Profitable business. Rental activity: making money on investments! Ecological tourism - we are mastering a new direction

The article contains a selection of different businesses in relation to the crisis year 2016. Read if you have an idea to do own business... The article is detailed and sensible, everything is laid out point by point.

Own business is status, freedom of choice and the possibility of self-realization. Therefore, many people who want to improve their financial position in a period of economic instability, they strive to engage in entrepreneurial activity. We will talk about what kind of business to open during the crisis of 2016 in this article.

Cheese production

According to experts, cheese making is the most profitable business during the crisis in Russia. Since the government has banned the import of certain types of products from abroad, the export of cheese has dropped significantly.

In this regard, the domestic food market is experiencing an acute shortage of these products. Despite the fact that during the crisis, business development is significantly hampered by a decrease in purchasing power, broad prospects open up for newcomers to this industry.

The demand for quality cheeses significantly exceeds the supply. If you have not yet decided what kind of business to open during the 2016 crisis, try to realize yourself in this profitable area.

What you need to start:

  • Uninterrupted supply of fresh quality milk;
  • Permitting documents;
  • Special equipment;
  • Production room;
  • Qualified personnel;
  • Sales markets.

If you follow the dynamics of the development of cheese making in Russia over the past 2-3 years, you can understand that this is a profitable and rather promising area of ​​activity. Since the demand for cheese does not fall in any economic conditions, we can safely say what is profitable to do in 2016.

Growing exotic vegetables and fruits

According to statistics, Russia annually imports 60–70% of the total consumed volume of fruits and about 40% of vegetables. Most of all these products came from countries that are currently under trade embargoes.

Based on the foregoing, one can understand what kind of business is better to do during the 2016 crisis. Growing exotic fruits and vegetables is a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs. But it is up to you to decide whether it is profitable to open a business in 2016 in this area.

The most demanded products:

  • Early strawberries;
  • Tangerines;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Kohlrabi;
  • Nectarines and more.

In order to start such a profitable business during the crisis in 2016, you will need:

  • Land plot;
  • Business permit;
  • Planting material;
  • Greenhouses;
  • Workers;
  • Sales markets.

The main problem that a beginner may face is the choice of agricultural technology and the construction of greenhouses. But without this, you cannot create normal conditions for growing exotic products.

In addition, you need to find quality planting material. It can be purchased from nurseries or ordered abroad. Before starting a business in 2016 in this area, try to visit various thematic exhibitions and fairs as often as possible in order to find permanent distribution channels.

In addition, you can establish direct deliveries of products to establishments. Catering and shops. Citizens of our country often ask a question to specialists, is it possible to open a business in 2016? It is possible, but in order to achieve success, you need to choose the right direction of activity.

Private hospice

Homes for elderly people in Russia cause dejection. The need for such services is not fully satisfied in any region of our country. But many elderly people who do not have relatives and friends are looking for institutions in which they will be provided with proper care and decent living.

If you have not yet decided what kind of small business to do during the crisis, open a small private hospice. This is a fairly profitable business that brings good income in any economic conditions. The state cannot independently solve the problem of providing free assistance to the elderly.

Therefore, such a socially oriented direction of entrepreneurial activity as hospice is the simplest answer to the question of what kind of business is relevant in Russia during the crisis. If you correctly draw up a business plan and take a responsible attitude to your work, literally in a year your business will expand significantly and, accordingly, your income will increase.

To open a hospice, you will need:

  • Premises;
  • Special license;
  • Experienced staff;
  • Furniture;
  • Kitchen and medical equipment.

The demand for the services of such establishments in our country is growing rapidly, therefore, if you are wondering what kind of business to open during a crisis, hurry up, since other aspiring entrepreneurs may take your place in this area.


A tutor is a teacher who offers clients private lessons at home. To realize such a business idea 2016 with minimal investment, you need to have certain knowledge of a subject.

The services of foreign language teachers are in the greatest demand. In times of crisis, people try to save money, but they do not completely abandon education. Since language courses are much more expensive than private lessons, many parents hire tutors for their children.

it great option for those considering different variants what business is profitable to open in 2016. The cost of a private lesson depends on the subject and the quality of the teaching. Usually tutors charge 300-1000 rubles for one hour of lessons.

If you have some knowledge and are interested in how you can make money during the 2016 crisis, try giving private lessons. Pick a subject that you are good at and get to work. Students can be hosted in their apartment or given lessons at the client's home.

V recent times many tutors teach on Skype. This is a good option for ex-faculty members looking for a business to do in 2016. In the first place, to attract customers, offer low prices. In time when you earn good reputation, prices can be raised.

Personal coach

If you play sports and are in good physical form, become a private trainer. Modern people monitor their health, so they try to regularly visit fitness rooms or classes with a private trainer.

A personal trainer is relative new business idea for small business from scratch in 2016. If you have ever been addicted to some a certain kind sports, it will be much easier to start such an activity.

To open your business in 2016 in this area, you will need:

  • Premises;
  • Your skills.

You can give yoga lessons at clients' homes. For active sports, you will have to rent a gym.

Commission shop

Can't decide what kind of business to do during a crisis? Pay attention to commission trading. In conditions of economic instability, second-hand items are in great demand.

Thrift clothing store is a great business idea with minimal investment in a small town. Such a business does not require large financial investments and at the same time brings a good income. Since the buyers themselves bring the goods for sale, you do not have to look for suppliers.

What you need to open a consignment shop:

  • Effective advertising campaign;
  • Suitable premises;
  • Competent business plan;
  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • Permission from SES and fire service.

Let's see what is profitable to sell during the 2016 crisis? The most popular goods are children's clothes. In addition, you can include in the range of clothing for adults, household appliances, mobile phones and various accessories.

If you can't figure out whether to start your business in 2016, start your entrepreneurial activity with this simple and affordable idea.

Carnival costumes rental

In search of an answer to the question of what business is relevant in the 2016 crisis, one should not lose sight of such a direction of activity as rental. carnival costumes... This service is especially in demand during the pre-New Year period, when matinees begin in schools and kindergartens.

Not all parents can afford to buy a new suit for their child, so this service is in great demand in any economic situation.

You can offer clients for rent:

  • Theatrical costumes;
  • Carnival masks;
  • Hats;
  • Wigs and stuff.

Carnival costumes can be bought or ordered in a specialized atelier. For the first time, 10-15 sets of outfits are enough. It is desirable that they be in different price categories.

It is better to find a place for renting carnival costumes in the city center, in a walk-through place. Carnival costumes rental is the easiest way to start a business in times of crisis.

Dental office

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are hesitant to open their own business in 2016. According to experts, a period of economic instability is the best time to start your own business.

Experts recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs open a dental office. Of course, such a business will require large financial investments. The biggest expenses are the purchase of equipment and registration of permits.

In addition, you need to find qualified professionals. If you manage to properly organize such a business, you can no longer worry about what kind of business to do in 2016. It is best to open a dental office in a business or a densely populated residential area of ​​the city.

Do not forget that during a crisis, people are trying to save money, so they are looking for quality services at low prices. Availability and high level of service is the key to the success of your business. conclusions

We looked at several profitable options for what business is the best to do in 2016. Choose the right line of business and get to work. Starting your own business in times of crisis is easy. The most important thing is to confidently move towards your goals and not give up before difficulties.

How to open a business with minimal investment in 2018? What ideas for a business from scratch will make your business profitable? How to choose the right business idea for your situation?

Hello, Dear friends! Entrepreneurs and founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok greet you.

We are often asked what kind of business to do with minimal investment, we are asked to advise a working business idea.

Make yourself comfortable, we begin.

1. What ideas for business with minimal investment work in 2018

A business idea is the foundation of any profitable business. There are commercial ideas that brought their creators millions in profits and continue to work on them to this day. These people started their business from scratch, with only a great desire to achieve success. We talked about that in detail in one of the popular articles on our site.

Business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs do not have to be brilliant insights (although this option is also suitable): you just need to use ready-made solutions and just start working according to a certain scheme.

In this article, we offer business ideas with minimal investment for residents of a metropolis, small town, village.

Below you will find projects for women, men, students and retirees.

Some entrepreneurship ideas involve working from home, others require own production or at least a car.

Even in 2018, when some businessmen stop their commercial activities due to a sharp decline in demand, there are niches that, with a competent approach, can bring good income.

Business niches relevant in 2018:

  • receiving income through the Internet. (read our article);
  • provision of various services to the population;
  • training and counseling;
  • resale of goods through electronic bulletin boards;
  • manufacture of products self made under the order.

All the ideas for business described in the article are different, but they have one thing in common: the absence of large investments in initial stage.

The amounts that will be spent to open a business vary in the range from 100 to 15,000 rubles (5$-300$ ).

You must admit that almost everyone can find such funds.

However, there are many examples when people managed to achieve stable material well-being literally from scratch. These people just brought their original and cost-effective ideas to life.

Here's an option for those who primarily think about the safety of their savings: starting a franchise business. You get a ready-made commercial model with guaranteed efficiency and pre-calculated profitability.

We propose to take advantage of the offer from our partners - a network of Japanese cuisine restaurants. We know personally one of the co-owners of the chain, Alex Yanovsky. He is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience who has launched many profitable projects.

Moreover, our one more friend of ours, Sergey, opened a Sushi Master point in Maykom in the “island” format. The 1.5 million he invested paid off in six months. So the circuit works - proven in practice!

In section 5, we will tell you in more detail how to correctly open a business based on its franchise.

2. Why do many business ideas fail at the start

The main reasons for failure in a newly created business are, as a rule, of an organizational nature.

In other words, you should have a business plan (we have already covered it in detail) - a step-by-step guide to action. No matter how small the initial capital may be, it must be spent strictly for its intended purpose. If the money runs out at the start, it means that a strategic mistake was made.

The most common reasons for start-up entrepreneur failures are:

  1. Lack of customer focus. You need to interest your potential client. When starting a business, even a very original and new one, think about how to convey its exclusivity to other people.
  2. Errors in cash flow management. Financial illiteracy, abuse of loans and inability to properly allocate available resources ruined the lion's share of young projects.
  3. Lack of purpose. If your business idea does not have a clear goal, it will either not work at all, or it will stall in the process of its implementation. Decide what level of income you want to achieve and what you will do with the initial profits. Nai the best way- to put them into action.
  4. Lack of competent leadership. If more than 1 person is involved in the business, there must be a decision-maker.
  5. Procrastination- postponing important business stages for later. Act now and start with the essentials!
  6. Excessive caution. Unjustified risk is also not beneficial, but fear is even more unprofitable for the development of a profitable enterprise. If you constantly wait for the perfect moment to implement your idea, you can spend years waiting for that. As one humorous and at the same time life phrase says: "If you look at a girl for a long time, you can see how she gets married." This applies to those who procrastinate and miss a good opportunity because of it.
  7. Lack of persistence. For some aspiring entrepreneurs, the first setback immediately knocks them off. Such people say “it didn't work” and step aside. This is the wrong strategy. To make sure that an idea is viable, you need to test it several times - the more, the better. But this must be done wisely, constantly refining and adjusting the chosen direction. We will repeat ourselves, precisely correcting, and not just doing the same thing in the same way.

If a person repeats the same actions many times, expecting to get a different result, then he can be called insane.

Albert Einstein

And you shouldn't expect instant returns from even the most ingenious business plan, in your opinion. Remember that only the most patient and persistent will succeed.

The main criterion when choosing an idea for a business is personal interest in any direction. Ideally, you need to make money on what you love and what you really understand.

In our opinion, a 100% successful business idea in 2018 should meet the following criteria:

  1. Based on what you love. Even the great Steve Jobs said that it is impossible to achieve great results by doing an unloved business. Since you will quickly dump it if the hard times come, and they will definitely come.
  2. The idea must be marketable. You may be very fond of cross-stitching or learning the language of the Tumba-Yumba tribe, but these activities are unlikely to bring you much income. Even if people are fond of these areas, the amount of money in these market niches is very small. This can be understood even without deep analysis. In other words, with the same labor costs and talents, it will be much easier for you to make money selling real estate, building materials or cars than hamster hats, thimbles or decorative fly swatters.
  3. Contain unique benefits. If you are choosing a niche or business idea for a future project and do not know how you will stand out from your competitors, then such an idea is unlikely to bring a good monetary result. Be sure to think about your competitive advantage. They can be priced, for example, if you have been able to keep costs down by finding a very profitable supplier. Your unique benefits can also be strategic, for example, if you endowed your product (service) with unique consumer qualities.
  4. A business idea must comply with legal and moral and ethical standards. You can make a lot of money quickly, but it’s worth considering whether this earnings will be fair. This is a fundamentally important condition when choosing a direction in business. If you do not want to wake up at night from the police coming into your house or hear unflattering words from clients in your address, do only honest ways earnings. Do not spoil your karma and sleep well at night. Although, there are definitely people who are not embarrassed by anything. But this is their choice and everyone will eventually be rewarded according to his deeds.

Education or work experience in a particular field can provide significant help. For example, you can open a plumbing online store for plumbing products.

If you enjoy meeting new people, go for an organizational business. Conversely, if you feel uncomfortable with people and feel better alone, go into a home business - say, sewing and repairing clothes or technical translations.

Sometimes having a hobby helps to start a business. For example, people engaged in aquarium fish can make their hobby a source of income - start raising fish (algae, plankton) for sale.

For beginners, we can give some more specific advice:

  • you should not take a large loan from a bank to start a business, especially if you do not have other sources of permanent income (it is better to borrow from relatives if you absolutely do not have your own funds) and if you clearly decided that you need funds to start your own business, then be sure study our article "";
  • start small: set specific tasks for yourself and complete them sequentially;
  • if your business is not connected with the Internet, but is focused on the local territory, consider whether the income level of potential consumers is sufficient for your business to work (in other words, it is hardly worth opening an elite clothing store in a village with a population of 5,000 people).

And most importantly - do not be upset if the project did not work: it did not work out now, it will definitely work out with next try... Business experience is much more important than the availability of start-up capital.

4. Ideas for a business with minimal investment - TOP 15 best business ideas

And now specific ideas for those who want to start working for themselves and make a profit today. Let's say right away that you also need to be able to use ready-made projects and ideas. Each option needs to be considered and compared with specific realities.

If you have little business experience or are looking to start your own business, check out our selection of business ideas for beginners.

Business idea 1. Resale of things on Avito

Avito is the most popular free classifieds site in Russia. Thousands of purchase and sale transactions are carried out here every day: some people buy the product they need, others successfully sell this product.

Where there is a lot of money, intermediaries are needed. It is not at all necessary to sell your own things: you can search for buyers and sell other people's things to them, while getting good interest for your services.

Why is this relevant? Many people want to sell a thing they do not need, but do not know how to do it, or do not have it enough time. In addition, there are sites where you can buy cheap goods in bulk, and then sell them at retail at a favorable price for you.

If you want to understand in detail how to make a profit on Avito and even build a business on it, check out our article "".

In fact, most stores are engaged in intermediary activities. V in this case you do not need to pay money for renting a warehouse or retail space: all your activities will take place on the Internet.

You also have to deal with the organization of the delivery of goods to the client - but for this there are already proven schemes: you can use the services of a mail or delivery service. If things are going uphill, you might consider setting up your own online store.

An excellent option for making money on Avito, verified by us personally, is the sale of Chinese goods. You can buy a trial batch of souvenirs, watches, jewelry, household items and place ads with a description on this bulletin board.

This way of earning money is also called "Business with China". Young guys earn 200, 300 and even 500 thousand rubles a month clean on it, starting from complete zero under the guidance of a mentor.

You can also repeat their success if you decide to resell. chinese goods... We can recommend you as your guide to the world of online sales. The team of our site knows him personally and we know for sure that Zhenya is an excellent expert in the "Chinese" topic.

For clarity, watch the video where student Eugene shares his success story after completing the training:

Business idea 2. Organization of a holiday agency

Starting your own holiday and event agency is one of the easiest ways to start your own business. Birthdays, corporate parties and people celebrate and will always celebrate weddings, despite crises and other cataclysms.

Your task is to help them organize the holiday. You can specialize exclusively in children's parties: the children's audience is less demanding, and the child is easier to cheer than the adult.

A holiday agency sells services that cannot be touched, therefore professionalism is the main criterion. To begin with, you need to hold 5-10 events at a high level, after which they will definitely notice you and recommend you to your friends. The presence of advertising on the Internet and in the media will not hurt, but the advantages of word of mouth should not be neglected. Satisfied clients will recommend you to each other.

Business idea 3. Advertising agency as a business for beginners

A small advertising agency can consist of 2-3 people and does not require large investments at the initial stage. All you need is creative ideas for advertising and a decent knowledge of the basics of computer design.

Our good friend, Evgeny Korobko, opened his own and is now successfully developing it. Zhenya left his job when the income from his little advertising business exceeded his salary level.

To start with the office advertising agency can be organized at home: it doesn't matter where you receive and implement requests from clients. All the initial capital that you have can be completely invested in advertising for your advertising agency (no matter how paradoxical it may sound): the very first normal orders will recoup the money spent with interest.

It is better not to save on means of production - a computer, a scanner, a printer - all equipment should be the most modern. It is not necessary to create a full-fledged staff: now there are a lot of free artists (freelancers) who will design an advertising layout or create a corporate identity for a minimal fee. At the final stage, the main thing is to search for orders.

Again, if you use the worldwide network wisely, there will be no shortage of clientele.

Experts in this matter believe that the most profitable advertising industry is creativity: the creation of original ideas, slogans, logos, layouts and banners. You can set the prices for your services yourself. The main indicator success - a stable increase in the cost of the information product you create and the number of its sales over a period, for example, a month.

Business idea 4. Organization of the "husband for an hour" service

The Husband for an Hour service is especially in demand in medium and large cities where there is a large number of busy population and even men, not to mention women, it will be relevant to use the services of private jack of all trades.

No upfront investment - just advertising. The main condition is professionalism. Do you know how to quickly install a switch, fix a tap, repair household appliances, wiring and plumbing? Then this is exactly your business.

Better, of course, to have your own car in order to arrive at the call as soon as possible.

If you are a good organizer, you can not be directly involved in the implementation of repair and household work, but coordinate them. It is necessary to organize a network of employees (narrow specialists in a particular field) and distribute calls between them, taking into account the specifics of the work and the territorial criterion.

Specialists of such a service can be both generalists and specialists in a particular field: electrician, plumbing, finishing work.

One friend of ours, his name is Evgeny, opened such a service in the city of Stavropol, at first he worked himself, then he began to hire people. Now he has a popular and sustainable business.

Business idea 5. Cargo transportation

Organization of cargo transportation is a promising direction, since the need for such services is constantly growing. This is due, among other things, to the development of Internet commerce. The goods purchased by the customers need to be delivered, and preferably as soon as possible.

To get started, you can open a small shipping agency in your hometown... You don't even need to have your own car park to carry out the transportation itself. It is enough to find clients for your services and negotiate with the car owners about the price of the transportation itself.

Thus, you organize your dispatch service, which, as an intermediary, makes money on the resale of consumer orders (a person or a company that wants to transfer goods) to a contractor (vehicle owner).

We know a guy, his name is Denis, who first worked for a year as a hired driver on a gazelle, and then bought his own gazelle and started making money on it. Now, 4 years later, he has almost 20 cars, which he gradually took out on credit and put the same hired drivers on them.

How Denis's cargo transportation scheme works in figures

Let's look at the example of one car that was borrowed.

Loan repayment per month 15,000 rubles + 25,000 rubles driver's salary + fuel and lubricants and depreciation 12,000 rubles.

Total: costs per car: 62,000 rubles per month.

The revenue from one car at the cost of an hour 400 rubles per day with a 10-hour working day and an average car load of 7 hours a day 25 days a week is 400 * 7 * 25 = 70,000 rubles.

It turns out that the profit is equal to: REVENUE 70,000 rubles minus COSTS 62,000 rubles = 8,000 rubles.

* All calculations here are taken as approximate and may not reflect the entirety of the picture, regarding the specifics of this business.

Once again, this final profit figure is obtained if you borrowed a car.

The profit will be either minimal or practically zero. After the loan for the car is paid off and it becomes your rightful property, the profitability (profit) from this transport unit will increase significantly.

The growth opportunities in this area are endless.

2) Business ideas for a small town

Business ideas for a small town have their own specifics. You can make money in small settlements using the simplest and most popular things. But what if the population of your city is between 10,000 and 100,000? The answer is below.

Business idea 6. Breeding and sale of animals

If you are a private house owner and love the animal kingdom, you can start breeding animals for sale. First, of course, you need to decide what kind of animals you will breed - guinea pigs, dogs, cats, newts, hamsters. The main criterion is the availability of a market for implementation. By the way, pedigree dogs and cats with a good pedigree cost tens of thousands of rubles.

The organization of a home nursery as a business is good idea to start in a small town or even a village (village).

If you look more broadly and get the relevant knowledge (education) and documents, you can grow into veterinary clinic and at least open a store selling pet food and related products.

You can also breed rabbits. They multiply quite quickly and sell well.

Depending on the size and breed, the price of a live rabbit ranges from 800 rubles (15 $) to 4500 rubles (65 $).

If everyone in your city loves boxing dogs, do business with them. Of course, the case requires a preliminary study of all the nuances. It is advisable to talk to your veterinarian about the most common problems when breeding animals of a particular breed.

Business idea 7. Shoe repair and key making

In many cities, including small ones, there are shoe repair shops. If you are not embarrassed to work with your hands and engage in sticky koshi, stuffing heels and replacing zippers on women's boots, then you can easily organize such a point in your village. All you need for this is a room of 5 square meters, a pair of shelves, a tool and the ability to engage in this type of activity.

Also, do not forget to officially register as an individual entrepreneur so that you do not have problems with the authorities. Become individual entrepreneur simply, to do this, study our article "".

The shoe repair and keymaking business is often grouped together due to similar working conditions.

And if there is a crisis in the country, then it only plays into your hands. In such conditions, people spend less on new shoes and prefer to repair old ones, if possible. If you know how and love to work with your hands and want to be your own boss - this business is for you.

Business idea 8. Private cosmetologist (hairdresser, make-up artist)

To provide the services of a make-up artist, hairdresser, skin, nail and body care specialist, it is not necessary to rent a room and open a SPA-salon with expensive equipment and many employees.

You can cut people's hair and do make-up at home - the main thing is that you know how to provide these services with high quality. A lot of women prefer to use the services of a home (almost personal) hairdresser - and the cooperation sometimes lasts for years.

Having gained customer base, you will be able to have a constant income, without exaggeration, throughout your life. After all, this service is required at regular intervals by your customers.

Working from home as a private beauty master, you can provide the following services:

  • hair cutting and coloring;
  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • wedding hairstyle and makeup;
  • sale of related products (shampoos, gels, varnishes).

Working as a private master, you can become a full-fledged stylist in the future or open your own beauty studio.

Business idea 9. Tutoring

Good tutors for many students and schoolchildren are worth their weight in gold. This private educational services business is suitable for professionals in any field.

The services of such a plan are especially in demand in the season before entering universities.

How do customers know about you? Advertisements can be made in the local newspaper, on television, on the Internet. And the best way is to find clients by communicating directly with pupils or students. For example, most teachers in schools work part-time as tutors before leaving school ( graduation class) or vice versa, before entering educational institution when preparing for entrance exams.

A good tutor makes good money in an hour: you can work from home or remotely via Skype. In this case, your client market is not limited by anything. We will tell you more about making money using Skype below in the article.

Private lessons do not have to be science education. You can teach people to play the guitar, cross stitch, and weave beaded bracelets. If you can do something very well, why not teach it to others for appropriate rewards?

Business idea 10. Opening a canteen

This business idea is relevant not only in 2017 and 2018, but at all times.

In small towns, as a rule, there are interruptions to catering establishments. Opening a canteen where food is delicious and home-style will help to resolve this issue with the benefit of the owner and customers. It is not necessary to open a large dining room at once for 50-100 seats: 5 cozy tables are enough for a start.

The main thing is to keep the brand and cook really tasty. Such activities as individual entrepreneurship are formalized - the only initial costs are: renting premises, purchasing products. Analysts believe that this segment of the market in small towns is very profitable, especially if you have a reliable staff and a well-thought-out service.

In any, even a small town, there are people who want to eat deliciously for reasonable money, a full meal with the first and second, and not run around the shops in the hope of quickly "grabbing" something edible.

Such a business idea will be in demand both in a large and a small city, where well-known catering chains are practically not represented, and this will reduce competition for you.

3) Business ideas at home

In this section, we have prepared ideas for those who wish to work outside of themselves, without leaving home.

Business idea 11. Making crafts at home (hand-made)

If you know how to make dolls, funny animals, wood products that children like and not only, organize a hand-made home business and sell your products through the same Avito or a specialized website. Hundreds of people are already doing this and making a profit.

Once we interviewed a girl who thus earns and lives with us in the city of Stavropol. It all started out as a hobby. To learn more about how to turn your creative talents into real money, read "" - an interview with Anna Belan, founder of the creative studio "SUZORAMI".

Exclusiveness has always been appreciated, and if you really approach with heart to creating crafts at home, you can earn several thousand dollars and, at the same time, teach other people this craft for money.

Business idea 12. Opening a home web studio

The newest Internet technologies will generate stable profits if used correctly. Do you have experience in creating websites, Internet applications, or do you know how to competently promote network resources in search engines? If so, then you should create your own web studio.

The demand of the population to create their own Internet sites is constantly growing - why not take advantage of this demand? Having opened your own web studio, you will work exclusively for yourself and, moreover, do your favorite thing.

Starting this home business, over time, you can expand the company and become the head of your own IT company, and entrust freelancers or full-time employees with creating websites, online stores and selling pages.

Business idea 13. Training and consultation via Skype

The Internet has destroyed borders between states and distances between cities. Now you can teach others from the comfort of your home. Skype and other methods of Internet communication allow you to give lessons and advice, regardless of location.

With the help of skype you can carry out the following types commercial activities:

  • teach everyone foreign languages ​​(if you are, of course, a specialist);
  • give legal advice;
  • advise clients as a psychologist or psychotherapist;
  • train people in entrepreneurship;
  • guessing, making up horoscopes.

The opportunity to study at a distance is beneficial for the teacher and the student - no one wants to spend time and money on movement. Any skills and knowledge are now within walking distance - 20 years ago one could only dream of such opportunities.

Now a very popular direction has become the work on the Internet, including with the help of Skype. If you have competencies that can be sold remotely, you can travel and work at the same time. And this way of life is the dream of millions of people all over the world.

Business idea 14. Creating a profitable website on the Internet

If your network resource is popular and is well promoted in search engines, then simply by placing contextual advertising and banners on it, you can have a stable and very considerable profit.

We have already written above that our site is a prime example of such a profitable site.

If you are truly passionate about information technology, then creating your own website (blog) can become for you both an additional source of income and the main one.

Your visited site will simultaneously solve several problems for you:

  • form your personal brand and expert status in any niche;
  • bring you profit on a regular basis like a store, cafe or other offline business;
  • motivate you to learn, develop and learn new things;
  • develop talents in different areas: copywriting, management, marketing, negotiation (when working with advertisers).

If you are interested in the topic of creating a website with the aim of making money on it, read our article "", in which we described in detail, step by step, the entire process of creation, what types of sites exist, how to choose a CMS, hosting, domain and much more.

Business idea 15. Home atelier - sewing and repairing clothes

Tailoring and repairing clothes at home, like repairing shoes, can become your home business during a crisis.

If it is not possible to purchase expensive thing in a boutique, why not alter or repair used clothing at a lower price? You don't need to pay rent for a home studio: you just need to launch an advertisement for your business.

We have a friend who works from home and is engaged in sewing dresses, including wedding dresses, and earns more than the average salary in our city.

To open a home studio, you only need your skills, availability sewing machine and the desire to work.

This concludes our list of popular business ideas. We will be glad if you choose the one that suits you and build your successful business on its basis.

We also have an excellent article about the one in which we described more than 35 ways earnings through the World Wide Web.

7.3 legendary business ideas that changed the world

The following 3 business projects most effectively and clearly show how it can work original idea, which, it would seem, lay on the surface:

  1. The creation by the American entrepreneur Jeffrey Bezos of the virtual online store Amazon, in the image and likeness of which hundreds of other chain stores now operate, changed the idea of ​​selling over the Internet. Like many now successful companies, Amazon was located in a garage. Its founder attracted talented programmers from Silicon Valley to create the project and, thanks to his entrepreneurial talent and focus on customer needs, became one of the greatest businessmen of all history. If you are considering opening a store on the Internet as a business idea, then study our article "" - this is a step-by-step instruction from practitioners in their field.
  2. Company for the production of electronic games "Atari". The creation of the first electronic game and video game company, Atari, by Nolan Bushnel in 1972, kicked off this massive industry. Nowadays, electronic games have taken over the world. WarCraft, Counter-Strike, Quake, Heroes, StarCraft, World of Tanks and many other popular computer games today owe their origin to those now distant times when personal computers were only big dream humanity.
  3. Making diapers. In the middle of the 20th century, Victor Mills, an employee of Procter & Gamble, invented the disposable diaper, now famous all over the world, thereby revolutionizing the consumer goods market. Now this product seems so common to millions of families. But in the distant 60s of the last century, it was something like a manned flight into space. Now thanks to famous brand Pampers began to call all diapers "diapers", although this is only the name of the brand, and not the product itself.

In fact, there are far more than three legendary business ideas that have changed the world. Hundreds and even thousands of people have used their talent, intelligence and imagination to make the world as we know it.

Analyze your abilities and talents, find what you enjoy doing. Maybe the next person to change the world is you!

8. Conclusion

Dear friend, we have brought you the most popular and proven business ideas. Perhaps you have your own original project that will allow you to make money in an even more productive and simple way than those described in the article.

Finally, be sure to watch the video from the Moscow 24 channel about which business ideas and how much entrepreneurial people earn today:

Good luck in business and profitable startups!

How to Open Your Own Business Without Investing Money - 7 Proven Business Ideas of 2018 for Newbies and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Currency fluctuations have already become stability in our time. Is there an opportunity to find the work of his life in a crisis for opponents of working for a "stranger's uncle" and sitting young years in the office or at the machine? How not to go bankrupt with a choice of occupation and what kind of business to open in a crisis, in the material below.

A start

Usually, the aspirations of a budding entrepreneur are limited to a small firm or office. The reason for this is the minimum of financial resources inherent in the pocket of a potential businessman. In fact, the scarcity of a wallet is not a reason for sadness or panic. A decent list of directions for starting their own business appears to the attention of modern monopolists. The main thing to remember is that starting a business from scratch does not work without purpose, experience, initial skills and knowledge.

Analysis of relevance

In search of an answer to the question of what kind of business to do in a crisis, one should take into account the relevance of the services provided, which, in turn, affects the factor of profitability of production. Businesses and ordinary people are tightening their belts and preparing for difficult times, making every effort to spend money as efficiently as possible.

Financiers from Europe have found out what kind of business is relevant in a crisis. The list includes:

  • freelance work;
  • online service;
  • repair services;
  • catering establishments;
  • collector services;
  • sale of medicines;
  • commission points of sale of goods.

An inventive way out of the crisis will be a thorough study of consumer needs and market conditions.

Business without leaving home

Are the actual business in a crisis with introverts who want to spend most of their time within the walls of their own apartment? Undoubtedly. A decent income at home has long ceased to be an unattainable dream.
Creatives create blogs, websites and profiles in social networks and monetize resources and portals - the path is long and thorny, but the subsequent popularity and revenues are worth it.

Selling hand-made makes it possible to add good sums to your wallet. The opening of a mini-production facility will require the creation of a website where potential buyers can not only familiarize themselves with the products, but also contact the manufacturer. Selling homemade natural cosmetics, design items, toys, clothes or cupcakes is an original and profitable idea.

The existence on the Internet of many resources for work allows you to perform tasks set by the customer, remotely. Freelance is a solution for journalists, graphic designers and programmers.

Repair services

The relentless blow to the wallets of both wealthy and low-income people is a consequence of the falling economy. Based on statistical data, in times of crisis, the population refuses large-scale purchases (cars, computers / household appliances, furniture). The demand for repairs crowds out the renewal of old things, their replacement with new ones.

Catering establishments

Do not hide the fact that restaurants and cafeterias bring decent income only in times of complete security of the population. Of course, establishments with expensive interiors and exquisite cuisine will not disappear from the food market, but street and fast food establishments will take pride of place as leaders. The doors to the world of fast food are opening a little for novice businessmen: this is the best business to open in a crisis.

Collector services

What business to do during a crisis, if not a collection business? The active decline in purchasing power is forcing banks to resort to the services of collectors. Buying obligations on the basis of credit relations due to the falling solvency of the majority of borrowers is an unpleasant, but profitable business.

Pharmacy business

For entrepreneurs who own a decent start-up capital, the problem of the question of which business to open in a crisis is even more acute, since the likelihood of "burnout" with all the funds invested in office work scares novice businessmen. Financial gurus claim that in similar situations it is necessary to return to the main problem modern society: health. Due to the constant demand for medications, which, by the way, for the most part are not taxed for a price increase, this is a profitable solution for owners of large start-up capital.

Cheap and stylish: thrift stores

The subculture called "hipsters" is the main profit of modern thrift shops. Overpriced branded items scare and alienate shoppers during a downturn. Stores come to the rescue, providing the following types of goods on the shelves:

  • cheap household;
  • small at low prices;
  • vintage items or "second-hand";
  • stationery.

For example, the main groups of goods in fixed-price stores are provided by Chinese suppliers, the advantages of cooperation with which are low prices and average quality.

Other secrets

For those who from the above list of ideas did not find the one to which their heart responds, there are additional options what business to do during a crisis. These include:

1. Travel business. Residents of the area with a periodic influx of city guests have an attractive opportunity to rent an apartment or create a hostel for tourists.

2. Business in the city. This item includes the provision of household services: cleaning premises, caring for the elderly or children.

3. Village business. Fact: about half of the population of megacities dream of moving to a village where there is an opportunity to earn money on growing crops and raising livestock.

Despite the fact that the flow of ideas about what kind of business to open during a crisis is really endless, it's time to draw the bottom line. The key to successfully starting your own business is desire, purpose and tireless work.

It often happens that plans for a happy and peaceful future suddenly collapse. This is not necessarily due to personal mistakes at work or poor business decisions. Globalization has affected all developed countries so much that a common man in the street has little effect when the economy of an entire state or the world is in fever.

Therefore, it remains only to accept the realities of the current situation and go through the constantly repeating waves of the crisis, thinking over what kind of business to do during the crisis.

What to do during a crisis?

In a world where fictitious capital is many times greater than the volume of real capital, the crisis is not something new and surprising, but it always comes abruptly and at the wrong time. Untrained entrepreneurs lose their assets, and employees lose jobs.

Before a businessman in a period of economic downturn, there are 2 options for action:

  • Try to restore and establish your old business, which may not be in demand at this time.
  • Find a new source of income in a completely different area, which is profitable even in a crisis.

To make the right choice, you need to determine whether there will be any demand for goods or services that were stably bought in the pre-crisis period. If such prospects are not foreseen, then you should look for other niches for the implementation of your business projects, determining what kind of business to do during the 2016 crisis.

When the population is in dire need of financial resources, the companies that produce luxury goods and high-value durable goods are the first to suffer. If a question arises, leave money for food or pay a fee for consumer credit, then the choice will be obvious.

Therefore, in order to successfully endure the consequences of the crisis, it is necessary to offer people goods and services, for which money will be willingly allocated even in a difficult economic situation. So, consider a business in a crisis - what to do in 2016 and make a profit.

What to do during the 2016 crisis - the best ideas

Essential goods

It can be, for example, medicines or clothing, but food remains the most demanded commodity. Hunger and thirst have to be dealt with at any time, so the food business is the least affected by the economic downturn. Meat, bakery and confectionery products, water and alcoholic beverages - all these goods are taken off the shelves, regardless of the current ruble exchange rate and how much a barrel of oil costs.

A businessman is required to choose a specific niche, correctly present his product and attract buyers with a favorable price, which will play the most important role in this moment time. You can even start such a business from scratch in your kitchen, with only a passion for cooking and money for the first batch of ingredients. And this is perhaps the best answer to the question of what to do during a crisis in order to earn money.

Car repair

A new car is a big investment in times of crisis that most people are not financially ready for. Therefore, the repair and maintenance of old vehicles is more in demand than ever. During an economic downturn, there is also a good chance to purchase the necessary parts or a whole auto shop from a bankrupt businessman for next to nothing.


Social networks and blogs are experiencing a peak in popularity, and you can make good money from this. A blogger is required to be able to create unique and interesting content for a specific target audience, and all income is based on ads that are placed on the site or used in the posts themselves.

Direct sales

This type of income is suitable for people who have a hanging tongue and who can sell any product, sometimes even against the wishes of the client. An example can be taken from companies such as Avon or Oriflame. Most importantly, this business does not require upfront investment and office space.

Any investment in an unstable period is associated with a risk that many entrepreneurs hesitate to take on their own. In these situations, they seek help from qualified specialist so that he can analyze the situation and suggest which decision is worth making. This is one of the best options for economists who have been unemployed because of the crisis.

Educational courses

Even in the most difficult times, parents strive to give their child better education, therefore, the demand for talented tutors never falls. Moreover, the crisis affects the labor market. To obtain decent job Many people take various specialized courses in an effort to improve their resume in the eyes of their future employer.

Cosmetic business

The desire of women to be attractive and take care of themselves cannot be broken by any crisis, this is a fact. Therefore, sales of cosmetics remain high during the period of economic instability. For many girls, the very fact of buying a new perfume or lipstick is a cure for stress and allows them to forget about pressing problems.

Preparation of real estate for sale

The real estate market is very sensitive to changes in the economy, during periods of recession it is extremely difficult to find buyers for new houses and apartments, people simply do not have enough savings. The only ones who do not feel the impact of the crisis on this market are home staging specialists. The task of these experts is to give real estate the best presentation (make cosmetic repairs, correctly arrange furniture or take it out bad smell). This kind of work is best suited for designers or experienced builders who have been renovating apartments.

Caring for the elderly

There are many elderly people who need daily care, but their relatives have a too busy schedule, and they are deprived of the ability or desire to do it on their own. Establishing a care service for the elderly is not a bad business idea at any time. In addition, there are wealthy retirees who want to see the world and have accumulated funds for this. You can help them fulfill their dreams and at the same time make money on travel arrangements.

Environmental business

V last years the demand for environmentally friendly goods has grown sharply, as in Food Industry and in the fashion world. Enterprises that do not harm the environment have become especially revered.

Discount and sale sites

Such resources are always in demand among consumers seeking maximum savings. But during the crisis, sites about promotions, discounts and sales acquire special value, bringing the owner good income from advertising.

Remote employee

Large companies use any method to reduce their costs. The issuance of tasks for outsourcing allows you to get rid of the need to maintain an office and reduce the cost of wages... Remote employees also benefit. They do not need to spend money on travel and have the opportunity to control their schedule.

Online video creation

A trip to the cinema is associated with considerable expenses, especially if there are popcorn lovers in the company. In this regard, and with the desire to save money, the Internet has replaced cinema visits for many people. The demand for high-quality online video has increased, and many platforms have appeared where you can sell such content.

Home Based Business Franchise

For those who are afraid to open a business on their own, there is an opportunity to buy a time-tested franchise, which is designed for a business from scratch at home.

Online shopping assistant

There are a number of online sites where you can profitably sell old or unnecessary things. However, many people do not know how these resources are arranged and how to work on them correctly. Sites like these provide for the ability to trade on behalf of others, and people willingly use the services of sales assistants who have a percentage of each transaction.

During a crisis, start-up entrepreneurs can only rely on their own strength, since investors do not trust newcomers and therefore refuse to finance new business projects. But no matter how difficult it was, you can't sit with folded hands. A profitable business in the 2018 crisis can be opened literally from scratch. The most important thing is to find an idea that will work in conditions of economic instability.


During the crisis, the food market undergoes major changes. Trade in expensive goods and delicacies practically stops, while the demand for cheap domestically produced products, on the contrary, begins to grow.

The most demanded product:

  • Bakery products;
  • Pasta;
  • Cereals;
  • Milk products;
  • Inexpensive meats;
  • Confectionery;
  • Inexpensive vegetables and fruits.

If you're looking for something to do during the 2018 crisis, then a food-based business is the most promising option for newbies. The most important thing is to find a free niche in the market and offer consumers quality products at affordable prices.

Financial advisory

In times of crisis, entrepreneurs face serious problems - investors do not want to invest in their projects, partners do not fulfill their obligations and often delay settlements. In this regard, in almost every company, it comes to the fore competent management money.

If you are well versed in finance and have extensive experience in this area, try providing paid advice to companies and individuals. Such a profitable business during the crisis in 2018 will not require any financial investments from you, since you will sell your own knowledge.

You might just as well sell your other skills at a profit. For example, private lessons in foreign languages, music, culinary arts, etc. are very popular.

Car service

In an unstable economic environment, many people are forced to give up buying a new car, so they often have to repair their old car. A car repair shop is the best option,. Over time, if things go well, consider opening a full-service auto shop or service station.

Home staging

The real estate market suffers the most during the crisis. Here comes such a lull that many realtors have to look. Specialists who continue to work in the real estate market are trying to attract buyers by any means.

To make the property sell faster, they offer the owners to invest in it a certain amount. Money is needed to make a house or apartment attractive appearance... Pre-sale work performed by home staging specialists consists of the following stages:

  • Interior decoration;
  • Rearrangement of furniture;
  • Development of landscape design for the backyard area;
  • Spring-cleaning.

Home staging is a great business idea 2018 with minimal investment for people with creativity and lively creative thinking.

Educational courses

Can't decide what kind of business to do during the crisis? If you have useful knowledge, you can open educational courses for teaching a profession, learning foreign languages ​​or certain school subjects... Such classes can be conducted on the Internet via Skype or at home. Thanks to this, you do not have to spend money on renting premises and obtaining special permits. This option is ideal for former faculty members looking for.

Children's clothing store

Any mother, regardless of her family's income level, wants her child to look better than all other babies, so fashionable children's clothing is always in great demand. If you have not yet decided what kind of business is profitable to do during a crisis, open small shop children's clothing. It is desirable that it be an economy class outlet. To save money at the start, create a small commission department in the store. Since the purchasing power of the population is sharply reduced in difficult economic conditions, people will gladly buy used items at affordable prices. If you open a store in good location with high traffic, the initial investment will pay off in the shortest possible time.

Funeral services

Death and birth of people is natural process, which will not be able to leave any crisis, so the demand for funeral services does not fall even in difficult economic conditions. If you decide to open a small business in times of crisis, be sure to pay attention to this area of ​​activity.

Offer the public a variety of funeral services, ritual paraphernalia, and monuments. All financial investments in this business pay off after 10-15 orders are completed. People try to see off their relatives and friends on their last journey with all the honors, so this kind of business brings a decent stable profit. Funeral services agency is the simplest one.


Repair of electronics and household appliances

Economic instability is forcing many citizens of our country to introduce austerity regime. Therefore, if a mobile phone or a washing machine breaks down, people are in no hurry to go to the store to buy new equipment. Most often, they go to a repair shop, where they can be helped to fix the problem.

If you know how to repair household appliances and are looking, open a small workshop at home. Such a business will not require significant financial investments from you. All you need for the job is a tool and spare parts for the repair. A home appliance repair shop is a great idea for men who can't decide what kind of business to start in a crisis.

Homemade canned food production

Recently, there has been a decline in consumer demand for canned products. The reason for this is the poor quality of the product. Consumers have stopped buying canned meat made in industrial plants, but canned meat prepared according to home recipes is always very popular.

If you can't find a suitable idea, start a small cannery at home. In addition to stew, you can offer consumers a variety of pickles, canned vegetables and fruits, compotes, jams and preserves. Such a business is perfect for people who live in rural areas and have their own backyard farm.

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Fast food

To understand which business is currently relevant in a crisis, you need to carefully research the market and determine which goods and services are in the greatest demand. Everyone knows that a person cannot live without food, so trade in any food is profitable in any economic conditions.

The simplest business idea, which does not require a lot of money, is to sell fast food on the street, for example, delicious donuts with different fillings. The smell of their baked goods spreads all over the area, so there are always crowds of people near the stalls of hot donuts. If for some reason you cannot organize street trading, you can bake donuts at home and donate them in bulk to shops or cafes. In this case, you need to find the distribution channels for the finished product in advance.

Banquet hall for rent

Recently, many people are looking for an answer to the question,? They are considering various ideas in the field of trade or production, but, for some reason, only a few pay attention to such a profitable business as renting a banquet hall.