The history of eyelash extensions. Types of eyelash extensions. Contact lenses and eyelash extensions

Foreword…………………………………………………………………………. 3

1. History of eyelash extensions …………………………………………………. 4-5

2. The structure of eyelashes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-7

3.Eyelash extension technology …………………………………………… 8-9

4. Ways of eyelash extension …………………………………………… 10-12

5. Materials for eyelash extensions …………………………………….13-15

6. Eyelash extension technology …………………………………………… 16-19

10. Pros and cons of eyelash extensions ………………………………………………………………………………………21

11. It should be remembered!!! ………………………………………………………..…22

12. Drawing up a price list …………………………………………………………….23

13. Eyelash care after extension …………………………………….24

14. Eyebrow extension……………………………………………………………25

15. Creating a contour……………………………………………………………….26

16. Eye shapes and eyelash extensions ………………………………………...27


Dear student!

This tutorial is a reference course for eyelash extensions. It describes the technique used in the classical school of eyelash extension training.

If this manual does not provide comprehensive information in some points or is not clear and you need further information, please contact the specialists of our Training Center.

We believe that this guide will help you make your clients' eyelashes more beautiful.

  1. History of eyelash extensions

AND The history of the appearance of the eyelash extension technique goes far into the past. Back in the early 20th century, it was customary to lengthen eyelashes for Hollywood movie divas. Luxurious eyelashes, elongated and lush, on the screen seemed much more attractive than their own, which, of course, riveted the eyes of millions of people.

The history of eyelash extensions originates in Hollywood dressing rooms. It was there that the legendary Max Factor, the most famous makeup artist of the 20th century, came up with false eyelashes, whose name has become a well-known brand today.

There are many ways to make eyes more expressive, and the most effective of them is eyelash extensions.

Working as Hollywood's premier make-up artist, in 1927 Max Factor created the first artificial eyelashes for actress Phyllis Haver, who was the first to play the role of Roxy in the musical Chicago. The film was silent, and the actress actively clapped her expressive eyelashes, which immediately fell in love with both the public and Hollywood masters. In the American film dream factory, the first and easiest way to extend eyelashes appeared - with the help of a fringe. A fringe was neatly glued to the thread, and the whole structure was neatly attached to the eyelid. And although everything looked very unnatural up close, and such beauty was very short-lived and expensive to manufacture, it was quite suitable for movie and television stars. Therefore, for a very long time, false eyelashes were the lot of only film stars and “to the people” they came out only in the early 50s.

In the 50s, a new wave of popularity of eyelash extensions began, now among ordinary women. After all, the procedure has already been improved and is much more accessible than before. And the eyelashes looked much more natural ... Of course, the wave of demand for eyelash extensions was again associated with the cinema - it was movie stars, such as Sophia Loren, who made fluffy and long eyelashes required attribute makeup.

After several decades, it was already possible to increase eyelashes not only in specialized salons, but also at home. For many girls, especially in Western countries, eyelash extension has become an integral procedure when visiting a cosmetologist, and was as popular as manicure, hair coloring, etc. At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists are developing completely new eyelashes that mimic natural eyelashes as closely as possible. Such modern eyelashes at the first stage of their existence were used not in one piece, but in whole bunches, accordingly, a new eyelash extension technology appeared - extension in bunches. The resulting bundles were attached to the base of the eyelid with the help of a special adhesive, and served their mistress for a noticeably longer period than fringed eyelashes.

The beginning of the 21st century is a special milestone in the history of eyelash extensions, because it was at this time that Japanese scientists developed a completely new technology eyelash extensions, and the work was now carried out with each eyelash separately. The Japanese were able to develop such an eyelash that did not differ at all from natural analogues. It is prone to natural curling, and its structure is noticeably different from its predecessors: the base of the eyelash is thicker, and the tip is noticeably thinner. Such eyelashes are not as easy to build up as with a beam method, because each eyelash needs to be glued, but the effect of this procedure justifies the time spent on this. It is believed that the first who decided to increase eyelashes individually was the Japanese stylist and makeup artist Shu Uemura, this happened in 2003, and the world-famous singer Madonna was the first owner of the so-called mink eyelashes.

It is the people of Japan who give Special attention eyelash extensions. The point is that the average japanese girl has eyelashes, the length of which does not exceed 6 mm. The length of the natural eyelashes of Western girls exceeds this figure by about two times.

In the last few years, the eyelash extension process has become so popular that girls and women in most countries of the world use these services. This popularity of eyelash extensions is explained by two main reasons:

    aesthetic effect;

    practical value.

The technology of piece eyelash extensions differs markedly from previous technologies, and the main difference is that eyelashes are glued not to the eyelid, but to the base of natural cilia, for which special glue is used, which is based on resin. Now, without any problems, you can choose the most optimal length artificial eyelashes, because eyelashes are long, middle length and short. Short artificial eyelashes recommended for owners of eyelashes, the length of which does not exceed 7 mm. If your eyelashes are longer (7-10 mm), then it is better to opt for artificial eyelashes of medium length, and long eyelashes(10-12 mm) it is better to build up with eyelashes longer than average. A wide range of shades also makes artificial eyelashes as natural as possible.

2. Eyelash structure

(lat. Cilia) - hair bordering the top and bottom of the cut of the eye. On upper eyelid there are from 150 to 250 eyelashes, on the lower one - from 50 to 150. The upper eyelashes are somewhat longer than the lower ones, numbering about 10 mm, while the lower ones are about 7 mm long. The function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dirt particles. In addition, eyelashes play an important role in female beauty. Eyelashes are 3% moisture and 97% protein. Protein substance - keratin, enriched with sulfur, trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese) and vitamins A, B, P, C, T.

Eyelashes live from 3 to 5 months, fluffy - 7-10 months.

According to its structure, the eyelashes are divided into the trunk (the part of the hair visible above the surface of the skin) and the root (the part of the hair located in the dermis in the root sheath). The root and root sheath together form the hair follicle. The trunk or the hair shaft is located at an angle to the surface of the skin, while the angle can vary from 10 to 90 degrees.

Inside the eyelash trunk is the medulla, middle cortex and cuticle. The medulla is not completely keratinized cells, the cortical substance is keratinized cells in which there are pigments that respond to the light of the hair. In different ratios, these pigments give the hair a certain color: brown, black, blond, red, ashen and gray, as well as their various shades. The cuticle consists of several layers of cells resembling scales, directed from the hair root to the center.

As for the hair follicle, this is the most important part of the hair, since it is in the hair root that there are cells that, dividing intensively, form the hair itself; as well as many vessels that provide nutrition to the hair. Attached to the bulb is the hair papilla, which contains blood vessels and is responsible for controlling the condition and growth of the hair. The hair papilla is extremely important in the entire hair system, because without it, the hair dies. In addition to the papilla, adjacent to the hair follicle are also sebaceous glands, sweat gland, and levator muscle.

Among the main parameters of eyelashes, it is worth highlighting its length, thickness, elasticity and porosity. The length and thickness of eyelashes depends primarily on race.

Eyelashes go through several stages in their development.:

anagen (eyelash formation cycle - 2-3 months),

catagen (rest period - 3-4 months)

telon (reflection of eyelashes 2-3 months).

Presumably the hair cycle begins with catagen. At this stage, atrophy of the hair papilla begins, as a result, the division of hair bulb cells stops and they undergo keratinization. Catagen is followed by a short telogen phase. Most hair loss is telogen. The telogen stage passes into the anagen stage, which is divided into 6 periods of development. After the completion of anagen, a new hair cycle begins.

Normal at healthy person 80-90% of the hair is in the anagen stage, 10-15% in the telogen stage and 1-2% in the catagen stage.

During the whole history beautiful half humanity paid special attention to its appearance, regardless of cultural traditions (Eastern or Western), habitat, etc. It is the eyes of the girls, and in particular the eyelashes, that have always been the object of heightened attention from the side of men, because they tried by any means to embellish them, to make them more perfect. For this, various folk remedies were often used in the form of herbs, minerals, vegetable oils and much more. After some time, rare and expressionless cilia began to be tinted with specially designed mascara, soon women could use false eyelashes, and only then did the service become available. In any case, the eyes should be expressive, but not defiant, they should attract the attention of others, but only as an object of admiration, and nothing else. As practice shows, the history of eyelash extensions is not monotonous and ordinary, it has its own characteristics, its founders, its inventors, and extended eyelashes have their own advantages:

  • they make the look as expressive as possible, and the girl herself - especially attractive;
  • now there is no need to use mascara and other folk remedies to increase the volume and length of your own eyelashes;
  • there is a noticeable saving of free time, which should have been spent on caring for natural eyelashes.

It is read that the history of eyelash extensions begins its development since the beginning of the 20th century, during the activities of a truly legendary personality, a world-famous makeup artist, whose name is Max Factor. At that time, this man did everything possible and impossible in order to Hollywood stars looked the way we used to see them on the screens. Max Factor invented false eyelashes in 1927 and thus made an undeniable contribution to the development of fashion and cosmetology. First owner artificial eyelashes became Hollywood actress Phyllis Haver, who in the popular musical "Chicago" played the role of Roxy. Many viewers and masters were very delighted with the girl's chic eyelashes, which were created by Max Factor. This talented person is remembered in most countries of the world, and his name has become one of the most famous brands.

The procedure for the first eyelash extension was as follows: a special thread was taken, a fringe was glued on it, after which the resulting design was carefully attached to the eyelid. Such eyelash extensions were a truly revolutionary step in the world of cosmetology, but at the same time they had a number of disadvantages:

  • up close they looked unnatural;
  • the life of such eyelashes was very limited;
  • the cost of eyelash extensions in this way was a rather expensive service, therefore only television and cinema stars could afford it.

With next milestone in the history of eyelash extensions were the 50s, because since that time artificial eyelashes have become available not only to the wealthy and famous girls, but also to everyone, although, of course, this period was not a real peak in the development of the eyelash extension industry. Of course, extension technologies have become more advanced, the cost has become noticeably lower, and they have become more natural, but still the movie divas remained the main audience.

Since a few decades later, it was already possible to increase eyelashes not only in specialized salons, but also at home. For many girls, especially in Western countries, eyelash extension has become an integral procedure when visiting a cosmetologist, and was as popular as manicure, hair coloring, etc. At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists are developing completely new eyelashes that mimic natural eyelashes as closely as possible. Such modern eyelashes at the first stage of their existence were used not one by one, but by whole bunches, respectively, a new eyelash extension technology appeared -. The resulting bundles were attached to the base of the eyelid with the help of a special adhesive, and served their mistress for a noticeably longer period than fringed eyelashes.

The beginning of the 21st century is a special milestone in the history of eyelash extensions, because it was at this time that Japanese scientists developed a completely new eyelash extension technology, and now work was carried out with each eyelash separately. The Japanese were able to develop such an eyelash that did not differ at all from natural counterparts. It is prone to natural curling, and its structure is noticeably different from its predecessors: the base of the eyelash is thicker, and the tip is noticeably thinner. Such eyelashes are not as easy to build up as with a beam method, because each eyelash needs to be glued, but the effect of this procedure justifies the time spent on this. It is believed that the first who decided to increase eyelashes individually was the Japanese stylist and makeup artist Shu Uemura, this happened in 2003, and the world-famous singer Madonna was the first owner of the so-called.

And interesting is the fact that it was the people of Japan who paid and are paying special attention to eyelash extensions with the most different ways. The fact is that the average Japanese girl has eyelashes, the length of which does not exceed 6 mm. For comparison: length natural eyelashes Western girls exceeds this figure by about two times.

In the last few years, the eyelash extension process has become so popular that girls and women in most countries of the world use these services. This popularity of eyelash extensions is explained by two main reasons:

  1. aesthetic effect;
  2. practical value.

The technology of piece eyelash extensions differs markedly from previous technologies, and the main difference is that eyelashes are glued not to the eyelid, but to the base of natural cilia, for which special glue is used, which is based on resin. Now, without any problems, you can choose the most optimal length of artificial eyelashes, because eyelashes are long, medium length and short. Short artificial eyelashes are recommended for owners of eyelashes whose length does not exceed 7 mm. If your eyelashes are longer (7-10 mm), then it is better to opt for artificial eyelashes of medium length, and long eyelashes (10-12 mm) are better to build up with eyelashes longer than average. A wide range of shades also makes artificial eyelashes as natural as possible.

The modern procedure for creating eyelash extensions is carried out in stages, and each stage requires a professional and especially careful approach:

  1. removal of mascara from natural eyelashes and other cosmetics;
  2. degreasing each eyelash separately using a special solution;
  3. using special tweezers, artificial eyelashes are taken out of the container where they were originally located;
  4. an adhesive substance is applied to the base of the artificial eyelash;
  5. gluing the eyelash to the base of the natural eyelash.

It is best to start eyelash extensions with outer corner eyes, which is basically what they do professional craftsmen VictoryStyle.

Eyelash extensions can work wonders, and this has been proven by many years of experience!

This is interesting!
A modern woman knows many ways to emphasize her eyes and make them more expressive. And perhaps the best of them is eyelash extensions.

However, the extended eyelashes were initially deprived of the look already familiar to us, they were preceded by false ones. The inventor of this miracle is a man whose name is now known even to people far from the world of cosmetics - this is the Max factor.

For real this outstanding person his name was Maximilian Factorich - he was an American businessman of Polish origin, but he was a subject of the Russian Empire, the founder of that very famous cosmetic brand "Max Factor".

He deserves to be called the father decorative cosmetics, he was a makeup artist, stylist and make-up artist. Maximilian was so good at what he did that even now his make-up services would certainly have been in great demand among movie stars. However, the story of his life in itself resembles an exciting film.

Max Factor, a Polish Jew by nationality, was born in the city of Lodz, which now belongs to Poland. Their family was huge and consisted of 10 children.

From the age of 7 he plunged into the world of the theater, and this sealed his fate. True, he began by selling sweets in the theater lobby. But already at the age of 14, Max became an apprentice with beauticians and wig makers. At the age of 15, he moved to Russia, where he worked together with the make-up artist of the Russian Imperial Opera.

By the age of 22, he opened his own shop in Ryazan, where he sold cosmetics. own production. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, he decided to emigrate to America. It so happened that he ended up in Los Angeles and opened a store there again.

Apart from cosmetic accessories, he also made wigs that looked very much like real stripes. Besides, Hollywood stars I really liked it when he personally put on makeup before filming. And he had plenty of experience.

In those days, Los Angeles was the heart of the film industry, so all the new Max Factor appeared under the influence of the development of cinema. He came up with Foundation, waterproof cosmetics, mascara in a compact package, a small powder box and all this because such was the need for some film works, and sometimes individual movie stars. So, he created a special line of cosmetics for the actress Jean Harlow, and before that, with his help, she became the world's first "Platinum" blonde.

And in 1916, his cosmetics appeared on the free market. But Max's passion was stage make-up, and he continued to develop in this direction. He was the creator of the images of Greta Garbo, Twiggy and even Charlie Chaplin.

Maximilian created the first artificial eyelashes for actress Phyllis Haver, who was then the first to play the role of Roxy in the most popular to this day musical "Chicago".
Roxy's eyelashes immediately attracted the attention of the Los Angeles beau monde and makeup masters. The extension method was the easiest - with the help of a fringe. It was carefully pasted on a thread and the resulting design was fixed on the eyelids. Such eyelashes looked very unnatural from close up, were very impractical to wear and were expensive, but for the film - and TV - industry they fit perfectly.

For a long time, false eyelashes were the prerogative of secular divas and only in the fifties entered the masses. By this time, the extension technology had been significantly improved, eyelashes took more natural look and their prices became more affordable. Of course, the wave of demand for eyelash extensions was again associated with the cinema - it was film stars such as Sophia Loren who made fluffy and long eyelashes a must-have makeup attribute.

A country rising sun has long been distinguished by the creation of innovations that allow you to correct the shortcomings of appearance.

Therefore, at the beginning of the 21st century in Japan, the method of extension in bunches was invented, and in 2003, a technology was born there that allows you to build up each eyelash separately. At the same time, all eyelashes became very similar to natural ones. They have a natural curl and thickness that decreases from the beginning to the tip.

For the first time, this idea was embodied by the famous master Shuemura, and the singer Madonna then became the first woman who was able to show off this chic invention of his. The procedure invented by Shuemura takes much more time and requires completely different efforts from the master, but the effect is worth it: each eyelash glued on top of the natural one looks beautiful and natural!

To date, the eyelash extension method is considered the best, but this does not mean that other methods are forgotten. Method beam extension it is also widely used today, but its scope is somewhat narrower than that of the eyelash. Eyelashes extended in bunches are very short-lived and require more frequent correction, however, there are times when this method will best solution. For example, if you need to look as impressive as possible at a party or holiday, you can also use false eyelashes in this case.

In recent years, the eyelash extension procedure has become very popular all over the world, not only due to the aesthetic effect, but also due to practicality. Thanks to extended eyelashes, now girls do not have to spend time removing and applying mascara, or they are afraid that "The eyes will flow". They are always beautiful wherever they go - in the sauna, shower or pool. And round the clock their eyes are expressive and bright.

Today, eyelashes are produced from high-quality synthetic materials, identical in their qualities to natural ones. Conventionally, artificial eyelashes are divided into the so-called mink and silk. For "Mink" eyelashes, more matte colour, they are usually less elastic than "silk". To date, silk "materials have been significantly improved, silicone is added to them, which gives them a glossy finish and makes them softer and more elastic.

Eyelash production technology is a very complex and painstaking process. First, “Tubes” are made from fiber with a thickness of 0.07 mm to 0.25 mm and a length of 7 cm. Then the tubes of the selected thickness are attached to a special metal roller of the desired diameter, thus forming a smooth and beautiful bend in, c and SS. After that, the excess length is cut off and the eyelashes are sent to an oven with a high temperature.

When the eyelashes take the desired length and bend, the tips become thinner, they are, as it were, "sharpened" by hand with a special tool, so that the eyelashes are as close as possible to natural ones. Colored eyelashes by adding various pigments to artificial material receive.

Modern society puts ever higher demands on the image of women. We all know how much effort and time it takes just to "Be Beautiful". Eyelash extensions are just the thing that is designed to facilitate the daily work on your image. After building up, you no longer need to paint with mascara, which means you can save this time on more pleasant things.

As for the evening make-up "on the way out", here the eyelashes will also help us out: there are many options to make yourself brighter. To do this, you can use rhinestones, the newly popular "Diamond" dust, this year's novelty - beads, as well as many other magnificent delights.

As you can see, eyelash extension technology has come a long and difficult way so that we, modern women, can use them with pleasure and ease for the benefit of our beauty. All you need is to choose suitable image or ask your master about it. To get a lot of pleasure from wearing your eyelashes, contact reliable masters - professionals. Experiment with styles, materials and colors, and then just enjoy the effect.
Material from the first eyelash extension magazine - Lashmaker number 3, number 2 2010.


Creation date: 28.12.2016 02:13:04

« A sly look - from under thick eyelashes,
Hit - from around the corner
"Jealousy" - Andrey Bondarenko, poet

Beautiful eyes framed with long eyelashes are the dream of every woman and the subject of inspiration for poets.

Despite constantly changing views on ideals female beauty, eyelashes are still in the spotlight. The beauty industry, of course, could not ignore this attractive detail. Modern women got a great opportunity to "modernize one of the main weapons of mass destruction of men" - beautiful eyes. This opportunity is called . Thanks to unique technologies, it is possible to emphasize the attractiveness of the eyes, significantly increase the volume and length of the eyelashes, without crossing the boundaries of naturalness. The most popular extension methods today are:

Who Invented False Eyelashes

The forerunners of modern eyelash extensions are false elements. They appeared at the dawn of the last century. Hollywood movie director Griffith decided to give expressiveness to the look of the heroine of the movie " Intolerance". For this purpose, he used glued thin pads with hairs. This trick had a stunning effect. Sight main character literally riveted attention and became the envy of other actresses. This fact predetermined the success of false eyelashes, followed by extension eyelashes. Already through a short time after the release of the film one of required elements props on Hollywood film sets have become false eyelashes.

Who became the discoverer of such a miracle? Our famous fellow countryman, whose name is widely known in the world, was directly related to the discovery of false eyelashes. professional cosmetics. Today he is known throughout the world as Max Factor (Max Factor). At that time he was called Maximilian Faktorovich. Perhaps the idea with false eyelashes came to his bright head at the time when he worked as an assistant make-up artist at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater.

Max Factor

Subsequently, Maximilian moved to America, where he became a successful businessman, stylist and makeup artist. He is considered the parent of an entire industry called decorative cosmetics. The birthplace of this unique person is the Polish city of Lodz. He grew up in a large Jewish family and from the age of seven had a relationship with the theater - young Maximilian worked as a seller of sweets in the theater hall. Seven years later, Max became an apprentice to a wig maker, where whole year learned the basics of the profession. After that, he moved to Russia.

Passion for the production of cosmetics led Maximilian Factor at the age of 22 summer age to the decision to open shop with own products in Ryazan.

This desire found its realization after moving overseas after the Revolution. A cosmetics store was also opened in Los Angeles. This city was already at the beginning of the twentieth century the center of the American film industry. A man like Max Factor, of course, was in demand in the film industry. He made wigs no different from natural hair, applied make-up, developed a compact mascara, created a popular line of decorative cosmetics, which appeared on the market in 1916.

First artificial eyelashes

The first model of false eyelashes Max Factor developed in 1927 for Phyllis Haver, an actress who performed in the world-famous musical " Chicago". False eyelashes have made a splash in the theatrical and cinematic world. They were created from fringe glued to a thread. The product still did not look natural, but contributed to the creation of the original appearance film and theater actresses. After refinement, the model has changed significantly, the fringe has changed to hairs, so similar to natural eyelashes and have become more affordable.

All this contributed to the fact that in the middle of the twenty-first century there was a real boom in false eyelashes. Not only socialites began to order them, appeared mass demand for this invention. Artificial eyelashes began to look more natural, and their cost, at the same time, became an order of magnitude lower. For famous film stars, they have become, simply the same, an indispensable attribute. One of the brightest stars that time - Sophia Loren(Sophia Loren) made a lasting impression on her fans with fluffy sexy eyelashes in the Oscar-winning film drama Chochara.

Sophie has maintained a commitment to artificial eyelashes even after stepping over the milestone of 80 years.

The secret of beautiful eyelashes from the Land of the Rising Sun

Japanese beauties from ancient times gave special meaning various elements, contributing to the correction of the appearance - they painted eyebrows and whitened the face. It is not at all surprising that it was in this country at the beginning of the 2000s ( officially usually called 2003- approx.) an innovative invention appeared -, the creator of which is a Japanese makeup artist Shu Uemura.

New methodology allows you to attach one artificial hair to each natural eyelash, so similar in shape, thickness and curl to the natural one. This creates a stunning natural effect. And most importantly, it became possible to wear artificial eyelashes for up to 3-4 weeks and even in some cases up to 6 weeks, instead of the usual 1-2 days in the case of false eyelashes, since they were glued to the skin on the eyelid!

Thanks to the application latest materials in the production of artificial eyelashes, instead of a “fringe”, they became like real hairs that have a conical shape, i.e., a denser base and a thin tip. soft and fluffy eyelashes quickly won the minds and hearts of beauties around the world and remain a real hit to this day.

Interesting fact: Japan Lash Association - a community of artificial eyelash manufacturers from the Land of the Rising Sun - explains high level popularity of eyelash extensions and its appearance in Japan with a simple statistical calculation. Turns out, at Japanese beauties the length of natural eyelashes is on average 2-2.5 times less than European women, namely only 4-5 mm. Here manufacturers invent various possibilities correct a natural defect.

The eyelash extension process is longer and requires high skill, but the result is amazing. The first woman to demonstrate this innovation was the famous singer Madonna.

Technology for the manufacture of artificial eyelashes

The process of making artificial eyelashes takes place in several stages. First, thin long hairs are made from a black synthetic mass, approximately 70 mm long and 0.07 to 0.2 mm thick. Then the hairs are fixed on a roller of a certain diameter to form the necessary bend, after which they are cut to the desired length and sent to special high-temperature furnaces. Then they are cooled and again sent to the oven so that the curl is preserved for 2 years. If the second stage of baking is skipped, then the eyelashes will straighten out in the package after 10-12 months.

To make eyelashes Brown or other shades, special hypoallergenic pigments are used. So beauties can not be afraid of allergic manifestations.

Well, to decorate the eyelashes and make them more festive, for example, under a luxurious evening make-up, various decorative elements, How:

  • rhinestones;
  • diamond dust;
  • beads, etc.

Interesting fact: The most expensive, to date, artificial eyelashes belong to the singer Madonna. The pop diva showed off this luxurious make-up element in her Re-Invention show. Subsequently, mink eyelashes adorned with diamonds were sold for $10,000.

Do you want lashes like Madonna?

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A modern woman knows many ways to emphasize her eyes and make them more expressive. And perhaps the best of them is eyelash extensions. The inventor of this miracle is a man whose name is now known even to people far from the world of cosmetics - this is Max Factor. The real name of this outstanding person was Maximilian Faktorovich - he was an American businessman of Polish origin, but was a subject Russian Empire, the founder of the famous cosmetic brand "Max Factor". He is deservedly called the father of decorative cosmetics, he was a makeup artist, stylist and make-up artist.

Maximilian was so good at what he did that even now his make-up services would surely have been a huge success among movie stars. However, the story of his life in itself resembles an exciting film. Max Factor, a Polish Jew by nationality, was born in the city of Lodz, which now belongs to Poland. Their family was huge and consisted of 10 children. From the age of 7 he plunged into the world of the theater, and this sealed his fate. True, he began by selling sweets in the theater lobby. But already at the age of 14, Max became an apprentice with beauticians and wig makers. At the age of 15, he moved to Russia, where he worked together with the make-up artist of the Russian Imperial Opera.

By the age of 22, he opened his own shop in Ryazan, where he sold cosmetics of his own production. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, he decided to emigrate to America. It so happened that he ended up in Los Angeles and opened the store there again. In addition to cosmetic accessories, he also made wigs that looked very much like real stripes. In addition, Hollywood stars were madly in love when he personally put on makeup before filming. And he had plenty of experience. In those days, Los Angeles was the heart of the film industry, so all the new Max Factor appeared under the influence of the development of cinema. He came up with foundation, waterproof cosmetics, mascara in a compact package, a small powder box, and all this because such was the need of some film works, and sometimes individual movie stars.

So, he created a special line of cosmetics for actress Jean Harlow, and before that, with his help, she became the world's first "platinum" blonde. And in 1916, his cosmetics appeared on the free market. But Max's passion was stage make-up, and he continued to develop in this direction.

Maximilian created the first artificial eyelashes for actress Phyllis Haver, who was then the first to play the role of Roxy in the most popular musical Chicago to this day. Roxy's eyelashes immediately attracted the attention of the Los Angeles beau monde and makeup masters. The extension method was the easiest - with the help of a fringe. It was carefully pasted on a thread and the resulting design was fixed on the eyelids. Such eyelashes looked very unnatural from close up, were very impractical to wear and were expensive, but they were perfect for the film and TV industry.

For a long time, false eyelashes were the prerogative of secular divas and only in the fifties entered the masses. By this time, the extension technology had been significantly improved, the eyelashes took on a more natural look, and the price for them became more affordable. Of course, the wave of demand for eyelash extensions was again associated with the cinema - it was film stars such as Sophia Loren who made fluffy and long eyelashes a must-have makeup attribute.

The Land of the Rising Sun has long been distinguished by the creation of innovations that allow you to correct the flaws in appearance. Therefore, at the beginning of the 21st century in Japan, the method of extension in bunches was invented, and in 2003, a technology was born there that allows you to build up each eyelash separately. At the same time, all eyelashes became very similar to natural ones. They have a natural curl and thickness that decreases from the beginning to the tip. For the first time, the famous master Shu Uemura embodied this idea, and the singer Madonna then became the first woman who was able to show off this chic invention of his.

The procedure invented by Shu Uemura takes much more time and requires completely different efforts from the master, but the effect is worth it: each eyelash glued on top of the natural one looks beautiful and natural! To date, the eyelash extension method is considered the best, but this does not mean that other methods are forgotten. The beam extension method is also widely used today, but its scope is somewhat narrower than that of the eyelash extension. Bundled lashes are very short-lived and require more frequent touch-ups, however, there are times when this method is the best solution. For example, if you need to look as impressive as possible at a party or holiday, you can also use false eyelashes in this case.

In recent years, the eyelash extension procedure has become very popular all over the world, not only due to the aesthetic effect, but also due to practicality.