How to teach a husband to order: advice from experienced women. How to teach your husband to order

Sometimes, cohabitation men and women becomes unbearable, and so you want to save and decorate life together with your Beloved. To do this, you need to think in advance how it is better to behave in certain “subtle” moments for Him.

1. Do not give yourself too much to feelings and show your love
A man is a hunter and conqueror by nature, he loves to strive for a goal, to get close to it. different ways and gradually win back your own. You don't have to love too much and give your all. He needs to get that love. Of course, going to extremes and being an ice queen is also not an option. Choose the tactics of a “rubber” leash: then let it close and close and bathe it in your tenderness, then slip away, forcing it to catch up with you. Sometimes you can be a little capricious or play the unsmiling princess, but only for a short time - no one will tolerate a beech.
2. Admire his actions and thoughts Often pay attention to how smart, noble, quick-witted, resourceful and courageous he is. Praise him for good deeds, be surprised at his new ideas (“how could you come up with such a thing ?!”). Praise the genius in him. But don't overdo it! If you tell him once an hour about how great he parked, how he thought of buying this delicious fish for dinner, how he was able to find such an amazing restaurant, He will think that you are just mocking him. Or being conceited is also harmful. Even if you know something more or understand something better, you should not zealously prove your case, argue and pretend to be smart, showing with your whole being how wrong he is. Any man thinks that he is the most intelligent and all-knowing. Due to this, he feels strong and worthy. Therefore, in order not to infringe on this feeling, it is better to restrain yourself. Sometimes there are cases when it is completely stupid to be silent, like a partisan, knowing something. Then say: "By the way, I remembered ...", "Oh, but it turns out I know this" or "Recently I read it" - calmly and unobtrusively.

3. Don't criticize
Never. Nothing. His actions, friends and relationships with them, his tastes and passions, his work and affairs, his mother and brother. Do not point out to Him the shortcomings of his appearance, clothes, disorder in the apartment or car. Remember: He himself knows what is right and what is best for him - this is part of his life, part of himself. And if you don’t like it, he can be seriously offended and decide that he himself doesn’t really suit you, which means that he doesn’t need such a girlfriend either.

4. Don't discuss his money
Do not go into his wallet, do not count his income and do not try to manage expenses. Do not ask about the salary and do not indicate that "this gift for your mother is too expensive" or "you should not have lent your Vadik." Finances are a touchy subject, and He should always deal with them only by Himself.

5. Nurture a child in Him
Everyone knows that a child lives in every man. So sometimes feel sorry for your little boy, pat on the head, put to sleep. He is tired after work, it happens that he was offended by the "big boys" in the harsh business and scolded by the evil "uncle boss". "Mom" should caress and snuggle, and then he will feel calm. He will miss such affection and tenderness, and will dream of receiving it from you.
And now a little about yourself...

6. Take care of your appearance
You should always look your best, i.e. at least to the best of their abilities and efforts. This means that not everyone can always afford beauty salons, manicures and a variety of expensive clothes. But every woman can always keep her head (hairstyle), hands and a neat outfit in order. Do not forget about your appearance, even if you are at home, in nature, in the country, on vacation. The most painful question is home outfit. Give up loose robes, outdated "home suits" and worn out clothes. Buy some inexpensive multi-colored T-shirts, comfortable blouses (in summer you can pick up open T-shirts and short shorts), or sports items. Make up a small home wardrobe and change it within a week. Then at home you will be able to maintain comfort and immediacy and not bother your beloved with ordinary simplicity. The same applies to hairstyles - do not do the same at home special styling, just come up with original ponytails, bows, a ribbon, a bandage, hairpins for yourself. Let it look childishly cute and creative. Try to follow the figure, the condition of the skin and hair. Don't forget about outfits: dress every day as if you were going to conquer Him on a first date, be new and unique. Change your hairstyle, makeup and clothing style sometimes, but not drastically, but to add variety.

7. Be an individual
You will be much more appreciated by your chosen one if your personality is distinguished by its individuality. This means that you must have something that only you know how to do, or that you are perfectly versed in, or that you are passionately and seriously interested in. It can be self-realization in a career, a worthy position in one's business or profession. You can do some kind of sport, yoga, dancing. In the end, you can collect, collect, design, sew, knit, etc. something. It is important that you improve in your private lesson, grew spiritually and developed as a person.

8. Have something of your own
Do not try to become dependent on a man, even if everything he does is from the heart, feelings and nobility, and you have the most kind and sincere relationship in the world. Let something in your life be done, achieved or acquired "with your own hands." Then you will feel like a full-fledged unit, having the right to speak, choose and act. He will know that you, too, can do something in this life, and respect for you will only increase.

They say that choosing a life partner is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes and pulling out a snake. Of course, few of us are able to marry really open eyes. Most people marry for love, and love tends to blind their eyes. All the versatility and complexity of the human personality is revealed only after a certain amount years of living together, when passions subside, and all masks are torn off. On the other hand, being together, we provide strong influence Each other. Considering that a man is a being by nature focused on solving external problems and tasks related to his professional activity, the household device remains on the woman. It turns out that it is quite possible to tame a husband, because in everyday life men are quite amenable to “training”, and what the family will be like (if not in everything, then in many ways) depends on the woman.

My Sweet and Tender Beast

If you got a soft and supple man, rejoice. Leave the fictional romantic longing for a strong shoulder. Tyrants usually have strong shoulders. If a man fully assumes the function of making decisions, protecting and providing for the life of his woman, in return he will demand full recognition of him as the head of the family, with all the consequences. If you do not agree with the statement that a woman's place is in the bedroom and in the kitchen, a soft man is what you need. There is an opinion that the man is the head and the woman is the neck. So here, move wisely, no need to do sudden movements otherwise you will turn your head. Most women make the terrible mistake of turning a soft man into a henpecked man. Remember: between "soft, supple" and "weak, weak-willed" there is a huge gap. From a soft man, you can grow a real giant in every respect, if you properly cultivate his hidden qualities.

Praise. Cultivate his self-esteem, increase his level of importance, help him to make strong deeds, show his masculine qualities. Important: praise a man not out of the blue, but only for his specific deeds and displayed qualities. He, of course, will not understand that you made a real man out of him, but he will be grateful and attached to you to the grave.

Be weak. No matter how weak and inert he may be, if you are even weaker, a man will certainly appear in him. This can manifest itself in anything, from your inability to screw a light bulb into a socket or cross the street, ending with complaints about a harsh boss. Sometimes, if necessary, use tears, but this potent agent: do not abuse, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Don't decide for your husband. For a long time, he should have the feeling that he makes all the decisions in your family. Let prosperity in the family, ways of spending leisure time and what you eat for dinner depend on it. Do not be afraid, you will not lose your individuality, since your husband is soft and supple, he will always take into account your opinion. Just do not push, let him learn to choose what you like.

Ask. On the soft men you should never pressure, you should not reproach them, demand something plain text, it is better to ask unobtrusively. They love requests that show their weight in your eyes.

Be aware of dogs!

Many men are wild, unbridled, naturally aggressive and prone to domestic tyranny. If a woman is too soft, unable to object, this only provokes a man prone to aggression. Alas, there are echoes of Sharia in our seemingly democratic society. Many men do not respect women, but not because it is such a tradition, they say, a woman is not a person. But because the majority is afraid to put the upstart in his place. Ultimately, allowing herself to be humiliated, a woman herself brings up a tyrant in a man. It's a game of who wins. It is in our human nature. Yes, of course, a man must be a man, but this never means that he must be a beast.

Mind. If today you have your own opinion, but you are afraid to speak out, in three years it will be gone. There is a question of self-preservation of the individual. A strong, daring man will love only the one who dares to take over him. And this will definitely happen, you just do not need to allow yourself to be humiliated.

Punish. Of course, there is no need to arrange wars and bring everything to the point of murder. If a man has allowed himself to be rude towards you, you must let him know that he has fallen in your eyes. Do you think he neglects you? Move away, go live with your mother. Let him have the opportunity to really compare what life is with and without you. Most women don't use it effective method"training" men because they are afraid of breaking up. But if he really leaves you after that, then he was never with you. The sad thing is that women are so afraid of being alone that they are often satisfied with the illusion of a family.

Serpent with seven heads

Suppose your husband is not so simple, he is a multifaceted personality, and it is impossible to figure him out. Believe me, everything complicated always comes down to simple. There is a number of absolutely general principles bringing up almost any husband for himself.

Do not instill complexes in him. Many women like to compare a man to their exes, father, brother or whatever. Big mistake! No matter how cool a man is, making him complex is a simple matter. If you want to see a hero or a superstar in your husband, treat him as if he is already a hero and a superstar. And the day is not far off when you will be illuminated by its radiance.

Don't blackmail. There is nothing more suitable for making a person your enemy than to start applying enemy methods to him. It's your close person, and you arrange interrogations for him, set conditions and pin him to the wall. Shame and shame on that wife who, living with her husband under the same roof, saws, blackmails and throws tantrums. Two people can only build something serious in tandem.

Love. Alas, women often do not know what "love" is. Real love women are always sacrificial and unconditional. It is not for sale mink coats and has nothing to do with all-consuming passion in bed. Love is depth and higher knowledge. This is the rejection of selfish desires and the dedication of oneself to another person. If you love your husband, you will see clearly, and your family will be beautiful and complete. You will learn to rejoice in his successes and help him achieve new heights, you will not limit his freedom and prevent him from developing. And then, only then you will become such a woman, next to whom there will always be a worthy man!

Husband and newborn baby

The birth of a child turns out to be a great happiness for most families and at the same time a serious test of strength. Many newly-made parents note that their half has changed, and family relationships have gone wrong. At the same time, women most often complain that they lack the help of their husband in caring for a newborn, support and care. Men also talk about the lack of attention and affection, complaining that wives, with the birth of a child, seem to forget about their existence.

To avoid such a crisis, some nuances should be discussed even before the birth of the baby. cohabitation. And since the woman is more responsible for the weather in the house, this responsibility lies with her.

While still pregnant, often tell your husband about the helplessness of newborns, about his conditions. Most men, who are not fathers, have no idea about the list of tasks that will have to be completed daily with the appearance of a baby in the house. To make life easier for yourself after childbirth, at the moment when you and your child will be in the hospital and the first days upon arrival home, make up for your husband detailed instructions what should be done and how.

Do not "load" it with recommendations ahead of time, it is better to write down all the advice, wishes, necessary phone numbers, as well as information about where his clean socks are in a special notebook. Do not forget to prepare semi-finished products, for a hungry husband is an angry and unkind husband. And after giving birth, you are unlikely to want to perform culinary feats.

As you know, a woman after giving birth for several weeks is recommended to have more time to rest, get enough sleep. However, no one canceled cleaning in the apartment, washing and ironing. So that your husband does not think that you are evading your duties, ask the doctor to personally inform your spouse about your temporary “incapacity” upon discharge.

Start family tradition, the responsibility associated with caring for the baby, which will lie only on the husband. It could be Sunday morning strolls while you cook. tasty breakfast or sleeping off, nightly bathing or something else. Most importantly, do not forget to tell your man that he copes with his duty better than all the other family members, and without him you will never do it.

Most men gradually fall in love with their babies, so let your husband spend as much time as possible with the newborn. It is the overcoming of difficulties that will give young dad feel own importance and helplessness of the crumbs.

Even if it seems to you that feeding a child by a husband is fraught with grandiose laundry and cleaning (at first, most likely, this is to be expected), do not interfere and do not impose your recommendations. Put yourself in his place: are you wildly annoyed by advice on caring for your child, issued by older and more experienced relatives? That's it!

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is important not to forget that you are a woman. Do not forget to take care of yourself, try to devote time to your husband. In order not to be associated with a water nag, get enough sleep. Sleepless nights can be filled with a siesta with the child. Do not worry, your ironing-cooking will not run away. On the contrary, light sleep will give you energy and fresh even color faces.

Once a week, try to dedicate an evening to each other. Leaving the baby with relatives or a nanny, go to dances or to the movies. Sometimes difficult, but you need to learn to talk this evening not about diapers or the required new pacifier.

Stop seeing your significant other as a nanny for a child or a person who earns money for the family, appreciate what you have.

Women's and male psychology differ significantly from each other. And it is. No wonder they say that men and women are creatures with a completely different planets. That's why they so often fail to find common language. And for the same reason, they are surprised when one of the partners has new object for admiration. But how to figure out male logic? Is it real? And how to tame a man?

Typical mistakes when communicating with a man

The domestication of a man is a subtle science that needs regular practice and systems approach. However, before putting forward any theories, it is necessary to carry out some kind of work on the mistakes. To do this, consider the most common misconceptions that lead to the opposite effect - repulsion of the fair sex.

Myth one: you need to often catch the eye of your object of admiration

If you are just thinking about how to tame a man, do not be too intrusive. Remember that any guy is a hunter by nature. Consequently, he quickly loses interest in the prey, which itself comes into his hands. Therefore, you should not look for meetings with your macho, obsessively calling him on the phone, flooding him with SMS and personal messages on social networks.

From such an amount of attention, your partner will quickly get tired and at least will simply ignore you, and at the maximum, you will become the object of his caustic attacks during regular gatherings with his friends. On the contrary, he should run after you. He must miss you, look for you with his eyes in the crowd, try to attract your attention.

To do this, you should be less likely to catch the eye of the man you are interested in. And if you do meet somewhere, then you should express surprise, show indifference and in no way betray your feelings. How to tame a man forever, we will tell further.

Myth two: everything is permissible for a loved one

Communicating with the object of their admiration, many ladies give up. Being under the spell of a loved one, intentionally or not, they try to turn a blind eye to his shortcomings and obscene behavior.

For example, you can forgive him for sarcastic attacks against him that occur exclusively in front of his friends or other unfamiliar people; endure insults and even rudeness in in public places and at home. As a rule, this happens when a woman really wants to please a man and begins to indulge him in everything. This can also be attributed to the lack of own opinion. In the company of her object of adoration, a lady often loses her head and ceases to be herself. She agrees with him in everything and accepts any of his proposals as an ideal. With this approach, an unexpected result for the girl often occurs: the man begins to openly mock and take advantage of her weakness. For example, he abruptly suggests that you repaint in White color and cut your hair, because it is precisely such girls that he likes. He advises to wear only long skirts, because, in his opinion, your legs are unworthy of attention, etc.

In a word, do not lose your head and be yourself! Don't be manipulated! Remember: you are an individual! And only you can decide when and what to wear, how to dress, etc.

Myth three: offer sex

AT recent times began to spread such a delusion as the obligation of an intimate relationship on a first date. This is not correct. And although no man can resist such a temptation, following this myth is not recommended, and here's why. The fact is that with this approach it will be possible to achieve only the opposite effect, and the man will simply be disappointed, and in 99% of cases he will not even call again.

Recall that a male hunter needs a sense of rivalry, excitement, struggle for superiority, etc. Simply put, if you surrendered to your adored macho at the first meeting, believe me, this gesture will leave him indifferent. After all, if you so easily succumbed to his persuasion, in the same way you will not resist the pleasant caresses of other members of the stronger sex. Therefore, before you tame a man, do correct conclusions, remember the myth of the first date and do not succumb to provocations.

Communication with men according to the signs of the zodiac

Often in dealing with the opposite sex, many ladies try to follow the advice of astrologers. To some extent, this is true, because we are all different. However, it is worth exploring general characteristics of the zodiac sign you are interested in, draw the right conclusions and, based on them, develop your own communication tactics.

Aries man: how to win him?

Aries men are conquerors who are accustomed to struggle and unconditional victories. Communicating with such representatives of the stronger sex, many ladies are fascinated and quickly give in. As a result, Aries simply loses interest and quickly switches to a new "object in a skirt." Therefore, in order to attract such a partner, it is necessary to show rebelliousness, a certain mystery and impregnability. We will talk about how to tame a male Taurus below.

Taurus man: how to attract his attention?

Taurus men are responsible, serious and a little sentimental. They love and know how to care, appreciate intelligence, sociability and innovative thinking. To attract the attention of such men, it is worth contacting them more often for advice. At the same time, his interests should be taken into account. For example, he loves sports and everything connected with it. In this case, ask him for help with choosing a package of sports TV channels on cable TV, hint that you just need his assistance in purchasing tickets for football match for you and your friends, etc.

Cancer men: how to win?

If you are wondering how to tame a Cancer man, read a couple romance novels. The fact is that the representatives of the stronger sex, born under this sign, are very vulnerable, shy and prone to romance.

They should feel like supermen and knights next to the lady. At the same time, Cancers are consistent and unhurried. That is, when dealing with such men, you should prepare to go through all the standard stages of courtship: conversations under the moon, flowers, candles, and only then intimacy and registry office. Therefore, arm yourself with patience and do not rush Cancer.

How to tame a Leo man?

If your chosen one is Leo, get ready to conquer his friends and other people. Remember, Leo's wife should be the object of universal admiration. In a word, the wife of such a man should attract the attention of others and remain faithful to only one chosen one.

This is just such a case when girls should become an insidious seductress for a while. However, even in this image you need to know the measure. As soon as the Leo man only suspects you of treason, he will turn away and leave in English. We will talk about how to tame a male Scorpio.

If your chosen one is a Scorpio?

Scorpio is attracted to sexual, strong-willed persons. They value strong female personalities who are ready to defend at any moment. own point vision. Such machos love to talk on free topics, as well as arrange violent quarrels with a stunning reconciliation of a sexual nature.

In conclusion, let's say: if you are wondering how to tame a man, then it's time to analyze your own behavior and, as a result, draw up a plan for further action.

Precisely "to exist", not to live. It is all the more annoying to hear from your beloved every morning: “Honey, where are the clean underpants?”

You can remember an old joke here:

- Darling, I have a presentation today. Help find new suit. And where are my clean shorts?
- And why panties? What are you going to present?

Joke a joke, but the problem is obvious. Let's try to figure out why this happens...

Each man is essentially the owner of a certain thing or object, it doesn’t matter if it is an apartment, house, room or car. In nature, males mark their territory, thereby making it clear: "This is mine and belongs only to me." A man, on the other hand, will simply leave a “fragrant” object in the form of socks on the territory or defiantly put a cup of unfinished tea in the middle of the table. Thus, he clearly declares his rights to the territory and nothing more. Women, on the other hand, regard this ritual in their own way: since he scatters things, it means that he does not respect me, and if he does not respect me, then he does not love me.

It is better not to even try to wean from this habit by force. Very often on the forums you can find next tip: “How to accustom a husband to order? Stop cleaning up and washing the scattered things, and put the dirty dishes left by him on his half of the bed. In case of emergency, it is suggested to throw clothes out of the window once. We remind you that a man is a creature with a fine mental organization, so this plan will inevitably fail. If your beloved is also with an oriental temperament, you will walk around with purple shadows and only in one eye.

Remember one simple truth: discuss any trifle with your husband and immediately say what specifically does not suit you. After all, your loved one is not a psychic or a telepath, he will not be able to penetrate your brain and understand the reason for your discontent. For example, showing him his dirty mug, you can say the following: “My love, imagine that this mug is my heart. Do you really want it to stop beating? Then take the mug to the kitchen and wash it as thoroughly as you can." At the same time, do not forget to always praise your husband, because nice words love not only women. As for dirty laundry, select a basket for it and teach your loved one to take dirty things only there.

One of the most tedious activities is the search for the second sock in the general “pile-male”. But even here there is a way out: buy 20 pairs of exactly the same black socks and a few pairs gray socks. Then you don’t have to suffer and sort the pairs every time, you don’t even have to observe “left” or “right”. Designate a special drawer in the closet just for socks, and the problem is solved.

Don't let your husband stuff dirty, sweaty shirts or sweaters back into the closet. Teach a shirt or T-shirt to wear only once, then take it to the laundry. As for sweaters - no more than once or twice, otherwise no expensive perfume will not cover the smell of sweat.

Distribute the terms of reference: for example, he will be responsible for taking out the garbage and “communicating” with the vacuum cleaner. Then you can just set aside one day a week for joint cleaning, which will make you even more closer friend to a friend, because even such a tedious activity can become a pleasant and fun ritual.

Finally, remember that there are no perfect people. Everyone, as they say, has its own shortcomings, the main thing is that they do not interfere with the joint happy life. With mutual understanding and respect, it will not be difficult to accustom a husband to order and achieve an ideal life.