A mask to brighten the face. Whitening face masks at home - quick effect. Lemon Whitening Facial Masks

To quickly and dramatically improve your skin tone, you can use a whitening face mask that is easy to make at home. Compositions from natural ingredients are the best and safest way to heal your skin.

The facial skin of women is prone to the appearance of various rashes, redness, freckles. Basically, defects are caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays but may also be signs of aging or disease.

Whitening the skin means not only making it lighter, but also removing unwanted spots from the surface of the skin, improving the tone. Whitening is indicated for those people who have the following problems:

  1. Freckles or age spots.
  2. Couperosis - well visible blood vessels.
  3. Scars and scars that sometimes remain after an unsuccessfully squeezed pimple or blackhead.
  4. Unhealthy skin tone. For example, if it has an unnatural yellow, gray tint.
  5. After sunburn without special protective agent. When the skin turns red, as if it was burnt.
  6. There are a lot of freckles on the skin and I want to make them less noticeable.

Along with this, skin cells are also hydrated. The whitening mask saturates the cells with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. The skin takes on a fresh, rested look.

Fact! Such masks contribute to rejuvenation, because they can rid the skin of the face of unaesthetic age spots that have appeared with age, and smooth out small wrinkles.

What is included in home masks

Today on the Internet there are countless varieties of whitening face masks at home with a quick effect and not so much, from various ingredients, for any type of skin. And everyone will be able to choose and prepare their ideal recipe.

Ingredients used in most whitening mask formulations:

  • parsley and spinach;
  • cereals;
  • potato starch;
  • dairy products;
  • lemon juice and vodka;
  • sugar and cucumber;
  • tomato and cabbage;
  • mint and aloe;
  • turmeric and honey.

In short, almost all food products are used, including herbs, vegetables, fruits. Hydrogen peroxide bleaches just as well. The main thing is to choose the right components, combine them and use them.

Important! Not all ingredients can be combined to give the desired results. The interaction of different products and the reaction of the skin to the resulting formulations should be checked beforehand.

Ways to make masks at home

The recipe for a whitening mask is selected individually, based on the characteristics of the skin and desired result... For people thinking about how to whiten their skin in 1 day, it is preferable to opt for fast-acting masks.

Fast Acting Whitening Mask

This recipe has a refreshing effect, helps prevent the appearance of dark circles around the eyes and get rid of the existing ones, quickly brightens the skin with excessive sunburn. To prepare such a brightening mask, any form of parsley is suitable:

  • fresh;
  • ice cream;
  • dried.

You need 30 g of chopped parsley mixed with 25 gm of spinach and 2 tablespoons. l. oatmeal steamed in milk. Separately mixed 30 gm potato starch and 2 table. spoons of any fermented milk product... Then both components are combined into 1 lightening cocktail and applied to the face for 30 minutes.

Mask for age spots

Suitable for people with oily pigmented skin. Mix 40 gm 5% cottage cheese, half an egg yolk and 5 drops of perhydrol. Stays on the skin for 25 minutes. For those with dry skin, you can use this mask in the same way, you just need to add a spoonful of 35% oily sour cream to its composition.

Cucumber masks

Fresh cucumbers contain a huge amount of nutrients. They are widely used in the preparation of brightening, nourishing face masks that differ slightly in their ingredients for different types skin:

  1. For dry skin: rub 1 cucumber, add 2 spoons nourishing cream... Apply to face for 1/4 hour.
  2. For oily skin: 1 cucumber is rubbed in the same way, only not cream is added to it, but 2 dessert spoons of vodka. Infused for 120 minutes. The resulting mixture is used to wipe the entire face except for the eyelids.
  3. For combination skin: the juice of 1/2 lemon and 2 dessert spoons of sour cream are added to the grated cucumber.

Mask for perfect skin color

A dessert spoon of honey, it is better if it is dark honey, is melted with a water bath. Set aside to cool. Meanwhile, 3 tables are mixed. tablespoons of red currant berries with 20 grams of strawberries and the pulp of a peeled tomato. Everything is frayed. The resulting berry-tomato mixture is combined with honey and applied to the face.

Turmeric mask

Turmeric and natural yogurt are mixed in 1: 2 proportions. Stays on the face for half an hour. Significantly improves skin tone, eliminates pigmentation. But it should be remembered that turmeric itself has the property of staining integuments, so the skin may acquire a slightly yellowish tint.

Lemon mask

The mask is ideal for people with problem skin and those who want to get rid of annoying freckles. 25 gm of sugar is ground off the table. spoon of lemon juice concentrate, add 0.5 cups of milk and 20 ml of alcohol. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

It is one of the most effective whitening masks. Apply masks containing perhydrol in their composition carefully, it is important not to get into the eyes. For its manufacture, a couple is taken on a table. spoons of rolled oats, which are ground and poured with 60 mg of warmed milk. After the oatmeal is soaked, add 5-6 drops of peroxide. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Mask for dark circles around the eyes

A couple of dessert spoons of chopped parsley are mixed with a few drops of tea leaves. Divide the resulting mixture into 2 equal portions. Wrap each portion in a separate piece of cheesecloth. Put on eyes for 15 minutes.

Mask for aging skin

Spinach, lettuce and parsley are taken in equal parts. Grind everything. Boil the milk porridge. Cool down. Mix two dessert spoons of herbs and potato starch with four dessert spoons of porridge. Apply for 15 minutes.

Mask with milk and perhydrol

This mask is suitable for all skin types. 6 dessert spoons of oatmeal porridge, 5 dessert spoons of milk and 5 drops of 3% perhydrol are mixed. It is advised to keep all masks containing perhydrol for no more than 15 minutes, and people with oily skin need to double the time.

Curd masks

For oily skin: mix 50 gm of cottage cheese with the yolk of 1 egg, add 15 drops of perhydrol. After half an hour, wash off with cool water. After 10 minutes from the time of rinsing, apply the nourishing cream. For dry skin: four dessert spoons of fat cottage cheese are mixed with 10 drops of perhydrol. Keep 15 minutes. Sweep warm water.

Honey lemon face mask

Mix two dessert spoons of melted honey with 2 dessert spoons of rolled oats, 2 dessert spoons natural yoghurt, dessert spoon of lemon juice and 2 dessert spoons olive oil... Keep on face for 40 minutes.

Tomato mask for oily skin

2 dessert spoons of rolled oats are mixed with 2 dessert spoons of grated peeled tomato, 2 dessert spoons of natural yogurt and a few drops of lemon juice. In addition to whitening, such a composition can also cause irritation, so it cannot be kept for a long time, and it is recommended to apply it no more than once a week.

Whitening face masks with aspirin

Adding to the composition of masks acetylsalicylic acid- aspirin, greatly enhances their whitening ability. But you should use them carefully, as they have some contraindications:

  • there are not healed lesions on the skin;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergy to aspirin;
  • bronchial asthma.

If there is none of the above, you can make an aspirin mask. There are many recipes, but the most effective are the following:

  1. Mask with lemon: Mix 6 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid with 4 dessert tablespoons of lemon juice. To wash off this mask, use soda solution... To do this, dilute 1 dessert spoon of baking soda in half a liter of water.
  2. Cinnamon mask: chop 4 aspirin tablets. Add half a teaspoon of honey and one-fourth teaspoon of ground cinnamon. If desired or the presence of allergies, honey is easily replaced with sunflower oil.
  3. Mask with honey: to prepare it, you need to combine four crushed aspirin tablets with 2 dessert spoons of honey. It is applied once a week. Apply with massaging movements for half an hour.

When making whitening masks with the addition of honey, not only regular aspirin tablets are suitable, but also an effervescent solution.

For reference: before using a mask with the addition of honey, the skin must first be thoroughly steamed.

Rules for the use of whitening masks

All procedures carried out at home require knowledge of several rules. Including when using brightening face masks, so that a mask that is useful at first glance will bring only benefit, not harm. Rules to be followed:

  1. Women over 40 are not recommended to use bleaching masks more than once a week.
  2. After a brightening mask should be avoided sun rays, therefore, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening, before bedtime.
  3. Before applying the mask to the face, it is worth doing a light exfoliation.
  4. Every time after using any mask at home, you must apply a moisturizer to your face.

Observing these rules, everyone will receive from a whitening face mask only positive emotions and will achieve the desired result.


Not everyone and not always can apply masks to the face. It is best, of course, to consult a dermatologist. The doctor, like no one else, will be able to answer which mask to whom better fit, is it possible to use it at the moment, if not, then why, and many other questions. Who should not use whitening face masks:

  1. People with very thin, sensitive skin that is prone to excessive dryness.
  2. People whose face is covered with irritation, severe acne.
  3. With dermatological diseases on the face: dermatitis, melanoma, impetigo, and so on.
  4. In the presence of open wounds and cuts.
  5. If less than a month any cosmetic surgery was performed ago.

The presence of any of these problems should warn the person and become a signal that the skin whitening procedure should be abandoned. Not only will this not be beneficial, but may even harm human health.

(6 estimates, average: 4,83 out of 5)

It is very easy to prepare whitening face masks at home. Buy the right food, take a look in the refrigerator or in the garden - there are likely to be many ingredients for miraculous remedies.

The formulations lighten freckles and age spots, even out tone, refresh, give youth and radiance to your skin. Which recipe should you choose? Study the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Cooking rules


  • apply whitening compounds in the evenings: after such procedures, the sun's rays are contraindicated;
  • replenish vitamin C reserves during the course of lightening pigmented areas;
  • use only fresh products;
  • do not prepare homemade cosmetics for future use;
  • before the procedure, cleanse your face with a facial wash;
  • after applying the composition to your face, lie down with your head slightly raised;
  • muscles will relax, active substances penetrate better into the pores;
  • wash yourself, be sure to cover the skin thin layer moisturizer.

Important! Many recipes contain lemon juice and other acids that dry out the epidermis. A light moisturizer is designed to restore the acid-base balance. Do not in any way neglect the rule: "After the procedure, a gentle cream is required."

The best recipes for whitening masks

When choosing home remedy pay attention to your skin type. There are universal formulations that can be used by everyone, without exception. Other recipes are suitable for owners or skin.

Universal formulations

Do you want to even out the tone or slightly lighten the freckles? These simple recipes- For you.

Cabbage and kefir mask

Take a cabbage leaf, chop finely. Quantity - two tablespoons. Add the same amount of low-fat kefir, mix. Time - a quarter of an hour, frequency - every three days.

Honey Curd Whitening Blend

Mash low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream (a couple of tablespoons each), pour in 3 drops of grapefruit juice, 15 g of liquid honey. Wait 15 minutes, remove the mixture with cool milk.

Apply the honey-curd mixture every 3 days until you see results. It will take about a month.

Parsley Whitening Mask

Chop young greens, take a couple of tablespoons, pour boiling water over. After half an hour, moisten the gauze with the strained infusion, apply to the face. After drying, apply a fresh portion of the parsley infusion.

Duration - a quarter of an hour. Lighten the skin in this way three times a week. The effect will definitely be there.

Cucumber and cream mask

Grate a medium cucumber, take 50 g of raw materials, add the same universal cream for a face, for example, Nivea. Cover the cleansed epidermis with a thick layer of the mixture, lie down for 15 minutes. Wash, gently dab your face.

Frequency - every 3 days. Noticeable result you will see very soon.

Soft scrub with whitening effect

How to use: grind 25 g oatmeal, add 50 ml of whey, pour in 10-12 drops of lime juice. Treat your face with a rubbed mass with gentle movements.

Massage your skin for 3 minutes. Cleanse the epidermis in this way once a week.

Whitening masks for oily skin

With increased greasiness, clogged pores, excessive amount sebum formulations with a drying effect are needed. Many mixtures relieve increased sebum secretion, whiten, and moisturize the skin well.

Brightening mask with lemon

Combine 2 tbsp. l corn or potato starch and lemon juice. Time is a quarter of an hour.

The composition dries out the epidermis. Do not use the product more than once a week.

An effective remedy with honey and sour cream

Combine 1 tbsp in a container. curd, a teaspoon of sour cream, thin honey, lime juice. Rinse off the mass with warm (not hot) water. Duration - a quarter of an hour, frequency - twice a week.

Whitening mask from oat flour

Beat the protein, add a tablespoon of oatmeal. Lie down for 15 minutes. During water procedures, do not rub your face, wash your face gently. Don't forget about a moisturizer.

Use this effective remedy twice a week. After five to six times, you will see how the condition of the epidermis has improved.

Cucumber face whitening mask

Take a small cucumber, chop, pour in 20 g of high-quality vodka. Let it brew for 2 hours. Add some non-greasy face cream, apply the mass for a quarter of an hour.

Repeat the procedure every 3 days. A noticeable effect is achieved after 10 sessions.

Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Treatment

Fast, simple, effective - this is how you can characterize the action of this composition. Pour in fresh yeast (25 g) with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Stir well, lubricate your face. Pre under the eyes, over upper lip apply fat cream- the composition not only whitens, but also strongly tightens the skin.

Has it been a quarter of an hour? Rinse off the mass, rub in a gentle cream. Lighten the epidermis in this way no more than once a week. The number of procedures is 10.

Fragrant tale

You will need 100 g of ripe melon. Grind a piece in a blender, put it on your face, cover with gauze. Relax with crushed melon on your skin for 25 minutes. Mandatory after washing - light cream.

Pamper your face with this aromatic remedy three times a week. The skin will become velvety, moisturized, the spots will lighten in a couple of weeks

An effective honey-lemon mask

Ingredients: 2 dessert spoons of honey, a tablespoon of lime juice. Mix, treat the face with the mixture, without missing areas with freckles and dark spots. Wash your face after 10 minutes. Treat your face in the morning every other day for at least a month.

Onion and honey brightening mask

Rub a medium onion and squeeze out the juice. Melt the honey in a water bath, pour in an equal amount onion juice... Has it been a quarter of an hour? It's time to cleanse your face from the onion-honey mixture with a napkin. Wash yourself well.

Treat your leather with this formula every 3 days. Quantity - 15 procedures.

Whitening masks for dry skin

Most formulations contain emollients. The effect on the epidermis is much more gentle.

Boiled potato and egg mask

Perfectly whitens, softens. Well nourishes the skin.

Boil potatoes, peel, take 50 g, mash. Add 1 mashed raw yolk, a tablespoon of warm milk. Mix thoroughly.

Clean your face, put the potato and egg mixture, cover with a thick napkin on top. Wash yourself after a quarter of an hour.

It is enough to pamper your skin with this mixture twice a week. After a few procedures, you will see the result.

Whitening carrot and oatmeal mask

Grate 50 g of carrots, add the yolk, a teaspoon of fine oatmeal, 3 drops of lemon juice. Stir, cover your face with a thick mixture. Duration - no more than twenty minutes. Repeat every three days until the spots lighten.

Curd and honey brightening mask

Rub 2 tbsp well. l. dry cottage cheese, a tablespoon of sour cream, thin honey, half a teaspoon of olive oil. Keep the mass up to 20 minutes. Be sure to moisturize the epidermis.

Frequency - twice a week. Enough 10 sessions.

For freckles and age spots

Home remedies are just as effective as pre-packaged formulations. The components of the mixtures brighten the pigmented areas well.

You will probably come in handy useful tips:

  • The most effective home remedies contain ingredients that dry out the epidermis. Advice: do not exceed the procedure time;
  • rinse off the bleaching compound immediately, wash well with warm or cold water;
  • after, a cream with a delicate texture is required;
  • procedures that get rid of age spots and freckles are carried out in the evenings;
  • a cream with UV filters is recommended;
  • treat hyperpigmentation in fall and winter. At this time, the production of melanin decreases, the specks brighten.

The best masks for hypermigmentation

Try a few recipes until you find two or three “yours”. Follow the guidelines for using brightening mixtures.

Whitening scrub mask with lemon

Combine olive oil (1 tsp. L), 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Add 2 tsp each. sugar (better than brown) and light honey. Mix well, massage movements treat your face, neck area for three minutes, wash.

Use the method twice a week. A light cream is required. After four to five procedures, you will see the result. For problem skin.

An effective remedy for age spots with tomato and lemon

The recipe is only suitable for the young, healthy skin... The high acid content of both components will be unnecessary for aging, sagging skin.

Combine the pulp of the tomato, two tablespoons of lemon juice. Duration - no more than 10 minutes. You will soon see: after the first procedures, the freckles will become lighter.

Perform the procedure every week. For the effect, it is enough to treat the face with a tomato-lemon mixture 7-10 times.

Freckle mask with parsley and cucumber

Grind a medium cucumber in a blender, pour in lemon juice, add pea flour. Duration - 5 minutes. Wash yourself well, moisturize your face.

The recommended number of procedures is 7, the frequency is every week. The composition restores the natural tone of the skin, brightens the pigmented areas. For oily skin. (Read the page for details on age spots on the body).

Oatmeal Miracle Remedy

Grind 2 tbsp. l. flakes, stir in a teaspoon of plain yogurt and olive oil. You need a little grapefruit juice - only 3 drops. Rub the ingredients until smooth, cover the face and neck with the mixture. Wash yourself after a quarter of an hour.

The composition is quite gentle, suitable for owners of dry, aging skin. Perform the procedure twice a week. You will notice a lasting effect after 5-7 times.

Mask from marks after acne

Whisk 1 egg white, mix thoroughly with a teaspoon of lime juice, add 2 drops each aromatic oils rosewood and grapefruit. Apply the fluffy mass pointwise to the marks of the rashes. Time - up to 20 minutes.

Treat the desired areas twice a week. Apply the method until the spots disappear.

Brightening mask of sour cream and horseradish

One of best recipes quickly relieving hyperpigmentation. Use the product carefully, horseradish juice irritates the epidermis. Do not violate the dosage, do not overexpose the composition.

The recipe is simple: grind a couple of tablespoons of good sour cream and freshly squeezed horseradish juice in a container. Keep it on for no more than 7 minutes. Suitable for aging skin.

Treat your face with the mixture every 3 days. The course is up to three weeks.

Are you confused by acne marks? Do you think it's time to get rid of excess pigmentation? Check with a dermatologist to find suitable whitening masks. Recipes - the sea! You can easily find the most effective remedy. Be persistent and your skin will regain its even, natural tone.

Below is a video from which you can find out useful advice from a beautician on applying whitening masks:

Good day, dear blog readers! With the approach of a warm pore, many women begin to worry about freckles and age spots. A friend of mine does not like the sunny season for this very reason. I was very surprised when I found out that girls do not know how to deal with this problem. Home Whitening Facial Mask Is What You Need To Eliminate unpleasant phenomena on the skin.

Active sun brings girls not only beautiful tan... It can cause blemishes on the face and other parts of the body. Of course, they can be masked with makeup. However, in the summertime, it is not very good for the skin.

Heavy foundations, powders and concealers are also best left until winter. Help to get rid of age spots and even out complexion special masks... It will not be difficult for you to cook them at home.

Such funds have a fairly wide spectrum of action. Due to their composition, they are capable of:

  • eliminate traces of acne and acne;
  • make dark freckles less noticeable;
  • remove age spots, including age spots;
  • soothe redness and inflammation;
  • even out tone and improve skin color.

The mask should be chosen depending on the problem you want to solve. It is also necessary to take into account the condition of the dermis, its type and sensitivity to individual ingredients.

Skin brightening ingredients

Whitening products have gained widespread popularity. The simplicity and availability of the components allows them to be actively used at home. The easiest way to get quality and fresh ingredients is during the warmer months. Many natural products have effective brightening properties.

Vegetables. The most commonly used ingredient is cucumber. There are many recipes for masks with the addition of this unique vegetable. Cucumber juice or the pulp can be mixed with various ingredients to create products for any type of dermis. And the masks from grated potatoes will help to effectively fight post-acne and visibly brighten the face.

Fruits and berries. Lemon, strawberries, black and red currants, viburnum - irreplaceable helpers in matters of beauty. The acids contained in fruits and berries have whitening properties, promote cell renewal, help with acne, and regulate the oiliness of the skin.

Greens. Fresh or dried parsley is especially popular. It can be used to quickly prepare a versatile skin lightening product. Parsley broth can be used in combination with other herbs in frozen form. This composition is used to even out complexion and rejuvenate the dermis.

Essential oils... A few drops can be added to various whitening masks. Birch, mint, turmeric, rosemary and sandalwood oils are especially effective.

Dairy products. Cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, sour cream and yogurt - ideal products for good color faces. They nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the dermis well. Their gentle action is perfect for sensitive and dry types.

Application rules

Cosmetics at home must be used wisely. This is especially true for brightening natural masks... These procedures should be started at least one and a half months before the start. summer period... If you want to get tangible results, follow these rules of how to do it effectively:

  1. Be sure to cleanse your skin well before applying the mixture to your face. For this, products containing ANA acids are perfect. This will help remove keratinized particles and disrupt intercellular connections. The active components penetrate deep into the epidermis and act on melanocytes that produce melanin. At home, I recommend using low concentration acids.
  2. The mask is applied to clean face along massage lines. You can do this with your fingers or use a special soft brush.
  3. The average duration of the brightening composition is 15-20 minutes. Wash it off better with water room temperature.
  4. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime or in the evening. Active sun rays can have a negative effect after the mask.
  5. Most of the ingredients have a drying effect. Therefore, such products are not for daily use. It will be enough twice a week. For dry skin, whitening masks should be applied no more than once. The same rule applies to mature dermis after 40 years.
  6. Experts advise taking additional vitamin C with long-term use of these cosmetics.

Errors in use

Women often make mistakes in home cosmetic procedures. Some people think that masks are a real panacea and they do them almost daily. This can only harm the skin as these products are not designed for frequent use.

Another common mistake is to apply a mask to an uncleaned face. The positive effect of the procedure is significantly reduced. Many girls neglect correct application and removing the mixture from the face.

Wearing a mask around the house or doing any work is also not recommended. This is a rather heavy substance on the skin and it will pull it down. If you want to get the most out of the procedure, take some time and relax. Treat yourself to 15 minutes of pleasure. By the way, I noticed that when you lie with a mask, the muscles of your face relax. You feel much better than running around with a mask around the house.

Recipes for home use

Judging by the reviews, a lot of women cook similar funds at home. Such masks are quite effective and, with the right approach, the result will not be long in coming.

With lemon and honey

This is one of the most popular skin lightening recipes. It will also help even out complexion and tighten pores. You only need 1 tbsp. honey + 6 drops of lemon juice. If you wish, you can add a spoonful of sour cream or natural yogurt. Use this mixture better evening after cleansing your face. After rinsing, you can rub your face with an ice cube.

Cucumber with castor oil

This recipe will help whiten your face and make freckles less visible. Take a small fresh cucumber and mash it. Mix it with a teaspoon of castor oil and kefir (about 1 tablespoon). Spread the mixture over clean skin of the face, let it stand for 10-15 minutes.

Of white clay

This remedy is rich in useful microelements. It smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity and firmness, evens out tone. Mix white clay, oatmeal in a 1: 1 ratio. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of warm water until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Spread the mixture over the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water. After completing the procedure, I advise you to apply a good moisturizer.

Honey + sour cream

This product, in addition to whitening, perfectly evens the complexion, making it porcelain. You will need 4 ingredients: potato starch, honey, sea salt, sour cream or milk. Take one teaspoon of each ingredient. Mix all the ingredients, adding sour cream at the end.

Apply in layers. That is, they applied it once, allowed it to dry, then again. This will create 3 or 4 layers of the mask. As the composition dries on the face, rinse. Make the mask a course.

Watch the video instruction on how and how many times to do this mask:

Yeast with watery

This recipe will help get rid of freckles and age spots. Bodyaga is a freshwater plant that possesses unique properties very beneficial to the skin. For this recipe, take 5-6 grams of powder, mix with the same amount of dry yeast. Add low-fat cream, about 1 tablespoon. This mask is applied and washed off as usual. Just don't rub your face. The mixture only needs to be distributed and left for a while.

Home remedies for oily skin

Owners of problematic dermis with increased secretion sebaceous glands it can be difficult to find proper care... I chose the most effective means that will help to cope with oily sheen, pigmentation and other imperfections.

Aspirin + honey

Also in Soviet time our mothers made this mask on the advice of cosmetologists. Both professionals and amateurs write about the use of apirin. This remedy will help lighten age spots, eliminate inflammation, puffiness and smooth fine wrinkles. Active substance is acetylsalicylic acid.

Buy a regular pack of aspirin from your pharmacy. It is enough to grind 1 tablet into powder by adding ½ teaspoon of water and liquid honey. Such a composition is applied to the face and washed off after 10-15 minutes.

Watch a video review of the application of this mask:

Curd + hydrogen peroxide

The combination of these two components has an amazing effect. For this remedy, take the following ingredients:

  • ¼ packs of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 4-5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 tbsp fresh honey.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face and neck. Leave it on for no more than 15 minutes and wash off with water. This mask has a whitening and drying effect.

Parsley mask

This unique plant is used to prepare products for all skin types. However, this recipe is intended specifically for oily and combination. The composition is very simple: you need to mix equal amounts of low-fat kefir with parsley juice. You can also use pureed fresh herbs. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes.

Soda and honey for problem skin

This product has excellent whitening and antibacterial properties... At first baking soda getting divorced small amount water, approximately 1: 1. Then the resulting gruel is combined with honey. 1 tsp will be enough. liquid natural product... The mask is distributed over the entire surface of the face. After 10 minutes, the product must be removed with a damp cotton pad.

The best cosmetic masks with a whitening effect

No matter how cheap and fast independent funds, but cosmetic masks still more effective. They have already been tested and proven effective. There are many cosmetics that are easy to use at home. These include various concentrates in ampoules, serums, masks, cleansers and creams. You can read about the action of the latter in the article Whitening face creams.

When choosing care products, you need to carefully study their composition. The manufacturer does not always indicate on the packaging that the product has a whitening effect. If you are familiar with the action active ingredients, you can easily choose what you need. For example, phenols or chitosan, bearberry extract are used to even out complexion. If you want to get rid of age spots and freckles, pay attention to the following substances:

  • extracts of licorice, cucumber and lemon;
  • essential oils of turmeric, cloves, fennel, marjoram and vanilla;
  • kojic acid;
  • retinoids;
  • sea ​​brown algae. I already wrote about their use in cosmetology in the article "What is an alginate mask".

This is far from full list components used in cosmetics... Whitening masks have worked well. I can advise you on the products of the following famous brands.

Eldan Whitening Mask- a complex product that reduces pigmentation and the appearance of new imperfections. Contains extracts of bearberry, lemon and cucumber, arginine and glycerin. Thanks to this composition, the mask brightens, softens and moisturizes the dermis.

Holy land- a very popular remedy among cosmetologists. It contains kojic acid, kaolin, geranium oil and various plant extracts. In addition to the whitening effect, after the mask, the complexion is evened out and toned. The manufacturer recommends after using brightening cream with arbutin and kojic acid.

Korean cloth mask by Holika Holika- have proven themselves well in use. Thanks to natural composition successfully deal with age spots, acne marks and acne.

A course of Japanese masks against age spots Japan gals- will help protect the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet light, soothes and relieves inflammation. Makes the dermis more firm and elastic.

5 052 0 Hello! Today we are going to talk about what you need to know about whitening face masks and how to prepare a mask at home quickly and without hassle. We will share with you the most complete complete list masks with a whitening effect.

What are whitening masks for?

Beautiful and clear skin face, her solid color remain relevant, despite fashionable trends and trends. Self-made whitening masks help many to achieve this.

Indications for the use of whitening masks can be:

  • the presence of age spots;
  • the appearance of freckles;
  • traces of acne and acne;
  • redness;
  • uneven tan.

Whitening face masks are especially useful during the period of active solar radiation - in spring and summer, when the skin is exposed to increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and protective functions the body is weakened after a long winter.

An additional effect of whitening masks is also in skin tightening, strengthening deep nutrition, cleansing. Some masks in their composition may contain ingredients that eliminate dry and flaky skin or reduce its oily content.

As with any care product, whitening masks have contraindications. Whitening masks should be excluded if:

  • skin diseases - vitiligo, rosacea, extensive rosacea, weeping dermatosis and dermatitis, keratosis, etc.;
  • recent cosmetic procedures (less than a month) - peeling, beauty injections, cosmetic surgery;
  • open wounds;
  • profuse acne;
  • increased sensitivity and vulnerability of the skin.

For achievement maximum effect from whitening masks, you need to remember about some of the features of their use:

  1. Whitening masks must be prepared and used immediately and not stored.
  2. For visible result the frequency and duration of applying masks should be observed.
  3. Before the procedure for applying the mask, it is necessary to check for intolerance to its components or allergic reactions by applying the composition to the hand.
  4. Before applying the mask, you need to prepare the skin of the face - remove decorative cosmetics, cleanse with tonic or wash your face.
  5. Whitening with masks is best done at night. It is not recommended to go out in the sun after the procedure. If there is a need to go somewhere after the mask, then you need to use protective cream with UV factor.
  6. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a cream to the skin.

Apply the mask with a special spatula or cosmetic spatula, you can also use your fingers, a cotton pad. Rinse off the mask with warm or cool water.

The results of some masks can be felt visually immediately, and some - after several procedures. Cosmetologists recommend using no more than 10 masks per course. Next, you need to give the skin a break of three to four weeks.

The frequency of using whitening masks will also depend on the type of skin. For oily skin, it is recommended to do masks 2 times every 7 days, for dry skin - no more than once a week.

Rules for the preparation of masks

Recommendations for the preparation of the composition of the mask for skin whitening are reduced to observing the exact proportions of the components due to the fact that the lightening substances have an aggressive reaction. You should also prepare the mask just before use and with fresh ingredients.

If the mask contains lemon juice, then the best option would be to use fresh lemon juice, rather than concentrated lemon juice. Lemon juice concentrate contains additional components - preservatives and additives that are harmful to the skin. In some cases, lemon juice is replaced with grapefruit or lime juice.

You should not store the mask until the next time, as the activity of its components can change and transform over time. Throw away excess mask.

You should not experiment with recipes for whitening masks, but it is better to stick to proven formulations and components.

When there is unpleasant sensations during the procedure, it is better to wash off the mask in order to avoid negative consequences. Try it with a different recipe next time. On average, the duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Whitening face masks at home

Before using a whitening mask, you should remember which one and the effect of the individual components of the mask on it.

The most effective whitening masks for age spots are masks containing fruit and berry acids, as well as with clay and fermented milk products.

Whitening masks for dry skin should contain more moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. Avoid or use with caution masks that have an exfoliating effect and contain corrosive acids.

Whitening masks for oily skin contain ingredients from citrus fruits, or fruit acids that improve the work of the sebaceous glands, remove oiliness.

  • Lemon face mask: combine lemon juice and honey in equal parts. It is preferable to use honey young and liquid. This composition is applied to the skin and kept for 8-10 minutes.
  • Lemon and Wheat Flour Mask: Mix equal amount of citrus juice with flour, mask is designed for 10 minutes.
  • Starch-lemon mask: take the same amount of citrus juice and starch, mix, the effect of the mask - 10 minutes.
  • Lemon-kefir mask: 2 tablespoons combine kefir with 1 tsp. lemon juice. For owners of skin prone to dryness, you can additionally add 3-4 drops almond oil... The mask is left for 20-25 minutes.
  • Pure lemon mask: squeeze juice from one lemon, moisten cotton pad or a napkin and apply to places with age spots for 3-4 minutes.
  • Lemon and Kiwi Mask: chop half of the kiwi in mashed potatoes and combine with 1 tsp. lemon juice. This mask can not only brighten the face, but also improve its tone and nutrition.
  • Lemon tomato mask: peel off 1 tomato, chop or crush into a puree, add 5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mask is applied for 10 minutes.
  • Lemon Cucumber Mask: Add cucumber juice to lemon juice (one at a time), the exposure time of the mask is 8-10 minutes.
  • Berry mask with honey: take 2 tbsp. fresh berries currants (black or red), crush in mashed potatoes and add 1 tsp. warm liquid honey.
  • Berry puree mask: Mash berries or grind in a blender. Lubricate your face with the resulting puree for 15 minutes. From berries you can take black and red currants, viburnum, cranberries, strawberries.
  • 1 tbsp mix lemon juice with milk (4 tablespoons) and 1 tablespoon. vodka and 2 tbsp. Sahara. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
  • 2 tbsp of mashed tomato combine with 3 tbsp. pureed currants and 2 tsp. liquid honey. You can add 1-2 strawberries.
  • Kefir-cabbage mask: take cabbage 30-40 g, grind in a meat grinder or grind in a blender, add the same amount of kefir. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.
  • Cucumber mask: Apply cucumber slices on the face for 10-15 minutes.
  • Cucumber cream mask: Add grated cucumber to your face cream. Withstand the mask for about 15-18 minutes.
  • Face mask with is considered one of the spectacular, but requires careful handling: 3% hydrogen peroxide is taken with lemon juice in a 2: 1 ratio. Apply the composition to the face, leave for 7-8 minutes and rinse.
  • Oatmeal mask: For 25-30 g of oat flour, take 1 egg white. The mask lasts 20 minutes.
  • Parsley face mask: chop parsley in a blender or chop finely, add kefir until a uniform mass is formed. Action time - 20 minutes.
  • Chop 30 g of green parsley and pour over boiled water(200 ml.), Leave for 10 minutes using a water bath, cool and moisten the face with a disc or gauze with the resulting infusion, remove from the skin after 10 minutes.
  • Parsley, spinach and oatmeal : dilute the starch with kefir (1 tablespoon to 2 tablespoons), finely chop the parsley and spinach (1 tablespoon each), soak the oatmeal in milk (2 tablespoons), mix everything. The mask lasts for about half an hour.
  • Linden mask: Pour linden leaves or flowers with boiled water (25 g per 200 ml.), leave for 10 minutes (it is best to resort to a water bath), drain and cool. Mask time - 10 minutes, apply with a moistened cotton wool disc.
  • Melon mask: Grind 100 g of melon pulp and apply the resulting pulp evenly on the face, leaving for 15 minutes.
  • Carrot mask: combine 4 tbsp. mashed carrots, 1 yolk, 1 tsp each. oat flour and lemon juice.
  • Mask with green peas : 3 tablespoons chop green peas and mix with 1 tbsp. serum.
  • Potato mask: 1 tbsp. Dilute grated boiled potatoes in 1 tbsp. slightly warmed milk, add 1 yolk, citrus juice 1 tsp.
  • Mask out sour milk : 4 tablespoons sour milk, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tablespoons oatmeal. Beat everything. The mask is applied for 15 minutes.
  • Yogurt mask: 1 tbsp. yogurt without additives, grated tomato pulp and boiled oatmeal, mix and apply for 15 minutes.
  • White radish mask: radish 1 pc. grind in mashed potatoes or rub on a grater, with the resulting gruel we make a mask for 10-15 minutes.
  • : 1 tbsp mix yogurt without additives with 1 tsp. turmeric. We stand the mask for 15 minutes.
  • Lemon Turmeric Mask: 1/2 tsp dilute turmeric with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, leave the mask on the skin for 10 minutes.
  • Turmeric and yogurt mask: in 2 tbsp. pour 2 tsp of yogurt without additives. turmeric and mix. Leave the mask for 10 minutes.
  • Papaya mask: mix one tablespoon at a time. milk, honey and milk powder and add one chopped papaya fruit. This mask is kept for 15-17 minutes.
  • Papaya and carrot mask: 3 tablespoons Mix the grated papaya pulp with 1 yolk and 1 grated medium-sized carrot. The mask lasts 20 minutes.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide Curd Mask: 2 tablespoons mixed cottage cheese with 1 egg yolk, add 1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese mask with citrus and cream: take 2 tbsp. grated cottage cheese, squeezed citrus juice and low-fat cream, add 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The mask is left on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Curd mask with honey: 2 tablespoons Combine mashed cottage cheese with honey, sour cream and lemon juice (1 tsp each). Apply for 15 minutes.
  • Borax mask: 2 tsp borax is mixed with 50 ml of water to make a mushy mixture. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
  • Clay face mask: 2 tablespoons Dissolve white clay in water to a mushy consistency. The procedure takes 8-10 minutes.
  • Red and white clay mask: red and White clay 1 tbsp each, then diluted in 1 tbsp. water and add 1 tsp. lemon juice. This mask is applied to a short time until the clay hardens - 5-7 minutes.
  • Oatmeal mask with honey: oatmeal cook in milk, add honey. This mask is for 20 minutes.
  • Mask with honey, starch and salt: take 1 tbsp. starch, liquid honey and salt, mix well. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
  • Viburnum juice mask: 1 egg white combine with 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed viburnum juice or grated viburnum, beat thoroughly and apply on the face, leaving for half an hour.
  • Sour cream mask with viburnum: 1 tbsp. Stir sour cream and viburnum juice. The mask is done for 20 minutes.
  • Viburnum and honey mask: combine 1 tbsp each. a spoonful of grated viburnum and liquid honey. The mask is applied for 15 minutes.
  • Glycerin mask: Beat 1 egg yolk, add 1 tsp. honey and the same amount of liquid glycerin. The mask remains on the face for 1 hour.
  • Dry infant formula mask: mix half a glass of lemon juice with 3 tbsp. dry baby food and 1 egg white... Leave the mask on your face for half an hour.

Cosmetologists recommend a comprehensive approach to face skin whitening. To do this, you need to establish the reasons uneven color face, excessive pigmentation, etc. Along with the use of whitening masks, it is advisable to take vitamin complexes, get nutritious food, carry on correct image life, sunbathe correctly and protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

How to whiten your face at home quickly and effectively.

The skin of the face is delicate and sensitive. Every woman, according to her abilities, takes care of herself, strives to remain young and attractive as long as possible. Pigmented spots - do not adorn the weaker sex at any age, be it the result age-related changes or the influence of external negative factors, pathological processes in the body. A whitening face mask can solve the problem by giving you radiance and freshness.

The benefits and effectiveness of whitening masks

The main task of a mask with a whitening effect is to eliminate cosmetic defects skin, but by approaching reasonably to preparation, observing all the rules, taking into account the recommendations of cosmetologists, you can get rid of more serious problems... The action of the tool has quick effect and besides the fact that it will effectively whiten the face, the processes of cell regeneration will start, a sedative, tonic effect.

A whitening face mask prepared in compliance with the rules at home is used to get rid of pigmentation, it also eliminates pathological processes, gives even tone while softening deep wrinkles, which significantly increases its value.

The effect of the mixture will be noticeable after the first applications:

  • Scars after acne are smoothed. Scars formed after mechanical treatment of acne in non-sterile conditions, without special skills.
  • Eliminates irritation, redness, inflammatory foci.
  • Penetrates deep into pores for deep cleansing.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • They make the dermis uniform. Equalize tone.
  • Discoloration of pigmentation caused by sun rays, age-related.
  • In people with the Scandinavian type of dermis, it makes freckles less pronounced.
  • Prevents excessive accumulation of melanin, inhibits its production.
  • It has a positive effect on the cellular structure.
  • Makes pronounced rosacea less noticeable. Vascular mesh manifests itself in women after 30 years and does not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Effective if necessary to lighten dark skin a little.
  • Smoothes the result of unsuccessful tanning on the face. The procedure is performed after the inflammation has been eliminated, provided that there is no burning sensation and other uncomfortable sensations caused by the burn.

The funds penetrate deep into the cells located under the skin, nourish them well, saturate useful substances, pull up loose skin, give the surface a healthier, more rested look.

It should be noted that whitening masks can be prepared and applied at home, taking into account all types skin: for oily skin; dry; combined.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Facial whitening masks are a cosmetic procedure with therapeutic effect, but not everyone can evaluate the result from use, since it is not allowed for use in cases:

  1. The presence of areas of irritation, fresh wounds, cuts, purulent, inflammatory processes, dermatitis.
  2. Melanoma, keratosis, impetigo, vitiligo.
  3. Too sensitive dermis. Marble type.
  4. If you have had cosmetic procedures in the salon for a month.
  5. Allergic manifestations. Individual immunity to components.

Before using homemade formulations for age spots on the face, you should consult a dermatologist or a qualified cosmetologist. If you ignore the contraindications, you can significantly aggravate the existing problem, cause irreparable harm to health.

A competent cosmetologist can choose a worthy alternative to using whitening masks, and a dermatologist will prescribe an adequate course of therapy for more effective solution specific skin problems.

When you need to seek the help of cosmetologists

If pigmentation spots appear on the skin, in the décolleté area, before mixing various compositions and using bleaching agents for age spots recommended by housewives, it is worth finding out the reason for their appearance, the safety of manipulation for a particular case. Each person is individual and requires individual approach to problem solving. Brightening masks can be incredible and can cause serious harm to a sensitive body.

We offer you to see the best face whitening mask at home:

Also, global manufacturers of cosmetics are in healthy competition winning the attention of women by creating more effective products that give an amazing effect. Korean firms are especially popular. Funds with natural ingredient- arbutin, do not give the slightest chance for the existence of age spots. In addition, the composition includes the same lemons, cucumbers, parsley, and tomatoes as for home cooking:

  • Lemon Whitening Sleeping Pack from
  • Panda's Dreams.
  • Tony moly.
  • Snow White by Secret Key is based on milk proteins.

Also one of best masks for bold type, is the Savonry Top Face.

For a dry structure, you should pay attention to Librederm Aevit.

For normal skin, the nourishing and toning Teana "Ocean Magic Casket" is suitable. To deal with acne- Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask.

When choosing a tool, you should clearly understand what the result should be aimed at. If the skin is aging, it lacks energy and you should pay attention to Tony Moly Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack.

Miracle Glow - whitening face mask universal type actions. It suits all skin types and can be used without age restrictions.

When producing care with a lightening effect, apply special complex extracted from the seeds of Safflower - Omegalight with linoleic acid. Thanks to high technologies, the product penetrates deeply into the pores and acts more intensively, caring and regenerating the skin.

The Miracle Glow face mask has taken a worthy niche in the cosmetics market and, according to numerous reviews, it can be easily applied at home.

In addition to the fact that the main direction of Glow Miracle is face whitening, it does not have aggressive components in the structure and its regular use can improve the face contour, soften deep wrinkles and smooth small, even tone.

Do not expect skin lightening to come instantly. In order to cope with pronounced manifestations of pigmentation, face masks for age spots at home must be applied regularly, for two to three months. It is worth noting that the result is stable and relapses do not occur after applying such cosmetics.

Homemade recipes

Home remedies have been used by women for centuries to effective care behind the skin. Centuries of experience have determined which components from the refrigerator shelves are the most effective and what effect they have on the skin of the face. Homemade masks for age spots are natural and do not contain chemical components:

  • Lemon honey. Applying the composition, you can achieve a narrowing of pores, leveling tone, toning effect. Honey (1 tbsp. L.), Combine with lemon juice (6 drops). To enrich the composition, you can add yogurt, sour cream. The mixture is prepared before use and applied to a cleansed face, a couple of hours before bedtime. After 20 minutes, the gruel is removed, and the face is wiped with an ice cube from a decoction of herbs with a calming effect.
  • Cucumber with castor oil. An effective remedy desaturate freckles if necessary. The cucumber is crushed to the state of gruel, combined with kefir and castor oil(1 tbsp. l.). The mask is kept for 15 minutes.
  • Parsley mask. Additional ingredients are not needed, since the main function of bleaching is performed by greens. The plant is crushed (25 g) and simmered in a glass of water (10 minutes). The gauze is moistened in liquid and applied to the face. Within 20 minutes, the fabric is moistened several times. To prepare the broth, you can use parsley root or dandelion leaves.
  • Potato. The root crop is boiled (50 g), combined with 25 ml of milk, yolk (1 egg), The homogeneous mixture is simmered in a water bath. Lemon juice wipe the skin, apply gruel on top (25 min). For an enhanced effect, it is recommended to cover the face with a thick napkin. Wash off with contrasting water.
  • A quick and easy way to whiten is to apply crushed rolled oats combined with yogurt (50 ml) to the skin. Also good composition- blue clay mixed with milk.

Before making a whitening mask, it is worth performing a skin test, as lemons, honey, some plants, herbs can provoke an allergic reaction.

For achievement positive result it is important to follow some recommendations and canons. Even the best whitening face masks may not give the desired result if you do not follow the generally accepted rules in cosmetology:

  • In order to lighten the skin, the procedure is performed no more than once a week.
  • During use cosmetic procedure, household chores should be postponed. During the action of the mask, the face should be as relaxed as possible, and thoughts should be positive.
  • Before applying the composition, it is important to determine the type of skin, the reaction of the body to the mixture of components. To do this, a little mass is applied to the skin behind the ear. After making sure that the immune response has not manifested, continue to apply to the surface of the face.
  • To receive good result, the mask is applied in the evening. This will temporarily protect your skin from the sun's rays. Cleansed, lightened skin is more prone to burns.
  • The mask is applied to the cleansed face. A light peeling is recommended before the procedure. The composition penetrates deeper into the pores after steaming the skin using herbal preparations.
  • The use of several masks of a different spectrum of action is not allowed at the same time, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction caused by a conflict of components.
  • The procedure is completed by applying a moisturizing cream or wiping with ice cubes from decoctions and ethers.

If the skin produces a lot of oil, the procedure can be performed twice a week. If you feel uncomfortable during the procedure, the composition should be removed, a cream with a soothing effect should be applied to the skin, or wiped with a decoction of chamomile. With more serious symptoms, seek medical help.