Home care for hair and scalp. How to keep your scalp and hair healthy: proper care and tips. Home scalp care

In order for the hair to always look great and literally shine with health, it is necessary to deal not only with the curls themselves. But also pay attention to the condition of the skin under the hair. After all, it is in it that the follicles from which the hair grows are located. And this means that problems with them will immediately affect the hair. Scalp care includes various procedures... This includes massage, nutrition, hydration, and, of course, cleansing. And also attention should be paid to the food used for styling the product, and to the lifestyle in general.

Proper scalp care

Cleansing and peeling

Any care should begin with cleansing. This refers to both regular shampooing and the use of a scrub.

It is imperative to choose a shampoo, taking into account the type of skin. If it is dry and sensitive, the detergent should be as mild and gentle as possible. For oily skin, it is recommended to choose appropriate products suitable for frequent use. Indeed, in this case, the curls have to be washed very often.

Frequent washing is generally of little use to the scalp. But also excessive neglect hygiene procedures will not lead to good. Ideally, if the hair is washed no more than a couple of times a week.

In this case, it is better to use water that is not too hot. For dry hair, it is harmful in that it will lead to even more dryness. Well, in the case of bold strands, the effect will be the opposite - from steaming, already actively working sebaceous glands begin to secrete the secret even more intensively. So, the hair will have to be washed, most likely, already tomorrow.

Washing is the most optimal. warm water and rinsing with cool. By the way, it is not bad to use herbal decoctions as rinses. For example, nettles can be brewed at oily skin... And chamomile will provide additional care for dry scalp.

As a peeling, you can also use purchased special means... But with the same success, scrubs prepared at home for folk recipes... You can apply coffee grounds, sea ​​salt, sugar, henna and similar products that can act as an abrasive and a nutrient at the same time.

Have stroke behind the scalp must include peeling... Because as part of the pollution ( city ​​dust or the remains of styling products) is not washed off with shampoo. Carrying out a cleansing procedure with a scrub once a month (often not desirable) will allow the skin to breathe freely, improve its metabolism, and accelerate blood circulation. This means that the curls will become stronger and more attractive, their growth will increase.


This pleasant procedure pursues similar goals to cleansing with scrubs. Of course, massage does not remove impurities. But he has a wonderful function - relaxation. And this is also necessary part comprehensive care behind the hair. Stress has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin. Fatigue, lack of sleep immediately become visible on the face. But the same thing happens with the skin under the curls. Therefore, self-massage is an excellent health-improving and preventive procedure.

You can do it both with your fingers and with special massagers. At the same time, it is not forbidden to use massage oil... Most often it is suggested to take 2 tablespoons. l. olive or burdock. However, any other is quite suitable for this purpose. The oil needs to be heated. Body temperature - perfect option... The oil is then applied to the scalp. Thanks to this action, the massage will be easier and the skin will receive additional nutrition.

Caring for a massage is not difficult at all. It is enough to make circular movements with your fingers or a brush for a few minutes. Start from the forehead and move towards the top of the head. And then, on the contrary, circle your arms up from the neck.

Then you can play the tapping movements. These should be soft, gentle touches with your fingertips. In conclusion - stroking movements or simply combing the hair with a comb. In this case, be sure to press the comb to the surface of the head.

In case of any wounds or inflammations, it is better to refuse massage and peeling. All damage must be healed first. In cases where scalp problems cause concern in scale or duration of existence, it is imperative to see a doctor.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

Dandruff is an obvious manifestation of scalp health problems. To get rid of it or not get an unpleasant surprise in the form of white flakes on the hair, it is necessary to take proper care of the scalp.

Dry skin

Oily skin

  • 20 minutes before washing, apply half a glass of warm yogurt on your head. Cover with a hat. After the specified time, wash off with shampoo.
  • Two medium pieces rye bread knead and cover with warm water. Let it swell. Apply bread gruel to the head. Hold for 20 minutes. Massage. Wash off. This mask can sometimes be used as a substitute for shampoo.
  • Two hours before washing, rub the juice of one carrot into the scalp. Use only fresh juice.
Other factors

Complete scalp care will not work if you do not take care of your food... First of all, the menu should not contain unhealthy foods rich in preservatives, dyes and other additives. The food should be balanced. The required ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as enough vitamins and minerals - the ideal to strive for.

Physical activity and Fresh air will benefit the skin. Minimum stress. Refusal (at least partial) from the hair dryer. The presence of a headdress as with cold weather and with active summer sun... Drinking 2 liters of water per day. All these measures, with their constant observance, will surely provide such desired result- the skin under the hair will become flawless, and the hair will be radiant and silky.

The most important thing is to remember to relax! Therefore, specially for you Anti-STRESS video:

Beautiful and well-groomed hair- the pride of any girl. For the curls to be healthy, it is important to observe simple rules care for them. A special technique of washing, drying and styling will help prevent the appearance of split ends, brittleness, and give the hair shine. It is also important not to forget about the scalp, because the type of strands also depends on its health. If you take care of your hair properly, you can grow it long enough.

Read in this article

No fashionable image will not look if the hairstyle is unkempt. You need to monitor your hair at all stages: cleansing, drying, styling. Experts recommend some important rules leaving.


First of all, it is important to find out the type of your curls. Hair can be normal, oily, dry and combination. Each of them has features that will help improve their condition.

Normal remains clean for several days after washing, shines, is easy to comb, does not have split ends. Fatty - dull and without shine, after a day they become dirty, greasy, stray into "icicles". Dry ones are also devoid of shine, constantly break, stray into bunches, are difficult to comb, often split.

The mixed type is hair that is quite long. The ends are not lubricated with sebum in sufficient quantity. Therefore, they dry out. Thus, mixed type- it is oily, only on long hair.

Determination of hair type

The hygienic stage of care is the most important, because it also follows cosmetic purpose... For washing to be beneficial, it is important to follow these rules:

  • You need to clean your hair as it gets dirty. How often to wash them is decided individually, it can be from one day to 10. But wait a week and walk with dirty hair not necessary. It won't do you any good. They will not become less fat from this. Especially if applied styling products, then daily washing is simply necessary, since all this negatively affects the condition.

In order not to dry your hair, there are special mild shampoos for daily use.

  • You need to wash your hair with warm water, steam from it should not go. Ideal temperature will be 36 - 45 degrees. And the more oily hair, the cooler the water should be. You must also apply shampoo first to the palm, lather and then massage movements rub into the skin. The curls themselves should be washed only with foam, while rubbing them like linen should not. This damages the scales, structure and follicle.

You also need to lather 2 - 3 times. The first one is washed off only top part dirt, dust and sebum, healing effect turns out only for 2 or 3 washes. And finally, it is important to rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, until it squeaks. There should be no soapy deposits on the hair, this will make them dull and greasy even faster.

  • To wash your hair, you need to use only special products, not soap. It destroys the protective film on the hair and skin, from which they become dry or more oily, dull and sluggish. Shampoos have a slightly acidic environment that is related to the skin.

You only need to choose shampoo according to your hair type. For fatty ones, there are substances in the composition that regulate the production of sebum. These include plant extracts, zinc, vitamins. The composition contains oils for moisturizing. And for normal do not include a large number of vitamins, nutritional and moisturizing ingredients. It is also important to use special lines for colored hair so that the dye does not wash out.

By the way, it is not recommended to use baby shampoos as it has become fashionable. They do not rinse adult hair, do not match the acidity level. Correctly selected shampoo does not need to be changed either, as is commonly believed. This can only be done if the hair has changed its state.

  • After washing, be sure to apply balms and conditioners.... They smooth scales, neutralize the action of hard water, and remove static electricity. It is important not to apply balms and masks to the roots and skin. They create a breeding ground for germs, clog pores and increase hair breakage and loss. You need to smear only the ends, up to a maximum of the middle of the length.

Apply the balm every time after washing, but masks are better not more pair once a week.

  • Comb wet hair neatly, it is better to do this with combs with sparse teeth made of wood or plastic.


A lot of damage often occurs at this stage, so you need to be careful. First of all, do not towel dry your hair by rubbing it. You need to squeeze them out and, if they get in the way, wrap them up for a few minutes.

But walking for half an hour with a turban on your head is not worth it. This breaks the hair, disrupts blood circulation, which means the nutrition of the bulbs, which leads to a poor supply of nutrients and slow growth... And if you still rub them, then the scales are damaged, the tips begin to split, the shine is lost.

Best when the hair is dry naturally... But for many, this option is not suitable, since you need to do the styling. In this case, the hair dryer cannot be turned on at full power. To dry your hair, it takes 15 - 20 seconds at maximum power, and then switch to cooler air. In this mode, they gain better the desired shape and keep it longer.

It is also important to treat hair with heat protective agents before drying, for example, spray, cream, foam and others. And to facilitate combing and maintain moisture levels, a special serum does not interfere.

Another method of gentle drying is the correct direction of the air from the hair dryer. To keep the hair smooth and shiny, the jet should be directed along the growth. Thus, again, the scales will not rise, and the curls will fluff.


For some, this stage coincides with the previous one, for others it goes as a separate item. But in any case, it is important to use thermal protective agents. They can be used on both wet and dry hair.

Do not be afraid to apply varnish. So that he does not glue, and they look as natural as possible, a medium with a medium hold will do. You can check the varnish as follows: fingers need to be passed through the curls, if they pass easily, then this is a suitable product.

In order for the styling to have volume and not lose its shape during the day, it is advisable to use foam, mousse, gel or styling cream. However, it is important to remember about the type of hair, so for oily hair you need to choose products without silicones. They will not weigh them down, and for dry and sensitive ones it will suit without fragrances, possibly with caring vitamins and oils.

Today, there are also styling products with keratins and other beneficial ingredients, they additionally strengthen the structure.

To make the styling beautiful and even, you need to structure the strands in stages. You should start from the bottom and side, moving up and back. In this case, the rest of the hair must be secured with special clips. By the way, professional hairdressers for fashion weeks, a piece of cloth or paper is used under a clamp. This avoids kinks in the hair.

And finally, after styling, it is necessary to allow it to cool and get into shape. They will settle down a little and take on their final form, then something can be corrected. It is impossible to put on a hat on the newly laid curls, they will be wrinkled.

For the basic rules for hair care, see this video:


Often, after drying or styling, the hair is tucked into a hairstyle. Depending on the situation, these can be quite simple, such as ponytail, bun, braid or something more complicated.

Experts do not recommend doing complex hairstyles every day. Firstly, it looks strange, and secondly, the hair must rest. Complex hairstyles require a lot of hairpins, hairpins, elastic bands and styling products. But also when creating simple options no need to overdo it and tighten them too tight. This disrupts blood circulation, leads to fragility, damage to the bulbs and follicles.

It is also important to let your hair down before bed. In no case should you go to bed with tightly tied or braided curls.

Nutrition and massage

The quality of nutrition has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. For the curls to be healthy and strong, the menu should include:

  • Fish contains proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
  • Walnuts contain vitamin E, which protects the scalp, as well as copper, which is essential for maintaining color and shine.
  • Chicken eggs containing selenium, zinc, sulfur and iron. All this prevents hair loss.
  • Spinach rich in vitamin C and folic acid... These are nutrients for hair follicles.
  • Lean meat and poultry are sources of protein, B vitamins, zinc and iron.
  • Dairy products supply pantothenic acid and vitamin D. They promote healthy hair growth and help withstand UV light.

Massage is another way to improve blood circulation and nutrition of the bulbs. It is possible to carry out it yourself.

You can massage with your hands, starting from the neck and moving up to the crown. And also there are special tools. Literally five minutes a day, significantly improve the condition of the hair. Massage relieves tension, improves mood, eliminates stress.

O useful products nutrition for hair, see this video:

Protect from temperature extremes

By the way, it is important to wear hats both in winter and in summer. In the first case, the hat protects hair from bad weather (snow, cold, rain, wind). The rod is not damaged. And in the second - from ultraviolet rays, overheating of the head and fading. Failure to follow this rule will damage the hair structure, split ends, dehydration and breakage.

It is also important to keep an eye on the skin. After all, it is in it that the bulbs are located. In order for the hair to delight with its beauty, you must follow the rules:

  • Moisturize properly... It is the lack of moisture that provokes increased secretion sebum. However, this does not require the use of balms or hair masks. They will only clog the pores and worsen the condition. For this, there are special leave-in moisturizing lotions for the scalp.
    • Exfoliate periodically. Styling products, sebum and dust form a kind of "shell" on the skin, through which oxygen and nutrients do not pass. Regular shampoo won't help. For this, experts recommend ready-made professional peels.

    But they are not so effective, since only the upper stratum corneum is removed. They have no effect on traffic jams. But as a preventive measure, they will not hurt. It is also important to remember that professional peels should be based on lactic acid so as not to disturb the pH of the scalp.

    Scalp peels
    • Detoxify before washing... V in this case I mean special products containing extracts medicinal plants... They help to normalize tissue metabolism, sebum secretion, and improve blood circulation. Better not to use funds home made as they can upset the acid balance of the scalp.
    • It is important to get enough sleep, not to be nervous.... This will give the skin time to heal overnight.
    • Massage your scalp regularly... It only needs to be carried out before washing, because it uses various means, as well as increased sebum secretion. To enhance the effect, you can use a special scalp serum and other recovery products. Massage should be done with the fingertips. It can last from 5 to 15 minutes.
    • When shampooing, do not scrape the skin... You need to wash gently, massaging again with your fingertips.

    Proper care of your hair and scalp will make them healthy, beautiful and help to avoid age-related changes... If you regularly monitor the condition of the curls, you can eliminate many problems. It is equally important to use quality care and styling products.

    Useful video

    For scalp peeling, see this video:

All girls want the same thing, to make their hair look well-groomed and beautiful. They attracted attention and made them admire. After all, well-groomed hair is one of the components of success with happy woman... Someone likes to use already proven trade marks, and someone does not trust cosmetology firms and uses proven recipes "from the grandmother."

But no one remembers that it is not only the hair that needs to be looked after and treated; proper scalp care is also important. After all, the skin on the head is as vulnerable as on the face. She can lose useful material and become dry. To avoid such problems, you must follow some rules for hair care.

Hair and scalp care rules

1. Use as little as possible thermal styling, use hair dryers and curling irons, irons. Use less styling products, especially when you know your hair problems are affected by stress or active image life.
2. Avoid dehydration. After all, the fluid you consume enters the scalp last. The amount of fluid consumed should be at least two liters per day.
3. If you are on vacation in hot countries or just often stay in the sun, then you need to wash your hair every day, while using a mild shampoo.
4. Wet hair should never be rubbed or rubbed violently. It is necessary to gently blot. After all, wet hair is more prone to brittleness than dried hair.
5. Eat right. Violation of consumption of the right amount nutrients first of all, it will manifest itself on the hair and scalp. The diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. Reduce or, better, eliminate alcohol and tobacco use altogether.

Perform all of the above the listed rules scalp care is only half the battle, but without it, it will be impossible to achieve complete success.

Massage of the occipital and temporal region of the head

An excellent way to combat scalp problems is to massage the occipital and temporal regions regularly. Before performing the massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands and start gentle pressure with your fingertips on certain areas of the head. It is worth remembering that you do not need to press hard, because you are massaging, and not trying to give yourself pain... After lightly pushing through, we begin to tap like raindrops.

Correct "headwash"

Washing your hair, even using one shampoo, must be correct. As shown by surveys conducted in stores cosmetics, few people know how to properly wash your hair.
It is necessary to wet the hair well, support it under running water for at least a minute so that it is completely saturated with water along its entire length and on all sides. The water should be warm and comfortable for water treatments... We apply a small amount of shampoo in the palm of your hand and lather it well, after which we apply the foam to the hair along the entire length - from roots to ends. We do this with massaging movements. Before rinsing off the shampoo, slide your fingers between the hair to make sure that the entire length of the hair is lather. Rinse off the shampoo twice as long as it took you to apply it. Stylists advise washing off the shampoo from your hair for at least five minutes. After washing, blot your hair a little with a towel, do not rub or pull on it, because it is very fragile.

If all the operations are carried out correctly, you can start styling your hair.

Video on how you can ruin your scalp

The external attractiveness of a woman is largely determined by the beauty and grooming of her hair. In turn, only healthy hair, and this directly depends on the condition of the scalp, since their roots are located there. Therefore, along with hair care, proper scalp care is also important.

Unfortunately, quite often the condition skin the head gives us a certain concern. This can be, for example, itching, dryness, crusting or small ulcers.

Causes of skin problems on the head

External reasons. It's all the fault of such unfavorable external factors like stressful situations, unbalanced diet and vitamin deficiencies, the effects of the natural environment (heat, cold), the use of hard chlorinated water when washing, and poor-quality or improperly selected scalp care products.

Internal factors. Also, the unsatisfactory condition of the scalp may be associated with any diseases. internal organs, for example, gastrointestinal tract or metabolic disorders. All this is revealed after consulting an experienced trichologist or dermatologist, who, on the basis of an examination of the body, prescribes a specific treatment regimen.

How to properly care for your scalp

In order for your curls to be gorgeous and at any age to attract the attention of others with their health, natural beauty and shine must be adhered to following rules for scalp care:

1. Observe the regime of work and rest, try to avoid stressful situations, and if it is impossible to resort to the help of auto-training.

Massage to improve blood circulation

To normalize blood circulation, improve hair growth and performance sebaceous glands scalp massage is very useful. It must be carried out soft in a circular motion spread fingers over the entire surface of the head, moving in the direction from the temples to the crown, including the area behind the ears. For greater effect, you can combine massage with aromatic oils.

Go to the section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, coloring, restoration, hair masks

Have you thought about the quality of the water, which do you wash your hair? How often do you make masks for your curls? What products do you use for the beauty of your hairstyle?

Look at the comb and you will know the condition of your hair. If there are more than five hairs left on the curl after combing, then you can judge about hair loss.

You can see a white substance between the teeth, most likely you have seborrhea.

Feel the teeth of the comb with your fingers, if they are greasy, then we wash our head incorrectly and often use styling products. Today we will learn how to properly care for your scalp and hair.

Factors affecting hair and scalp

What else can worsen the structure hair and scalp?

As a result, the hair loses its volume, becomes brittle, lifeless, and falls out. And we still water them hot water and take a trendy shampoo with the hope of restoring our curls.

You probably guessed what we are doing wrong? Of course, my head. Washing frequency is one of the factors that strongly affect the hair.

The doctors argued for a long time and, finally, mutually decided that it was necessary to wash the hair according to the degree of contamination. In summer, there is a lot of dust, and in winter, under the hat, the hair becomes greasy and sweaty, microorganisms multiply quickly.

The best option is to wash your hair every other day.

Signs of dirtiness - grease, itching, dandruff. But if you use styling products every day, you will have to clean your hair daily.

Hair and scalp care according to the rules

Now let's learn how to wash properly hair and scalp... Comb your hair for 5-10 minutes. This will transfer dead cells to the hair, the wash becomes of high quality, the hairstyle will shine.

Shampoo is applied twice in one wash. If you apply once, then only dust, grease, dirt will be washed off. It is better to pour the detergent first on the palm of your hand and rub it with some water, and then lather your head.

We choose the shampoo in the store according to the type of hair. We moisten the curls with warm water and rub the shampoo with our fingertips and spread over the entire surface of the hair. We do everything quickly so that the shampoo does not remain on the hair for more than a minute.

It must be present.

  1. Plant oils and extracts (natural).
  2. Ceramides that penetrate between scales and revitalize hair.

No need to choose multicomponent shampoos, especially for problem skin, a tendency to allergies.

Hair and scalp washing technique

Washing technique: the fingers are directed from the roots of the hairs to the tips. The movements are gentle so as not to injure the skin with nails.

Hard tap water is not desirable for washing, it washes the curls poorly and worsens their condition. Such water contains calcium salts, which form an insoluble sediment that leaves a sticky coating on the hair.

Magnesium salts in hard water dry the skin and lead to flaking. Hair is damaged, dull, sticks together. It is better to clear the water from harmful components. If there is no filter, then you can simply boil the water.

The higher the hair grease, the cooler the water should be. The best temperature is 36 degrees.

If you wash your hair in a container of boiled water for several days, you will immediately notice the effect, for which it is worth sacrificing a little comfort.

After the procedure, rinse your head well with infusion of chamomile, nettle, or slightly sour lemon water.

Hair and scalp masks

I propose to make natural masks for hair and scalp.

For dull, brittle hair, you need nourishing masks with the following ingredients:

For hair loss, use the following ingredients for masks:

  • dry mustard;
  • hot pepper tincture;
  • alcohol, vodka, brandy.

Dry mustard should not be diluted with hot water, it will release substances harmful to the skin! Be sure to check the reaction at the elbow before applying the mask to the hair.

The mustard mask must be diluted with water to a mushy mixture, add the yolk and a spoonful of sunflower oil.

In case of hair loss, it is necessary to stimulate the blood circulation of the hair follicle.

For oily hair, use:

  • kefir;
  • katyk;
  • ayran.

Do the mask once a week, hold it for 40 minutes.

Conclusion: scalp and hair require care, respectful attitude, make masks, eat well and your hair will delight you with a healthy glow.