What to do to attract a guy. How to interest a man and attract his attention? Let someone pay his attention to you


Let's say you are texting with a young man whom you have never seen live - only in a photograph. And you liked him.
Rule one: find out your friend's hobbies, and see if you have similar interests... It is always easy and interesting to talk about a common topic that is interesting to both. In addition, you will even be interested in the fact that your tastes agree on something. If there are no matches, it doesn’t matter. In this case, show interest in the guy's hobby and ask him in detail about his hobby. Does he like to read? Great, find out which authors he prefers, what he reads in this moment why he likes this or that genre. If he loves music, ask what exactly he listens to, whether he attends concerts of his idols, whether he tries to play himself, where he buys discs. You can ask to read / listen to something. This is already a reason to see each other.

Second rule: don't get hung up on yourself. Of course, you need to talk about yourself, but if your letter is replete with constant “me, me, me, me,” then nothing good will come of it. There is also no need to pour tons of insignificant and unnecessary information on his head. Perhaps your mom will be interested that your new tights have been torn, but the guy is unlikely to appreciate your frankness, and most importantly, the relevance of such information. Therefore, about myself - briefly. Asks - answer, but without unnecessary details.

Third rule: ask as much as possible. Not only women love with their ears (though in the case of the Internet - with their eyes after all). This axiom also applies to men. Therefore, based on questions asked identify the young person's strengths and feel free to compliment them. Just don't be too zealous. A letter consisting of nothing but praises looks suspicious to say the least.

Fourth rule: show your sense of humor. If a guy has it too, great. He will appreciate your jokes, and perhaps very soon you will laugh at the same things together.

And finally, the fifth rule: do not use too much "Internet" language. Show your literacy and your letter will not be sent to the trash.

If you want to please young man, with whom you only correspond on, then here you need your own tricks. First, as psychologists say, men love with their ears. And this is the main position. In order for a guy to become interested in you, you need to think over everything - from what topics you will communicate to how it will all happen. Of course, do not forget that you need to not only speak, speak and speak yourself, but also listen very carefully. Moreover, in a quantitative ratio ideal scheme looks like this: 65% of the information from a young man, 35 5 - from you. Show your interlocutor your sense of humor: do not joke "flatly", do not talk too much. And don't forget to compliment. However, they should not be empty and unreasonable. Necessarily only to the place.

Another of mandatory conditions- beautiful and tastefully selected clothes. The principle: "They meet by clothes" is still in force. In order to attract the attention of a normal, intelligent and intelligent young person, you need to take care of your wardrobe in the most careful way. All details must be thought out, accessories are appropriate, clothes are feminine. In addition, no man will miss him who has a "line". That is, when a lady is an integral nature, self-confident, clearly aware of her goals. Moreover, she achieves them with the help of clothes too. And this means that the young man will like the girl who knows how to emphasize what is needed and disguise flaws.

In addition to the wardrobe, you need to pay attention to your appearance generally. Surely, a girl with bitten nails and peeling varnish in addition will interest the guy. But not in the sense in which you would like. The same goes for the head. Men like ladies with well-groomed hands, legs and hairdo. Therefore, do not forget even about the little things in conquering the man of your dreams.

Intelligence is what still needs to be added to external data. Few people are interested in silly girls. Therefore, it is desirable that you know how to support the conversation. Also in the price of modern gentlemen and wisdom. Among the emancipated Amazons, they really lack the worldly wise: those who will not constantly saw and "swing" their rights. Therefore, if you want to interest the young man, show him that compromises are not alien to you.

And of course, be polite, tactful with him, do not be boring and admire his achievements. A sane gentleman is unlikely to miss such a girl.

Avoid over-revelation. Even if you have some common problem, a topic for conversation, try to behave with restraint and not superfluous. Internet communication is liberating, it is often easier for a partner to tell about some secrets than to the interlocutor in a personal conversation. Remember the boundaries and do not reveal what you usually hide in life.

Ask your interlocutor's opinions and advice more often. If you know your pen friend is good at something, ask him for help in that area. He will be pleased to feel needed and show gallantry.

Show a sense of humor when texting - good idea, jokes will make communication lively and easy. But stick to a sense of proportion, do not joke too rude or vulgar. Do not be intrusive if the interlocutor does not answer for a long time, it is better to wait, rather than send new messages.

Loves - dislikes: fortune telling on daisies has long been out of fashion. Modern girls wonder if the young man likes them in other ways. And psychologists even identified a number of actions, words and things that a lady can easily interest a young man.


If you want to please a young man with whom you are only texting, then your own tricks are needed here. First, as psychologists assure, they love with their ears. And this is the main position. To be interested in you, you need to think over everything - from what topics you will communicate to how it will all happen. Of course, do not forget that you need to not only speak, speak and speak yourself, but also listen very carefully. Moreover, in quantitative terms, the scheme looks like this: 65% of the information from a young man, 35 5 - from you. Show your interlocutor your sense of humor: do not joke "flatly", do not talk too much. And don't forget to compliment. However, they should not be empty and unreasonable. Necessarily only to the place.

Rest assured that you will do it better than many others! If you have enough patience, of course, read these recommendations to the very end!

  • Watch yourself as much as possible. Don't be afraid to look "somehow wrong." Fear untidiness first!
  • Don't be afraid to communicate with the opposite sex! Why be afraid to say something wrong if no one will kill you for your words?
  • Dress in such clothes, in which you are beautiful and comfortable, and not in such, which is "dictated" by fashion.
  • Glance towards the guys often, because the look can solve everything! Sounds fabulous, but it's a pleasant reality.
  • Watch your posture! Studies (many years) have shown that a lot of guys like beautiful female vertebral curves.
  • Stroke your hair, curling it coquettishly around your finger. This gesture is sure to grab the attention of guys.
  • Walk easily and smoothly. Let your gait be like a beautiful flight of an angel.
  • Do not hide your gaiety and cheerfulness. Such qualities as these are not at all ashamed to show off.
  • Learn to wink beautifully! In this way, you will gain a lot. For example, attracting guys into the "trap" of your eyes and gaze.
  • Use your perfume carefully. If you "overdo it" with them, you will only make yourself worse.
  • Don't be shy. Guys will take it negatively. Some of them may even make fun of shyness. They will say that "being shy is not fashionable now."
  • Get the loudest with your heels! The clatter of heels will "wake up" the attention of any guy to your person. And you pretend that you did not notice, and continue moving forward (where you planned), as if nothing had happened! Need to remember! Men love it when the heel on women's shoes "equals" seven centimeters!
  • Don't rely on cosmetics alone. There should not be too much of it, otherwise it will turn into your mask, "hiding" all your beautiful naturalness from others.
  • Dye your hair a bright but pleasant color. The brighter and more enjoyable it is, the more chances you have to attract the attention of thousands of guys! Exaggerated but optimistic, right?
  • Don't wear huge Sunglasses(the so-called "flies"). Many guys just can't stand them!

What men don't like from the list of women's things:

"Afghani" (pants).

Hair ties.

Hairpins - "invisible".

Overalls (any length).


Clothing with "flashlight" sleeves.



Wear clothes that men can squeal with delight:


Velvet clothing.

Skinny jeans.

Leather clothes.


Black and red clothing.

Silk clothing.

Short robes.

  • Showcase your most positive and irreplaceable qualities. If you can dance, dance; if you sing, sing. Do whatever you can to develop your favorite skills.
  • Hide or destroy all your scary complexes! You probably don't need them. The fact is that no guy will approach a notorious woman! No one! Do you understand that? They feel this "disadvantage" even at a distant distance.
  • Shoot the guy's eyes with your eyes. One accurate hit - and he is completely in your power! The main thing is that you don't miss. But no one doubts your "one hundred percent" accuracy.
  • Flirt as best you can. Use flirting in all its forms. Do not be afraid of any action, because men love to watch him. They are even turned on by flirting!
  • Be the most mysterious! Any mystery gives girls and women a lot of attractiveness, believe me! Don't confuse mystery with isolation.

The guy came up to you first? It should be so! Don't get lost!

Begin to act!

And the actions are the following to get attention:

  • Wink! Cool, if your eyelashes are made up at such a "crucial" moment.
  • Touch (lightly) the earrings or twist the jewelry on your finger. Such gestures will definitely attract the attention of the opposite sex!
  • Continue (support) any conversation. The guy will be happy if he notices that you are competent in what you are talking about!
  • Joke and be witty. Both jokes and wit will always appeal to guys. So, they will like you too!
  • Do everything so that he understands that you are alone, that you are meeting with anyone and are not going to (they do not mean him).
  • Set yourself up for good acquaintance, to the attention that "flies" from the guys. As you tune in, you will get luck in acquaintance!
  • Don't say a word about your problems. Better be a wonderful listener to them. And the guy (any) will find something to say about this!
  • Be on top, but with naturalness! Can you? Then you for sure real lady and is worthy of only real attention!

If the guys didn't "bite" you, then you:

  • I did not carefully read the tips that are written in this article (especially for you, by the way!). Re-read everything that is written here.
  • I didn't finish reading the article to the very end. Take a little more time to do it (finish reading).
  • You continue to complex, "drive", "sew up" in yourself. Maybe you should start a completely different life?
  • I looked in the “wrong” mirrors and decided that you were terribly ugly. Buy a normal mirror! You are not right. That is, the mirrors are wrong.
  • I decided that nothing needs to be done in order for fate to find you on its own. Still how it should be! Fate is not looking for the lazy and inactive.
  • I haven't woken up yet. Have a few cups of coffee, eat a chocolate bar and smile.
  • You do not believe that you will succeed. And you take it and believe it! Faith will help a lot to come true.
  • You cry and get nervous. Wipe away your tears, and stop being nervous! Everything will be fine with you soon! You shouldn't doubt it! Can not be so! Honestly!

How to get the attention of guys? - You already know…!!!

Today, more and more princes are found not in beautiful castles, but on the Internet - social networks and dating sites. Such online relationships appeal not only to insecure girls, but also just busy women.

If you have a decent young man in your online contacts, why not take advantage of the situation and try to turn anything non-binding messaging into something more? The following tips help you figure out how to get the pen guy interested.

Let's say, flipping through the pages of men on Vkontakte or on a dating site, you notice a photo handsome man and decided to start a conversation with him.

To chat with a guy only bring you pleasure, it is important to follow a few rules.

Rule # 1. You need to get a man's attention.

To please a representative of a strongly gender in VK, you should not "like" indiscriminately all of his photos, music and video files. Just submit a friendship proposal with a justification.

For example, you liked his photos from the last cruise. There are two possible scenarios for the development of the situation:

  1. If you have also visited this place, specify that you want to remember pleasant moments of relaxation.
  2. If these sights are not familiar to you, ask the young man to tell about them, since you were planning to go there.

That is, you attract attention, you are the first to enter into a conversation, and he can already support him or refuse to communicate. Most likely, if you are polite and witty, he will not refuse to accept you as a "friend."

Rule # 2. Find common interests

If you want to please a man when communicating in contact, find out as much as possible his hobbies, hobbies and habits. This can be done after a thorough study of his personal page:

  • in photographs, a guy can capture, for example, fishing, diving, tattoos;
  • musical preferences are obvious by the presence of tracks on the page;
  • check the list of groups in which he belongs;
  • check out his buddies, especially those on the "best" list.

Do not think of it as espionage, but secrecy is best kept. No one needs to know that you are going to seduce or just please a particular penpal.

Rule # 3. Avoid compulsion

If you have already started a conversation, behave correctly. What does this mean? You should not immediately rush to your laptop after waking up to write a grandiose "hello" and start a long conversation.

Try to wait for the guy to write first. If he is in no hurry to communicate with you in contact, once a day it is allowed to start a conversation on his own initiative. In general, it is better to look at the situation!

Rule number 4. Write competently

It is also possible with ordinary literacy. This will set you apart from the general mass of girls who make grammatical mistakes and slang words in their correspondence.

Many young people are offended by such messages, so try to write correctly, and if you are unsure of yourself, turn to online resources for correcting mistakes.

Rule number 5. Explore your own page

Be sure to study your page on Vkontakte, bringing it into a "divine" form.

Read profile information, review photos, videos and audio files. Are there any "compromising materials" on you in them?

Ruthlessly delete all incomprehensible entries, just do not try to unnecessarily lick your account or make it as similar as possible to the man's, since the guy will communicate with a living person with his own preferences.

Rule # 6: Submit Only Your Photos

If you are determined not only to correspond with a man, but also to organize real meeting, put your own image on the avatar, preferably fresh and not too “photoshopped”.

A young man will simply be disappointed to see a completely different young lady on a date than in the photo. Therefore, conduct the conversation on your behalf and on your behalf!

How to correspond with a man correctly?

Arguing about how to interest a man by correspondence and communicate with him correctly, first decide on the ultimate goal of your conversations.

What do you want from a young man: just have a nice conversation in contact, or do you want to seduce a guy? Here are some specific tips.

  1. Remain yourself. Wanting to please a guy, some young ladies begin to lie and pretend to be a bitch or a shy girl. If you do not want to dwell on communication in contact, behave naturally. The deception will sooner or later be revealed, and the relationship may end.
  2. Be polite. Good manners and politeness are always in vogue. Say hello and goodbye, don't be afraid once again thank you for the compliment or advice. Of course, you should exclude boorish or vulgar words and, moreover, mat. You can hook a man with your intelligence.
  3. Joke more often. A sense of humor adorns girls immensely. If a young lady knows how to joke, make laugh and understand the pranks and jokes addressed to her, talking with her gives the guy only pleasure.
  4. Avoid gross flattery. Coarse flattery and corny phrases are not The best way to please the young man. Sincere compliments on the contrary, they are welcomed in every possible way. For example, pay attention to his muscular figure, the ability to understand computer "insides".
  5. Don't push yourself. We repeat again - do not bombard the guy with messages on VK if he suddenly stops responding. Probably, he is busy, away from the computer, taking a break from communicating on the Internet, or simply cannot find a topic for conversation. In the latter case, ask him neutral question allowing you to continue the conversation.
  6. . You need to be interested in a man, only you should not delve into his personal life... Avoid asking questions about him at first. ex-girlfriends... Then, when you begin to communicate more closely or move to a serious level of relationship, you can return to this point.
  7. Avoid intimate topics. Overly straight Talk with by a stranger- not the best way to start dating in contact, unless you are thinking about the question of how to pick up a guy and sleep with him quickly. If the conversation takes on a sexual connotation, gently hint that you know each other too little, but in the future ...
  8. Be positive. The conversation should be predominantly positive. Do not complain about your difficulties in life, the only exception is if the guy talks about his problem, and you want to support him by saying that you are in a similar situation... However, it is better to give up despondency and not bother the man with your troubles.

For now, be content general issues... Examples of topics - literature, travel, cinema, hobbies, close relatives, funny and unusual stories from past.

The main signal that helps to determine whether you managed to please the young man and attract his attention is the willingness to communicate with you on VK and other social networks. You are more likely to be pleasant to your interlocutor if he:

Another indicator is how willing a guy is to share secrets with you or just things that are important to him. This can be verified by asking him a few questions about how he spent the day, what interesting things happened at work or at the university.

True, if a man is tired or is simply not in the mood, it is better to postpone such inquiries so as not to call out irritation.

Having decided on how to start a correspondence with a guy, you need to find out the signs that communication with him is becoming unproductive, uninteresting and inconvenient.

It is best not to intrude, but to end the conversation in time so that both parties have only the best memories.

It is quite possible that, getting bored, after a while the young man will take the initiative and write first.

The above tips on how to get your pen guy interested are only rough tips. You yourself can evaluate how pleasant the interlocutor is to you and how to behave with him in certain situations.

A man from social network offers to meet in real life? Agree if you are confident in the possibility of taking the relationship to a more serious level. After all, that's why you tried to please the young man, wasn't it?

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising children. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

Surely, even at school, you observed the following picture: a completely unprepossessing and awkward-looking girl from parallel class, with a potato nose and with wild laughter, surrounded by a crowd of boys not only from your class, but even from the older parallel.

Even worse, the boy you have liked for a long time is chatting quite nicely with some "gray mouse" who has no idea what volumizing mascara and push-up swimsuit are. Why is there such an injustice as it seems at first glance? The point is not at all in the vicissitudes of fate, but in the person himself. Let's talk about how to get a guy interested, because his attention is so "incomprehensible" and "strange" for us women.

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First, I want to say the most banal phrase: appearance is not the main thing. No, really! Of course, it is one of the determining factors, but far from the only one. After all, as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color. There is also no ideal and model of beauty. It is impossible for absolutely everyone to like it or, conversely, not like it.

Stunning looks play a role only at the first impression... In the second case, it is the ability to attract a guy that comes to the fore. This skill is inherent in all women, and over the years it can only be improved.

How to get a guy interested

Thus, it turns out that attractiveness, for the most part, depends on the acquired skills of "seduction". In other words, it is a specific sign language. So what are the "signals" needed to get a guy interested?

  • At first, no negativity, even in thoughts... The girl who is bad mood and angry at all White light, repulsive "signals", and the young man is unlikely to respond with interest on his part. He will not understand the reasons for this negativity, he just will not be drawn to such a girl.
  • Secondly, be sure of yourself always and everywhere... No temporary troubles should affect your self-esteem. After all inner confidence is transmitted to the people around you, and they will immediately reach out to you on an intuitive level. If you find it hard to believe that you are charming and look your best, then make it a habit to repeat the cherished phrase in front of the mirror every morning in front of the mirror: "I am the most charming and attractive." At first it will seem like complete nonsense, but then you yourself will not notice how you believe it. Checked for yourself!
  • Thirdly, learn to listen to your body and listen to your inner voice ... To do this, talk to yourself. Ask questions, answer them, draw conclusions. Set yourself up for the thought that not all guys are preoccupied and expect only one thing from girls, otherwise you won't succeed with "seduction".

And the most important thing- this is your individuality and originality. Nowadays it is very fashionable to do everything “like everyone else”, to dress “like everyone else”. Think, if everyone is bent over from the roof of a 9-storey building, will you jump too? Forget the herd feeling. You are a person! There is no one like you anymore!

In principle, "signals" can and should be trained. I advise you to start with a mirror. Imagine meeting you guy is coming of your dreams. Imagine how you will behave, how you will look, how you will speak ...

Then think about how you would like to behave. It turns out there is a difference. Often girls, scrolling through a meeting or acquaintance with a young man, blush and hit themselves on the forehead with the words: “What a fool I am! Why did I say that his hand was smeared with a felt-tip pen! Why scratch my ear! It must have looked so stupid from the outside. "

Not only train the skills of "signals of seduction", but also fix them in memory, so that later everything looks natural. Falsity and pretense will be noticeable immediately.

It will not be news if I say - be sincere! Sincere with herself and with other people.

Now let's talk about an equally significant part of seducing a guy - about a look, about a woman's incredibly attractive look ...

I will not open America to you if I say that it is not so difficult to interest a guy with a look. You just need to shyly smile back when you catch his gaze, and then immediately turn away in the opposite direction.

So, your eyes met ... and you need to meekly lower your gaze down. Like, you are embarrassed that you were "caught" watching you watch him. After a few seconds, raise your eyes again, otherwise, the guy's interest will not linger on your person for a long time. Look him straight in the eyes, smile a little, then lower your gaze again. If the "object" does not react in any way to your tricks, you should not think that he is a complete ass or you are "out of shape" today, most likely he is waiting for someone or is very in love at the moment.

It is worth warning about the error, i.e. about the "wrong look":

  • Don't look at the guy long and hard and also do not give too generous smiles. He will decide that you are intrusive and easily accessible.
  • Don't look too harsh, otherwise a potential fan will definitely turn to the other side of the road. Also, don't show bitchiness. A man is afraid to approach such a girl even at the distance of a cannon shot, even if he wants to. After all, guys really like "bitches", namely "bitches", not "bitches", but they are afraid of them and most often avoid them.
  • And one more thing: no feminine look, tuned in to meet and communicate, does not go well with a cigarette and a can of beer... Admit it, you would hardly pay attention to a guy who, releasing puffs of smoke at you, drinks beer.

Female eyes Is an endless ocean and endless universe for the opposite sex. And, of course, in your gaze there should be that "zest" that tactfully says: "Look at me, I am unique!" It is very difficult not to answer such a view, to pass by and not strike up a conversation.

So you met. How to proceed now? What should I say?

The most important thing- sincere interest in the conversation. By intonation, gestures and facial expressions, you can determine how interesting the dialogue is to the interlocutor. Do not deceive, do not embellish yourself, do not ascribe imaginary qualities and non-existent achievements. After all, it may turn out that this guy is your destiny, and you initially formed a false opinion about yourself.

  • Just be yourself. If this is "your man", then he will like you for who you are with all the advantages and disadvantages. When the young man says something, listen with interest and do not interrupt.
  • Do not comment on anything or express your opinion about something that does not concern you at the moment, because you just met. Just be an attentive listener. Do not say too much yourself, otherwise you will be considered empty.
  • Do not "ooh" and do not "ooh", do not squeal or raise your intonation. Take your time, otherwise the guy will just stop listening to you. Even if by nature you have a fairly fast speech rate, control yourself, because he is not yet accustomed to the peculiarities of your speech.
  • Don't gesticulate too much- this will alienate the new acquaintance. Emotions are good, but in moderation. Especially, unfamiliar person they simply will not understand, or may think that you are a hot-tempered, impulsive nature, prone to a sharp change in mood.

First of all, try to understand from the conversation about his interests... Thus, you will be able to correctly determine the further topic of conversation. Nice talking- one of the main factors in the development of relationships. Do not immediately tell everything about yourself and your life, because you are not in confession, and the guy is not a priest. Stay mysterious and mysterious. Listen more, take an interest in him, because young people are very proud.

And, of course, smile more. A smile disarms and disposes of any person. After all, friendship begins with a smile. It is much more difficult to get a guy interested if the conversation is on the phone. After all, he does not see either your smile or your beautiful eyes.

Unfortunately, the phone is not able to convey our warm looks and playful smiles to the interlocutor. But even here you can find a way out, the main thing is to have imagination. So how can we intrigue a guy over the phone?

  • The voice will be our weapon.

More precisely - its timbre and intonation. Have you ever caught yourself on the fact that there are people with whom it is stressful to talk? It seems that they are not saying anything bad, but the feeling is kind of strange after the conversation. The thing is that you and your interlocutor are talking in different wave... To prevent this from happening in a conversation with a guy, try to train your voice. Namely, adapt to his manner of speaking. If he does not speak loudly, then do not shout into the phone.

Don't speak too quickly. Perhaps the guy hesitates to ask again. Thus, the thought will be lost and the thread of this conversation will be interrupted.

Surely, you already know all his affairs and hobbies. This is a worthy reason to ask what is new in his life or what he plans to do after graduating from the institute, will switch to new position, will change the tires on the car. Another trick you can use to get him to talk - look into the past! For example, a week ago he told you about the situation at work. And today you ask him how that story ended. He will be very pleased that you remember those events and are interested in them. For him, this means that you want to take part in his life.

Your attentiveness will help to find a worthy topic and support it in the conversation. If you really listen to the guy, it will be interesting and easy for you to keep up conversations. Correspondence is another matter. There is no longer not only touching, but even a charming voice. We have to rely on letters and emoticons.

On the one hand, texting with a guy, you cannot fully convey feelings to him in words. However, using different methods, you can succeed here too, namely, to attract the attention of a guy.

Hint to the guy that you write many - but not all - statuses thinking about him. Let him torment himself in guessing which ones are for him, and which ones are simply a reflection of your soul.

How to interest a guy by SMS

Messages are fundamentally different from other types of communication. Many say that SMS is the lot of schoolgirls in love. Maybe it is so. But why shouldn't we - girls, adults and experienced - benefit from these rather short messages.

  1. An obligatory ritual must be made morning greetings and wishes Good night ... Make these messages as obligatory as your morning cup of invigorating coffee and a relaxing evening bath. Create a specific "anchor" for the guy. He should wait for your SMS and get worried if one day they did not appear. This will give him the opportunity to appreciate how much you are needed in his life.
  2. SMS during the day are appropriate only when you are sure that the young man does not receive a scolding from his boss at this moment. Otherwise, your SMS will only cause anger.
  3. Send him the original verse or some smart phrase from the greats. The first will cheer him up, the second will give him additional motivation.

I would like to separately note: do not shower him with messages for no reason. Don't make your guy regret giving you his phone number.

Let's say that all of your previous communication methods have been successful. And today is that long-awaited day when he asked you out on a date. You need to prepare well so as not to spoil the fruits of your labor:

You should look like a doll. Find the clothes that suit you the most. But don't forget about the appropriateness of the outfit. In some cases, it is probably not convenient to wear jeans and a T-shirt. But again, you have to look at the situation. Here his photos in his profile will help you. Look at how he is dressed most of the time and be guided by that. In any case, no matter what clothes you choose, hairstyle, manicure and pedicure, as well as seductive perfumes are essential attributes of your today's image.

What to talk about? There shouldn't be any problems here. Duplicate topics from correspondence and phone conversations. More precisely, do not completely duplicate, but continue their development. Most likely, in the course of conversations, new interesting topics will emerge. All conversations - not only with him, but people in general - should be viewed as a potential for further development... It so happens that somewhere heard a phrase gives birth new idea in your mind. A new turn of events in life is then born from this idea.

In the view of romantics, love arises when the unmistakable Cupid hits the hearts of people with his fiery arrow. However, in the minds of scientists, love has long ceased to be an ephemeral and inexplicable feeling, but has become just a chemical reaction and a play of hormones. Of course, scientific explanation love seems too stingy and uninteresting, but if we consider love as a combination of chemical and psychological reactions, we have a great opportunity to manage this feeling.

Did you like a man but don't know how to get his attention? All you need is to master the art of flirting, which, by the way, is intuitively mastered by every woman. Of the huge variety of techniques and techniques for seduction, I would like to highlight 10 effective ways that will help you attract the guy you like.

1. Make the man notice you

If, at the sight of your chosen one, you stand aside, modestly lowering your gaze, the chances that he will pay attention to you will be 0%. To please a man, he must at least notice you. Of course, this does not mean that at the first meeting you should invite the man you like on a date, but at least provoke him to a conversation. Start a non-binding conversation, be friendly, smile, joke. For a man to want to continue dating, contact with you should leave a pleasant impression on him.

2. Look for common themes

If your boyfriend loves football, become a football fan. If he is an avid traveler, amaze him with the number of places you have visited. We feel more affection for those people who have something in common with us.

3. Use body language

Not all men love too much initiative women who are the first to admit their feelings. However, you can show your sympathy not only with the help of words, but also with the help of body language. Smile when talking to your passion, don't be afraid. eye contact, gently touch his hand or clothing and repeat his gestures. Even if your boyfriend hasn't heard anything about non-verbal communication, these simple tricks will give the correct message to his subconscious.

4. Love yourself

Many single girls cannot fully love themselves, which leads to a feeling of insecurity. However, until you love yourself for who you are, no man can do this. Healthy love to your appearance and inner peace cultivated for more than one day. First of all, you must realize that you have something to love for and you must give love, not ask for it. Emphasize your strengths and never dwell on failure.

5. Know that you are attractive.

If you ask a man to highlight a few traits that a girl must have, attractiveness will certainly be present among them. But, rare man will be able to describe in detail what exactly he means in the concept female attractiveness... Some love brunettes, others - blondes, some believe that a girl should have a model figure, others prefer feminine forms. At the same time, it is not a fact that the appearance of the girl they have chosen will meet their beauty standards. Most likely, attractiveness, in addition to appearance, also implies inner harmony... To please a man, you have to like yourself. Wear the clothes that you think are beautiful, bring your body into the shape in which you feel the most harmonious, and every time you leave the house, be happy with your reflection in the mirror.

6. The language of aromas

Whether love is based solely on chemistry is unknown to us. However, the fact that with the help of the scent you can increase your attractiveness in the eyes of men is absolutely known. Numerous scientific and psychological experiments have shown that women smelling of vanilla, floral, citrus or fresh flavors, can expect a lot of interest from the opposite sex. In addition, a favorite scent tends to raise the mood, which also adds to our attractiveness.

7. Be mysterious

You've probably heard that men love mysterious women, but you may not know what exactly this notorious female mystery is manifested in. And this just means that you should not reveal all the cards of your life to a man at the stage of dating. Give him metered information about yourself. Let him discover something new in you at each meeting.

8. Provoke the continuation of the acquaintance

If you accidentally met a man and you are interested in him, you must make sure that you have a reason to continue communication, otherwise the object of your passion will dissolve without a trace in a crowd of thousands. Since the initiative should still belong to the man, you do not need to invite him on a date, and even more so for a cup of coffee at your home. However, you can always come up with some unobtrusive reason for the next meeting. For example, you learned that your new acquaintance collects vinyl records. Tell them that very rare records are gathering dust in your house and you will be happy to share them. Or, for example, a guy you like works as a tennis instructor, say that you have long dreamed of mastering this sport, and ask for a workout. In general, you can always find a reason to meet with a person, the main thing is that he does not guess about your true motives.

9. Be honest

If you see a man showing sympathy for you as well, play along with him. Don't hide your feelings behind a mask of modesty. If the man you like invites you on a date, agree without thinking that it will look like you gave up too quickly. If you want to start an affair with this person, he also needs to feel your interest.

10. Stop on time

It so happens that all the techniques tried and tested a hundred times do not work on a specific man... This does not mean at all that he does not like you at all. Perhaps at the moment the person is simply not ready to start a relationship. If you're trying to interest a man who doesn't respond to your tricks in any way, just stop. If you go too far and artificially come up with reasons for communication, a man will surely understand what really drives you. If you just step aside, it is quite possible that after a while the man himself will provoke meetings with you.

If you haven't met the man of your dreams yet, you don't have to sit back and wait for this meeting. As long as you enjoy your freedom, you may well practice the art of flirting with the guys around you. Smile at random passers-by, provoke a fellow traveler on the subway to a conversation, meet a guy from the gym. Light-hearted flirting will help you feel more confident as you explore your destiny. Perhaps you will find love through this practice.