyness should be viewed as a process, as a state and as a personality trait.
The phenomenon of shyness is extremely widespread and causes concern among shy people, the difficulties they face in communication and, as a result, the occurrence of such negative consequences as neuroticism, alcoholism and drug addiction.
Observations show that shyness that occurs in early childhood usually persists throughout senior preschool and primary school age.
Criteria for shyness in older preschool children:
- emotional discomfort that a child experiences when meeting and communicating with strangers, and sometimes with strangers adults (low voice, inability to look directly in the eyes, silence, stuttering, incoherent speech, posing);
- fear of responsible actions (avoiding responsible actions, avoiding the situation);
- selectivity in contact with people, preference for communication with close and familiar adults and refusal or difficulty in communicating with strangers.
If you prevent the development of shyness in older preschool age, then for children this problem will not become a mental illness in younger and adolescent years.

CHAPTER 2. Practical recommendations for overcoming shyness in older preschool age
2.1. Diagnosis of shyness in older preschoolers
Psychologists A.B. Belousova, I. V. Dubrovina, I. Zimina, N.V. Klyuev, B.D. Elkonin et al. Believe that in order to effectively correct shyness, it is necessary to observe the principle of the unity of diagnosis and correction, as one of the principles of psychocorrectional work.
This principle reflects the integrity of the process of providing psychological assistance as a special type of practical activity of a psychologist. Considered in detail in the works of D.B. Elkonina, I.V. Dubrovina and others, this principle is fundamental to all correctional work, since the effectiveness of corrective work by 90% depends on the complexity, thoroughness and depth of the previous diagnostic work.
The named principle is implemented in two aspects:
Firstly, the beginning of the implementation of correctional work must necessarily be preceded by a stage of targeted complex diagnostic examination, on the basis of which an initial conclusion is drawn up, and the goals and objectives of correctional and developmental work are formulated.
Effective remedial work can only be built on the basis of a thorough preliminary psychological examination. At the same time, "the most accurate, deep diagnostic data are meaningless if they are not accompanied by a well-thought-out system of psychological and pedagogical corrective measures."
Secondly, the implementation of the correctional and developmental activity of a psychologist requires constant monitoring of the dynamics of changes in personality, behavior, activity, dynamics of the emotional states of the client, his feelings and experiences in the process of correctional work.
Such control allows you to make the necessary adjustments to the tasks of the program itself, to change and supplement the methods and means in time. psychological impact per child. Thus, the control of the dynamics of the course of correction efficiency, in turn, requires the implementation of diagnostic procedures that permeate the entire process of correctional work and provide the psychologist with necessary information and feedback.
According to some studies, shyness is closely related to an indicator such as anxiety. In this regard, the projective method “The animals came to drink” is used.
Description of the technique:
The subjects are divided into groups of five to six people. They are invited to come up with a story, the beginning of which is given: "The animals came to the watering hole and ...". Everyone comes up with one proposal at a time, without consulting each other. Next, it is proposed to stage their story for each group. After that, the subjects tell how they felt, and

The world cannot do without communication. You need to build relationships, sometimes declare yourself and argue. It is difficult to do this when, when communicating with others, you feel awkward, constrained, afraid to start or maintain a conversation, and also perceive yourself as an object for discussion from others. All this is experienced by a shy child, who then has every chance of becoming an unhappy adult.

You can change the situation for the better in childhood, when parents notice “ alarm bells»: The baby always prefers solitude to games with peers, falls into a stupor if he needs to read a quatrain at a matinee in the garden, hides behind his mother or grandmother for any reason. And if communication skills are not developed on time, it becomes more difficult to overcome shyness with age. The child closes in on himself. And mom and dad, wanting to help him, often aggravate the situation.

Common mistakes of parents of shy children

Parents most often take one of two extreme positions:

1. Strive with all their might to remake a shy child. They send them to a theater studio, make them stand on a stool in front of the guests - sing songs and read poetry, etc. In other words, they do everything so that the child gets into a situation in which he does not want to find himself, and in one fell swoop coped with his shyness. In fact, parents create a lot of unnecessary stress. The baby, besides other experiences, begins to form a sense of guilt (that did not live up to parental expectations) or fear (after all, the threat of punishment is also frightening).

2. Do not act and turn a blind eye to the problem of shyness. Here, parents most often proceed from their own selfish interests. In psychology, there is such a concept - "secondary benefit" (for example, a person's emotional state or even illness brings some benefit that he himself may not even know about). And the “secondary benefit” of shyness is the “comfortable” child for the parents. Some people perceive the shyness of a child simply as a kind of character trait and do not seek to somehow change the situation for the better. They believe that the child does not have any problem. He does not make noise, does not run, does not climb anywhere, sits quietly and is silent. But it is impossible to put an equal sign between the concepts of “comfortable” baby and “happy”. It is naive to believe that a shy child will grow up at the age of 15, 20, or even at 30 and will say: well, that's it, I'm tired of being shy, I won't be ashamed anymore. By "letting go" on the situation, parents deprive their son or daughter of further successful life.

How to proceed?

Search the golden mean... Support the shy child, taking into account the characteristics and reasons for the shyness of the child, provide the support he needs and help him to be happy.

Why is the child shy? Looking for reasons

To successfully deal with childhood shyness, you first need to determine the cause.

1. The child is shy due to age

It happens that a child is ashamed of strangers due to age characteristics... For example, at 6-9 months, and sometimes up to 1.5 years, the baby will not go so easily to strangers. For a crumb at this moment, any unfamiliar person is a source of danger. This is how the instinct of self-preservation of the crumb works. This is a stage of development, and there is no need to fight against it.

What to do?

Just get through this period. To respect the fact that the child behaves this way, to support him with words and actions - to be near when there are a lot of strangers in the room and the baby is afraid.

2. The child is shy due to lack of experience

It often happens that a child long time grew up in a family in which he communicated mainly only with dad, mom, grandmother or nanny and a couple of familiar children. For example, if he lived far from playgrounds... And it so happens that before kindergarten, the child, in principle, had little contact with the children, because his mother or grandmother protected him from this in every possible way. If also, then communication problems are very likely. After all, it can be stressful. And one of the reactions to stress is the child's shyness and unwillingness to make contact.

What to do?

Teach your child to communicate with other children. Look for opportunities when the baby will decide for himself, to the best of his ability, the conflicts that arise, to build relationships. Of course, the parents themselves need to be an example for the child, show how it is to be friends, communicate, go to visit. Help your child find games that will interest potential friends.

3. The child is shy in a new environment

When they find themselves in an unfamiliar place, people adapt at different rates in it: someone needs 2-3 weeks, for someone a couple of hours is enough. Children are the same. Once in an unfamiliar environment, the child needs some time to get comfortable with it and start getting to know other children.

What to do?

It is important here to give the child as much time as he needs. Don't rush him or leave him alone. Just be there and, if necessary, hold your hand. It is useful to talk in advance with the baby where you will go, what will happen there - whether it is a holiday in a children's center, or a meeting with friends. Promise that if your baby doesn't like it, you'll leave right away (and if that happens, keep your word). It would be superfluous to praise the place where you are going too much. Once a child has been disappointed, it will be more difficult to restore his trust.

4. The child is shy due to self-doubt

The child believes that he is the worst and ugliest and no one will play with him, therefore he does not seek to establish contacts. As a rule, the reason for this attitude towards oneself comes from the parents, who consciously or not, but inspire the child with similar thoughts. It happens that pedagogical errors also take place here, when the child's attention is too often focused on mistakes, and not on achievements. Ignoring the child, when the preference in the garden or at home is given to other children, leads to the fact that the baby stops taking Active participation in collective affairs, he is afraid to answer again, so as not to incur the wrath of parents and a teacher. It all looks like.

What to do?

Change your attitude towards the child. To do this, you first need to recognize the fact that you are disappointed with the baby, that he is not the one you wanted. Then you need to start tracking when you either ignore the child, or scold him too much, and do the opposite: increase his self-esteem, more often praising not only for some merits, but also just like that, kiss and hug. Pay attention to those actions that led to the result (painted the drawing, completed the garage from the designer, learned to ride a bike), not forgetting to praise the efforts that the child spent on this.

5. The shyness of the child is caused by the peculiarities of temperament

It is believed that shy sanguine and choleric people are less common than timid phlegmatic and melancholic. If the child is more an extrovert, that is, as if turned to the environment outside world, then he is more likely to be active and sociable. And if the kid is introvert and more focused on his inner world, then noisy companies, long communication with peers may not be of interest to him at all. He already feels good.

What to do?

Understand what kind of temperament your child has, what motivates him while communicating (or not communicating) with other people, and realize its features. You can seek help from a psychologist who will explain what can be corrected in the baby's behavior and what not. Teaches you how to do this and helps you cope with accepting the situation.

Whatever your child is - a mischievous fidget or a quiet silent talker, he always needs you. And the harder it is for him, the more he needs you. Be near!

Star parents

Stas Kostyushkin, singer, and Bogdan (10 years old):

“Bogdan and I have a lot in common. He's just as outgoing. I also cried a lot as a child. It was enough for me to hear from my mother: "All children are like children, and you ..." I immediately burst into tears. And Bonya is vulnerable. As soon as he says sternly: "Bogdan, come here," he approaches, and I see that his lip is already trembling. I immediately begin to calm him down, because I remember myself at the age of a son and do not try to break him. "

Maria Petrova, figure skater, and Polina (6 years old):

“Fields is not shy at all. She took a lot from my husband and me. True, when he is mischievous, Alexei says that she looks like me. She is not flexible, but I like her character. I love it when a devil lives in children! Polina definitely has it! Sometimes you don't know what to expect from her. Mischievous! Especially with her grandmothers, with whom she spends more time today than with us. "

No need to hang labels. Parents should not once again emphasize the shyness of the baby for others (“Do not pay attention, he does not greet anyone with us:”), as if apologizing for him. Neither should one belittle - intentionally or not - his dignity (“For five years now, and everyone is afraid of strangers”). Instead, point to strengths his personality, be careful to use words that emphasize positive sides his behavior (not "shy", but acts "cautiously" or "prudently"). Pay attention to the moments when he is outgoing and open, and those when he is shy, quickly forget.