The main disadvantages of raising children in orphanages. The conditions of life and upbringing of children in an orphanage distort the communication between an adult and a child. Time to collect stones

The upbringing of orphans in orphanages is a complex process that teachers do not always think about when they choose to work in such institutions. In order to educate and educate such children, it is necessary to more knowledge, qualifications, patience and understanding than for teaching children in a regular school. In order to understand what education should be like, it is necessary to understand at least a little the main causes of low learning ability and lack of proper socialization in such children.

Different ages in the same group

It's no secret that very often orphans different ages grouped together for training. As a result of such education, children do not even always fully know the alphabet and know how to read, not to mention other skills. Therefore, teachers who work with children in conditions orphanage, it must be remembered that the children cannot read the lesson, as is the case in ordinary schools - for the whole class. This requires an individual approach. Unfortunately not developed yet special techniques teaching specifically for the orphanage, but teachers can always change existing methodologies, adjusting them precisely to the situation that is developing in a particular class. Many orphans have problems with the development of memory, thinking and learning. Accordingly, if the teacher sees that the group has approximately the same gaps in knowledge and skills, he can use one technique for children of different ages. But in the case when there is a different level of development in the class, students should be divided not by age, but by their skills and abilities. Many teachers make the mistake of starting to pull up the weak and thus do not give more capable students the opportunity to develop, because they have to perform tasks below their level of knowledge. For such children, it is necessary to specially develop their tasks and exercises so that they can deal with them, while the teacher deals with a weaker group of students.

Psychological research

Also, teachers who work in an orphanage need to understand that they should be not only teachers, but also psychologists. That is why teachers who work in orphanages are advised to constantly conduct various psychological tests, which can identify the causes of disorders in children and help to prepare lesson plans that can develop each child, in accordance with his abilities, knowledge and skills.

The role of the teacher

Teachers who work in orphanages should understand that their role is very important in the life of each student, since they receive education from those who teach them. Children deprived of parental care receive much less warmth, understanding, sympathy and affection than their peers from prosperous families. That is why the teacher needs not only to teach the child, but also to be patient with him, try to understand him and show that his fate is really not indifferent. Of course, children who do not know their parents from childhood and end up in orphanages from the street have complex characters and psychological problems. But at individual approach to everyone, using modern methodologies and, most importantly, sincere desire teacher to help and understand, such guys can get good knowledge get rid of their problems and calmly socialize in society.

In the studies of domestic and Western psychologists, Comparative characteristics children left without parental care. Studies have shown that the overall physical and mental development of children brought up without parental care differs from the development of peers growing up in families. They have a slow pace mental development, a number of negative features: low level intellectual development, poor emotional sphere and imagination, late development of self-regulation skills and correct behavior. (Dubrovina I.V., Ruzskaya A.G., 1990)

Children brought up in institutions of social and psychological and pedagogical support for childhood are characterized by a pronounced maladjustment, which is aggravated by such traumatic factors as the removal of a child from a family and placing him in different kind institutions (hospital, reception center, temporary shelter, sanatorium, etc.).

The behavior of these children is characterized by irritability, outbursts of anger, aggression, exaggerated response to events and relationships, resentment, provoking conflicts with peers, inability to communicate with them.

Psychologist, educator, social teacher working with children in such institutions should be aware that all this is only part of overall picture, her outward manifestation. The other part, much larger, is inner world a child who is difficult to diagnose, correct, but has a very strong influence on his future life, mental development and personality formation.

At present, we have to state with regret that, in terms of their mental development, children brought up without parental care

different from peers growing up in a family. The rate of development of the former is slowed down.

Their development and health have a number of qualitative negative features that are noted at all stages of childhood - from infancy to adolescence and beyond. Peculiarities manifest themselves in different ways and to unequal degrees in each age stage. But all of them are fraught with serious consequences for the formation of the personality of a growing person.

All children from orphanages show a delay in psychomotor and speech development expressed in varying degrees(mild, moderate and severe), deviations in the state of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior. Speech delay occurs in 95% of cases. Level cognitive activity and ways to perform actions in all children below age norm, some of them do not distinguish between color and shape, do not transfer the acquired knowledge to other activities. (Dubrovina I.V., Ruzskaya A.G., 1990)

Backlog in cognitive development in children from orphanages - this is a characteristic phenomenon. In part, it can be overcome within the framework of educational process, while actually psychological correction should be aimed primarily at the formation of cognitive and creative activity, abstract-figurative thinking, arbitrary self-regulation; however, these children are teachable, which indicates the legitimacy of a favorable prognosis.

In the area of ​​attention, there is a lag, primarily in terms of its arbitrary function. Children are easily distracted, concentration occurs at the level of spontaneous motivation, which generally acts as a manifestation of the unformed voluntary self-regulation. There are also disturbances in attention span, fast fatiguability, which may be associated with both general psychastenization and organic pathology in a number of children.

In the field of speech development, the usual tongue-tied tongue is observed, especially noticeable in younger preschoolers, there is a delay in the field of syntax and content of the statement. Another area in which the lag in speech development is manifested is social. Children comment on specific everyday events, but are not always able to formulate their thoughts about the future.

general characteristics emotional status next: high anxiety and in most cases aggressive tendencies, obvious or repressed (according to project methods), loneliness, aggression, fears fairy tale characters(moreover, according to the content of fears, one can judge tendencies towards a lag in development).

With regard to emotional lability or rigidity, it can be said that the predominance of one of these characteristics as typical has not been revealed; at the same time, cases of explicit expression of one or the other in individual children are noteworthy, which, in combination with euphoric and depressive manifestations, indicates the presence of emotional disturbances, reducing the arbitrariness of behavior and emotional self-regulation. This is also manifested in motor disinhibition or stiffness, affective reactions during frustration, poor self-control during social interactions. (Golik A.N., 2001)

Children raised in residential care have whole line personal characteristics, in particular, they do not learn the skills of productive communication in the presence of a pronounced need for love and attention; unable to communicate with others. Due to incorrect and insufficient communication experience, children often take an aggressively negative position towards other people. The emotionally unstable position of a child deprived of parental care leads to a violation of affective-personal relationships. (Mikhailova E.A., Matkovskaya T.N., 1998)

For children in a situation of deprivation, a weak severity of significance is characteristic. friendly relations, the absence of permanent dyads and triads, which are mainly situational in nature. The attitude towards adults among pupils of closed children's institutions is determined by the practical usefulness of the last child in the life. In the life of these children, not personal, but functional-role communication takes place, the choice of a communication partner is carried out on a subject-content basis. (Parishioners A.M., Tolstykh N.N., 1990)

A limited circle of contacts hinders the formation of productive communication skills with peers and adults and makes it difficult to form an adequate picture of the world, which, in turn, turns out to be a significant obstacle to their adaptation and integration in a wider society.

The lack of communication between a child and an adult leads to hypertrophy, the overvaluation of this need, to the almost complete dependence of the emotional well-being of the child on the attitude of an adult towards him. (Lisina M.I., 1979)

Against the background of the tension of the need to communicate with an adult and at the same time increased dependence on him, aggressiveness in relation to an adult attracts attention. Studies by Mukhina, Noskova, and Schastnaya show that children in a situation of deprivation are not successful in resolving conflicts with both adults and peers, they are aggressive, tend to blame others for the conflict, cannot realize their guilt, are incapable of productive, constructive way out from the conflict. (Mukhina V.S., 1991)

To understand the reasons for the emergence of the described features of behavior in orphanage children, it is not enough to point out, on the one hand, the narrowness and limitation of their contacts with adults, and, on the other hand, the high intensity of contacts with peers as simple quantitative characteristics.

It is important to take into account that in the orphanage the child constantly communicates with a rather narrow group of peers, and he himself cannot prefer any other to her: close belonging to a certain circle of peers leads to the fact that relations in the group develop according to the type of kindred. In this one can see positive factor which contributes to emotional stability, security, but at the same time, such contacts do not contribute to the development of communication skills with peers, the ability to establish equal relations with unknown children, adequately assess their qualities necessary for selective, friendly communication (L.I. Bozhovich, J. Korchak, V.S. Mukhina, A.L. Shrinman). (Mukhina V.S., 1991)

The underdevelopment of the “intimate-personal” sphere of communication is based on the lack of empathy, i.e. empathy, skills and needs to share their experiences with another person. At the same time, Schastnaya's research suggests that in deprived children, assistance, as the ability to help others, is represented much more widely than empathy. This phenomenon allows us to touch on one of critical issues personal development - the problem of alienation, "separation". The situation of deprivation contributes to the development of the phenomenon of alienation, and this is what produces the lack of love, warmth in relation to the second, third generation in the family (as a kind of sequential chain of generations, which can be quite difficult to interrupt). (Schastnaya T.N., 1997)

As studies conducted by Mukhina show, the phenomenon of “we” is formed in the conditions of the orphanage. Children have a unique identification with each other. IN prosperous family there is always a family "we" - a feeling that reflects the involvement of one's own family. This is an important emotionally and morally organizing force that creates a condition for the protection of the child. In conditions of life without parental care, children spontaneously develop an orphanage (boarding school) “we”. This is a very special psychological formation.

Children without parents divide the world into “us” and “them”, “us” and “them”. They jointly isolate themselves from “strangers”, show aggression towards them, and are ready to use them for their own purposes. They have their own normative attitude towards all “outsiders”. However, within their own group, children are also most often isolated: they may abuse their peers or children. younger age. This position will be formed for many reasons, but, above all, because of the undeveloped and distorted need for love and recognition, because of the emotionally unstable position of the child. (Mukhina V.S., 1989)

The development of all aspects of the self (image of oneself, attitude towards oneself, self-image, self-esteem) among pupils-orphanages, orphanages differs significantly from the development of these aspects in children from the family. Czech researchers I. Langmeyer, 3. Mateychek see one of the serious consequences of the deprivation of the need for parental love in the lack of a sense of self-confidence among the pupils of children's institutions. Arising on early stages ontogenesis, self-doubt becomes a stable formation, a characteristic of a pupil of an orphanage. (Langmeyer I., Mateychek Z., 1984)

The data show that the self-assessment of boarding school pupils is based mainly on the assessments of others, while the self-assessment of students in a public school is based both on the assessment of others and on their own criteria. It is known that a predominant orientation towards the evaluation of others is typical for children of primary school age, and a combination of orientation towards self-esteem and evaluation is typical for adolescents. Although, as already mentioned, in our case, we are not talking about the actual assessment of others, but about the adolescents' idea of ​​such an assessment, nevertheless, the lag of boarding school students, in our opinion, deserves attention because, according to this indicator they are at the level of younger children. (Savonko E.I., 1972)

Characteristics of the image of "I" of adolescents growing up in the family and outside the family differ in a number of significant parameters, the main of which are:

1) self-orientation personality traits, opportunities (mass school) - orientation to the external environment, to adaptation (boarding school);

2) intensive formation of the image of "I" in the direction of adulthood, the system of own values ​​associated with it from the 7th to the 8th grade (mass school) - the stability of these aspects of the image of the I in the indicated period (boarding school);

3) a vivid expression of the actual adolescent characteristics(mass school) - inconsistency in the development of some aspects of the image of I age characteristics(boarding school). (Dubrovina I.V., Ruzskaya A.G., 1990)

In general, although according to traditional criteria, there is some lag in the development of the self-image of boarding school students, nevertheless, it does not exhaust the specifics of the development of this education in a boarding school type institution. The point is not that the self-image develops more slowly under these conditions, it is important that it develops in a slightly different way, along a different path than in adolescents growing up in a family.

Adolescents from orphanages are characterized by difficulties in relationships with other people, superficiality of feelings, dependency, the habit of living at the behest of others, difficulties in relationships, violations in the sphere of self-awareness (from experiencing permissiveness to inferiority), aggravation of difficulties in mastering educational material, manifestations of a gross violation of discipline (vagrancy, theft, various forms delinquent behaviour). In relationships with adults, they experience their uselessness, the loss of their value and the value of another person.

For normal development teenagers need certain conditions:

1) information about modern life; they have the right and should receive sufficiently reliable information on all issues of concern to teenagers, check it and analyze it (sex, criminal law, drugs and alcohol, religion, sects, youth movement, etc.);

2) a combination of freedom and responsibility in activities; adolescents need constructive interaction with adults, the adoption of the developed rules at school, family, society;

3) self-acceptance (your physical self, character, features, emotions, etc.);

4) teaching the skills of decent behavior (interaction, upholding self-esteem).

According to A.A. Likhanov, adolescents deprived of parental care have significantly different ideas about a happy person and about happiness from the ideas of children from normal families. The most common responses of at-risk adolescents about the main indicators of happiness are: food, sweets (lots of cake), toys, gifts, clothes. Such “thingish” characteristics show that even fifteen-year-old adolescents have a toy necessary attribute happiness. Turning to a toy, perhaps, allows a teenager to compensate for the lack of emotional warmth and dissatisfaction with social needs. Among adolescents deprived of parental care, 43% report a minimum of signs happy person, which can be interpreted as the position “I am unhappy”, and only 17% of such adolescents were found in normal families.

The experience of experiencing loneliness by adolescents at risk is 70%. Only 1% do not see a way out of the state of loneliness, while the rest see getting rid of it in finding a friend, finding a family, reaching a compromise in conflict situations, change emotional state. The ways of such change are not constructive for many adolescents (for example, drink, smoke, go for a walk, etc.). (Likhanov A.A., 1987)

Adolescents from orphanages are characterized by a special process of socialization. As a rule, they live most of their lives in institutions of social and pedagogical support (orphanages, boarding schools, shelters, under guardianship) or in a dysfunctional family.

For most pupils of these institutions, the following specific features are characteristic:

* inability to communicate with people outside the institution, difficulties in establishing contacts with adults and peers, alienation and distrust of people, detachment from them;

* violations in the development of feelings that do not allow understanding others, accepting them, relying only on their desires and feelings;

* low level of social intelligence, which makes it difficult to understand social norms, rules, the need to comply with them;

*weakly developed sense responsibility for their actions, indifference to the fate of those who connected their lives with them, a feeling of jealousy towards them;

* consumer psychology in relation to relatives, the state, society;

* diffidence, low self-esteem, lack of permanent friends and support from them;

* unformed volitional sphere, lack of purposefulness aimed at future life; most often, purposefulness is manifested only in achieving immediate goals: to get what is desired, attractive;

* unformed life plans, life values, the need to satisfy only the most basic needs (food, clothing, housing, entertainment);

* low social activity, the desire to be invisible, not to attract attention;

* a tendency to additive (self-destructive) behavior - the abuse of one or more psychoactive substances, usually without signs of dependence (smoking, alcohol, soft drugs, toxic and medicinal substances etc.); this can serve as a kind of regressive form psychological protection. (Nechaeva A.M., 1994)

Children of senior school age are on the verge of an independent life for which they do not consider themselves ready. On the one hand, they want to live independently, separately, to be independent of anyone, on the other hand, they are afraid of this independence, because they understand that without the support of their parents and relatives they cannot survive, and they cannot count on it. This duality of feelings and desires leads to dissatisfaction with one's life and oneself.

Many of these children receive vocational education at this time. For orphans and children left without parental care, in 95% of cases this is a vocational school or technical school. Being educated in these educational institutions, they fall into an environment of approximately the same peers. (Status of children in Russia, 1993)

All of them are on state support live in the same hostel, in a single cultural and leisure environment. The problems of loneliness, uselessness, insecurity remain at the same level.

Some better position those who live in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care and study in specialized secondary or vocational institutions, as they can return to the familiar environment of a foster institution where they are cared for.

Upbringing outside the family is the main reason why these children are not ready for an independent life and gives rise to personal deprivation, since the constant environment with a large number of children and adults does not provide the opportunity for self-identification, understanding oneself and one's problems, and the opportunity to think about one's future life. The child does not know how he will live alone, where to find friends, how to spend free time how to organize your life.

The impoverishment of communication with adults, its limitations (mostly only employees of the institution) leads to the fact that children cannot establish contacts with other adults, find common ground between the requirements of significant adults and their own desires and capabilities. Contacts with adults are superficial, unemotional, which leads to the absence of the need to seek close relationships with people, trust them, see self-respect on their part.

In senior school age the most acute problem is the choice of profession. All children dream of a good job. They have a special idea of ​​a good job: they often present it as doing nothing, but getting a lot of money at the same time.

Since during the period of stay in state institutions social support children had virtually no pocket money, then, naturally, any amount that they are called as a salary is huge for them. The cost of things necessary for life, they do not represent. Living wage for them, the concept is non-existent, as they are used to being fed, buying the necessary things. Being in state institutions, high school students do not represent the cost real life, do not know how to save money, buy only what they need, and not what they want.

The living conditions of orphans and children left without parental care, on full state support, lead to the formation of a dependent position in relation to everyone around. It manifests itself in the statements: “You owe us”, “You are obliged”, “Give us ...”, etc. Getting a profession, orphans are little concerned about whether their salary is enough to live on for a month or not. In case of a shortage of money, they again go to the orphanage, where they will be fed, given food, etc.

After leaving the orphanage, graduates try to find relatives, relatives, and return to their families. It seems to them that their parents, relatives will immediately fall in love with them, they will be happy with them and everything will be fine. But in life they meet with a different picture. Relatives only at the beginning rejoice at their return from the orphanage, their parents do not accept them, they do not want them to live with them. Relations with relatives do not add up, the children again remain alone. Having no experience of life in a family, they do not represent family relations. Any person who took pity on them, warmed them, seems to them fairytale hero, and immediately they have hope that everything will be fine. There is little they can do on their own. When they receive separate housing, they cannot live alone, most often they go to live with friends and girlfriends. Quite often, such friends and girlfriends also live in dysfunctional families. Therefore, such children unite, spend time together. (Trosnetskaya G.N., Shipitsyna L.M., 1996)

Led brief analysis features personal development children who are in a situation of derivation naturally raises the question of the possibility of removing its consequences, or at least smoothing, correcting them.

Creation of orphanages family type, foster families are one of the ways to change the situation. In addition, there is a way to change the consequences of deprivation through rehabilitation and correction.

Kovalchuk Tatiana
Family education is a guarantee successful adaptation orphanage pupils

Family education is the key to successful social adaptation

orphanage pupil

Difficulties are well known orphanage often a personality with a sociopathic character is formed. These are objective conditions, they are a situation of development social orphan.

For proper entry orphanage pupil family education pupils.

Human development is a very complex process. The development of a child - not only a complex, but also a contradictory process - means his transformation as a biological individual into a social being - a personality. To become a man, one biological heredity is not enough.

Socialization is the process and result of assimilation and active reproduction individual social experience, carried out in communication and activity. Socialization can occur both under conditions of spontaneous impact on the personality of various circumstances, and under conditions of education, that is purposeful formation personality.

The process of socialization proceeds most intensively in childhood and youth when all the basic value orientations are laid down, the basic social norms and relationships, the motivation of social behavior is formed.

The society plays an important role in the socialization of the child. The child masters this immediate environment gradually. If at birth a child develops mainly in the family, then in the future he masters more and more new environments - preschool, then school, out-of-school institutions, groups of friends. With age mastered by the child "territory" social environment is more and more expanding. At the same time, the child, as it were, constantly seeks and finds the environment that is most comfortable for him, where the child is better understood, treated with respect. Therefore he can "migrate" from one environment to another.

For the process of socialization importance has, what attitudes are formed by this or that environment in which the child is located, which social experience can accumulate in him in this environment - positive or negative.

The family is the first team for the child, where his development takes place, the foundations are laid future personality. It is in the family that the first ideas of the child about a particular social role are formed. Such representations in orphans admitted to orphanages mainly from maladjusted families, are significantly distorted. These children brought up in children's homes, in preschool orphanages, and those that came from families have had a bad experience family life . They create their own, often incorrect, image of a particular role.

The main feature of socialization orphanage pupils is the replacement of one of the main institutions of socialization - the family - by an institution.

Children left without parental care are deprived of the most powerful and effective way of social adaptation.

Orphans have problems in socialization precisely because of the fact that their interaction with society and its individual structures is very limited, and with their parents is completely absent.

Children, educated without parental care, have great difficulty entering into independent life. General physical and mental development orphanage pupils different from the development of their peers growing up in a family. The pace of their mental development is slow, has a number of qualitative negative features: children have a lower level of intellectual development, poorer emotional life and imagination, the ability to control one's behavior, the skills of self-control, is formed much later and worse.

Difficulties are well known adaptation of a graduate of the orphanage to an independent life. They are explained both by his own orphan fate and by the fact that under specific conditions orphanage often a personality with a sociopathic character is formed. These are objective conditions, they are the situation of development of the social orphan. Meanwhile, educational the potential of the residential institution is very high, and with the appropriate organization of the environment and targeted pedagogical techniques, it is possible, at least partially, to compensate Negative influence development environment pupil. Orphanages called upon to perform not only educational educational functions. Teachers are faced with the task of releasing into an independent life a person who has formed:

1. positive attitude to people;

2. the ability to make choices, make decisions and take responsibility for it;

3. the need for work as a way of life;

4. the ability to live in a social space of rights and obligations.

Orphanages have as their main task the optimization of the socialization of the individual, its full development, compensating for developmental shortcomings, ensuring legal and psychological security pupils and graduates.

It is quite obvious that it is the orphans who should undergo more deep training to an independent life.

For proper entry orphanage pupil into the system social relations special pedagogical work which ensures that the child masters a complex of social roles, including work on family education, moral and aesthetic, legal, medical and pedagogical, labor, as well as psychological rehabilitation and development pupils.

family education. For teachers in a residential institution, it is especially difficult to work that, to some extent, would ensure the assimilation of the social role of a family man. Preparing the next generation for family life should be carried out at all stages of its age development. At the same time, it is very important that a distorted idea of ​​the family is not created. Not a game "To the family", not the creation of a semblance of a family, but the relationship of care, cooperation, support, mutual responsibility should become the main ones and ensure the formation of the sociality of the child in this institution.

For a child, brought up outside the family, significant aspects of socialization are the group of peers, employees orphanage or boarding school. Therefore, information about social cast: husband, wife, sister, brother, aunt, uncle - may simply be absent or distorted.

Preparing orphans for family life is a set of measures of a psychological and pedagogical nature aimed at shaping pupil an adequate understanding of the family, its members and their relationships, problems, difficulties, as well as the formation of skills that help in overcoming these difficulties.

One of the objectives of the social education orphans is to prepare them for solving problems related to family life and management household . The fact that orphans have experience in solving such problems will contribute to more their successful adaptation to the conditions of family life, since an orphan child is deprived of a natural kindred "niches" in the family and he has to rely mainly on his own strength and experience.

In order to ensure efficiency and high level formation of readiness for family life, a certain purposeful organizational and pedagogical work is needed in the course of educational process with orphans in orphanages and boarding schools.

Very often a child has a fairly good idea of ​​his future family life without a positive experience family relationships. Therefore, the formation of readiness for family life must be integrated with moral upbringing young man , With upbringing it has such qualities as humanity, kindness, sensitivity, compassion, responsiveness, willingness to help others.

In children of primary school age, it is necessary to develop a sense of camaraderie, friendship, dignity, and honor. This contributes to the formation of ideas about love as the highest human feeling, about marriage. family relationships.

IN adolescence fundamentals are being actively developed moral qualities and ideals that are laid down at primary school age, teenagers' knowledge of the meaning and values ​​of the family is enriched, ideas about their responsibilities in the family deepen and expand, a sense of adulthood and independence is actively formed.

As part of family education it is necessary to carry out work on housekeeping in order to develop household skills in children, household self-service skills.

Psychological and pedagogical means of forming readiness for family life are lectures, during which children receive the knowledge they need, practical and seminar classes, in which the acquired knowledge is consolidated, workshops, during which pupils get acquainted with the characteristics of their personality, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, learn to develop existing abilities and correct negative manifestations.