Cat Day in Russia. History of World Cat Day. Festival of the Hermitage cats

On Thursday, February 14, 2019, Russia celebrates a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. State lotteries cannot stay away from such a bright event, and hold a specially dedicated Valentine's Day holiday draw under the number 1271.

In this regard, I would like to wish: lovers - love, lovers - keep, those who bought a Russian Lotto ticket - win!

The day of the broadcast on the NTV channel is traditionally Sunday. Starting from October 17, the broadcast starts at 14:00 Moscow time.

Broadcast of 1271 Russian Lotto draws on TV, dedicated to the Day lovers, will also take place on Sunday, February 17, 2019, starting at 14:00 Moscow time on the NTV channel .

What will be played on February 17, 2019:

In 1271 circulation, the All-Russian State. lottery will draw a lot of clothing and cash prizes, 100 romantic trips and a Jackpot of 500 million rubles.

What does the ticket look like:

The 1271 ticket has a pink border. On the background blue sky flies balloon in the form of a heart, to the left of it is the inscription "Happy Valentine's Day!", And below - "Jackpot 500,000,000 rubles." On the bottom left is written "1271 circulation". At the bottom, on a white background, there is an inscription "100 romantic trips".

Recall that a short day on Friday 02/22/2019 will be the only "gift" to the Russian defenders in terms of rest, because. the day off from Saturday is not transferred to the next Monday, but to Friday, May 10, 2019.

Growing good tomato seedlings in 2019 on a windowsill in an apartment is a whole art. Knowing the timing of timely planting of seeds, picking seedlings and following the rules for caring for it result in strong and healthy plants. Experienced gardeners are also advised not to neglect the calendar of the phases of the moon, which, in their opinion, have a huge impact for the development of tomatoes. Below we talk about when to plant tomatoes in 2019 for seedlings and in the ground, taking into account the lunar calendar.

Dates for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in 2019:

In 2019 best timing planting seeds for seedlings at home for central Russia are advancing a day after the new moon March 6, 2019. However, the most favorable days are from 10 to 12 March 2019 and 15 and 16 March 2019. Late dates sowing tomato seedlings 2019 are coming after the full moon March 21, 2019. On the waning moon, the optimal days will be March 23 and 24, 2019.

Recall that the seeds should be disinfected before planting (for example, in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate), and then rinsed well. We advise you to soak the seeds for a day in a weak solution to increase the future yield. boric acid(0.1 g per 0.5 l of water). The dried seeds are sown in small (7-8 cm) trays with soil to a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm, watered and covered with foil. The temperature of seed germination is + 22-25 degrees, so they are kept away from a cold windowsill. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the trays are put on the windowsill. Seedlings should be watered only with warm (+ 20 + -22 degrees) water.

Dates for picking tomato seedlings in 2019:

When the first true seed appears between the cotyledon leaves carved leaf, seedlings can be dived into separate pots or into boxes with earth 12-15 cm high. In any case, the distance between adjacent plants should be 10-12 cm.

In March 2019 - from 23 to 27 March; in April 2019 - April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17. April 5, 2019 new moon, so picking on the growing moon from 7 to 17 April 2019 the most preferred.

Terms of care for tomato seedlings in 2019 (watering, fertilizing, hardening):

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, you need provide her with enough light and lower the air temperature during the day from +18 to 24 degrees, and at night from +12 to 16 degrees.

It is also necessary feed. The first dressing is given 7-10 days after picking, when the plant forms new roots, and then every 8-12 days. For top dressing, mineral fertilizers or wood ash are dissolved in water for irrigation.

In April 2019, any days will be the best for top dressing from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April. In May 2019 you can feed from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May.

15-20 days before landing in the ground seedlings need to be hardened. It is best to take it to the loggia or balcony, open the window.

During the last decade before planting, the tomato seedlings stretch out a lot, especially if the weather is warm. retard growth You can stop watering, and water only when the leaves wither in the middle of the day.

Terms of planting tomato seedlings 2019 in the ground:

Tomato seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 60-70 days from germination when the air temperature at night exceeds +12 degrees. One or two days before planting, the plants should be well watered with top dressing to ensure the preservation of the roots and the nutrition of the plants after planting in the ground.

Seedlings in May 2019 can be planted under arcs with covering material already on May 17-18 on the growing moon. Recall that May 19, 2019 is a full moon, and it is better to stop work. better days in may 2019 on the waning moon will be May 26-28 and 31. In June 2019 it is already possible to plant in open ground 1 and 2, 5 and 6 June. June 3, 2019 new moon and activities in the garden are undesirable.

Recall optimal timing planting and caring for tomato seedlings in 2019:
* sowing seeds - from 10 to 12, 15 and 16, 23 and 24 March 2019;
* picking seedlings - from 23 to 27 March; April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 2019;
* feeding seedlings every 8-12 days - from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April, from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May 2019;
* planting seedlings in the ground - May 17, 18, 26-28, May 31, June 1, 2, 5, 6, 2019

We also read:

The date of Pesach is tied to the lunisolar Jewish calendar, and therefore, according to the Gregorian calendar, the number of celebrations changes annually. Jewish Passover 2019 begins at dusk 14 days spring month Nissan ( from the evening of April 19, 2019), and lasts 7 days in Israel - from nisan 15 to 21 (April 20, 2019 to April 26, 2019), and 8 days outside of it, including in Russia - on Nisan 22 (until April 27, 2019).

According to ancient tradition, every Jewish holiday begins the night before, after sunset. Therefore, Pesach 2019 is also celebrated on the evening of April 19, 2019 with a festive sedar (night Easter meal). The 14th day of Nisan is also called the Day of preparation for the holiday.

Thus, the date of the Jewish Passover in 2019 will be as follows:
* Beginning - April 19, 2019 (in the evening, at dusk).
* First day - April 20, 2019
*Last day is April 26, 2019 in Israel (April 27, 2019 outside Israel).

We also read:

On the first and last day of Pesach 2019 it is forbidden to work, so Nisan 15 (April 20, 2019) and Nisan 21 (April 26, 2019) are announced in Israel non-working days. In addition, April 20, 2019 falls on Saturday - a non-working day with a five-day working week in a number of countries, including Russia.

One of the traditions of the Passover holiday is the eating of "flat unleavened bread" - matzah. This tradition is explained by the fact that when the pharaoh freed the Israelites from slavery, they left Egypt in a hurry, in which they could not wait for the yeast bread dough to rise. Therefore, during the Jewish Passover, leavened bread is not eaten.

The cat is one of the most ancient human companions and is loved all over the world, so many peoples, in turn, have established national days honoring these closest pets to man.

The holiday is a tribute to the fluffy, agile, smart, wayward and graceful hunters, companions, spiritual healers and all other mustachioed pets, who on this day are pampered by cat owners with delicious meals, new toys and houses.

History and traditions

World Cat Day has been celebrated since 2002 at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. The main purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to the problem of homeless animals, create as many shelters for cats as possible, launch the production of high-quality cat food, and so on.

On this day, propaganda programs are held around the world. good relationship to animals. Thematic exhibitions and opening of parks for walking cats coincide with this day.

Especially popular are cat cafes that are ready to accept customers along with furry friends. Also in demand are modern cat rooms and hotels where you can leave your pets for a while.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Pesnya

Cat cafe "Cats and people"

How they celebrate

There are few animals on earth, even among pets, who would have so many holidays - in different countries formed own traditions celebrations. For example, in Poland, cats are honored on February 17, in Japan on February 22, in the USA on October 29, in England, Russia and China on March 1, in Italy on November 17, and so on.

Cats are honored in England - the special position of these creatures is explained by the fact that one cat saves at least ten tons of grain annually, and several dozen animals are officially protected from mice by relics in the British Museum.

Therefore, when World Cat Day comes, animals consisting of " public service", are encouraged in every possible way, mainly treating them with the best cat delicacies. They even sew special uniforms for "civil servants" and equip comfortable houses.

© photo: Sputnik / Igor Russak

A cat near a new house in the basement of the Hermitage during the annual campaign "Day of the Hermitage Cat"

And in Austria, every cat that has been guarding food warehouses for several years is assigned life pension in the form of meat, broth and milk.

In China, cats began to be protected at the legislative level - before cats were often eaten, but after the adoption of the new law, everyone who dares to do so will face a hefty fine or imprisonment for 15 days.

In Italy, they believe that cats scare away evil spirits, so they are treated very well, and not only on holidays.

Varieties and colors

According to various sources, there are about 256 breeds of domestic cats - they are smooth-haired, long-haired, fluffy, without hair, but each has its own character, which is not always clear to humans.

It is impossible to count all the cats living on our planet, just like the stars in the sky - there are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world - affectionate and wayward, silent and talkative, velvet, plush, bald and long-haired - all so different, but equally loved.

Most a large number of of these animals - in Australia - there are 90 cats per 100 inhabitants.

The most large breed cats in the world - Savannah - at the withers reaches 50-60 centimeters, and the weight of an adult animal can reach 15 kilograms and more. And the smallest is Skiff-tai-don. Adult representatives of this breed weigh from 900 grams to 2.5 kilograms, that is, no larger than a three-four-month-old kitten of an ordinary domestic cat.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Fomichev

Savannah cat

A whole science is devoted to cats - felinology (from Latin felinus - cat and Greek logos - science), which emphasizes that cats are smart animals, and if, unlike dogs, they do not bring a stick thrown by the owner, then only because that "the cat does not consider itself obligated to follow the stupid orders of a person."

According to science, only this animal is capable of living side by side with a person, to feel on an equal footing, so if you want to win the respect and appreciation of a cat, treat it the same way.

The cat is the only creature that can feed on the negative energy of the Earth, it feels great in geopathogenic zones.

Cats in life modern man may occupy a significant place. In addition to the mental pleasure that cats bring to their owners, they are quite useful in the household. They perfectly catch rodents, treat many diseases and, according to some reports, can even save from a deadly disease by sacrificing their lives.

Scientists various countries came to the conclusion that owners of cats are less likely to suffer from heart disease, rarely get strokes and heart attacks. Purring cats have also been proven to help cure joint inflammation and gynecological diseases.

Animals are supposed to help people feel better stressful situations. It has also been proven that cats can intuitively determine the intentions of people who have come to the house and feel unkind guests.

© photo: Sputnik / Natalia Seliverstova

Cornish Rex cats

When did a cat become a pet?

Scientists believe that the domestication of the cat took place about 9,500 years ago in the Middle East, where the most ancient civilizations originated and developed. With the transition of a person to a settled way of life, with the beginning of the development of agriculture, surpluses of food appeared - therefore, the need arose to protect it from rodents.

The oldest archaeological evidence of cat domestication was discovered in 2004 in Cyprus - during excavations, scientists found a joint burial of a man and a cat, which dates back to 7500 BC.

The fact of veneration of cats in the ancient Egyptian civilization is widely known - the images of these animals are present in many in its heritage. When in Ancient Egypt was dying domestic cat family members shaved their eyebrows and mourned her. The cat was embalmed and placed in the family tomb or animal cemetery with tiny mouse mummies.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

Statue of the Sphinx of the end of the 1st half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. from the fund of the State Museum fine arts them. A. S. Pushkin

They also held funerals during which they drank wine and beat their chests. Since then, for more than four thousand years, people have been unsuccessfully trying to unravel the secrets that these mystical creatures are shrouded in - the sixth sense, nine lives, and so on. Science cannot explain the incredible abilities of cats, whose fantastic intuition makes them especially mysterious.

Scientists note that cats, having lived next to a person for so many years, feel equal with him, therefore they demand respectful attitude. Moreover, they bring many benefits: they exterminate rodents, treat diseases and, according to psychologists, prolong the life of their owner.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexandr Vilf

A cat plays with mice on one of the streets of Cagliari (Sardinia)

Cats never meow to each other. This sound is for humans. In this case, cats can make about 100 different sounds, while dogs only ten.

Cats always find their way home - this ability of cats is called "psychic travel". Experts believe that cats either determine their location by the corner sunlight or cats have magnetized cells in their brains that act like a compass.

The surface pattern of a cat's nose is as unique as a human fingerprint.

© photo: Sputnik / Natalya Seliverstova

The whiskers help the cat determine if it will fit through the hole.

The same areas of the brain are responsible for emotions in cats and in humans.

A cat's heart rate is twice as fast as a human's (110 to 140 beats per minute).

There are 230 bones in a cat's skeleton. A person has 206.

Cats, when awake, groom themselves 30% of the time.

The cat easily jumps to a height of five times its height.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Astapkovich

Theater of cats Kuklachev

A lot of interesting stories due to the fact that cats know how to be loyal and real caring animals. When a terrible earthquake occurred in Armenia, then one unique case became known. Under the rubble, the crying of the baby was heard for a long time, after the rescuers got to him, they saw an interesting picture. Next to the child was a large fluffy cat, which constantly licked his face, removing traces of dust. So with her attention and care, she helped the baby survive.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Not only representatives of various professions - from teachers to marketers - have their own holidays, but also our furry pets. This is World Cat Day - another reason to congratulate pets with a can of delicious canned food.

"Cat's story" - from antiquity to the present day

Historians do not know exactly how many years a domestic cat lives next to a person. This proud animal was first tamed by the Egyptians 6-9 thousand years ago. In ancient Egypt, cats were considered the incarnation of the goddess of fertility Bastet and were revered as sacred animals: the punishment for killing a cat was the death penalty. These animals were even buried in the same way as noble people - they were mummified.

The goddess of fertility Bastet was represented by the ancient Egyptians in the form of a cat

Together with the Phoenicians, the first tailed ones from Egypt came by sea to Rome and Greece, from there they went to the territories of modern England and Georgia and further to Europe. In myths different peoples these animals appeared as companions of the gods: in Rome they accompanied the patroness of hunting Diana, among the Scandinavians - the personification of love and fertility Freya.

In Norse mythology, the goddess Freya rode a chariot drawn by cats.

However, things did not always go so smoothly: later, in medieval Europe, cats began to be considered accomplices of witches and evil spirits and were burned at the stake. There were even barbaric methods of treatment through the burning of black cats in iron cages - for example, it was supposed to alleviate the suffering of patients with the "St. Vitus dance" (epilepsy).

Need to say what kind of extermination huge amount cats Europe paid with an increase in the scale of the Black Death epidemics, when, due to the absence of these animals, rodents carrying plague fleas bred heavily.

Universal love came to cats in Europe only in the Renaissance - the heyday of science and art.

In the Renaissance, the attitude towards cats changed again, they began to be loved and sung by their grace.

In Asia, cats first appeared in China, from where they later moved to Japan, where over the years they have acquired the status of one of the most revered animals. It is believed that the first cats arrived in the Country rising sun during the Nara period - in the VI century BC. e. with Chinese ships, on which they were taken to guard sacred Buddhist books.

Photo gallery: the origins of Japanese love for cats in prints

Cats in Japan were treated very respectfully, here they were equated with titled persons. The first cats brought to Japan were white color, so they are depicted in most old prints. An old Japanese print "A woman cuts off the hem of her kimono so as not to wake the cat" confirms that cats were very revered

In our own area - in Rus' - cats appeared in the 7th century BC. e. They came with the merchants as an overseas curiosity, an escape from mice. Russian purrs of that time were housekeepers, security guards and very expensive and valuable property. It took almost nine hundred years for the mustachioed mousers to become accessible to people with a small income.

Cat Alabrys - the hero of Russian folk stories, emphasizing his mind, resourcefulness and dexterity in catching mice

As you can see, the main "duty" of cats has always been to protect valuable books, supplies and crops from rodents. Much later, people paid attention to their personal qualities. In our time, the hunting functions of cats have faded into the background, and people have appreciated the variety of colors of the soft skin, the proud, but at the same time loyal character and the soothing purr that creates comfort in the house.

world cat day

On a global scale, Cat Day is a celebration of the recognition of the merits of the baleen-striped in culture, art and even the world economy (how much grain, books, valuable relics have been saved), as well as an expression of love and even reverence for these animals.

It was first celebrated on August 8, 2002 at the initiative of the Animal Welfare International Foundation. The practical purpose of the holiday was to draw attention to the problems of homeless animals, sterilization and spontaneous breeding of pets - a social connotation that has become the leitmotif of all events dedicated to it. Thus, protective organizations use the holiday as a means of communication with the population and hold exhibitions, open days in shelters and international promotions. Commercial companies create themed products, sponsor mass events and invite visitors to cat cafes. And ordinary owners participate in all this or simply post new photos of their pets and delight them with a festive dinner.

Although August 8 was recognized international day cats, many countries did not agree with this and celebrate it in their own way.

National Cat Day in the USA

In the US, a similar holiday has been celebrated for more than a decade - since 2005 with the support of the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Usually the ASPCA oversees a wide variety of animals, but at that time in American society there was a strong bias towards "dog lovers", so a holiday was needed that could point out the problem of stray cats, "recruit" volunteers and draw public attention to shelters and education for humane treatment of animals. these animals.

Cat Day in the United States is designed to draw attention to issues of humane treatment of animals

The official National Cat's Day website notes that the holiday was meant to show the public the number of cats in need of rescue each year and to encourage fans of these animals to once again remember the love and friendship that cats bring to their lives.

Video: National Cat Day ad

Neko-san Day - Japan

Neko-san is respectful treatment, something like "Mr. Cat". In Japan, these animals have preserved a special, reverent attitude. Travelers in Asia note that cats are everywhere in the Land of the Rising Sun: at every door of the institution there are “maneki-neko” (the so-called inviting cats, talismans for good luck), many popular cat cafes, communities on social networks, images on signs, in advertising, movies and anime. Japan consists of two islands inhabited almost exclusively by cats (there are more of them than people) - Tashiro and Aoshima. It was in Tokyo that Meowlingual was invented - a device designed to translate meowing into "human speech".

Cat Day in Japan has been celebrated on February 22 for more than 30 years, it was in 1987 that the idea of ​​one of the largest feed manufacturers was supported by thousands of people in the vote. The love of the Japanese for symbolism is reflected here as well. In Japanese, our Russian “meow” sounds like “nyan” (remember at least the rainbow “nyan-cat”). It is similar to the word meaning "two". So it turns out that the date, which combines three deuces at once, was ideal for celebrating. According to the legend about the creation of this holiday, in the process of solving the issue of the date, a cat suddenly spoke near the table of the advertising manager, and in this sound he immediately heard the perfect answer.

Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival

Japan has another less famous holiday cats - Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival. Bakeneko is a hero of Japanese folklore, a ghost who used to be a pet, but acquired supernatural powers - walking on its hind legs, taking on the form of a host, creating fireballs and even resurrecting the dead. It is curious that, according to legend, any cat with long tail, who lived to be 13 years old or weighing 3.75 kg.

Traditionally this unusual festival takes place in the Kagurazaka district of Tokyo, where Natsume Soseki, the author of the legendary novel I am a Cat, lived. In terms of scale, the holiday is more like a parade: participants dress up in bright costumes, paint their faces with thematic make-up and have fun.

The Bakeneko festival resembles a festive parade: participants dressed as cats or made up to look like them, fun is all around

Video: Costume Festival in Tokyo

cat day in europe

Most European countries have adopted the tradition of celebrating international day cats on August 8th. However, it is necessary to recall a few unusual examples.

Great Britain

Furry mousers are especially valued in the UK. This is not surprising: according to statistics, every year one cat saves about ten tons of grain from mice. Some English cats they are even in the public service - guarding the relics of the British Museum. For this, they receive a social package in the form of good housing, uniforms and excellent corporate meals.

Cats in costumes are one of the features of the celebration english day cats

But, of course, not only "officials" receive congratulations. All cats become heroes of the occasion - both domestic and those serving for the benefit of society. In addition to traditional goodies and attention, they often receive new outfits on this day: the owners either sew cat costumes themselves or buy them in stores.


Poles celebrate Cat Day in winter - February 17th. In big cities, large streets are blocked in the early morning, and the festival begins: fun in themed costumes, “cat” entertainment. Particularly spectacular are games with huge woolen balls, similar to those with which illustrators are so fond of depicting kittens. The participants of the holiday chase balls and as a result find themselves wrapped in a web of multi-colored threads.

Playing with balls is a key moment in the celebration of the cat's day in Poland

Of course, the holiday is not limited to fun tomfoolery. On this day various exhibitions, competitions and competitive programs For everyone. And the main goal, like most of these events, is charity collection for food and medicine for homeless animals and routine sterilization.


Cat Day in Italy is celebrated twice: on February 17 and - separately in memory of black cats and unfair treatment to them the Inquisition once - 17 November. It is curious that the number 17, unlucky for Italians, was chosen on purpose: to dispel the myth of cats that bring misfortune. The preference for November is also not accidental: this is unpleasant time the year when the nights are longest - the month of witches and evil spirits.

The February holiday is called National Cat Day. It has been celebrated in Italy since 1990, when journalist Claudia Angeletti proposed to organize a similar celebration to honor pets, and Tuttogatto readers chose the most suitable day. He especially took root in Florence: it is here that an art exhibition on the cat theme Gattart is held annually.

November 17th is known as Black Cats Day. The reason for its establishment was the superstitiousness of the Italians, amazing for the 21st century. By 2007, the Animal Welfare Association found that thousands of kittens were dying just because of prejudice against their color, and find " good hands It is extremely difficult for a blackie to be a shelter. The first step was the establishment of a special holiday, designed to destroy superstitions and prejudices.


A holiday in Belgium is a bit like an Italian one. Since 1955, every three years, on the second Sunday of May, the city of Ypres hosts Kattenstoet (Nid. Kattenstoet) - the "Festival of Cats". The event is intended to remind of a terrible medieval story - the tradition of throwing live cats from the bell tower of the House of clothiers of Ypres into the town square. There are different versions regarding the origin of this custom. One of the possible explanations is the belief in the connection of these animals with evil spirits and the destruction of evil spirits by dropping their carriers from a height.

Photo gallery: Cat Festival in Belgium

The parade includes both costumed people and huge cat figures The culmination of the festivities at the Cattenstut Cat Festival is the throwing of plush toys into the crowd from the bell tower Every year, the cat festival in the Belgian city of Ypres attracts thousands of tourists The festival is not only striking in the variety of huge cat figures, but also in craftsmanship their creators

Nowadays there is no time barbaric tradition acquired playful features: at the climax of the parade, an actor in a jester's costume climbs the bell tower of the House of Clothers and throws it into the crowd Plush Toys in the form of cats. Catching one is considered good omen. Then they burn the effigy of the witch and have fun. The holiday is accompanied by a masquerade, dressing up as sorcerers, medieval peasants, mice and cats, live music plays, horsemen prancing through the streets.

The festival has become very popular over the years. tourism event and contributed to the strengthening of the local economy.

Video: festival procession in Ypres

Cat Day in Russia

In Russia, Cat Day is celebrated at the very beginning of spring - March 1. It was first organized by the Moscow Cat Museum together with the editors of the magazine and newspaper "Cat and Dog" in 2004. At that time, the history of the museum was already about 70 years old (since 1933), and he had something to show his viewer: works of art, related to cats, experience of various exhibitions and specialized shows, own TV program (on the Stolitsa channel). It is not surprising that it was he who had the honor of becoming the discoverer of such a wonderful holiday.

Why in March? This month, cats begin to speak in all yards, which may mark the arrival of spring.

Video: about the background of Cat Day in Russia

For those for whom one holiday is not enough, St. Petersburg has organized two more.

Festival of the Hermitage cats

Cat Day in the Hermitage is held annually, usually in spring (April-May). Officially, the holiday arose only in 2011, but its history dates back to the time of Peter I and Elizabeth Petrovna. The first Russian emperor personally brought a large cat from Holland to the Winter Palace in an attempt to solve the problem of mice. Of course, this was not enough. Less than fifty years later, in 1745, his daughter signed an official decree ordering “to find in Kazan the best and largest cats, convenient for catching mice ... And if anyone has such laid [castrated] cats, they should be announced for the speedy departure to the provincial office. So 300 cats arrived in St. Petersburg (according to the number of life guards who helped Elizabeth Petrovna during her accession to the throne). Even later, another Russian empress - Catherine the Great - issued a decree on the enrollment of mousers in public service.

Since then, cats have lived in the Hermitage permanently, and only once left it - during the blockade years. After the war, several thousand cats were brought here again, which coped with the raging rodents with honor and cleared the galleries and storages of them. This time they arrived from Siberia: Omsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk.

Now about 80 tailed guards “serve” in the Hermitage. Each of them has their own passport, veterinary card and is officially registered qualified specialist to clean the museum cellars from rats. On the days of the holiday, they conduct special tours of their "apartments" - utility rooms - give lectures, organize master classes and competitions. Popular became and shares of the device in good hands(animals are often thrown into the Hermitage), and donation collections - museum cats are provided for by employees, the funds for their maintenance are not included in the budget, so charity is vital here.

Cats have been guarding the Hermitage from rodents for a long time.

Video: Hermitage cats

Day of St. Petersburg cats

The second day of St. Petersburg cats is celebrated on June 8. The history of this event began back in 1999, when businessman Ilya Botka presented the city with two sculptures - Elisha and Vasilisa. They can still be seen on Malaya Sadovaya Street opposite each other. And in 2005, the Mitki (a group of local artists) installed the third sculpture from I. Botka (authored by Vladimir Petrichev) - Tishka Matroskin - a figure of a cat in a vest, on the cornice of their workshop, and established the day of St. Petersburg cats.

Photo gallery: figures of cats in St. Petersburg

Celebrations world day Cats in St. Petersburg are held, as a rule, in large numbers - on Palace Square and in the State Hermitage Museum. Participants dress in striped clothes, colorful costumes, cat ears and stock up on makeup. A month before the event, exhibitions dedicated to purrs are opened, on the day of the celebration there is a parade and defile of pets, fairs, master classes and promotions for the adoption of animals from the shelter and agitation.

Video: "tailed guard" of St. Petersburg

How to celebrate cat day

Whichever of the above holidays you decide to celebrate, the question arises how to do it. We offer a number of ideas tested on the experience of the author and his friends:

  • Buy something special for your pet. For example, those very expensive canned food that you often walked past at the pet store. In honor of the holiday, you can even try a range of flavors.
  • Buy or make a cute cat house, scratching post or bed with your own hands. If the pet is already provided with everything necessary, you can think about special shelves and climbing frames for him - there are never many of them. For example, do you have a ledge near the windowsill so that your pet can bask in the sun?
  • Comb out the purr and give her a relaxing (both the cat and the hostess) massage.
  • Take care of the safety of your pet: get a good collar and a tag with the name and number of the owners, decide on chipping (after all, these creatures are always so actively interested in open doors), consult a veterinarian and make necessary vaccinations, order nets for windows.
  • Adopt a kitten from the street or from a shelter.
  • Try yourself as a volunteer - help a local animal protection organization: play with animals, clean cages and trays, spread information among friends about cats in need of good hands.
  • Donate some money or necessary things to the shelter: food, toys, filler, blankets, medicines.
  • Help a grandmother or an elderly neighbor with her cats - clean trays, take them to veterinary clinic sterilization, play with animals.
  • Arrange a holiday for children at home: bake cookies in the form of kittens, make themed makeup, put on Nice dress with cats, a vest or cat ears. Poetry readings, games, songs and dances are included. If there are no children, it does not matter - adults also love cats and fun.
  • Dedicate a day to the fine arts - draw a cat from nature, do sketching or make a beautiful photoset and put it in social media. You can even invite a professional animal photographer and get fifty magnificent portraits, each of which you will want to frame and hang on the wall.
  • Finally, for hardened "cat lovers": remember the departed, but still loved ones and raise a glass of wine for them, or better, a mug of milk.

Thanks to the power of the Internet, it has become much more difficult to miss Cat Day today - social networks and information sites will remind us when to congratulate our pets, news releases on TV will not be ignored either. But it does not matter which country you will celebrate according to the customs and when - after all, this is just another reason to remember the beautiful graceful animals next to us, the love and friendship that they give.

These mysterious creatures live in our homes and take pride of place in our hearts, so graceful, sweet, lazy, incomprehensible, you can write hundreds of thousands of volumes about domestic cats and cats and still not be able to tell everything about these beautiful creatures.

Cat lovers already know all this, and those who are indifferent to them will never understand why the owners of these furries so humanize their pets and are ready for anything for them. And this, a very large category of people, will certainly be interested in when the day of cats is in 2017 in Russia and how to celebrate it.

Cat Day 2018

March 1– the first spring day, it was decided to dedicate to these animals, the undisputed leaders in the number of fans who cannot imagine their life without a warm, purring lump on their knees.

Despite the fact that cats have been living side by side with humans for several millennia, they never became pets until the end. Unlike dogs, whose psyche and behavior a person has long learned to “remake” in accordance with their desires, modern cats remain practically the same as at the dawn of mankind. These indomitable creatures simply allow us to be near them, care for them and adapt to the specific needs and requirements of our pet. Even the most thoroughbred cats, living in closed houses for generations, remain the same predators, lazily contemplating space, like their counterparts living freely in the forests of Africa.

If you are wondering when the day of cats will be this year, and how it is celebrated in other countries, then it is worth visiting the Moscow Cat Museum, organized in 193. It is to its creators, artists: A. Abramov and E. Efimova that the entire world community of cat lovers owes the appearance of this holiday. By opening a cat museum, these extraordinary people were able to convince UN members to proclaim this date - March 1 - World Cat Day.

Unfortunately, in our country, cats can only rely on their owner, nothing else shines for them even on International Cat Day, no one will congratulate them on the radio and will not give them delicious mice and milk.

European cats were much more fortunate. In all highly developed countries, pets are protected by law, for cruel treatment or throwing a pet out on the street, residents of the UK or the US can pay large fines or even imprisonment. And on their holiday, cats in the service of the state receive thanks, holiday dinner and retirement pension - milk, meat and broth until the end of life

Especially tender attitude to cats in Great Britain, here invasions of rodents sometimes completely ruined wheat warehouses, dooming towns and villages to starvation, so cats that save up to 10 tons of grain a year are in a special position here.

The Chinese in honor of the appearance international holiday decided to please their cats in a different way, now those who eat cat meat will face a hefty fine or imprisonment.

If you want to truly celebrate Cat Day 2018, think - what is missing or what would your pet want? Abroad, on this day they are taken to special cat restaurants, to rest rooms for cats with various attractions, or simply to visit neighbor cats. Our owners prefer to pamper their pet with their favorite food or some toys. Whether or not to celebrate World Cat Day, each owner decides for himself, even if you forget about this holiday and do not bring anything to your pet, he will still not be offended and will purr affectionately and joyfully meet you. After all, it is for selfless love pets are so valued by their owners.

CHISINAU, August 8 - Sputnik. The cat is one of the most ancient human companions and is loved all over the world, so many peoples, in turn, have established national days to honor these pets closest to man, Sputnik Georgia notes.

The holiday is a tribute to the fluffy, agile, smart, wayward and graceful hunters, companions, spiritual healers and all other mustachioed pets, which on this day the cat lovers indulge with delicious meals, new toys and houses.

History and traditions

World Cat Day has been celebrated since 2002 at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. The main purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to the problem of homeless animals, create as many shelters for cats as possible, launch the production of high-quality cat food, and so on.

On this day, programs promoting the good attitude towards animals are held all over the world. Thematic exhibitions and opening of parks for walking cats coincide with this day.

Especially popular are cat cafes that are ready to accept customers along with furry friends. Also in demand are modern cat rooms and hotels where you can leave your pets for a while.

Cat cafe "Cats and people"

How they celebrate

There are few animals on earth, even among pets, who would have so many holidays - different countries have developed their own traditions of celebration. For example, in Poland, cats are honored on February 17, in Japan on February 22, in the USA on October 29, in England, Russia and China on March 1, in Italy on November 17, and so on.

Cats are honored in England - the special position of these creatures is explained by the fact that one cat saves at least ten tons of grain annually, and several dozen animals are officially protected from mice by relics in the British Museum.

Therefore, when World Cat Day arrives, animals in the “public service” are encouraged in every possible way, mostly by treating them to the best cat delicacies. For "civil servants" they even sew a special uniform and equip comfortable houses.

And in Austria, every cat that has guarded food warehouses for several years is given a lifetime pension in the form of meat, broth and milk.

In China, cats began to be protected at the legislative level - before cats were often eaten, but after the adoption of the new law, everyone who dares to do so will face a hefty fine or imprisonment for 15 days.

In Italy, they believe that cats scare away evil spirits, so they are treated very well, and not only on holidays.

Varieties and colors

According to various sources, there are about 256 breeds of domestic cats - they are smooth-haired, long-haired, fluffy, without hair, but each has its own character, which is not always clear to humans.

It is impossible to count all the cats living on our planet, just like the stars in the sky - there are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world - affectionate and wayward, silent and talkative, velvet, plush, bald and long-haired - all so different, but equally loved.

A cat near a new house in the basement of the Hermitage during the annual campaign "Day of the Hermitage Cat"

The largest number of these animals is in Australia - there are 90 cats per 100 inhabitants.

The largest breed of cats in the world - Savannah - at the withers reaches 50-60 centimeters, and the weight of an adult animal can reach 15 kilograms and more. And the smallest one is Skiff-tai-don. Adult representatives of this breed weigh from 900 grams to 2.5 kilograms, that is, no larger than a three-four-month-old kitten of an ordinary domestic cat.

Savannah cat

A whole science is devoted to cats - felinology (from Latin felinus - cat and Greek logos - science), which emphasizes that cats are smart animals, and if, unlike dogs, they do not bring a stick thrown by the owner, then only because that "the cat does not consider itself obliged to obey the stupid orders of a person."

According to science, only this animal is capable of living side by side with a person, to feel on an equal footing, so if you want to win the respect and appreciation of a cat, treat it the same way.

The cat is the only creature that can feed on the negative energy of the Earth, it feels great in geopathogenic zones.

Cats in the life of a modern person can occupy a significant place. In addition to the mental pleasure that cats bring to their owners, they are quite useful in the household. They perfectly catch rodents, treat many diseases and, according to some reports, can even save from a deadly disease by sacrificing their lives.

Scientists from various countries have come to the conclusion that cat owners suffer less from heart disease, rarely get strokes and heart attacks. Purring cats have also been proven to help cure joint inflammation and gynecological diseases.

Animals are supposed to help humans cope with stressful situations more easily. It has also been proven that cats can intuitively determine the intentions of people who have come to the house and feel unkind guests.

When did a cat become a pet?

Scientists believe that the domestication of the cat took place about 9,500 years ago in the Middle East, where the most ancient civilizations originated and developed. With the transition of a person to a settled way of life, with the beginning of the development of agriculture, surpluses of food appeared - therefore, the need arose to protect it from rodents.

The oldest archaeological evidence of cat domestication was discovered in 2004 in Cyprus - during excavations, scientists found a joint burial of a man and a cat, which dates back to 7500 BC.

The fact of veneration of cats in the ancient Egyptian civilization is widely known - the images of these animals are present in many in its heritage. When a domestic cat died in ancient Egypt, family members would shave their eyebrows and mourn for it. The cat was embalmed and placed in the family tomb or animal cemetery with tiny mouse mummies.

Cornish Rex cats

They also held funerals during which they drank wine and beat their chests. Since then, for more than four thousand years, people have been unsuccessfully trying to unravel the mysteries that these mystical creatures are shrouded in - the sixth sense, nine lives, and so on. Science cannot explain the incredible abilities of cats, whose fantastic intuition makes them especially mysterious.

Scientists note that cats, living next to a person for so many years, feel equal with him, therefore they require a respectful attitude. Moreover, they bring many benefits: they exterminate rodents, treat diseases and, according to psychologists, prolong the life of their owner.

Statue of the Sphinx of the end of the 1st half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. from the fund of the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin

Interesting facts and stories

Cats never meow to each other. This sound is specially for people. In this case, cats can make about 100 different sounds, while dogs only ten.

Cats always find their way home - this ability of cats is called "psychic travel". Experts believe that cats either determine their location by the angle of sunlight, or cats have magnetized cells in their brains that act like a compass.

The surface pattern of a cat's nose is as unique as a human fingerprint.