What is the reason for the dismissal. Reasons for dismissal and what to write on your resume? Frequent conflict situations

When going to get a new job, candidates usually make a short description-presentation about themselves. It includes personal data, information about education, work experience, Additional Information and the desired position in the new location. Sometimes, although not required, the reason for dismissal is indicated on the resume. What to write, if you still want to indicate the reason for leaving, it is not worth inventing. The best way, copy what is written in the work book.

What is the resume for?

The employer will not accept a new employee until he thoroughly finds out everything about his professional and personal qualities. Therefore, when starting to look for a new job, you need to briefly tell about yourself the most important thing so that the employer gets an idea of ​​you as an employee.

For this, a resume is created, a small business card job seeker, advertising yourself, which contains information about education, work experience, personal data. The question of the reasons for dismissal is always asked during a personal meeting with the employer, therefore it is better to briefly explain in the resume what caused the dismissal.

What are the most common reasons for dismissal on the resume?

It is not difficult to guess what questions the recruiter will ask at the interview, since everyone can imagine himself in the place of the employer. What would you like to know about your future employee, the same will want to know about you a potential employer. The question of why you left your previous job, he will ask you immediately after you tell about yourself.

Therefore, in your resume, indicate the reason for the dismissal, which is in your work and think over a plan for answering auxiliary questions regarding the details of the dismissal.

Suppose the dismissal occurred on on their own... This is a general wording. Most likely, this streamlined, faceless phrase will not say anything to the reader of the resume. Therefore, specifying the reason for the dismissal "self-will," add a few details explaining in more detail the reasons for dismissal from work, for the resume. Examples:

Some facts

When specifying the reason for dismissal in your resume, do not forget that a serious and experienced employer when hiring will be able to clarify this issue by calling former head... In this regard, you should not come up with situations in which you were forced to leave your previous company. To avoid an embarrassing situation, you need to learn how to correctly explain the reasons for your dismissal.

  1. The return from this position turned out to be less than expected, although the work as a whole was obtained, there were no complaints from the bosses.
  2. The limited range of responsibilities made it impossible to learn new things, raise a professional level, and build up skills.
  3. Inattention to rational proposals for improving the organization of work, misunderstanding on the part of the management reduced the desire to work.

If a record is made in the work record that a disciplinary offense was the basis for dismissal, indicate an evasive wording in the resume, without reference to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and prepare to explain in more detail at a personal meeting.

How to state the reason for dismissal

Your resume should be written in such a way as to interest a HR specialist not only in the information it contains, but also in how the information is presented.

The wording of the reason for dismissal from work for a resume should be short, specific, truthful, and literate.

  • Brevity. Indicate the reason for the dismissal in almost the same words as the entry in the labor force. If there is any negative point in the record, do not copy it, omit it, if it will be without prejudice to the general understanding of the meaning of the reason for the dismissal. It is better to state your version during the interview.
  • Truthfulness. Remember, sooner or later the deception will be revealed. Don't lie, but come up with an evasive wording. When you meet, try to be honest about the mistake you made. An employer will appreciate an honest confession that looks better than an awkward lie. In addition, to tell the truth, you also need willpower, which means you have it. This is small, but a plus.
  • Concreteness. Try not to write general phrases and formulations, unnecessary information. Firstly, it is difficult to read, and secondly, you may get the impression that you do not know how to clearly and clearly present information.
  • Literacy. A misspelled document will produce negative impression and will raise doubts about the professionalism of the candidate.

List of neutral reasons for dismissal

Additional Information

It is necessary to understand that a characteristic may be needed from a previous place of work. On this moment this phenomenon is very popular, so it is better to leave without scandals. If you tell a new manager that the position you worked for has ceased to exist, you need to be prepared to prove this data. Besides, positive feedback from the previous place of work is a huge advantage when applying for a new company.

As a rule, talk about real reason I don't really want to be fired. And if the rationale for leaving is not one, but several, you can choose one of them, the most neutral. It turns out that you did not lie, and did not voice what you did not want.

The most popular neutral reasons for leaving are:

  1. There was a desire to change the type of occupation, the nature of the work.
  2. You have a desire for career growth, you want to realize it. Add why you were hindered from progress at your previous job.
  3. Not satisfied with the size of the salary. Someone does not talk about money, fearing to seem too materialistic. This reason is up to you. By and large, everyone needs money, looking for a place with a higher income is normal. Decipher a little why you didn’t suddenly get enough of the previous salary (replenishment in the family, you need to save up to buy an apartment, etc.).
  4. The company was reorganized, new management came in, the nature of work changed.
  5. Moving to another area, it became inconvenient to get there, too much time was spent on the road.
  6. The company has changed its location and this area is very inconvenient.

Pick up suitable reason dismissal will not be difficult if the work record does not contain a specific indication of an unseemly reason for dismissal (absenteeism, drunkenness work time and etc.).

If the dismissal was under the article, you need to explain why such an act became possible, find extenuating reasons for guilt, ending the story with a message about how you regret and repent of your committed misconduct.

Reasons not to be voiced

Any employer wants to see a non-conflict, balanced, pleasant person next to him. Reasons for dismissal, which should not be announced under any circumstances:

  1. Unfriendly relationships, conflicts in the team. The envy of colleagues who in every possible way squeezed talent and hindered growth. Sociability and stress resistance are welcomed by any employer. If you don't have one, as evidenced by squabbles at work that led to dismissal, this will put a fat minus on you as a candidate, despite good knowledge Affairs.
  2. Bad bosses who didn't appreciate you. You cannot openly blame the authorities for leaving. Just describe its shortcomings, supporting your reasoning with arguments. It shouldn't look like a blanket accusation.
  3. Not promoted. Such a reason may prompt the reader of the resume to think, but was there a reason for the promotion? Maybe you are not yet mature enough to be an executive chair.
  4. Permanent overtime work... The new employer may also be recruiting workers to work in additional time... If overtime isn't critical for you, don't mention that you don't like working overtime.
  5. Personal reasons: sick leave, under investigation, divorce, etc.
  6. The system of work of the enterprise with personnel. They were regularly forced to engage in advanced training, take special trainings, courses, etc.
  7. Payment of salaries bypassing the established rules.

Thus, in order not to find yourself at the stage of submitting a resume in disgrace with a future employer, think carefully about how to file a reason for dismissal, without deviating far from the truth and at the same time, preserving your chances as a job seeker.

You need to carefully prepare the answers regarding your departure from your previous job. Otherwise, even if the applicant comes for an interview, and then cannot explain the situation and the reasons for dismissal, he may simply be denied employment.

List of suitable reasons

Thinking over what reason for dismissal to indicate in the resume and how to present it as best as possible, link the wording with the content of the entry in the work book (if it is left). If there is no work book, in this case, you can act freely and choose a reason without harming your reputation. So, you decided to leave your previous position because:

  1. You want to grow, develop, reach new heights, achieve great results, including in material terms.
  2. There was a closure, liquidation of an enterprise, department, site, a reduction in the number of employees due to the re-profiling of the organization.
  3. Transferring your spouse to another area, you followed him and quit your job.
  4. Has ceased to arrange the work schedule. Two general days off per week are needed, not sliding ones.
  5. The employer violated the terms employment contract.

When choosing reasons for dismissal, remember that they should explain leaving and help shape positive impression about you as a future employee.


Let's talk about How to write a reason for dismissal in a resume in order to avoid false information, if the reason for dismissal is one of those that cannot be written on a resume in any case.

Indicate a neutral wording, for example, we did not agree on organizational issues, but at a personal meeting, manage to convince that the unseemly offense was caused by a fatal coincidence.

If the resume is filled out not on a form with columns of questions developed by this particular employer, but in a free form, you can skip a point about the reasons for dismissal. At an interview with a face-to-face meeting, it is better to explain the situation with the change of job, especially if you had to leave not according to the best article of the Labor Code.

Don't include words like "always, never, hate, nothing, mistake, problem, failure" in your resume. Psychologists do not recommend using words with negative connotations. Replace them with synonyms. For example, not a "mistake" but a "valuable lesson".

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Dismissal from work - unpleasant process... Nevertheless, it opens up new horizons for the employee, and for the employer - to select more suitable specialist... Consider the main reasons for dismissal from the workplace.

Questions related to mutual relations between the employee and his employer are governed by labor law.

The key source of this regulation is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which was adopted in 2001, and the main point that regulates disputes is.

On the basis of these norms, an employment contract is developed, which is drawn up between the employer and the hired specialist. According to Art. 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure for dismissal is established by federal bodies.

Possible options and common grounds

As for the general grounds for dismissing an employee, their indication occurs within the framework of Art. 77 of the same document. Also, the paper implies additional considerations that entail the dismissal of an employee.

There are several positions on which an employee is dismissed:

  • at the initiative of one of the parties;
  • by mutually accepted agreement;
  • due to external circumstances;
  • at the end of a fixed-term employment contract;
  • when an employee is transferred to another employer or a transfer to another position is made;
  • if the employee refuses to perform job duties in the event of a change in the owner of the enterprise;
  • in case of refusal to work, when critical changes have occurred in the terms of the contract;
  • if the employer has moved to another area, and the employee is not ready to move;
  • if the parties violate the rules for concluding an employment contract, if this creates circumstances that are impossible for the continuation of the work process.

The most common are the first 3-5 types of layoffs, although practice often demonstrates more rare cases.

Here are the main cases in which an employee can be fired at the initiative of the employer.

You cannot fire employees who are temporarily disabled due to illness or pregnancy, or who are on vacation. An exception is the liquidation of an enterprise.

At the initiative of the employee

In the lion's share of situations, the dismissal of an employee occurs on his own initiative, this point is indicated in Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. That the employee intends to leave workplace, he warns the employer. This must happen no later than 2 weeks unless a different term is established within the framework of the employment contract or federal law.

The countdown of the two-week period starts from the next day after the corresponding application has been submitted.

Here several circumstances, in accordance with which the employee can be dismissed on his own initiative.

  1. Inability to continue labor relations in connection with retirement, admission to study at an educational institution.
  2. If the employer ignores the obligation to fulfill the obligations under the employment contract.

The advantage of this option of dismissal is the employee's right to withdraw his own application, if another person has not been invited to take his place before.

With the consent of the parties

it most simple the process of resolving the issue related to the dismissal of an employee. Any party can be the initiator, but if they come to general agreement, then the problem is solved very peacefully.

In fact, the legislation allows for the termination of an employment contract bilaterally. In this case, the corresponding agreement is usually drawn up in an arbitrary form. It necessarily reflects the terms of dismissal and the main conditions of the process.

The process associated with the liquidation of an organization is carried out in accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this situation, the employee must be warned that dismissal will occur, and this process no later than 2 months.

In addition to wages and material compensation for unused vacation days, the employer is paid severance pay - average monthly income.

If the dismissal occurs in connection with the liquidation of the organization, no additional guarantees are issued.

Violation of corporate rules

These nuances can be attributed any violations of labor discipline:

  • absenteeism;
  • drunken appearance at the workplace;
  • professional unsuitability;
  • ignorance of official duties.

But sometimes to prove the fact of violation of these moments problematic... After all, the absence of a person in the workplace does not always indicate that there is a truancy. And if you need to prove a fact drunk, for this it will be necessary to force the employee to undergo an appropriate examination and receive the appropriate paper.

Proving professional unsuitability is even more difficult, because for this you need to carry out certification, and then also prove that it was carried out in compliance with all basic rules and regulations.


Algorithm for such dismissal simple enough... It is worth giving to him Special attention at the time financial crisis... In the process of dismissing personnel for this reason, there is a place to be preemptive right if you need to choose between several specialists.

On this basis do not fire several employees:

  • women who are "in position";
  • persons who have high level qualifications;
  • citizens in whose care are minor children under 3 years of age.

Whenever possible at the workplace leave more qualified specialist ... And also preference is given to disabled people, workers who have received injuries from these employers, specialists who improve their qualifications without the possibility of interrupting the production process.

Independent circumstances

V in this case the dismissal process is governed by Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There is several reasons:

  • conscription;
  • refusal to accept for a position;
  • restoration of the former employee;
  • condemnation to punishment;
  • death of the employer;
  • extraordinary external circumstances;
  • disqualification;
  • administrative punishment;
  • deprivation of an employee of the relevant license;
  • changes in the norms of labor legislation.

In this case, the employee must receive written notice that he was fired.

Upon expiration of the contract

If the contract is urgent and involves certain period hiring an employee, then after its expiration, either dismissal or extension of the term may occur. In the first case, the process is voluntary and it happens peacefully, that is, in the same way as by agreement of the parties.

So there is a large number of causal factors of dismissal... Some reasons cited by the employer may be illegal.

Therefore, an employee should familiarize himself with his rights in order not to be deceived and to be able to protect himself in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Additional information about the reasons for dismissal from work is presented in this video.

Among the main reasons for terminating the employment relationship between an employee and an employer, there are both objective and subjective. Objective, indicated in the norms of the current labor legislation, as general legal basis. Subjective reasons for dismissal are, rather, to interpersonal relationships that were formed in the process of work between the employee and his colleagues, or between him and his immediate superiors. In addition, the employee may want to change qualifications, place of residence, etc.

But the law gives us clear instructions on the legal grounds for terminating an employment contract. And, regardless of personal issues, upon dismissal, the wording for the reason for dismissal should be chosen, in accordance with the Labor Code. There are both reasons for dismissing a negligent employee on the part of the enterprise where he works, and the employee's desire to leave his position. Consider legal grounds to carry out the dismissal.

Termination of employment

In accordance with the norms of the law governing labor legal relations, they cease to be valid in such cases:

  • at the request of the employee, leave his position;
  • on the initiation of dismissal by the employer;
  • upon reaching an agreement between the employee and the enterprise on the end of the joint work;
  • if a temporary fixed-term employment contract was concluded between the parties, and its term has come to an end, while none of the parties has expressed a desire to continue it, backing it up with the appropriate action;
  • when registering the procedure for transferring an employee to another employer at his request or consent;
  • transfer of an employee to an elected position;
  • if the employee refuses to continue the contract, in case of a change in the form of ownership of the organization, or the form of management, the owner of the property;
  • when the terms of the contract are changed, with which the subordinate does not agree;
  • reasons for the dismissal of an employee medical indications- if there is a medical prohibition on continuing to work in this position, but the employer simply cannot offer another suitable one, or the employee himself refused the proposed position;
  • in the event of a change in the location of the enterprise due to a move to another area, which this specialist refused;
  • there are circumstances that do not depend in any way on the will of the parties (and we will consider them below);
  • in case of violation of labor legislation at the stage of imprisonment labor relations if such violations exclude the possibility of further cooperation.

At the same time, in addition to the main reasons for dismissal, there are also special ones, regulated by laws and regulations. For example, legal regulation the dismissal of judges and prosecutors, civil servants, the military, is carried out by special laws that apply only to them. Now let's look at the main reasons in more detail.

Dismissal of your own free will

This is perhaps the simplest and favorite formulation for personnel officers. And such a dismissal is made easier and less documents need to be collected. And no one will dispute such dismissal. Often, just such a reason for dismissal is an incentive for the employer to "put pressure" on a subordinate so that he himself writes a statement, threatening to be fired under an article or other negative consequences for the latter. Lawyers advise not to follow the lead, despite such threats, and stay in your place of work, because such an employee will not receive compensation or severance pay upon dismissal, and it is not always possible to find a new job right away.

If the desire to leave is valid and motivated, the employee must submit a statement of his or her intention to leave the company. Only you need to warn about this two weeks before the fact of dismissal. Failure to comply with this requirement, most often, turns into negative consequences for the employee, because he can be fired under the article for absenteeism, in the event of unauthorized leaving the workplace.

Sometimes it is allowed to terminate the employment relationship, without the obligatory fourteen days of work, but there must be good reasons for this. So, let us consider what are the valid reasons for dismissal of our own free will, upon the occurrence of which, an urgent dismissal is allowed:

  1. disease close relative or a child in need of care;
  2. a husband or wife is sent on a long business trip outside the city (country), or even to a permanent job;
  3. upon admission to study;
  4. upon retirement.

Some employers take into account not only these reasons, but by agreement, they can allow to quit the number indicated by the employee in his application. By the way, it is necessary to refer to the validity of the reasons for the early dismissal in the application, and not only orally.

When the dismissal occurs at the initiative of the employer

The enterprise has the right to part with its employee, against his will, only in those cases that are specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Exists the following reasons dismissal of employees at the initiative of the firm, enterprise or organization for which they work:

  • The employee did not pass probation, or the results of such a test seemed unsatisfactory to the management of the enterprise;
  • In case of termination by the employer of his economic activity (liquidation);
  • In the event that a decision is made to reduce the staff of the organization, about which there is an order of the competent governing body of the legal entity;
  • Based on the results of unsatisfactorily passed certification, when the enterprise does not vacancies corresponding to the level and qualifications of this specialist;
  • Labor relations with the manager or chief accountant are terminated when the owner of the company changes;
  • With numerous violations of labor discipline and work ethics, if the employee already has disciplinary sanctions, outstanding;
  • If the employee was absent from the workplace for more than four hours in a row, which is qualified by law as absenteeism;
  • For distrust of an employee who committed guilty actions that resulted in the loss of the company's commodity and monetary values ​​(as a rule, these are the reasons for the dismissal of sellers);
  • When you appear or stay at work drunk;
  • When a criminal act is committed at the enterprise, for example, theft, theft, which will be established and confirmed by a decision of the competent authorities;
  • In the event of a gross violation of the rules and regulations of labor protection, when this entailed or could entail serious consequences for other employees of the company or loss, destruction of the organization's property;
  • When disclosing commercial secrets and / or personal data of another employee;
  • If the leader or Chief Accountant committed an action, or made an unjustified decision that caused damage to the company, its property and material losses.

There are other valid reasons for the dismissal of an employee who occupies a key position in the organization, for example, a single gross violation of his labor functions by the head or his deputy is enough to terminate the contract with him.

Circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties

The Labor Code names the reasons why an employment contract with an employee is terminated either at the initiative of the employer or the employee. Such circumstances are called, independent of the will of the parties:

  1. When an unlawfully dismissed employee is reinstated in his previous position, as a rule, by a court decision;
  2. In case of conscription into the army or alternative service;
  3. When an employee is in an elective position and has not been elected to a new term;
  4. When there is a court verdict against a subordinate, which excludes the possibility of further work at the enterprise;
  5. In case of complete disability, as evidenced by a medical reasoned conclusion;
  6. Death of an employee;
  7. In the event of an emergency, recognized as such by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  8. When applying to an employee an administrative penalty related to the prohibition to hold a certain position, including disqualification;
  9. Termination of a license or special permit for the exercise of certain labor functions, which is issued by an authorized government body;
  10. In case of cancellation judgment by which the employee was reinstated.

In accordance with Art. 83 of the Code, such reasons for dismissing an employee are not considered the will of the employer, and therefore, adhere to special procedure, which consists in advance information and such formalities are not needed.

Other cases and reasons for the departure of an employee from his position

Separately, I would like to note the dismissal in the order of transfer. Such a formulation of termination of an employment contract is not very common, since a subordinate who has found a more attractive job for him first leaves of his own free will, and only then gets a new job. When translating, there are many advantages for the employee himself. First, time is saved for the formalities of terminating an employment contract with a previous employer, and concluding a new one. Secondly, there is no two-week working off at the previous place of work and a probationary period at a new one.

The reasons for the dismissal of an employee who does not want to move with the employer to another locality can be characterized as the employee's desire to quit. But not everything is so simple. If he simply writes an application and then stops working in the organization, he will not be subject to benefits at the employment center. And with such a formulation of dismissal, it is much easier to get a new job than to explain each time why he wanted to leave his previous job.

No matter what vacancy you are applying for, once you are at an interview, you should be ready to answer such a question as the reason for leaving your previous job.

Why is it better to indicate truthful information on a resume?

It should be noted right away that when writing a resume, you need to indicate only truthful information about yourself, especially when it comes to the point that deals with the reason for breaking off labor relations with the previous employer. Even if you were not the initiator of your dismissal, you should not hide it or try to somehow disguise it. Experienced specialist the recruiter will always be able to determine how sincere your arguments and explanations are.

Do not forget that upon dismissal, an employee of the personnel department must enter a record of dismissal in the employee's work book with reference to the article of the labor code. For example, in the event of your dismissal at the initiative of the employer, article 81 will be indicated in the work book. Labor Code Russian Federation... This means that when applying for a new job, this information will become known to both the personnel department employee and the manager, which may lead to an undesirable development of events, especially if you initially tried to hide true reason his dismissal.

In fact, the reasons why people have to change jobs are different, as there are different situations formed in a team, and the people themselves. Therefore, when meeting with a potential employer, when answering the question about the reason for dismissal from the previous job, you should tell the truth, but you should not go into detailed description all the details, and even more so to go to the individual. It is better to prepare in advance the correct answer that can satisfy the interviewer, but will not contain unnecessary details.

What options for the reasons for dismissal can be specified in the resume?

When writing a resume, it is very important to create about yourself correct impression and try to avoid questions, the answers to which may somehow compromise you on behalf of the employer and lower the chances of getting a vacant position. It will be about what reasons for dismissal can be safely indicated in the resume, without fear of being on the so-called "black list".

Closure of the enterprise. If you had to quit due to the fact that the enterprise at which you worked hard for all these years has ceased to exist, then naturally you are not at all guilty. By indicating such a reason in your resume, you absolutely do not risk anything, since work in the company before last days characterizes you as a dedicated and patient worker;
Moving to a new place of residence. Such a reason will never arouse suspicion, because it is quite natural that having moved to another city, you have no choice but to change your job, preferably without losing your wages;

Inappropriate work schedule. This variant of the reason can be indicated in the resume if you have circumstances that require a certain amount of time to be in the workplace. For example, you have Small child who attends Kindergarten and you need a five-day work week, while at the previous job you could only be offered a shift schedule, which was the reason for leaving and looking for a new job;

Absence career growth... If you have already achieved a certain professionalism in your field, and the previous employer could not offer a promotion, then such a reason for dismissal is understandable and characterizes you as an employee who seeks to develop and improve his skills in the future. But in case of a successful interview, be ready to prove it in practice;

Low wage... This reason may seem quite normal, because if a person is able to appreciate his work and wants to get a decent pay, then with good motivation, high results can be expected from him.

However, not all employers share this point of view, and some of them may get the impression that after a while this salary will no longer suit you, and you will start looking for a new job again.

Common mistakes when writing a resume?

The very first mistake when writing a resume is, of course, a spelling mistake. Your resume is a reflection of your personal and professional qualities, and if it is misspelled it will immediately raise doubts about your candidacy.

In your resume, you should avoid specifying unnecessary information that is not relevant to the case, since, firstly, it will be tedious to study it, and secondly, the employer may get the impression that you do not know how to clearly and clearly state information, which can make it much more difficult to get the desired job.

Another common mistake is a resume written for another job. If you immediately apply for a resume to several companies, then they must be corrected in such a way that the employer understands which position you are applying for and what professional qualities you have in this area.

Absence or inconsistency of chronology labor activity the resume may indicate either your carelessness and negligence, or that you are trying to hide some information.

The lack of contact information in your resume can play a cruel joke in your future career, because if the employer is completely satisfied with all the information regarding your skills and abilities, he simply will not be able to contact you to invite you for a further interview.

What reasons for dismissal should not be written on the resume?

Conflicts with bosses are one of the reasons that can have negative impact to your professional portrait. No employer wants to do business with you, knowing that at the previous place of work you could not find mutual language with the leader or refused to follow his orders. If, nevertheless, this is the main reason for your departure, then try to express it in another way, for example, the inconsistency of the tasks set by the manager with your skill level, well, or something like that.

Unfortunately, many people find themselves in such situations, despite the good professional quality... Of course, you can try to explain who is right and who is wrong, but the future employer will be of little interest. It is much more important to find out whether you are able to adapt to the already established relationships within the team, whether you have sufficient communication skills and stress resistance. That is why, about all kinds of conflicts in previous work not even worth mentioning.

Refusal to raise a position or salary

If you include such a reason for dismissal on your resume, keep in mind that it can both justify your departure and lead the employer to think about why you were refused. Maybe at that time the company really did not have the opportunity to pay you more, or it may be so that you have not yet reached a certain professional level so that you can be promoted.

Overtime work

This reason should not be indicated on the resume, if you, by all means, want to get this job. In such a case, the employer is more likely to choose an applicant who is willing to work overtime if necessary. But if you, under no circumstances want to work overtime, then the future employer should be informed about this.

How to explain your dismissal?

V standard resume there is usually no question about the reason for leaving the previous job. However, many large companies develop their own resume forms for candidates, the so-called questionnaires, in which they are very often asked to indicate exactly the reason for dismissal. Then, in a personal interview with the manager or his representative, you will have to explain what exactly pushed you to look for a new job.

If you had to leave a job that you really liked, for reasons beyond your control, for example, massive reduction or liquidation, then it is enough to indicate them in your resume, and answer all questions calmly and confidently. In the event that the reason for leaving was any disagreement, then it is better to try not to draw the attention of the interlocutor on this, and try to hide the negative points and judgments.

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

The reason for dismissal in the resume is necessary in order to convince the new employer of a serious approach to their duties and loyalty to the company with which you work, regardless of external factors.

You have to predict possible questions personnel specialist and submit information on the reason for the search new job, as profitable as possible to make your image positive.

Rules for writing reasons for leaving the resume

  • Honesty- the main factor is the veracity of the information indicated in the column. There is no need to lie about the real factors of dismissal from the last place of work, even if it was noisy, because the information provided in large companies it is often checked by the security service, especially for management and high-ranking positions. Example:

The company prefers outdated methods of "doing business", as a result, my potential and suggestions for optimizing production are not required to the proper extent.

  • Brevity- you shouldn't write too much about the circumstances of the job change, especially if there is nothing to write about! The description of leaving should be short, concise and true, for example:

There was no career opportunity

  • Definition- Let's clearly state the circumstances! Do not write general concepts, for example: "for family reasons" or "at own discretion", since the reason is vague, and this will raise additional questions. Example:

The relocation of the office affected the ability to get to work on time

You should also pay attention to the spelling! It is very important to write correctly and correctly place punctuation marks. any self-respecting employer will not hire an illiterate employee.

TOP-10 reasons for dismissal

A survey conducted among job seekers - said that most often the employee quit because they are not satisfied:

The most common formulations

Most often, in the resume of job seekers you can find similar reasons for looking for a job, we have selected a selection for you that you can use in your resume:

  • closure of an enterprise, liquidation of a department of a company, change of the scope of an enterprise;
  • lack of a career ladder, search for a more suitable position;
  • expiration of an employment contract, expiration of a work visa (for work abroad), unofficial employment;
  • change of residence, office relocation.

The above variations most succinctly describe the reasons for dismissal from work for a resume, but they do not always make it clear to the staffing agent fully the desire to change the company, therefore, the reasons for dismissal are often indicated in more detail.

Dismissal entry in the work book

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

According to the law, the entry in the work book reflects the real reason for the employee's dismissal, therefore, the interpretation of the reason should reflect the valid pretext in the regulatory document.

There are a number possible reasons indicated in the labor book:

  1. Dismissal of your own free will- in this case, just a reasonable and concise explanation of your desire to change the place of work is required, otherwise there may be suspicions about disagreements with the former management.
  2. Dismissal by mutual consent parties- the most preferable entry characterizing mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual, civilized farewell. The reasons are worth writing a simple explanation.
  3. Dismissal initiated by the company- the situation is ambiguous, on the one hand, you could be laid off, or liquidated the company or department itself, and on the other, you could be suspected of actions contrary to the charter. But desperate situations can not be! You should indicate a standard preposition, and then explain the situation at the interview.

If there is no entry in the workbook, indicate the reason for the standard or advantageous for you.

What to write in the reasons for dismissal

Good examples of reasons for leaving your job for a resume should present you as a conscientious and reliable employee in the search for a company with which to build a lasting relationship.

Formulate an advantageous position for yourself, use the following options:

  • Local cause- the place of work is in an inconvenient location and it takes a long and expensive way to get there, perhaps you have moved and this has led to the need to look for a new job. Permissible ground for dismissal that will not cause negative reaction especially if you mention your punctuality and unwillingness to be late.
  • External factors- it can be the closure of the company, seasonality or a change in the type of activity of the company, in general, circumstances beyond your control. In this case, it is important to provide only truthful information!
  • Lack of prospects- often help for further work it becomes impossible to advance in the service and make yourself a successful career. This reason will recommend you as a developing specialist, ready for a long and fruitful service.
  • New opportunities- the search for higher competence and opportunities in a new company is taking place. It is not immediately possible to find your place in, but the correct interpretation of the desire to try to prove yourself, for the employer will seem like a good chance to acquire an intelligent employee.
  • Normative background- completion of an employment contract, expiration of a work visa is a logical motive for leaving work on a resume, which will not arouse suspicion.

Take this section as an additional chance to draw the HR officer's attention to your resume and use it to the fullest!

What reasons cannot be reported in the resume

Reading a resume "between the lines" - a recruiter is able to understand true motive job change. Be literate and remove the following language and hints from the section:

  1. Conflicts with the management, strictness and criticism of the bosses, fines and any other difficulties with the employer.
  2. The conflicting team, the lack of a working atmosphere, did not work out.
  3. Reduction of staff, lack of demand for a position, long internship.
  4. Low wages, overwork, irregular work schedules, overtime work.
  5. Personal life circumstances not related to work (decree, illness).

Interview questions about your previous job

Prepare the answers to possible questions in advance, starting from the information indicated in the resume, give a detailed and most beneficial answer for you.

It is important to remain calm and not distrust when discussing your past company.

Never speak badly about your past employer, even if you have nothing good to say, just talk reasonably about the cons, and then about the pros of the previous vacancy.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

If you really had problems with dismissal, then you should focus on the reluctance of management to let you go, and therefore the past employer may give a non-subjective recommendation, if required.