How to color eyebrows with paint at home. How to paint eyebrows with shadows? - Step-by-step photo, instructions. How to dye your eyebrows with dry henna

Beautiful thick eyebrows the correct form - the decoration of any girl. For those who want to support them perfect shape and color - helpful tips and instructions on how to color eyebrows.

How can you color your eyebrows?

As a result of many years of fashion for well-groomed natural eyebrows many of the most various means for eyebrow tinting:

  1. The most common and familiar way to all - cosmetic pencil. Such option is suitable for daytime or evening make-up, however, it does not differ in durability, so a pencil is not suitable for going to the beach or to the gym. There is nothing more untidy than makeup smeared all over the face. In addition, the process of makeup with a pencil requires good artistic skills and a lot of time every day. A definite plus pencil is no harm to hairs and skin.

  2. Eye shadow and wax. Such staining is more reliable than pencil, but is not waterproof and is not suitable for extreme conditions. First, using a brush, tint shadows are applied to the hairs, and then the result is fixed. special wax. The advantage of this method is that the eyebrows perfectly retain their shape throughout the day.
  3. Henna staining is considered more gentle than that made with resistant paint. The result lasts about two weeks. In addition, it has a strengthening effect on the hairs. Of the minuses of this procedure: henna can flow or crumble, and the process itself is more complicated and longer than dyeing with paint, so it is almost impossible to carry out the procedure at home.

  4. Permanent paint gives a lasting effect up to three weeks. The paint does not fade in the sun and is not washed off with water, so you can safely go to the beach, pool or gym without fear that your eyebrows will “float”. You can color your eyebrows both in the salon and on your own at home.
  5. Permanent makeup (tattoo) is a procedure for introducing a special pigment into the upper layers of the dermis. Exist various techniques, allowing you to bring the shape and color of the eyebrows as close as possible to natural ones. The result of a tattoo can last from a year or more.

How to paint eyebrows? The choice is made strictly individually. To dye your eyebrows at home, you should prefer permanent paint, as its application is as simple as possible, and the result is lasting.

How to choose eyebrow dye?

For permanent coloring of eyebrows, you can not use hair dye. It contains aggressive components, the contact of which with the delicate skin of the face is simply unacceptable.

Before applying the paint, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test:

  1. For this a small amount of the finished coloring mixture must be diluted with a few drops of water and applied to the inner bend of the elbow.
  2. If there is no allergic reaction within two hours, you can start staining.
  3. If any rashes, redness, irritation or itching appear on the skin, staining should be discarded.

One of the most important points is the choice of color. Usually the palette of colors is presented very poorly. From the shades offered:

  • black;
  • cold brown (taupe, graphite);
  • warm brown (with a red tinge).

To make the result natural and blend well with the color of the hair and skin, you can adjust the intensity of staining.

Nevertheless, for each hair color, you need to choose the appropriate shade of eyebrow paint:

  1. Natural and dyed blondes with a cool shade of hair (platinum, ash, Nordic, pearl) are recommended to choose a taupe or graphite shade and withstand the paint 5-10 minutes less than indicated on the package.
  2. Hair owners sunny shades blond (wheat, golden, linen, honey), you can choose warm or cold brown, depending on the color of the skin and eyes. To withstand the paint should be depending on the desired intensity of color.

  3. Girls with blond hair from light gray to saturated brown shade cool brown should be chosen.
  4. Great for redheads fit warm brown. At the same time, black is categorically not recommended, since dark eyebrows with bright curls will look very unnatural and even funny.
  5. With black and very dark brown curls, black eyebrows will look great.

For the first coloring, it is better to purchase a small package to conduct a test, because the paint may not match the color or cause allergic reaction. Later, you can buy a large package, which will last from a few months to a year.

What else is needed for eyebrow tinting

Seeing how eyebrows are dyed in the salon, you can easily repeat the procedure at home. This will require:

  1. Eyebrow dye. It is better to choose a high-quality one, which can be purchased at a beauty salon or a professional cosmetics store.

  2. Thin brush for applying paint. It is better to choose a brush of medium hardness with artificial bristles so that you can carefully paint over each hair.
  3. A rich face cream that will protect the skin from staining.
  4. Gloves (rubber or cellophane).
  5. Eyebrow comb.
  6. Cotton swabs in case you need to adjust something.
  7. Black cosmetic pencil or black gel pen to mark contours.

  8. Cotton pads for removing paint.
  9. Micellar water for skin treatment before and after coloring.

If you suddenly need to wipe the paint off your eyebrows, you can use "Lokon" - a tool for perm hair, a few milliliters of which should be borrowed in advance from your hairdresser. You can also consult with him which eyebrow paint is best, and consult about the shade.

Eyebrow coloring steps

After everything you need is prepared, you can start painting. At the preparation stage, you should carefully collect the hair so that the strands do not fall on the face, since even individual hairs can smear the paint and ruin everything. It is better to stab the bangs or remove them under the bandage.

How to dye eyebrows at home - video

A few more tips on how to wash off the paint from the eyebrows if the color is too saturated, without resorting to extreme methods in the form of hydrogen peroxide and Curl:

Colored eyebrow care

Eyebrows, like hair, require regular care before and after staining. Even well-dyed, well-shaped, they will not look well-groomed if the hairs are sparse and thin. Therefore, you should definitely devote a few minutes a day proper care after them:

Many girls are not satisfied natural color eyebrows, their natural shade. To give the hairs the desired contour and color, some use a pencil, special colored gels or mascara. However, it is much more durable and effective to do eyebrow tinting. This simple procedure is performed by masters in the salon or independently at home at the mirror. You only need to buy natural dyes, chemical composition, prepare the necessary tools.

  • eyebrows become clear, bright, do not wash off for a long time;
  • resistant paint keeps saturated shade up to 3-4 weeks;
  • no need to touch up makeup daily or hourly, fear for streaks and smeared contour in the heat;
  • light eyebrows can be made dark, black ones can be lightened by a couple of tones;
  • the face becomes more expressive, attractive, well-groomed;
  • about a month, no need to worry about the color of the eyebrows.

Pencil or mascara is washed off with water while bathing, can be smeared from a simple touch with a hand. Persistent natural or chemical dyes retain saturation for a long time, without causing irritation during application. Eyebrow tinting can be done both in the salon and at home on your own. This procedure is simple, does not take much time, is available even for beginners.

Salon eyebrow tinting

Coloring eyebrows and eyelashes in the salon is a fairly popular procedure, especially in summer. Masters have all the necessary tools, compositions, experience in mixing shades. Depending on the color of the hair, skin, the tone of the paint is selected, if desired, a test is made for the absence of an allergic reaction.

The entire procedure in the eyebrow tinting salon takes from 10 to 15 minutes. Time depends on the desired color, density of hairs. You can ask to apply at the same time, you will additionally have to wait another 10 minutes.

Here are the main steps for dyeing eyebrows in the salon:

  1. The master offers the client to sit comfortably in a chair, covers her clothes with a special cape made of thick fabric or oilcloths. This is necessary so that droplets of paint from the brush do not accidentally fall on clothes.
  2. Then a special composition is prepared, applied with a brush or brush on both eyebrows. Preliminarily, the area around the eyes is smeared with a greasy cream.
  3. With a cotton swab, the master carefully removes excess paint, marks the time by the clock. The darker the shade is needed, the longer it takes to wait for the paint to work.
  4. After dyeing the hairs, the remnants of the coloring composition are removed with wet cotton swabs, warm water. If the paint remains on the skin, it is washed off special composition- a remover. You can use ordinary liquid soap by applying a couple of drops to a cotton swab.

Blondes and fair-haired girls Eyebrow tinting is performed in light brown or brownish shades. Brunettes and brown-haired women are more suitable for rich black. After the procedure, it is recommended to make an adjustment by removing excess hairs with tweezers, thread or warm wax.

Rules for coloring eyebrows at home

Many girls perform staining plucked on their own. The paint can be bought at any store, besides, at home, many use a mixture of henna. Before you lighten your eyebrows or make them darker, you should study the rules for applying paint, tips on choosing tools.

You will need the following tools and equipment:

  • an old mascara brush or cotton buds to apply paint;
  • a glass or plastic container, a cap from cans of deodorants, tubes is suitable;
  • cotton pads for washing off paint, liquid or regular soap;
  • crescent-shaped discs to put on the skin around the eyes;
  • a coloring kit, a box of paint or a bag of natural henna.

Here are some important rules to follow:

  • you can’t use hair dye to color eyebrows - it will disrupt the structure of the hairs, damage them with its aggressive chemical composition;
  • cheap low-quality paint can lead to skin irritation, subsequent hair loss;
  • be sure to check the expiration date on the package, choose a proven paint;
  • you should carefully select the shade so that the eyebrows look more natural and natural.

Eyebrow tinting at home

Eyebrow coloring at home is not particularly difficult. With all necessary tools and paint can complete this procedure in 20-30 minutes. As assistants, you can take a girlfriend, mother or acquaintance who already has experience home coloring. Brown-haired women and girls with a reddish tint of hair are recommended to use henna instead of a coloring composition. There will be no differences in duration and effect, but natural remedy will not cause any harm to the hairs, the skin around the eyes.

Here are the main steps of the home procedure:

  1. Hair should be removed from the face, securing it with hairpins or a bandage. On the skin near the eyes should be applied any fat cream so that the paint does not stain it.
  2. Then you need to dilute the paint according to the instructions or prepare a mixture of basma and henna. The powder is taken one spoonful from both bags, diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Putting on gloves, the composition should be applied with a cotton swab or brush on the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples. The layer should be thick, covering all the hairs.
  4. After 10-15 minutes, the paint is washed off, after 30-40 minutes - mixed with. It is best to wash off the composition with warm water using cotton pads.
  5. Excess paint from the skin is erased with the usual liquid soap using a cotton swab. To lighten up a little too dark shade, you can apply alcohol to cotton wool, wipe the skin and hairs in the direction of growth with a disc.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to color the eyebrows before adjusting. When plucking hairs with tweezers, small wounds are formed, into which paint can get, causing skin irritation.

Beautiful eyebrows are a trend not only this season, but all subsequent ones. Therefore, today we will learn how to color eyebrows, taking into account all the rules at home. If there is no desire to go to the salon, then you have to do it on yourself. Consider step by step how the procedure is carried out.

Eyebrow coloring contraindications

Before you paint your eyebrows with paint, you need to study when the procedure can harm:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • eye inflammation;
  • overly sensitive epidermis;
  • negative reaction to paint / henna.

If none of the prohibitions apply in your case, then we will tell you further how to color your eyebrows yourself. The process at home is quite simple, there will be no difficulties.

Eyebrow coloring

1. Pluck out excess hairs, giving the arches the appropriate shape. blonde girls perform correction after (!) Staining.

2. Arm yourself with white eyeliner. Circle the area around the eyebrows, so that when coloring you do not go beyond the boundaries.

3. Treat the skin around these contours with petroleum jelly or nourishing cream so that the pigment does not stain these areas.

5. Before you paint your eyebrows, you need to get a beveled brush at home. So it will be easier for herself to apply the pigment without going beyond the outlined border.

6. Dip the edge of the brush into the paint, remove the excess. Color the hairs with smooth pressing movements, moving from the center of the eyebrow to the edge.

7. Wait literally 10 seconds for the pigment to be absorbed. Then stretch it from the middle to the beginning of the arc. This way you will play with the colors as naturally as possible, because the inner parts should naturally be lighter.

8. Now with cotton buds remove the coloring matter that goes beyond the boundaries of the eyebrows. You need to act quickly, because the paint is absorbed in a couple of minutes.

9. When finished with the first eyebrow, do the second in a similar way: first, the center-edge, after another 10 seconds - the middle-beginning of the eyebrow. Alternate coloring will allow you to make the eyebrows symmetrical.

10. The paint should be kept on the eyebrows for 7-15 minutes, many factors from the manufacturer. Using wet cotton swabs, remove pencil marks and paint residues, moisten the eyebrows with cream.


If the shade did not fit or did not like, then you need to wait a day, then try to wash it off with lemon juice.

Eyebrow coloring with henna

Since you can dye your eyebrows with henna, you should use it at home. The procedure is carried out on itself. In addition, henna saturates the follicles and skin with beneficial compounds.

1. Before you dye your eyebrows with henna at home, put on a hoop / headband. You also need to get rid of makeup so that your face is completely clean.

3. Leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Enter 5-7 drops lemon juice. Instead of juice, you can take cocoa, then the color will turn out darker.

4. Eyebrow coloring with henna is accompanied by the application of petroleum jelly to the skin around the arches. Also at home, you can use a fat cream.

5. Henna is applied from the edge of the eye to the nose. Carefully paint over all the hairs. Depending on what shade you want to get, you need to wait from 25 to 90 minutes.

7. It is necessary to remove henna cotton pad. Keep in mind that after such a procedure it is forbidden to wash your face with scrubs and peels. Try not to get water on your eyebrows.

Eyebrow care after coloring

How to paint eyebrows, we have already figured out. Now it is important to learn about the rules of care at home. Thus, you yourself can regularly adjust the shape and monitor the condition of the hairs.

1. Be sure to comb your eyebrows in different directions. After dyeing, before going to bed, it is recommended to treat the hairs with castor oil or burdock oil. Natural composition strengthen their structure and improve growth.

2. Twice a week, be sure to apply compresses to the eyebrows. In this case, use gauze and warm oil olives, cocoa, wheat germ, etc. The procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

3. Do not forget about systematic massage. Due to this, microcirculation of blood in the eye area increases. The hairs acquire a stronger structure and become shiny.

Self-coloring of eyebrows does not apply to difficult procedures. Explore simple recommendations and follow the instructions. After successful staining, do not forget about timely care.

When choosing a product for eyebrow pigmentation, examine its composition. It’s great if the paint contains such natural ingredients as olive oil, vitamins, and so on.

Get one that has a gentle composition. The manufacturer must report this on the packaging.

In contact with

Lead, salts of heavy metals - these are the components that should not be present in the paint.

  • Ammonia is very common in coloring agents. This has to be put up with. But if possible, it is better to purchase ammonia-free paint.
  • Be careful that there are no ingredients in the paint that you may be allergic to. Even if you are sure that you have purchased safe paint, just in case, arrange a routine allergy test.

Put some coloring pigment behind your ear or in the crook of your arm. If within 12 hours the skin does not show "dissatisfaction", then the product can be used.

Consistency and other factors

Do not use hair products for dyeing eyebrows, as they are completely unsuitable for this purpose. Hair dye is more powerful. It can cause skin burns or damage to eyebrow hairs.

  • If in this moment you have an eye disease, use chemical paint for eyebrows is contraindicated.
  • Doctors claim that pregnant many cosmetic procedures, including dyeing eyebrows and hair. However, the paint should be selected special - for pregnant women. Some cosmetic companies produce such lines.

Correct color selection

The color range of eyebrow paints is not too wide. Hair can be pigmented in black, brown, and also gray. Of course, there are small transitions between shades. For example, just black and blue-black.

The main rule when choosing a color for the eyebrows: it should be one or two shades darker than the hair on the head.

The advantage of eyebrow paint is that it is easy to apply in practice. Therefore, you can find your color by experimenting with shades.

Paint coloring process

Required inventory

Buying expensive paint, in the kit you get a bowl, brush and other tools. If you have a cheap copy, you will have to additionally acquire the following inventory:

Face preparation

Before you dye your eyebrows at home, you need to prepare your face.

  1. Perform a traditional cleansing ritual.
  2. Rub the cream into the area around the eyebrows and under the eyes.
  3. Then put cotton wool or special paper on top of the cream. Cotton pads are supposed to get wet. Make sure your face is dry.

Step-by-step instructions on how to paint eyebrows with paint

Before staining, carefully read the instructions: the drug may have certain features. After that, you can start the process:

Eyebrow coloring at home - video:

  • The durability of paint is one of the characteristics that determine its quality. Bad paint is washed off after a week, and good paint only after a month. In about a month, a natural replacement of hairs occurs, so the eyebrows no longer look so bright and need to be painted again. You can periodically tint them, even if the paint is not completely washed off.
  • Do not disturb the hairs unnecessarily with various cleansers. This will prolong the saturation of the color. Treat your eyebrows with care. When you wash off your makeup, run the cotton pad only along the hair growth.

    Apply even on colored eyebrows a portion of castor oil or olive oil. After all, colored hairs need even more nutrition.

  • The advantage of tinting hairs with paint is a better result. The pigmenting substance stains absolutely all hairs, and some of which may not be noticed with a pencil or mascara. Using paint, it is much easier to create a dramatic and expressive makeup.

Using a coloring preparation at home is very simple and does not take much time. Preparation for staining and the process itself is about 20-30 minutes. But after that, you can not resort to eyebrow makeup for the next three weeks.

How to dye your eyebrows with henna?

  • If you are not satisfied with the color of the dye, try adding coffee or cocoa to it. Then the shade will turn out very beautiful.
  • Henna doesn't just pigment hairs. She heals and nourishes them.

Henna stays on the eyebrows for less time than paint: about two weeks.

What is needed for painting with henna?

Prepare the following tools for henna pigmentation of eyebrows:

  • Henna pack.
  • Any tint component (tea brewing, coffee, cocoa).
  • Acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • White pencil.
  • Napkins.
  • Henna container.
  • brush.
  • Hot water.
  • Apron covering clothes.

How to dye your eyebrows with henna?

You can see how it goes the process of painting eyebrows with henna, in the video:

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Dilute henna with acidified hot liquid to a state of porridge and cover with polyethylene. Let it infuse for several hours.
  2. Outline the contour of the eyebrows, outlining it with a white pencil.
  3. Type the mixture on the brush and draw the eyebrow. You can use an auxiliary brush.
  4. Cover the lines with cellophane to keep the temperature of the mixture high.
  5. Henna exposure time is very individual. often to get bright color, you need to keep the composition for several hours. If for the first time you do not know how long it takes, periodically look to see if the hairs have darkened or not.
  6. Remove the henna with a cotton pad, and then rinse the eyebrows cold water without soap.
  7. Apply a highly nourishing cream or vitamin A to the hairs.

Coloring with henna is a hypoallergenic biotattoo. It looks natural and beautiful. Another advantage of henna over dye is that it does not cause skin redness or burns.

On a note

  • If you need classic black eyebrows, mix henna and basma one to one.
  • When the eyebrows are colored unevenly, you need to repeat the procedure, but apply the mixture only to the part that should be made darker.

How to paint eyebrows with a pencil and shadows?

Pencil is a real weapon of beauty in skillful hands. With it, you can transform your eyebrows, and make your face charming and young.

  • Leads for the eyes are not suitable because they are soft and do not cope with the technique of applying makeup with strokes. In addition, with them, the eyebrows will be excessively bright.

The pencil should be selected one that is intended only for eyebrows.

  • To harden soft lead, store it in the freezer. Pay due attention to good pencil sharpening.
  • Before you paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you need to determine their shape. It can be straight or house. The shape depends on the type of face. So, oval type suitable for straight eyebrows. If the face is round or square, it is worth making the shape of the eyebrows curved.
  • Before drawing a line with a pencil, apply powder or foundation, because then you will not be able to carefully use this cosmetics.

Eyebrow makeup techniques with a pencil

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil - video with a master class:

Exists 2 technicians eyebrow makeup with a pencil: a solid line and strokes.

1. If you draw eyebrows with a solid line, fix your hand so that it does not tremble during makeup. This can be done by placing the elbow on the table, for example.

2. The second technique, namely the creation of individual hairs, gives a more natural result. The strokes should be thin and in the direction of growth. This technique is used to make the line longer or to eliminate gaps.

To make the effect natural, makeup artists recommend using different shades pencils, but from one colors. A light tone is suitable for creating neat strokes along the entire length. Leave the lower border of the eyebrows for a dark pencil.

  • In order to give the eyebrows extra volume, you can go over them with an applicator with shadows from above.

Quick eyebrow makeup with shadows - video:

So, eyebrow tinting is a popular and inexpensive procedure which is easy to carry out at home. And the result can last from a week to a month.

Neat, elegantly designed and well-made eyebrows emphasize the eyes and make the look as expressive as possible.

You can apply five layers of mascara to your eyelashes, use a highlighter, a corrector and three types of shadows ... But without paying attention to the eyebrows, you risk leaving the image incomplete. How to color eyebrows?

Where to start eyebrow makeup?

Before you color your eyebrows, you should give them correct form: get rid of excess hairs, comb with a brush, form with gel or wax.

Blindly following fashion is not worth it, but we recommend that you be inspired by the examples of secular lionesses! If many years ago the trend was thin eyebrows-threads in one pencil line, now thick, luxurious, natural, "full", deliberately wide specimens have gained popularity.

Fashion ambassadors for natural lush vegetation such famous ladies as Cara Delevingne, Emma Watson, Keira Knightley, Natalia Vodianova, Lily Collins and Kate Middleton perform.

Of course, if your own eyebrows do not have the right amount of hair and look sparse, “empty”, they will have to be properly made up to give density and volume.

There is a myth that all body hair is about the same color.

In nature, this is not always the case: many black-haired men suddenly grow a red beard, and so on.

Therefore, it is not necessary to blindly select eyebrow dye exactly for the shade of hair: look for the most beneficial option for yourself.

Fair-haired ladies can try pencils a couple of tones darker than their hair.

But hot brown-haired women and brunettes can be searched among more light shades than their hair: gray, graphite and dark brown colors look more natural on the face than radical black.

The basic rules for coloring eyebrows are simple:

How lighter skin, the more careful you have to be bright colors. Dark-skinned women, on the contrary, can experiment with contrasts.

Naturally blond hair requires a delicate approach: do not overdo it with color and pencil pressure. But on a face framed by dark curls, rich and dark eyebrows look natural, as if it were meant to be.

There are also individual preferences: green-eyed red-haired girls love to dilute fiery eyebrows with a chestnut or medium brown pencil with a golden undertone.

Unnatural blondes are happy to leave their own dark eyebrows without trying to lighten them (a classic example is Daenerys Targaryen, a character from the Game of Thrones series), and light gray or brown shadows are used to tint.

How to color eyebrows with a pencil

You already understood: the road to the ideal, harmonious image it starts with well-groomed eyebrows. How to achieve the desired result?

1. Sharpen the pencil well (before that, you can freeze it in the refrigerator to make the lead harder).

2. Comb your eyebrows with a brush, giving the hairs the desired direction.

3. Direct small strokes in the same direction, applying them with a sharp stylus, starting from the inside of the eyebrows.

4. Carefully fill in the voids, only lightly pressing the pencil against the skin, so that by the end of the makeup we will not have white spots on the map. But you can’t draw eyebrows along the contour, otherwise the view will be ridiculous!

One of the trends recent years- soft, natural shading and the absence of clear, contrasting borders.

Simply put, do not try to remember drawing and geometry lessons with a pencil: turn down the pressure. If a hard lead does not allow you to achieve naturalness, use a brush with special shadows or gel instead of a pencil.

Too bright and clear eyebrows are good for the image of an evil witch on Halloween. However, for everyday wear, natural variations on the theme are suitable.

How to color eyebrows with shadows

The innovative product "eyebrow shadow" is not yet familiar to many.

put them on fine brush With sharp tip on hairs, pre-treated cosmetic wax(so that the pigment is better fixed).

Check the result in the mirror and make sure the powder is applied evenly and not in patches. To give a natural look, blend the pigment with a brush. The shadows look especially good on wide and light eyebrows.

Try another similar product - a special eyebrow powder. It is easy to apply and instantly hides all voids.

How to paint eyebrows with paint

Attention: do not use cosmetics intended for other parts of the face - lip pencils, eye shadows, hair dye ... All of them are not suitable for eyebrows, they color too intensely and inaccurately!

It is better to color eyebrows in a beauty salon: it is difficult to keep track of the contour, uniformity of application and other nuances on your own.

If you dare to carry out the procedure at home, be sure to spread a greasy cream on your skin. Dilute the paint according to the instructions, apply according to the growth of hairs. After holding the time, rinse first with a dry cloth, and only after - with warm water.

The advantages of paint are obvious: it looks natural, lasts longer, is washed off slowly by itself. The downside is that there will be no more colored hairs (although pigment is present on the skin for the first days, but quickly disappears).

Eyebrows will be brighter, but the density will not increase, which means that you will need a correction with a pencil or shadows.

A popular alternative is henna eyebrow tinting (biotattoo). It looks very natural, luxurious, thick, graphic and fresh. It lasts up to two weeks, is absolutely harmless, and the gaps remain filled in all the time.

Well, for those who are too lazy to paint their eyebrows with a pencil or shadows every morning, on help will come tattoo ( Permanent makeup) or its modern counterpart - microblading.

The latter option is a gentle procedure and provides maximum natural look eyebrows.