Scenarios of interesting events on the ecology of the library. Extra-curricular event on ecology "fun games on serious topics"

The scenario of the ecological theatrical holiday "Our Earth is in our hands!"

Author: Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary comprehensive school» Zolotukhino, Kursk Region
Description: the event is dedicated to the environmental problem and is intended for primary and secondary school children. Holiday material can be used for conversations, class hours and extracurricular activities.
1. Promotion of environmental knowledge and education ecological culture.
2. Expansion of the individual experience of the interaction of schoolchildren with the environment.
3. Orientation of schoolchildren to the implementation of environmental rules of behavior in the environment - as the norms of life.
4. Children's awareness of the need to correlate their actions with their consequences for the people around them, the natural and social environment.
5. Increasing the readiness of children to participate in environmentally oriented activities.
1. To teach children to see and hear, inquisitively peer into the world, observe this world.
2. To generalize, consolidate and deepen the environmental knowledge of students obtained in the lessons of ecology, biology and in the geographical circle "Live to live."
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature, its patterns.
4. To develop the emotional-sensual sphere of the personality of schoolchildren.
5. Contribute to the development of thinking, attention, observation.
Preliminary work:
1. Active participation in various competitions on ecology, in holidays-conferences on nature protection, in environmental education population.
2.Spring and autumn work for the improvement of the village of Zolotukhino, cleansing it from debris, deadwood.
3. Active assistance in restoring the park near the obelisk to the Unknown Soldier: plant flowers, shrubs there, keep order.
4. Carry out purposeful work on landscaping the school grounds.
5. Continue cooperation with the children's library of the district: constant reading of children's works, holding theatrical holidays as part of extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction "Harlequin Amateur Theater"
Educational Resources: presentation for the holiday, group and individual tasks-projects.

Great about nature:

“Love for nature, however, like any other human love, undoubtedly, is laid down in our childhood. I. Sokolov-Mikitov
“Nature does not cope with logic, with our human logic; she has her own, which we do not understand and do not recognize until she runs over us like a wheel.I.S. Turgenev
“The joy of life opened up before a man, because he heard the rustle of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the play of silver bells of a lark in a hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the moan of a snowstorm outside the window. This beauty is not revealed to everyone, but only to those who can see and hear, who inquisitively peer into the world, observe and thoughtfully explore the harmony of forms, colors and sounds of nature. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
“I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can touch nature only with your heart.”E.L. Prasolova
silent teacher classical music reads a poem by S. Mikhalev "Moan of the Earth."
Spinning in space, in the captivity of its orbit,
Not a year, not two, but billions of years
I'm so tired... My flesh is covered
Scars of wounds - there is no living place.
Steel torments my earthly body,
And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,
All that I had and have
Man sweeps away with his goodness.
I don't need rockets and shells
But my ore goes to them!
And what does the state of Nevada cost me, -
His underground explosions are a succession!
Why are people so afraid of each other
What was forgotten about the Earth itself?
'Cause I can die and stay
A charred grain of sand in a smoky haze.
Isn't that why, burning with vengeance,
I rebel against the insane forces
And shaking the firmament with an earthquake
I give my answer to all grievances.
And it is no coincidence that formidable volcanoes
Throw out the pain of the Earth with lava.
Wake up, people!
Call the countries
To save me from death! /Pause!/

Earth... what is it like?

(slide show)
The earth gives birth to transparent streams and powerful streams, grasses and trees.

She carries the oceans, the clouds and their shadows. Accepts all rains, snows and fogs.

It is revealed by the vents of smoky volcanoes.

He sends birds into the sky and through all the forests - swift-footed animals.

YES! The majestic, rich, powerful nature of our Motherland. But also
the giant green forest, and the river beyond the outskirts, and the anthill in the park need
in our attention, in our protection.

Today, guys, we will talk with you about nature, about our attitude towards it, about respect for all living things and about the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in the natural environment.
1 student:
There is no peace on planet Earth!
And was it calm on her?
The strife and wars ceased,
They just saddled the horses again.
Here is space already in mind
Standing over the abyss, we look into the abyss.
Like Earth's foolish children,
We cut the branch on which we sit.
2 student:
It's time for humanity to understand
Gathering wealth from nature,
That the Earth must also be protected.
She, like us, is the same - alive!
3 student:
Our land is crying, it is sounding the alarm.
It pollutes and destroys the people.
Rivers, lakes, forests and meadows
Never suffered like this.
4 student:
And the air became dirty, and the forest became impoverished,
And the ocean is the same lot.
The forest from fires is increasingly suffering,
And the living creatures in the forest die from that.
5 student:
Today the world has one task,
It's obvious, it's very important
So that the air becomes cleaner and the forest grows better.
Here we must show interest.

Children's performances: results project activities during off-hours.
1 student: In preparation for the holiday, we conducted research on the topic: "Earth ... what is it like?" and learned that our planet is heavily polluted. We do not yet realize this danger and live on this planet, but will future generations be able to live on it?
2 student: Look around, almost every family has a car or other equipment. This is good, but every day there is less and less oxygen on Earth, and more and more exhaust gases, chemical factories, metallurgical plants, transport.

3 student: Scientists have calculated that every year around the world so many harmful substances enter water bodies that they could fill 10,000 freight trains. As a result of human activity, it is no longer possible to swim in many rivers of Europe, and our rivers are getting shallower every day.

4 student: Deforestation is intensifying. So, over the past 20 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed in his entire previous existence. How many fires are caused by people?

5 student: For many animals, the forest native home, and the forests on Earth are getting smaller and smaller. This means that animals lose their home and are doomed to death.

1 student: Man is dangerous to animals not only by fires and oil spills, but also by the thoughtless destruction of all living things.
2. We are talking about
That the whole earth is ours common Home
Our good house, spacious house,
We all live in it from birth.
Also, we are talking about
That we must protect our home.
3. Let's prove that it's not in vain
The earth is relying on us.
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her.
Another group of kids comes out.
1 student: Our group worked on another topic:
“The problem of waste disposal. What can I do with garbage!.

2 student: The question "Where to put the garbage?" is becoming more and more relevant, and today we will try to answer it. I am convinced that if every morning from your window you see beautiful tree, a beautiful street, house or landscape, you will feel better and live longer. If you see from your window a garbage pit, a dirty yard, dull gray buildings, stunted dying trees - these will be your negative emotions.
3 student: Cleanliness begins with ourselves, with our attitude to the environment, from the place where we live, work, study. Do we like it here? Do we feel comfortable?
4 student: It is well known how much noise noise brings into our lives: it affects human health, performance and mood. Have you ever listened to how much noise there is in the corridors of our school?
5 student: It has been noticed that the noises of natural origin (the sound of the surf, rain, the rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream) have a beneficial effect on the body, soothe, relax. But industrial or transport noise tires, crushes, prevents a person from concentrating. We invite you to verify this.
Listening to a recording of the sound of the surf (you can replace the recording with birdsong)
1 student: However, loud music has an extremely negative effect on a person. So, in 20% of boys and girls who were fond of rock music, hearing was reduced in the same way as in 85-year-olds.
1. Thus, we learned that a lot of garbage accumulates in settlements, so the problem of waste disposal has arisen.
2. Having studied the scientific literature, we found out that waste processing plants are being built for waste processing, new environmentally friendly landfills are being created.
3. Each of us is able to make from waste plastic various crafts and household items.
4.All together we believe that every person should think about what harm garbage causes to nature and what contribution it can make to solving the problem of garbage control.
Demonstration of crafts from waste material: the results of classroom and extracurricular activities.
Teacher: And now the members amateur theater "Harlequin" show you a play fairy tales "Kolobok". This tale is not simple, but ecological.
1st buffoon.
Gather, kind people!
The show will be here!
2nd buffoon.
Hello dear guests,
Yes, and you, the owners of the family!
1st buffoon.
Health and good luck to you
Patience and joy in addition!
Do you want to hear a fairy tale?
And where to listen and see.
But our story is not simple.
At least it's familiar to everyone.
2nd buffoon.
Guess the riddle:
Rolled without looking back
Through fields and woods
Our ruddy ... (Kolobok)
1st buffoon.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Look and you will understand.
The buffoons run away. Grandpa appears.
See the smoke coming from the chimney?
That is an old bun.
I'll bake today.
Scraped according to the plots,
She swept over the barns -
Accurate on the bun
I found martyrs there.
And then everything in the morning and sang:
"Grandfather, there is no her, there is no ..."
Well, what a smell!
An old woman appears.
Old woman
All. Ready. Baked.
Cool now need.
And good, but pretty!
I would have eaten it!
Old woman
No, don't touch!
Yes, I will not touch, do not be afraid.
And troubled, but ruddy ...
Here's an armless, useless!
Stop! Where are you going? Wait a minute!
Old woman
Well, hold it, hold it!
Oh, catch it, catch it!
It's useless, we won't catch up!
Mother's strength is not the same ...
Old woman
What the fuck, you bastard?!
She said, don't touch!
What to do? Can you return?
Walk and come.
Old woman
No, old man, he won't come back...
Look how good he is!
Okay, grandma, don't worry!
Don't cry, for God's sake.
Oh-ho-ho... Let's go home.
Buffoons run out onto the stage.
1st buffoon
Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying
There is no kolobok and no trace.
2nd buffoon.
rolled down the path,
The frisky legs will not catch up.
1 buffoon.
Rolled without looking back -
Only the heels sparkled -
Through fields and woods
Our ruddy bun.
2 buffoon
Not soon the fairy tale is told, but soon the main thing happens.
Hare(His paws and head are bandaged.)
Oh-oh-oh... God forbid...
What's the appetizing smell?
Gingerbread man? So let's eat!
Stop! Don `t move!
Oh-oh-oh… (Moans.)
What are you, oblique?
And beaten, and lame ...

I beg you not to call me names!
And do you know who is oblique?
Isn't it me?
No, not you!
There are, kruglyash, we have such
Who was here yesterday
And then empty bottles
Taking aim, he fired at the bushes.
And I was just lying under a bush -
Well, culturally rested.
Here's the trouble! And then what?
What? You won't even believe it!
Garbage, dirt, fragments, cans,
Cellophane, paper, bottles,
This is what you need to think about!
Was it people?
After all, the animals get hurt,
Unthinking guys.
You roll on, friend,
Warn everyone around.
2nd buffoon
Rolled without looking back
Our ruddy bun,
And towards him - the Wolf.
Hello grey! Al not happy?
Barely you drag your feet.
Did you get anxiety?
That's right, Kolobok,
Round and ruddy side.
I was frisky and cheerful
Never been hungry.
I got my own food
He quickly ran through the woods.
And then contacted him.
With whom?
Yes, I stole a sheep ...
And the lamb was walking
Through meadows and fields.
And the grass in those fields
Watered from an airplane
Herbicides, pesticides
Processing something.
In general, chemistry is one!
Well, then what?
All you "what, what?"!
I ate the lamb
I devoured everything - and here ...
The stomach swells, the paws hook,
Teeth are reduced, the skull is tearing.
Everything - I need to be treated.
There is further in the clearing
Weed that I need to eat
Get well soon, Wolf!
You will be smarter in the future.
Be careful in the meadow
There are bottles, jars, flasks.
Don't cut your paws!
Thank you, round side.
Well, roll and be healthy!
Kolobok. And you health too!
What is going on! Oh my God!
2nd buffoon.
The bun rolled.
He already helped the wolf -
Don't be ashamed to help.
Look, here comes... Bear.
Hello Misha General!
Also, did he fall ill?
Hello, hello, Kolobok,
Round and ruddy side!
I, my friend, did not get sick.
I am in my native forest
Almost alive, brother, did not burn.
How, Misha, did this happen?
You need to know the rule
What is forbidden for bears in the forest
After all, to play with matches.
Not me! What am I, stupid?
To play pranks with matches?
There was a mushroom picker, he threw a cigarette butt -
There is no mind to put out!
The forest flared up, the deadwood crackled -
I barely took my legs.
And I wanted to build a lair ...
Yes, you can't argue with misfortune.
I feel sorry for the birds, I feel sorry for the squirrels, but the hedgehogs ...
Here's the trouble!
Oh oh oh! That's the trouble!
How to help such grief?
And in the next corner
Under a big branchy tree
Can't you find a place?
What are you talking about, rosy side?
There is no end: chopped up!
There are no Christmas trees either: they cut them down!
What kind of people, I do not understand?
They sow only one misfortune.
Well, happy, Kolobok!
Do not be bored and be healthy!
Oh oh oh! Yes, what can I say?
1st buffoon.
What are you?
2nd buffoon.
Feel sorry for the animals?
1st buffoon.
We can not, brother, lose heart!
Let's continue the story.
1st buffoon.
Kolobok rolled.
The wind is blowing in the back.
Well, roll, if you can't sit.
Look, here is running ... Fox.
Ba! Fox! That's so amazing!
Where are you rushing to?
Don't even look at me!
Didn't you recognize me?
Gingerbread man - look here!
And scraped along the box,
I'm swept in the barn,
I'm mixed with sour cream
Cold on the window.
And left my grandmother
And he left his grandfather.
In a cheat! In gives!
Kolobok does not recognize!
I no longer eat koloboks:
I'm on a diet now.
I would have eaten you
Yes, I'm afraid to grow stout too much.
You have not been to the village
Did you see a chicken there?
There were no birds in the forest,
And I got a little hungry.
I myself have not been to the village,
And I heard from my grandmother
Her conversation with a neighbor
What lie, they say, a year in a shop
"Bush legs" on the counter.
To mock?! How is that possible?
It's not even possible to eat them!
No smell, no taste
Don't ruin my soul!
Every day in the forest is getting worse,
They even cleared puddles.
It's scary to drink water in the river -
There is no life for the beast anywhere!
No, it was not in vain that I made this walk!
A fox without birds, and land without water.
Less and less nature
More and more environment!
All participants of the performance come out.
How terrible it is - the extinction of a kind,
All without exception, all to one,
When devastated nature
Can't do anything anymore!
And the leprosy of desolation will crawl,
And the strings of water will dry up,
And the birds will die, and the plants will fall,
And the beast will not bypass its misfortune.
And how much self-interest here you do not look for,
What excuse do you not own,
The earth requires protection, protection,
She asks people for salvation!

(Kolobok says goodbye to everyone and rolls on)
The Fairy appears, singing the song "Our Land" (D. Kabalevsky)
1. That is a birch, then a mountain ash,
Willow bush over the river.
Native land, forever beloved,
Where else can you find one like this!
2.From the seas to the high mountains,
In the middle of native latitudes
Everybody run, run the roads
And they call ahead.
3. The valleys are filled with the sun,
And wherever you look
Native land, forever beloved,
Everything blooms like a spring garden.
4. Our golden childhood
Getting brighter every day!
Under a lucky star
We live in our native land!
Fairy: The forest is fabulously beautiful at any time of the year! He has always been and always will be a friend of man. It purifies the air, gives people food, shelter and warmth! Forest dwellers give people joy and beauty! Remember this guys, never forget.
Kolobok appears.

Fairy: Oh, who has come to my forest?
I'm scraped in a box,
By the bottom of the barrel metyon,
On sour cream bag
On the window it's cold
I left my grandmother
And where did I come?
Fairy: And you came, Kolobok, to the forest. Welcome! Where are you rolling?
Kolobok:. And where do the eyes look? I want to see the world. And who are you?
Fairy: I am the Forest Fairy.
Kolobok: I thought fairies only existed in fairy tales. Do you live here?
Fairy: Yes, I live here in the forest. This is my kingdom. Have you ever been in the forest?
Kolobok: No, I haven’t been anywhere yet and I don’t know anything, I was just recently baked.
Fairy(addressing the children): Guys, explain to Kolobok what a forest is.

Children read poetry
In the forest V. Orlov
1.Like a fairy tale book page
The forest opened, ringing with foliage.
I understand both the beast and the bird,
And they understand me.
Maybe on the paths of animals,
In the impenetrable forest depths
Suddenly a hut on chicken legs
Meet me unexpectedly.
Maybe in this region, inadvertently,
Avoiding the roads
Shine with a toasted side
Among the tall grass Kolobok.
And I can't get lost in the forest
Though I wander from people far away,
Because both animals and birds
They speak their native language.

2.White birch, dear sister,
You grow, do not be afraid of the evil ax.
White birch, Russian land,
And sadness, and joy, and my love!

3. Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed in spring.
And golden branches
What curls curled.

4. Near the river in the fog
The poplars chirp a little.
Maybe the earth beckons a person with them?
Ile rowan bushes,
What blooms in the woods?
Ile dancing viburnum,
What is shaking the earring?

Fairy: But trees are not the whole forest. A lot of herbs, flowers, mushrooms grow here. There are many other inhabitants in the forest: birds, animals, insects. Without them, the forest is not a forest. Let's go, Kolobok, I'll introduce you to them! Look how many people are in the forest! Which beautiful flowers! But many flowers are good for health.
1. Many herbs grow useful
On the land of the native country.
Can deal with illness
Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.
Who hurt his heels, come on guys!
The plantain will help out
Plantain will heal.
2. We tear them not for fun,
We'll take them to the pharmacy.
From the gifts of the forest kingdom
People make drugs.
Fairy: What other medicinal herbs do you guys know?
A group of children working on a project: Medicinal herbs» tell the audience about the work done and draw conclusions.

Kolobok: How many interesting things I learned about herbs and flowers. Thank you guys!

Gingerbread man sits on the "meadow", he is surrounded by flowers, chamomile girl sings the song "The Happiest" (lyrics by S. Chichkov, music by V. Shainsky)
The sun came out
Glittering in the meadow.
I'm towards the sun
I run on the grass.
And white daisies
I'm flying.
I will make a wreath -
I'll weave the sun.
Then the flower girls dance the Dance of the Flowers.

Fairy: Let's go further, Kolobok, let's see who else will meet us.
Squirrels appear

I have a fluffy ponytail
Christmas trees, pines are my friends.
I crack nuts finely
And I'm just called - a squirrel! - Hello, Kolobok! Help yourself to nuts, we have a lot of them.
A Bear, a Fox cub, a Bunny look out from behind the trees.
Where do I live? Most often,
The very real
I walk there, I sleep there,
I raise my children there.
I love pears, I love honey,
I will treat everyone who comes (treats Kolobok with honey)
A bully boy appears with a slingshot, shoots at the animals.
Fairy:(angrily) What's going on here?
Squirrel: The boy hurt us.
Fox cub: This bad boy does not know how to behave in the forest at all! He breaks branches on trees.
Hare: And the bird complained to me that he ruined her nest!
Fairy: Ah, that's it, for the fact that you did so many bad things out of boredom, I deprive you of the power of speech.
Boy: No, don't, I and y and (mumbles, waves something with his hands)
Fairy: Remember, guys, you can not offend defenseless animals!
Children perform the song “Do not tease dogs” (E. Ptichkin, M Plyatskovsky)
1. Do not tease dogs, do not chase cats,
Spare neither grain nor crumbs for the birds.
And then the sparrows will wake up with a song,
Nobody will scratch or bite you.
2. If you make a lot of noise near the den,
Then you have to carry your legs.
And the bee just like that, too, will not stick.
After all, no one will sting and growl in vain.
3. There is no need to offend a butterfly on a branch,
More fun in the forest from her colors.
Don't scare the bugs long mustache,
And believe that the bugs will not touch you themselves.
4. If you like the beauty of the earth,
Take care of her, tired of not knowing.
Surely then we will become friends,
And about cats and dogs, sing with us
Boy (crying)
Animals: Disenchant him, Fairy, we believe that he will no longer play pranks in the forest.
Fairy: Well, okay, just let him first tell me the forest rules:

Fairy: Children, and who will complete the boy's answers? (children's answers)
Don't leave trash in the forest.
Do not scare birds and animals with loud voices.
Follow the rules for making fires.
You can not break the branches of trees and shrubs.
You can't catch insects.
You can go for a walk in the forest only with adults.

Fairy: Well done, boy, now you already know the rules of the forest.
Look guys, is anyone else hiding behind the trees?

1. I look like an umbrella
Only less than 100 times.
If there is a storm on the horizon,
I am very happy.
If it's raining and warm
I consider it lucky. (MUSHROOM-boletus)
2. And my friends and I are on stumps
Crowded in a tight bunch?
And we hold umbrellas in our hands
Caught in a cloud. (Honey mushrooms)
Mushrooms: Who recognized us here?
Kolobok:. Ah, what beautiful mushrooms! Get in my basket!
Fairy: Wait, Kolobok, take your time, not all mushrooms can be picked. But only those that are edible. And the rest is better not to touch. Let them grow, they, too, may be needed by someone. Guys, tell Kolobok what mushrooms you can pick.

Held didactic game"Edible-Inedible"
(Spread the mushrooms into 2 baskets)

Kolobok: Well, now I know what mushrooms to pick.
Fairy: How do you know how to collect?
Kolobok: Where, because I recently came out of the oven, I don’t know about it.
Mushrooms: Gather us, cook, fry, marinate. But do not uproot us, do not destroy our mycelium. If you don't listen, soon the mushrooms won't grow at all.
Kolobok:. I learned mushroom science well. What about you guys?
Children repeat how to pick mushrooms correctly.
Kolobok:. Whom I just didn’t meet in the forest today, whom I just didn’t meet! Great! How happy I am!

All forest dwellers read poetry
1. Once, having gathered with the last strength,
The Lord created a beautiful planet
Gave her the shape of a big ball
And planted trees and flowers there,
Herbs of unparalleled beauty.
2. Many animals began to be found there:
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.
Here's a gift for you, people, own it,
Plow the land, sow bread.
I bequeath to you all from now on -
You protect this shrine.
3. We want the birds to sing,
To make noise around the forest,
To have blue skies
To make the river silver
For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries.
4. We want the sun to warm
And the birch is green
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.
For the squirrel to jump
To make the rainbow sparkle
To make it rain cheerfully in the summer.
5. Look at the globe - the globe of the earth,
After all, he sighs, as if alive,
And the continents whisper to us:
You take care of us, take care!
6. In the anxiety of groves and forests,
Dew on the grass like a tear
And the springs quietly ask:
You take care of us, take care!
7. Tree, flower, grass and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.
8.Nor animal, bird's nest
We will never break!
Let the chicks and small animals
It's good to live next to us!
9. We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear small rivers.
All this is called nature
Let's always take care of it!


Teacher: Every year our planet celebrates two special calendar holidays: Earth Day (April 22) and Environment Day (June 5). These are not the next "red dates" that usually accompany solemn speeches, carefree fun and joy. These days are a reminder of the problems of nature conservation.
In June 1980, laws on the protection of nature, animals, and air were adopted in our country. Scientists - ecologists, biologists, hunters around the world sounded the alarm: nature is in danger! 35 years have passed, but the problem of nature conservation remains. We also say today - nature is in danger!
“Fish need clean water – we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.
Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.
Think about the content of the writer M. Prishvin's appeal to us. How do you understand the meaning of these words?
If each person protects their homeland, then in general we will save our planet called Earth.

No need to kill the beast in vain,
Let the birds sing, our world will become more beautiful!
After all, nature itself cannot be saved,
This is what people need to do!
Protecting nature is a sacred thing.
Only together we will build a brighter tomorrow.
And if, as before, harm nature,
Then who will live on Earth then?!
Plants, fungi and bacteria will disappear,
Animals, birds and other animals
We will also disappear, so come to your senses, people!
Appreciate nature, PROTECT IT!

The holiday ends with these words:
1. Come on people.
Be friends with each other
Like birds in the sky
Like the wind with the meadow.

2. Like a sail with the sea
Grass with rain folklore holiday for elementary grades. Scenario


Scenario of educational and game program on ecology

“For nature, both adults and children are responsible”

Before the event VIDEO about nature (of your choice) The song "Clean Ponds" sounds Good afternoon, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet! Today we invite you to a holiday - the holiday of our Mother Earth! And everyone came to this holiday: both children and adults; both guests and participants! And we are glad to welcome everyone to our holiday! What kind of holiday is this? And why is he? To make it clear to all of us, I invite you to take a trip around our wonderful planet! VIDEO about nature (of your choice) Slide show "Save our planet!!!" Appendix 5 All this is our home planet. How much beauty and wonder is on it: endless expanses, and mountains stretching into the sky, and blue-blue seas ... And the inhabitants on it cannot be counted, and each of them - small miracle! But often people forget about it, and then - chimneys smoke, shots sound, animals die ... To remind people of the beauty of our Earth, every year we organize this wonderful holiday! Slide Our planet is huge. And for a whole life a person cannot go around it all, from edge to edge. Just love your native nature, one can love the whole world. And I have no doubt that the guys who will be participating in our holiday today know and love their native nature. Slides "Nature" after each line Nature is the house in which we live, And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash. Under the blue sky, under the golden sun, We want to live in that house forever. Nature is a house decorated with labor, You know, answer What will happen if the roof is under fire in it, What will happen if we break the walls in it? Nature is a house in which flowers and bread grow day after day, children laugh around. And this house and laughter are one , one for all, There is no other house in the whole world.
    Today we will play a game called "Ecological Assortment". We have to find out how well you know your native nature. She, more than ever, today needs our protection, care, love. In our game, the team that really knows the life of animals, plants, birds, insects, knows how to behave correctly in nature, and is ready to protect it, will win. Our game will take place in six stages. At the first stage, each team will be asked 5 questions. Which question number, and from which sector it will get, will depend on what the teams will get from our bags. For each correct answer, the team receives 30 cypresses.
    We begin the 1st stage of our game.
Slide "Pig in a poke" Sector slide.

30 cypresses


    CONTINUE THE PROVERB. / A lot of forest - do not destroy, there is no forest - ………. (plant). HOW TO KNOW WHAT IS THE YEARS OF A CUT TREE BY THE STUMP OF A CUT DOWN TREE? / Annual rings are clearly visible on the log house. How many rings so many years / WHAT IS THE HERB THAT EVEN THE BLIND KNOW? /Nettle/ WHAT TREES REMAIN GREEN IN WINTER? /Spruce, pine, thuja/ NAME THE TREE - A SYMBOL OF OUR HOMELAND? /Birch/ WHAT MEDICINAL HERBS TREAT THE COLD? /coltsfoot, plantain, oyster mushroom, mint, etc./ THE SWEETEST TREE? /Linden/ WHICH BERRY IS RED, BLACK, WHITE? /Currant/ NAME THE POISONOUS BERRIES THAT GROW IN THE FOREST? / Wolf's bast, raven eye / WHAT FLOWER DOES SUMMER START? /Bell/




        WHO CHANGES THE FUR COAT TWICE A YEAR? / Fox, squirrel, hare / WHAT DOES THE ELK LOSE EVERY WINTER? /Horns/ WHAT HAPPENS TO A BEE AFTER IT STINGS? /Dies/ WHAT PREDATORY BEAST IS GOOD FOR RASPBERRY? /Bear/ WHICH HARES ARE CALLED LEAF FALLS? /Which will be born in autumn, in leaf fall/ WHAT ANIMALS SLEEP IN WINTER? / Bear, hedgehog / WHERE IS IT MORE CONVENIENT FOR A HARE TO RUN, FROM THE MOUNTAIN OR UP THE MOUNTAIN AND WHY? / The front legs of the hare are short, and the hind legs are long, it is easier to run uphill, the hare rolls head over heels from the mountain / WHICH ANIMAL HAS THE LOUDEST VOICE? /Crocodile/ THE FASTEST BEAST ON EARTH? /Cheetah/ THE CLEANEST ANIMAL? /Badger/

      HOW TO KNOW ABOUT THE APPROACH OF RAIN BY OBSERVING THE ANTHILL? /Before the rain, the ants hide in the anthill and close all the moves/ WHERE DO BUTTERFLIES GO IN AUTUMN? / Most die with colds. Some hide in cracks, under the bark and hibernate there / WHY ARE INSECTS THAT CALLED? / From the word "notch" - they have notches on their abdomen / WHAT IS THE BENEFITS OF WORMS? / Loosen the ground / WHO PROTECTS THE FOREST CLEARING FROM HARMFUL Flies? /Dragonflies/ NOT A BIRD, BUT FLYING, NOT AN ELEPHANT, BUT WITH A TRUNK, NO ONE TAMES, BUT SITTING ON THE NOSE? /Fly/ WHO HAS EARS ON LEGS? /Grasshopper/ HAIRY, GREEN

    The 1st stage of the ecological tournament has ended. Before we move on to stage 2 of our tournament. I want to remind you that our tournament is dedicated to a topical topic that meets the spirit of the times: “Take care of your planet!” The poet Nikolai Rylenkov in his poem claims that all the wealth of nature belongs to the people, and therefore to you, the children.
    All the riches of the Russian landscape
In full possession we are given: Blizzards of winters, silver yarn, Lace green springs. Summer afternoon in the heat wind, Evening, peering into the stream. Patterned meadows of color, Warm wax of yellowing fields, Painted leaves of leaf fall Above the bottomless blue of the lakes - All this is yours, and the heart is glad to fall in love with the whole world in the native expanse.
    We begin the 2nd stage of our tournament.
Slide "Flower Tournament"
    - I want to remind you of the words of the great storyteller G.Kh. Andersen: “To live, you need the sun, freedom and small flower". We will dedicate the 2nd stage of the tournament to flowers. /45 cypresses/
Slides for all 9 questions 1. I am a poet, my name is Tsvetik,
Hello from me to all of you. What poem are these poems from? ( N.N.Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends").2. “There is such hard rule. Get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order and immediately put the planet in order. It is imperative to weed out the baobabs every day, as soon as they can already be distinguished from rose bushes: their young sprouts are almost the same. It's a boring job, but not hard at all." - From which work are these words? ( A. Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”)3. Continue the poem: My bells,
Steppe flowers! (“Why are you looking at me, dark blue?” A. Tolstoy) 4. These simple flowers like a small sun with golden petals-rays. Their ripened seeds are collected in a light fluffy ball. Blow on the ball - light seeds will fly in the air. - What flower are we talking about? (Dandelion ) 5. Poets of all ages sing about her,
There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,
Than this scroll of scarlet petals,
Opened with a fragrant cup - What flower are we talking about? (About the rose ) 6. Who wrote the fairy tale “Stone flower”? (P.P. Bazhov ) 7. What fairy-tale character was born in a flower? (Thumbelina ) 8. What unusual flower was described by S.T. Aksakov? (The Scarlet Flower ) 9. What flower do policemen around the world consider an enemy? (Poppy )
- Stage 3 our tournament is called "SIGN" DO NOT DO THIS" / 100, 90, 80 cypresses /- Your task is to come up with a sign and draw it. - Let's start Stage 4 our tournament. "Troubles from a barrel"- Various animals and birds climbed into our barrel and they are not fully visible. Your task is to guess who it is. /20 cypresses/
Slides /9 pcs./Slide screensaver- Man lives on Earth. He is small, the Earth is huge. A man loves his Earth, because he cannot live without the smell of leaves, without a sonorous song, without a stream, without a blue shaggy head of a cornflower in the field. The Motherland surrounded us
With wondrous beauty,
Motherland gave us
Steppe and forest air,
The coast is steep with a fast river,
Blue sky above your head. - The nature of our Motherland is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles. How many interesting things can be seen in the forest, in the field, on the lake and even near our house, if you look closely at everything. Nature is good in all seasons! Our little planet Earth is kind to us. We will answer her with warmth for warmth, love for love! - Often writers, poets, artists, musicians turn to nature in their work. In it, they find consonance with their thoughts, mood, they draw inspiration from it. - We invite you to watch "Rain Dance" and hear how music and nature merge together. VIDEO "Rain Dance" Slide "Make Words" Appendix 1,2,3. Stage 5 our tournament is called "MAKE WORD" Slide Words for teams 1 team 2 team 3 team ROSALIPAAISTTIGR /25 cypresses each word + for speed 50, 45, 40/
Slide screensaver
stage 6 our tournament is called "Connoisseurs of Nature". /50 cypresses/- To love nature, you need to know it. Slide 1. In Ancient Rus' this animal was called veksha. He is graceful and handsome. His cubs are born naked, but then they flaunt in red fluffy outfits. The animal is very trusting. ( Squirrel)Slide 2. This insect keeps an amazing secret: sitting on a blade of grass in the Moscow region, it is able to feel even a minor earthquake in Japan. ( Grasshopper)Slide 3. These birds are loved for their cheerful disposition. They are excellent onomatopoeia and often sing like a chaffinch, a thrush, croak like a frog, and bark like a dog. They are of great use. In the spring, they walk through the fields, collecting larvae and insects that wintered in the ground. In summer, they eat a large number of caterpillars and bugs - leaf beetles. ( Starling)Slide 4. In Russia, this bug has long been called the "sun". He is red and round, very good-natured and harmless - he is not dangerous to anyone, except for aphids. On the bends of the legs, a liquid similar to milk appears, which led people to the name given to this bug. ( Ladybug)Slide 5. The flowering time of this shrub is April, May. The fruits ripen in August. They are oval, juicy, bright red and sit right on the trunk and branches. The name of this shrub refers to a well-known predatory beast. ( Wolfberry)Slide 6. Who is not surprised by their diligence and patience. Every year they can bring a kilogram of any prey from their home, about 100,000 insects. This is why they are useful forestry. But they breed, like shepherds, a lot of aphids - this is their harm, which, however, is very small compared to the benefits. ( Ants)
- The nature of our Motherland is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. How many interesting things can be seen in the forest, in the field, on the river, and even near our house, if you look closely at everything. Nature is good in all seasons!

Our final stage "CAPTAIN COMPETITION" /100 cypresses/ Choose a card that can contain the name of an animal, bird, insect, etc. You need to show your team without words, without sounds, only gestures, facial expressions and body movements, and they must guess.
Application 4 . Hare, Frog, Deer, Rhino, Peacock
CAPTAIN SITUATIONS / 10 cypresses each useful advice/
Katya was given a puppy for her birthday. Finally her dream came true. She begged her parents for so long to buy her a puppy. And now she has new friend. Katya played with him every minute, fed him, walked with him. And then she was given a talking doll. Katya remembered the puppy less and less, and when he fell ill, she told her mother: “A sick dog has no place in the house, let him live on the street”
Seryozha told that when they walked with dad through the forest, they lit a fire and baked potatoes. Then dad filled the fire from the stream so that there would be no fire, and he buried the cans and packages. How to convince Papa Seryozha that it is impossible to light a fire in the forest, and it is better to take garbage with you and throw it in a place specially designated for it.
Telegram: “We are the first green and for this they break us. Break all who are not dear to the forest. We are even afraid to bloom first in the forest. What's good? They still break. Help us. It hurts a lot when they break you. Very! Your green friends: willow, bird cherry, forest lilac.” What answers will you send to this telegram? What help can you provide?
- Our tournament is over. The counting commission calculates the results.
I want to return to the topic of our program and once again address you and all the inhabitants of our planet with the words: "Protect nature."

    Our little planet Earth is kind to us. We will answer her with warmth for warmth, love for love. But not all of us, unfortunately, truly love and protect natural treasures - forests, fields, rivers, gifts of nature and living creatures.
    Will I hear from the pines at noon
The murmur of jets among the pebbles and the ford. - Oh, people, I think, we all have one mother, named Nature! She has enough kindness for us, And we live, imprinting Her in our souls forever beautiful features- fields, meadows, seas and rivers. But if ... However, in our cruel age it is clear to everyone What does this "if" mean? Oh man! lakes ... Appreciate her trust, Nature! Do not deceive him! And enter the dark forest, like a temple, under marble arches!
    Nature is our wealth. Preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and duty. You, my friend, look do not let us down!
Promise to be truthful and kind! Don't hurt a bird or a cricket, Don't buy a net for a butterfly. Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields - Everything that is called your homeland! Awarding of the winners of the EMBLEM contest.Announcement of results and rewarding teams with diplomas.
    Our event has come to an end. I hope that today we were able to convince you that nature, planet Earth must be constantly protected and protected. The living world around us is surprisingly large and diverse, and we know very little about it. Read more books about nature, such as "Forest Newspaper" by V. Bianchi, "Birds on Wires" by V. Peskov, books by K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin and many others.
At the end of the screening of a short film about nature. (10-15 min) and distribution of booklets.
List of used literature: Bakulina G.V. This land is yours and mine. ecological game. We read, study, play. 2003. No. 11. Bukanova M.S. Living Planet: Scenario for an event dedicated to environmental issues. - 2004. - No. 8. Gudimov V. school holiday, dedicated to the day Earth. Education of schoolchildren. 2001. No. 1.Danilova M.Z. Entertaining ecology. The upbringing of a student. 2005. No. 5 Zheltova E.E., Moiseeva S.V. "Earth - the planet of the future" School holiday. Biology at school. 2003. No. 5 environmental scenarios. Teachers' Council. 2000. No. 6; 2001. No. 6; 2003. No. 6; 2004. No. 11.
Video material used in the program: films provided by the state television and radio broadcasting company Yugoria, Khanty-Mansiysk. Films with international action"Save and Preserve" 218-563-937 Sedov Roman Gennadievich- teacher-organizer, head of the studio of theatrical extravagant productions " STEP", winner of the city competition of professional skills "Teacher of the Year 2010" in the nomination "I give my heart to children", the city of Nizhnevartovsk → Ecology>"url="http://scenario/index1.php?raz=6&prazd=32&page=1 ">

26.07.2017 | We looked at the script 1386 Human

Oh my forest, my wonderful forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
In worries and labors my life passes,
I hope you recognize me.
Defender of the forest, friend of animals,
I am a king from a fairy tale...
Children. Berendey.
Well done my friends!
I invite everyone to...

Scenario of an environmental event for the summer camp "Less and less environment, more and more environment"

26.07.2017 | We looked at the script 2280 Human

Lead 1.
June 5 - World Environment Day.
Every flower and every blade of grass,
Birds that fly into the blue sky
All the nature that surrounds us
Our protection, my friend, is expected.
The sound of the tocsin sounds against the background of disturbing music.
Reader 1.

Script for summer camp. Ecology Day. Ecological Kaleidoscope (Journey Game)

28.05.2013 | We looked at the script 12789 Human

Nature ... How often we repeat this word! For some time now, it has become a symbol of our struggle for survival, for the well-being of all life on the planet.

Communication with nature is an integral part of human spiritual life. Here's what they say, for example, about the forest...

Scenarios for summer camp. Forest School (role-playing game)

28.05.2013 | We looked at the script 4304 human

For the period of preparation for the game, a "Headquarters of School Staff" is created. It includes older guys, the "director" with his "deputies" and "teachers". They develop lesson programs, draw up a schedule of "lessons", equip the place of work of the "school", ...

Ecological subbotnik “Picnic in the forest clearing”

28.05.2013 | We looked at the script 4234 human

Host: Dear children! We all know that the Earth is our common home. From birth, we are surrounded by nature - trees, herbs, air and water. We live in this world, and what it is and what it will become in the future depends only on us. Nature is very...

Ecological fairy tale "Clean city"

27.07.2011 | We looked at the script 4142 human

On the banks of the great Volga
The city was built big.
He was called Astrakhan.
All in greenery!
Ah, what a delight!
Walk along the wonderful streets,
Breathe clean air.
They say that our Astrakhan is a clean city!
But it's full of rubbish...

"This Fragile Planet"

19.06.2011 | We looked at the script 5658 Human

We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our good house, spacious house,
We all live in it from birth.
Also, we are talking about
That we must protect our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The earth is relying on us.
Presenter 1. Our ...

Ecological game "Cheerful anthill"

02.06.2010 | We looked at the script 11838 Human

Presenter: Guys, today we will have an ecological and biological game “Cheerful Ant Hill”, dedicated to the World Environment Day. Tell me, please, what is ecology? (Answers of children). That's right, guys, ecology is the science of the environment ...

Event form: Ecological holiday.
Library address: MU "TsBS im. N.V. Gogol, library. D.S. Likhachev, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, st. Kosygin, 35 "B".
Phone: 610296, 610297.
Author and responsible for conducting: Lebezova O.Yu., leading librarian of the reading room.
The purpose of the holiday: improving the environmental culture of schoolchildren (grades 4-6)
Tasks: to acquaint with the environmental problems of the city of Novokuznetsk, to arouse a sense of concern for the fate of nature, to awaken a sense of responsibility for one's actions.
Decor: book exhibition"This is your land and mine", DVD with the cartoon "Shapoklyak" (a fragment about the pollution of the river), musical accompaniment- CD: Bach J.S. Aria from Suite No. 3, Saint-Saens Ch.K. "Carnival of the Animals" ("Swan"), "Beautiful Far Away", "Clouds", "Good Road".

We all owe our lives to the planet - the beautiful and only Mother Earth - green from the forests, blue from the oceans, yellow from the sands. Our planet - the greatest secret and miracle. It keeps in itself the most mysterious mysteries from the origin of life to the future destinies of mankind. The science of ecology studies the house - the planet Earth - and how one should live in this house. Everything in our house is interconnected, everyone depends on each other: if the sun goes out, everything will freeze and be covered with darkness; if air and water disappear, there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if plants disappear, there will be nothing for animals and humans to eat ... Therefore, the topic of today's ecological holiday- "preserve nature - save life."

Airfields, piers and platforms,
Forests without birds and lands without water...
Less and less natural environment.
More and more environment.

Just a few lines from a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky, but they reflect the fact that all of us, people of the 21st century, almost imperceptibly turned out to be not just witnesses, but the perpetrators of these sad changes. After all, it is we, adults and children, who consume electricity, for the generation of which there are entire industries, we drive cars that burn millions of tons of gasoline and require expensive asphalt roads ... And plants and factories, huge megacities that poison the air , soil and water...
Watching a DVD with the cartoon "Shapoklyak" (a fragment about the pollution of the river).
Ecological problems probably always have been. But before they managed to somehow solve. For example, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, noticing that the game that was abundant in his lands was causing irreparable damage, managed to limit the prey of swans, beavers and other species of game animals with the help of laws ... As you can see, the environmental issue bothered our ancestors a thousand years ago.

Peter I, by his decree of 1718, ordered the novices who cut down the oak forest and are going to cut it down, as well as those who order them to cut (despite the warning of the law), to be punished with batogs and sent to hard labor. By the same decree, Peter I strictly obliged negligent citizens to ensure cleanliness near houses and on the streets.

And here is the next decree of Peter from 1719. In it, the tsar expressed concern for a different argument: “if anyone defiles the Neva with garbage or other sewage, he will be sentenced to beating with a whip or to exile in Siberia ...” Strictly? But in some countries of enlightened Europe of that time, for example, for illegal logging, the executioner cut off the hand of the exposed criminal. For a long time, the strictness of the law triumphed. And the ecology of the planet remained in balance. Although here it was rather not the law that played its role, but the weak technical equipment of the then mankind.
But now the age of scientific and technological progress has come. And in a short time we managed to dig through the bowels of the earth and poison the air and water ...
Listen to the poem by V. Glebov “And only Nature gasps ...”

The poem sounds against the background of an aria from suite No. 3 by I.S. Bach.

Spring! The streams do not stop:
Streams in a riot - here and there.
And flow into our lake
And fertilizers and oil.
The whole coast became like a landfill -
What, what is not here:
Leftovers, old washcloths,
Scraps of books and newspapers...
Those dumps are growing year by year
Along the banks of lakes and rivers,
And Nature breaks down:
- Why all this, Man?!
I'm going through the taiga valley...
And again - bitter words:
The tops of the pines have dried up,
Leaves fell from the birches
On herbs - black sores -
Trouble wherever you look...
And the huntsman explained to me gloomily:
- And what? Acid rain...
... The forest was crying just in bad weather
The creaking complaint of cripples,
And I heard the groan of Nature:
What have you done, man?
Once in a tourist voyage
I wanted to take a dip.
But walked by the beach
And, believe me, I did not dare to undress.
Pulled from the water with poison -
The smells came in waves.
Not the sea - a gutter
Splashed silently before me.
Factories smoked in the distance,
Our space age was noisy.
But the crown of Nature was sad -
Her creation is Man.
Our mind has become a yoke to Nature!
Wouldn't it suddenly happen
What do we ourselves care about the Red Book
Is there just one step left?
From thermonuclear reactions
And from chemical innovations
More than once the thread of offspring was torn.
A wave of monstrous mutations
Threaten to flood the planet.
Anything is possible, anything is possible
The question is blunt: to be or not to be?
No one for us that question
And will not think to solve.
And yet, hour by hour
We continue to do evil.
And now there are no forest reserves,
You can't drink in the river.

Let's see what the ecological situation is in our hometown.

Over Novokuznetsk and on clear days you sometimes cannot see blue sky: it is covered with a veil of dust and smoke.

According to scientists International Center environmental and biomedical research, their content in the air exceeds European standards by dozens of times.

According to the totality of environmental conditions, Russian cities are divided into 5 categories, the 5th category means a critical ecological state. Novokuznetsk belongs to this category.

The main objects of the ferrous metallurgy of Kuzbass are concentrated in Novokuznetsk: OAO ZSMK, enterprises of the former OAO KMK. In addition, sources of influence on environment in the city are: Zapadno-Sibirskaya CHPP, OAO NEK, Kuznetsk Cement Plant, Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant, Kuznetsk TPP, OAO Plant Universal (promstroymaterialy), and a number of other enterprises.

The consequences of such an economic policy turned out to be catastrophic for the local nature; almost all spheres of human habitation are affected in the city: air, land and water.

The main atmospheric pollutants in Novokuznetsk are: carbon monoxide, suspended solids, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride. Some of them are classified as highly hazardous compounds.

The terrible reality of our city is smog situations: the essence is that there is not a decrease in the concentration of harmful substances, but their accumulation at the level of our breathing. As a rule, smog situations occur during periods of complete calm.
The state of the water basin is of concern. The Tom River - the main source of water supply - has become a kind of giant collector of chemical pollution. Among them are many highly toxic organochlorine compounds. The content of these substances is dozens of times higher than the maximum permissible concentrations, and water intake stations are not able to bring water purification to the required standards. As a result, a very dangerous “cocktail” flows in water pipes, prolonged use of such water causes damage to the kidneys, liver, and adversely affects offspring.
Industrial emissions also end up in the soil. An excess of heavy metals in soils causes their increased accumulation in horticultural crops, which poses a danger to human health.
Even 100 years ago Academician V.I. Vernadsky, the creator of the science of biogeochemistry, warned us against ecological disaster. He wrote that if we do not change our attitude to nature and its riches, then the result can be one - the complete self-destruction of man.
And the Russian writer V. Astafiev sadly remarks: “Even now we still cannot and do not want to understand that animals, birds, fish, plants will live without us. But we can’t live a single day without them.”
To save the world and civilization, engineers and scientists must first get down to business. It is necessary everywhere to replace the old production technologies with the creation and implementation of new, cleaner, closed-loop technologies. If there are more powerful plants capable of processing millions and millions of tons of accumulated waste, then it can still be improved.
You know that in December 2008, a new landfill for the disposal of solid household waste and a waste processing plant began operating in the Novokuznetsk District. This complex is the first in Kuzbass, located two kilometers from the village. Round. The process of recycling and disposal of household waste is as follows: first, wood, plastic, paper, metal and glass are extracted. The rest will then be pressed, hermetically packed in polyethylene and buried. According to the project, the new landfill will serve the city and citizens for at least 75 years.
What can you guys do to make things better? First of all, you need to remember about yourself: didn’t I throw papers at my feet, didn’t I throw bottles into the river, didn’t I break thin and defenseless trees? Until each of us begins with himself, there is no point in expecting changes for good around us. If any of us succeed in defeating our bad habits and inclinations - laziness, slovenliness, rudeness, impatience, unwillingness to work for the common good - then everyone will live happier and freer.

We all breathe the same air, drink the same water, walk the same streets... We love the same world. So why don't we take care of him?
The poet M. Dudin calls:

Take care of the Earth!
take care
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder stalks,
On the paths sun glare,
On the stones of a playing crab,
Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the river calm.
A swallow flashing in life...
Take care of the Earth!
Take care...

The poem sounds against the background of the work of Sh.K. Saint-Saens "Swan" ("Carnival of the Animals").

To save wildlife, it is necessary to study it. Let's try to answer the questions environmental quiz.

1. How are coniferous trees different from deciduous trees? - Do not shed needles.
2. How is larch different from other coniferous trees? - Sheds her needles every year.
3. How long does a mushroom live? - 5-10 days.
4. How many years does the mycelium live? - Up to 100 years.
5. Do mosses have roots? - No.
6. Does the size of insect wings affect flight speed? - No. Those who flap their wings more often fly better.
7. Name the insect that is the orderly of the forest.
Inconspicuous in the thicket of the forest, I am a baby, but in right hour
More than its own weight lifted the load 109 times. - Ant.
8. Which tree keeps its bark cool even on the hottest day? - At the birch.
9. What tree needles are used in perfumery? - Fir.
10. The roots of this tree help hydraulic builders hold the banks together like steel reinforcement and prevent waves from washing away the banks. - Willow.
11. What trees give us small tasty nuts? - Cedars.
12. What bird does not incubate eggs? - Cuckoo.
13. What bird flies at a speed of 100-200 km/h? - Strizh.
14. These birds come to us with the first snow. - Bullfinches.

The game "Who's the extra one here?"

The game is played by 2 teams ladybugs"and" Green Grasshoppers "), each team has 2 participants. Teams are given sheets with the same task. Names of insects, birds, amphibians are written on the sheets. Leave only insects.

Wagtail (bird)
Aphid (insect)
Splyushka (owl)
Japanese-born (butterfly)
Greenfinch (bird)
Bunting (bird)
Triton (salamander)
Poloz (already)
Nuthatch (bird)
Peacock eye (butterfly)

The team that does not cross out the aphids, japanese and peacock eye wins.

While the teams are completing the task, the audience listens to the song “Beautiful is far away” and tries to hear the question “What did I do for tomorrow” in it?
Answer options for the guys: you can build birdhouses, make feeders, plant a tree, you need to put out a fire in the forest, walk along paths in the forest, etc.
A comment. folk wisdom says: one person leaves a trail in the forest, 100 people leave a path, and thousands leave a desert. Rest in nature - remove the garbage. Abandoned paper decomposes for 2 years, a tin can for at least 70 years. The left plastic bag will lie for several centuries. Bottle fragments can injure people and animals. And in sunny weather, a piece of glass can play the role of a lens and cause a fire.

People have long paid attention to natural phenomena associated with weather changes. Do you know folk tales?
The guys in chorus answer what kind of weather (rain or bucket - good weather) corresponds to the omen.
1. Midges and mosquitoes fly in swarms. - IN.
2. A lot of cobwebs on the grass, bushes, trees. - IN.
3. Swifts and swallows fly low. - D.
4. The bees leave for the field very early. - IN.
5. Chickens pick their wings with their beaks. - D.
6. Frogs crawl out of the water and croak loudly. - D.
7. Sparrows tumble in the dust and chirp loudly. - D.
8. Ants work tirelessly. - IN.

Competition "Find out a healing plant."

Simultaneously with the description of the plant, its image is shown.

1. Green bushes,
Scarlet flowers.
And the fruits - in a red shirt, Abdomen stuffed with pebbles.
There is a lot of vitamin C in the berry of this shrub. And the bush itself on which it grows is with thorns. (Rose hip).

2. In a white sundress
Under a green scarf
Gagging in the meadow
Slim Alena. (Birch).

3. I play hide and seek with the kids,
Do not ask for a basket to her.
Who am I? - Dozens of berries
In every berry of mine.
Dried berries and leaves of this plant are indispensable for colds. They knock down quickly high temperature. (Raspberries).

4. Under the leaf on each branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who picks up the kids
The hands will be smeared and the mouth.
These berries help improve eyesight. (Blueberry).

5. A decoction of the roots of this plant soothes nervous system. He is also very fond of cats. (Valerian).

6. It grows in spring, blooms in summer, falls off in autumn.
And a flower, honey,
He treats flu, cough and wheezing.
You will meet this tree rather in the park than in the forest. Its fragrant flowers are dried and then brewed for colds. The bees gather on this tree the most healthy honey. (Linden).

7. A flower like a bell, a little white corolla,
It does not bloom magnificently, whether it rings - it is not audible. (Lily of the valley).

8. How many white and dark purple bushes have grown along the fence! Touch the branch - with petal rain Wet trembling crumbles. (Lilac).

9. Poets of all ages sing about her,
There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,
Than this scroll of scarlet petals,
Opened with a fragrant bowl. (Rose).

10. Blossomed everywhere boldly.
And sometimes it happens
What I cling to brutally
Even in the most vicious dogs. (burr).

11. She stands on the sunny edge in the grass,
She gently lifted her purple ears.
And here ingenuity will help you -
Everyone knows what the flower's name is... (Violet).

12. White flowers with tassels,
The fruits are black, with bones. (Bird cherry).

13. A small Christmas tree has prickly needles,
The balls are blue, as if in hoarfrost. (Juniper).

14. Red, sweet, fragrant,
Grows low, close to the ground. (Strawberry).

15. A funny flower blooms under an aspen:
Was red recently - now blue. (Lungwort).

16. On wastelands and on roads
Inflorescence white weed.
But, having studied all its properties,
You may not see it that way.
The bleeding will stop,
In China, he is a salad to the table.
The weed is tenacious: there are so many seeds
In a fruit that looks like a bag. (Shepherd's bag).

Competition "Live Letter"

Teams "Ladybugs" and "Green Grasshoppers" line up in two columns of 6 people. At a distance from the teams, sheets with tables for different letters were prepared. Table example:


The competition is held on the basis of a relay race. On a signal, the first two participants with markers instead of baton run to the tables and write down the name of a flower, tree, insect, fish, bird, animal (for example, T: tulip, O: dandelion) and pass the marker to the next participants. The first team to complete the table wins.


Concepts are confused in the poems. It is necessary to unravel the poem, to correctly define the concept.

1. I walked around the zoo.
Passed by the cells.
Suddenly, I look, sitting on a branch
All green... crocodile.
2. Late at night I won’t fall asleep, -
Someone is howling at the moon!
He has a terrible temper
And his name is ... giraffe.
3. It smells sweet of ripe strawberries,
The rays of the sun play on the grass.
The tops of the trees touch the clouds -
This place is called... a river.
4. That sits on a tree,
The way an airplane flies.
Black, croaks - surprise,
Let's say together: this is ... foxes.
5. He has a big mane,
Guys, he's a beautiful beast.
He has a big bowl
Caution: it's... a pussy.
A lion.

Tell me, guys, without what, besides air, a person cannot live for a long time? That's right, no water. Although we are used to it, it surrounds us everywhere - this is a real miracle of nature. There is no life without her. Our region is rich in water resources. There are about 21 thousand large, medium and small rivers in the Kemerovo region.
Guess the names of the rivers.
1. Main water artery native land. Translated from the Ket - "dark". (Tom).
2. It flows within the boundaries of our city, the left tributary of the Tom, translated from Turkic - "a river flowing from the top of a mountain or gorge." (Aba).
3. The left tributary of the Tom river, flowing through the Novoilinsky district. (Petrik).

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Urmarskaya secondary school named after. G. E. Egorova»

Urmarsky district of the Chuvash Republic

Ecological scenario

"To love nature - to do good"

Goals: 1. Formation of skills schoolchildren to comply with environmental rules of behavior in the environment - as the norms of life.

2. Development of the desire to be active in environmental protection.

3. Education of an environmentally literate, responsible for the state of the environment, caring for the riches of nature.

Equipment and materials: a computer, a projector, an exhibition of students' drawings on the theme "This is the Earth - yours and mine", a tree model, flowers, green leaves, pens, costumes of fairy-tale characters, the Red Book, plot picture"In the forest", globe, portrait of Putin, balloons.

LEADING: Hello, dear guys! Hello, respected teachers! Hello our viewers! We all live in a great vast country - Russia.

To warm up, I offer you a quiz.

    What is the name of the time of the year when frost sparkles on the trees?

    Why are snowdrops called that?

    Which bird hatches chicks in winter? Why?

    How many legs do snakes have?

    Which tree is the same color in winter and summer?

    Which bird counts the years?

    What time of year is the best? Why?

    Why can't you pick lilies of the valley?

    When is the best time to plant trees?

Maybe you guessed what we're talking about today?

Look around, love me
I am good for you and bloom and sing,
Take care of me for yourself, for love.”
Beauty will save the world, beauty and love.
Love the whole world and rise again.
Drive away all anger, call for goodness.
The body is given to souls for love and kindness.

Who is contacting us?

Leading : Earth is our planet. Silvery spruces, chamomile glades, the hubbub of birds, the clear water of rivers and lakes - this is all for us. And next to it is a broken tree, trampled flowers, a dead frog, a devastated anthill - trifles, it seems. But in fact, this is a terrible misfortune, this is a catastrophe. Every day on earth one species of animals disappears, every week we lose one species of plants forever. 20 hectares of tropical forests are cut down per minute. An ecological catastrophe hangs over our planet, over everyone living on it.

We all love our planet, our country, and, of course, we love our land. But, unfortunately, not all residents of our region protect the surrounding nature, the beauty of our forests, fields, meadows and rivers. All people on our planet are discussing the problems of nature conservation, of which they themselves are a part: they remember that we are all very dependent on the environment that surrounds us. How we want to see clean streams, rivers and lakes, walk through a clean forest that is not littered by anyone, see animals not only on TV and in the zoo.

Today we will talk about nature, about our attitude towards it, about respect for all living things and about the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in the natural environment. It's time for humanity to understand

Gathering wealth from nature,

That the Earth must also be protected.

She, like us, is the same - alive!

Our President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin declared 2013 the year of environmental protection.

Why has environmental protection become one of the main tasks of our time? (children's answers)

HOST: Today we will talk about how to take care of our region, what needs to be done so that beauty does not fade away.

Everyone here knows, you and me!
Nature cannot be offended!
So let's say together one, two, three,
Nature! Friend - take care!

HOST: Dear children! Our planet is in trouble. Since the appearance of man, he has tried to conquer, to subdue nature. That only he did not invent to improve his life!

What did he come up with?

1st CHILD: Man! Created terrible poisons that kill insects and other animals.

2nd CHILD: Man! Created cars that poison the air with harmful gases.

3rd CHILD: Man! It cuts down trees, drains swamps, covers the Earth with a huge layer of garbage.

: And now let's imagine some environmental situations and think about how to behave in relation to nature? (Discussion questions)

1. Imagine that you saw an unextinguished fire in the forest. What will you do and why?

2. If, while walking in the forest, you saw that someone left a lot of garbage, what can you do?

3. There is a factory near the river. Dirty water from the factory is poured into the river. What can happen because of this?

4. Some guys have nothing to do carve their names on the trees. How can you help injured trees?

: How can the impact of industrial pollution on the environment be reduced? (Discussion questions)

1. Use of treatment facilities

2. Use of non-traditional energy sources.

3. Replacing old technologies with new ones.

4. Rational organization of traffic.

5. Prevention of accidents at nuclear power plants and other industrial enterprises.

Well done guys for the correct answers.

Guys, look carefully, we ended up in the forest in a fabulous clearing.

(Scene “Do not pick the first flowers”)

On the first warm spring day, Marina and Senya went into the forest.

Children suddenly see flowers of unprecedented beauty.

Look here, Marina! What a wonderful picture!

Right next to the snow here is a clearing of flowers!

Look how soft and blue they are!

I'll pick up a bouquet:

I will give these flowers to my mother,

I am ready to give a bouquet of flowers to my grandmother!

And you, as a younger brother, I will be glad to give them!

Look here, Marina! A snowflake fell on a flower!

Senya! Pick more flowers! You walk everywhere over the bumps!

Wait, I'll come running and help with the flowers!”

Children carefully and zealously robbed the entire clearing.

Here come bunnies, squirrels come running.

And they scold the boy, explain to the girl:

Well, why did you, kids, pick all the snowdrops?

We admired the glade yesterday, the day before yesterday!

How beautifully blue flowers grew here!

And today only stumps and bumps grow here!

Know that the quivering snowdrop is very thin, fragile, tender.

This - rare view, and he is included in the Red Book.

If these flowers are picked by adults and children,

We will not see them at all anywhere in the world!

Never make bouquets from primroses!”

Too bad all the flowers are gone! - Senya says with tears. -

And the gift to mom was gone!” Never Marina with Senya

That bouquet will not be forgotten, and spring snowdrops

They won't tear anymore!

Guys, please tell me, did Marina and Senya do everything right? What mistake did they make? And who among you likes to collect flowers in bouquets? What benefit do you render to nature? (we harm) Man inflicts large and small wounds on nature.

HOST: Our event is a wake-up call for each of us. We hope that after our holiday your hearts will respond, and you will protect the environment of our region, take care of the nature of our village!
HOST: We are surrounded by amazing nature. In the summer we can rest, breathe fresh air walking in the forest, picking mushrooms and berries. Guys! How should one behave in the forest?

Children's answers are choral.

HOST: The most important thing is not to make noise, so as not to frighten away the inhabitants of the forest and prevent them quiet life.
HOST: Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say "yes", if it's bad, then we all shout "no" together!

If I come to the forest
And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie
And throw out the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread
Will I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I make a fire,
Am I not going to simmer? (No)

If I mess up a lot
And forget to remove. (No)

If I take out the trash
dig into the ground? (Yes)

I love my nature
I help her! (Yes)

HOST: Well done, almost everyone answered correctly. Now the guys who dressed up in fairy tale characters one way or another connected with nature. They will once again remind you of these rules.

HOST: Meet!

MALVINA: Please remember how a well-mannered, polite person must behave in the forest and teach this to your friends.

FISH: well-mannered man does not break branches of trees and bushes, does not tear forest flowers. The grass cover retains moisture and gives shelter to a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.

FOREST FAIRY: Don't shoot down poisonous mushrooms you don't know or even know. Many of them are medicine for forest dwellers.

CROCODILE GENA: You should not catch and bring forest animals, insects and birds into the house, for them our "entertainment" often ends in illness, torment and death. These are not toys.

BURATINO: Do not destroy anthills by accident or on purpose! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their house before frost. And they will die!

MALVINA: And, of course, a polite person who comes to rest in a forest or a meadow will not leave a dump

HOST: Thank you guys. Now we will try never to offend nature. We must remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.

HOST: Unfortunately, we often break these rules. Is it true? Let's now, together with Malvina, ask for forgiveness from nature and try not to make such mistakes again.

All the children stand up, Malvina is in the center of the hall.

MALVINA: Forgive us, little bug,
And the ant and the bees
Excuse me, slender poplar
And cut down trees.
Forgive us, captured animal,
You are so cramped in a cage.
Sorry for not saving
And now you have become so rare.

HOST: Let's hope that nature will forgive us.

Physical education minute

How are you? Like this! (show b.finger)

How are you going? Like this! (walking)

How are you flying? Like this! (circling)

How do you run? Like this! (run in place)

How do you lean? Like this! (tilt to the side)

How do you squat? Like this! (sit down)

How are you sitting? Like this! (sat down)

HOST: On the planet year after year
Man harms nature.
And he did not understand, eccentric,
That nature is not a trifle!

We all need to protect nature!
If we don't keep it,
We will lose ourselves!

Let's see the scene "White bird cherry"

The girl walks across the stage and reads a poem, pointing to a tree.

Blossomed bird cherry near the stream,

In the April sun

whispering branches,

Light as a cloud

Pure as snow.

Every person rejoiced at the tree.

Girls came

Sit under it

And she could bloom

Many, many days.

Admiring the bird cherry, two girls pass by. One to the other says:

- Whose bird cherry is this?

    Yes, it's a draw.

White Snow Maiden

Near the stream.

There is a group of schoolchildren. Looking around, they break branches off the tree.

The girls came running

But there is no snowman

Only rolls in the dust

Withering bouquet.

And there was a bird cherry

Pure as snow

rejoiced at the tree


What can you say about the behavior of the boys? (Children's answers

Please tell us what did you take from our event today?

Student performances in verse:

Our planet is still alive But without protection, she will die! If you want the world to be green Do not cut down birches and maples!

For flowers to bloom in the forest All spring and summer We will not collect Their big bouquets.

If the chick from the nest Fluttered before the deadline We'll help, don't worry Do not crack, forty.

Though a harmful fly agaric, We won't touch him. Suddenly need it Forest dweller.

Fragile ant house We must also protect. Surely he must Stand behind the fence.

Bunny and hedgehog forest dwellers You better not touch! Guard them!

Come on, guys, protect nature! She must not be forgotten for a moment. After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers, This is all for us forever!

And now let's listen to ditties.

Hey, boys and girls, would you like to sing ditties?

For friends and for guests, sing more cheerfully.

We love this work - to decorate our planet.

Let flowers bloom everywhere, create comfort in the world.

Mom, Motherland, nature - notice the feminine gender.

Young naturalists have a task: we need to protect nature.

We clean the bottom of the river, cut down the weeds.

And we plant trees together - we also need to clean the air.

We respect ants - we guard the anthill.

It is not without reason that we call an ant a nurse.

We protect nature, we, young naturalists, promise:

We will preserve nature and will not give offense.

Leading : Guys, now we will sum up our lesson. You know nature very well. But people say that each person must plant one tree, otherwise life has passed without a trace. We will also plant a tree. The tree is not simple: it has magic leaves - promises, for you creative work- come up with one promise, write a promise on the green leaves that are already in front of you, and then just go to the board, read your promise e and attach it to this tree.

We promise:

1. Do not break trees and shrubs.

2. Do not pick flowers in bunches.

3. Do not destroy nests.

4. Do not tear the mushrooms, but carefully cut them, leaving the mycelium.

5. Don't touch the chicks.

6. Don't take baby animals home.

7. Do not kindle fires.

8. Don't leave trash.

Children attach promise sheets to a tree on a magnetic board.

All your promises and dreams about a good future, about a beautiful Earth, about the friendship of man and nature. It is this desire for a good, bright, beautiful future that unites us all. You have shown that you are ready to help our nature, ready to protect and protect it.

And in the end, we will all dance together with you and sing a song about our beloved nature “I have been sitting all day ...”

Remember that the Earth is kind, it gives us everything, the most important thing is life. And we should be kind to her too. To love nature is to do good. You good deeds deserve these awards today. Thank you all for your participation.

Bitter berry in the frost sweet-sweet brought to the house.

A little red nesting doll, a little white heart, grows on the bushes and is sweet as honey.

This shrub has knotted branches. In the old language there was a word "mozhzha". Guess the name of the plant.

Russian beauty stands in a clearing. In a green blouse, in a white sundress.

If you ever need to split a log of this tree, it will not be easy to do it, the ax will get stuck in the wood. Hence the name.

Soft, not fluff, green, not grass.

The branches of this shrub are covered with sharp and hard thorns. And his name is boyar.

8. Berry, but not raspberries, not strawberries, not viburnum, it has an inky color, but it’s not blueberries, no.

In spring, this tree stands elegant, festive, as if everything is in white foam. The smell of its flowers is felt from afar.


What is this girl? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, she does not sew anything herself, but in needles all year round.


Deciduous tree with soft downy catkins. In autumn, its leaves never turn yellow, so they fall green.


She lowered her curls into the river, and she became sad about something, but she doesn’t tell anyone what she is sad about.


A friend came out from under the snow, and suddenly there was a smell of spring.


He sits next to us, looks with black eyes, black, sweet, small and sweet to the guys.


Curly-haired Vanya in a green caftan is standing in a clearing in the forest. The rich man is not great, but he will give you nuts.


White peas on green legs.

17. From the forest tree

Came to the house, under the porch,

With good renown

With a curly head

With red brushes

With feathered guests.


Touch, just touch - pull your hand away, the grass burns like fire.


Grass is a doctor by vocation and a hunter by name.

20. I got out of the crumb-barrel,

Roots started up and grew,

I became tall and powerful

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels - it's okay that my fruit is small.


I am a drop of summer on a thin leg, Weave boxes and baskets for me.

Whoever loves me is glad to bow,

And the name was given to me by my native land.


Two sisters - different colors.

Both taste great


No one scares, but the whole trembles.


Even those who have not been to the forest are familiar with the smell of this plant. After all, some sweets have such a pleasant taste and smell precisely because of this plant.