An example of a business plan of an advertising company. Business plan compiled for the company for the manufacture of promotional products. Calculation of predicted income

First of the main thing:

  • What success did I get, starting the advertising business from scratch?
  • In what conditions, I started advertising business and why the promotional business.

About which I achieved success, starting with a complete zero, creating advertising agency You can read

But about why I started my business with the creation of an advertising agency, without having a penny for the soul, and turned his undertaking in a business empire in this course, I will tell you in this article in more detail.

It all started with the "broken trough." I remained the will of the case (global reduction and bankruptcy of a large enterprise, on which I worked at that moment) without work and practically without a means of existence for the whole family consisting of three people.

I did not have time to make any financial reserves, since I got literally for six months before these events new apartmentwhich in which not only all his money has invested, but also a significant amount that has taken from relatives.

How to open an advertising agency from scratch?

So, at the time of creating your first business I had the following:

  • Complete lack of work and complete absence opportunities to get a job in the specialty;
  • Complete lack of free financial resources to start any own business, literally - no penny for the soul;
  • Big debts in front of relatives that I have pledged to pay over the next two years. And this I will report you - not a ram gunned;
  • The complete absence of some business experience and the complete lack of understanding, what is it - advertising business, what are the main types of outdoor advertising, the cost of placement of outdoor advertising, etc. etc.

What remained me to do in this position and in the presence of such "attractive" assets?

One thing remained: do something and somehow think about

I began to think and analyze my capabilities and talents. It was quite quickly revealed that I did not have any special talents from the word - in general. The most ordinary person.

The only thing I could remember is about, and that at least a little I gotten the soul, so this is what at school I was the editor of the wall newspaper. For some reason, someone decided that I could and know how to draw.

Looking ahead, I must admit that this opinion was and remains complete stupid and Chushye. I did not know how to draw, I still do not know how now. But it was these memories that played key role In my choice and in my future fate.

For some reason I thought that since I knew how to make a wall newspaper, I can draw some poster.

And where does the poster drawn can be used?

At the same time, I did not understand the materials at all for the production of outdoor advertising, and what on this moment There is and used on the market for the production of outdoor advertising.

By the way, to say my opinion that the ability to draw will give me a lot of advantages was full of stupid and to create and conduct an advertising business at all, not necessarily be able to draw.

But then I did not know that, and deciding that it was necessary to start with the advertising business, I began to study this question.

I began to draw up sketches and graphs a step-by-step algorithm for my possible actions.

Outdoor advertising production - the key to business development without money!

As I reasoned:

  • I find an enterprise in my city, who needs to create a new advertising sign. (As it turned out in big city such enterprises are always a lot and at all times);
  • Then I have to come to the head of this enterprise and convince him to conclude a contract with me to create a new advertising sign (the tape and the spot). This is a difficult task, but for some reason I decided that it was solved and did not focus on this point a particularly much of its attention;
  • This is the most important thing: since I did not have completely my money, which I could invest in the first stage to purchase essential materials And I decided to attract specialists (absolutely true, by the way, I decided) that for the start I need to get a prepayment from the enterprise and already on this prepayment to create a sign self;
  • After the prepaid for I will acquire materials, hiring specialists, I will do everything necessary work I will rent a job and get the remaining reward that will serve as an investment contribution to the next job. And so on and indefinitely.

Of course, at that time I absolutely did not know such concepts as: the outdoor advertising market, an investment contribution, an act of acceptance, coordination of outdoor advertising, which is an individual entrepreneur, etc. But as practice has shown and subsequent events, my calculation turned out to be absolutely true.

And so, without having anything from the word - in general, except for the desire to spare out from that position where I got and my family I began to "dip" with my proposal nearby enterprises in the area of \u200b\u200byour stay.

I no longer remember how much I went around the enterprises, but I still found an enterprise that agreed to conclude an agreement with me for the production of works on the manufacture of an advertising sign on the store.

At this stage, I learned quite unexpected for myself that for the conclusion of a contract with an enterprise, I must have official status as from one side of the treaty.

The minimum is an individual entrepreneur (I don't remember how then such a status was called) But I completely confidently said at the first meeting: "It's natural"!

The contract for the manufacture of outdoor advertising is a prerequisite for business.

The second "blow" for me was the news that the sign on any enterprise (shop, bank, trading shop) could not just hang out without resolving local authorities.

What remained to do? Climbing and flounded with smart species. Sorry, but hunger as they say - not aunt!

The benefit at that time, the registration of a private entrepreneur in Russia cost cheaply, and the whole process did not take me more than two or three days. How much exactly, I speak honestly, I do not remember. I remember that quickly.

Then I went to get permission to place outdoor advertising in the local, district administration. I learned that such permission issues the district architect, came to him at the reception and perfectly admitted that I do not know how to issue such permission.

I was lucky, the architect turned out to be a man with humor and understanding, quickly told what to do and what documents to provide him.

In general, after five to six days after the first meeting with the director of the Customer's enterprise, all required documents We were ready, and I signed an agreement for the production of works.

And then the events that I call just - the song!

Making light outdoor advertising boosts your chances of success!

Sign is rather big and light. Yes, yes - the light and meters are seven long. Metal, plastic and volumetric letters. How did you think? The company does not knit brooms.
Well, how to do it and most importantly - where?

Where to create and mount this monster? No, of course, it was possible to rent an "noise" in the workshop of some production campaign, but, first, I have not had such experience and knowledge, and secondly, I would not have enough money from that advance that I got on Work.

I did not fit into the budget in this case. In no way.

I found the following way out: My friend native sister There was an empty cottage near the city, and I agreed with her that I will "work" at the cottage for a small service, help her with firewood. I have pledged to buy firewood from the money that they will pay me when I finish a sign.

Perhaps you ask me why I describe such banal things and so in detail?
With one sole purpose. So that many of these lines read and dream of creating their own business understood: "Do not burn the gods of the pots" and really really start a business with a complete zero.

After two and a half months (strictly as part of the contract's condition), the sign was made by me and posted on the facade of the building of the enterprise with which I was signed by the contract.

I received the rest of the remuneration and put this money for the next job. Before I describe how I found the next job and how I began to develop my advertising business, I will bring small calculations now, with the help of which I started in my own business.

Note:Calculations are completely approximate, I just don't remember the real balance of prices and costs, but they can be safely navigated (multiplying to today's coefficient) if someone decides to repeat my "feats":

  • The contract was concluded for a total amount \u003d 10.000 rubles. (in the prices of the year to which the events described are related);
  • By virtue of limited budget To develop the original layout of the future signboard (to obtain permission in the administration and signing a contract with the customer), I attracted a student of the 1st year of the local institution and paid him somewhere 200 rubles;
  • All materials from which the sign was subsequently performed was made, they were purchased by a sum of 25% of the amount of the contract or \u003d 2.500 rubles;
  • Another 1000 rubles. I paid specialists from the local house of the creativity of pioneers for making them 8 pieces volume letters for signage from epoxy resin;
  • In 500 rubles. I did the metal frame of the signboard, which I ordered in the Located Workshop of the local technical school;
  • In 200 rubles. I had transportation costs (delivery of the finished signboard with cottage plot to the store, on the facade of which it should be mounted);
  • My last "big trifs" were 100 rubles. Which I will pay local scams for having helped me with all your free oral to carry, ship and mount the finished sign on the place.

In total, I was spent from money obtained as an advance \u003d 50% of the amount of the contract:

200 + 2.500 + 1.000 +500 + 200 +100 \u003d 4.500 rub.

The amount of advance (50%) from 5000 rubles. - 4.500 rubles. (costs) \u003d 500 rubles.

500 rubles. - This is the balance of money from money as an advance, and which I and my family "lived" while I performed work under the contract.

As a result, in two and a half months, I earned more than 5.500 rubles, which was much more than I would work continuing to work by a hired specialist at the enterprise, which fortunately went bankrupt for me.

This money was more than enough for the continuation of the work and on the tolerable life of my family while I finally "did not rose."

Quality materials for the manufacture of outdoor advertising and design is an important understanding to which I came after the first work!

I was too elementary and the student of the 1st course, which I was attracted to create the original-layout of the first sign, turned out to be a talented small, created a very attractive design and thanks to the fact that I immediately received the second order.

The cases were as follows: when the first sign was completed, mounted and money was received, I immediately began to look for the second customer. Literally in a couple of days, I found the owner of a large store, which at the sight of the photo of my first work (now I already had a "portfolio of work performed", ha ha ha) immediately agreed to sign the contract with me.

That fast decision And the unexpected reaction of the new customer brought me to a healthy thought: the design and quality of the work performed plays in outdoor advertising very important.

And for his store I decided (to the detriment of time) to create something truly masterpiece. Such an advertising sign, which in the city was not. I turned to the student again and told him that I need a signboard design for a store in the form of a global outdoor advertising masterpiece.

- Easily! - the first year famous answered me and issued an "on the mountain" such a signboard that became for many years business card My advertising agency.

To embody such a design "to life" needed specialists more high level like me, and the production room with access roads. Specialists I hired again in the house of the pioneers (the heads of the court and airlocks of model circles are very handful people and are able to do a real candy from anything).

They did her!

After the second signboard was mounted, orders fell on me as an abundance horns.

Equipment for advertising business - a pledge of complete success!

Despite the fact that I have already fulfilled the second order and received decent money, my production was at the primitive level, and I had no other opportunity to acquire your own cargo transport and the most important thing - I could not purchase special equipment for the production of outdoor advertising.

And without transport and special equipment My job moved slowly, I lost time and many customers, since my capabilities were limited. The first thing it was necessary to urgently do is to purchase a gazelle type truck and a plotter for cutting vinyl film.

As with what I purchased a truck Gazelle and Plotter Roland

After I began to expand: rented the production room in the local school fliep and took the campaign of two specialists on permanent jobI disastrously lacked the plotter for cutting the vinyl film.

But I could not buy it because it was not enough for everything, but to use bank credit I was still afraid. Suddenly, the decision came by itself.

For the firm that ordered my second sign on my store, it was necessary to carry out work on the manufacture of an advertising shield located on a large automotive junction.

The shield was huge, an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 100-150 sq.m.

In this case, all images needed to be applied using a vinyl film ( required condition customer).

Moreover, he took active participation In creating a sketch of the future billboard and the information was overloaded with text inserts.

As I did not protest, but the principle worked here: "Who pays, he orders music."

Paradoxically, but it is the advertising shield in the production, which the plotter was required by 90%, helped me acquire this plotter, and the plotter helped me acquire Gazelle. At the same time, neither the plotter, nor on the cargo car I had no money, and I acquired them to make a profit from the work done.

Organization of activities of an advertising agency

Cutting plotter Roland or how I twisted without it

All work on the cutting of the vinyl film in the production of an advertising shield we produced manually. All images and texts we cut with the help of an ordinary stationery knife and ordinary sewing scissors.

Delivered this: by typing all the texts and images in natural magnitude On the computer, displayed back images without fill, only in the form of contours, if the letters and images were large, glued the sheets of the A-4 format among themselves and the opposite image of the letters were glued onto a paper substrate vinyl film.

Then they cut the straight lines with a knife for a metal line, and curves with scissors. As a result, we received separate letters. Cutting a substrate in the extreme corner, glued the letter or image on the background.

So we fulfilled all the work (all employees of my agency and even my households were worked). After completing the work, received a fee and the remuneration was acquired, an excellent Roland brand plotter, which not only helped me acquire a truck, but also served as faithful to my business for several years.

How did I buy a gazelle truck without having enough money to buy it?

As soon as I purchased a plotter for cutting a vinyl film, the line of the services offered by my agency expanded and literally after a couple of months, a competition was announced in the city for the preparation of the city's Day celebration.

As part of this celebration, the local administration has conceived to decorate the city of images of the coat of arms of the city. And such decorations obliged commercial structures. Mostly it was shops.

Where to take the same image of the coat of arms to use outdoors?

That's right: those who can make them and sell them. And who is able to make? Advertising agency, which has a plotter for such work. (It is now everyone has the opportunity to purchase a plotter and without problems, but then it was a rarity).

In general, we whole month, literally in two shifts were engaged in the manufacture and sale of the image of the coat of arms of the city. I purchased my first cargo car brand Gazelle for profits received from the sale of coat of arms.

A truck for an advertising agency engaged in outdoor advertising is very serious. The fact is that 80% of the services of such agency are the manufacture of signs that need to be transported and assemble, as a rule, at the level of the second floor.

We also showed a seven (a gol on fiction rich): When the installation of outdoor advertising was required, we were shipped in the body of Gazelle a regular wooden "goat" and mounted signs from it just at the level of the second floor.

From startup to success: Open advertising business!

Does the advertising agency business plan need at the start?

My example shows that not particularly and needed. Not only when I started, I didn't even know what it really is. No, of course, I heard about the need to create at the start of my business plan, but when I started, I was, honestly, not before. I wanted to eat very much.

Now, after many years, I believe that the business plan is simply necessary for the start of business. Changed business conditions, including competitive and good business plan not prevent.

But here on my personal look, what a "evil joke" can happen. If you do not have money at all, but you want to create your own business than you can help such a plan?

Well, consider you that you need two or three million rubles for the start and, what will change? Do you have this money? Unlikely. Even in the bank you will not get money for the start of the new business. Why do you waste money and time?

But if you have money and you want to know how to lose them, creating an advertising agency, for example, for the production of outdoor advertising, then the business plan is simply necessary.


Once again I want to clarify why this article is written. To illustrate the fact that if you approach the creation of your own business with a seamless, it is quite realistic to start a business without serious investments. As mine shows personal experience In the advertising business it is quite possible.

Why is the opening of an advertising agency - is it a profitable and demanded business? Because any other business is always needed advertising. In the modern business world, advertising means a lot, and practically no business without holding promotional events will be able to achieve heights or simply will not survive.

While there will be firms and companies, and as long as they offer their products and services in the market, there will be a need for advertising. And so that their goods are bought, many firms are ready to pay for advertising big money. Therefore, by opening a high-quality advertising company, you will always be in demand.

How to open an advertising agency

Often your own advertising companies open up former advertising agents who have already worked in this area on other employers. Such people have some advantage over newcomers, who also want to own their advertising business, as they already know some nuances of this type of activity.

Market analysis

On the analysis of the advertising services market, you need to spend sufficient number time and effort to understand in which direction you move further. To begin with, it is important to determine what territory you will distribute your services and whether you will work only within your city, or within the region, area or even countries. Next, it is necessary to study the presence of competitors and the principles of their activities, including what areas of advertising business are already fully occupied, and what else can be implemented.

Advertising business is now very developed and distributed, so you can hardly find the sphere in which there would be no competition for you. But still, the market research will tell you which advertising sphere can be more promising to implement its services, and how less. In any case, that the advertising agency brings good profits, it should offer customers as many services as possible. But it is necessary to invest in such a business. more labor and effort.

Business registration

The preferred organizational and legal framework for the registration of an advertising agency is a limited liability company. If you work mainly with legal entities (And most of the serious advertising agencies are working exactly that), then you ourselves must be a legal entity. A small advertising agency, involving work only with private owners, can be registered as an IP.

However, even if you start with a small one, we still advise you to immediately consider the registration option of LLC, since, most likely, after time you want to expand the business and start taking orders from large companies and organizations (which are legal entities), and accordingly, go on new level arrived.

Choice of fields of activity

All advertising agencies can be distinguished by the main type of activity. In the most general Allocate two main areas of activity - this is the creation of advertising and advertising. Companies engaged in creating and developing advertising are called creative advertising agencies. Those that offer media planning and placement of promotional products in various means The media is called media advertising agencies.

When the advertising business was only born, the majority of advertising organizations were offered at the same time and other services. That is, they themselves created advertising and they themselves were placed. Over time, the market has changed and the agencies began to appear, as say, an incomplete cycle - they worked either over the development of advertising or above its report to consumers.

Now again, advertising agencies of the full cycle, which offer all possible advertising agencies from A to J. It is such advertising companies are most competitive and have more chances to be firmly established in the market.

Advertising agencies:
1. Study of the market of goods or services.
2. Building an advertising strategy.
3. Tactical media planning and media plan development.
4. Purchase of places for advertising.
5. Development of the principles of product or service.
6. Creating company style company.
7. Organization of PR shares, promotions.
8. Development of style and design of goods packaging.
9. Development of the design of any polygafic promotional products - posters, booklets, leaflets, business cards, etc.
10. Development of the name of the brand, goods, services, etc.
11. Development, production and placement of outdoor advertising facilities.
12. Development, production and placement of advertising video and radioles.
13. Development of slogans, mottos and other advertising, expressed in text format.
14. Organization of presentations, exhibitions, tastings.
15. Organization of sampling (provision of free samples of goods to consumers).

Personnel search

It is the staff - the main and most valuable element of any advertising agency. It depends on how much the quality product will receive your customers. Take the work of beginners and inexperienced employees - the step is quite risky. To spoil the reputation of the company and losing trust very easily (and when the company only goes to the market to do it even easier), but to conquer back - the process is very long and time consuming, and sometimes it is generally impossible. Therefore, when hiring employees, give preference to the candidates who have been working in the advertising sector for several years, know what to do in this business, and perhaps even have their own client bases. Young professionals (for example, just released from universities), you can take a job as assistants and assistants.

But still, the greatest attention You must not pay for work experience, but on the talent and skills of employees. Ask to show the finished advertising works of candidates, tell about the projects over which they worked. And best take every new employee first on probation (about 1-3 months, depending on the specifics of the work), for which he can show what is capable of, and you decide on its further fate in your agency.

To work in an advertising agency, the director, managers, designers, copywriters, creeters will be required. The director will deal with the general guidance of the agency, enter into various contracts, negotiate, etc. Designers create layouts, develop branded styles and do, directly, design promotional products. Copywriters work to create advertising texts of any formats - promotional articles, slogans, motto, video and radio advertising texts.

Managers share on different categories Depending on the type of activity: Sales Manager, Customer Service Manager, Recruitment Manager, etc. Creteters are the common name of all specialists who create something unique. This can also include the positioning of the brand, and the advertising strategy, and the names of brands and goods. For a good cryathera, it is important to have a talent and a certain thinking, and not everyone can work.

Hiring an accountant in a permanent staff makes no sense, more intelligently to give the maintenance of accounting on outsourcing. Freelancers play a separate role in the advertising business. It is not necessary to fundamentally refuse to attract freelancers to certain projects, as there may also be worthy and talented specialists. And some advertising agencies are not at all kreiters in a regular state, but work exclusively with freelancers.

Search for premises

A presentable type of office is important for the advertising agency in which negotiations with customers will be held - a discussion of orders, presentation of projects and the issuance of finished materials. It is most convenient to place an advertising agency in one of the office complexes in the city center.

Office equipment

Equipment for an advertising agency will need the following: furniture, computers, phone numbers, printers, scanners and other office equipment. Computers must be equipped with special software with which designers will work. It is also necessary to have a high-speed Internet. Since the advertising sphere is developing very quickly, and your employees should also improve themselves, will need to provide them with modern professional literature on this topic.

Search for partners

Each advertising agency has several reliable partners in its arsenal that orders already the agency itself. For example, for printing printing, you can not do without the help of printing. To create an object of outdoor advertising, (for example, Biglord) you need firms working with the appropriate material. They will produce "empty" bigboards, and you will fill it with advertising content.

For various exhibitions, presentations, tastings, and so on, it is important to have connections with the owners of exhibition centers and other premises that can serve as a square for these events. Therefore, you must support your reputation at a decent level not only for customers, but also for partners.

Even being while the young organization is not worth taking the first proposal of cooperation. First read possible options, consider all the pros and cons of cooperation with each potential partnerAnd then take the final decision.

1. When creating your advertising agency, you must hold the first creative work - to create it original name For your agency. As you know, meet by clothes, and the name of your agency is what will create the very first impression of your company. The name must be bright, lying, cause interest and memorize.

2. If one of the ways to attract potential customers you have chosen a telephone call and offer your services, then for the beginning, think about what you will offer. The standard set of services and products that are in each advertising agency is unlikely to cause great interest. To begin with, develop something unique that it can be advantageous to allocate you among competitors.

3. In the first stages of the business, you should not immediately "wise up" on large customers. You will handle small and medium customers, here you work with them. In order to interest large customers, you must have a certain history of your activities, an impressive portfolio from the completed projects and serious experience in the market. All this will take at least 1-3 years.

5. Do not think that your business will develop only thanks to the enthusiasm of employees. As workers of any other areas of activity, your staff needs motivation, both material and intangible. Opportunity career growth, bonuses, premiums, promotion - all this must be present.

The profitability of the advertising business can reach up to 40%. The greatest profit advertising agencies receive precisely on those products that were created thanks creative thinking employees. Uniqueness is always appreciated, and in advertising it is simply necessary.

Table 2. Competitiveness Calculation


In world practice, rates for advertising agency services are established - this is 15% of the general advertising budget of the Customer. We consider it right to adhere to this concept of evaluating our services. Permanent customers And customers with a large advertising budget will be provided with discounts in the amount of 3%.

5. Production plan

Based on the data obtained, our company is a plan of an advertising campaign.

This refers here:

location - club, restaurant, shop, school - the choice depends on the advertised product and the target group;

promoters contributing to the promotion of goods. Their task is to attach all sorts of effort to attract attention to the product.

It can be smiling girls-models, gallant boys, professional dancers, artists, musicians.

As a rule, we offer our customers to use one of the ways of advertising - souvenir products with a logo of advertised goods. People who came to the presentation, like getting small gifts. In the sketch of the promotion, the necessary butafory is included. All creative activity The agencies predetermines that the created advertising company must be fixed in the minds of the target group. The effectiveness of advertising depends on it. Therefore, we try that every action was a unique show associated with an advertised product.

A sketch seems to be considered to the customer and after its approval or disapproval of our agency makes adjustments as necessary and manufactures basic materials. After that, the project responsible for the project determines the costs associated with the management of the project represents the client for signing.

This also includes 20% VAT and 15% of the agent. All further actions are the manufacture of souvenir products and butaforia in industrial advertising agencies, conducting training with personnel, an agreement with the administration of the venue - coordinates the manager under the guidance of the Executive Director up to the shares.

6. Organizational plan

In a compiled business plan, we chose a society with limited responsibility as a legal status of the company. This form is easy to implement and convenient for us by its structure. Limited liability company has authorized capital of 9 thousand rubles. It is formed in the sum of the investment of money (4.5 thousand rubles) of the Director General and the Executive Director. In case of bankruptcy, as well as on concluded agreements, each founder is responsible in the amount of its contribution.

Under the form of ownership, our limited liability company has a private form. Owners - General Director and Executive Director.

Responsibilities of employees of the enterprise

The director is engaged in personnel, concludes contracts with ads and manufacturing advertising agencies that manufactures us souvenir, printed and other advertising products, visits exhibitions and conferences on the exchange of experience. The accountant leads all the financial activities of the firm (accrual and payment of taxes, the distribution of profits, the calculation and issuance of wages).

The Executive Director controls the activities of managers, a designer artist, a psychologist, driver.

Psychologist determines target group On the market that consumes advertised goods, their needs and makes conclusions about how the advertised product meets these needs.

The artist-designer based on the data received by the psychologist, develops a scenario of an advertising company, given the interests of consumers.

The project responsible for the project, controls the activities of a psychologist and artist-designer, is associated with production advertising agencies, promoters, an administration of a job where presentations are held. The manager is responsible for ensuring the shares with all the necessary advertising materials, conducting trainings with promoters, coordinates their activities before the end of the advertising company. The manager, if necessary, can lead in parallel to the maximum of two projects.

To meet the requests of all clients, we take the position of the manager of two people.

The driver is responsible for the transport provision of the project.

The courier carries the necessary documents from the Customer to the Fracture and the opposite.

As a rule, the budget allocated by the Customer for advertising goods is at least $ 50,000. Our agent in accordance with world practice is $ 7.5 thousand.

The salary of managers, an artist-designer and a psychologist is $ 200 + 5% from each project.

The driver's salary is $ 400, courier - $ 250.

Administration salary - $ 800.

Organizational management scheme advertising agency

8. Financial plan

8.1. Financing Strategy

For the implementation of the project you need 300,000 rubles. The company's financial plan was drawn up as a suggestion that the source of these funds will be the commercial bank "MOST-BANK", in which our current account is located. It will provide us with a loan in the amount of 300,000 rubles under 42% per annum with repayment during the year (equal shares per month).

The return of the loan will occur according to the following scheme:

Credit (in rubles)

3.5% (every month.)

Repayment of credit

8.2. Calculation cost

8.2.1. Determination of costs of expenses for a month

1. Permanent expenses

1) Rent

By this Treaty We are obliged to pay the amount of 3000 rubles. Immediately, and subsequently - 1 700.5 rubles. monthly.

2) wages to employees, rubles CEO - 5,000 Chief Accountant - 4,000 Commercial Director - 4 800 Manager - 2 400 Manager - 2,400 Psychologist - 2 400 Designer Artist - 2 400 Driver - 2,400 courier - 1,500 Total 27 300

4) payroll deductions

For 1997, contributions amounted to:

IN pension Fund - 28%

In the social insurance fund - 5.4%

In the Employment Fund - 1.5%

For the needs of educational institutions - 1%

Transport tax - 1%


40.5% of 27,300 rubles. \u003d 11 056.5 rubles

7) Depreciation deductions

Equipment wear is 10% of the book value of the equipment per year, therefore 10% of 150,000 rubles. Is 15,000 rubles, and a month - 1,250 rubles;

Building wear 3.5% of the book value per year, therefore, 3.5% of 630,000 rubles. - 22 050 rubles, and a month - 1837.5 rubles;

Transport wear is 8% of the book value of transport per year, since the company is at the disposal of 1 car worth 30,000 rubles, then 8% of 30,000 rubles, and a month - 200 rubles.

2. Variables expenses (count on the first month)

Profit tax.

Profit tax is equal to 35%, the taxable base is profit from sales of products (goods, services) without VAT, i.e. Balance profit.

Revenue from the sale of services will be 15% of the total amount of advertising budget worth 300,000 rubles, i.e. 45 000 rubles. We believe that we will have such projects in a month at least four. Therefore, for the first month, revenue \u003d 172,000 rubles, and costs \u003d 112 884 rubles, i.e. Balance profit \u003d 172000 - 1128844 \u003d 59116, and 35% of 59116 rubles. \u003d 15 190.6 rubles.

8.2.2. Calculation of the cost of one service for advertising-tel.

The total amount of expenses \u003d constant costs + variables set up.

88884,5+ 101190.6 \u003d 190075.1 rub. - These are the total costs of the entire volume of manufactured products for 1 month, and since we intend to provide services for four customers for the month, the cost of one service is 38,510 rubles.

8.2.3. Definition of monthly revenue.

Our service will be assessed by 15% of the amount of the advertising budget, i.e. in the amount of 45,000 - 50,000 rubles.

9. Calculation of break-even point

The break-even point will determine when our project will cease to be unprofitable.

break-even \u003d.

permanent costs (including initial lump sum payments) / price - AC. cost per unit. Product

The magnitude of the break-even point is 4.5 services, i.e. We need to carry out 4.5 promotions per month, after that the company will make a profit. Prior to that, the whole project is considered unprofitable.

Why do you need to make a business plan? The answer to this question is obvious - to develop a clear position of doing business. Detailed business plan We are necessary in order to increase capital and, if possible, not to get into debt. Without him, a modern entrepreneur will not be able to achieve the desired success.

A business plan of an advertising company - what is its significance?

It is difficult to overestimate the significance of the business plan in the modern economy. You will never achieve positive result In work, if you do not plan your activities and do not predict the consequences of your work. A competently compiled document can be safely called the business card of the enterprise, pledging it effective development. It must be drawn up on the basis of the selected concept. One of the most important purpose of the plan is to give an investor to take a look at your business from a new point of view and appreciate it. Properly planned entrepreneurial activities - a pledge of rapid financial success.

A business plan is a document with which the strategy is determined, the tactics of doing business, it must be clearly indicated by the goals and production technologies. In addition, it addresses the aspects of the enterprise, the problems that may occur in the process are taken into account and the methods of solving them are calculated. A business plan is usually developed for a period of at least 3 - 5 years, with a breakdown for each year and is aimed at implementing a particular project. It can be designed for just opening enterprise and for already existing.

Tasks and objectives of the advertising agency. His target audience

The main task of the advertising agency as a business is the maximum advertising effect on the consumer. Decides this question Just thanks to creative approach to business. Advertising agency can be safely called universal Organizationwhich must constantly interact with all participants in the advertising market. All employees of the enterprise must perfectly own the skill of communication with customers and be able to pay attention not only to creative issues, but also economic.

Highlight two main goals that are characteristic of many advertising appeals:

  1. development of awareness of the advertising object;
  2. establish relationships to the subject of advertising.
  • informs customers about the emergence of a new product;
  • informs about the qualities and merits of products;
  • informs about possibly new methods for using specific products;
  • reports new rates;
  • explains the principle of product operation;
  • describes the services provided;
  • trying to eliminate the false opinion about the product.
  • try to convince consumers to acquire a specific product;
  • convince customers to make a purchase immediately;
  • convince the consumer to purchase new products;
  • change the presentation and evaluation of the product;
  • create consumer new image product;
  • do not miss already existing loyal customers.
  • constantly reminding the consumer about the availability of goods;
  • remind that this particular product may be needed in the near future;
  • remind about the place where the product can be purchased;
  • do not give to forget the consumer about the main properties and superiority of a specific product.

In order to determine the target audience of the advertising agency, marketing research is necessary. Exists two kinds target audience :

  1. target business audience;
  2. target audience in the individual consumer plane.

The target audience includes not only direct buyers, but also those who take part in solving the issue of acquisition. Example: Advertising male costumes. In this particular case, women will enter the target audience, since there are rarely such purchases without initiative from the weak floor.

Relevance of the advertising services market

IN modern world Advertising performs business engine. At the moment, the relevance of advertising has no doubt. Undoubtedly, she plays a dominant role in the development of a market economy and is its primary component.

Not without reason, they argue that advertising is the best guarantee of the quality of the goods. Quality product Must be bright, simple and interesting. If advertising is organized by all the rules, it will have fast effect and promote the rapid sale of products.

How to open an advertising agency in accordance with the law?

IN Russian legislation "On the licensing of certain types of activities" work in advertising business is not subject to compulsory licensing. You can either closed joint-stock company.

In order for the enterprise to work officially, it is necessary to name. The next step is to open an account in the bank and order individual printing. When writing a statement on IP, it is necessary to specify the type of activity of your advertising agency.

Required documents For registration as an IP:

  • statement written in form № Р21001;
  • copy of the main document;
  • receipt of the payment of state duty (400 rubles).

Organizational matters

Select room

The advertising agency can be located in the center of the city. Most negotiations can be held on the territory of the customer, so for efficient work Agencies The location of the office cannot play the dominant role.

Beautifully decorated office can play on hand beginner businessman. Many customers prefer to meet with advertising agents in rented premises and club offices. This costs significantly cheaper.

Some try to produce on the customer good impression And sometimes replay. The room is equipped with expensive furniture and equipment, but unfortunately, customers are extremely rarely pleasing to their presence of advertising agents in their offices.

The room is necessary for the work of employees with documentation and acceptance of telephone calls, to discuss their plans and ideas.

As mentioned above, the company's employees usually go to the customer themselves, so you will not need a large premises. If you want to attract rich clients with the prestigious location of the office, remove the room in the city center.

Equipment for advertising business

From the equipment you will need the following:

  • several computers
  • modem,
  • scanner,
  • fax,
  • xerox;
  • landline phone.

Special attention should be paid to the technique for creative design.

Also, do not forget about buying office furniture. It must be comfortable and practical. Computers for designers must be the most progressive. They should not save.

Software must meet all new requirements existing in this area, otherwise you do not see the success in your work.

Personnel search

The business plan should be taken into account the costs not only for personnel, but also on its number. For a small agency will need not a large number of employees.

Financial plan

Costs and intended costs of opening an advertising agency from scratch

  • Rental of premises - depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe city (from 1,000 to $ 4,000).
  • Premises repair - 1,000-2,000 dollars.
  • The cost of equipment and furniture - 10,000 dollars.

Employee wages will directly depend on their experience and percentage of transactions. An experienced designer will have to pay 2 -3 times more than the beginning.

Additional costs may occur. This includes, for example, wage The hired driver with personal vehicle. Not bad assistants in this type of business can be freelancers - they will help create high-quality creative projects.


Everything will depend on the direction in which you plan your promotional activities. Monthly income in six months of work - up to 50,000 rubles per month, a year - 150,000 thousand rubles, and in two years - more than 300 thousand rubles. per month.

Profitability of the company - 30-40%. In the advertising business, only Creative can bring the greatest profitability. You can invent the price for your services yourself. In advertising business, much depends on your acting ability and customer capabilities.

Payback - From 4 months to 1 year. In no case at the beginning of the way should not refuse minor orders. They can bring good income and strengthen relations with entrepreneurs.

In which cases the law is on the side Individual entrepreneur? From our authors for all small business owners.

Freight transport as a promising activity with a large financial return:

Promotion of promotional services

At the very beginning of his labor activity It makes no sense to advertise its company strongly. This should not be done for one simple reason: excessive activity May attract a lot of excessive attention of competitors.

Promotion of advertising services will strongly depend on the principles of the advertising agency, from connections that your employees have. At first, this will provide a certain number of necessary orders. The most important thing is to work your own portfolio. To create it, you can leave a lot of time (about a year). And before that, you should not take orders from solid customers. First you need to learn in small and medium-sized businessmen. Beginner advertising agencies through the media - reference books. Little firms in search of advertising companies are addressed to such media. Attend various eventswhich advertise your company and tell about its projects.

There is such a concept as "direct sales". What does it mean? The company managers themselves call customers and offer them their services. This option may be advantageous only in one case - if your agency has completely unique product. Advertising in the media and direct sales in the first year of the company will bring it only 25% of customers, the rest - only the relationship of your employees.

And finally ...

In order to achieve good success In this business, you need to be creative personality. Another important feature of character - communicability, without which it will be very difficult to find mutual language with clients.

Advertising is an integral component of any business, goods and services that first appear on the market and needs to be attracted to yourself. Therefore, you can safely make bets on the advertising agency plan with calculations and its success. Since the demand for effective and efficiently manufactured advertising products is growing constantly. Consequently, this direction can be considered a completely promising activity. In our case, this organization will deal with the distribution of advertising information, as well as its seal on tickets in public transport. We plan to open your organization for a franchise.

  1. Every year, growth in advertising services is only increasing.
  2. Advertising, which will be printed on tickets, will definitely get to the final consumer.
  3. Placing this type of advertising is an extremely effective way.
  4. The company, on behalf of which we will work, carries out its activities since 2007.
  5. She is reliable.

Products and services provided by the organization

Any advertising agency of outdoor advertising or a full cycle is such a type of activity that will remain afloat with any economic situation in the country, since the growth of new organizations every year is only increasing. The selected sphere is one of the most effective ways Promotions of goods and services.

This type of activity is suitable only if the city's size is more than 300 thousand inhabitants.

As an advertising media, we choose a ticket. Its format is 9 for 5 centimeters, advertising will be colored, printing is applied on both sides. Printing will be applied by the Agency's own forces using the best equipment and materials.

  1. The size is 9 by 5 centimeters.
  2. Advertising will be posted on each side of the travel ticket.
  3. Through the numbering of tickets.
  4. Tickets between themselves will be bonded from the end.
  5. Paper is used offset, weighing 80 grams.
  6. Each tutu ticket will consist of 200 or 250 pieces.
  • Accurate hit to the end consumer. After traveling a ticket, a ticket is given to everyone, as it must be saved throughout the path, then the passenger will have enough time to familiarize themselves with information.
  • The ticket has a small and comfortable form, if necessary, can be easily stored in the wallet.
  • Advertising efficiency is very easy to track. If you print information on the provision of a discount upon presentation of a ticket.
  • The ability to choose the target audience. You can make coverage both throughout the city and in certain areas.
  • Advertising media is very interesting in design.
  • Thanks to its own equipment for creating advertising, the coverage of one person will cost not so expensive.
  1. Enter this species Business and profit quickly enough.
  2. Cases will be the most simple as possible, since the entire work algorithm will be represented by a franchisor.
  3. Thanks fast sales Tickets efficiency can be estimated immediately.
  4. One advertising media has low cost.
  5. Partners will always support with you communication and provide necessary informationrequired to work.

Sales market and its description

The business plan of the outdoor advertising advertising agency includes information on market stability. Regardless of the economic situation in the country, services associated with attracting potential customers to specific product or the service will always be in demand. Advertising agencies continue to open even during the crisis. The main thing is to adhere to the goals set.

When conducting a number of studies, it was revealed that the main audience, and this is almost 70%, consists of women, the rest of the percentage belongs to men. Also, the preferential part of the passengers consists of students and working people.

For many years of experience, it was possible to distinguish categories of goods that bring the result in the process of holding an advertising campaign:

  • Medicines.
  • Household appliances.
  • Furniture and interior items.
  • Various promotions and discounts.
  • Food.
  • Insurance products.

Sales and Marketing

To them, we can attribute:

  • Informative channel. The source of information in our case is the tickets themselves. They are capable not only to inform the client about something new, but also attract people's attention to their unusual and colorful design. Due to this, fame comes to the advertised product or service. In the subsequent, the sarafined radio is triggered and even those who did not have to be recognized about this information. direct contact with a source of advertising.
  • The effectiveness of the work of sales managers and project manager. Thanks to only their work, the end user learns the information that they wanted to convey to them. Due to the fact that they organize meetings with customers, make a large number of cold calls, thanks to all this is informed by the large mass of people.
  • Placing advertising on third-party sources thanks to the affiliate program.