What are chronograph watches for? What is the difference between a watch and a chronograph: features and differences. Chronometer is a title bestowed only on highly accurate clocks.

Before choosing a removal method from the body unwanted hair, you need to find out how epilation differs from depilation.

How to remove excess vegetation on the body?

Fashion for smooth legs has firmly entered our lives. To delete excess vegetation on the legs, in the armpits, intimate and other places, epilation or depilation is used. To each his own best way. It takes into account material opportunities, advice from friends, one's own pain threshold, medical contraindications. Many do not think about what epilation is and how it differs from depilation, they confuse these concepts. And these methods differ in the principle of their action. The main difference between epilation and depilation is how the hair is removed.

The hair can be divided into 2 parts: the visible (rod) and the one that grows under the skin. It has a root, or hair follicle, and is located in a special sac - the follicle. During depilation, only the shaft is removed, while during epilation, the hair is removed along with the root, or the follicle is destroyed. Epilation and depilation cleanse the body of unwanted hairline, but the effectiveness of these procedures is different: after epilation, the skin remains smooth much longer. This is the difference between them.

All methods of removing hairs from the body have their own characteristics. But there is General requirements. This applies to issues when it is undesirable to remove hairs. Depilation and epilation have a number of general contraindications to application. You can not remove hairs if there are:

  • skin lesions (abrasions, scratches, rashes) or signs of inflammation (dermatoses);
  • moles;
  • some diseases: oncology, diabetes, keloid disease, exacerbations of herpes, mental disorders, hematological diseases;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • pregnancy;
  • fresh tan;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions.

Epilation and depilation after they require special care behind the skin. Firstly, the skin must be soothed, irritation removed, be sure to treat with an antiseptic. Secondly, all other cosmetic procedures can be carried out on epilated areas no earlier than 2-3 days after hair removal. Thirdly, peeling is periodically necessary to prevent ingrown hairs.

Any method of hair removal - depilation or epilation - requires knowledge and certain skills to use it. Having become familiar with the features of these procedures, it is easier to understand what their differences are.

How is epilation performed?

There are several types of epilation:

  1. Hair removal with tweezers. The hairs are plucked along with the root. This type is convenient to apply on small areas of the skin. After removing the hairs several times, you can see that they have become thinner and less frequent. Plucking is painful, but someone who uses tweezers regularly will say that pain fade over time. In addition, in order not to endure pain for a long time, this procedure can be carried out intermittently. To reduce pain, you need to master the technique of plucking hairs. It lies in the fact that the hair needs to be grabbed closer to the skin and pulled out in the direction of growth. The skin can be held with a finger.
  2. Mechanical hair removal with an epilator. This is the most painful way. Hairs are removed at the same time in large quantities.
  3. Bioepilation. It has 2 subspecies: sugaring and waxing. In the first case, the hair is removed at the root using caramel or a paste containing sugar or honey, and in the second case, using hot or cold wax. The follicle remains intact. These methods have some differences. They are how the paste is applied to the hair, and how the skin feels. When shugaring, the composition is applied against hair growth, and removed in the opposite direction. This is less painful than with waxing, where everything is done in reverse. The skin is more tolerant waxing: irritation remains on it longer, burns from hot wax are possible. At the same time, the smoothness of the skin does not last as long as with sugaring.

The following 3 types of hair removal are more progressive, destroy the hair follicle, why hair grow much longer

These procedures are carried out in salons or clinics, because expensive equipment and qualified personnel are needed. There has not yet been invented a way to remove hair once and for all. But after photo and laser hair removal, the skin will retain its smoothness from several months to several years, but for this you first need to carry out a course of procedures.

Depilation methods

There are 2 types of depilation: shaving and chemical depilation. Both types are simple and painless, which cannot be said about epilation. The first is performed with a razor, the second - with the help of special depilatory compounds that dissolve the visible part of the hair. Painlessness, as well as the simplicity of the procedure (it can be performed at any time, it does not require skin preparation) are, perhaps, the only advantages of depilation. It, unlike hair removal, has some significant disadvantages:

  1. Removed hairs begin to grow very quickly, the very next day after shaving. After applying the cream, the smoothness of the skin lasts longer, but regrown hairs will have to be removed every week. This depilation will differ from epilation, which is carried out 1 time in 3-4 weeks.
  2. After depilation, the hair becomes thicker, begins to grow faster.
  3. This procedure is not suitable for some areas of the body, such as the face. It is difficult to depilate the area with a razor deep bikini, and for intimate places you can not use a regular depilatory cream.
  4. The most significant and main disadvantage depilation is a more frequent ingrown hair under the skin. To minimize this phenomenon, it is necessary to apply scrubbing of depilated areas. And if you still have an ingrown hair, you will have to carry out an unpleasant procedure for its removal.

That is why depilation is inferior in popularity to epilation. Modern cosmetology suits women towards. New products have appeared: products for slowing down hair growth, depilatory creams that contain substances for skin care and smell good.

Of course, epilation is a more advanced way of removing hair from the body. But no matter what method a woman uses, she must remember that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions and recommendations of professionals so that the effect on the skin chemical compounds, razor or other devices did not lead to complications.

Hello dear readers! In this article, we will talk about common procedures for removing body hair, such as epilation and depilation, and tell you what is the difference between them. In addition, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of their varieties. We will also advise you on how to choose the right procedure for you.

Epilation is hardware removal vegetation from the inside on any part female body. Its essence: with electric current, the laser completely destroys the hair follicle itself. Because of this, the growth process is halted. This method is considered more efficient, but not ideal. The fact is that in the human body there are 30% of the follicles in reserve. And even after a fully completed course, hair may appear in some areas.

To minimize the likelihood of their occurrence, you need to go through 10 sessions. The interval between procedures is on average two weeks.

Depilation is the removal of the visible part of the hairline. The result from it is not kept for a long time. And after a week, annoying hairs will again be visible on the treated surface of the body. And you are forced to repeat the process after 1-2 weeks.

Their advantages and disadvantages

We already understand the difference between epilation and depilation. Before you decide which method is more impressive, you should analyze their pros and cons.

In fact, the method that almost everyone uses at home to remove vegetation on their legs is depilation. Advantages:

  • get the quick desired result;
  • does not require large financial costs;
  • the most accessible means;
  • easy to use;
  • you can do it yourself even at home.

Negative aspects of the procedure:

  • the effect does not last long;
  • after application, rashes, irritations, redness appear skin;
  • when the hair starts to grow back, some of it can't pierce upper layer epithelium. In other words, they grow. Because of this, small inflammatory processes can begin.

Epilation has one huge advantage: long-term removal of hairs, due to the destruction of their roots. But here, too, there are disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • there is a risk of burns;
  • to finally destroy the hair follicles, you must visit the master at least 5 times;
  • there are a number of contraindications for use;
  • this method is not effective for fair-skinned girls and blondes.

Type of hair removal

To choose the type of hair removal that suits you, consult a cosmetologist for help. For this procedure, it is very important to adhere to the schedule of visits to the beautician.

  • using a laser. It affects the subcutaneous part of the hair.
  • Epilation with high-pulse light. In another way, photoepilation. Follicle hard dark hair absorbs light and dies very quickly. For redheads, this method will not be as effective.
  • Destruction of the bulb by electric current - electrolysis. After the first appointment with a specialist, they die within a week. The process itself is quite painful and burns may appear after the procedure.
  • . A composition of enzymes is applied to the skin, wrapped in a film and heated to the required temperature. This helps speed up their action. The components penetrate the skin, begin to break bonds at the molecular level.
  • Ultrasonic procedure. The method is also carried out with the participation of enzymes, as in the previous case. But instead of heat, ultrasound acts as a catalyst.
  • Combined view - ELOS. The device is working on women's problem due to the simultaneous action of laser radiation and electric current.

Types of depilation

  • Shaving hair. A common way to get rid of vegetation. Only after 2-3 days you will feel prickly, thick bristles.
  • Depilation with chemicals: cream or gel. With their help, you will forget about the problem for a week. But don't use them often. Substances are harmful to the skin.
  • Hair removal with wax strips. In this case, the roots are also removed, so the effect lasts much longer - 2-4 weeks. We recommend trying Moom Natural Wax Strips infused with soothing chamomile and lavender.
  • . Very similar to the previous look, but instead of wax or resin, use a paste of sugar mixture. You can make it yourself at home without spending extra money.
  • Depilators. You pull out everything with the roots and it hurts a lot.

How to choose the right procedure?

The difference between epilation and depilation is very significant. You can choose a specific one only by relying on individual characteristics your body: health status, skin thickness, hair growth rate.

In any case, to determine necessary way hair removal, follow these rules:

  1. Consult a specialist first. He will diagnose the condition of the epithelium, and also determine your phototype. Epilation is not suitable for women who have hair lighter skin. It will be money thrown to the wind to no avail.
  2. Analyze if you have any contraindications, which are indicated in the characteristics of all types of procedures. This elimination method will help you quickly find a suitable method.
  3. Epilation should not be performed on people who have metal prostheses or pacemakers in their bodies.

If you want to permanently get rid of unwanted body hair without resorting to the help of specialists, we advise you to read. It discusses in detail the pros and cons of laser hair removal, as well as links to online stores where you can purchase laser epilator for home use even cheaper than in stores.


Need to remember:

  • Differences of epilation from depilation in all aspects: price, technique, action, devices used, duration of the result. Therefore, do not confuse concepts.
  • Epilation can only be performed by a beautician with medical education and special training. And the second way cosmetic procedures you practice on your own at home without special skills.
  • Most known method fight hair on your body at home -. Minimum costs, a little pain and enjoy the result up to 1.5 months.

See you in the next article!

Body hair removal is a procedure that every woman is familiar with. Do you know that it is Cleopatra who is considered the founder of hair removal? AT Ancient Egypt excess hair was removed with wax masks or bronze tweezers. Rich Egyptian women had special maids who plucked their hair. A little later, unwanted "vegetation" was removed with sharp objects. These were the ancestors of razors.

AT Ancient East also in vogue smooth skin. And both in women and men. Hair was removed not only for beauty, but also for hygiene reasons.

The Romans epilated in the baths. In special rooms, the hair was wound on a coarse thread and pulled out.

Queen Elizabeth of England removed her hair not only on her body, but also on her face. First, the hairs were plucked, and then poured special fluid containing lime. And after that, the forehead was smeared with a cream that slowed down hair growth.

Princess Olga cleaned her hair with a mixture of hot resin and wax. But then, the girls switched to sparing hair removal in the baths. The hairs were plucked with tweezers or pulled out with threads. It took quite a long time, but was relatively safe for health.

And epilation has become very popular since the 60s of the 20th century.

Now there is huge selection means of depilation and epilation. Not as extreme and less painful.

But still, the question of how depilation differs from epilation remains open for many.

Epilation and depilation: differences

These two concepts mean one thing - the removal of unwanted hair. But still there are significant differences.

Epilation is a method of hair removal using special electrical devices that act on the hair follicle, destroying it, such a bulb no longer reproduces new hair. This leads to a long-term effect of the procedure. Hair is removed permanently.

During depilation, only the visible part of the hair that is on the surface of the skin is cut off (shaving) or the hair is removed with the root (wax, sugaring, resin) but for a shorter period of time (3-4 weeks).

Based on this, we can conclude that epilation is forever, and depilation is temporary.

Another difference is the pain of the procedure. Epilation is much more painful than depilation. In addition, each procedure has a number of contraindications, which must be familiarized with.

Types of hair removal

Since epilation is the removal of hair with a follicle, which is why there is no need to carry out this procedure often. Some of its types are quite painful and have a number of contraindications. But after a few procedures, the growth of unwanted hair slows down and you can permanently get rid of them.

The most popular types of hair removal include:

  • Electrolysis - hair removal by exposure to low-frequency current. With this method, you can permanently get rid of unwanted hair, because the hair follicle is destroyed.
  • Photoepilation. A procedure for which a special lamp is used. Removed by light unwanted hairs.
  • With laser hair removal, the follicle is completely burned out, which allows you to achieve perfect smoothness skin.
  • Combined hair removal ELOS. This is a combination of electro and photoepilation.

It should be noted that these procedures can be quite painful. Besides, without necessary care behind the skin, burns may occur.

Types of depilation

Depilation is cutting off the visible part of the hair, or removing it from the root, but for a short period.

There are many types of depilation.

The types of depilation include:

  • Shaving is the most popular hair removal method. Its main advantage is the speed and availability of all necessary funds.
  • Use of various creams or gels. To do this, you need to apply the cream to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin from which you want to remove hair and after a while wipe it with a cloth or a special spatula.
  • Wax. It is done with the help of strips on which it is applied cold wax. They need to be warmed up and pressed tightly to the skin area. Then the strip comes off against hair growth. This is a rather painful process that will help you forget about unwanted body hair for a month.
  • Shugaring. Epilation with sugar paste. Unlike wax, it is not so painful, due to the fact that the hair is pulled out along the line of their growth. After sugaring, there are significantly fewer ingrown hairs and after the first time you can see that it grows back less hair they are thin and light.

These are relatively quick procedures that are most often used at home. They have a major disadvantage - the frequency of use. Within a couple of days or weeks, noticeably regrown hair.

Epilation or depilation: what to choose

If you want to permanently get rid of unwanted hair

wasps on the body - you should choose epilation. In spite of pain, this procedure guarantees hair removal for at least a month. If you opted for a wax procedure or sugaring, then you need to grow your hair, which is not always convenient and aesthetically pleasing, especially in the summer.

Depilation - fast method remove hair, which you can use yourself at home. In addition, before some types of hair removal, you need to shave off regrown hairs in order to achieve maximum effect.

If you cannot decide which procedure to choose, consult with a specialist who will tell you about all the pros and cons.

There is still no single view on these two hair removal procedures. Many people don't recognize them at all. It seems that there is no problem, but not everything is so simple. An incorrect interpretation of the term can lead to an undesirable result. To avoid this, you just need to learn to distinguish epilation from depilation.

The essence of concepts

Depilation differs from epilation by the method of getting rid of unwanted hair. During its implementation, only the upper (visible) part of the hair is removed. If the vegetation on the skin is completely eliminated (with the root), then we are talking about hair removal.

During depilation, excess hairs are removed with wax, special cream, an electric depilator or tweezers available to everyone. However, this procedure does not guarantee a long-term result, because for many, hair begins to grow back after a few days.

Epilation is able to permanently save a person from extra hair. During this procedure, the hair follicles destroy an electric current or a laser.

In most cases, depilation is much cheaper, does not take a lot of time, has practically no medical contraindications, but it is not so effective, because it gives a short-term effect. But epilation is not so cheap, but it gives smoothness to the skin, which lasts for several weeks. You just need to take into account your individual characteristics and familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

The main differences between the two procedures are:

  • Timing and number of procedures.
  • Presence/absence of pain during the procedure.
  • Availability of areas for the elimination of excess hair.
  • The retention time of the effect.

Hair removal through epilation is a more complex process than depilation. It combines many methods that have a destructive effect on the hair follicles. Epilation attracts with its long-term result, but it should be performed only in the salon. It should also be remembered that the epilation procedure, as well as with or, must be carried out qualified specialist, in treatment rooms specially prepared for this purpose.


The essence of the procedure: the hair follicle is affected alternating current, due to which it is safely destroyed. For this procedure, it is necessary that the hairs grow at least 2-3 mm.

  • Cons of electrolysis:
  • Unpleasant sensations (in some - pain) during the procedure.
  • In the future, inflammation, scars or spots may appear.
  • Not suitable for underarm area.
  • You should not do it just before the holidays, as it takes time for micro-wounds to heal.


This method appeared not very long ago. It is based on the use of a special photo lamp, which independently searches for excess hair on the body. Their removal occurs by flash. can cover enough vast areas which saves a lot of time. The process itself is entirely computerized.

However, this method is not suitable for everyone. For example, light hairs cannot be removed by photoepilation.

Advantages of the method:

  • Absence of pain (only slight tingling is possible).
  • Efficiency (however, the hair does not fall out immediately, but after a while).
  • Fast execution speed.

Laser epilation

An expensive procedure in which a laser beam is directed at the hair follicle. This process is almost painless, with the highest effect.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • Small coverage area.
  • Lengthy in time.
  • Contraindicated in fair-haired owners of dark skin.

Important! For people with increased photosensitivity, laser and photoepilation are contraindicated.

Depilation is simpler and more affordable. This is what most ladies prefer. And this is quite reasonable. Depilation has a lot of advantages and almost no disadvantages. Plus, you can easily make it at home.

Depilatory cream

It affects the keratin scales that make up the hairs.

Depilation with this cream is done quickly and without pain, however, the product itself smells unpleasant (due to the hydrogen sulfide released) and can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, you must first test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.


Using a special cartridge, wax is applied to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Then narrow napkins are applied to it, by removing which they break out unwanted hair. It is painful to tear off the strips that have stuck to the skin, but it is this method that gives the most lasting effect.

Important! This method has one important contraindication - the proximity of the location of the vascular network.

Sugaring (or "Sugar" depilation)

The procedure is similar to the previous one, only instead of wax they use sugar paste(sugar + lemon + water). It is applied to problem areas. The composition adheres to the hairs, and when this caramel is removed, unwanted vegetation disappears with it.

Pros: no need for napkins and other components, new hairs are no longer so thick.

Cons: not suitable for hairs shorter than 6 mm, pain, ingrown hairs.

Regular razor

Comfortable and very budget way. Today in the store you can buy not only disposable machines, but also skin-friendly women's razors.

Pros: easy to store (does not take up much space), easy to buy, reasonable cost, instant result.

Cons: after a couple of days, the hairs will reappear, and even thicker and tougher.

Note. This method is the most popular due to its speed. It is also called "express way".

How not to make a mistake in choosing?

In such a delicate matter it is difficult to give universal recommendations. Some prefer simple option (razor or cream), while others are important for a long-term effect. The differences between a simple depilation process and the seriousness of the depilation method are obvious. The first is cost and performance. If you need to quickly get rid of unwanted body hair and at the same time save money, depilation is exactly what you need. If the effect is needed for a long time and financial question not fundamental, it is better to stop at epilation.

Tip: when choosing suitable method removal of excess hair must be guided by their own goals, as well as take into account the material component of the issue.

Differences between depilation and epilation: conclusions

  1. The purpose of depilation is to remove only upper part hair, leaving the bulb itself intact.
  2. The purpose of epilation is a thorough elimination of hair: removing them together with the root + destructive effect on the hair follicle.
  3. Depilation can be done both independently at home and with the master in the salon.
  4. Epilation can only be done by a specialist using the equipment necessary for this procedure.
  5. Depilation gives an instant result that lasts a maximum of a couple of days, and epilation is a longer process, but the effect is worth it - the skin remains smooth for up to 2 weeks. Therefore, the second method is much more expensive.
  6. After depilation, the hairs can grow into the skin, causing inflammation. Besides, new wave hair will be thicker, harder and darker than the previous one.
  7. Epilation can be compared to a small medical operation.

Which method to choose, everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to understand how hair removal differs from depilation, take into account individual characteristics and try not to harm your own body.

The struggle of women with unwanted body hair began in antiquity and is actively continuing at the present time. But if earlier only famous and rich beauties were engaged in this, now almost every representative of the weaker sex regularly performs hair removal procedures. Modern methods and means for getting rid of unwanted hair are very diverse, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the depth of exposure, they can be divided into two groups - epilation and depilation.


Features of hair removal

The hair consists of a visible part (hair shaft), which is located above the surface of the skin, and an internal (hair follicle), located in subcutaneous layer. The hair follicle includes the hair root and adjacent tissues, sebaceous and sweat glands, blood vessels and nerve endings.

The thickened base of the root is called the bulb. From below, it has a small depression, which includes the hair papilla with a large number of blood vessels that provide nutrition to the bulb, cell reproduction in it and hair growth. Hair growth continues as long as the hair papilla is alive, so even if the hair is pulled out by the root, after a while a new bulb with a new hair will grow in its place. But if the hair papilla ceases to function or dies, then the hair in this place will never grow again. Depilation and epilation are based on these two principles.

Depilation is a hair removal process that does not damage the structure of the hair follicle. It includes methods in which only the visible outer part of the hair is removed or the hair is removed from the root, after which it subsequently grows back.

Epilation is a method of hair removal that leads to the destruction and cessation of the functioning of the structures of the hair follicle, including the hair papilla.

Types of depilation

The simplest, fastest and most accessible type of depilation is shaving. This removes only the outer part of the hair. Its main drawback is the short duration of the result, as well as possible irritation on the skin. Depending on the rate of hair growth, after 2-3 days, you will have to shave again to maintain the smoothness of the skin.

More effective, but also more difficult to perform, is the so-called chemical depilation. This method is to use special creams, gels or ointments that destroy the hair shaft. The smoothness of the skin after such a procedure can last up to 2 weeks. It is absolutely painless, but in some women the components included in such products can cause an allergic reaction.

The best results are obtained by those types of depilation in which the hair is pulled out along with hair follicle. With their high-quality performance, the smoothness of the skin can last up to 3 weeks. At regular use With these methods, the hair gradually becomes thinner, lighter, their growth slows down, and they are much easier to remove. These types include:

  • pulling out hair with tweezers;
  • use of a depilator.

The disadvantage of the methods listed above is the painfulness of the procedure and the possibility of subsequent ingrown hairs. They cannot be performed by women with hypersensitivity skin and those who small vessels located too close to the top layer of the skin.

Sugaring and wax depilation can be done both at home and in salons.

Interesting: Hair removal with a mask based on honey and wax, similar modern procedure shugaring, was used back in the days of Cleopatra.

Types of hair removal

Unlike depilation, epilation is a more complex and serious procedure that requires special equipment and is not suitable for everyone. It is carried out exclusively in beauty salons under careful control beautician. Currently applied the following types epilation:

  • laser hair removal;
  • photoepilation;
  • enzyme epilation;
  • ultrasonic hair removal;
  • electrolysis;
  • elos epilation.

When applying these techniques, under the influence of electric current, high-pulse light, a laser beam or enzymes, the hair follicle is completely destroyed. They have a number of serious contraindications, not all of them can be used for all types of hair and any parts of the body. For example, electrolysis is not performed on underarm hair, and photoepilation cannot remove blonde hair on dark skin.

These techniques allow you to get rid of hair forever, though not the first time. On average for complete removal hair, it is necessary to complete a course of 5-10 procedures. This is due to the fact that it is possible to destroy the hair follicle only when it is in the stage of active growth. Only about 40% of all hair follicles are in this state, while the remaining 60% are in a “sleeping” state, so it is impossible to remove all unwanted hairs at once. However, after the first procedure, the amount of hair will become noticeably smaller.

Compared to depilation, epilation is a rather expensive procedure and a rather large amount will have to be spent on a course of complete hair removal. The most popular techniques, photoepilation and laser hair removal, are characterized by the highest cost, while photoepilation is on average 1.5 times more expensive than laser hair removal.

Important: Before hair removal, it is best to consult a specialist who will explain the difference between various options and select the most suitable one, taking into account the characteristics of hair, skin, the presence of contraindications and financial capabilities.

Video: An overview of the various types of depilation and their effectiveness