Sports leisure winter fun junior group. Winter sports entertainment for children of primary and secondary groups on the street "Winter fun"

Kindergarten No. 9

Physical culture leisure

"Hello, winter-winter!"

2 junior group


senior educator

Sushchik S.N.


Purpose: To create cheerfulness in children, joyful mood to give children the pleasure of joint games and exercise. To instill in children an interest in physical culture, different types gaming activity. Ensure sufficient level of physical activity. To develop the attention of friends, coordination of movements, the ability to quickly switch from one movement to another. Bring up creative attitude children to each other.

Inventory: 2 gymnastic benches, a mask of a wolf, a bear, 2 rubber balls, chalk, an image of the sun, a steam locomotive, a squirrel, a bunny, a bear, a wolf.

Leisure progress:

Children march into the hall, sit on a bench.

Host: Hello guys! I invite you to winter travel to which we will travel by train.

Grab your seats on the train. I invite you on a journey. Is everyone ready? Then our train is on its way!

Children are built in a column one by one on one side of the hall.

Host: The doors are closing, our journey begins! Go!

The children walk around the hall. After the words of the presenter, “The train adds speed. Let's go faster! » The children walk around the hall at a quick pace. To the words of the presenter “Full speed! » children run in a circle with each other. After the words "Our train is slowing down ... It is going quieter ..." They stop.

Host: We arrived at station 1, which is called "Winter Lawn".

Get out of the wagons

Go to the lawn!

I turn you into a rabbit

Squirrels, hedgehogs, foxes.

Well, Sasha will be a wolf. (puts on a wolf hat)

He will chase you!

Well, you from the evil wolf

You will need to run away!

An outdoor game with speech accompaniment "One morning on the lawn."

Children form a circle, the wolf becomes the center of the circle.

One morning on the lawn Jumping on the spot on two legs

Bunnies jumped on the snow. Hands to the chest, hands down.

The cubs ran to them, They perform the “spring”, hands on the belt.

Both squirrels and hedgehogs.

Together they all played, Alternately put forward on the heel first

They had fun and danced. Right, then left leg, hands on the belt.

We did exercises together. They clap their hands.

All movements - in order:

Together, the paws were pulled up, They stand on their toes, their hands are raised up through the sides.

One, 2, 3 - bend forward, tilt forward, take your hands back.

Squatted and stood up, Perform two squats, arms down.

And they weren't tired at all.

A wolf jumped out of the thicket. They walk in place, clapping their hands.

Hey guys, run away! They scatter around the site, "wolf"

To the wolf in the mouth catches children.

Don't get hit!

Host: Well done guys! Well played! And the next station is waiting for us.

Children are built in a column one at a time, while the leader reads the text of the poem, they go around the hall.

Leading: Again, the train rides on the rails.

Children look from the cars:

Snow balls lie.

Here's what you need to play!

We are approaching the station

Come out, let's play!

We arrived at the 2nd station, which is called "Snezhnaya". I propose to get out of the cars and play in snow globes.

game exercise"Snowballs".

The group of children is divided into 2 teams. Teams are built in 2 columns behind the lines marked on the floor of the hall with chalk (distance 2-3 m). the first players are given a “snowball” (a rubber ball covered with a white cloth) in their hands. At a distance of 2-3 m from the line, 2 "Christmas trees" are placed in front of each team (50-70 cm between them). After the leader's words:

Take the balls in your hands

Yes, bend down.

Roll the snowball completely -

Get between the trees.

Run for the ball,

You carry the ball back.

The players standing first in the columns roll the balls in the forward direction, trying to get the ball between the "Christmas trees" without hitting them. Having rolled the ball, the child catches up with it, picks it up and takes it to the second player of his team.

Here we rolled the balls

And a little tired.

The kids need to rest.

By wagons! On the road again!

(Children sit down on gymnastic benches.)

I suggest you, guys, Guess my riddles!

(The facilitator asks the children following riddles)

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.


Somehow he looks like a stuffed animal,

The cold does not torment him,

He's used to standing in the snow.

Children are sculpting. (snowman).

He is fluffy, silver,

But do not touch him with your hand -

Become a little clean

How to catch in the palm of your hand.


Without teeth, without hands, but bites

And pinches, enough for the ears and nose.


The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeps in a snow dugout.


Leading. That's right, kids, it's a bear. And we are just driving up to the 3rd station, which is called "Medvezhya". Around the station is a dense forest. And in the forest, in the den, lives the owner of the forest - the bear. Get out of the cars, just don't make noise, otherwise the bear will wake up.

Mobile game "In the den, in the forest"

At a distance of 3-4 m from the gymnastic benches where the players sit, a line is marked on the floor with chalk (line length 2-3 m). Behind the line is the "bear's den". Gymnastic benches are the "house" where children live. The host assigns one of the children to the role of a bear, puts a bear mask on the child's head. Leading - the bear stands behind the line, squats down - "the bear sleeps in the den." When the host says: “Children, go for a walk in the forest, just don’t make too much noise! "- the players rise from the gymnastic benches and go to the "forest" (to the area bounded by gymnastic benches and a line drawn in chalk on the floor). In the "forest" children walk, breathe fresh air, collect twigs, roll snowballs, etc. (bend over, straighten up, perform other imitation movements). After the host's words, “The bear woke up! Run home! » The bear starts to catch the children.

Children run away from the bear to their house, to the gymnastic benches. The one of the players whom the bear catches (touches with his hand, goes to the "bear's lair", behind the line.

Leading. Well done boys! Everyone tried to quickly run away from the bear! And now it's time for us to move on. Get in the wagons. Train departs!

Children are built in a column one by one on one side of the gym. The host reads a poem, the children at this time go around the hall:

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Dust flies from under the wheels.

We are going to the new station.

Children are watching from the carriages:

The sun is shining

Everyone is invited to play.

Leading. You and I drove up to the 4th station, which is called Solnechnaya. Get out of the wagons. Look, the sun is shining brightly in the sky (points to the central wall of the hall, where the image of a smiling sun is located). The sun wants to sing you a song and play with you.

Children form a circle, stand at a short distance from each other, the leader is in the center of the circle.

Mobile game with speech accompaniment "The sun sings in the morning"

The sun sings in the morning: Perform a "spring", hands on the belt.

- Wow, winter is coming to an end!

Let more snowflakes spin in place.

Falling, flying

But when the sun comes out, they squat down.

They all melt.

They turn into streams. They rise, stretch their arms forward. Performed by hands

Blue ice floes, smooth movements - swaying: forward-down, forward-up.

Starlings chirp - Clap their hands.

Spotted backs.

Butterflies wake up Raise your hands up.

The sun will smile.

They will fly into the fields, meadows, Slowly run in a circle on their toes, waving their arms

Where the snows have melted. up down.

Leading. So our winter trip comes to an end! We took a train ride, visited winter forest, saw hares and squirrels, foxes and hedgehogs, rolled snowballs, guessed riddles and ran away from the bear. All the guys showed themselves dexterous, attentive and friendly. Well done! In parting, I want to invite you to the last - the 5th station, which is called "Gift".

Children line up one at a time. Simultaneously with the leader reading the text of the poem, the children move around the hall:

You get on the train, children,

Let's go to the last station!

Children look out the window

Here is the station!

Get out of the wagons

Yes, get gifts!

Leading. I want to give you "trains" so that you remember our fun trip and tell your friends about it.

(The host, together with the teacher, gives the children images of "engines").


Goodbye, kids!

It's time for us to say goodbye.

I want a locomotive

He took you straight to the group!

To the melody of the march “Train” (CD “Dance, baby” by T. I. Suvorova), the children one after another, following the teacher, leave the hall.

Korchagina Ludmila Dmitrievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MB preschool educational institution №18
Locality: Krasnodar region, Gulkevichsky district, village of Girey
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: summary of the winter sports entertainment in the second junior group on the topic "Adventures in the winter forest"
Publication date: 09.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Methodical development of a summary of winter sports entertainment in the second junior

group on the topic: "Adventures in the winter forest"

Used Books:

The program "From Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa and

N. A. Veraksy approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. E.Ya. Stepanenkov "Methods of conducting outdoor games" manual for

preschool teachers

3. E. A. Sochevanova "Outdoor games with running for children 4-7 years old"

Target: strengthening children's health and developing interest in physical culture.


Health - saving:

Contribute to the formation of children's need for healthy way life;

Creation of conditions for a variety of physical activity of children.


Promote the development of speed of movement, agility, endurance;

Improve motor skills and abilities in children;

Develop creativity initiative, communication skills.


form cognitive activity, the ability to solve riddles;

Help develop problem solving skills.


Cultivate a persistent interest in physical culture;

Bring up moral qualities- the desire to unite in order to help those in trouble


Bring up positive emotions in children from the participation of each child in games, tasks with

the inclusion of new attributes, music, sports entertainment characters.


Invitation - postcard from the Snowman.

Scenery of the forest - Christmas trees, a house.

CD with the song "Sanochki", bell.

Postman - Pechkin - educator.

Snowman - educator.

Costumes for children: foxes, hare, dogs.

Event progress.

Children stand in group room, on the carpet in a semicircle, a knock on the door, the postman enters - Pechkin and

hands over an invitation from the Snowman to the forest on winter walk. The teacher reads to the children


Educator:- Today we will go to the winter fairy forest to visit the Snowman. On the street

It's cold, dress warmly.

Children and the teacher imitate the movements as they dress.

Children enter the room in pairs.


The white snow is falling,

All trees are covered with frost. We

we go out into the forest for a walk,

winter morning. We don't

terrible frost, let it scare

cold. cold with him

in winter we are very close friends

Educator:- Magic sledges will take us. Take each other's hands and let's go

path (turn on the song "Sanochki") Walking around the hall with a transition to easy running.

Educator:- Here it is a winter forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! How beautiful it is around! Fluffy snow

covered all the branches of the trees. A snowman comes out from behind the tree.

Snowman:- Hello guys. I am very glad to see you in our fairy forest. You, probably,

frozen, I suggest you play the game "Snowball" to warm up.

Snowball game

Children stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words.

A little white snow fell, We are going in a circle. We drown, we

let's stomp! (stomp their feet) Let's dance merrily, Let's pens

warm. We clap, we clap! (clap hands) Let's

jump more fun, To be warmer. We'll jump, we'll jump!

(jump in place, the game can be repeated again)

You can hear rustling under the tree. Educator:

Someone's eyes, someone's tail,

Someone's ears are sticking out there. Who's there

looks from under the Christmas tree, At me and

on guys?

Children look under the tree and see Bunny.

Children:- It's Bunny. Out from behind the Christmas tree

Bunny: Hello guys! How glad I am to see you all in our winter forest. -

How cheerful, happy, kind you are, but I'm sad. Children: - Why, you

Are you sad, Bunny?

Bunny: - I built a house, warm, cozy, and a fox came to visit and me from the house and

kicked out, where can I live now?

It is cold in winter: ears freeze, paws freeze, tail freezes.

Snowman:- And now we will help you Bunny to warm up.

Get up with us in a circle, let's play the game "I'll Freeze".

Freeze game

Children stand in a circle. The snowman walks in a circle and says words.

“I will freeze your hands!” - the children hide their hands behind their backs.

"I'll freeze

your legs!" - children squat and close their legs.

"I'll freeze your

spout!" - Cover your face with your hands. "I'll freeze your cheeks!" -

cover cheeks with palms.

The snowman is trying to touch whoever did not have time to hide his arms, legs, cheeks, etc.

Educator:- Well, how, Bunny, warmed up?

Hare:- Yes thank you! I really liked your game guys. I want to play with you

favorite game "1, 2, 3 - catch up." Nothing will warm us bunnies in winter like an opportunity

run on crisp snow.

You will run, and I will catch up.

Mobile game "1, 2, 3 - catch up!"

Bunny catches up with children to the music "Like a thin ice, a little white snow fell"

Educator:- Now we are warm. Lead us Bunny to your house.

Let's try together with the guys to help your trouble.

Children, together with the teacher and the Snowman, approach the house and knock.

Snowman:- Hey, Foxy! Is it cold in your house?

Fox:- Not. My house is warm and cozy!

Educator:- And Bunny is cold outside, maybe you will let him into your house?

You will live together cheerfully and amicably. You will celebrate holidays together.

Fox:- Not! Let's find a new home!

Educator:- How can we drive the fox away? Who to call for help?

A snowman notices a sleeping dog under the tree.

Snowman:- Or maybe a shaggy dog ​​will drive away a red-haired cheat.

He just sleeps under the tree. Shall we wake him up?

Mobile game "Shaggy dog"

Here sits a shaggy dog,

In your paws, sticking your nose.

Quietly, quietly he sits,

Whether dozing, or sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see if something happens!?...

The dog wakes up, grumbles, "barks", the children scatter, and again lies under the Christmas tree, the game


Snowman:- Dog help us, please, drive the fox out of Zayka's house, you are strong and

The dog agrees to help.

Educator:- Guys, we will help you, we will “bark” the dog together

Children approach the house together with the dog "bark" at the fox.

Fox:- Oh, I'm afraid! Okay, okay, I'll let Bunny back. Let's live together and be friends. Let's dress up

Christmas tree and we will new year holidays get ready. The fox lets Bunny into the house and asks

his forgiveness.

Fox:- Forgive me, please, Bunny, I will not do this to you again. Never.

Bunny:- Well, Lisonka, I'm kind, I forgive you.

Educator:- And we, with the guys, will give you a decoration for your Christmas tree - New Year's


With him you can interesting game to play.

Mobile game "Bell"

Children stand in a circle, close their eyes. The teacher rings the bell and hides in the hall.

He returns and invites the children to find the bell. (3-4 times the game can be repeated).

Educator:- We give you this bell. Fox and Hare:- Thanks!

Educator: It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We sit down in our magic sleigh and

we go back. Goodbye, Snowman, Chanterelle and Bunny! Snowman, Fox and Hare:-

Goodbye, guys! Children get up in pairs and leave the hall to the music.

Sports scenario winter holiday in junior group 2

Korenkova Natalya Vladimirovna, physical education instructor, MADOU "Tyazhinsky kindergarten No. 3" Golden Key ", town. Tyazhinskiy, Tyazhinskiy district, Kemerovo region.

Description and purpose of the material.
This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with children from 3 years old, physical education instructors, as well as parents of preschoolers who are interested in the physical development of their children.
The games and tasks presented in the scenario are aimed at developing the skills of preschoolers to follow elementary rules during the games. Designed to develop the activity of children in motor activity. They also teach children to consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten. keep shaping elementary representations about what is good and what is bad.

Purpose of the event: developing children's interest and value attitude to classes physical culture, harmonious physical development through the implementation of motor activity of children.
- improve children's skills in various types climbing, crawling (crawling on all fours in a straight line (distance 6 m), between objects, around them; climbing on a gymnastic wall (height 1.5 m);
- to form the ability to follow elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space;
- to teach to act together, adhering to a certain direction of movement based on visual landmarks, to change the direction and nature of movement while walking and running in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.
- to develop children's interest in physical activity;
- continue to develop various types of movements, improve the basic movements;
- develop skills of climbing, crawling; dexterity, expressiveness and beauty of movements;
- develop the ability to play games that contribute to the improvement of basic movements;
- to develop motor imagination of children.
- educate the general culture of behavior of children;
- instill in children the desire to help others;
- bring up careful attitude to your body, your health, the health of other children.
Leisure is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the day, 1.5 - 2 hours after breakfast.
1. Introductory part: 2 - 1.5 min. Creating a motive for children's activities.
2. Main part: 5 - 7 min. General developmental exercises, the main types of movements. Mobile game, breathing exercises, musical - rhythm games, exercises, finger games.
3. Final part: 2-5 min. Reflection of activities with children, relaxation.
Materials and attributes:

Sets of cones, "nuts", snowballs (soft), dry pool balls of 3 primary colors (5-7 pieces each);
- bright, large, unusual, beautiful mittens (1 pair big size from any available material);
- coloring by the number of children with the image of a mitten with a snowflake (preferably all the same, or two options);
- sultans (2 pieces for each child);
- landmarks for crawling (chips, stuffed balls (1 kg. 2 pcs.));
- gymnastic ladder, mats or large soft modules for insurance;
Preliminary work:
- reading works about winter, winter natural phenomena, actions and games of children, if possible, children - memorization;
- look at pictures and illustrations winter scenery, etc.;
- selection finger games and winter exercises;
- development (and / or selection) of general developmental exercises for children younger age;
- selection of musical accompaniment for exercises and games:
Musical accompaniment for the warm-up "If there was no winter", from the film "Winter in Prostokvashino", in Spanish. V. Tolkunova;
Musical accompaniment for the performance of O.R.U., the melody of the song “Father Frost was walking through the forest”;
Musical and rhythmic exercise musical accompaniment"Mittens" performed by Y. Seliverstova;
Musical accompaniment for playing snowballs "Snow - snowball", lyrics. And muz. Makshantseva.
Musical accompaniment for the game “Let's collect supplies from under the snow”, any cheerful melody, a short passage;
Slow music (short excerpt) for breathing exercise and relaxation.
Preparation of safety mats, fixing them at the gymnastic wall, hanging snowflakes by rails, placing crawling landmarks in the hall.

The teacher comes to the children in the group, invites them to funny Games to visit you. Children enter the hall, notice snowflakes on the stairs.
The teacher tells the children that there was a snowstorm at night, snowflakes flew into the hall, but did not melt, but clung to the rungs on the stairs. To get a closer look at them, you need to get them out of there. But before climbing the stairs, we need to make sure that our whole body is in order. To do this, invite the children to warm up.

Children perform a warm-up to the musical accompaniment “If there was no winter”, from the m / f “Winter in Prostokvashino”, in Spanish. V. Tolkunova.
Teacher: now we are convinced that all parts of our body are healthy, everything is in place and everything is in order. Now I propose to find out in what mood we are all with you, I invite you to a fun exercise.
Children perform general developmental exercises with sultans, to the tune of the song "Father Frost was walking through the forest." Exercises can be used from the last set of morning exercises.
Teacher: well done guys, good, and your health is in order, because we all did exercises together! Now it's time for each of you to try to get a snowflake.
Children perform the main types of movements - climbing on the gymnastic wall with getting objects.
Performed by subgroups, insurance is provided by the group teacher and physical education instructor.
Teacher: Come in now, guys, in a circle, sit down comfortably, we will consider snowflakes.
Children with a teacher examine snowflakes, perform the breathing exercise "Blow off a snowflake" (Attachment 1). The teacher is currently preparing necessary equipment for mobile play.
Teacher: guys, look around, a blizzard swirled from our snowflakes, and covered the squirrel's reserves with snow, which she prepared for herself for the winter. Our task is to help her not to stay hungry for the winter, without supplies. Collect cones, nuts and apples from under the snow in different baskets.
Held outdoor game“Collect supplies from under the snow” (Appendix 2).
Teacher: the squirrel will gnaw nuts in the winter, but the guys will remember, praise and thank. Well done guys, thank you! Only now the hands of the children are probably frozen, look for nuts and cones under the snow? Frozen, but tell me, why do your hands freeze when you touch the snow? Answers of children, rebuilding in a circle.
Teacher: so that our hands do not freeze, we put mittens, mittens, gloves on them. I propose to warm our fingers, play with them, put on mittens!
A musical and rhythmic exercise is performed to the musical accompaniment of "Mittens" performed by Yu. Stepanova - Pinus.
Teacher: guys, how many useful things we did today!
Children list the activities they did during the activity.
Teacher: listen, we warmed our hands, put mittens on them, now you can not be afraid of cold snow, and play snowballs!
An outdoor game with snowballs is held, to the musical accompaniment "Snow - snowball", lyrics. and music. Makshantseva.
Teacher: guys, we still have one more thing to do, useful. Snowballs need to be removed in a basket so that they do not melt, and we still have to play.
Children collect snowballs by matching labor activity with the improvement of the main type of movement - crawling in a straight line and between objects. While moving around the hall, the teacher finds 2 large mittens, inside of which there are leaflets - coloring pages with the contours of mittens - a surprise for children.
Teacher: guys, look, I found mittens ... probably their aunt dropped a snowstorm, which brought snowflakes to us tonight, and they caught on the stairs ... And the mittens are not simple, look! There is a gift for each of you!
The teacher gives the children coloring books, sits them on the floor, and while looking at the pictures, relaxation takes place to slow music. Then the children go to the group to color the mittens with the image of snowflakes.
Application No. 1.
Breathing exercise"Blow off the snowflake."
Children are seated in the hall freely, at will, in any position.
Perform activities as directed by the teacher.
Snowflakes (paper) are held in hands.
Raise your hands with open palms to your lips, take a breath.
Blow on your palms, blowing off a snowflake, exhale, lips folded in a tube.
Repeat 2-3 times.
It is recommended to perform the exercise with calm music.

Application number 2.
Mobile game "Collect supplies from under the snow."
Cones, nuts, balls of three colors, snowballs (soft) are placed in disorder around the hall. For each set of objects - a separate basket, in which there is a sample for reference (a basket with a cone, a basket with a ball, etc.). To the music, children collect and put objects in baskets, trying not to push each other, pick up only one object at a time and not confuse the baskets.

Physical education for younger children preschool age(3-4 years old) "Toptyzhki Bears"

Tasks: continue to teach children to fantasize, solve riddles; exercise children in walking, completing tasks; help children enjoy socializing with peers.

Leisure course

To the music, children enter the gym and line up in a semicircle.
Instructor. Guys, I suggest you go to the forest today. And I am sure that something unusual will happen to us. Ready to go? To get into the forest we need to solve riddles:
1. A white blanket covered the whole earth. (Snow.)
2. Pink cheeks, red nose. Who does not allow a long walk? (Freezing.)
3. It looks like a lollipop. Oh, the student is well done. I skate on it, I want to become a figure skater. (Ice.)
4. It flies, flies, sat on the palm of your hand and melts. (Snow.)
5. What are the drawings on the window, who draws them in December? (Freezing.)
Instructor. All the kids did a great job, they solved all the riddles! And now it's time to go to the forest friends.
Walking around the hall one after another to the music.
Instructor. Oh, guys, look at what a wonderful clearing we ended up in. A miracle is waiting for us, kids. Left, right, turn into a teddy bear. What cute teddy bears we got!
I will now read the poem, what it says, I will ask you to do it.
The instructor reads a poem, the children perform movements.
Many nice bear cubs are walking in the forest.
The branches under the paws crunch, the cones are collected.
children walk like bears
Let's all sit down under the Christmas tree, we'll have a rest.
children squat down, put their hands on their knees
Have a good rest and let's go on the road again,
We will collect quite a few cones in the forest.
children go waddling from foot to foot
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the birds flew
And they sang songs for our bears!
Dancing, dancing our rascals, our glorious tramps!
children dance to the music
What funny bears we have! But it's time for our tramps to turn into kids. Turn left, turn right and turn into kids.
Children leave the hall to the music

Senior educator (FC instructor) Ptashkina O.N.
MBDOU d / s No. 1 "Birch", o. Krasnoarmeysk M.O., 2016
Winter sports entertainment for younger children and middle groups on the street " Winter fun».
Purpose: to evoke an emotional response in children and a desire to participate in physical entertainment; raise motor activity kids.
Tasks: improve walking and running skills; exercise in throwing, jumping; to consolidate children's knowledge in the name and definition of the time of year; give children a sense of joy.
Equipment: snowman costume, white balls - snowballs according to the number of children; tracks, cones according to the number of children, 2 squirrel toys or 2 hollows of squirrels, 2 ice holes, fish according to the number of children,
Entertainment progress
Children go to the playground, where the Snowman meets them!
Hello kids.
Glad to see you from the bottom of my heart.
I am a cheerful Snowman. I am not small and not great. Instead of potato eyes, Carrot nose.
Did everyone recognize me?
Children: Yes.
Oh, and it's cold in the forest! The winter forest is so dense And the frost is so prickly. What to do, where to go? How can the children keep warm?
Let's warm up with you. Repeat after me all the movements and words.
Warm-up game "We will warm up a little"
We warm up a little
And clap your hands
We will also warm our feet
We flood faster
Top-top - top-top-top-top,
We put on gloves
We are not afraid of blizzards
Yes yes yes yes yes yes,
Yes yes yes yes yes yes.
We made friends with frost
How the snowflakes swirled
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Snowman: warmed up? (yes) Well done guys.
Snowman: I'm not a simple snowman -
Curious mischievous.
I want to know what guys
Working in winter?
Children talk about winter games and fun.
Everything is very interesting to me But I’ll tell you guys, honestly, I didn’t play anything, I’m standing alone in the snow,
And I look at everyone with longing.
I want to ask you
Teach me to play.
Teach me guys?
Children: Yes.
Snowman: look guys, what I have. It is from such lumps that children mold me in winter. And I also have a whole basket of snowballs. I suggest you play snowballs with me. The game "Throwing snowballs." The teams are built opposite, one team has snowballs in their hands. After the words of the Snowman “One - two! Do not snooze! And throw snowballs soon! participants take a snowball and try to throw a snowball to the other team.
Snowman: Wow! What, well done! They played fun.
Snowman: Aren't you afraid of the cold? (No). And I'll check it out now.
The mobile game “I’ll Freeze” (a reworked game “Frost - Red Nose”). Children are located on opposite sides. Between them stands a snowman. He speaks the words:
I - funny snowman, childhood, I got used to the cold. Whom I catch up with, I turn into an icicle.
(after these words, the children begin to run from one side of the playground to the other. The snowman tries to touch the children. Whoever he knocks down stops and freezes in place.
Snowman: Guys, now get up together one after another, and we will go with you to the forest.
Game exercise "Trace to trace"
(the children line up one after another and follow the Snowman in a chain. The snowman walks along the laid out tracks. The children try to follow him in the footsteps as well.
Snowman: Guys, do you know who lives in the forest in winter?
Children: animals.
Snowman: That's right, for many of them it is very difficult to survive the winter without the help of people. Let's help the animals too.
Relay "Feed the squirrel"
A team member takes a cone from the basket, runs with it like a snake between the Christmas trees and puts the cone in the squirrel's hollow.
Snowman: Oh, well done, guys, now the squirrels will have enough supplies until the end of winter.
Snowman: Oh, look, cut this hole, and there are a lot of fish in it. Let's hold a relay race "Catch a fish"
Relay "Catch a fish":
children are built in 2 teams. In front of each team, there are ice holes at a distance of about 10 m (they can be made of snow or small plastic pools or basins), in each ice hole there are fish according to the number of children. At the signal “One, two, three! Catch the fish! children one by one run up to the hole and catch a fish. Caught fish are thrown onto the snow near the hole. Then they stand at the end of the column.
Snowman: I really liked how you have fun in the winter. It’s a pity that it’s time to say goodbye. And I want to wish you from myself, Don’t get sick, and tired of not knowing, Never part with sports.
Goodbye, guys.

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