Bioenergy practice. Accumulation of energy through alternation of concentration and visualization. The most important thing that you will get with regular practice is the skills

This exercise increases the bioenergetics of the body several times, while, as shown by many years of research experience, the internal reserves of the body are activated and its self-healing at the cellular level.

The exercise is performed while standing in the priest's pose or sitting in the coachman's pose.
While inhaling: mentally imagine that billions of particles of cosmic energy - the energy of vigor, life, health and longevity - go to the fingertips, opening bioenergetic gateways (biologically active points) on them. At the same time, you feel slight tingling, weak current, creeping creeps, etc.
On exhalation: you send energy inward, filling your hands.
Inhaling: Send even more energy to your fingertips.
As you exhale: send energy inward, filling your arms to the elbows.
Inhaling: Send energy back to the airlock at your fingertips.
On exhalation: the energy goes inward, filling the palms, arms to the elbows, to the shoulders.
On inhalation: take in even more energy and send it to your fingertips.
On exhalation: the energy goes inward, passes through the arms, filling the shoulders and neck.
Inhaling: you take even more energy and send it to the open airlocks.
On exhalation: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck and face from top to bottom.

At the same time, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: "The face is smoothed, rejuvenated and begins to glow with a pleasant matte light."
Inhaling: An even stronger flow of energy flows to the fingertips.
On exhalation: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck, through the face, fills the Ajna chakra (from the base of the cone to the top), filling the frontal lobes.
On inhalation: a powerful stream of energy flows to the fingertips.
On exhalation: energy passes through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, (Ajnu chakra, Sahasrara chakra) filling the occipital part (cavity - the center of memory).

In parallel, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: "My memory is strong, capacious, I remember everything that I need, and I can remember everything without difficulty."
On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face fills the brain (two upper chakras) and goes down spinal cord to the tailbone, touching the tops of the cones of all chakras (Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, central, Manipura, Svadhisthana, Muladhara), strengthening them.
On inhalation: again a powerful stream of energy flows to the fingertips.
On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital region, neck enters the base of the cone of the Vishuddhi chakra and goes down along the bases of all chakras, simultaneously filling all internal and genital organs, toning the work of organs and chakras.
Inhaling: An even more powerful stream of energy flows to the fingertips.
On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, back of the head, through the bases of the chakra cones, all internal and genital organs soft wave fills the legs to the feet.

And in conclusion, having gained energy on inhalation, send it on exhalation along the entire scheme, filling the feet (biologically active points are located on them, corresponding to various internal organs).

In addition to the fairly well-known recommendations about healthy way life, traditional medicine and other things, there is another great tool that makes it possible to extend life, and sometimes more importantly, to improve its quality. And this remedy is bio energy practices.

Bioenergy practices
Not serious about the serious.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, as well as those who do not consider themselves to be in the first two categories. I have two news for you: one bad, the other good.

As usual, I'll start with the bad one - all people die. Barely having time to be born, and even earlier, a person is already on the way from point A to point B, which is death. This road is more or less long, more or less winding, but not endless. We can walk this road faster or slower, but we cannot stop or turn back. Arrival at the destination is inevitable. Note that I mean the physical body.
Can you imagine this situation differently?
Let me give you a hint: there are many roads, however, there is only one final destination. There is a choice, and most would like to move on a more comfortable and more scenic road. Unfortunately, we often choose blindly.

The second news is good - in addition to the fairly well-known recommendations about a healthy lifestyle, traditional medicine and other things, there is another excellent tool that makes it possible to prolong life, and, which is sometimes more important, to improve its quality. And this tool is bioenergy practices.
Bioenergy practices? What is it, you ask.
Bioenergy practices are broad concepts.
Let's consider this term in the following context:
1. Bioenergy practices are certain energy methods the impact of a person on himself or on another person for relaxation, improving well-being, healing.
2. Bioenergetic practices are certain energetic methods of human influence on animals and plants.
3. Bioenergetic practices are certain energy methods of human influence on food, drugs to enhance useful properties and weakening harmful.
4. Bioenergetic practices are certain energetic ways of influencing a person on a situation.

After reading the above, you can tell that all of this may be curious, but abstract. There are, of course, people who own something like that, but this is the lot of the elite.
This is where you are wrong. Of course, this manifests itself spontaneously in a scanty number of people, but it is inherent in each of us. Today, there are proven technologies for discovering these abilities in any normal person... Moreover, entry level, which will already give an opportunity effective assistance, everyone can master.
Let's take a look at one of these practices, namely Reiki.
From the first stage one can give Reiki sessions to oneself and other people, animals, plants; affect water, food and medicine. Sessions are carried out in a contact way, by laying on of hands. If you have not yet imagined what it looks like, then imagine a person who has a toothache and this person has his hand on his cheek. This is how a local session looks like. But given that everything is interconnected in the body, in the Reiki tradition, general sessions are held throughout the body. If we talk about healing, then Reiki is excellent for both acute cases and first aid (and there is no need for a diagnosis), and for chronic patients.
So, you wanted to learn this practice!
See a Reiki master. He initiates you, i.e. will explicitly open your hidden opportunities and teach you how to use them. From the very first day you will be able to start conducting sessions for yourself, and in less than a month you will be able to do sessions for others.

What sensations do you experience during the sessions?
Sometimes - none.
Often - a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Pleasant deep warmth in the places where the healer's hands are. A person falls asleep and wakes up refreshed and rested.
Quite rarely, during the session, pains appear in problem areas.
In some cases, a person sees light or some kind of vision.
And there are cases so pleasant sensations that they can be compared to an orgasm.

I foresee the objections of the opponents of skeptics - he himself was.

It's all beautiful words and deception, or self-hypnosis.
Don't take their word for it. Just ask the person who has Reiki for several sessions. You will feel the action of Reiki for yourself.
As in the joke:
- Doctor, your pills do not help me!
- And how did you receive them?
- Yes, I did not accept them at all, because they will not help anyway.

Well, maybe it works. But where are the guarantees that this will help me (and it is understood that it will help exactly as I want)?
There are no guarantees that it will help you the way you want. I have an opportunity.
Although, it usually helps - sooner or later, one way or another.
Sometimes help comes in the form of understanding the cause of the problem. Well, it’s like stepping on a rake is enough, then the old bumps on the forehead will heal, and the new ones will not appear.

Age is not the same. It's too late for me (or too early).
It is never too late and never too early to do this.
Personally, I know people who received Reiki initiation at a very, kind of mild, old age. And once he was present at the initiation of a five-year-old child, who himself asked about it.

Religious issues?
No problem.
This is done by people who consider themselves to be completely different religious confessions, as well as atheists.

I am a lazy person and I will not do sessions for myself, and I do not want to pay those who can conduct sessions for me.
Nothing can be done here.
Anyone who wants, seeks opportunities, and who does not want - an explanation for the impossibility of action.

Summing up, I will say that there are no contraindications for this practice by age, gender, faith, and there are no medical ones either.

Now a little about the second step in Reiki.
Moving to the second stage, you gain more versatile possibilities. And, first of all, the possibility of contactless sessions for oneself and remote sessions for others.
You can conduct sessions even to a person who is next to you, even to the moon.
However, there is no practice about the Moon, but I conducted sessions for people thousands of kilometers away from me. The impact is quite adequate.

Hopefully the time will come when most people will be able to do this.
Just as now, most have an idea of ​​first aid measures (dressing or artificial respiration) without being doctors.

Do you want to help yourself and your loved ones?
Join us!

From birth, we need air, food and water. But few people think that there is such a need for any living organism, without which all other needs become irrelevant. It's about energy.

It is thanks to the proper supply of energy that a person is able to think and act. Strong energy gives people additional features such as creativity or healing. Is it possible to raise your energy potential, and what methods exist for this?

What are energy practices?

People have been working with their energy since time immemorial. Which corner the globe We would not look, everywhere you can find secret or, conversely, widespread techniques, passed from one generation to another.
Managing your energy balance, the ability to expand your energy potential is the most important goal of any energy practice.

There are many ways to work with energy:

  • Through sound effects;
  • By performing certain body movements;
  • Working with a person's aura and his energy centers (chakras);
  • Breathing work;
  • Receiving energy from nature (from trees, sun, water, fire, earth, etc.);
  • Work with a place of power;
  • Non-constructive energy practices (manipulating other people with energy).

Each person can choose for themselves such a way that the best way meets the needs of his body, most quickly replenishes the supply of energy.

To the most known species energy practices today include:

Developed and strong energy has the most beneficial effect on a person:

  • Improves health;
  • Promotes beauty and longevity;
  • Creates an opportunity for creativity;
  • Strengthens leadership qualities;
  • Allows you to heal yourself and other people;
  • Reveals many abilities in a person.

Whatever the name of a certain energy practice, no matter what methods and methods of working with human energy it uses, the main task of any energy practice is to develop, strengthen, protect and harmonize the human energy field and improve the body, because without enough energy existence is simply impossible

Slavic energy practices

The ancestors of the Slavs have long known that any manifestation of life is the result of the interaction of energies. When energy flows in the body are balanced, the person is happy and healthy. And in the event of a lack of energy, a person has physiological and psychological problems.

Slavs knew great amount ways to maintain and restore human energy:

  • physical exercises;
  • psychological attitudes;
  • special decoctions;
  • spiritual practices;
  • Slavic mantras - "Glory" (appeal through songs to the Higher Forces).

There are many similarities between ancient Eastern and Slavic energy practices. Both among the Slavs and in the East, energy systems are based on the mutual influence of energy flows that have a specific sound, color, frequency, spectrum, as well as a corresponding energy center on the body.

The Slavs also have the concept of "Chakra", but the Slavs numbered thirteen such main energy centers, not seven (Slavic-Aryan Energy Cross).

Since the structure of the energy system of a Slav is very different from the energy system of a Chinese, Arab or Japanese, popular teachings about the chakra system do not always contribute to harmonious development. white man... Eastern practices grew out of the heritage brought to the East by the priests of the Proto-Slavs; they have come down to modern times in a somewhat simplified form in comparison with the original source. Therefore, it makes sense for the Slavs to begin the search for their energy practice precisely with the study of various Slavic systems.


Slavic energy practice
"Beloyar" is the result of the fusion of the ancestral knowledge of the ancient Slavs and modern teachings based on the works the best psychologists and neurophysiologists such as Vygodsky, Luria, Bekhterev and Sechenov.

The Beloyar system resolves the internal conflict between movement and thought by means of a natural integral movement of the body.

This energy practice consists of three specific stages:

  1. Therapeutic.
    At this stage simple exercises help self-healing of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system.
  2. Plastic.
    Thanks to massage and special exercises of the second stage, energy micro-nodes are untied on the muscles, which are formed from stress and squeezed emotions.
  3. Combat form.
    Exercises at this stage have a powerful effect on the body, provide a huge boost of energy.

Training according to the "Beloyar" system teaches a person a holistic worldview, the ability, if necessary, to receive a powerful influx of energy, which can be directed to the fulfillment of desires. There are many videos showing this amazing system.


No less well-known is the Slavic energy practice called "Alive". The living ancestors of the Slavs called the flow of Life Energy. The Slavs believed that the elements of Nature directly communicate with the energy of the Universe.

This experimental plastic gymnastics is based on the principle of Natural Movement and the idea of ​​the harmonious development of a person through the development of the unity of three aspects in him:

  1. Mental - Power of Reason;
  2. Sensual - Power of Love;
  3. Physical (dynamic) - Power of the Spirit.

Practitioners of the Slavic system "Zhiva" are sure that only when these three forces are in balance, a person is in psychophysical harmony with himself and the environment.

"Alive" consists of three courses of 12 cycles each.

In each cycle, various forms Natural Movement:

  • Development of stability and posture;
  • Stretching and "broaching", twisting and compression;
  • Massage and self-massage;
  • Working with objects;
  • Work on the dynamics of the legs and arms;
  • Pair work for dynamics;
  • Working with strength;
  • Working with representative systems of perception;
  • Plastic dance and self-defense, and much more.

Our body is the embodiment of the Earth, and the Earth is the embodiment of Nature itself. inner feeling energy flow Alive, a person fulfills his Purpose and becomes the Creator of his life


The Slavic energy practice "Zdrava" is an original healing system based on the experience of our ancestors. It is more similar to Eastern practices than other Slavic systems.

Zdrava contains the following methods:

  • Optimization of nutrition and lifestyle;
  • Medical and hygienic gymnastics;
  • Using the resources of nature for healing;
  • Special methods of manual influence;
  • The use of herbal, animal and mineral medicines.

According to the Zdrava system, a person consists of 4 principles:

  1. Fire;
  2. Water;
  3. Earth;
  4. Air.

These 4 principles are ideally in dynamic balance - in harmony.

Certain keys-exercises contribute to achieving balance in Zdrav:

  • The Keys of the Arch of Perun (the element of Fire) - strong-willed psychological suggestive gymnastics, activating consciousness, awakening internal forces.
  • Keys of the Vault of Veles (element of the Earth) - exercises aimed at increasing muscle strength and the accumulation of external forces.
  • Keys of the Vault of Horse (element of Water) - relieve internal dysfunctions in the body, make a person passable for energy, help self-mobilization.
  • The keys of the Stribog Arch (the element of Air) - develop control over the body, ensure the full functioning of the body, set in motion inner strength.

In addition to the 4 main keys, there are many additional keys. For example, the keys of the Vault of Makosha are exercises that act on reproductive system correcting sex life person. Slavyanskaya Zdrava returns a person to a natural way of life in harmony with nature.

Eastern energy practices

Most of the energy practices known today are related to the eastern systems. The ancient healers of the East never abandoned the assertion that the human body has not only a physical, but also an energetic component.

Most of the eastern energy practices help a person:

  • restore the work of the chakras;
  • balance the life energy in the body;
  • prepare the body to receive and store energy.

When the energy of life (Qi - for the Chinese, Prana - for the Hindus) passes freely - a person is active and healthy!

Life energy management is:

  • The mainstay of treatment for many physical diseases;
  • Change of consciousness and life of a person for the better;
  • Unleashing incredible energy potential.


The energy practice of Reiki is a healing method and, at the same time, a philosophy. But any of these unambiguous definitions is one-sided. Rather, it is a Life healing system - self-organizing and self-healing.

Reiki is a multifaceted science, the art of using the natural universal energy. This is extraordinary efficient technique self-regulation for the purpose of relaxation and stress relief. The practice of Reiki brings harmony, balance and healing.

Reiki practitioners use their hands to broadcast universal energy to heal yourself and others, and to achieve energy balance... For this, the healer's palms are sequentially placed on the patient's body in "Reiki positions".

The ancient Chinese art of self-regulation of the body Qigong is not only a traditional health system, but also the basis of the styles of Chinese martial arts.

Qigong is:

  • A certain philosophical concept;
  • Chinese martial arts;
  • Meditation practices;
  • Gymnastic exercises that release body clamps and mental blocks.

Qi is vital energy, which is the basis for the existence of any organism. Qigong teaches a person to control energy to calm emotions, mind and body.

Qigong contributes to the spiritual awakening of a person and the development of his personality, the liberation of his consciousness and understanding of his true nature.


Wellness energy system Zen is the ancient Tibetan art of self-regulation of the body. Zen includes meditation practices and simple exercises aimed at releasing physical blocks and energy clamps.

With the help of Zen practice, a person distributes the pure vital energy Ki to all organs and systems of the body.

Zen exercises include:

  • breath;
  • visualization;
  • movement.

With regular Zen practice, all organs and systems human body rejuvenate, there is a confident normalization of weight.

Yoga today is called the totality of various physical, spiritual and psychological practitioners included in different directions Buddhism and Hinduism.

If we talk about Yoga as an energy practice, then some types of Yoga work with energy very tightly:

  • Pranayama - control over vital energy (Prana) through special breathing practices.
  • Hatha Yoga - asanas help to eliminate energy blocks in the human body.
  • Nidra Yoga - receiving energy through the "sleep of yogis".
  • Kundalini Yoga is the awakening of the Kundalini energy.
  • Tantra Yoga - the release of energy through special rituals and practices.
  • Yoga of energy flow management.
  • Some other types of Yoga.

Daily yoga classes significantly raise the energy tone, make the mind and body more flexible.

Wellness system K. Nishi

The wellness system of the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi is a special way of life, which is aimed at restoring the body's resources.

When creating his system, Nishi was based on a holistic approach to the body. He believed that it is not worth treating a single organ, since the body is a powerful self-regulating system. Nishi believed that the main causes of diseases were circulatory failure and poor functioning of the glomus (an arteriovenous canal through which blood flows directly from arteries to veins, without passing through the capillaries).

These reasons lead to the following changes in the body:

  1. Changes in the bones of the skeleton;
  2. Changes in body fluids (lymph, blood);
  3. Change in internal organs;
  4. Loss of mental strength.

Only a complex effect on the body can defeat the disease.


Although today Taijiquan (Taichi) is popular as wellness gymnastics, but the prefix "Quan" (Fist) indicates that Taijiquan was once a martial art.

Taijiquan practice eliminates many problems:

  • clears consciousness and energy;
  • strengthens the emotional and sensory sphere;
  • endows a person with health.

Action on the principles of Taichi must necessarily be confirmed by the lifestyle of a person, only then a practitioner can call himself a Master.

Gymnastics Wu-Shu

Chinese gymnastics Wu-Shu - offshoot
martial arts Kung Fu, which includes gymnastics aimed at physical and spiritual improvement. Wu Shu develops hidden abilities, quickly restores the spent energy, heals or heals the body.

Gymnastics U-Shu - a complex of physical and breathing exercises... These exercises are aimed at achieving flexibility, developing muscles, tendons and joints, maintaining endurance, and improving the body. In addition, Wu-Shu classes have a positive effect on overall development musculoskeletal system, posture formation, perfectly relieve muscle and emotional tension.

Western energy practices

Modern people believe that the religion, culture, lifestyle and ideas about the world of the European and the Asian do not actually have any points of contact. However, Western energy practices prove otherwise.

Bowen method

The ability of the human body to heal itself served as an impetus for Bowen to develop his author's methodology. The essence of the technique is that performing a series of lungs circular movements to stimulate the flow of energy triggers a response from the body. This reaction helps to restore the body's self-healing function.

Bowen's technique uses all sorts of combinations of movements, affects either the whole body as a whole, or on some individual areas. Feeling the tension of tissues with his hands, the specialist eliminates the stress accumulated in the muscles, stimulates the flow of energy in the body, achieving general relaxation of the body.

Although the reviews for this method are rather mixed, many patients find this method suitable for its ease of use.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Working with energy is one of the areas of NLP. Neuro Linguistic Programming considers energy as a resource human life, the ability to purposefully spend a certain amount of forces per unit of time.

Any energy system is a balance of the incoming and outgoing energy, it needs to be optimized from time to time. A person functions by transmitting impulses from neurons. If its energy system is "clogged" with various kinds of interference and blocks, then energy purification is required.

A successfully functioning person is different:

  • sustainable energy build-up;
  • the transition from the use of "alien" programs to self-programming.
  • the formation of abilities and qualities that contribute to the expansion of perception.

Holotropic Breathwork

The method of transpersonal psychotherapy, known as Holotropic Breathwork, is essentially hyperventilation of the lungs through rapid breathing... As a result of the narrowing of the cerebral vessels, the subcortex is activated, which causes negative experiences that have long been displaced from consciousness. The method was developed by psychologist Stanislav Grof in the 70s of the last century, when it was considered a substitute for the drug LSD.

Holotropic Breathwork includes the elements:

  • rapid breathing;
  • ethnic, trance and ritual music;
  • special forms of work with the body.

Holotropic Breathwork has healing and transforming effects. Holotrope sessions bring unpleasant and difficult emotions out of the subconscious. physical sensations, which allows you to completely free a person from them.


Rudolf Steiner developed a unique medical system completely focused on the person. Its application harmonizes the physical, spiritual and astral levels of human existence. According to anthroposophy, a person achieves higher states, deliberately developing their strengths and abilities.

Anthroposophy operates with such concepts as:

  • inner peace;
  • meditation;
  • conscious dream;
  • chakras;
  • clairvoyance.

The more a person advances in mental development, the more correctly his body functions.

Is there a difference?

Having become familiar with various systems and teachings, a person can ask the following question: is there significant difference between male and female energy practices? Most competent sources claim that there is, but this statement is absolutely not based on anything, and is used rather to attract people's attention. In fact, you can practice any energy practice your choice: all practices are equally suitable for men and women.

Women's energy practices are processes that focus on working with energy through the body and mind. And as in any process, it also has its own safety rules. Observe them, then your self-development will be effective, fulfilling and environmentally friendly.

Important basic rules


The purpose of all practice, meditation and exercise is to be beneficial. Therefore, be sure to take into account your condition and well-being when performing any processes. If you have any chronic diseases, transferred operations or other possible contraindications, consult a specialist before performing.

If it occurs during any process unpleasant sensations or strong emotions- you must stop immediately and, if necessary, consult a doctor. Do not overload yourself, remember that practices that cannot be physically done can be done mentally, visualizing. For example, you can mentally twist funnels.

Environmental friendliness

By working on yourself, you will definitely change your life. However, your loved ones also find themselves in the field of change. Remember to respect the interests of others.

There is no need to forcefully persuade a husband to change his behavior, because "now everything will be different." Or encourage your mother / mother-in-law / daughter / daughter-in-law / girlfriend to become "truly feminine." Remember, "You can't be cute by force." The best motivator for those around you is your change.

First of all, you are working on yourself for yourself and changing yourself. All activities should be beneficial to your relationship, and not become a stumbling block. Work on yourself, be an example for others!

Special situations


Since all pregnancies proceed differently, it is important to be as attentive as possible to your feelings.

During pregnancy, you cannot do all the practices associated with physical activity(work with intimate muscles, shaking, intense breathing). And also the processes that cause strong emotions in you. It is not recommended to twist the funnels during pregnancy.

It is ideal to consult your doctor before performing any practice. If you experience unpleasant sensations or strong emotions during any process, you should immediately stop and, if necessary, consult your doctor.

During this wonderful period, be as attentive as possible to your well-being and remember that everything necessary practices you will be able to do it in full when you recover from childbirth (no earlier than 9 months after childbirth).

It is best to do light, pleasant meditations during pregnancy. But even that is not necessary. Your body itself knows how to tune in, accumulate energy, perceive what is needed. Just relax, allow yourself to enjoy your pregnancy, and all the practices can be done later.

Recent birth and breastfeeding

If, after childbirth, the restoration of female organs is still in progress (especially if 40 days have not yet passed), you cannot do all the practices associated with physical activity. This is work with intimate muscles, shaking, intense breathing. Before performing, consult a gynecologist, find out if you can do these movements.

Concerning breastfeeding... In order for milk to work well, it is better to refrain from strong emotional overload. It is good during this period to do practices and exercises that cause pleasure, a feeling of calmness, trust and relaxation. If you experience unpleasant sensations or strong emotions during any process, you must immediately stop and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Menstrual cycle

During your period, you do not need to do practices that include female organs... For example, "Kiss of the uterus", work with intimate muscles, etc. Meditation, exercise and practice at other centers can be done. If there are no contraindications, and the state of health allows. If you feel unwell, don't strain yourself. Remember, many practices can be done mentally.

Alcohol consumption

During the period when you are actively practicing, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages. If you have an event scheduled where you will consume alcohol, then all practices on that day must be done before this event.

Diseases and other negative situations

In case of illness or other unpleasant situations it is worth stopping the practice, taking a break, and dealing with the situations that have arisen. Then, if health permits and emotional condition, you can return to the practices.

Removed uterus

All practices for working with feminine energy if they are not contraindicated by a gynecologist after surgery, you can do it. After all, energy is accumulated not in the womb itself, but in its energy projection. During the operation, the uterus is removed, but its energy projection remains, which means that the energy is accumulated. Practices for working with feminine energy make sense.

Practice time

Lunar calendar

For execution female practices the phases of the moon matter. On a growing moon, the energy increases, reaching its peak at the full moon, on a waning moon, it decreases, reaching a minimum at the time of the new moon.

It is good to do practices for filling with energy, strengthening any quality on the growing moon, and on the waning moon - processes for cleansing and getting rid of unnecessary things. It is important to consider and lunar days, each of which has its own meaning and energy characteristics. For example, 9, 19, 23, 29 lunar days are suitable for cleansing, these lunar day it is not worth starting practices for multiplication, accumulation and fulfillment.

By time of day

Duration of practice

Each of the practices can be performed once. It happens that this is enough to achieve a certain state and result.

Almost any practice / exercise / meditation (if health, condition and time permits) can be done for 21 days. During this time, our body is renewed at the cellular level and gets used to the acquired state / behavior / way of thinking.

To improve the result, you can choose for yourself longer periods:

  • 28 days - lunar month,
  • 40 days - during this time the habit is formed and brought to automatism,
  • 100 days - usually this number of days is chosen to fulfill "".

If you missed a day, then:

a) You can continue to practice and see if there will be a result. It is quite possible that it will be.

b) You can start over if possible according to practice. For example, you have chosen a practice to increase well-being, which you need to start on the waxing moon and complete for 21 days. If you missed a day, but the moon is still growing (but not on the 9th lunar day!), Then you can count down the days again. If the moon is already waning, then you will have to wait until the next lunar month.

Interpretation of images

There is no specific interpretation of the images that arise in meditations. It all depends solely on your internal processes and emotions. Observe yourself. Think about what this symbol or event means to you. It will be something personal, relevant and meaningful to the situation you are in or your request. Certainly the realization will come.

If you need help, then you can privacy. "

Academy of private life

The entire universe and man himself are composed of energies. The universe is an ocean of energies. And therefore, a person is in constant interaction with the energies of the surrounding world, other living beings, that is, he perceives energy and radiates energy. He also affects himself, influencing his own diseases, problems.

The cell is an energy-driven mechanism. And therefore it should be approached through the study of matter, or through the study of energy. In every culture and in every medical tradition, which existed before us, the treatment was carried out by the transfer of energy.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi,

laureate of the Nobel Prize in Medicine

Energy is a project, an infrastructure, an invisible foundation for the health of your body. Your body is made up of energy pathways and energy centers that are in dynamic communication with your cells, organs, mood and thoughts. If you learn to manage these energies, you can influence your health, state of mind and emotions. These energies include electromagnetic pulses, which are recorded by magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalogram, as well as more subtle energies that are not recorded by existing medical equipment.

David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Gary Craig "ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY"

The word "chakra" is of Sanskrit origin and means "wheel". In connection with the subtle body, it denotes psychic energy centers, a series of circular spirals located on the surface etheric body person.

Not only is our physical body disintegrating and constantly rebuilding itself, our etheric emotional and mental subtle energy fields are also constantly changing rapidly. The chakras are involved in these changes, and they are faced with the task of coordinating the exchange between different energy fields... The chakras, also called spiritual funnels or spiritual centers, serve us to perceive vital energy flows and feelings.

Since we absorb all feelings and all spiritual influences through the chakras, we should close ourselves at least twice a day!

Chakras filter spiritual matter. The chakra system is made up of fibers of light and has a correspondence at every level of consciousness. Translating various forms energies, chakras influence the process of development of mental and spiritual growth of each person. They are the points of connection through which energy flows from one body to another.

In a complex system of light energy, all light bodies are interconnected. The movement of subtle energy occurs in the form of relatively large waves, the length of which constantly changes several times the wavelength of the oscillations. The vibration waves themselves are infinitely small, and, probably, thousands of vibrations are contained in one wave line. These vibrations of various sizes, intertwining like twigs of a wicker basket, form, when a whirlpool of forces is formed, a shape like a flower.

While they are still undeveloped, they resemble small circles burning at " an ordinary person"dim light, or small buds before blooming. However, when they are awakened and revitalized, they greatly increase in size and become like a sparkling, radiant whirlpool. They resemble miniature sunrays or flower cups.

The "flower stem" with which these chakras are connected grows from a subtle analogue spinal column, so that we can imagine it in the form of a central "trunk" from which flowers grow at a certain distance, the cups of which open on the surface of the etheric body.

The main chakras are arranged in the order of the seven colors of the rainbow in the etheric, astral, mental and also causal bodies as follows:

1st chakra: the bottom of the spinal column, in the area of ​​the base of the coccyx (red);

2nd chakra: above the spleen, slightly to the left and not much above the navel (orange);

3rd chakra: above the navel area (yellow);

4th chakra: heart (green);

5th chakra: neck / nape (blue);

6th chakra: between the eyebrows on the forehead (purplish red);

7th chakra: above the head, in the middle of the crown (purple).

Along with the main chakras, there are also minor ones. Only on the hand can be seen about twenty-five small energy swirls. The functioning of the chakras, their natural mechanism the opening and closing can be demonstrated by comparing the cycles of the plant world: in the morning, at the first ray of the sun, the flower opens, and in the evening, as soon as the sun goes down and evening comes, it closes. If this mechanism fails and the flower cannot, for example, protect itself in the rain, then serious damage is possible.

If, due to improper behavior, the chakras get confused or blocked, for example, when feeling unwell, mental stress, stress, etc., they stop functioning in the usual way or even open when they should have closed. This, of course, will eventually lead to a "short circuit" and will manifest itself on mental level malaise or even illness.

Learn to close. Nature demonstrates this process to us every day: a flower opens its petals in the morning with the appearance of the first ray of the sun and automatically closes as soon as darkness falls.

Each person constantly produces waves and streams of emotional energy, namely: the way he reacts to the world or relates to it. Our emotional and mental images we "inhabit" the environment: positively, negatively or neutrally. Depending on our personal stability and our awareness, we more or less actively participate in this constantly receiving and radiating energy exchange, whether we like it or not, but are included in it.

Destructive forces are perceived by us as an unwanted influence. We even lose our balance, although constructive forces, guided and controlled by our higher self, constantly guide and protect us. Thus, it is a matter of our goodwill - a matter of applying our mental, constantly mind-aware connection to natural force Creator.

The folk disease "depression" is often based on the "wrong behavior" of the chakras. For example, in people who have undergone depression, I, as a sense, see a change in the vibration of the heart chakra, which accepts only those vibrations, which in turn have a strong effect on the picture of the disease. A suppressed person opens up only on the basis of his own determined by feelings of necessity and can only attract disharmonious energy flows until he learns to defend himself and leave in order to become aware of more deep reasons their condition and independently solve their problems.

Our atmosphere (air) consists of positively and negatively charged magnetic fields. Under the influence environment(weather, noise, nuclear tests, etc.) in most cases, the negative part is charged more than the positive one. When the atmosphere is imbalanced, the mass of the received cosmic energy is dosed out by the chakras so that we cannot be overcome by malaise or too much fatigue. Since our entire area of ​​feelings operates through the chakras, it is easy to understand that due to shock, intense fear or stress, they can shrink. The contracted chakra can no longer open, and thus, with the prevalence of flows of negative energy in human body, unfortunately, negative vibrations are continuously received, which, in turn, affects human health.

Letting go of someone else's influence.
The method of liberation with the help of ancient esoteric experience and the most modern depth psychology according to C.G. Jung from the blocking and disease-causing addictions of the psyche consists in using the symbol of the eight, which allows you to clearly limit your own space from another person and prevent projections and attacks from the other side.

Each thought that is born in us and each of our feelings is an electromagnetic stream.

Each person has their own magnetic field, the electromagnetic aura Fears are negative magnetic fields(vibration!). Therefore, it depends on our thinking how - positively or negatively - our magnetic fields (aura) are charged.

The aura of a pessimist or fearful person always has a greater negative charge than the aura of an optimist or fearless person.

Strong changes in feelings (emotions) can change this state very quickly. Since all the frequencies of fear are in the human aura, they can, in turn, be transferred to others, also clamped, emotional people... Fears constrict the chakras. The squeezed person is more susceptible to influence negative impacts from the side of nature and man.

We can protect against the penetration of any streams negative energy(vibrations) into the human body, closing our chakras not only with the help of mental means, but also consciously through manual action on the physical body! Consciously closing the chakras occurs when we spread both palms on our stomach and connect the middle fingers of both hands. In this position, we raise both hands to the upper body, lead them through the neck to the crown of the head, behind the head to the back of the head and then over each shoulder.

The solar plexus - the third chakra - is located in the navel and is actually our radar. For this reason, we are working on closing it separately. We put our hand on the solar plexus, and on it the other, and we will stroke the plexus from left to right.

It is not necessary to "open up" with the help of manual influence. This happens only through the sphere of feelings, which, in turn, receives suggestions from other levels of consciousness, i.e., automatically.

Each of us is a link in the chain of many generations, a bearer of memory - genetic and energetic. From the depths of our kind, we receive messages, strength and support.
The genus of each person is powerful energy, this is the source vitality, a source of wisdom and fortitude.
Connecting with your kind, you find support within yourself. There is a feeling of resilience, integrity and inner peace.

Each person should close at least twice a day: in the morning after getting out of bed and in the evening before going to bed.

During a night's sleep, our chakras can contract more or less strongly under the influence of short, one after another pressure fluctuations (thunderstorm, thaw, abrupt change in weather) or nightmares. If we mentally (mentally or with the help of the power of imagination) close our chakras in the morning, then our body will be protected during the day from negative influences. The positive energy of the Cosmos received during sleep will be wholly and completely at the disposal of our body and will manifest itself in the form of a desire to work or joy.

If we do not close our spiritual centers, then throughout the day, flows of negative energy will rush into our body and destroy the positive energy of the Cosmos received during sleep. In this state, a person will feel unwell, he will feel upset and tired. When the chakras are compressed, i.e. open, negative energy can, for example, invade our physical body in as follows:

... energy bad weather(thaw, weather changes);

... nervous state and fears of others (at work, in a store, in crowded places);

. bad thoughts people negatively disposed towards us (hatred, envy).

Meteosensitive people can free themselves from suffering (headaches, migraines, malaise) by regularly closing their chakras, if the cause of this suffering lies in the subtle bodies.

The streams of negative energy emanating from people (anger, nervousness, hatred, envy, fears, etc.) we pass through the compressed solar plexus or through the heart chakra.

If someone, for example, perceives negative vibrations of fear, anger or vulgarity through the compressed solar plexus, then this can "hit him in the stomach several times" - He will feel nausea or difficulties with digestion.

By closing ourselves before going to bed, we again free ourselves from the spasms caused by the events of the day. In an unconscious state During sleep, the cells of our body are freed from toxins, we receive strength and energy not due to this process, this force and energy pass in the form of the energy of the Cosmos through our spiritual centers (chakras).


We realize how, in fact, this restructuring is simple. We even ask ourselves why we don't do this more often. Maybe because we do not think about it or sometimes almost on purpose want to feel bad, want to feel sorry for ourselves, or do not love ourselves enough? There will definitely be other ideas on this score. So, remember: did you smile today?

However, the purity of these energy flows depends on the state of the atmosphere, which consists of positive and negative magnetic fields. If these fields were equally charged, the atmosphere would be in a balanced state and we would feel great. But due to today's unreasonable pollution of the environment with gases and a barbaric attitude towards nature (exhaust gases, chemical waste, noise, etc.), this balance, unfortunately, is almost always violated, at least during the day.

With the arrival of silence, the state of the atmosphere, depending on atmospheric pressure, by the evening more or less normalized. Since the charge of the atmosphere, as a rule, is more negative in the evening, only the chakras that are not compressed perform their functions of the ventel for receiving cosmic energy. That is, the more balanced the state of the atmosphere, the more they open up. Therefore, available in this moment energy passes into our body in precisely metered volumes, and in the morning we feel good, we feel that we have rested.

If we go to bed and our chakras are compressed, then too much negative energy goes into our body, we are tormented by insomnia or severe inner anxiety, and therefore on next morning we feel miserable, tired, and unhappy. If we do not feel tired when going to sleep, but our chakras are compressed, then due to a change in the weather it may happen that in the morning we will feel "beaten", absolutely without strength and any desires. The reason for this poor physical well-being again lies in the contracted spiritual centers. When we went to bed, we felt good. From that moment on, atmospheric conditions entered our body through unclosed (compressed) chakras in the form of prevailing negative energy and destroyed the previously received positive energy. Since in the morning we miss this positive vital energy then we feel tired and overwhelmed.

If our body, for one reason or another, lacks positive energy, we can draw it from nature, consciously breathing it into ourselves, being on the street (in a forest, in a meadow, etc.). Each tree and each blade of grass has its own magnetic field (aura), which, in turn, can serve as a source of positive energy for us. We will take this power into ourselves by opening our chakras. This can be done only by consciously breathing it into ourselves and mentally imagining that we absorb energy through the solar plexus and exhale all our fatigue, all fears, pains, etc. through the "third eye" or imagination.

If for some reason we cannot go to nature, we will do this exercise at home. Let us mentally imagine not only the inhalation of energy through the solar plexus and exhalation through the "third eye", but also the forest and the meadow. Mental imagination will take us to the vibration of the energy of the forest or meadow, which will be completely provided to our body in the form of force energy. The same thing happens as if we, being in a hotly heated house, mentally imagined that we are lightly dressed and stand in the street in winter at minus ten degrees, and we would immediately have "goose bumps".

Therefore, I advise you to be alone for three minutes at least twice a day. Ask your spiritual assistant, your Divine principle or your higher self, so that he (it), depending on external influences open or close your energy centers. It is enough to think about it, and everything will happen by itself. If, despite your request and spiritual protection, disharmonious energy enters your soul, this may mean a challenge for you and help to activate the process of your self-realization. Therefore, it is often only through an emotional shake-up that we can retain the ability to look into ourselves.

Linda Roethlisberger

This meditation is an effective exercise in activating the 12 centers of light. Traditionally, people focus on the 7 chakras. The 12 centers indicated in the exercise more fully energize and balance the aura than the traditional 7. These 12 centers are in every person, but often reside in latent state... Opening and starting to function in full, they turn into 12 wonderful sources of light that fill the aura with a golden glow.

it effective exercise good to do regularly. The recommendation is to do it at least once a month.