Fashionable business style clothing for girls. Office dress: form a business wardrobe. Office Clothing for Full

Greetings to all those who know everything about office style and clothes for the office, and those who in the morning breaks their head to wear today to work, as well as those who do not think about it and put on the first thing that comes across the eyes! Speech today will go about clothes for work.

Office clothes

Office Style Clothes involves boredom - we are guided by such stereotypes most often. But is it really? After all, we all more often we have the opportunity to watch photos in popular publications, where the business lady or famous women-politicians dressed quite brightly.

They are stylish, original, but also elegant. Let's create the image of a success business woman, limited by the direction of exclusively clothes in the office style.

Variety of styles

Clothing that we choose every day always expresses our state in general. This also applies to the soul, and body, and social status, I. financial situation.

Often we do not give the values \u200b\u200bto our appearance, and then we are offended, saying that, they say, it is impossible to judge by appearance.

But on subconscious level We ourselves read the information on the appearance of a person. That is, if a person is not tidy or does not honor the dress code at work, we understand - he, or tired of life, or does not respect the surrounding employees, perhaps does not respect himself, etc.

Many options. But the result is one - an uncomfortable impression. But the question is which emotions you want to call.

Of course, it all depends on the circumstances and environment. If you wear strict suit On a friendly party, it is unlikely that you will be perceived quite easily and easily.

Office style rules

So the first rule, this is the relevance in everything - to dress is worth the case, otherwise you risk looking not in the winning light.

Do you want to attract success and well-being?

Then it is worth starting with little details, namely, with the correction of your wardrobe.

Of course, this is not a panacea from problems and difficulties in relationships with people. But something pleasant and positive can occur in you.

Well, at least you will smile more often when you realize that irresistible, not to mention other advantages.

So, there are three main styles acceptable to the office, it is:

  • Business Best;
  • Business Traditional;
  • Business Casual;

What is the difference of these style directions, and to what occasion to choose a certain style now we will all discern more detail.

Office style Business Best

Here, as never been welcome, a black and white ensemble of clothes. Most strict option Among office styles. It does not tolerate self-expression and very demanding.

As a rule, it is used on business meetings or negotiations with foreign partners. Also in legal organizations, insurance companies, banking and policies.

For such a wardrobe, women should choose the costumes of neutral colors - blue, gray, beige, black. Prefer the skirt below the knee to 5 - see.

The suites can be different - depending on the shape of the direct or fit. I will not allow a short sleeve, regardless of the season. The blouse must be exceptionally white.

Walk without stocking in this case Movetona Even in the summer - choose thin tights of corporal color. From the shoes it is necessary to choose black boats or shoes coinciding with the color of the costume.

They should not be on the thick and not on high heel 3-5 cm. Allowed to wear small ornaments or not a bright neck scarf. Also you can afford a tie or a small brooch.

Business Traditional

Photo 10.

Traditional formal business style - ideal for everyday business meetings and appearance in the office.

In this style, you can show a little more personality. A short sleeve and dress case with a jacket from above is appropriate.

Classic Crying Broke Costume, Dress, Pencil Skirt and Jacket, All this is appropriate in this case, but it is desirable to acquire one-picture models of calm tones.

The blouse still should be a pastel shade, but now it is not obliged to be white and monophonic.

A small print is allowed, such as a thin strip or small peas and barely noticeable embroidery, which are in fashion and are very relevant in 2016.

As for the shoes, there is no change here - a small heel, closed boats and a color to the costume.

As an option, you can use the "Nude" color shoes, that is, beige color coinciding with your skin.

If you decide to add your image with accessories, they can be more bright, fashionable, but still not causing.

As for the materials, quality of clothing and accessories, everything should be at the highest level as in the "Business Best" direction.

Business Casual.

This style Designed for girls who love freedom, brightness and individuality in everything.

The style of "Business Casual" for those whose work allows you to come to the office in stylish, modern, but weathered clothes.

Here are the main focus. In order not to look completely frivolous, it is worth playing with classic cut, prints and color.

The wardrobe base includes all the same neutral tones - blue, black, brown, beige, dark green, neutral gray.

You can turn on the jackets and cardigans, skirts slightly above the knee, classic jeanswithout excluding strict suits.

Shoes can be selected different, but it is desirable not frankly sports and still heel is welcome.

Now your task is to give basic wardrobe Raisins. For example, we chose black, fed to bottom straight shortened pants and a white shirt.

The following example, fitting trousers is dark red in combination with a white blouse of loose clock and beige shoes on a small hairpin.

Top patch the jacket of a neutral gray shade. In this image you will look fresh and modern, but still not unleashed and in business.

And in the first and in the second version, the image of a stylish office worker helped create contrast. But it should be subtle, not assertive and the basis should be a classic.

Basics of business style

There are several main points in what can be worn, and what is impossible. After reading these rules and observing them, you will never look inappropriate.

What should be present

  • Color: All neutral shades;
  • Semi-accepting silhouette;
  • Broke suit with a classic trouser length;
  • If you choose a print, then only geometric;
  • Jacket, cardigan;
  • Skirt, the minimum length of which is 5 cm. Above the knee and the maximum 20 cm. From the floor;
  • Blouse;
  • Dress - case;
  • Coat made of high-quality cloth classic cro;
  • Footwear: sustainable heel not higher than 5 cm with closed toe;
  • Bag: monophonic without unnecessary decor elements, direct Croy;
  • Decorations: Simple in shape, allowed expensive jewelry and small gems;
  • Tights: bodily - not dense 20 den, black - 8 den;
  • The hairstyle must be fixed and neat;
  • Makeup - natural;
  • Manicure of natural tones.

What should I avoid in a business wardrobe

Transparent fabrics and lace;
Shiny clothes;
Mini skirt;
T-shirts with pictures;
Long colored sundresses;
Sports shoes;
Too many accessories;
Deep neckline;

It is worth noting that everything is relatively and need to be repelled from the style that you have chosen, because categorical is welcomed only in the "Business Best" direction.

Your main task is not to embarrass your unnecessarily causing clothes and pay attention to my identity.

Dear readersIf the article seemed helpful to you, then share it with friends in social networks.

Also, do not forget to subscribe to updates our blog to always be healthy, well-groomed and modern.

We wish you good luck in the selection of your new style. And do not forget to show personality, because office style, like casual wear, This is a reflection of you.

Goodbye, dear reader.

Business style clothing is an important aspect Fashions for women and girls working in offices with a pressed code, which involves compliance with the rules and standards of office style clothing and fashion trends.

Designers presented many original ideas for fashionistas in 2019-2020, preferring business style clothing for office in this fashion season. Thanks to this, modern women can afford a variety in choosing a clothing for the office - and business suits for women, skirts, pants, shirts and blouses, as well as fashionable office dresses.

Every woman wants to look beautiful and elegant every day, even when she is at work and decides important questions, regardless of the circumstances, weather and other factors.

For a true lady, combine strict requirements for office clothes is not at all a problem, and at the same time look original and feminine, elegant and exquisite, demonstrating the presence of excellent taste and individual style.

It is important to remember that the office dresses should be slightly higher or lower than the knee, without excesses - minimum decorations, decor, lack of rosures and flutes, as well as deep neckline and cuts. The color scheme must be calm and restrained, and the print on a business dress is moderate, easy and unobtrusive.

An excellent option for the office will be beautiful business dresses 2019-2020, combining refinement, restraint, without hiding female beauty and attractiveness, which is very important for fair sex representatives.

Fashionable office dresses 2019-2020 are represented by mini dresses, which are oddly enough in the trend and are popular among representatives of the fine sex. It is important to remember that business dresses must be free silhouette - direct or trapezoidal cut.

Fashionable are dresses-shirts for office, business folded dresses and sleeves, beautiful office-and-the-case dresses and many other models of office dresses, which are trend for business style in 2019-2020.

It is better to familiarize yourself with the fashion trends of stylish office dresses, and also find out which office dresses are relevant in 2019-2020, view photos and fashionable images with business dresses, you can in our review.

Stylish office dresses 2019-2020: dress-shirts for women

Selecting the perfect office for the 2019-2020 office, each woman should look at the stylish and strict dress-shirt, which is so fashionable this season.

Data models of dresses in the office style are excellent for any figure, allowing you to emphasize the waist with a thin and elegant strap.

Decorated vertical buttons, dress-shirts visually extend silhouette, creating a stylish business bow.

In addition, dress-shirts are comfortable and practical, allowing you to feel comfortable and freely, you can safely wear them in everyday life and informal setting.

Give preference in choosing a beautiful dress-shirt 2019-2020 long-length knee, direct or somewhat broken cut, which will give the image is light playfulness and femininity.

Feminine Dresses for Free Croes Office 2019-2020

The original free Croes dresses are "Must Have" in the fashion season 2019-2020 for women who cannot boast the perfect figure.

This style dresses allows you to hide the tummy, a non-ideal waist and look stylish among the representatives of the office.

You can diversify a free cut dress by choosing models with an original print, but without overdoing and adhering to office style.

Original office dress-case 2019-2020

Without exaggeration, the most trend fitness dresses for the office is a dress-case, which had to do with very many beautiful sexual representatives.

This is not strange, because feminine and elegant case-case, which perfectly fit into a strict business style, allow you to look great even in a boring and dull office.

Special beautiful dresses-Found from the combined fabric or supplemented by the bath. A combination of different colors is also welcomed, which allows you to make a business image with a fashionable case-case more interesting and original.

Beautiful Full Dresses are still different in that they are best suited for both slender and slender women and fair sex with representatives lush forms.

Beautiful business dresses for office 2019-2020 with print

Original dresses in an office with beautiful drawings and prints that do not contradict the installed dress code allow you to create stylish and unusual office bows 2019-2020.

The most common office dresses with a print for the summer, when it also wants lightness and freshness. Monsterly summer office dresses are represented by restrained and unobtrusive patterns of colors and appliqués.

Elegant Sleeveless Dresses for Office 2019-2020

Fashionable and beautiful novelties in 2019-2020 - sleeveless dresses for office, which are perfectly combined with jackets and cape.

Office dresses without sleeves make a special focus on the neck, clavicle and arms, allowing you to create feminine and beautiful images in office style.

Mostly business dresses without sleeves in the 2019-2020 season are represented by calm colors - black, white and gray. If the dress code allows, then feel free to choose the original office dresses without sleeves with an interesting and uncomfortable print.

Stylish office dresses 2019-2020: photos, new products, model of office dresses

We present you a photo of the most fashionable office dresses for women, the best images and business-style dress models - an office dress-case, a dress shirt, beautiful sleeveless dresses in the office and many other dresses that can be viewed next.

Clothing style I. appearance In general, are the bright characteristic of each person self-respecting. Different interests and inclinations form special tastes and talls to dress. But everyone knows that there are circumstances and situations when compliance with certain rules for the formation of a costume is required. Office style in clothing refers to that species fashion directionwhich people obey independently of personal tastes and preferences.

What is the office style clothes?

In fact, the official-working fashion is a kind of business style. Both directions took as the basis of the English classic costumes of the last century, which were famous for the clarity of the lines and the limiting severity of the silhouette bordering the puritance. The difference between them is that officially business Wardrobe Exhibits greater flexibility towards current change in fashion.

Modern office style clothing is a successful combination of classic forms and functional elements. This trend flow is constantly being changed, while maintaining the basic lines of elegant cut, exquisite accessories and high quality materials. The main requirements for working clothes are convenience, practicality, neutral colors and unfounded fabrics.

If the enterprise has a hard dress code, it allows a limited number of images in compliance with mandatory requirements. This is usually a black and white palette of colors, a long sleeve, no neckline and a length covering the knee. At work it is recommended to wear strict costumes, jackets, opaque blouses, modest dresses, classic model shoes.

Offices with a loyal attitude to the appearance of employees provide them with greater space for creative fantasy. Nevertheless, there is no place for frivolous outfits and extravagant images. Office Look allows for individual elements of a romantic, sports, or colonial style.

Rules and features of official fashion

Business clothing for women combines several characteristic features.

  • Neutral colors and temperate decor. Separate costume details or the whole image as a whole should not be distracting the attention of others from the official situation. Office clothing is designed to emphasize professional level And the business qualities of the employee.
  • Simple shapes Classic sample cut. Despite the variability and impermanence of fashion, clothing for work should adhere to the format of the unsold classics.
  • Invalidness of the manifestations of frank sexuality in the form of deep neckline, high cuts on the skirt, transparent fabrics.
  • When creating official images, it is necessary to strive for their natural and elegant appearance.

Stamps of women's office clothes (photo)

Choosing models of working clothes, should proceed from considerabilities convenience and practicality. Jackets and jackets have a straight or slightly fit silhouette And the length is up to the middle of the hip. Middle-sized buttons in bulk clothing.

Skuff options can be several. In addition to the traditional pencil and direct cut, the models may look like a tulip, bells, trapezoids. They are decorated with folds, purses, valves, slots. The waist line is located in the usual place. The length of the products corresponds to the canons of classical fashion - no more palm width up or down from the knee.

Pants for girls choose straight or slightly narrowed books sitting on the waist. The most win-win style office dress model case. You can diversify the wardrobe and other options, the main thing is that they have restrained lines and are decorated with non-market details.

As for blouses, blouses and turtlenecks, there are a wide variety of styles. In the summer it is undesirable to completely shake the shoulders, at least small sleeves should be present in the clothes in clothing.

Fabric selection

It is clear that all appliances' clothing should be executed from expensive material of excellent quality. The thing from a good fabric of the perfect tailor looks always good and authoritative. To do this, it is better to choose natural fabrics Good dressage: wool, cotton, flax, silk.

Expenditures on expensive high-quality clothing seem to be a reasonable investment of money. Products B. classic style Practically do not come out of fashion, only sometimes exposed to minor transformations. And thanks to the high quality of the materials, they regularly serve their owners not one year.

Palette of colors

Colors in the wardrobe official style They have one of the decisive values, being a form-forming element of the costume. Classic categories include black, white, gray and blue paints. A good addition to them are pastel shades.

In the warm season, the relevant bright range of colors is acquired: beige, creamy, pink, caramel. In general, clothing for work can be of any color, it is only necessary to avoid bright, acid shades. When creating a working way, it is desirable to use no more than three colors in a suit at the same time.

Plusted fabrics with neutral drawings are quite valid for office clothes. It looks good with a cage, thin stripes, "Christmas tree", peas. Unwanted floral, animals, abstract images, as well as large geometric shapes.

Additional elements

From the shoes models for the work environment, the shoes are mandatory on a low heel of black. For diversity, the shoes of other styles are allowed, but with the obligatory correspondence of the tone of the main clothing. Regardless of the time of year, the shoes should be closed with a heel and weeke. Therefore, the sandals in the office is undesirable.

Diversify the working suit helps a thin handkerchief, light scarf, Stylish jewelry. When choosing jewels and decorations, follow the sense of measure - do not carry more than three items simultaneously.

A worthy completion of the office image is a handbag having a simple shape and small sizes. Good level Performances, high quality material and lack of screaming elements - the key to the success of the ladieship accessory.

Male office style clothing

This is known to most of your life, people spend at work. Therefore, the wardrobe business man Filled, basically, office appointment. From how the man looks like, the impression of his business qualities and success.

Classic version of office clothing - Two or Troika costume. Suitable fabrics of blue, gray, chocolate. In the summer, you choose beige or white clothes. Many companies do not object to jeans, put together with the jacket. In this case, the pants choose only direct cut and high-quality tailoring with even lines and lack of decor. Color - dark blue or black.

Shirts in the wardrobe for men should be somewhat. Desirable pastel colors And inexpressive prints in the form of thin stripes. If there is no strict rules in the enterprise, then instead of classic shirts and jackets are appropriate polo shirts, turtlenecks, blazers, pullovers, vests.

Good shoes out high-quality skin Or suede with rounded sock and hidden lacing - optimal option Office shoes. The color of the products must be harmonized with a suit. Even in the most severe heat, sandals or sandals, gentle feet are unacceptable.

The total color restraint of the office image can dilute bright stain Tie. A good leather belt is ideally combined with shoes in color and texture.

It remains only to add that all the things you put on to work should look flawless. Neat, ironed clothing and pure shiny shoes - worthy business card Successful person.

At the present time, girls are increasingly striving to work to be more independent. Work takes away a lot of time and, of course, our appearance directly affects relationships with colleagues, on our mood. Therefore, so I want to pamper yourself with beautiful outfits, so that I wanted to go to work with pleasure. Confidence is caused by approval of the authorities and contributes to career advancement. Knowing it, designers every year seek to make the wardrobe of the business lady sophisticated and at the same time comfortable. What office clothes for women and girls 2018 is popular, learn from our article.

New and trends in women's clothing for office 2018

In the office, as in life, you can look very beautiful and fashionable. Designers offer absolutely unique fashion offers. We want to say with confidence that in 2018, office employees will look very impressive, despite the seemingly of the servant of office everyday life. What are the main trends in the office clothes of the coming season?

Colors of clothing for office 2018

We are in a hurry to please all fashionable the designers allow to use bright colors in familiar office clothes. Classic shades - white, beige, black and dark blue color Still will continue to be relevant. With the onset of spring girls, they never want to diversify their wardrobe. Here fashion experts go to meet them, offering to bring strict business suits or dresses of turquoise, mustard, cream shades to the office.

With the onset of the summer season, fashion allows you to make a red, emerald, bright blue In the office style, which can not but rejoice. If you received an invitation to solemn evening, or visit the corporate event - you can safely dress the outfit of bright yellow or red shades, and no one dares you to condemn, because these shades are very popular 2018.

beige trouser costume classic black and white ensemble

Office Clothing Materials 2018

Season 2018 is rich in a variety of fabrics from which they offer to sew office clothes.

For winter, there will be supersits stitched from tweed or wool. The outfits associated both on the typewriter and manually become very popular. Increasingly, you can see on the podium models in suede dresses. This material is pleasant to the body, does not mind well. Twid suit designers advise diversify beautiful handkerchief or brook to soften the severity of the tweet.

Many famous houses offer dresses sewn from different pieces of clothing - there may be knitwear, leather, suede and knitted elements. Thus, once again confirmed the readiness of designers on the most bold solutions.

Summer 2018 marked the ease of silk. This material is pleasantly refreshing and introduces a note of sensuality and femininity. You can also be seen on the podiums satin and metallized dresses. The brilliance will become the main favorite of the 2018 season.

turtleneck and Midi Skirt tweed pants with sweater and coat

Decor and finishing office clothes2018

Among the decor elements, designers offer buttons of unusual colors and forms, swans, unusual ornaments on clothes, floral stripes. Others offer to diversify the usual style of a suit with lace inserts, fringe and even unexpected appliqué. All these details are able to give a suit unique and unique appearance, diversify it, while not going beyond the business style. Boring office outfits will play new paints.

office style dress with flower print

Fashionable office clothes 2018

The cell is the most popular and fashionable print of 2018. No wonder Many fashion guards have already acquired their costumes and dresses in a cage, it is in some kind of classic office style in clothes. Any geometric pattern in clothes will be an indisputable trend of the season: it can be dresses and brushy costumes Striped, into a cage and other figures. You can wear polka dot outfits, in a small increasing drawing - it will also be very restrained and beautiful at the same time. Office clothing should attract attention, but at the same time be sufficiently muted by the tint and calm prints, with it absolutely optionally to be gray and boring.

strict checkered dress knee-length

Fashionable women's clothing for 2018 office with photo

Office clothing can be very diverse. Designers offer to make everyday labor weekdays bright and colorful thanks bold solutions In clothes. What are the leading tendencies of office style 2018 - learn below.

Office dresses 2018.

This year, designers offer a large selection of dress styles. They can be like strict classic modelsAnd with the elements of an unusual decor, while staying everything also in office business. Designers thought out office dresses to the smallest detail. Now you can not worry about your figure and fade into a lot, but boldly wearing stylish office dresses to work. Experts offer fashionable shadows of dresses not only on thin, but also on girls with forms. Consider the main trends of the 2018 office dresses.

black dress With high waist

Business silhouette dresses

They are characterized by closeness, lack of deep cuts and decals. Despite the restraint, the strict office dress looks very feminine and sexy, it will be perfectly complemented by bright accents in the form of accessories. This option is a classic that will never come out of fashion.

silhouette dress with swans

Short office dresses

It can be the usual black office dress above the knee, which perfectly emphasize the figure and will be relevant at any time of the year. Designers offer to draw attention to their modest dress, choosing models with leather inserts or suede, or choose a style with a two-level free dresses.

short green suede dress short blue dress a short gray dress Sleeve three quarters

Dresses with sleeves

The dress in the office with the sleeves should certainly be in the wardrobe of every self-respecting fashionista. In 2018, in the trend, the long sleeves of a free cut, giving a boring office outside the feeling of air and ease. Dresses with short sleeves become equally relevant. excellent option For spring 2018.

dress S. long sleeves and flower print

Dresses without sleeves

Such styles are no less beautiful and feminine. Open shoulders do not look vulgar, and rather, they emphasize the shoulder line. Such a dress in 2018 can be combined from above with a blouse or a shortened jacket.

blue dress without sleeves

Office Dresses for Full

It ceases to be something shapeless and dark, rather, on the contrary. Popular willows there will be dresses - cases that are beneficial to emphasize bends, and at the same time will hide disadvantages. Full girls Experts recommend paying attention to models with accents on the waist, using geometric lines. Screaming bright shades It is better to leave for offside time and pay attention to deep blue, green, burgundy colors.

free dress Blue Metallic Colors for Full

Long office dresses

The usual length of the office dresses to the knee or a little higher will still be relevant. Designers offered to lengthen the dress before the ankle, thereby make it more comfortable and comfortable, because it is the main thing for the office onion. Famous modes of the mod sew an office dress made of soft flowing fabrics, choose bright prints in color, making an emphasis on satin cuffs and a neck. The latter gives along the necessary office severity.

comfortable long dress with free cut

Evening office dresses

Here, designers do not limit the girls in choosing. Very fresh will look like dresses in the floor in the style of "mermaids". Popular skirts are popular, as well as dresses in the style of "Crop-top" - such an outfit looks finished and gives additional charm its owner. For lover of classics, experts recommend to stop their choice on the case of a case, it looks advantageous on any corporate party. But the chief trend remains a dress of free cut. The color is better to choose calm, saturated - turquoise, beige, purple, burgundy, black.

gentle evening Dress Maxi in office style

Women's costume for office 2018

Women's costume - the base of the entire office wardrobe. It must be high-quality sewn and perfectly sitting in the figure. Designers offer this season wearing suits bright flowers - peach, turquoise, blue, but necessarily with a monophonic bottom (shirt or turtleneck). Sold universal costumes - Four, where the skirt includes, pants, vest and jacket. You can also sew it yourself.

The suit is unique in that it provides a choice - wearing it with pants or skirt. Talk I. fashion trends 2018.

tight suit with the skirt of midi

Classic female suit

This trend will always be in demand among office staff, classic - Home Trend 2018. Designers Dilute Strict Black and Gray Costumes expensive accessories - Gold or silver in jewelry, precious stones, pearls. Strict style It will certainly look expensive and rich in the presence of no less expensive jewelry. Everything is good in moderation - just add classic suit A pair of beautiful earrings and expensive clock and the image will look finished. No less effective will be the absence of decorations in the presence of in clothes bright accents - Waolas on a blouse, broken trousers and a shortened trench, a white blouse with a bow and cramped into the hair into the bunch.

classic light gray trouser costume

Suit with strict lines

Another trend 2018 is straight lines. Business suit suggests clear lines and severity. The trouser costume becomes more "male", trousers are tinned, the jacket is long. At the same time, the pants necessarily should be on the tone of the jacket. Fashion houses offer bright and unusual prints, thereby designers make it clear that office clothing can be different.

black rigid suit with skirt

Elegant costume

Regardless of whether you will choose a bright ornament in a suit, or give preference to strict monophonic colorsThe elegance of the office style will dominate in fashion. It can be like a trouser costume and a suit with a skirt - such outfits will certainly cause admiration for colleagues. Grey colour can be replaced with metallic colors, blue shades or even orange color. The waist in the trousers in 2018 becomes overestimated, skirts are free, but the whole image should talk about the official.

green elegant costume with a wide strap elegant beige suit with an arched skirt

Women's office pants 2018

As we can see, designers offer to diversify the pants for the office - they can be pants - glue, tinned to the bottom, free cut and even with bright prints. Depending on the cut and the color becomes clear what to wear pants to the office.

If this is a free cut pants - the top must be an emphasizing figure: turtlenecks, blouses, fitted jacket. Skinny pants perfectly complement spacious chiffon blouses with bright ornaments. To the pants with a bright ornament, designers offer a monophonic strict top.

black pants with arrows pastel arrow pants

Women's Blouses and Shirts for Office 2018

Here, designers allocate the following trends.

Denim shirts

This trendy emphasis offer many famous fashion houses. Denim blouses can look very stylish and feminine, especially in combination with classic trousers or skirt.

short denim shirt

Blouses with bow

Fashion designers in the present season boldly combine different images. Blouses with a bow - such fashionable blouses For office can be both strict and playful at the same time. Feminine model Blouses can be very sophisticated and perfectly fit into evening imageAnd a blouse with a bow of graphic cut is well suitable for office style.

pink Blouse with Pencil Skirt

Blouses with ruffles and swans

Ryushi and Volani confidently entered the 2018 season, becoming an object of adoration among fashionistas. This decor gives the appearance of the female charm and carries some romantic subtext. The presence of flutes on office blouse will make it easier to make an image softer and sensual, which will not at all hurt the workflow.

yellow blouse with swans and elongated vest

Transparent blouses

At first it may seem that tissue data is not suitable for office style in clothing. However, it is not. Office clothing for women and girls 2018, according to designers, should attract attention and be moderately noticeable. Down with gray boring costumes, trendy blouses made of transparent fabrics. Moderate frankness should be combined with a modest bottom and crayled jacket.

translucent sleeveless blouse

Classic Office Blouses

Strong blouses of classic Croy again become the trend of season 2018. Fashion designers offer changing white blouses for office brighter colors, leaving some rigor in clothing - classic blouses 2018 closed, while the decor of the collar, cuffs are allowed.

classic blouse With trousers

Trendy shirts

Some fashion houses call on fashionista to pay attention to male shirts. They can look very feminine in them, supplementing the blouse by the skirt or tinned trousers. Stylish shirts For office - a wonderful everyday version.

satin burgundy shirt

Office skirts 2018

Designers this season make an emphasis on the individuality of a woman. In the fashion skirt skirt, which are ideal for office style. High slender girls for the office are perfect and skirts in the floor, girls are not high height It is better to look at the skirts of the aligned cut - they will visually lengthen the figure and make it slimmer.

Fashion designers offer wearing skirts of different styles - a pencil skirt, free cut skirt, fluffy skirt, skirt with an overwhelmed waist. When choosing this element of clothing, experts are recommended to focus on how the model will sit on the girl. In the materials, the 2018 season does not limit - for the office will be relevant to the skirts of both leather and suede and from knitwear.

dark Bordic Skirt Midi black skirt slightly lower knee gray skirt with folds

Women's turtlenecks for office 2018

Very relevant in the 2018 season becomes monophonic, while the color can be bright - orange, burgundy, mustard, green, purple. Turtlenecks are perfectly combined with bulk skirts and pants wide from the hip. Such a silhouette will perfectly emphasize femininity, and individual accessories will give individuality.

Turtlenecks can be with prints, it must be combined with the bottom and not be fade away, after all, this office clothing. In the 2018 season, the turtlenecks are very warm, stitched from natural materials, which are perfectly sitting on a woman's figure. With this clothing designers offer to wear elongated vests.

original Turtleneck with Sleeved Lanterns black Turtleneck with Satin Skirt

Women's pullover, sweaters, jumpers for office 2018

The main trend of 2018 becomes sweaters large mate, very voluminous and cozy. In addition, trend are jumpers with drapery and asymmetric cut. The multi-layeredness is welcomed - the sweaters can be applied over the blouse and shirts, while following the proportions of the external image in the whole.

On modes 2018, the sweaters with open shoulders and three-quarters sleeves are increasingly. Such option will suit For evening exit, for office, the same fashion designers have prepared elongated sweaters with a waist belt with closed shoulders and bright ornament. Also in the office will perfectly look sweaters from thin knitwear - They can be combined with any bottom. The main thing - the sweater must emphasize the figure, and not weigh the image.

Tints of sweaters 2018 are allowed very different - from the usual gray, white and black shades, to bright yellow and blue colors.

black striped jumper

Female vests for office 2018

In the models of vests for the office onion, the asymmetry of cut and calm colors are traced. Fashion designers prefer monophonic vests due to the ability to combine them with turtlenecks and blouses of any shades. The vest will finish perfectly office ImageIt must certainly be made of the same material as a skirt or trousers.

In fashion, elongated vests, they can be with belts, without buttons, free cut.

Also designers offer to consider knitted vests For office. They are warm enough for winter period, comfortable in the sock and do not require careful care.

Veils look very beautifully, vests with swans and ruffles, as well as with unusual drapery. Such an option is admissible if the rest of the clothes are withstanding in calm colors.

Vests can be like sleeves and without. On the modes of the modes are shown models with short sleeves over a beautiful blouse - it looks very feminine.

black vest

Sundars under the blouse in the 2018 office

In the 2018 season, the fashion designers sew the sundresses from tight fabric With the addition of wool. Office Sarafan. A rather laconic cut, without thin strapless, and with a convenient bodice. This makes it possible to combine it with blouses and shirts.

checkered Twid Sarafan with White Blouse

Fashion 2018 dictates the following zarafan styles.

Sarafan Tunic

This model of free silhouette, well suits girls with full hipsIt is recommended to wear in the middle length. Slender girls can afford more short length. Such a sundress will benefitly emphasize the figure and will help hide disadvantages.

tunic Long Sarafan


They can be with a small neckline on the chest, but the bodice is usually closed. This sundress fits girls with any type of figure. Designers are recommended to complement the image with a thin strap on the belt, thereby having a waist.


Sarafan with long straps

Designers Novy give preference to sundresses with an overwhelmed waist and long straps. Such a style is visually sliding the figure. It is possible to combine this sundress with a blouse of any ornament and texture.

The color is better to choose calm - dairy, beige, gray, black or light blue.

long Straight Sarafan

Clothes style for office 2018

Business Style 2018 can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Strict business style;
  2. Conditionally business style;
  3. Everyday business style.

Strict business style

This style is inherent in banking or insurance workers. They can not afford bright colors or noticeable prints on clothes. Things must be restrained and not attract attention. Transparent things are not allowed. The dominant colors of this style are black, gray, white, dark blue. Dresses elongated, skirts to the knees, no cutouts. From shoes - black closed classic boats on a small heel.

strict business style

Conditional style

This style in clothes is already more everyday, you can afford to wear things of bright shades, bright colors. The main condition is the image to be harmonious, and things are combined with each other. Footwear can afford the open, in the tops are allowed open shoulders, Skirts are also to the knees. You can afford some prints in clothes.

conditional style

Daily business style

This style gives more freedom in the choice of style of clothing and colors. Pencil skirts can be diluted with skirts - "tulips" or overclocked options. Dresses do not have to be monophonic, a small calm ornament is allowed. Pants can be to ankle or higher, narrowed or straight. Shoes can be chosen both on the heel, and without, but preferably closed. The color of the shoes can be not only black, but also beige, white. Blazers can be worn different lengths - shortened or until the middle of the thigh.

daily business style

Office Dress Code 2018 Rules: What you can not put in the office

Business style involves some restrictions, namely:

  1. Invalid a deep cutout in the neckline zone;
  2. Inappropriate, cuts look at the dress or skirt;
  3. Low waist in trousers or skirt will not emphasize business abilities;
  4. Welcome outfits of free or fitted cut, tosing things better to leave for exits by open time;
  5. Lace and abundance of rhizes for office clothes are not suitable;
  6. Outfits are too frank, outfits of transparent fabrics;
  7. Shoes should be closed with nose.

In addition to all of the above, you should not forget about moderation in perfume and a careless make-up.

strict office image without unnecessary parts

Fashion accessories to office style 2018

Designers offer to dilute strict business suits with beautiful and relevant accessories. Office clothing for women and girls 2018 permits the following accessories:

  1. Good high-quality bag from natural materials - it can be from a varnish or ordinary skin, a tablet bag or a sacrifice, depending on the total onion;
  2. Hours - necessarily expensive and famous brand;
  3. Jewelry - only from natural metals, sophisticated and without excess shine;
  4. Pantyhose - can be bodily or black, no patterns and ornaments. Density to choose from the time of year;
  5. Underwear - designers prefer conventional linen, without lace, or seamless;
  6. If the dress code allows - permissible cervical shawl or white collars.
dress I. leather bag broke suit and leather bag

As we see, the trends of 2018 suggest wearing strict business suits that give the elegant and feminine appearance to girls. Especially strengthening the image of a business woman suits with elements of a male wardrobe. But despite all the rigor, designers allow you to choose a suit of soft and pleasant fabrics - velvet, velveteen. Despite the office style, you should always remember that we are, first of all, women, and it needs to emphasize. Let even in the tissues.