Happy wedding anniversary 1 year in your own words. Here is the chintz year. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary from parents

I congratulate you on this bright day! The family is a living organism. Therefore, always remember that if a person has one leg injured, he is lame. If a person has two legs injured, he cannot walk at all. And if a person's legs touch each other, he stumbles. Therefore, I wish you to always live together, in peace and love, and most importantly, take care of each other!

I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family and the fact that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, be happy, understand each other perfectly and support in everything! Let everything that brings you pleasure grow: let your son grow, let your income grow and let your love grow!

On the day of your wedding anniversary, we wish that you always look into each other's eyes with admiration, that you hold each other in your arms with pleasure, that you solve life's problems with a smile and understanding, that you forgive each other's mistakes with patience and respect. And may your hearts, relationships and all happy life be filled with great love.

Our dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on your wedding day! We wish you peace and harmony, support and understanding, eternal love and tenderness. May your life together bring you only good and development.

Carry carefully and carefully through the years your precious love. Give each other tenderness, affection, care without any reason. And you will have many more happy anniversaries from the wedding day, as happy as today. Congratulations! Let be family hearth beautifully burns with a bright flame of kindness!

Wish you good health on the long years. All the best and good luck to life path. I wish like the sea great happiness like the sun is hot and true love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.

On the anniversary of your wedding, we wish you to divide in half not only happy moments but all the difficulties family life. We wish you always and in everything to support each other, to overcome obstacles together and achieve your goals, to share all household chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

Accept congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May your union prosper for many, many years to come. Support each other in all endeavors, because love is not to admire each other, but to look in the same direction. And let all the sorrows, troubles and hardships bypass you.

Countdown starts today next year your love, which I wish you to live in the same way as all the previous ones: in peace, joy and mutual respect. Dreams are easier to achieve together, so always hold on to each other.

Our dear newlyweds! We are celebrating your wedding anniversary again. Your family treasury is getting richer, you are wiser, your children are older, and the happy gleam in your eyes is becoming more expressive. Let this process continue indefinitely.

Heartfelt congratulations on your wedding anniversary in your own words

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years! Congratulations on this touching victory! May your love conquer all the hardships of life again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

So quickly and almost imperceptibly from the day of your wedding, time has flown by! You settled down, strengthened your income and family! Your house is cozy and hospitable, it is always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it be so in the future! May your love only grow stronger, prosperity grow, and children please with their success! You are great fellows, be happy, be healthy and love each other strongly!

Once on this day, you firmly tied the bonds of marriage, over time you managed to make them even stronger. Let these bonds be inseparable, woven threads of love and tenderness, understanding and harmony. Let the sonorous laughter of happy children, the joyful feelings of parents, a cozy family hearth and dreams that you will surely fulfill together decorate your union.

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years! Congratulations on this touching victory! May your love conquer all the hardships of life again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live in it forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bonds with love. Do not succumb to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!

A wedding anniversary is a family birthday. Your family is a great role model. You should be leveled up, because not everyone manages to find such a balance in relationships, to achieve harmony in a couple. We wish you always enough strength to maintain this idyll.

Being newlyweds is wonderful, and living in love for more than one year is amazing! Happy wedding anniversary, we wish you many more happy years harmony and understanding in the family!

Love is that fiat coin that now makes up your living wage! I want to wish you not only prosperity, but also abundance! Not only joy, but also great happiness!

I wish you good and happiness, well-being and mutual understanding! Easily cope with the difficulties that arise and rejoice in common success! I wish you more rest together and preferably in the best resorts, spend more time together and be very, very happy!

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding anniversary in your own words

Congratulations, you are not only a wonderful couple, but now a happy family. From the bottom of my heart I wish the inextinguishable and tender feelings, constant good and joy in your home, mutual support and understanding in everything! May you live happily ever after.

Congratulations! Another life stage you have successfully completed, the bonds of marriage have become even stronger, and hearts in love have gained wisdom. On this glorious day of your wedding anniversary, we wish your eyes mutual admiration, hands - tenderness, souls - harmony, joint everyday life - success, holidays - fun, and your home - peace, happiness and love.

With age, a person changes - one in better side, the other - for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, then only for the better. I wish you to continue this process in the future! Happy anniversary to you!

You have an important day today, an exam in life together! Let your family bypass adversity, and love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in the house!

On your wedding anniversary, I wish you more unforgettable happy days, fulfilled desires, fulfilled promises and radiant smiles on the faces of all members of your family.

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

Allow me on this festive day for you and an exciting day for us to congratulate your family on another anniversary weddings. I wish you many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. Let your life path be clean and bright, and children please with their successes! And most importantly - I wish that you always love each other and appreciate every minute spent together!

I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and I want to wish prosperity and well-being for your family, peace and happiness to your home. Love each other, protect, appreciate and with confident steps together go towards your dreams.

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

Happy birthday to your family, happy wedding anniversary! We sincerely wish your family good health and active growth, prosperity and complete harmony, successful undertakings and joint achievements. May mutual passionate feelings warm your hearts, may tenderness inspire you and loyalty inspire, may all your dreams come true.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary to friends in your own words

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity! Let your feelings remain bright, persistent and beautiful. May there be comfort and prosperity in your home, may joy and happiness live in it, may you be warm and good together! I wish you good health, strength, vivacity, optimism and faith in the future.

My desires are simple, good health for many years, warmth and tenderness loving hearts. May there always be peace and prosperity in your home. I wish you great happiness and eternal love, let it rain and inclement weather pass you by, and let the nightingales sing to your soul.

Happy Holidays to your young family. Let your house become the abode of goodness, your children will always be guarded by angels, and your feelings will be filled with a bottomless source. Love and appreciate each other.

Together you overcame many difficulties, learned a lot, managed to find more than a dozen compromises - and this is all a guarantee that your family is becoming stronger, more harmonious and happier. We wish you great love, tenderness, growing incomes, boundless optimism and impeccable health. Peace and happiness to your home!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary from the bottom of my heart. I wish you wonderful and bright moments of life, good stories and incredible miracles. May your love never fade away, may there always be happiness in your family.

Wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday! After all, you managed to build a strong and prosperous family so let her future be bright and cloudless! Be always healthy, may love live in your hearts, warming and giving comfort. Let the children delight you with their successes, and let only the most wonderful people always surround you!

Let love burn in your hearts, warming and giving joy! Let tenderness overwhelm the souls and understanding be absolute. Let the children delight you with their successes and achievements, the parents will be healthy, and let only good news. It remains to wish you to save and increase everything that you have! And I want to add that your family is the standard of harmony, mutual understanding and family well-being!

We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary! We are very glad that you have managed to do so much over the past five years! Every anniversary of your wedding is a testament to the fact that you wise people and truly love each other. I wish you happiness, prosperity, patience and joy!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and with all my heart I want to wish you a long happy life together under the roof cozy home surrounded by loved ones. Live richly, be healthy and always give each other only joy.

A few years ago you made your choice and entered into legal marriage. This is a big responsibility to each other. you were brought up in different families with a different way of life, and now they have built their own family with their own orders and foundations. Today we want to wish you great and strong love so that it does not fade away over the years. Huge happiness and swan fidelity!

You are together, which means everything is fine,
Tomorrow does not scare you.
After all, in every family it is very important that
That everyone in trouble helps out.

Today is your family anniversary
Please accept our congratulations,
May all your days be beautiful
Love you, good luck, patience.

This day is special in your life
He will not be forgotten, he will not be erased,
You both beamed with smiles
Even brighter than the sun.

And today, fondly remembering
Your wedding and happiness on their faces,
I wish you endless love
May it be kept in your souls.

I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and I want to wish prosperity and well-being for your family, peace and happiness to your home. Love each other, protect, appreciate and with confident steps together go towards your dreams.

We wish you many happy years
Love, harmony in everything,
And let troubles run cowardly,
And bypass the house.

Let tears cause joy
And the soul was warmed by a beloved look,
And marriage brings only sweetness
So that you do not know the loss.

And every year, like the first one
Bring joy and love
And let all plans come true
And feelings ignite again!

Today is a holiday for you two,
Your family's birthday
This day is like sunshine
May you shine for many years.

May your home be full of love
May peace and order reign in it.
May your marriage be strong and long
Congratulations on your anniversary!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
We wish you long family years
Happiness, prosperity, kindness,
Be happy, love forever.

Anniversary of your wedding -
Significant date!
Therefore, I wish you:
Joy in the house, in the family - prosperity.

In a relationship - reciprocity,
A sea of ​​feelings, kindness, love.
So that happiness lasts forever
After all, you found each other!

Years together - years of happiness.
You are two, but you are one.
Get married overnight
You were ordered.

And today is the anniversary
Weddings of your bright moment.
Long years, in the house of the world!
Your union will be great!

Never let it touch
Even the shadow of the problem is you.
Let your sky keep the hearth
Every day and every hour!

Veil, hairstyle, embarrassed look
Hearts plexus and rings,
You are the bride, and he is in love.
It's over, the wedding is finally here!

A year has passed, another, but what's there
You don't care about time.
Affairs, worries, home, work
You are also happy together.

There are quarrels and strife
Well, yes, worldly vise.
Hearts are beating, eyes are burning
And you are still close!

Today, happy wedding anniversary
We hasten to congratulate you friends.
May you be strong and happy
Big friendly family.

Live happily guys.
Hearts beat in unison.
Turn on the music, dance
To the waltz, the magical Mendelssohn.

Every day is like a holiday for you,
The two of you are just as happy.
And to be with each other is only a joy,
Love you all with the same spark.

And let it not fade away after a year,
Only the family thrives happily.
And again every day is like a holiday,
You always live in harmony.

Share everything with each other, trust,
Go together to the golden wedding.
You always dream of one thing
After all, you are connected with each other by fate.

Oh, you must be tired
you to each other. so many years
Next to be in the same bed,
We have one lunch together.

Is it possible?
And is love still alive?
What else do you need then?
What kind of family are you?

There is love and there is patience
Have the ability to forgive
There is, of course, luck
What can I wish you?

I just wish -
May many more years
And it will be passionate in bed
And you enjoy your lunch.

On the first wedding anniversary, I wish the young family chintz lightness, general plans and undying love. Let your feelings grow stronger, family wealth is full, new great prospects and many joyful moments appear. Be for each other a reliable support and tender joy!

Happy anniversary to both of you! I want tenderness passionate love and vibrant and vibrant life. Let this earthly world be a fabulous paradise for you two, where all desires come true, all dreams become reality. Live together happily ever after so that nothing can separate you! ^42v

Congratulations on the first year of married life, print wedding You, darlings. I wish you to continue to live without life's problems and obstacles, I wish you not to lose tender feelings and light in your soul, I wish you the indispensable achievement of joint dreams, good health your family and well-being.

We wish you good health for years,
Good luck on your life journey!

A year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
They played all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your first almost anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children.

Dear, good, dear,
Happy first wedding anniversary! Let always
There will be happiness and love from now on
Beside you for many years!

May your path only sparkle with joy,
tender care for each other,
Way from a modest and unpretentious chintz
For the anniversary with bright gilding!

Living together for a year
yours has been tested,
And that, dear ones, means
Love, loyalty
he was soaked in you
After all, we are celebrating a cotton wedding.

Congratulations on your family's first year, on your chintz wedding. I wish you to successfully overcome the following thresholds and stages of life together, I wish you unquenchable love and eternal happiness, I wish you sincere smiles and great luck, I wish you a full cup of joy and kindness.

What is more important in life: wealth in money or a sea of ​​love? Maybe,

In Russia, it has become customary to call the first, jointly lived year a calico wedding. Let's raise a glass of champagne today, which was left from the day of your wedding, standing whole year, and wish the young to be the happiest on the planet!

You are in a series of running days
Stop the moment
Return to the days of its spring -
And repeat everything from the beginning.
And so that your union forever
Saved love and loyalty
Never forget
The day that brought you together!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

In life family year flew,
And the cotton wedding day is coming.
We wish love and good deeds only,
Let there be no quarrels and strife!

Happy wedding anniversary to you! I wish you many more happy years family harmony and understanding! You are already an experienced family, and in your life together you have overcome all obstacles and hardships. I wish you that now only the most joyful and positive moments of life await you ahead!

Congratulations, dear ones, on your calico wedding, on the first date of your family. You did an excellent job with the first year, I wish you to continue to walk through life as confidently and beautifully, I wish you never turn away from each other and always keep the fire of love in your hearts.

The calico year has lived -
The husband gives his wife a handkerchief.
Although he is white as a snowball,
This is a tricky scarf!
Don't take it in vain
Take a closer look:
There's an obscure ornament
Only happiness ahead!
There are no sad pictures there,
Only sunshine and love!
Wipe them often
Prepare tears of happiness!

How thin is the chintz
And a fragile canvas
And this wedding anniversary
stands for one thing:
What is your relationship
not so strong
And roll towards
you life boulders.
But be married, you are friends,
Substitute your shoulder for each other yourself,
Don't wait for outside help
And be completely happy!

Ah, the wedding, the wedding! This festival
How much light it radiated!
And so solemnly and passionately
March of Mendelssohn sounded.

A year has passed, let the bird of happiness
Always calls you with him
And this is your roll of chintz
The warmth of the soul will bring you!
Let your heart burn in your chest
And let love not burn!

A year has passed since you created a family
And two roads connected in one way,
Tender love illuminated souls,
Which nothing can destroy!

Today is your wedding anniversary, and I wish you joy, happiness, well-being, so that you will never be disturbed by bad weather! May this solemn day bring you good mood and joy! We love and appreciate you very much! ^37v

Congratulations on the first date, on the first passed stage of family life. In your print wedding, I wish you the same light and smooth life as this fabric, great happiness and unquenchable love, a cozy home and friendly family, wonderful atmosphere and major harmony in your relationship.

For a whole year happiness shines on you,
The best couple in the world!
Let in your family life
Everything will be better and more beautiful.

Wedding anniversaries mean
That hearts are bound by love,
wedding anniversaries are celebrated
Two who did not betray the crown!
(A. Voight)

You said a year ago: "Yes",
Deciding to be together forever.
In one fate you connected two,
And all doubts forever forgotten.
With a print wedding, honey year have lived
So that you understand each other, value each other.
Let love bloom every year
Without giving up your union to adversity.

I remember a year ago
Was a beautiful bride
Eyes shining with love
And there wasn't much room in the room.

Now you are a strong family
Your home is a filled bowl
And friends came to share
Your well-deserved happiness.

Replacing festive dresses with chintz
The family grew up for a year,
And as it should be for all one-year-old children,
She got up on her feet and walked away.
And let her go confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And let trust and tenderness help you
One day meet the centenary!

Year lived soul to soul,
Fill up the glass.
Chintz wedding is cooler
Than a centenary!

The first pancake is lumpy for many,
Only it's not about you.
New year of family life
It turned out - in a good hour!

You live together for a year
Tired of worries
You now, I tell you,
Real family.

The year has passed like one day, it has rushed by,
Full of joy, hope and kind words.
A year ago, your earthly paradise began.
Chintz decorate your table.

You today about boundless love
Everyone you meet speaks generously
May it be long, eternal,
May the Lord keep it for you!

Congratulations on the wedding "calico"
With all our hearts we wish you
Live in happiness, and in love, and in peace,
In a spacious sunny apartment,
So that it sounds for everyone
Both yours and children's sonorous laughter.
Keeping love the holy law,
Survive until the golden wedding!

Live happily and amicably
Argue if necessary
But know your business tight,
That you can't live without each other!
You've been together for a year
And we've seen something.

Anniversaries of your wedding
Congratulations, our relatives,
Happy first anniversary - young,
And we wish to continue to live the same way,
Without meeting pain and trouble.

Let everything be fine and in harmony,
And grandchildren will be born in their turn,
Let love rule all the time
And each other forever takes prisoner!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

Here is the first anniversary!
Feelings for a long year did not erase.
Warms and friends
Your undying fire!
We wish you a bright life,
Like a cotton handkerchief
Good deeds, cups with friends,
Golden sons and daughters!

As if yesterday we were walking in a restaurant,
And the musicians played for you there!
Songs and dances, cries of "Bitter!"
Games, gifts, there were so many!

A year has flown by, you are already closer to each other,
Now they have become, and love is just as radiant!
With happiness your eyes shine brighter,
Congratulations on your anniversary!

It's time to have fun again
And touch the holiday potion!
We wish you children in the new year!
So that your family union is strong!

You lived together for a year
Not a lot and not a little
For this we appreciate
We'll give you five points.
Keep it up guys
And everything will be all right.
And know that it's not easy
Survive until the round date!

Let them talk, the hardest thing happens
Spouses live in a joint first year,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
We wish you continued good luck.

Just as easy, joyful, cheerful
May your life be a long journey
Whatever it is, right, he is tricky,
Let it be easier to comprehend the essence.

No matter how you dream,
You have to honestly admit:
The material is good chintz,
You see - you have to take it.

An important factor in your life -
Very important! - I would say.
Chintz is still not paper,
Natural material.

A whole year has passed since the wedding -
Again a holiday, jokes, laughter.
We are sure that happiness awaits you
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a cotton handkerchief,
And in a year or another
We are expecting a son and a daughter.

Well, tell me not to get drunk
Is your wedding the color of chintz?
Well, tell me how not to get
So that this calico does not tear?

And do not wear out, and do not get dirty,
And do not shed, do not wipe,
And be what we love
Beautiful, light and not rough!

Do not drink me and do not ask:
I drank and will drink for chintz!

Your family is one year old today!
From chintz, an undershirt on it.
A happy and difficult year passes,
The union of hearts grows stronger.
Let the print wedding swirl you around
Will give loyalty, happiness and love.
May every day and every second
Love and joy excite the blood!

It's been a year since you've been married
And your hearth has grown, become warmer,
And we are all very glad to see it,
Let's drink to the hosts and guests!

The champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown by.
He is a ribbon of light chintz
Flashed so fast for you.

Let it be just as easy, carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the high-water river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Everything in our life is fleeting,
You change the chintz to linen.
We wish you to live carefree,
As varied as a chameleon.

And this sonorous noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We will drink to the bottom for this date,
After all, to live life is not to cross a field!

The whole year was honey for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And opened this year
You love the secret code!
Even if there were disputes -
You forgot about them now
Once for the first anniversary
You invited friends.
What do your friends want?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let it bring only honey!

That year has passed!
And chintz we will celebrate the anniversary.
Let's pour some wine!
Let's take the child!

And the whole year flew by like a day
And we sewed a cotton tent!

Like wine, let your union be strong!
Strong year after year.

The years have passed!
And chintz we will celebrate the anniversary.
Let's pour some wine!
Let's take the child!
And we will fill our hearts with joy!
And the whole year flew by like a day
And we sewed a cotton tent!
May it be stronger every moment, and every year!

With a glass wedding to you, my dears! let your relationship be clean and clear, transparent, like glass. And a husband to always be like that. Glass needs to be taken care of, remember that it is fragile! and handle it with care and respect. Love to you!

Here is the first year already lived!
A wonderful, bright, peaceful year!
You lived without melancholy-sadness
We greeted each other happily
Could chat at least day to day
We did not part in the thicket of the city!
So congratulations today!
After all, the first year went well!

Dear, tender, I wish you boundless happiness, health and a lot of luck, for the joy of richer days.

Dear, dear, beloved! Congratulations on a bright, amazing holiday - your wedding anniversary! We wish tenderness, warmth, affection and endless care! Be happy! Bitterly!

Young! Congratulations on a huge life step - your first wedding anniversary. Wishing you bright light clear sky, great goodness, inexhaustible love, to have a luxurious apartment, a luxurious car, smart kids and a bag of banknotes, preferably of high denomination! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We wish you breathtaking love, tender hugs romantic evenings, come true affectionate dreams and universal harmony.

You are in a series of running days
Stop the moment

Congratulations on your wedding and I wish you all the best and brightest in your marriage. I feel infinite happiness that now I can call myself mother-in-law with a clear conscience and refute all stupid jokes. Now we will all become one big and friendly family.

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a cell of society. In any case, this is a piece of the world, its own small world. Not the world, but the world. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish you to keep your love and happiness, family well-being and support from year to year. May your family life be filled with health, luck, success, prosperity, kind people and funny friends.

Together you overcame many difficulties, learned a lot, managed to find more than a dozen compromises - and this is all a guarantee that your family is becoming stronger, more harmonious and happier. We wish you great love, tenderness, growing incomes, boundless optimism and impeccable health. Peace and happiness to your home!

Dear newlyweds! Today I had the great honor of being a witness at your wedding. And with all my heart I want to wish you that the honeymoon lasts for many years, that the groom becomes the real head of the family, and the bride becomes a wise and caring wife. Let the sonorous laughter of your son and sweet daughter be heard in your house. Carry the fire of your love throughout your life. Take care of each other, respect, support. Happiness to you. Bitterly!

I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on the path of life. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and true love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.

Happy Anniversary of your marriage! I wish your family bright and good points, pleasant and warm events, eternal love, patience and understanding. Let the routine of everyday life not affect your happiness, and there will always be harmony and warmth between you.

From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations on your anniversary! We wish you a bright, unpredictable, full life pleasant surprises and happy events. Love to you and fidelity for many years! Live for many more years in joy and harmony, raise children, do not need anything, support each other in everything. May you live happily ever after!

Beautiful words of congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

I wish you happiness - extraordinary, love - to dizziness, fidelity - to the grave, tenderness - transcendental, mutual understanding - complete. I wish to become two halves of one whole, to understand each other from a half-word, and even from a half-look, to surround each other with care and affection. Let your love bloom every day, open its new facets to you, make life bright and beautiful.

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years! Congratulations on this touching victory! May your love conquer all the hardships of life again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We wish that with each subsequent year our life together becomes even better and more beautiful. May your common desires and dreams come true. Live easily, beautifully, sincerely and peacefully. Happiness in your home and great love in your eyes!

Wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday! After all, you managed to build a strong and prosperous family, so let her future be bright and cloudless! Be always healthy, may love live in your hearts, warming and giving comfort. Let the children delight you with their successes, and let only the most wonderful people always surround you!

Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on the creation of a family and wish you all married life you looked at each other as lovingly as today. Appreciate each other, protect each other and love each other after many years. May the Lord keep your house, and harmony and mutual understanding reign in the family.

With age, a person changes - one for the better, the other for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, then only for the better. I wish you to continue this process in the future! Happy anniversary to you!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary from the bottom of my heart. I wish you wonderful and bright moments of life, good stories and incredible miracles. May your love never fade away, may there always be happiness in your family.

We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary! We are very glad that you have managed to do so much over the past five years! Each wedding anniversary is a testament to the fact that you are wise people and truly love each other. I wish you happiness, prosperity, patience and joy!

Congratulations on your 1st wedding anniversary in your own words

My dear and beloved friends, exactly one year has passed since you officially became husband and wife. I remember that day very well, because you arranged just a grandiose holiday, which we still remember. I want to wish you such public holidays have had as much as possible in your life. Although I see that you are striving for this even without my advice, even today you arranged wonderful holiday. I want to wish you mutual understanding, because this is one of the essential qualities upon which family life is based. Try to always hear each other, understand each other, so that there are no conflicts between you. We all love you very much and congratulate you on the fact that you have been in such a excellent status husband and wife.

1 wedding anniversary is 365 days lived and happy nights, 52 weeks of fabulous prosperity, 8,760 hours of love and tenderness, 525,600 minutes of fidelity and trust, 31,536,000 seconds of reliability and faith in each other! Listen, let this counter keep spinning, gaining momentum! Bitter, young people!

My loves, I remember the day you started dating, I remember the day you announced your engagement, and I can't forget your wedding day either. This holiday was one of the most fun, bright and interesting I have ever been to. you arranged real holiday where everyone felt good, everyone danced and had fun. Exactly one year has already passed since this day, but you are all the same, in love, happy and young. You are not burdened by family life, and this is the most important thing. Always stay as happy as you are, always look at everything positively and don't think to be upset, because you have each other. Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary! I wish you mutual understanding and prosperity.

Young! Congratulations on a huge life step - your first wedding anniversary. We wish you bright light, clear skies, great goodness, inexhaustible love, a chic apartment, a luxury car, smart kids and a bag of banknotes, preferably of high denomination! Bitterly!

I want to wish you only one thing: that you remember how you treat each other today and maintain this attitude for the rest of your life! And if so, then you will always be happy, and your children will be happy! Congratulations!

My friends, I can't believe that a year has already passed since that wonderful and such have a fun day. Today we are celebrating your print wedding. I wish you strong love, which is enough for your whole life. Try never to swear, do not reproach each other, because this negatively affects the relationship of lovers. Always hold hands, no matter what happens, because together you can survive any adversity. I look at you and admire how strong you are, because you did not give up even when it seemed that it was already impossible to fix anything. You supported each other at a distance, cheered each other up. You were able to survive everything and find true happiness. I am proud of you my dears. Happiness to you boundless.

So much has changed during this time: morals, customs, fashion, power ... And only your family hearth is still unshakable! I congratulate you on the anniversary of this hearth! I want to wish that the fire in it never goes out and always warms your hearts!

In Russia, it has become customary to call the first, jointly lived year a calico wedding. Let's raise glasses of champagne today, which was left from the day of your wedding, having stood for a whole year, and wish the young people to be the happiest on the planet!

Happy anniversary to both of you! I wish you tenderness, passionate love and a bright and eventful life. Let this earthly world be a fabulous paradise for you two, where all desires come true, all dreams become reality. Live together happily ever after so that nothing can separate you!

Dear, dear, beloved! Congratulations on a bright, amazing holiday - your wedding anniversary! We wish tenderness, warmth, affection and endless care! Be happy! Bitterly!

Happy wedding anniversary, my dears, congratulations! So your first year of married life has flown by. May your whole life be as bright as chintz. I wish you good health, good luck in life, positive and love. I wish you wonderful, friendly and cheerful family grow and develop, be resistant to life circumstances, as well as strong and hardy. I wish you my dear family happiness well-being and mutual understanding. And let your love never fade among life's troubles, always protect and protect you.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose are good.

I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on the path of life. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and true love.

And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.

Congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary.

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is the cell of society. In any case, it is a piece of the world, its own little world. Not the world, but the world.

I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of this
A universe full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

Today big celebration not only for

We remember well
wedding; when
you connected

You prosperity, kindness, love, and again we say “Bitter!”

Good congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because. If it were not for him, then I would not have seen this light. I congratulate you.

I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because words were spoken for this day; “I declare you husband and wife,” and then there was a repeated: “Bitter!”. Well, let's not break the tradition - to parents: "Bitter!"

Good congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary.

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

Happy Anniversary

Cheerful congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary.

I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we read all the same gentle light of love, like many years ago. And may the years still pass you by from all hardships and quarrels, and the family becomes stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you.

In prose, congratulations on your wedding anniversary.

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years!
Congratulations on this touching victory!
May your love conquer all the hardships of life again and again!
Peace, warmth and happiness!

Cool congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

So much has changed during this time: morals, customs, fashion, power ... And only your family hearth is still unshakable!
I congratulate you on the anniversary of this hearth!
I want to wish that the fire in it never goes out, and always warms your hearts!

Happy wedding anniversary good congratulations in prose.

With age, a person changes - one for the better, the other for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, then only for the better. I wish you to continue this process in the future!
Happy anniversary to you!

Good congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

Between two people, as between two electrodes, a certain field is formed. Yours is obviously positive. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of this wonderful phenomenon!
Let no anomalies of life be able to break it!

Happy Anniversary

Sincere congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

You have been together for so many years that it is already difficult for me to perceive you separately. They say something about one, I immediately remember the other, the other will do something, I immediately think about the first. May this touching unity continue for many, many more years, because it is truly wonderful! male
Comment text Of course, every family is strong and happy, there is always one special day in the year that they remember, sometimes they even prepare for it more than for their birthday (which is often not very loved, because it reminds of age) or
New Year (although this is certainly the most family celebration) . Of course, it's the wedding anniversary.
1 year - chintz. Honeymoon has already ended and ordinary life has begun, in which the young have successfully overcome all difficulties. Gifts: chintz, cotton, silk, nylon. These materials symbolize youth and purity. 2 years - paper (or glass). The name suggests that the relationship is fragile, but plastic. origami wedding, paper decorations, usually on fresh air. The perfect gift- book.

3 years - leather. Relationships are already strong, but can change like skin. On this day, they give gifts made of leather (you can leatherette): bags, purses, folders, belts, exclusive leather handmade. 4 years - linen (silk). Linen and silk gifts - tablecloths, towels, linens and something symbolizing the close interweaving of relationships, a gift consisting of braided ropes. The relationship has become so serious and strong that the spouses just cannot be separated. 5 years - wooden. Little Anniversary :) Fantasia's sea wooden gifts- caskets, candlesticks, household items. The family will be strong because wooden utensils cannot be broken. 6 years - cast iron. It is not an easy task to present iron products. We can say that the relationship has developed reinforced concrete. 7 years - copper. Copper - durable (but not yet precious metal) . On this day, spouses exchange copper coins (and these are still to be found in our time) as a pledge of future happiness, and their friends, relatives and acquaintances give copper products and jewelry. 8 years - tin. They give shiny tinware and other kitchen utensils. 9 years - faience. A limitless selection of gifts made of faience, porcelain, crystal and glass.

Dear spouses, the 10th anniversary is approaching! 10 years - tin. There is another name for this anniversary - Day
Roz. Spouses on this day invite everyone who was at the wedding to visit. The husband always gives his wife a bouquet of beautiful, lush roses. Relationships are no longer afraid of any thorns. As a gift - aluminum products (it's hard to find tin). Congratulations! On the day of your anniversary, we would very much like your memory to never leave you. Memory so that you remember those days when you saw each other for the first time, when you gave each other a kiss for the first time, when all your closest people gathered around you and loudly shouted “bitterly” to you!
Long life to you!
To live life is not a field to cross
To live life is not a field to cross. In family life, not only bright and joyful events, not only bright and sparkling colors, but also gray everyday life. Far behind remained noisy, fun wedding, the growing child demands constant attention and time, life gradually begins to oppress. We wish you to go hand in hand through difficult sections of your life, support each other, take an equal part in family chores. You can't pull a thread between a husband and a wife "You can't pull a thread between a husband and a wife." That's what they say about family relationships since ancient times folk proverbs. And indeed it is. If a husband and wife always support each other, share their worries, protect each other, the family becomes strong, like a granite rock, and nothing can ever destroy or break it. May your family remain strong, happy and loving. We wish you and your children health and happiness! Husband is the head, wife is the soul
Russian folk proverb says: "The husband is the head, the wife is the soul." Your family has been living according to this folk wisdom for twenty years now. The wife is her gentle, kind, loving soul.

She managed to raise and educate children smart, kind, caring. In her family there is always a harmony, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. Well, the husband is the head of everything. He provides for his family, and he managed to pass on his skills and experience in many matters to his sons, you can always turn to him for help and advice. Be happy, healthy and live in love and harmony for many more years!

wedding anniversary congratulations

Congratulations on
wedding anniversary in prose
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity.
May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping!
And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together. Congratulations on the wedding anniversary of the parents
You have lived together for so many years
And quarreled more than once,
Overcome all doubts
And for each other you are a mountain.
We wish you a wedding anniversary,
And continue to live and not get sick,
love and enjoy life
And get younger every year! Happy Anniversary
wedding prose
I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on the path of life. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and true love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home. Congratulations on
wedding anniversary original
A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is the cell of society. In any case, it is a piece of the world, its own little world. Not the world, but the world. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of this
A universe full of love, kindness and mutual understanding! Congratulations on
wedding beautiful
Today is a big holiday not only for
For your family, but for all of us,
Your relatives and friends. Today is Anniversary
We remember well
wedding; when
you connected
Your hearts exchanging rings.
It seems that nothing has changed since then: you are also young and beautiful. We admire
your family and we believe that all future life will be just as romantic and happy!
You prosperity, kindness, love, and again we say “Bitter!” Happy wedding anniversary to parents
Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because. If it were not for him, then I would not have seen this light. I congratulate you. I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because words were spoken for this day; “I declare you husband and wife,” and then there was a repeated: “Bitter!”. Well, let's not break the tradition - to parents: "Bitter!" Happy Anniversary
Friends' weddings
Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home. Happy wedding anniversary for husband
I'm glad that once a husband
Because you don't need
Trust me, no one else.
It's good for me where we are,
Where we are with you! Congratulations on the fourth wedding anniversary
Congratulations on your 4th anniversary of marriage!
Live cheerfully and amicably, love each other in the same way, tenderly and passionately, have everything you need in life. May the fire of holy love last for years, until the golden wedding! Happy Anniversary
Weddings from colleagues
My desires are simple, good health for many years, warmth and tenderness to loving hearts. May there always be peace and prosperity in your home. I wish you great happiness and eternal love, let the rains and inclement weather pass you by, and let the nightingales sing to your soul. SMS congratulations on your wedding anniversary
It's nice to live life with a good man who understands the meaning of the words: respect, care, patience, attention, justice and love!
Happy holiday! congratulations to husband
wedding anniversary
Beloved, today is our wedding anniversary, I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity!
So that our family does not know troubles and grief, so that bad weather does not touch us!
May this solemn day bring you good mood and joy!
I love and appreciate you! congratulations on 8 summer anniversary weddings
Glorious our relatives, good. May your life be happy and ringing, may you live together and have fun, because where there is fun there is joy, and where there is joy there is happiness. Be as happy together as you have been in these past 8 years. Happy Anniversary
wedding warm
I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we read all the same gentle light of love, like many years ago. And may the years still pass you by from all hardships and quarrels, and the family becomes stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you. Congratulations on your 15th wedding anniversary
Fate presented
Your priceless reward!
You deservedly managed to save it.
It's been fifteen years now
You are next to each other
A mutual thread of love bound you firmly!
With a glass wedding
We congratulate you!
In our complex life, everything is fragile, like glass,
And we wish your family a happy one,
A wedding, so glass, was replaced by silver!
Well, and then gold, the path is joyful and close.
Walk along it, multiplying your feelings!
You glow with happiness, like splashes in the sun. We wish you success, crazy passions, madness! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your wife from your husband
I'm very glad that you and I are together,
And happy with you all the years!
Once you were my bride
And for many years - a wonderful wife!
I feel good with you dear
And I can't imagine any other fate!
Filled with joy, love every moment,
And I've been so used to them for a long time!
May your wishes always come true
There will not be many trials in life,
Good luck, joy, success and kindness,
I wish you many more years! Congratulations to a friend chintz anniversary weddings
I want to be loved more
Not knowing sorrow and falsehood,
Walk along the right way! Congratulations in verse on the fifth wedding anniversary
Behind five of the best years,
Happy years ahead
Where, meeting the dawn every day,
You will be like you just got married yesterday.
Holding hands, looking into each other's eyes,
We wish to carry love to the end.
Let the road be easy for two,
And hearts are filled with joy! Congratulations on your 2 year wedding anniversary
Our dear children, another small anniversary of your happy family life has come up. How well and amicably you live and with us, your parents, the soul rejoices when we look at you. May your happiness never end, peace and goodness to you. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 14 years
have lived
You are together in goodness and harmony
Fourteen wonderful years.
Children are born and give you happiness,
Smiles of their bright light. We wish
You live for another century
Love infinitely big!
Let time be the most talented healer
Makes life golden! Congratulations in verse on the fifth wedding anniversary
It does not happen that suddenly
Grow: tree and fruit,
Needs work and time, accurate
Everyone needs an approach.
You have been together for 5 years
They say that the "wooden" term. Measure the distance of earthly roads. Congratulations on
wedding anniversary short
Dear guests!
In that holiday we gathered to congratulate our heroes of the occasion on the anniversary!
Happiness to you, success and prosperity to your family! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in verse
From happiness, praises are ready to sing,
Congratulations to my beloved wife today
I carry my love in my arms
And I sing the life together again!
I'm grateful for all my destiny
We live with you not a lot, and not a little,
Let's go through life together for twenty years!
And we rejoice together tirelessly!
I wish you my wife
Health and comfort in our home,
So that every day you are happier
And may your dream always come true! SMS congratulations happy 3rd wedding anniversary
I don't know what to write to me
I want to kiss you,
You've been with me for 3 years
I do not need anything else! Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary
Congratulations to my beloved wife
My love, how long have I been waiting for this day!
This is the most wonderful day, because today is yours.
I am very happy that I have you and wrote poems for you!
Just do not judge too harshly, because I wrote for the first time. (But no one has such verses):
Beloved wife on her birthday,
I want to sincerely wish: Health and comfort in the house
What else can I dream of?!
There is less to disappear in the kitchen,

Congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary

A wedding anniversary is an occasion to feel like newlyweds again. Look today wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day!
And you will understand that your feelings have not faded since that day, but have become deeper and stronger!
May mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family!
It's been 5 years since your wedding!
And today, congratulating you on this date, we are glad to state the fact that love still shines in your eyes, that you look at each other with extraordinary tenderness!
Over the past years in your family, of course, there were not only joys and sorrows, but they only rallied you, made you stronger. May many carefree, clear days await you in the future!
Just love each other, let the family only become stronger!
Today, dear (names), we are very pleased to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary.
You have been together for 10 years, and we see that your family is friendly and strong!
You managed to keep love and tenderness, learned to find compromises and resolve conflicts - and this is worth a lot. We wish you to continue to live in love and harmony, not to be separated for a long time, to share all sorrows and joys in half!
And, as on a wedding day, today we are pleased to tell you - BITTER!
IN wonderful holiday- your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that wonderful children are growing up with you. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one, to understand each other perfectly and support in everything!
A wedding anniversary is a great opportunity to reminisce!
I strongly recommend that you together remember the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, the wedding day, the birthday of the first child - you never know anniversaries happened over the years!
These memories will set you in a romantic mood, stir up feelings again, give you the opportunity, as it were, to relive the most happy events your life together ... I wish you that such memorable events there was as much as possible so that your family is strong and happy, and love is fiery and strong!
Only 3 years have passed since your wedding, and how many events have happened during this time in your life!
You have appeared own house, a car, a wonderful baby was born, the well-being of your family has grown ... We wish you to continue in the same spirit, let everything that brings you pleasure grow rapidly: let your son grow, let your income grow, let your love grow!
Dear (names)!
As the saying goes folk wisdom: “to live life is not a field to cross”!
Over the years of living together, you have already convinced yourself that she was right, because you had to go through not only joyful events, but also difficult moments. Your noisy and cheerful wedding is left far behind, as well as carefree youth, growing children require a lot of attention and cause a lot of trouble, life becomes boring with its monotony - and it seems that life consists entirely of worries and anxieties ... Your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember many wonderful moments that happened to you. Remember your dates, your wedding, remember the time when you were expecting your first child, and the day when he was born - but you never know there were wonderful moments. Let these memories help you understand that your life consists not only of gray everyday life, but also regularly pleases you with happy events.

Appreciate what you have and always be happy!
On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life.

We wish you always and in everything to support each other, to overcome obstacles together and achieve your goals, to share all household chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!
So quickly and almost imperceptibly five years have flown by since the day of your wedding!
The good news is that during this "five-year plan" you have brought to life a lot of your plans.
You have equipped a cozy home, strengthened your income, strengthened your family and gave birth to two wonderful children!
Your house is cozy and hospitable, it is always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it be so in the future!
We wish that your love only grows stronger, prosperity grows, and children rejoice with their successes!
We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary!
We are very glad that over the past five years you have managed to do a lot: increase your family income, buy a car, equip a house, give birth to a child ... You are great, but your baby is bored alone, and therefore we wish you speedy addition in the family!
Be happy, be healthy and love each other deeply!
Other texts of congratulations in prose on the wedding anniversary
1Humorous stories and jokes from life
Our society has many distinctive traditions, rituals and ancient customs. We love holidays and celebrate them especially magnificently when the event is dedicated to the anniversaries of family life. Every year we spend together married couple It is customary to celebrate a certain anniversary, which has its own name, signs and traditions. For example, for each anniversary, spouses are given certain gifts that symbolize a particular holiday. An unchanging attribute for every anniversary is incredibly beautiful congratulations happy Anniversary. Our site has an extremely useful information for those who find it difficult congratulatory speeches, poems. A huge and varied catalog of all kinds of congratulations is divided into sections, each of which corresponds to a certain holiday event. It will be very easy for you to navigate the site, you can choose the perfect wish for almost any holiday, including original congratulations wedding anniversary for a couple in love. It should be noted that the assortment of the congratulations collection is regularly replenished with author's works. Therefore, do not worry that your congratulations have already been heard. You are sure to make the most lasting impression and deliver a mass pleasant experience. On the anniversary of family life, every couple of spouses will be really pleased to hear sincere words joy for their strong union with the wishes of good and prosperity. Consider our incredible touching congratulations happy wedding anniversary, here you can pick up beautiful wish, suitable for SMS congratulations if you are far from anniversaries, and perfect option congratulations as a bright addition to the main gift for a married couple.