How to use a solid body scrub. Solid scrub - rules of application. The use and benefits of purchased body scrubs: advice and reviews

The scrub will help you become the owner of clean and delicate skin. It is a simple and effective cleanser. But in order for the effect to be maximum, you must use it according to the rules and know some secrets. We will tell you about them.

Brief instructions on how to use the scrub are usually found on the packaging. But there are some subtleties that are worth knowing.

How to use a body scrub

Brief instructions on how to use the scrub are usually found on the packaging. But there are some subtleties, you should know them:

  • face scrub is not suitable for the body;
  • creams containing salt in the composition are more harsh and are suitable only for people with oily skin;
  • most gently affects sugar scrub it is recommended for those with dry skin;
  • creams that contain synthetic abrasive particles, for example, polyethylene, also have a mild effect, but they are not environmentally friendly;
  • The most versatile are cleaning agents with crushed organic components (bones, grains), the strength of their influence depends on the degree of grinding of the filler.

The procedure should be carried out immediately after taking a bath or shower - this way it will work better. Apply not a large number of cream with gentle massage movements and leave on the body for about 5 minutes. Then the scrub must be washed off and the cleansing procedure must be finished by applying a moisturizer.

As a result of the action of the scrub cream, the pores of the skin open, it becomes sensitive, delicate and defenseless. That is why it is recommended to use such a tool in the evening, before going to bed and in no case before going out.

How often to use a body scrub

Do not overuse the scrubbing procedure. Better to reach slowly but surely desired result than overdo it and damage the skin.

How often you can use a body scrub depends on several factors:

  • skin type - dry skin should be scrubbed less often than oily skin. Usually, oily is cleaned once a week, dry - after a week;
  • type of scrub - more strong means should be used less often;
  • seasons - in winter, as a rule, exfoliating cream is used less often. At this time of the year, the skin already suffers from strong weathering. In summer, you can use it more often, but it is better to avoid using such a cream if you plan to stay in the sun for a long time.

If you use the scrubs at a frequency that's right for your skin type, you won't hurt yourself.

Observing these simple advice, you can easily tidy up your skin. The admiring glances of others will good to that confirmation.

The article talks about how to use the body scrub. It gives recommendations on how often to use the scrub and explains what the benefits of a body scrub are.

Body Scrub - best remedy for cleaning the skin. With its help, you can improve the condition of the skin: remove dead particles, improve blood circulation, open a healthier and younger layer of the skin. After the scrub, the skin gets a healthy look

The benefits of a scrub

How to use a body scrub?

The scrubbing procedure completely opens the pores. The skin gets rid of dead particles, which greatly increases its sensitivity. It is recommended to carry out the peeling procedure in the evening, so that street dirt and dust do not get into the opened pores after cleansing.

Scrubbing is preceded by a complete cleansing of the skin with warm water and a small amount of cosmetic product for cleansing (soap or gel). Ideally, if the skin has been previously steamed (after a bath, bath). A small amount of scrub is required for the procedure. The product is applied with your fingers, as if massaging the body, for 5-7 minutes

how to make a scrub
  • If the slightest discomfort appears, the procedure should be stopped, and the scrub should be replaced with another cleanser. Discomfort can be caused by large size abrasive particles
  • Sometimes discomfort(tingling, itching, rash, redness) are associated with manifestations allergic reaction on the components contained in the scrub
  • Small particles of the scrub should be washed off the body under warm shower... The final chord of the scrubbing procedure should be skin hydration. For this it is used nutritious cream, suitable for type skin lotion. Nutrients cream or other nutrient easily penetrate the skin thanks to the cleansing procedure
  • Even the slightest degree of exfoliation (exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum) - severe stress for the skin. If you do not attach importance to appropriate care, then drying and peeling of the skin cannot be avoided.

scrubs and oils

How often should you scrub your body?

On the packaging of the scrub, manufacturers indicate information about the frequency of use. You cannot ignore it, because a scrub, if used too often, can not only help get rid of old dead cells, but also cause irreparable harm.

Facial scrub

After washing with warm water and a little cleanser, apply the scrub with your fingertips. The skin around the lips and eyes is very sensitive, so the scrub should not be used here.

It is necessary to start distributing the scrub over the face from the center, moving to the middle of the forehead, temples, chin, and nose. It is necessary to finish applying the scrub again at the temples. Apply the scrub for no longer than 3 minutes, then rinse. Moisturizing cream applied lightly to complete the cleansing of your face

scrub for chicken

Video: How to use a face scrub?

Body Scrub

For the body, choose a scrub with larger abrasive particles. This scrub will well cleanse the rougher areas on the limbs and the whole body. The scrub is used after the bath. You can use a special glove, or you can simply moisten your hand with water and apply the product to the body. If the epilation procedure ends with scrubbing, then you can forever forget about painful inflammation from ingrown hairs.

What are the benefits of a body scrub?

  • Scrub is a cosmetic product with abrasive particles, thanks to which you can regularly carry out deep cleaning skin. The procedure helps to exfoliate old skin microscopes and stimulates blood circulation.
  • Peeling, if carried out correctly, provides the skin with more fresh look, matte, smoothness. Scrubbing or peeling reduces wrinkles and oxygenates the skin.
  • The scrub contains natural or artificial abrasive particles and a base: cream, gel. During the procedure, impurities and residues of cosmetics are removed from the open pores. The scrub also enhances the effectiveness of other cosmetic products that are applied after peeling.

Video: About the exfoliation procedure

Coconut body scrub

If you have enlarged pores, a coconut scrub paired with a dry coconut scrub will help thoroughly cleanse. Coconut flakes gently cleanse the skin without scratching it.

salt scrub

Brazilian body scrub

  • Not all scrubs can be made at home. Brazilian scrub contains components that cannot be found in the kitchen of the hostess
  • Brazilian coffee body scrub tones and nourishes the skin. Organic oil coffee gently cleanses, imparting an exquisite aroma of sweet coffee candies
  • The product is suitable for those who like to pamper their body with a solarium: the scrub provides protection from ultraviolet radiation. The scrub is applied to slightly moisturized skin for a few minutes

Warming body scrub

Warming scrubs can be purchased, or you can prepare yourself just before home spa treatments. As a rule, warming scrubs contain ginger powder, ground pepper

warming scrub

RECIPE for making a warming scrub at home

Action: scrub moisturizes and nourishes the skin. During the application of the warming scrub, the pores are cleansed, the skin tone is evened out. Thanks to ginger essential oil, blood flow is improved and light feeling warming up


60 g blue clay
25g henna
2 tbsp / l custard coffee
1 tbsp / l sea ​​salt
10 drops of essential oil

All components of the scrub must be mixed by adding salt and essential oil last. In this case, the salt will not have time to dissolve, and the oil will not evaporate prematurely. The method of using the scrub is usual: on moisturized skin for a few minutes

Ice body scrub

The Ice Slimming Body Scrub during a home spa treatment will cleanse the skin, moisturize, increase blood flow, and help improve body contours. In addition to its main purpose, the ice scrub adds elasticity to the skin.

Large sugar particles have rounded edges. The structure of the scrub is dense and thick, like melted mint caramel. After applying the scrub, a slight chill sensation remains on the body. The scrub is applied to problem areas and washed off with water.

Exfoliating body scrub

Exfoliating scrubs contain ingredients that remove sebum and dead cells... Radiant and youthful skin becomes after applying a brown sugar scrub, coffee, healing clay, chopped rice, honey. To avoid an allergic reaction, it's best to make a DIY exfoliating scrub.

Exfoliating Scrub Recipe

Action: moisturizes and cleanses, removes dead skin cells. The skin turns from rough to soft, supple and silky in just a few minutes.


1 tbsp / l coffee grounds(can be replaced with ground coffee)
1 tsp sea salt
1 tablespoon sour cream (if the skin is dry) or (if the skin is oily: 1 tablespoon of yogurt and a little boiled water)
1 tablespoon milk
1 h / l olive oil

Application: Mix all components, adding salt last (so that it does not dissolve). Apply the scrub to your face and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse.

Body scrub with cinnamon

The scent of cinnamon brings back memories of childhood, sweet buns and buns. Cinnamon is used very often in cosmetics for the face.It helps to rejuvenate the skin and its regeneration.

Cinnamon scrub recipe

Action: activates blood circulation, restores capillaries, removes excess fat, corrects age-related changes


2 parts natural honey
1 part cinnamon

Application: Scrub with light massaging movements. After a few minutes, wash off with warm water.

The use and benefits of purchased body scrubs: advice and reviews

  • Purchased body scrubs do not always contain information about which skin type they are suitable for. Therefore, the choice of a cleansing agent must be approached carefully: take into account your skin type, and for what purpose you need a scrub
  • With the help of special scrubs, which contain tonic and fat-burning substances, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Modeling scrubs normalize lymph flow and improve metabolic processes and skin nutrition
  • Incorrect use of the scrub, as well as its too frequent use, can lead to microtrauma, ingrown hair. The scrub should not be used if the skin has inflammation, acne
  • Allergic rashes, redness can be avoided by preparing a scrub at home. Component, allergic, easy to replace with another


Polina, 25: I usually use salt scrubs... But recently I tried “ Brazilian coffee". The scrub has an amazing coffee-creamy smell. The scrubbing is effective thanks to the sugar and ground coffee particles.

Galina, 36 years old, beautician: competent skin care is impossible without such important procedure like exfoliating the skin. When choosing a face product, choose scrubs with abrasive particles without sharp edges. Avoid cleansers that contain ground bones, nutshell, salt, sugar (all of these ingredients are suitable for body exfoliation). Gommages, scrubs with polyethylene particles are carefully cleansed.

Anastasia, 42 years old: “I usually do scrubs myself. You can pamper yourself once a week. But if there is no time, then I use the store. The skin becomes soft and smooth. The scent is usually relaxing and uplifting. "

Video: Sugar Scrub

Smooth and youthful skin is every woman's dream, regardless of age and profession. To properly care for it, you need to know how to cleanse it. Then she will better perceive the components of moisturizing and nourishing agents.

Everyone knows that every day the epithelium lends itself to contamination not only by particles from the external environment, but also by secretion sebaceous glands... In this case, the face and body scrub will be an excellent assistant in the struggle for a healthy and beautiful skin, moreover, in order not to waste money, you can cook it yourself. Such formulations will avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction due to the fact that all components will be selected individually. It is also important to know how to properly use the scrub.

The action of the scrub on the face and body

Scrub is a cosmetic product, the action of which is based on mechanical removal from the surface of the epithelium. This is due to the presence of various abrasive particles in the composition. It is important to remember that scrubbing is not a daily routine.

In general, face and body peels have the following effects:

Facial scrub recipes

Today, a large number of different compositions... Consider a few recipes for different types skin and how to use them correctly for amazing results.

From cottage cheese and coffee.


  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cottage cheese - 30 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • coffee grounds - 20 g.

Stir the sour cream and cottage cheese until fully combined. Then add pre-grated banana and coffee grounds. Stir again and use the scrub as directed.



  • dry yeast - 15 g;
  • lemon juice - 10 g;
  • salt - 15 g.

Preparation and application:

The components are mixed in a cup, which is then dipped into a container with hot water... Leave for 4 minutes and then add salt. All mix and begin to use by rubbing in with light massaging movements.

From sour cream and salt.


Preparation and use:

The components are mixed and then applied to face light massage movements... Leave for 3 minutes and then remove with extreme caution.

With cream.


  • cream - 15 ml;
  • sugar - 30 g.

Preparation and use:

All mix and massage the skin for 15 minutes. Then washed off with water. Use a face scrub carefully so as not to damage the surface of the epithelium.

From walnuts.


  • quail eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • walnuts - 30 g.

Preparation and application:

For the composition, take the yolks. The butter is melted and the nuts are crushed. All components are combined and the resulting composition is applied to the face. Use for 7 minutes and then wash off.

Body scrub recipes

To find a beautiful and well-groomed skin you do not need to visit a beautician, since you can prepare a peeling composition at home. Consider a few popular recipes.

With coffee and applesauce.


  • ground coffee - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp spoon.

Preparation and application:

Coffee is brewed and strained. The apple is peeled and then grated. All are mixed and oil is added. The resulting composition is applied to the body. Anyone can use it, since the composition is quite soft.

With coffee and grapes.


Preparation and use:

The coffee is mixed with the seeds, then the oil is poured in and the body is covered with the resulting composition. It is recommended to use the scrub a couple of times a week, for the body it will be a good boost of vivacity.

With salt and oils.


  • sea ​​salt - 2/4 tbsp.;
  • almond oil - 30 ml;
  • jojoba oil - 2 tsp;
  • citrus oil - 30 drops.

Preparation and application:

The salt is mixed first and almond oil, then add everything else. The body is massaged with a ready-made scrub for 10 minutes, and then washed off. This can be done more often than with other mixtures.

With salt and grapefruit.


  • grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • sea ​​salt - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation and use:

The fruit is chopped with a blender and oil and salt are added to the resulting mass. The resulting composition is well mixed and applied to the body. You need to use the composition for at least 12 minutes, and then wash off.

With cinnamon and milk.


  • milk - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • oatmeal - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cinnamon - 10 g;
  • almond oil - 10 ml.

Preparation and use:

Pour milk into a bowl and add oatmeal. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Then the remaining components are mixed. The resulting scrub is rubbed onto the skin for 13 minutes, and then washed off from the body.

To get maximum amount positive results and at the same time not to harm, it is important to consider the following simple rules:

Contraindications for the use of a scrub

Despite the uniqueness of the tool, for some it still has limitations in use.

Let's consider some situations when it is worth abandoning the use:

  • at hypersensitivity skin, as hard particles can scratch;
  • in the presence of damage or irritation, peeling can only aggravate existing problems;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of allergies, it is important to carefully select products for the composition;
  • if the capillaries are close to the surface, and the skin is thin enough;
  • after sunburn, it is better not to injure the epithelium additionally.

It is important to remember that skin care always means high-quality cleansing and food. You definitely need to find suitable composition scrub for your skin type and, coming up with different variations enjoy the result.

Why is it necessary to include peeling procedures in the care? Does it really help solve many of the problems associated with imperfections? And which one is better to choose? In this article, we will help you figure out what you need and how to use scrubs, their varieties and properties.

At its core, a scrub is a cosmetic product for deep cleansing of pores from accumulated impurities and particles of dead skin. Correct peeling is a creamy mixture containing fine abrasive particles of natural or synthetic origin. For the face, they have fine abrasives that gently cleanse it.

For the body - the size of the particles is larger. Most big size abrasive particles are made up for the foot area. There are also scrubs for the scalp and narrowly targeted, for example, anti-cellulite.

Cleansing with peeling is not so much a long procedure as it is traumatic. That is why cosmetologists recommend choosing this product very carefully.

For dry and sensitive skin soft peels are recommended, preferably if it is on an oil, cream or gel base. The size of the abrasive particles should be minimal to avoid the risk of damaging delicate skin. the best option for this type will be gommages on natural bases.

For normal and combined type you can use foam on a soap or gel base with the addition of a natural abrasive ( apricot pits, coffee beans or grape seeds).

Oily skin is notable for its sensitivity, so it needs to be cleaned more thoroughly. Use clay scrubs. It will not only help get rid of unwanted problems, but also have curative action... As a result, it will become more matte and smoother.

Depending on the desired effect all peels are divided into several groups:

  • Anti-aging;
  • Equalize and lighten the tone
  • For sensitive and prone to irritation
  • Anti-cellulite
  • Tonic
  • To increase the elasticity of the skin

However, when choosing the desired product, do not forget to pay attention to the auxiliary components. It's good if at the beginning of the list there is hyaluronic acid, plant and fruit extracts, mineral water, clay. Such funds will help you take extra care. Choose them carefully depending on the season. In winter, the skin is aggressively affected by frost and snow. Therefore, it is better to use delicate rolls and gommages. In summer, you can choose with coarser abrasive particles, which will help clear the pores of accumulated street dust and sebaceous plugs... After each cleansing procedure, do not forget to wipe your face first with a soothing toner, then moisturize with essence and cream. Thus, you will provide the skin quick recovery and refill the cells with the lost moisture.

How to apply the scrub correctly?

In order for your skin to become more well-groomed and attractive, it is important to observe several simple rules application. Subject to which the skin will become not only cleansed, but also tightened and smoothed.

Face area. Just as with the application of any caring products, the scrub must be applied on massage lines... Start moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples, then smoothly move along the brow ridges and cleanse the areas of the cheeks and chin.

Important! It is not recommended to use this remedy for the area around the eyes and lips. Purchase specialized products for this. They have finer abrasive particles and therefore will not damage delicate skin... If after the procedure there is a burning sensation and dryness, then it is not suitable for you.

Body. The scrub for "polishing" the body is applied smoothly to the heated skin. Use vigorous massaging movements, but do not apply too much pressure. In this case, the blood supply to the tissues improves, the supply of oxygen to the cells increases, and muscle contraction improves. The skin becomes more toned, supple and radiant. Do not forget to move in the direction from the limbs to the heart.

To cleanse your feet and heels, choose a scrub with coarser abrasive particles. They will help cleanse the hardened parts, corns and calluses. For better effect it is necessary to thoroughly wash your feet and steam them. Then apply with light in a circular motion within 2 - 3 minutes. Together with these, you can use special softening masks for the feet. They are often performed in convenient form socks and can be used not only to combat the already existing problems, but also as a preventive measure.

Anti-cellulite scrub. Used in medicinal - preventive purposes, to combat " orange peel" v problem areas... Often the composition of such products has a warming effect. Therefore, do not be alarmed if during the procedure you feel warmth or even slight tingling... They should contain not only large abrasive, but also active ingredients that penetrate into tissues and remove accumulated toxins and toxins.

For lips and head. Since the skin of the lips is the thinnest, it means that care for it should be delicate. Choosing a peeling for delicate zone lips carefully go through the composition. It is better if it is natural. Honey, coffee or sugar. Fine abrasives will help remove dead skin cells and not damage delicate skin.

Scrubs for the scalp will help get rid of excess dryness and flaking. However, they must be used in combination with moisturizing lotions. Moving in a circle, the microcirculation of blood in the cells improves, which in turn will enhance hair growth and give it freshness for long time... In addition, this massage will help relieve fatigue at the end of the day, improve mood and sleep.

Which scrub is better: industrial or natural?

Before choosing a product for cleansing, you need to understand the shortcomings and features of each manufacturing method. Many girls are sure that the industrial one contains only synthetic ingredients and prefer to do peeling with home methods. Others, on the other hand, prefer wide range and properties. In fact, both those and other scrubs need a thorough approach.

The main difference industrial facilities in their long-term storage, which significantly reduces the time for skin care. They also contain particles of the same grind and soft oval shapes... Which minimizes the risk of damage. However, in order for them to be stored for a long time and not to change their consistency, various stabilizers, flavors and even dyes are added to them. If you are prone to allergies, it is better to refuse purchased funds and cook them yourself.

  1. A gentle cleansing sugar scrub.

Mix in a glass bowl a teaspoon of cane or plain granulated sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of apricot, grape, or olive oil. Apply the prepared mixture along the massage lines and cleanse the skin of the face with light circular movements. It is necessary to move with a minimum pressure for about 2 - 2.5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

  1. Salt peels are harsher than sugar peels, but they work well with dryness, flaking and inflammation. To prepare such a scrub, you will need to mix a small handful of fine sea salt and two teaspoons oatmeal finely ground. Add half a tablespoon of honey to the dry mixture (make sure it does not crystallize). Next, depending on your skin type, add vegetable oil(for dry), 2 tablespoons of kefir, not too high fat (for fatty). Apply strictly along the lines of the face as described above. Massage not too intensely for about 2 minutes. Rinse with water and be sure to apply a grooming essence or serum.
  2. Sugar or sugar-salt formulations can also be used for body skin care. To prepare sugar, take 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 1.5 teaspoons of coconut and 4 tablespoons of apricot or olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply with massage movements.
  3. Pumpkin emollient peeling. Prepare the pumpkin pulp in advance. Dip her in hot water and leave for 3 to 4 minutes to soften better. Then mix half a teaspoon of pumpkin with the same amount of ground cinnamon and add 4 - 5 drops of vitamin E to the resulting substance. Add half a glass to the mixture coconut oil and a glass of granulated sugar. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply along the massage lines. Move in light circular motions for about 2 to 2.5 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Cleansing scrubs homemade recommended for women over 30 years old. Home remedies not only do a great job with tough skin particles, but they also help keep it toned.

Ready-to-use peels for face, body and lips

The advantage of ready-to-use cleansing scrubs is in their aroma, delicacy of cleansing and, of course, time saving.

Ready-to-use cleansing scrubs:

  1. Anti-cellulite body treatment with natural seaweed from Green mama... Abrasive particles delicately remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis, improve blood flow and enhance the metabolic processes of cells. Highly concentrated cocktail from seaweed helps to fight excessive accumulation of moisture inside cells, enhances the process of burning subcutaneous fat and has a massage effect.
  2. Nourishing anti-aging for Garnier body... Complex nutritive oils helps to moisturize dry areas, enhances cellular respiration and improves blood microcirculation. Peeling helps fight the first signs age-related changes and leaves the skin smooth and radiant.
  3. Face Scrub "Almond Powder" from Oriflame. The product is intended for deep cleansing since. Soft abrasive particles gently remove dead cells, tighten enlarged pores and have a massaging effect. As a result, the tone of the face is evened out, the structure of the skin is improved, it becomes smooth and velvety.
  4. Peeling - firming roll "Coenzyme Q10 Firming Peeling Vegetal" from Deoproce. A 2-in-1 product, in addition to deep cleansing, has a powerful anti-aging action... Small particles delicately remove horny cells and activate tissue regeneration processes. Peeling helps fight fine wrinkles, improves complexion and makes the skin radiant. Great advantage this scrub, it is suitable for all skin types and does not injure it.

No matter how quickly you want to make your skin smooth and radiant, scrubbers cannot be used to daily care... After each procedure, it is necessary to take 5 - 7 days to restore the cover. If, after using the peeling, dryness and flaking appear, this is an indication of insufficient moisture. After each cosmetic procedure When cleansing, be sure to apply a moisturizing serum and cream. In hot seasons and in dry rooms, use thermal water... It will help refresh the skin and energize it with essential nutrients.

If inflamed pimples appear, the procedure must be canceled. Because abrasive particles can get under the skin and cause suppuration. For various fungal diseases and enlarged moles or open wounds it is also necessary to refuse peeling.

Using the recommendations received, you can easily navigate the world of scrubs, choose and apply correctly without the risk of damage and getting the opposite effect. The main thing is to stick to the scrubbing schedule, and your skin will say “thank you” in the form of rave looks and numerous compliments.

Every self-respecting girl always tries to take care of her body. This requires a basic knowledge of skin type and suitable cosmetic products. Often, the fair sex resort to various procedures in the form of scrubbing and peeling. After that, the body must be moisturized with targeted agents. Let's consider everything in order.

Scrub selection

Most scrubs are considered universal and are suitable for almost any skin type. It is also worth considering the components that make up the tool.

  1. For sensitive skin, it is highly recommended to choose products that contain artificial abrasive granules. They are an order of magnitude smaller than natural ingredients and do not damage the upper layers of the epidermis. Such scrubs are allowed to be used daily.
  2. For oily skin it is recommended to select cleaning compositions with the addition of natural abrasives. The presence of clay or salt in the scrub will not be superfluous. Such a composition effectively cleanses the epidermis, normalizes the production of subcutaneous sebum and tightens the pores. It is forbidden to apply the composition if the skin is damaged.
  3. Dry skin requires respectful attitude, it is highly recommended to purchase peels based on a gel or cream. V similar means contains least amount abrasive granules. It is best to purchase a peeling with plastic particles or a sugar-based moisturizing scrub.
  4. Normal skin will withstand any cosmetical tools... In this case, you will have to experiment, after each cleansing procedure, observe the reaction of the dermis. In case of discomfort, it is recommended to choose more gentle products.
  5. If you are the owner thin skin, any types of scrubbing are categorically contraindicated for you. Do not despair, with a similar situation will help to cope not mechanical cleaning v professional salon(ultrasonic).

Scrub application frequency

  1. If you have normal type skin, in this case, the scrubbing operation is recommended no more than 1 time in 5-6 days.
  2. For combined or oily dermis, you need to cleanse with a frequency of about 2-3 times a week.
  3. Be careful with thin and sensitive skin. The manipulation is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 time in 10-12 days.
  4. In the cold season, all procedures, without exception, need to be reduced to 2 times a month. If you use cleansers correctly, you will have velvety and supple skin.

The subtleties of using a scrub

  1. It must be borne in mind that the scrub must be used correctly. Stick practical recommendations, then in as soon as possible you will have smooth skin.
  2. It is highly recommended that you try the new remedy on a small area of ​​your body. Test for an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of the scrub to the invisible area of ​​the dermis, wait a while, evaluate the result.
  3. It is forbidden to use the product in the future if you have a feeling of tightness or redness, burning, peeling after the moisturizer. Try to find a more gentle scrub with less aggressive ingredients.
  4. It is strongly discouraged to use cleansers for various skin lesions. Otherwise, the procedure will cause severe discomfort and there will be a risk of tissue infection with various infections.
  5. If you are suffering from acne, do not rush to purchase expensive cosmetics. It is prohibited to use them in any form. It is recommended to seek specialist treatment.

For body

  1. Follow these simple guidelines for using exfoliators. It is forbidden to use formulations intended for the body on the face. The difference is in the abrasive elements that can harm the delicate dermis. Otherwise, you will get microtrauma on the skin of your face.
  2. If you carry out the opposite experiment, then the funds intended for the delicate epidermis will not bring results when the scrub is applied to the body. In such a composition, gentle abrasive elements are used.
  3. Experts recommend applying directional peels after water treatments... In this case, the skin is steamed properly, cleansing is much easier and more effective.
  4. Apply a cleansing scrub after going to the bath or sauna. The product should be distributed after several visits to the steam room. It is also worth considering the fact that peeling brings maximum effect in evening time.
  5. This process is explained by the fact that at night the cells are more active and the process of their division is significantly increased. As a result skin covering will be updated as soon as possible. Always moisturize your face and body suitable cream after such manipulations.

For face

  1. V mandatory you need to thoroughly steam and cleanse the skin of the face. Thus, keratinized particles will be removed faster, and the pores will open better. The scrubbing effect will be noticeable immediately.
  2. The cleansing composition should be distributed in a dense layer with massaging movements, while bypassing the delicate skin around the eyes. The manipulation time is 5 minutes. Remove composition warm water, moisturize your face with cream.
  3. Scrubs for feet and hands are recommended for pedicure or manicure. The body compositions should be massaged after showering. Then the product is removed in the usual way.

It is forbidden to use the scrub in any quantity if you have any skin lesions. Do not try to get rid of acne on your own, consult a beautician. Keep in mind that the scrub is used only before epilation, after which the application of the product is strictly prohibited.

Video: the best recipes for homemade body scrubs