Indian oil massage for the whole body and head. Benefits of the procedure. Who should go

Abhyanga massage or oil massage- This is a classic and very ancient Ayurvedic procedure, often used as a body preparation for. The Sanskrit "abhyanga" consists of two words - "abhy" ("rub") and "anga" ("limb"), which implies the very meaning of the technique.

At first, the practice was used for the purpose of impregnating the body. medicinal oils with Ayurvedic massage. Through the use of this technique, it is possible to achieve a balance of the system of subtle bodies. , meal, chakra, vayi, nadi. There are many variations of abhyanga, but they all serve the same purpose.

This Ayurvedic procedure heals all organ systems, works out different groups muscles, relaxes the body, relieves the mind of intrusive thoughts and fuss, helps to get rid of psycho-emotional stress. That is why Abhyanga is called the most demanded type of Indian massage in Ayurveda.

What is the effect of abhyanga massage

Ayurvedic abhyanga massage is an invaluable benefit not only for the physical, but also for the subtle body, which is confirmed by traditional Ayurvedic texts.. The effect of the massage is amazing (provided that time is allotted for its implementation daily):

  • The body comes to a healthy tone.
  • Actively removed from toxins and other harmful substances, which are often the cause of various ailments.
  • The body becomes strong and flexible due to deep muscle work.
  • The blood supply to all organs improves, which makes them receive much more oxygen and nutrients necessary for their full operation.
  • Feeling goes away constant fatigue. Every morning, performing a massage ritual, a person is charged with energy, thanks to which his performance and endurance during the day will be high.
  • All worries leave the mind, calmness and peace come. In modern psychological terms, stress resistance increases. In addition, sleep improves.
  • The condition of the joints and tendons improves, pains of a different nature are eliminated.
  • The aging process is significantly slowed down, thanks to which a person will look and feel young for as long as possible.
  • Increased visual acuity.
  • The work of the mind is accelerated, attention and memory are improved.
  • The skin becomes toned and elastic. Wrinkles are smoothed out healthy color the skin, its dryness is eliminated.

If we consider the reviews of those who regularly practice abhyanga oil massage, they testify to its unconditional benefits. Muscle clamps, which are a common cause a large number neurological problems weaken after massage .

This contributes to the free movement of energy through energy channels and improves well-being. It is also believed that deep oiling does not allow impurities to enter the body that provoke the development of diseases.

Oils used in abhyanga

Indian massage abhyanga is necessarily performed using various oils, which can significantly enhance the effect of the procedure. It can be vegetable oils(for example, sesame or olive), massage oils With plant extracts or aromatic essential oils.

Ayurveda attaches great importance medicinal herbs. It is believed that if you add herbal extracts to massage oil, you can get a double or even triple effect.

It is known that each plant has certain properties . Thus, the round-leaved mallow has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, actively nourishing it with useful substances.

Mimosa shy contributes to the stabilization of emotional balance, strengthening nervous system. Physalis acts on the body as an adaptogen, thereby increasing stress resistance.

No less popular for performing abhyanga are massage oils, which include various combinations of aromatic essences of essential oils. Depending on which dosha is not balanced, the use of various compositions is suggested.. For example, Coconut oil has a cooling effect.

If you add relaxing essences (mint, lemon balm, lavender) to it, then thanks to Indian massage with such components, a person will receive physical and emotional relaxation, his mind will get rid of ardor.

But, if you need to achieve the opposite effect, that is, cheer up, bring the body into tone, basil and rosemary oil will do. But the oil of geranium and sweet orange represent " golden mean”, as they provide exactly what is lacking by regulating the balance of the doshas. In addition, they exude a "delicious" aroma that awakens imagination and creativity.

You shouldn't limit yourself. You can create an oil composition that is right for you. As a base, you can use jojoba, olive or almond oil, to which you should add 5-10 drops of your chosen aromatic oil.

How massage is performed

We have already figured out which oils can be used for Ayurvedic massage. Abhyanga should be done in the morning. Before starting the procedure, the oil must be prepared so that the abhyanga is more effective. There is nothing difficult in this. A container in which the oil or oil composition is stored (good for this plastic bottle), must be heated for a few minutes under running very warm or even hot water.

So, you need to dip your fingers in warm oil and distribute it with light movements. thin layer all over the body. Wait a few minutes for some of the oil to be absorbed.

Rubbing movements are performed with slight pressure in the direction from the heart (this is necessary in order to arterial blood strenuously rushed to the internal organs and muscles). Special movements are made in the joints, spiral movements in the chest and abdomen, rectilinear movements in the arms and legs.. By the way, in the area of ​​the heart, abdomen, as well as other sensitive areas body pressure with your fingers should be slightly less.

The head massage deserves special attention. This is incredible bliss! carefully worked out hairy part head, face, neck and shoulder girdle. Thanks to abhyanga, heads are effectively eliminated neurological disorders, migraines and insomnia.

Also, a separate procedure should include massage of the feet and hands, in which many vital reflex points are concentrated. That is why the massage is performed with acupressure technique.

Paying attention to this procedure is especially recommended after have a hard day. By massaging the feet and hands, you can relax, eliminate severe fatigue.

The following oil rubbing techniques can be used in abhyanga:

  • "Lily Leaf". This technique used to spread the oil over the massaged area of ​​the body. Slightly chaotic, but cautious circular strokes are performed, for example, on the buttocks, back or chest.
  • "Wave". Used for the torso and back. It is a long stroke that resembles the movement of a wave. The pressing force should be sufficient, but not intense. Movements are predominantly zigzag, which can be both longitudinal and transverse.
  • "Crescent". Fingers soaked in oil are drawn along the back, buttocks and abdomen, creating a semicircle shape.
  • "Peacock". When performing this technique, the fingers are kept wide apart, movements are made in a fan-like manner, mainly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, abdomen, buttocks.

During the Indian massage, the skin is deeply worked out, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and even tissues of internal organs. It also affects the energy lines. Due to the impact on Kundalini, shakti energy is distributed to every cell of the body, so abhyanga massage is also compared to the process of meditation.

You can feel how shakti concentrates in the second chakra, and then moves through the body in a hot and sedate stream. Because of this, amazing sensations and emotions arise.

Both before and after the massage, you should perform ablution, and also give your body the opportunity to be relaxed for another 10-15 minutes.


You should know that during the massage, toxins, impurities, waste products (ama) will be actively removed. Because of this, rashes on the skin may appear, and some reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are also possible. If they do not cause severe discomfort, then everything is in order.

Usually an Ayurvedic doctor recommends following special diet. It is better if, for the duration of the abhyanga, a person refuses fried foods, pastries, meat, products with various synthetic additives, strong tea and coffee, alcohol and smoking. It is necessary to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, drink more water and freshly squeezed juices. It is very important to oil not only from the outside, but also from the inside. For this food It is necessary to use only high-quality vegetable oils.

Many health problems can be explained by an imbalance of the physical, mental and psychological.

Ordinary medical supplies and the methods are not aimed at eliminating "malfunctions" at all these three levels, but Ayurvedic practices - yes. They work precisely with the causes of discord, which explains the effectiveness of the Indian abhyanga technique.

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Indian massage, as well as yoga, not only relaxes a person, but also cleanses his soul from the accumulated negativity, blues, lethargy, depression and other states that destroy the psyche.

Relieve physical and mental stress. Perfectly tones the body, improves blood circulation, rejuvenates the skin. In this case, any force effects are completely absent.

In addition to the properties of Indian massage described above, it has a positive effect on the joints. Gentle movements do not damage the bone, but at the same time warm the skin, which is very useful for osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and arthritis. By the way, to improve the effect, you can do it even in the bath.

The oils used during the procedure prevent aging, help eliminate cellulite and stretch marks. Indian massage - perfect choice for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, often stay in stressful situations are fully dedicated to work.

Indian therapy will relax their nerves, allow them to forget about all their problems, take a different look at the world, and become more self-confident. A head massage will improve the condition of the hair and promote their growth. In addition, film headache.

Peculiarity! In most cases, Indian massage is performed with four hands, that is, two masters.

Indications for massage therapy

Therapy in Indian style is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system. It will also help you get rid of:

  • migraine;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • obesity;
  • acute pain syndrome different origin;
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

This is one of the types of massage that has a positive effect on the person as a whole. The mood rises, there is a desire to act, physical pains disappear.

Main types

SOMA- the whole body of the patient is gently worked out. Healing oil is selected individually. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes. The effect during this time is the same as after a few days of rest.

While you are enjoying the rest, changes are taking place in your body: the figure is corrected, the condition of the subcutaneous tissue improves, the skin is smoothed, normalized physiological processes, concentration improves, fatigue disappears and with it stress.

DHARA- relaxes the brain, eliminates negative thoughts, calms. Relieves headaches, eliminates stress, helps to rejuvenate the body, relieve tension in the shoulders and neck. The duration of therapy is 45 minutes. All this time, a gentle jet of warm oil is poured onto the forehead.

MASUP- performed using fragrant powder-powders. Great choice for those looking to reset excess weight. The patient's body is sprinkled with powder and the massage begins. At the same time, the movements of the masters are well-coordinated and honed. As soon as the procedure begins, you will mentally fly away to a warm country, where there is a clean sea and fresh air.

NAVAR- the main ingredient is medicinal rice, boiled in the composition of milk and vegetable broth. After they are placed in a special bag for massage and the procedure begins. Helps to get rid of diseases of the joints, rheumatic disorders, normalizes muscle tone and improve posture.

PODI. Kizhi - vegetable powders wrapped in cloth and heated in a frying pan in oil. After washing the feet, massaging the head and body and using oils, the specialists begin the treatment with bags. Their actions at the same time are patting.

The therapy will allow you to get rid of problems with muscles and joints (arthrosis, arthritis, paralysis, problems with mobility after injuries, and so on), as well as say goodbye to extra pounds and cellulitis.

Abhyanga– An ancient Ayurvedic massage using healing oils and herbal extracts. Performed by two experts. The procedure is aimed at balancing the system of subtle bodies. The movements of specialists are pressing from the heart to the periphery.

Udvartana- This therapy is aimed at maximum weight loss. Deep massage, which is performed using herbal powders. After the procedure, a person will feel incredibly confident, fatigue will “relieve by hand”. Metabolism will improve, blood microcirculation will increase, the skin will become more silky and soft.

Classic massage- relaxes, reduces pain, improves well-being. Aimed at relieving stress and tension, improving blood circulation, removing chronic fatigue, insomnia, elation vital energy. Performed by two masters in a relaxing setting.

Massotherapy- thanks to a clear algorithm: alternating point impact on diseased areas with deep relaxation, a person quickly recovers. The procedure is performed using sesame oil. The session ends with a massage of the head and face.

Traditional massage compared to yoga. During the procedure, the master twists your body, stretches and helps to accept others. useful postures. The masseur affects all parts of the body, paying much attention to the joints, feet and hands. Effect after therapy: increased flexibility, removal of stress and fatigue.

Aroma massage- very pleasant procedure. Performed like a classic, but supplemented pleasant smell essential oil sandalwood from Indian wood.

Facial massage- Great for dealing with stress. Restores color and restores freshness to the skin. In addition, it has a rejuvenating effect. Executed when using special creams consisting of papaya fruit. At the end, the mask is being adjusted.

Foot massage- a procedure that will instantly relax and allow you to forget about all the problems. This acupressure ankle zones. First, the master processes the foot, then slowly rises to the knee. The session ends with a massage with a hot (but dry) towel.

The choice of oil composition

Indian massage is distinguished by the use of a large number of oils: 26 types, each of which consists of 7-30 herbs. During the preparation of oil, the specialist takes into account the time of year, as well as individual characteristics the patient's body.

The basis of all oil compositions - Sesame oil(sometimes replaced by coconut or olive). Only medicinal components are used that are not capable of harming the body.

Before use, the oil is heated and applied to the patient's skin in required quantity. V ancient time instead of butter, they used pea flour or talc. Modern cosmetology presents a variety of powders for oily skin containing mineral and vegetable components.

For sensitive skin important to use minimal amount oil or completely replace it with a gel. After the procedures, the skin will be more velvety, soft and healthy.

Video: features of Indian massage

Head massage

The main task of such a massage is to remove stress, which tends to accumulate in all tissues of the body. It also helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts, constant anxiety, lethargy. Suitable for those who quickly grow oily hair, as well as those who want to quickly grow thick and lush hair.

The technique is borrowed from the ancient Indian healing system. Diluted with modern knowledge. The session lasts no more than half an hour. This time is enough to massage the forehead, head, neck. The impact of the hands of a specialist is not intense, which does not cause inconvenience.

A special atmosphere has been created in the room: quiet and pleasant music sounds, aroma candles. After the end of the procedure, the person feels more invigorated and ready for new activities.

Important! Before you go for a massage, check with your doctor!

To achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to undergo 5-10 sessions twice a year.

The purpose of the massage:

  1. Providing tissues with oxygen.
  2. Elimination of headache.
  3. Removal of toxins.
  4. Vision improvement.
  5. Decreased muscle tension.
  6. Eliminate depression and anxiety.
  7. Improvement in hair growth.
  8. Filling life force and energy.


Who and under what circumstances should not go for an Indian massage:

  • with blood diseases;
  • with vascular aneurysms;
  • at acute diseases and high temperature;
  • with an increase in lymph nodes;
  • at inflammatory diseases that are purulent in nature;
  • with osteomyelitis;
  • with thrombosis;
  • in the presence of tumors;
  • during crises;
  • with intestinal disorders;
  • at varicose veins veins;
  • with violations of kidney function;
  • with an ulcer uterine bleeding, diseases of the duodenum;
  • with mental illness;
  • with myocardial ischemia.

To enjoy an Indian massage, it is not always necessary to go to this country. A real therapy with the use of oils will be performed by our specialists, who have adopted the skills from Indian massage therapists.

Note that modern masters v different corners of the world are able to perform this procedure no worse than masseurs in India. The effect of massage therapy will be the same.

The Indian head massage technique is over four thousand years old.

Throughout this time, Indian massage, based on the Ayurvedic system of healing, gave health and good health millions of people.

How to properly perform a head massage, its effectiveness and contraindications will be discussed in this article.

The traditional Indian technique is also called champisaj from the Indian "champi", that is, "massage".

Indian women used it daily to preserve the beauty and strength of their hair, enhance their growth by improving blood circulation, as well as to relieve fatigue from the organs of vision, relax the muscles of the face and head.

Indian head massage sessions work in two directions:

  1. The change state of mind person. Opening and purification energy channels.
  2. Influence at physical body. Massaging the skin and subcutaneous tissue has a positive effect on the condition of the muscles.

Initially, the Indian massage technique included only massaging the scalp, but gradually experts began to practice working out the arms, shoulders, neck, and face. The result of the course massage is noticeable almost immediately.

Most often, various procedures are used for the procedure. ayurvedic oils but there is no real need for them. The session can be held without using them.

Who is massage suitable for?

The Indian technique is great for people who quickly get dirty head. This problem indicates that the work in the body is disrupted. sebaceous glands
Massage restores their function, hair stays fresh and clean longer.

People prone to hair loss, as well as those who have already experienced this problem, should definitely take a course of Indian head massage. An intense effect on the scalp wakes up dormant bulbs and.

Also Indian technique is shown in the following cases:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • concussion, falls;
  • seborrhea;
  • healed scars or injuries on the head, neck, shoulders;
  • trigeminal nerve disease.

Indian scalp massage course good decision for those who are mired in stress, suffer from overwork, sleep poorly, feel a breakdown and are in a depressed state. In addition, this procedure will perfectly cope with the first.


We must not forget that any massage requires a competent approach. Make sure you have no contraindications to the procedure beforehand. V otherwise, you may harm yourself.

Contraindications include:

  • malfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • open injuries of the head, neck, face and collar zone, a recent operation on these areas of the body;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • damage to the skin at the place of work of the master;
  • various neoplasms;
  • period of exacerbation of a chronic illness;
  • high body temperature, fever;
  • ARI, SARS, influenza, viral infections.

Indian head massage technique

The treatment course of Indian massage consists of 15–20 sessions, it is recommended to do them once every two to three days. Stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration techniques are used. Movements are directed from the hairline to the temples, from the frontal lobe to auricles, from the center of the forehead to the base of the skull. You need to perform techniques with the fingertips, as well as the entire surface of the palm and its base. Each movement lasts no more than five seconds.

How to do a head massage according to the Indian method:

  • The procedure begins with light strokes of the shoulders and neck. The specialist gently squeezes the trapezius muscle at the very base of the neck and moves towards the shoulders. You should repeat the movement several times, with each next trick pressure increases.
  • The massage therapist's brushes are placed on the patient's shoulders, after which they are turned outward towards the shoulder with a rotational movement. Hands move a few centimeters closer to the neck, the technique is repeated again.
  • The thumbs of both hands are placed on the base of the skull. Implemented circular motions, gradually the hands rise up and touch the patient's hair. At this moment, the massage therapist's fingers return to the starting point, the technique is repeated.
  • The master's hand is placed on the base of the neck (a couple of centimeters short of the ear), four fingers move up to the hairline, after which they return to the initial
  • The palms are placed on the hairline, the patient's head gently leans forward. Pressure and sudden shocks are unacceptable. The head is carefully lifted back and then slowly tilted back. The reception is repeated three times.
  • The masseur approaches the patient from behind, spreads his fingers and places them on both sides of the head. With a little pressure, the hands move up (as if applying shampoo to the head). Having reached the very top, the palms go down, after which they cover another area.
  • The left hand rests on the forehead, the base of the palm right hand rubs the back of the head from side to side. The movements are fast but precise.
  • With the fingertips, the massage therapist works through the entire scalp, performing light and active vibration movements.
  • Final strokes. With his palms, the master strokes the forehead from the center to the ears, and then from the forehead along the entire surface of the head.

Indian oil massage

Oil massage is done using oil grape seeds or peach oil. They are easily absorbed and do not form a heavy film on the skin.

You can do the procedure at home. To do this, lubricate your fingers in the selected oil and proceed to the session:

  • "Scissors" from chin to ear;
  • working out the hole upper lip within a few seconds;
  • stroking from the cheekbones to the temporal lobes.

Massage of the scalp with oil is no different from the usual Indian technique.

The benefits of massage

The Indian head massage technique allows you to influence the "marmas", active points located on the head, neck, shoulders and face. This has a positive effect on
the body as a whole. Indian massage is an amazing stress reliever. After the procedure, a person seems to be born again, they leave bad thoughts increases concentration.

The Hindu technique increases the mobility and flexibility of the joints in the area. Indian technique pushes the body to self-healing, bringing it into a state of mental and physical balance and peace.

Indian massage: pros and cons

ancient indian Alternative medicine Ayurveda is designed to bring harmony to the soul, mind and body. One of the main components of this science is massage. Indian traditional massage called abhyanga.

Indian massage has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the spiritual principle.

Oil is the basis of Indian massage

From time to time, each of us has a desire to “reboot”. Indian massage in this case is a wonderful solution. The basic means of Ayurvedic massage is oil. Based only on natural oils, often raw-pressed:

  • olive
  • coconut
  • sesame
  • corn
  • ghee butter
  • mustard oil, etc.

Coconut oil used in Indian massage becomes clear and liquid when heated.

Indian massage is done strictly according to the doshas. Sesame oil is more suitable for people with Vata dosha, as their skin is often dry and irritated. Sunflower or coconut oil is suggested for pita dosha, as it cools their constantly heated nature. Massage with corn oil is recommended for kapha people - warming up the muscles and activating blood circulation, it gives a fresh impetus to life. If necessary, natural essential oils are added to the base:

  • incense
  • jasmine
  • lemongrass
  • sandalwood
  • lavender
  • ylang-ylang
  • mint, etc.

Herbs + Indian massage = health of mind and body

With the help of lavender, those who have been prescribed an Indian massage relieve stress and tension, mint and eucalyptus increase attentiveness, thanks to citrus fruits the mood is lifted, and with vanilla awakens sensuality. For healthy skin and joints oil base sometimes herbs are added:

  • bringaraj
  • sage
  • calendula
  • Melissa
  • rosemary, etc.

In Indian massage, only natural ingredients- they are quickly absorbed by the skin

An individual mix is ​​not made by chance - before the Indian massage procedure, the specialist determines the client's dosha (vata, kapha or pitta) and, based on the data obtained, mixes the ingredients. Some oils cool the skin and muscles, others warm up. Those that speed up the flow of blood in one person will not work in another.

Abhyanga has been known to mankind for about five thousand years.

Indian massage - health ritual

The massage therapist must be well versed in Ayurveda and in the subtle energy channels of the human body. In the delicate process of abhyanga, work is not so much with the body as with the soul and mind. Indian massage has a positive effect not only on the removal of toxins. Patients note that migraines go away, muscle clamps are loosened, subcutaneous fat is reduced, excess fluid is removed, and skin irritations and dryness are eliminated.

Indian foot massage will never be forgotten by those who have had it at least once

In a room with pleasant music and comfortable environment, the massage therapist, with soft and smooth rotational movements, squeezes out excess fluid from under the skin. Pouring oil on the surface of the body, he goes through all the important areas, from top to toe.

The direction of movement in Indian massage is very important: from the lower back to the head, from the head to the lower back, from the lower back to the heels, from the heels to the lower back. Thus, the blood circulation is accelerated and the energy channels of the nadis are activated.

At the Indian massage specialist you will not find plastic and synthetic accessories

It is believed that consciousness is tightly intertwined with points on the body and correct execution abhyangi, blocks, prejudices, anger, aggression and resentment go away. Indeed, after an Indian massage, many note relaxation, a feeling of inner and outer purity, the absence of obsessive thoughts and lightness in the body.

A course of Indian facial massage - and only a memory will remain from wrinkles

Indian massage technique

In abhyanga, massage is performed with the pads of the fingers, "scissors", i.e. index and middle fingers, very often in four hands. great attention given to the head, neck, feet. Minimize pressure on sensitive areas. The main movements are stroking, rubbing and squeezing. The emphasis in Indian massage is on the muscles, skin and marmas - invisible points of interweaving of energy channels in the body.

Our hands are worthy of such pleasure as an Indian massage.

In addition to the classic Indian abhyanga massage, there are other, narrower techniques. For example, Shirodhara. An unusual, but very pleasant procedure, in which oil is poured on the forehead in a thin stream for a long time.

Minimum set for Indian massage

Champi massage is an Indian head massage in which the temples are rubbed to relieve migraines and increase concentration. Compression, tapping and pressure on the entire surface of the head are used to relieve fatigue from the neck, eyes, facial muscles and dissipate negative thoughts. Even the hair is often oiled.

Simultaneous Indian massage for two is carried out not only for newlyweds

Marma massage is an oil massage with 107 special points called marma. When prana freely enters the body, circulates in it and exits, a person becomes healthy, full of energy and inspiration.

Marma massage is best done by an Indian specialist

Snehana - internal massage. Oddly enough, Indian oil massage can be not only external. Oiling the internal organs with the use of vegetable and animal oils cures diseases gastrointestinal tract detoxifies, stimulates internal organs.

On the Olympic Games 1996 massage was recognized as the main medical aid

Udvarthana is a pleasant spa treatment that begins with an Indian oil massage followed by a body wrap with a natural herbal tincture. For some time, the client "rests" - the skin absorbs the healing decoction. Then the massage is resumed. With diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, joint injuries, with improper bone adhesions after fractures, as well as with muscle pain, Indian massage is recommended with warm bags of herbs soaked in oil - kizhi.

The interior in abhyanga is as important as touch, aromas, music and air temperature.

Nasyam Indian massage is recommended for chronic diseases nasal cavity and respiratory tract. The nose is instilled with medicated oils. They slowly and gently pass through the sinuses, enter the throat and warm it from the inside, relieving inflammation. Before performing nasyam, you should consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

An ancient way to restore the body - Indian massage with warm herbal bags

Indian massage: pros and cons

Indian massage is incredibly beneficial. And, to everyone. Abhyanga is universal, it is not tied to territory, religion, creed. This is a magical process, after which a "second birth" is felt. However, if you decide on an Indian massage, you need to be very careful and be sure to warn the massage therapist if you have:

  • oncological diseases
  • allergy to oils or herbs
  • skin diseases
  • tumors
  • injuries and fractures
  • undergone complex surgeries
  • hypotension or hypertension
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system

Before signing up for an Indian massage, you should consult a doctor

Can I do Indian massage on my own? Yes! Unlike most types of massage, where only mechanical impact Abhyanga heals on a subtle level. Influencing through the skin on the internal organs, on the endocrine and cardiovascular system, it awakens the body to work with the help of the forces of nature.