Oral folk art teasers examples. Russian folk teasers

Teasers: history and types of teasers, 32 teasers per different qualities character. Answers to teases. The story "Sasha is a teaser".

Teasers are constantly found in the communication of children. Although adults often tell children not to make fun of another person, teasing still remains with us for many years and persists in children's subculture. Why? What are "teasers - answers"? Can teasers teach you something useful for life? Let's try to figure it out together.


In this article you will find:

  • types of teasers
  • teaser history,
  • answers to teases,
  • a collection of teasers on different qualities of a person's character,
  • story "Sasha is a teaser".

Teasers: types of teasers

Teasers are different.

The first kind is teasers - mockery- These are teasers for names in which children tease each other. There are such teasers in the names of girls and in the names of boys. A mockery is an insulting joke, a mockery.

In the most common teasers for names, there are two lines: the first is a line with a name, the second is a rhyme to it (Redhead is shameless, Arkhip is an old mushroom).

The second kind isteasers - undershirts. Undershirts are designed for simpletons. Teddy coats consist of questions and answers. First, the player asks to repeat the word after him, then a joke is made from the dialogue.

For example, they will show the child a piece of paper on the ground and ask: “Your ticket?”. If the child bends down to see what it is, then they shout to him: “Thank you for the bow!” (this is a teaser of past years when there were coupons).

Or teasers with questions that require attention to their words:

- Let me tell you, and you add: "Me too."
- I will go to the forest.
- And I.
- I'll cut down the tree.
- And I.
- I'll cut the deck.
- And I.
- I'll mix the pigs.
- And I.
- They will eat.
- And I.

- Say: "Watermelon."
- Watermelon.
- You are a toddler!

- Say: "Shilo!".
— Shilo.
- You've got soap on your nose!

- Say: pillow!
- Pillow.
- You're a slippery frog.

- Say: "Forest"!
- Forest!
"Your brother is a dunce!"

- Say: "Oats"!
- Oats.
- Grab your nose! (grabs nose)

Say "cheesecake"!
- Cheesecake.
- You have a frog in your hands!

Say: "Matryoshka!"
- Matryoshka!
- Hello, granddaughter of grandmother Yozhka!

Say: "Tasty and sweet!"
- Delicious and sweet!
- Cockroach paws!

The third type is teasers about the qualities of a person’s character. They are invented and passed to each other by the children themselves in the yards. These teasers educate, teach to be generous, honest, fair and kind, courageous.

Teasers about character traits:

A teaser for an inattentive person:

bug-eyed owl -
Eyes on a spoon
Can't see a crumb!
Look straight-
There's a hole ahead!

A teaser for the overly trusting person

Fool deceived -
For four fists
On the crack and on the pillow,
For a green frog.

Teasers for crybabies

Crybaby, wax,
Burnt pancake.

- roar-cow,
Give milk!
How much is?
- Three spots!

Crybaby, crybaby
Three pennies wax!

Teasers for sneaks

Yabeda is a snag.
Bass drum.
Who is playing on it?
Sasha (child's name) is a cockroach!

Yabeda - snag,
Lying on the floor
Nobody eats it!

salted hawk,
boiled on a pot,
Upholstered with cones (another option is stuffed with potatoes)
To not be angry!

A teaser for a bouncer who shows off a new thing or behaves arrogantly towards other children:

Sailor - from the stove break!
Stretched out like a worm!

Imagine first class
Where are you going - to the resort?
hat with pompom,
And you go under the wagon! (homeless children used to go under the trailer)

Regiment commander -
Nose to ceiling
Ears to the door
And himself, like a sparrow!

Fu-you. Well you
Legs are bent.
Hands to the sides
Eyes on the ceiling!

If the driver violates the rules of the game and constantly catches up with only one player out of all, then they shout to him:

- For one is not a race,
You catch a pig.

- For one is not a race!
The man is not a five-ton!

Teaser for the impolite (didn't say "thank you"):

Uncle Piggy - repeater,
And named Indiana.
Licked all the plates
But he didn't say thank you!

Teasing about cowardice

Fought in the war.
As I saw the machine gun
Immediately scared!

Already you, Vasenka (child's name), my friend,
Don't run to the meadow
On the steep coast.
The mouse will eat you
Or a swallow
Or a gray top
Because of the bush
Or white dog
From under the bridge.

Teasers for greedy

Lying on the floor
Nobody eats it.

Empty chocolate.

stuffed with sausages
That's why angry!

Teaser about sadness:

What are you, Vasya - Vasilek (child's name)
Frowning, not cheerful?
He lowered his clear eyes,
He hung his head!

A teaser for a man who screams all the time:

Make a log
Get on your knee
Let's shout!

A teaser for a person who interferes in other people's conversation:

Don't get ahead
Don't shove in the back
Don't touch the middle
Don't follow

Teasers: the history of teasers

To understand teasers, you need to know and understand their history. Teasers have existed since a very long time, and teasers have come down to almost all Russian names to this day.

The teaser reflects a very ancient, archaic phenomenon - causing damage to a personal name.

I quote: “Verbal manipulations with a personal name with the aim of causing harm, damage to its bearer reflect the features of an archaic consciousness that does not make a clear distinction” between words and things”, from the standpoint of which a personal name is evaluated not as a conventional distinguishing sign, but as a substitute for a person, completely identical to its carrier, which determined various prohibitions with the use of personal names in speech. (S.N. Smolnikov. Antonyms in a children's teaser / / Russian culture of the new century. Problems of studying, preserving and using historical - cultural heritage. - Vologda: Book heritage, 2007). Many scholars believe that teasing and other offensive couplets have existed since the days when people tried to frighten the enemy with words or gestures.

Teasers are most often not a characteristic of a person, but attribute “anti-behavior” to him, which is not encouraged in society.

A teaser is a world of fiction and fantasy, not a reflection real world. The hero of the teaser lives "in a different world" - "the world is the other way around", "the world of fables" and is often described as if he is not a person: "Alyoshka is a cake. Potato mother”, “Anna is a banna, her leg is wooden”, “Kolya - Kolya - Nikolai, sit under the bench and bark”.

Teasers: features of teasers

Teasing, mockery and other similar persistent texts in folklore are called "children's satirical lyrics"(the term was introduced by G.S. Vinogradov).

Usually in teasers the name of a person or characteristic of behavior rhymes with a consonant word: Andrei is a sparrow, Lena is foam, Svetka is a pipette, Fedya is delirious, Bear is fir cone, Igoryonok - piglet - ill-bred child, crybaby - wax, sneak - snag, roar - cow. Usually in teasers, that sign of a person that the teaser does not like is called (glasses, red hair, figure, name, character of a person).

Very often, teasers become almost traditional and sustainable, which many generations know. They determine the meaning of the name in a given culture, the perception of the name by the bearers of culture (“Kolya-Kolya-Nikolai, stay at home, do not walk”; “Andrey is a sparrow, do not chase pigeons”). Often children change the text of the teaser or come up with their own texts, introducing lines from songs, tongue twisters and sentences, fairy tales, riddles into the teaser: “Lidka is a snail, stretch out the horns. I'll give you bread, a piece of cake."

The teaser is always pronounced singsong and loud savoring the words. Often from a safe distance and in chorus (to run away, if that).

A teaser is a fiction in meaning. It does not care about logic or correspondence to reality, but rhyme is important.

Most often, teasers are found in the communication of children from 6 to 12 years old. Teasers, poddevki, mockery are more often used by boys. Girls prefer silences, myrillas or counting rhymes more. In the communication of older preschoolers, teasers are also found - especially stable traditional teasers and teasers that ridicule the qualities of character (greedy - beef, sneak - snag and others). Children themselves, through a teaser, “educate” a peer and teach him to be fair and honest.

Teasers and myrillas belong to situational folklore. Often they were used just for the sake of laughter, sometimes to make fun of some quality (greed, sneakiness), and sometimes to attract attention. Teasers often make it easier to avoid a fight, especially if the teaser is answered with another teaser. If the teaser is funny and harmless, then you can laugh along with the teaser. Or even come up with other options for teasing. But if the teaser is evil, offensive, aggressive, then it requires an answer to it.

If your child is being teased with teasers: Folklore responses to teasing are "anti-teasers."

You need to be able to perceive a teaser with humor, to answer it with dignity - with a smile or another more funny and capacious rhyme or teaser, not to be offended. This is a kind of “school of life”, the ability to respond to a “blow”.

It is very important to teach children how to respond to a teaser. The correct answer to the teaser returns resentment to the offender . This is a very important life skill - not to be offended, to take everything with humor, easily, without perceiving teasing as an attack. This skill is also trained in response to teasing. Teach this to children, come up with your child's answer to teasers based on the answers given below.

If hurtful teasing is repeated day in and day out and goes unanswered, it can affect your child's self-esteem and relationships with peers. After all, sometimes teasing (if the situation was not resolved and remained strong resentment teasing) stay with the child for his whole life and prevent him from becoming a bright personality.

Of course, a child can remain silent in response to a teaser, come and cry at home. Of course, you can feel sorry for him, scold the teaser and talk to the offender yourself and tell him to stop teasing your baby. But ... but this will not give the baby the opportunity to get life lesson and learn to respond to teasing and teasing.

It is better to teach the child how to properly respond to a teaser. And you need to react easily and cheerfully - with a capacious rhyming formula, honed by generations. Together with your child, come up with your own worthy responses to teasers. Try it - it's a lot of fun. It is not necessary to come up with offensive options, it is quite enough to come up with a vivid figurative phrase - the answer. And then reconcile with

Here are examples of folklore responses to teasers common in the children's environment - as ideas for your creativity.

Although I imagined
Didn't call anyone!

Don't poke your nose
In someone else's question
And then the question
Bite off nose.

Cashier closed -
I have the key.
Who calls -
On my own!

Call me a hundred years
You are still an old man.

For each mouth
Don't wear a scarf!

I don't listen to you
I salt and eat.

Call me a pot
Just don't put it in the oven!

Behind you
Didn't fit me!

You call me names, you translate them into yourself.
Whoever calls himself that is called that himself.
Call me for a year
You are still a hippo.
Call me for a century
Still, I'm human.

Walked crocodile,
your word swallowed
And left mine
And I put a seal!

Meli, Emelya, your week.

If I were (would be me), yes it's your turn!

Himself the same ten times

Say “I am your mirror” and show the caller an open palm so that he seems to see his reflection in it.

Whoever calls himself what he is called!

Call me all the time
Anyway, I'm human.
I don't get teasers
They will tie you to the gate.
They will lead you through the village -
Many songs will be sung.

You call me
You transfer to yourself.

How best to react if you are teased, your child will understand from the wonderful story of N.M. Artyukhova "Sasha the Teaser"

Learning to respond to teasing

Sasha is a teaser

Sasha was very fond of teasing his sister. Lyalya was offended and cried.

What are you crying about, Lyalechka? Dad asked.
- Sasha teases me!
- Well, let him tease. And don't tease.

It was very difficult not to be teased, but Lyalya tried once, and this is what came of it.

The children sat at the table and had breakfast.
“Now I’ll sing,” Sasha began, “and I’ll hang your doll by the legs from the chandelier.”
- Well, - Lyalya laughed, - it will be very fun!
Sasha even choked with surprise.

You have a runny nose, he said, thinking. - They won't take you to the cinema tomorrow.
- I don't want tomorrow. I will go the day after tomorrow.

Sasha looked around and shouted:
- I have more orange than you!
- Eat to your health, - said Lyalya, - get better.

Here Sasha could not stand it and began to cry.

What are you crying about, Sasha? Mom asked as she entered the room.
- Lyalka offends me! Sasha answered with a sob. - I tease her, but she does not tease!

Discuss this story and think of another way Lyalya could respond to Sasha’s other words (if he took a toy from her or threw a ball at her, think of situations that were in your child’s experience or similar in meaning).

How to help a child - both the one who teases and the one who is teased with teasers

advice child psychologist from the TV show "Our Children"

Whom and why do children tease?
How can parents help their child if children tease him?

More about child relationships:"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Click on or on the course cover below for free subscription

Zhukova Elizabeth

Research work.



I Introduction


Very often in communication, children use name-calling, nicknames that offend their classmates. And it is teasers that cause many conflicts between children. Why do kids love teasing each other so much? It's simple, name-calling is a very simple and effective tool of manipulation, with which you can get a lot from others. Also, the child who calls names raises self-esteem in his eyes, and his words have a direct and very clear consequence. Baby teasers are very angry, offend and make the enemy cry, which means they can be used for your own purposes.

Problem question:Is teasing really one of the ways to communicate in a children's community?

Hypothesis: we assume that teasers, underwear perform an educational function, help the child defend himself in the form of verbal defense, train emotional stability and self-control.

Objective of the project: study the effect of teasing on classroom relationships.


  1. Find out what a teaser is? (talk with a psychologist, study information in encyclopedias, reference books, the Internet).
  2. Find out why teasers appear and how to respond to them.
  3. Get acquainted with fiction, proverbs and sayings using teasers.
  4. Spend Classroom hour on the topic: "Teaser".
  5. Conduct a survey of students and parents of 1st grade.
  6. Tell adults and your friends about the results of the study.

II. Main part

2.1. What is a teaser?

In the dictionary, we found an interpretation of the word "teaser" - a mocking rhyming phrase that someone is teased with. Synonyms - nickname, nickname, nickname.

Teasers - little rhymes, created by children to ridicule the shortcomings of a person they encounter, or to protect themselves from an abuser. Having studied children's teasers, adults will be able to more fully understand their baby: what vices are more unpleasant for him.

It is important to understand that a teaser is not a mockery, although the line between them is very thin. She teaches children the ability to notice the bad, unfair, ugly, she teaches them to hear words and select them according to consonance and meaning, she develops sensitivity to absurd situations in life and in verbal representation.

To tease is to explore. Teasers are a tool of social regulation child behavior. Teasing is the desire to actively explore the psychological boundaries of each other.

2.2. Reasons for the appearance of name callings

The reason for nicknames and nicknames can be anything: a surname, overweight, freckles, some traits of character or appearance.

There are also several reasons for teasing.

First, it may just be a game. Without malicious intent, they tease someone to get attention, because it's so fun when someone gets angry and chases them.

Second, it might be a joke. Unlike a game, children's teasers are aimed at attracting the attention of others in order to amuse them.

The third reason is revenge and aggression. Children tease, realizing that they are causing someone pain and annoyance. Because of revenge, those children are called names if they cannot physically fight back an enemy, or if they envy a new little thing or popularity among their peers. The desire to assert oneself, to stand out in the eyes of others, to prove one's right to leadership and superiority, also provokes name-calling.

The fourth reason is under the influence of a popular film, read work or game.

2.3. How do children learn different names?

Quite often, children give nicknames to others, because. it is customary in their families. And no one in the family is offended. If at home a child is constantly called plump, bun or piggy, then for him this becomes the norm, which he transfers to the outside world.

Such well-known poets as S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto and others also dabbled in writing teasers for children. Literary teasers for children are more objective. The poet does not seek to dishonor a particular child, but ridicules the qualities that are characteristic of a certain group of children.

Agniya Barto - "Girl-Revushka", "Girl Dirty";

Eduard Uspensky - "Redhead" (animated film);

Sergei Mikhalkov - "Foma";

Yakov Akim - "Zhadina";

D. Rodari (per. Y. Akim) - "Giovannino-Loss";

K. Chukovsky (English folklore) - "Robin Bobbin Barabek";

E. Moshkovskaya - "Lezheboka";

S. Marshak - "Teaser".

And, of course, the children themselves compose, demonstrating their imagination and literary creativity.

2.4. How to respond to calls?

Avoiding nicknames and teasers is almost an impossible task, but you can fight them. If you are called names, you can offer several strategies for behavior:

Ignoring. It is unlikely that someone will be interested in continuing to call names if it does not receive a response of a brightly colored emotional reaction.

Act out of the box. You can, for example, agree with this nickname (unless, of course, it degrades your dignity). This will also be effective as The offender hardly expected such a reaction.

Talk to the offender and find out the reasons why he offends.

Learn the meaning of a teaser

If you understand that name-calling is part of the game, you can excuse yourself. Excuses from teasing is a ready-made piece for expressing indignation, to prevent swearing and fighting:

Chiki is a wall! (put a barrier between yourself and the caller with your hand)

The crocodile swallowed your word, but left mine!

Whoever calls names - he calls himself that!

If you are called, you can answer:

Nice to meet you, my name is Lisa!

Call, call!

Stay without friends!

Callers, like jackdaws,

Startled and returned to you!

You're talking to me, you're talking to yourself!

Call me names, even hoarse! Nothing sticks to me!

III. Research results and conclusions

In order to establish whether my peers use teasers and what are their features, a sociological survey was conducted.

The survey involved 110 people: 48 students of the 1st grade, 48 parents, 14 grandparents.

We asked participants the following questions:

1. Do you know teasers? Which?

2. Do you use teasers in your speech?

3. Are you teased? For what?

Let us present the generalized results of the study.

When answering the first question: “Do you know teasers?” all 110 people answered in the affirmative.

At the same time, we observed significant difference in the answers to the second part of the question, where it was required to list the teasers that are known.

Table 1. Distribution of famous teasers by category

So, as can be seen from Table 1, first-graders know somewhat less teasers in the categories “For names” and “For external signs”, Grandparents turned out to be the most “knowledgeable”, in addition, they called teasers, which are now not used at all in children's speech:

Vanya rides on a bull, a balalaika in his hand, Balalaika fell, broke the bull's leg.

Antoshka-potato, a straw leg, Himself with a marigold, a head with an elbow.

Adults also called the teaser "Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom", which none of the children indicated, since the friendship of a boy with a girl is not considered shameful in our class.

Name teasers are the least common among all age groups. So, the following were most often called:

Alka (Jackdaw) - stick, jump rope.

Andrew is a sparrow.

Vovka - carrot.

Inka (Ninka) - pig (picture)

Lenka - foam.

Masha (Natashka) is a poop.

A lot of teasers that characterize appearance are known to adults, in the speech of children there are much fewer of them. So, parents, grandparents called such teasers:

Toothless hag, The cat gave birth to you, The priest baptized you And lowered his pants.

In our class there is Congestion - Instead of a nose - a nail puller!

This is how the nose: God carried seven, And he got one!

Dear, dear, Why so thin? Come to my village, You will be as fat as a donkey.

Uncle Styopa s long nose He came to me with a question: - How to reduce this nose, So that it does not grow anymore? - You buy vitriol And put it to the nose, Pick with a chisel - The nose will fall off later.

A fat barrel gave birth to a son, And a son without ears, At least sew on the strings.

Fat, fat, Passenger train!

Fat-industrial complex!

Oblique, oblique, Choked on sausage!

Points, points, We are not fools!

Fat donut Ate a candy bar, And then he says: "My stomach hurts."

Fat, fat, passenger train!

Who has a shirt in a cage - He looks like a psychic pill.

The second most populous group of teasers that our subjects know are teasers that make fun of bad deeds or character traits. So, among them were mentioned:

I imagined I tucked my tail in And ran under the stove, And under the stove the crocodile Swallowed the imagination.

Imagine top notch! Where are you going? - To the resort. The resort is empty Cabbage has grown!

Fool-Snow Maiden Lying on the stove, Eating bricks!

Uncle Piggy, repeater, And named Turkey. I licked all the garbage cans, But I didn’t say thank you!

Salted greedy, Boiled at the stake!

Greedy, beef, empty chocolate!

Greed, beef, Pickled cucumber Lying on the floor, Nobody eats it!

A fly flew in - sniffed and ate.

Regiment commander - Nose to the ceiling, Ears to the door, And himself, like an ant!

Regiment commander - Nose to the ceiling, Ears to the bulb, And he climbs to his mother!

Who boasts, He will fall into the pit!

Curious Varvara's nose was torn off at the market.

Curious in the market Pinched his nose in a basket.

Sailor, from the stove break, Stretched out like a worm!

They deceived the fool On four fists, And one more fist - It turns out a fool!

Crybaby, wax, shoe polish, hot pancake on the nose!

Crybaby, wax, tangerine, Hot pancake on the nose!

That's what you want, Lipstick Chicken!

A coward, a Belarusian coward, He was going to war, As soon as he saw the first tank, he was immediately frightened!

Praise, boast, Fall into the pit. Pit, close, don't open again.

I'll tell you in your ear About the green frog. Don't tell anyone, because it's you.

Salted snake, Boiled at the stake!

Snake-snake, Pickled cucumber, Lying on the floor Nobody eats it!

For the convenience of analysis, we arranged the teasers alphabetically, and it immediately became clear that in the teaser, imaginatives, greedy people, cowards and sneaks are most often condemned, that is, those features of children and their actions that are most harmful are ridiculed. good relations and interfere with friendship.

When answering the second question: "Do you use teasers in your speech?" The answers of the first-graders were distributed as follows.

Table 2. Frequency of using teasers with other children




As you can see, most first graders use teasers when communicating with other children.

At the same time, all students note that they are teased, moreover, teasers are usually associated with some bad deeds- boasting, sneaking or associated with the name of the child.

We prepared a class hour "Teaser - experience piggy bank", after which we came to the conclusion:

  • Teasers do not harm classroom relationships as long as they do not use obscene, mean words;
  • if the guys give you a nickname, think about whether it is connected with your shortcoming, if so, decide how to fix it;
  • if the name-calling has no direct relation to your character or appearance, take it as funny poem, you can further compose it.

Our classmates picked up a lot of teasers about the qualities of their friends, laughed at the teasers about their name. (see Attachment)


  1. From various sources information, we learned that the teaser is a long-known form children's communication. She teaches children the ability to notice the bad, to hear the words, to be able to laugh at themselves.
  2. From observations, we found that teasers are found everywhere. There are many reasons for their appearance, but most often they are friendly character. Responding to teasing is necessary depending on the situation.
  3. Learned a lot of funny and instructive teasers from fiction. We studied the history of the emergence of nicknames.
  4. Spent a class

teasers- small rhyming rhymes. In the children's environment teasers help the child deal with the offender not with fists, but with words.

Dedicated to those who cry loudly:

Crybaby, wax, shoe polish,
Hot pancake on the nose.
It's not good to cry
You can catch a cold.

- Roar-cow,
Give milk!
How much is?
- Three spots!

Crybaby, wax, shoe polish,
Hot pancake on the nose!

For kids who don't like to share:

Bass drum...
Who is playing on it?
(child's name) is a cockroach.

Empty chocolate!

Three kopecks given
For the fourth penny
Hit the bench.

greedy, greedy,

You are a white-sided magpie,
Your aunt is crooked,
Call names for a century!
I am a good person.

The one who was deceived

Deceived a simpleton -
For four fists
On the crack and on the pillow,
For a green frog.

Deceived a fool
For four fists
On the fifth tail -
Drive to the mowing.

Bride and groom!
Feet in fluff -
Bow to the groom!
Legs in the dough -
Bow to the bride!

Sneak, Sneak!

Lying on the floor
Nobody eats it.

salted habbit,
Boiled in a pot
upholstered in cones,
To not be angry!

Thief, thief!
Don't come to my yard
Horses will kick you
And the cows gore.

Coward, coward-boyagus!
Fought in the war:
As I saw the machine gun -
I immediately got scared.

Sailor from the stove break -
Stretched out like a worm!

Name teasers:

Lenka is a dirty knee.
Arkashka - cockroach.
Vaska the cat baked a pancake.
Tanya is a frog.
Valya - kralya.
Lisa is a sucker.
Ninka is a basket.
Olezhka - cart.
Masha - curdled milk.

Fell off the roots.

Lenka-foam, sausage,
Wasp on a string.
And the wasp moves
Lenka is getting married soon.

Lenya, Lenya-offal
Ate a cow and a bull
Seven hundred pigs
A barrel of borscht
And screams: "I want to eat!"

Boris barberry
Hanging on a rope.
How the rope breaks
So Boris will turn over.

Ksenya, Ksenya, sausage,
Fried cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said, "Delicious."

Valya, Valya, simplicity,
Sour cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said, "Delicious."

Andrey Sparrow,
Don't chase the pigeons.
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.

Vova, Vova-karapuz
I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandma is arguing
Vova unlocks!
- It's not me, grandma!
This is your kitty!

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
Stay at home, don't play.
The girls will come to you
They kiss and leave.

straw leg,
Himself with a fingernail
Elbow head.

A hat full of crackers
crackers hot,
Three pennies change.

Put on a big cap.
Loaf eat bread
Grow up to the sky!

Went out into the street
sat on a bench,
The mosquito ate.

head with basket,
peg hat,
Log feet.

Fedya-copper tripe,
Ate a cow and a bull
And fifteen pigs -
Only tails hang.

Ate a bear.
early in the morning
Ate a lamb
For a snack
Ate a frog!
Wanted a wolf
Yeah, it's embarrassing.
I wanted a goose
Yes, I'm afraid!

Fedot is thin,
Head with pud,
crochet nose,
Tufted crest.

Hotel Fedya
Learn the bear
And a bear to him:
"Fed, don't you dare!"

Fedot with tops,
Head with a pot
Found a stick
Killed the jackdaw.
The jackdaw is crying
Fedya is jumping.

Olezhka sat on a bull,
I went to the forest for firewood,
And the firewood burned
Oleg was eaten by wolves.

Teddy bear-shorty,
Big bump on the nose!

Like Sleigh on the nose
Pigs ate sausage
Ate, ate for three weeks,
Ate, ate - did not eat.

Misha-Mishenka, bear,
Teach me to roar!
If you don't teach
You'll get it in the ear.

Sat on a table
And went to war
Fought, fought
And screams: "I want to go home!"

Nicholas Basurai,
Get on the barn
There they fight a mosquito,
They'll give you a paw.

donut tree,
Ate a candy bar
Piglet and bull
Drank a can of milk
I ate a hundred more bread and butter,
Three baskets of pies.

The bosom of the crows is full.
Head - a penny,
straw neck,
crochet nose,
Hair in a tuft.
Miron crow bought
Paid three kopecks.

copper forehead,
Himself with arshin,
Head with jug.

Sergei Sparrow
rode a horse,
I flew into a birch
Left without a hat.

straw leg,
Himself from the top,
Head with a pot.

Sergei Sparrow
Selling worms.
He wore it on a plate
He asked for three kopecks.

On the mound protuz \ x,
Dropped an egg
I took it to the market.
They don't take it at the market
Petka is pulled by the ears.

I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandmother swears;
Victor opens up:
- This, grandmother, is not me,
It's a red pig!

Sonya sleepy,
ballerina doll,
Imagine, gossip!

Serezha looked back
Inflated with a bubble
And the bubble is in the woods,
Rides, rides on the fungus.

Teddy Bear-Teddy Bear
Doesn't work anywhere:
Potato nose,
flat eyes,
Mouth to the ears -
At least sew on the ties!

Get on the bitch.
They tear up a cat there -
They'll give you a paw.

Gena-foam, give me a log.
Nothing to light the oven!
And the smoke comes from the stove
Gena is leading a young lady.

Vanya was driving from Kazan,
One and a half hundred rubles for a sled.
Vanya's sleigh is not being taken -
They only take money.

Vanya rides a bull
Balalaika in hand
The balalaika fell
The bull's leg was broken.

Borka oblique
Went to the salt
I didn't buy salt.
And drowned the mare...

Vanyushka poor
Found a copper jug
I went to the water
Found a glove!

Baba Malanya,
lamb head,
human eyes,
And the face of a sheep
goat legs,
Bear hands.

Nikita-red tape,
Bought a horse without a hoof
And Thomas-simplicity
Bought a horse without a tail
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.
Caught on a stump
Stood all day;
Hooked on a bump
Stayed all night.

And our Sasha got sick:
No appetite -
I ate three pots of soup
One hundred and one cutlets!

Grishka the thief
Stole an ax
Climbed into the window
Fell into a bucket.

red coat,
beaver hat,
She is black-browed.

Denis climbed on the shore,
Hanging on a rope
And everyone thought: swing -
And rocked for two weeks.

Tanya-banya walked along the ford,
She carried water with a sieve.
Soap-soap in the hut floor,
Frozen the hem.

Yerema sings songs
Thomas is lucky on his back.
And Thomas shouts: "Ha-ha!
Ate Yerem's rooster!"

I would sit at home.

Fedot in the garden
Polled a swan
Caught a birdie
Caught a frog.

Fell from heaven
From all over,
Ripped his shirt.

Along the Volga along the river
Pashka floats on a bucket.
He does not rule, does not row,
Only sings songs.

You, Mishenka-bear,
Teach me how to cry.
I can, but I don't dare
I'm afraid of the owner.

Fell at the gate.
Fell into the tub
Crushed a frog.
Fell on the mint
Crushed the house.

Thomas tripe
Ate a cow and a bull
ninety ducklings,
fifty pigs,
Breadcrumbs tub,
Salty frog!

Filya rides on oxen,
Crackers in the heads.
Crackers are sharpening
I want to eat fillet.

Fedorok with tops,
Head with a pot
peg hat,
Log legs.

inside out caftan,
Shpak new with a feather,
Silver mittens.
He walks, minces,
The bell rings.

Our Pasha is thin,
Like a wild straw.
And he puts on shoes -
Like a bubble, inflate.

Erema, Erema,
You would sit at home.
Would you cut shavings
Childish toys.
Your sister is spinning
I spun on a thread,
Hanks shook,
I put it in a box!

Do not chase pigeons:
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.
The roof is breaking
The owner is arguing.

Lied three bags
They began to crush - five pounds,
They began to weigh - ten pounds!

Oh, you, Levka-offering!
Ate a cow and a bull
cow sheep,
Pig dirty trick,
Fifty piglets -
One leg is hanging.
The corporal came
Took the rest
And behind him Elizar -
Everything cleaned up nicely.

Alyosha Belyosha
It costs three pennies.
Himself with a pitcher
Head with arshins.

gray spleen,
Flew into the lake
I muddied the bottom there.

Erema, Erema,
Would you sit at home
I would plan shavings -
children's toys,
And your wife
I would take you to the market.

Behind the river at the peg
Mikolushka stands,
Hat with lock
Harmonica with a bell.
And in the pocket of a cockroach
Beats-plays the drum.

Sidor rides on a bull
Berezinochka in hand
Berezinochka fell,
Broke the bull's leg.

From behind the river, from under the groove
Vanechka jumps on the grass,
The legs are long, curved,
Paws are lime thin.

little boy,
Head with a sheaf
Nose with elbow
And mind with a fingernail.

Dunya donut
Went out into the street
I sat down on a bump,
The mosquito ate.

Rogue Thief
stole sauerkraut,
Grandma saw
Threw the test.

Vanyushka poor
Found a copper pot
Gave it to a young woman
Went for water.

Belted short.
Walks like a log
spindle nose,
short legs,
With a creak of boots.

  1. Silent women
  2. I'm afraid of Baba Yaga!!!
  3. Fables-shifters

Nicknames and teases

Nicknames are the earliest type of children's satirical folklore. V Ancient Russia they replaced surnames, which often go back to nicknames. The custom of giving nicknames persisted until the middle of the 19th century. An important feature of nicknames is pronounced expressiveness. It is a remnant of protective magic that has survived to this day.

Apparently, it was expressive-evaluative nicknames that became the basis of teasers. They were first noticed by G.S. Vinogradov in the article "Children's satirical lyrics" (1925). The researcher showed that children mainly use epithets that serve as applications. They are created on the basis of both external consonances (Petka - a rooster, Mishka - a bear, Seryozhka - gray), and on the basis of internal similarity (Verka - a flirtatious).

On their basis, rhyming nicknames such as "Teasing - dog snout" arose in the children's environment, which became one of early types teaser. G.S. Vinogradov showed that teasers and nicknames do not differ significantly either in content or in form. The difference between them is that the nickname is attached to the name as a stable epithet, and the teaser is not assigned to an individual and is used in a suitable case.

teasers in form they are short, “mostly one-strophe works of a humorous, less often satirical nature” (Sl., p. 67). The comic is built on the absurdity of the depicted situation:

Vasya, Vasenok,

skinny pig

Climb into the grass

Screaming "Meow!"

There are different views on the origin of teasers. G.S. Vinogradov showed that many teasers happened from songs of a humorous nature, met in rituals and performed during various rituals. Indeed, humiliation is one of the types of aggrandizement.

Teasers had a clearly expressed functional and unidirectional character, they were supposed to shame the enemy with a word. A similar tradition has survived to this day, it is used when you need to ridicule representatives of other ethnic groups or nationalities, professions, residents of other places.

An interesting suggestion about the origin of teasers is contained in B. Sikimic's study of Serbo-Croatian folk teasers. She sees fragments of various texts in texts of relatively late origin: prayers, swearing alterations, which are a transformation of the well-known text of a prayer with elements of a curse; the use of elements of Catholic prayers, the transformation of the Proto-Slavic prayer "Our Father".

Other source the researcher names various religious (Christian, Muslim) texts, "which are in direct correlation with the 'older' magical texts and thus probably continue a series of transformations of these texts."

All of the above allows us to conclude that, regardless of the specific material, scientists are unanimous in their opinion about the secondary origin of teasers from adult folklore or literary sources.

If we assume the similarity between teasing and ridicule, as A.N. Martynov, the same group of works includes prose and rhymed answers for teasing, witticisms, myrillas, beggars, excuses, humorous poems about the days of the week. It is obvious that the basis for their association is a common functional feature.

The reason for creating a teaser can be not only a feature of appearance, physical disability, misconduct, but also just a meeting or event from school life. red

Who do I see?

Red dog!

Red, red - a dangerous man!

Often reflected in teasers social relations characteristic of a certain area or locality. So, in the Kainsky district of the Tomsk province, the children of the Orthodox, or “worldly”, bicker with the children of the Old Believers, or “Kerzhaks”, in the event of a quarrel as follows: “You are a Kerzhak-leshak. - And you are a worldly. “In the next world you will be put on top.”

In areas with different populations, teasing of people of other nationalities is widespread. In the twenties O.I. Kapitsa noted that most of the texts were dedicated to the Tatars and Germans, then to the Gypsies, Moldavians, and Ukrainians. Tatars were teased as follows:

Tatars - yakshi

Buy noodles

Buy wine -

Get me drunk.

About the gypsies they composed such a teaser:

Gypsy change,

My horse is without a tail

Every day is a verst.

"Name teasers" were often used to tease, mock their carriers. “Sometimes these songs are of an innocent nature, they reveal a natural desire for children, as well as for adults, to laugh, to joke, but often they also have a specific goal - to offend and mock the chosen victim,” notes O.I. Kapitsa. Schoolchildren tease a boy named Georges:

Here is George Gorman

Nose cut off

Instead of a nose - a cigarette,

Instead of a belly - two watermelons.

The teaser was widespread at school in the second half of the 19th century. Schoolchildren of that time were well aware of the name of Georges Bormann, the owner of a confectionery factory. It no longer said anything to schoolchildren of the beginning of the 20th century and was subjected to distortion or replacement with a consonant one.

In addition to individual teasers, there were also teases directed against a certain group of children, for example, students of the preparatory class: "Preparations - wet pants" or first-graders, students of a real school: "First-graders - sausages." Accordingly, the gymnasium students were called "Gymnasium brawlers" or:

Blue beef for a penny a pood,

Which dogs don't eat.

Cadets were teased for their military bearing: "Cadet - put on a stick." Institutok for their well-known addiction to sweets and all sorts of delicacies:

Institute girls are like ducks,

Whatever they find, they will eat

And having eaten - not in moderation

They poison the atmosphere.

The examples given reflect the primordial enmity between educational institutions different type that existed in tsarist Russia.

In one of the Leningrad schools, girls teased boys:

Tomorrow is a holiday, Sunday,

Give the girls cookies

And the boys - fists,

And on the second - worms.

Based on an analysis of 200 collected teasers, O.I. Kapitsa notes that teasers are most common in names, with male ones predominating over female ones. Of the male names, Ivan, Yegor, Nikolai, Alexei are most often found in teasers, and of the female ones - Katerina and Dunya. The rhyming of names is usually as follows: “Andrei is a sparrow”, “Antoshka is an underbaked potato”, “Foma is a big chrome”, “Mishka is a fir cone”, “Egor is without obor”, “Masha is porridge”, “Zinka is a basket” .

One name in a teaser is easily replaced by another, you only need to keep the rhyme:


Get on the bitch

They're tearing up a cat

They'll give you a paw.

The spread, first of all, of “personal teasers” is also confirmed by the observations of G.S. Vinogradov, who believed that "formulas of ridicule" are usually associated with the creation of nicknames: Sissy, magpie, crybaby. There are also other teasers - snag-snack, greedy-snack.

The variability of the addressee B. Sikimic calls one of key features teasing and gives such an example: “Latin tailed, tomorrow you will die with me, it’s hard for the hand that will drag you, it’s hard for the shovel that will bury you.” She also believes that teasers associated with personal names “often include a zoonymic code” (“chicken”, “goat”, “goat”, “donkey”) and are based on the motives of anti-behavior (“dirty”, physical punishment). The latter clearly came from adult folklore: "Kire plays with a stick, his mare darted, her waterskin burst."

less often ridiculed physical handicaps or character traits, the reason for creating a teaser is sometimes appearance. Tall, short, oblique, lame, fat, thin, red, bald, stuttering - all these shortcomings cause the appearance of teasers in appropriate cases. A large number of texts refers to red. Often found in the recordings of a song, which is based on the plot of a teaser:

redhead asked:

"Where did you dye your beard?"

- I'm not paint,

Not putty

I lay in the sun.

In some cases, an exaggerated portrait is reproduced:

Anna - balana,

The head is pewter.

crochet nose,

Mouth box.

Sometimes not only one family member is ridiculed, but the entire tribal community:

Sidor sells a bathhouse,

Sidorikh does not give

Sidoryata chirping -

They drag the bath under the corner,

In the “teaser-shaming” (G.S. Vinogradov’s term), cowardice, theft, slovenliness, envy and other shortcomings that cause condemnation in the children’s environment are ridiculed:

Grishka, Grishka,

Stole an ax

Escape to brother -

Stole the house.

Escape to father

Stole a sheep.

become a subject of ridicule various properties character, this is how they laugh at the pompous and proud:

Fu-you, well-you

The sleigh is bent

Hands to the side

Eyes on the ceiling...

Gluttons are often ridiculed:

Trebuhan, Trebuhan

Ate a cow and a bull

fifty pigs,

Ninety ducklings.

Children do not like being teased by the bride and groom. Such teasing is done in chorus and often brings those to whom it is directed to tears. Usually it happens with the help of special songs:

Tilly, Tilly Tilishok,

Ivanushka is a groom.

Tilly, Tilly dough

Masha is the bride.

Spreading teasers. Real children's teasers are devoid of "national or religious coloring, which indicates the possible antiquity of their motives." Another conclusion can be drawn: teasers have existed for a long time, they can be considered traditional, some researchers call them established, or “ready-made”, indicating the formulaic nature of the works.

New teasers appear for certain reasons, usually they indicate creativity his writer. "There is hardly any notable case, suitable occasion, which will make it difficult to find a lively word, a light rhyme, it is unlikely that an event of the day of interest to the children will be found, the reflection of which would not be found in the finished song form or a new one would not be born. So, a boy who mentioned that they give cabbage soup with potatoes for dinner is given the nickname “pshik-potatoes”, who came from the Pskov province is nicknamed “skopsky” and “skopodyr”. The boy who dreamed of becoming a captain was teased:

palegan, palegan,

Arzhana cake.

Captain, captain

Ripped pants.

The reasoning of O.I. Kapitsa about the nature of teasers dedicated to certain occupations and professions: “everyone gets it here: the shoemaker, the tailor, the butcher, and the miller.”

Godless shoemakers

They sit at the tavern

torn, tattered,

With a bottle in hand.

Swedish tailor,

Do you want a puppy?


Would you like some porridge?

dedicated persons different professions teasers are called nicknames-butts: the carpenter is “pine-biter”, the footman is “sycophant”, the gentlemen are “pants for two”, the bar is “a penny a couple”, the painter is “mazun-pozun”, etc.

Persons of the clergy were also ridiculed. They say about them:

The priests have envious eyes.

Hands grabbing.

Along Pskovskaya street

Rides a pop on a chicken

Get on the rooster

Pig hit.

Teaser alterations. Above we talked about the possibility of transferring some elements of teasers into songs, which results in a related text. The cat lover girl was nicknamed "Cat's Mother", and lines from the famous ditty were added to this nickname:

cat's mother

Was about to die

Did not die -

Just spent time.

Improvisation teasers are found in children in all social groups both in the city and in the countryside. If improvisation is “good, coherent, suitable, i.e., meets the general needs of the interested group,” then it is preserved, moving from one to another, notes O.I. Kapitsa.

The song form of teasers is determined by the manner of performance, they are pronounced with 1 (scanned) recitative, so the lines must rhyme and obey the internal rhythm. It is possible to develop a rhyming line into a couplet:


Give it to the end.

teddy bear,

Lump near the ear.

Then three and four lines:

Ivan the blockhead

Fell off the bell tower.

Three years rolled

And he didn't get killed.

Sometimes a teaser develops into a whole song:

Grisha, Grisha

Would you sit at home

I would sharpen the spindles.

You have a spinning wife

I spun on a thread,

Bought a cow

A cow with a cat milked with a spoon,

The cow is missing

Kuzma was slapped.

“The given teaser, like many others, was borrowed by children from adults - the content of such teasers often goes beyond the circle of children's interests, while most of them are entirely childish content,” notes O.I. Kapitsa. These are, for example:

Crybaby - Oleksa,

Milk milk

From a pail.

Vasya, Vasenok,

skinny pig,

Tied into the grass -

Screaming: "meow,

I won't get out."

Baby teasers are aimed at solving a number of conflict situations occurring during the game. If a child does not want to give something, they usually threaten him, talk about physical punishment: “My mother sent me to give me some poppy. If you don’t give me some poppy seeds, your hand will be like this.”

B. Sikimich writes: "A child who spoils the game is a real curse." She proposes to consider the folklore texts cited by her as full-fledged magic formulas, which is also indicated by their syntax: “Will you go around or sideways? If side, let the ant kill you with a branch. If around, let the ant kill you with his hand.

Among the others features teasing - the use of exaggeration (hyperbole), understatement (litot), detailed comparisons, application definitions.

Undershirts introduced into scientific circulation by G.S. Vinogradov, he also proposed their first classification. Undershirts, according to the terminology of the researcher, represent one of the varieties of works of children's laughter creativity. One of the children, for fun, to laugh, "pranks" his interlocutor and puts him in a funny position, "pranked" may turn out to be an inexperienced beginner who does not know this joke:

- Fedya, say "pop".

– What? Well, I'll say: pop.

- Your father is a bug.

- One hundred and one hundred - how much?

- Two hundred.

- Sit right there, you idiot.

Sometimes undershirts are accompanied by actions. One little boy grabs another by the nose and insistently asks:

“Oak or elm?”

- Pull to the lips.

After this answer, the questioner pulls his nose down, in the case of the answer "elm" - up, "to the eyes."

“Vitka, you have moss under your feet!” Vitka looks at his feet. They say to him: "Do not bow, I am not God."

We also find the definition of underwear in G.S. Vinogradova: “the underdress is either an artificial dialogue, where one should expect the opportunity to be caught (hook on a word) completely unexpectedly for oneself.”

A variety of teasers has survived to this day, notes O.Yu.Trykova. The game character is created by a dialogic form that is obligatory:

- Say glue.

- Drink a jar of snot! (Tryk., p. 40.)

In the emerging game situation the interlocutor is lured into a verbal "trap" and ridiculed in a peculiar way. This is where another name for the form under consideration comes from, which G.S. Vinogradov calls "lures". One person directs the conversation, the other is left with the passive role of repeating the agreed phrase or word. “A certain boy promises to tell something to another, but on the condition that he answers everything that he says: “and I.”

- I will go to the forest.

- I'll cut down the tree.

- I will cut the deck,

- I'll mix the pigs. -

- They will eat. -

Here's another option:

Speak for a lot of "how".

- The woman went to the tavern.

- Got drunk.

- Came home.

The man began to beat her.

– Like this] (A stab in the back follows.)

As comparative material, O.I. Kapitsa gives a German undercoat:

Ich bin in der Walde gegangen.

Ich nehme ein Axt mit.

Ich hau ein Eich ab.

Ich mach einem Sautrog draus.

Es fressen sieben Saue.draus.

(“I went into the forest.” – And I. – “I took an ax with me.” – And I. – “I cut down an oak tree.” – And I. – “I made a trough of it for a pig.” – And I. - “Seven pigs began to eat from it.” - And I.).

Today's children are called similar phenomenon"bait", believing that they are luring the interlocutor into a word game and mocking him. Already four or five-year-old children, entering into children's team are capable of such pranks.

The role of bait. Traditionally, banter and practical jokes in the form of word game are quite common. They are playing important role in child development. First of all, speech is taught through them, certain words are repeated and adjustments are made to eliminate pronunciation errors or misuse word forms. The verbal situation is demonstrated with different parties both statically and dynamically.

Lures were also used to instill certain skills. They were an element of communication between children and adults, they were included both in everyday life and in holiday games. The adult sought to encourage the child to take active action, to make him critical of any statement or event. So, having offered the child to climb under the table, then they began the following conversation / conversation with him:

- Do you have a mother?

- Do you have a dad?

- Do you have a mind?

- If you had a mind, you would not have sat under the table.

During such jokes or pranks, some practical skills were also instilled; children learned to distinguish animals by imitating their habits.

“The structure-forming element of the “lure” dialogue is the rhyme to the repeated word, which transforms the dialogic situation, translating it into a new quality,” notes M.P. Cherednikov. She also establishes that the grotesque beginning is not traced in all texts.

Prospects for the development of teasers. The stability of stylistic constructions allows, according to G.A. Bartashevich, create new works or modify already known ones. As if developing her observations, O.Yu. Trykova notices that new images, concepts are actively penetrating the teaser, sometimes even very

- Say: what a blue sky!

What a blue sky!

- Blues always do that!

Often teasers are created on the basis of ready-made forms for mimicry.

Interaction of genre forms. M.I. Melnikov notes that under the influence of professional poetry and ditties, elements of counting poetics penetrated teasers. He gives the following example:


I ate my grandmother's watermelon.

Grandma is arguing

Vitya backs off.

O.Yu. Trykova sees the interaction of modern teasing with folk song. B. Sikimic highlights the form of a children's song addressed to animals, which contains elements of teasing and cursing, she gives several examples where different birds and animals meet: "Damned goat, blessed sheep, God gave you to keep your tail like that."

Let us give an example of a teaser, which is an interesting case of adaptation to a new environment of a song widely used in peasant children's everyday life:

Tomorrow is a holiday, Sunday,

We will bake cakes,

And anoint and show

And they won't let you eat.

The mutual influence of teasers and rhymes often occurs under the influence of the media. This is how you can explain the use of lines from advertising in counting rhymes:

The cat died, the tail peeled off -

It turned out Ankel Bene!

Sometimes a play on words is found in a joke: “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are walking through a construction site. Cheburashka says: "And there are people working." Crocodile Gena says: "Not people, but people." Cheburashka says: "And there one person fell into the pit."

Clarification of the existence of teasers and the specifics of their transition from an adult to a children's environment will help determine some of the features of the organization of the children's environment. So, M.P. Cherednikova gives the following anecdote, which is created on the basis of a contradiction that arises between different age groups and, therefore, generating a comic situation:

Grandma comes up to the guy and asks:

- Tell me, son, how to get to Lenin Street?

- Firstly, not a son, but a hippie. Secondly, not to pass, but to thunder with bones. Thirdly, not on Lenin Street, but on Lenin's hipp-strasse.

- Listen, hippies, how to rattle the bones on Lenin's hipp-strasse?

“What the hell are you, mold?

The process of word creation, constantly taking place in teasers, can undoubtedly become the subject of study by linguists. True, some experts are ambivalent about the use of swear words found in teasers.

Interesting and processes relationships with literary genres. The teaser was actively used by S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, E.E. Moshkovskaya, K.I. Chukovsky, E.N. Uspensky, D. Kharms. Literary images are also widely used in the children's environment, among them, as O.Yu. Trykova, uncle Styopa Mikhalkov is “leading”:

From the book Moscow Words, Words and idioms author Muravyov Vladimir Bronislavovich

From the book Poetics and Semiotics of Russian Literature author Mednis Nina Eliseevna

From the book A New Look on the history of the Russian state author Morozov Nikolai Alexandrovich

About the semantic overtones of Pushkin’s Arzamas nickname “Pushkin’s name in connection with“ Arzamas ”, as well as his nickname“ Cricket ”(borrowed from the verse of the ballad“ Svetlana ”-“ The cricket shouted plaintively ”), we find in documents relating to the time graduation from the Lyceum», –

From the book Slavic Encyclopedia author Artemov Vladislav Vladimirovich

From the author's book

Nicknames Ancient people considered the name an important part of the human personality and preferred to keep it secret in order to evil sorcerer failed to “take” the name and use it to induce damage (just as they used cut hair, scraps of clothes,

teasers- small rhymes created by children to ridicule the shortcomings of a person they encounter, or to protect themselves from an offender. Having studied children's teasers, adults will be able to more fully understand their baby: what vices are more unpleasant for him. It is important to understand that a teaser is not a mockery, although the line between them is very thin. She teaches children the ability to notice the bad, unfair, ugly, she teaches them to hear words and select them according to consonance and meaning, she develops sensitivity to absurd situations in life and in verbal representation. Literary teasers are objective; their author turns to this genre not to shame a particular child, but to portray the shortcomings that are inherent to one degree or another in all children.

teasers (on " explanatory dictionary Russian language "V. I. Dahl is the word of the Tambov province) are expressions that deliberately annoyed someone. "Grandmother-hedgehog, bone leg! .." Teasers are composed of almost all Russian names: "Fedya is delirious, he ate a bear ...", etc. But more often teasers are ridiculed: greedy guys, braggarts, imagined, cowards.
Crybabies and sneaks get "Sneak-snag, pickle". Not only adults teach children the mind. But the children themselves educate each other all the time, correct the shortcomings. Well, if they tease not on business, you can always answer with an excuse: "Whoever calls them names, that's what they call!", “The crocodile walked, walked, swallowed your word, but left mine and put a seal!” or “A cow ate your word, but left mine!”.

As a rule, teasing passes from generation to generation, from older guys in the yard, from older brothers and sisters, from peers. Parents, as a rule, do not remember such children's pranks, and sometimes even consider them stupid, offensive and obscene, although they themselves, as children, teased each other "Roar-cow", "Deceived the fool, four fists!" or "You call me names, but you transfer them to yourself!"
The answer to a teaser can be different, for example, "I myself am the same ten times." It can be even simpler - "the fool himself." "Whoever calls himself that, he himself is called that." Or “I am a mirror” and show him a palm so that he seems to see his reflection. Or a person says to someone “Fool, idiot”, and in response to him - “Very nice, glad to meet you”, that is, his own resentment returns to him. This is, in principle, such a defense skill and, indeed, very good. This is one of the recommendations for children who are obstructed - to respond in a funny, humorous, so light way, without taking it as a personal attack. This variety children's folklore, as a teaser, and some writers classify it as a low genre and treat it negatively. Whether it's a gentle lullaby or some cute rhyme! However, even the most superficial linguistic analysis reveals the kinship of a teaser with a venerable literary epigram. The task of all these texts is to hurt the opponent by making him look ridiculous. The teaser is always pronounced in a singsong voice (this is how the rhyme is savored, from which children especially enjoy). Always loud. First, for everyone to hear. Secondly, it is better to enter into a verbal duel from a safe distance, otherwise you can get change.