My wife always makes me guilty. What do wives usually reproach their husbands for? What then

The boys' father, Andrei Zaitsev, finally spoke up and told Komsomolskaya Pravda in St. Petersburg about why he was hiding them abroad.

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Stepa Zaitsev is five years old. His brother Fedya is three. Both are already Instagram celebrities. All thanks to the parents, whose divorce became an international scandal.

Today, April 18, the family business has finally ceased to be family and personal. Yulia Shik, mother of Stepan and Fyodor, turned to the St. Petersburg deputies for help. The woman asks to help her return the children. After all, she has not seen her sons since last year. Parliamentarians did not remain indifferent, and made an appeal to the Chairman The Supreme Court Russia to Vyacheslav Lebedev.

There is a clear violation parental rights and Russian legislation... Unfortunately, this case is far from an isolated one. Therefore, in our appeal, we are moving from a particular case to a general principle - the protection of the rights of motherhood and childhood, - said the chairman of the Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Makarov.

In addition, the speaker of the city parliament assured that this case will be under his special control.

I have sent appeals to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the Prosecutor of St. Petersburg, as well as the Education Committee with a request to protect the rights of mothers and children and deal with the offenses committed against them, - added Vyacheslav Makarov.

The written application must contain the following information:

  1. the name of the body where it will be submitted.
  2. The initials of the victim.
  3. The initials of the beating husband.
  4. Detailed description of the incident.
  5. Information about possible witnesses.
  6. Date and signature.

Reporting the beatings to the police Wife beatings by ex-spouses If ex-husband against the background of some personal aggressive impulses, he beat his wife, then she does not need to close in herself and be silent. Immediately after the incident, you need to notify your relatives and call ambulance... The doctor examining the woman will be required to notify law enforcement. Police officers need to talk about their misfortune and demand a referral for a medical examination if it is not provided.

At the same time, according to the man, he was innocent and his innocence was confirmed by video recording from a video surveillance camera installed at a gas station 3 kilometers from the scene. According to the camera timer, he was at the gas station about 15 minutes after the neighbors allegedly heard his voice in the victim's apartment, and during this time it was simply impossible to overcome such a distance within the metropolis.
In other words, if you are accused of something that you did not do, you need to collect maximum amount evidence of your presence elsewhere. This task is simplified today a large number of outdoor and indoor surveillance cameras installed in in public places, shops and office buildings.
[Back to content] ○ Additional material about the beatings. - Beat from her husband.



Reconciliation is allowed before the judge is removed to the deliberation room and with the consent of the victim and the defendant. In conclusion, a few words about beating ex-spouse during divorce proceedings.


Physical violence is committed regardless of who initiated the divorce. The motives for beatings can be very different: unresolved financial problems, failure to reach an agreement on the issues of living and raising joint children, blackmail, jealousy, evasion of the division of jointly acquired property in established by law okay.

The "piquancy" of this situation is given by the fact that, according to the official instructions, the police have no right to interfere in the course of the divorce proceedings until its completion.

How to prove beatings in court and the police?

In the smallest details, inform the investigator or interrogator of the circumstances of the beatings, describe in detail the blows and violent actions committed. This can play a significant role when examining the scene and will allow you to find direct evidence of harm by your abuser - his marks on carpets, wallpaper, walls, traces of blood, etc.
Despite the fact that beatings are a crime of private prosecution, as part of the pre-investigation check carried out by the police, the collection of evidence set out by you in the statement of beatings will be carried out - the offender will be interviewed, he has an alibi, other evidence confirming his guilt - traces of hands from blows, etc. The only thing that should not be done in this case is to report deliberately false details of the crime, accuse deliberately innocent persons of inflicting beatings on you.

Beaten by my husband. the husband beats. how to punish my husband for beating


In other words, if, after beating a spouse, the severity of bodily harm is determined by an expert and a short-term health disorder or a slight disability is established, the rowdy's act is qualified under Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. What to do after being beaten by a spouse. How to remove the beatings correctly. Where to undergo a medical examination to record the beating of her husband Immediately, without delay, call the ambulance team, a doctor who will examine the victim, draw up an examination report and notify the police about the criminal nature of the injuries.

If during a quarrel, accompanied by assault, or after a call from neighbors or the victim of violence, the police are called, demand that the arriving district police officer call the ambulance team. It is most advisable to contact the competent authorities the day after the incident.

Wife filed a complaint about beating what to do

According to the same statistics, both adherents of a harsh patriarchy and their more restrained colleagues in the matrimonial guild, in equally tend to initiate family quarrels and scandals, often ending in brutal assault. In fairness, it should be noted that in 23% of cases they suffered from domestic violence it is men.
Well, like men, identified only by their primary sex characteristics, drunken and lazy creatures, often quite rightly receiving scolding no longer in the form of words, but physical actions from those desperate to somehow change the situation in the family to better women... Nevertheless, no matter how cleverly Russian women handle horses and burning huts, most of them become victims of their spouses who went into a rage during the scandal.

What to do if your husband is beaten, where to go

Article content ○ Part 1. General principles proof. ○ Part 2. How to prove beatings if there are no witnesses? ○ Part 3. What to do if falsely accused of beating? ✔ An example from practice. ○ Part 4. Additional material on beatings. As practice shows, beatings are one of the most common crimes committed both on domestic grounds and in other circumstances. According to the norms of criminal law, beatings are a crime of private prosecution, that is, a criminal case can only be initiated on the basis of a victim's statement. Proving the facts of beating and committing other violent acts in the first place will also fall on the shoulders of the victim. How to prove the beatings, punish the offender, even if there are no witnesses, and what you need to know when filing a statement to the police - I will tell you about this in this article.
○ General principles of proof.

Wife accuses me of beating

On the one hand, this is a child's step, but, on the other hand, what else was left for her? If you were cruel to her, then out of a sense of self-preservation, she began to defend herself. A best protection Is an attack. So she began to rush at you at the first opportunity, so that you yourself would not do the same.

If you yourself put her on the throne and coped with all her whims, then she could become insolent to such an extent that she stopped seeing you as a man. And this is a reason to leave stubs at the smerd and beat him for fun. What to do if my wife hits me It doesn't matter what the reason is. Don't be humiliated. This behavior of the wife must be stopped.

She's out of control. And what is worse, if she does it in front of your children, then later these memories can ruin the marriage and children. Your wife is ill, she is ill, and you must help her.

Suppress any manifestation of power.
They are not expected to be able to pounce, shout, hit, or hold girls. On the basis of the law, there is no distinction between sexes, but in our society there is such a prohibition.

Enter the phrases on the Internet: "violence", "struggle", "cruelty" and in 95% of the pictures you will see men. Although in fact, girls experience anger and anger no less than men.

Therefore, this manifestation is fully justified by nature. Reasons: why the wife opens her hands You can talk for a long time about the loss of love, about disrespect on the part of a woman, about male egoism and a nervous breakdown.

But all this will be only a consequence of the main problem, which is that you allowed your wife to behave this way, it is completely your fault! If you did not pay much attention to her, and she became lonely and withdrawn, then she could show aggression to attract your interest in her own person.

Wife accuses husband of beating what to do

For the most effective protection I also recommend that you seek help from a lawyer - a specialist will help everyone defend their innocence by legal means... Apply for free consultation lawyer (form on the main page) quick response.

Among other things, it makes sense to submit counter statement about knowingly false denunciation and accusation of a crime. In many cases, this has an impact on the victim deliberately blaming an innocent person for his suffering.

I am 36 years old, my wife 34. We are both office workers.
We lived in civil marriage 2 years, then in formal marriage another 2.5 when the scandals began. Now we live quarreling once every two weeks on the basis of her jealousy for 1.5 g.
Reasons: in the fourth month of pregnancy - early February 2014, my wife suddenly accused me of having an affair with someone at work (supposedly after a corporate party). At the end of February, she again accused me. Then in March (for the third time) she said that I brought that girl home from work and physically cheated.
Of course, I denied these baseless accusations. The third time, she brought me to tears and almost hysterics (I had never noticed such a reaction before) with a statement that we needed to disperse. We were expecting a child and for this we bought a kopeck piece on credit, and here are such accusations.
Then everything was only worse and it lasts. She categorically does not believe me, although no real evidence infidelity. Can't name at least once when I deceived her or did something to her detriment. Just the opposite.
She says that she feels something, it seems to her, she knows that I am thinking about the other. Any facts and events are interpreted as evidence of infidelity. Logic doesn't help. Other interpretations of events do not help. Being late every six months after work for 5 minutes. - a scandal.
He denies his jealousy. Doesn't want to look from my point of view. Refuses to say everything. Or there is no understanding at all, if we speak. To go to a psychologist is a refusal. Lie detector - refusal, they say, the detector can be fooled. Call detailing - refusal. Detective agency - refusal. Those. she is right and point, and I am a traitor.
I was sick of this for a long time, and I am ready to divorce (but I still endure it), even leaving the child (he is almost a year old). I don’t want to. She also allegedly does not want to, but constant quarrels only make everything worse. She starts quarrels.
She had a difficult childhood, her father constantly cheated on her mother, she divorced her first husband after 5 years of marriage (husband's betrayal). I had an abortion once. She is generally kind of suspicious, suspicious, unsure of herself. Previously, this was not noticeable. Now - very much.
I don't know how to get through to a person and start living in harmony again.

Artem, your wife's condition goes beyond normal (refusal to clarify the situation, groundlessness of suspicion, excessive suspicion). Therefore, it will not work to improve relations, to reach out. She doesn't want to leave conflict situation and by keeping you in such a state of fear, she apparently unconsciously believes that she is in control of the situation, you know? She may have borderline personality disorder with paranoid accentuation. She needs to see a psychologist, but you need to think about how to cope with this, and decide for yourself how dear she is to you in order to smooth out her painful relationships with loved ones. How much does it destroy you? Talk to your wife, explain that you are not ready to live in constant stress, which means that either you solve this stress together - by going to a psychologist, or you make a decision without her.

Golysheva Evgeniya Andreevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 1 Bad answer 0

Hello Artem. The wife has obvious problems with self-esteem, against the background of past unsuccessful ones, painful relationships(marriage), as well as, installation from child-parent relationship, the prevailing stereotype that all men cheat. And with this all, she needs to start working with a psychologist. You should stop making excuses and prove something, tk. by these actions, she only receives confirmation of her own conjectures.

What to do? Here, the following option is possible: If accusations arise again, explain that it is with this that she destroys the family, and if you do not start solving this issue, then in her life there will be another failed marriage.

Popeskul Alexander Alexandrovich, online psychologist

Good answer 4 Bad answer 0

Tyrannizing her husband is the heroine of many anecdotes. But the whole point is not always a woman's bad character. There can be many reasons for dissatisfaction, but, in general, they can be divided into:

  • internal problems (complexes) of a woman;
  • personal qualities of a spouse;
  • lack of strong and mutually respectful relationship in family.

Idealization of a partner before marriage

Many men complain: “While they were dating, future spouse she was sweet and attractive, but as soon as she lived several years in marriage, constant discontent and scandals began. "

The fact is that family relationships need to be built. This is difficult and requires the participation of both spouses. Unfortunately, most men and women do not even think about it.

Man changing bachelor status to status married man, subconsciously believes that now he has a free housekeeper, not seeing the personality in the woman next to him.

But after all, no one will like the consumer attitude towards themselves. Internal discontent accumulates and breaks through in the form of constant "sawing" of the husband. And now the girl who was once ideal in the eyes of a man becomes a shrew.

But if the spouse showed more respect and interest in his wife as a person, it is unlikely that she would become forever unhappy.

Women tend to idealize a partner, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Thinking in stereotypes, many believe that one can close one's eyes to shortcomings, and then remake a man. This is where huge mistake: it is impossible to remake and educate either a man or a woman.

And now, consciously or unconsciously, a woman does not pay attention to the shortcomings of the chosen one. And after a while in marriage, it becomes clear that no one is going to change. And sometimes the attitude on the part of a man only gets worse. The natural reaction of a person with a healthy psyche to this will be dissatisfaction.

And finding themselves in a "deceived" position, both spouses, instead of calmly talking about their grievances and disappointments and together change for each other's sake, building healthy relationship, begin to make claims to each other.

It's important not to end up in a role forever disgruntled wife, nor a reproachful husband, before marriage to talk about their ideas, about the family. Such conversations should not be a listing of harsh conditions, but an exchange of views. And in order to understand, this woman (this man) suits you for life together or not it will take more than one conversation.

Dissatisfaction with the husband is caused by the internal problems of the woman

Unresolved internal conflicts, complexes can cause dissatisfaction with yourself, life in general and your spouse. It's easier, without understanding the reasons for irritation, to break out on loved ones, for example, a husband.

Often not saturated enough emotional life spouses lead to discontent and reproaches. For mental health Emotions are required, but the brain does not care whether they are positive or negative. And getting negative is easier.

Therefore, feeling unreasonable or not caused by a spouse's discontent, you should try not to break down on him, to do something pleasant for yourself. Any little thing that will allow you to enjoy and relax. Take an invigorating shower or bath with sea ​​salt, take a walk in the park or just down the street, get a mask or a manicure.

The main thing, of course, is to look for the causes of discontent and root them out. If there is a problem with perception own appearance, then it is worth getting to know body positivity.

Books on self-development and positive psychology will help get rid of the negative vision of the world.

It is important to love yourself and pay attention to your personal needs, to develop and grow as a person. Then unreasonable discontent will not poison your life, and there will be no reason to take it out on your spouse.

The reason for the dissatisfaction of the wife is the personal qualities of the spouse

Not always the wife's dissatisfaction is associated with her internal problems... Often reproaches are fair, just a man does not want to look at himself from the outside.

If a husband drinks, or beats his wife, or does not work for years, or constantly cheats, then society will unequivocally condemn him. In all other cases, for some reason, a man is considered ideal, and the woman's discontent is attributed to a bad character.

As mentioned above, a man, after marriage, believes that a woman a priori should do household chores, work, and if there are children to do them, and his participation in family life insignificantly.

This male stereotype is extremely dangerous, and it is he who turns a smiling and affectionate wife into an evil fury.

The lack of initiative of a husband who is not able to clean up after himself or to occupy himself with something helpful child, irritates the woman. No less annoying absence sincere interest to the feelings and hobbies of the spouse.

Lack of help and care makes the wife eternally unhappy.

How to fix the current situation?

First, you need to change your attitude towards your wife. According to psychologists, people tend to develop those qualities that others pay more attention to. Therefore, when a spouse all the time hears about himself "shrew", one should not be surprised at the next scandal. Criticism is not able to inspire a person to change, only love and respect.

Thank your wife, don't take it for granted delicious dinner, and clean things, and order in the apartment. Thank you sincerely and help with household chores work wonders.

A man should be involved in the process of raising children, and not just take them to school (kindergarten). Play, take a walk, help with lessons - this will give an opportunity to build loved ones and trusting relationship with your son or daughter and give your wife a rest. And when she is rested, she is unlikely to express dissatisfaction.

Husband's help in solving various family issues finally, it will allow a woman not to play a "masculine" role, but to be herself - sweet and attractive.

Relationships in the family as the reason for the dissatisfaction of the wife

As mentioned above, above family relations both husband and wife need to work.

If for a long time communication in the family has been built on mutual reproaches, then both spouses will have to work hard to restore peace.

An open, calm conversation will help, during which everyone will express exactly what they are dissatisfied with in the relationship. And then together find ways to meet the needs of both husband and wife.

Usually, spouses do not have enough sincere attention and care. What is needed is not routine conversations about how the day went, but interest in each other's hobbies.

Rebuilding the style of communication in the family will require a lot of work on themselves for each of the spouses.

A woman struggling with grievances against her husband should keep a diary. In it, she should write down five words of gratitude to her spouse per day.

The same should be done for the husband, at least mentally at the end of the day, highlight five points for which you should thank your wife.

But of course, it is necessary to voice these gratitude (at least partly) to each other.

By spending more time together, spouses will be able to improve confidential communication... It is worth choosing one or two evenings a week to walk together, go to the cinema or theater, or at least discuss something interesting.

All this will allow a woman to feel the care and attention of her husband, to feel desired again. And such positive emotions are unlikely to leave room for discontent.

Some interesting statistics. The overwhelming majority of readers of this site are women .. When I first noticed this, I was slightly surprised, but then I thought that, however, there is nothing to be surprised at.

Indeed, women are more likely to seek solutions to their problems, discuss them and ask for advice. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to keep silent about their problems, because a man is strong and staunch, he will deal with his problems himself, right?

Based on these statistics, I am increasingly starting to write articles with an eye to the female audience. But offense is a universal thing, and therefore it is impossible not to touch men's feelings. The fact that men do not like to talk about their problems openly does not mean that women feel resentment on average more often than men. In addition, the resentment men feel can often be stronger because they rarely give her out.

In what ways does a man feel hurt? Of course, in loved ones. And naturally, one of such relationships is marriage. It often happens that a young man falls in love without memory and, against the background of sweet expectations of a happy joint future, makes a proposal to a woman. And of course, if the feelings are mutual, at first the relationship is really a fairy tale.

But after a few years, the man suddenly begins to realize that the fairy tale that he drew for himself in his imagination does not correspond to reality at all. And the reason for this is a lack of awareness, a lack of understanding of how women actually work, and a lack of knowledge of what to expect from them. But instead of understanding the situation, he would prefer to withdraw into himself and endure, endure, endure. Until, sooner or later, the threshold is crossed, and a quarrel occurs, ranging in strength from medium to catastrophic.

I note that we are talking about monogamous relationship. That is, it is expected that the husband and wife will sleep only with each other until the very end, that is, until death or divorce separate. And no one is cheating on anyone, never cheated and will never cheat. It is immediately clear that the initial prerequisites are not the most realistic, but we will talk about resentment in open and “closed” relationships another time. In the meantime, here's how a wife can hurt her husband without realizing it.

How a wife hurts her husband in 6 different ways

1. Denial of sex. This is not without reason in the first place, since this is almost the most the right way to defile a man's life in marriage. Dear women, every time you deny sex to your regular sexual partner, it is a painful blow.

You see, what's the matter ... Let's talk openly. Men are lustful animals. They always need sex. Whether married or not. Even if he is 20 years old, even if he is 50. Rich or poor, ugly or handsome, a young sexy male bachelor or a modest middle-aged fat loser-married man. In sadness or joy, in grief or resentment - men always want sex.

Of course, the frequency of the question varies from man to man. Libido is different for everyone - someone wants sex 5 times a week, someone once will be enough. This does not change the essence. The bottom line is that, regardless of his character, he expects that since he is with a woman, and he has a relationship with her, this automatically implies regular sex with her. always.

Yes, yes, I know what you have to say. "It is not my responsibility to satisfy him." “I’m not a prostitute for him, I’m the wife and mother of his children”, “Sex is not the most important thing.” But here's what - if you marry him, if you want happy relationship and your relationship is monogamous, I have news for you. It is your responsibility to fuck your husband. And for your husband, sex is very important, even if it is not the most important thing in marriage relationship... Why is it so important to him? Because he is not only caring father and faithful husband, but also a lustful animal, as I mentioned above.

Does this mean that I blame or blame women? In no case! ... Therefore, it is the husbands that should be walked through.

Husbands, come to your senses! Did you really expect that he Honeymoon that you had at sea when you fucked your freshly baked wife several times a day - is this the norm? Or is the first year of your relationship how it will always be? I have news for you - women are biologically arranged in such a way that the same man in a long-term monogamous relationship bothers them over time.

Do you know why? Because the genetic code that people carry in themselves has not changed for millions of years. And this code programmed women to find a suitable male who would provide them with offspring and protect these offspring (which is funny, these two roles can be performed separately by two by different men). How long does it need to be protected for it to get back on its feet and be able to escape? 20 years? 15 years? 10 years? No, less years than the fingers on one hand.

Therefore, from a biological point of view, a woman is “not interested” in sleeping with you for 20 years as it was in the first years of your marriage. Because if you have been living together for a long time, then from a biological, sexual, animal point of view, you are no longer perceived by a woman as a man with whom she sleeps. At least not as much as it used to be. Now you are more likely to be a relative of her, and biology does not allow sleeping with relatives.

What about emotions? We are not animals, we are humans, and not everything is controlled by biology. Yes, it is, not everything is decided by biology. But emotions are exactly the same biology, and they serve to get you to fulfill your biological program. Your male biology has programmed you to have sex throughout your life. The point is not that we have more than just biology. The bottom line is that the biology of men and women when it comes to the sexual component of relationships is completely different. She needs to get offspring from a quality male from sex. And you men need sex to spread your biological material on planet Earth. And no amount of social condiments from above can drown out this fundamental difference between male and female biology, no matter how society denies it, trying to equalize men and women or reduce the importance of biology to nothing.

What does this all mean in the context of the subject matter of this site? After all, the site is not devoted to evolutionary psychology, but offense. And this means the same as always. on his wife, men. I do not like that the frequency of sex is decreasing - just write on paper. And then, when you clear the offense and see the situation as it is, you will be able to decide what to do. And perhaps you will understand that from now on you can no longer expect that one and the same woman will be the source of your male joy and satisfaction all your life. But more on that another time ...

2. Permanent teams. We are talking here about women with a more dominant character. Such women consider themselves “strong and independent”, and in practice this is expressed in attempts to constantly control the situation. If the situation does not correspond to the scenario of the development of events, directives are issued in order to correct the vector. Such women have a vector for everything, including their husbands. So it falls to him, poor fellow.

Here again, men, wake up! A woman commands you only because you allow her. Yes, there are men who love to obey a woman, but this is not about them. They do not feel offended by this kind of communication with a woman. Therefore, if you are reading these lines, most likely you are not one of them. Clean your brains, shake out all your fears and limiting beliefs that make you unable to resist a woman. And there it will be clear what to do.

3. Attempts to change it. Women marry with the expectation that the man will change over time. Men marry hoping that the woman will never change. Please, here's Venus and Mars, everything to do. A man marries, hoping that everything will be as in the very beginning. A stable relationship is one that doesn't change.

Give a man a beautiful, smart one, cool woman with big breasted and / or an elastic ass + a set of all the qualities pleasant to him, and he will be happy. If only it never changes, it always remains as it is.

But this is only with male point vision. WITH female point view, stable relationships are those that have development. Women are more dynamic creatures than men.

Women, especially those with the same dominant character, expect that a man will adapt to new circumstances and, as a result, change, if necessary.

Amendment - change if needed her... Personally, he probably has no intention of changing, for why. And so everything is good. But the fact that his wife now and then criticizes him and hints that this should not be done, or that it should be better, this eventually begins to settle in him in the form of an insult.

4. Excessive use of phrases "You always ...", "You never ...", etc. Oh, women love that. "You never help my mom." "You always leave the toilet seat up." And well, are you really ready to swear that he always does something there or never does something there? You don't have to answer, I already know the answer.

Again, the difference is between the communication styles of men and women. The fact that for men and for women, these words mean different things. For a man, the words "always" and "never" are determined by their lexical meanings, which can be found in explanatory dictionary... For a woman, these words are subordinated to the expression of those emotions that she experiences at one time or another. And if the emotions are strong enough, they bypass the linguistic filters in the woman's head, and, ultimately, are displayed in the form of the words "always" and "never."

Men, do not attach any importance to this - just get used to the fact that women work this way - it will less resentment... Do not cling to words, you take them out of context - the context of her emotional state Here and now. And that resentment that you have already accumulated - what are we doing with it? We are working on it, of course. Without pity.

5. Imposing responsibility on him for his emotional well-being. It should be noted that not only women are engaged in this, everyone is engaged in this. Both men and old people and children. And in relation to everything around. It’s not me who is offended, it’s you who offended me. I'm not a fool and a lazy person, this state is bad and steals. Etc.

But nevertheless, if we compare men and women in marriage, women more often behave with men in such a way that it is the husband's fault that she is bad at heart. On the face of it is an interesting seeming contradiction. On the one hand, women are more emotional, and on the other hand, they are less likely to be aware of what triggers their emotions. As a result, they do not realize that when they blame their husband for their emotions, nothing changes. He doesn't understand what he can do with you. Except to apologize for nothing on the machine so that you calm down.

But men, again, are responsible for the offense - on you. You, too, do not shine with awareness if you suffer from similar situations... After all, what happened is that your wife sent her Bad mood, and already you have formed a sense of guilt in yourself. Then you take responsibility for her bad mood on yourself and begin to accumulate resentment, gradually hating yourself more and more in the process. Not the point, work it out.

6. Indifference to his efforts. Want to hurt your husband? Stop appreciating what he regularly does for you and your children.

A single man does not need so much money to maintain his existence at the same level. This means that in many ways his motivation to work harder is you and possibly your children. Alas, this is often not realized or forgotten over time.

A single man does not need to help your mother, fool himself with communication with your relatives, or be faithful for decades. Alas, this is often not realized or forgotten over time.

I by no means mean that men in marital relationships make more efforts to preserve them than women. Not at all. Forgetfulness in relation to each other is a universal human flaw inherent in both men and women. Fortunately, you can fight it - the elaborations were invented for a reason.

Work hard, husbands and wives!

What is the conclusion from all this? There are two of them. The first is the understanding of men and women and conscious attitude to how differently women and men perceive reality and communicate - this is a guarantee harmonious relationship... Second, if you have a grudge against your marriage partner, work it out! At the same time, in the process of clearing your minds, you will acquire the necessary transparency of awareness so that in the future similar problems you have not, regardless of your gender or marital status.