How to make money in winter? Eight relevant winter business ideas! How about having a party at home?

What to do in winter - 10 ideas for what to do in winter from the magazine "website"

In winter, we lack heat, sun and bright colors. Together with the weather, the mood deteriorates, the melancholy overcomes, loneliness is felt more acutely. But at the same time, at this special time of the year, you can experience so many interesting and unforgettable things! In this article, we offer 10 ideas for things to do in winter.

10 things to do in winter

1. Health care

In winter, when immunity weakens, it is especially important to take care of your health. First of all, you need to give up junk food- chips, crackers, fast food, unlearn snacking on sweets, cookies and sandwiches. Let it be better nuts (soaked, raw and without salt), fresh fruits, berries, natural yoghurts, whole grain bread. Good sleep, morning exercises, walks in frosty weather - all this will benefit the body. Scientists have found that winter air contains 10-15% more oxygen than summer air. Visit the pool, go ice skating, try yourself in different styles dancing, in general - move as much as possible in winter to keep your figure in shape.

2. Beauty care, spa, make-up lessons

Try new makeup ideas. Applying the same color every day is very boring. Don't be afraid to experiment: learn how to draw arrows different ways, try different combinations eye shadow, apply mascara to eyelashes unusual color, experiment with shades of lipstick - there are a lot of options for transforming. The main thing is to find your “right” colors. Watch tutorial videos, learn how to use professional makeup brushes, how to apply Foundation, shadows, blush. Change your hairstyle, visit a SPA-salon - in general, try to be beautiful and unique every day even in winter.

3. Needlework

Make something with your own hands: a postcard, a notebook, gift bags, Christmas candlesticks, a patchwork blanket, a snowman from unnecessary socks and mittens, christmas garlands paper, fleece toys - start with the simplest. Handmade gifts are always insanely nice to give and receive. Needlework is lovely way self-expression, especially for women. Manual creativity distracts from the daily hustle and bustle, helps to deal with stress. In addition, there are many techniques that will be interesting to master - quilling, origami, decoupage, scrapbooking, cold porcelain modeling, beading, crochet.

4. Self-development

Winter is the most right time for self-education. Read, go to exhibitions, visit the zoo, dolphinarium, circus, planetarium. Pamper yourself with new experiences. Watch motivational movies: "Peaceful Warrior", "Confronting the Giants", "The Secret", "The Pursuit of Happyness", "Pay It Forward", "Pollyanna", "My Little Angel", "Revolutionary Road". Learn to play a musical instrument English language(in the summer, when traveling, it will come in handy for you) - find time for your favorite activities, do what inspires you, what brings you pleasure. Do not be afraid to discover new talents in yourself. As Kurt Vonnegut wrote: “Sing, dance, write, draw, play an instrument, and it doesn’t matter if you are good at it or not, this is how you develop your soul.”

5. Cooking

Winter - perfect time for culinary experiments. Learn how to knead puff pastry, make custard, pickle ginger, salt red caviar, bake meat in the oven, cook pudding, homemade ice cream, natural yogurt. Bake cookies with funny shapes, treat your friends healthy sweets- do-it-yourself candied fruits, dried fruit sweets, halva, try to do it. Learn to cook new, interesting dishes for your family and friends. Also, try roasted chestnuts: this is as much a part of winter as hot chocolate, mulled wine and tangerines.

6. "Flower Corner"

Do you want to feel like a gardener in winter? Just buy the plants you like, transplant them into beautiful pots and grow them on your windowsill. small garden. Shelter at home violet, spathiphyllum (" woman's happiness”), ficus, aichrizon (“tree of happiness”), geranium, hoyu, azalea, calathea, hibiscus -. Houseplants will delight with their flowering and remind you of spring.

7. Love

Don't give in to winter gloom. Enjoy life, be grateful for what you have today, hope for the best, believe in miracles, because winter is a time of magic. Share your love with those who need it. Believe in your good fairy tale. Make new acquaintances: on a snowy slope or on a skating rink, in a water park or in a swimming pool, in a warm cafe or in a karaoke bar. In winter, you need to get acquainted. As Mikhail Zhvanetsky said: “When there is a severe frost, people become warmer to each other.”

8. Caring for others

Take care of your loved ones, visit your parents, call grandparents, meet friends, say words of love and gratitude to the people you love as often as possible - in winter we all lack warmth. Write a letter to a loved one whom you would like to see more often and send in an envelope, not in in electronic format. Give things that you haven’t worn for a long time, toys that no one needs, to Orphanage. Helping those who lack love and care ennobles our souls.

9. Entertainment

In winter, you can walk along the snow-covered streets, play snowballs, sledding, sculpt a snowman, build castles from snow, you can make bird feeders, hang them on trees and put bread crumbs there - who said that all these entertainments are for children? Winter fun bring us back to a carefree childhood, bring so much joy and fun! Fresh air, flushed cheeks, happy smiles, active exercises - go outside as often as possible in winter, and you will see that this time is truly beautiful!

10. A fairy tale from childhood

Watch cartoons, New Year's fairy tales that you loved most as a child. “When the Christmas trees are lit”, “Snow Maidens”, “Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf”, “Twelve months”, “ The Snow Queen”,“ Snow Maiden ”,“ Winter in Prostokvashino ”- there are so many amazing children's films imbued with an adventure spirit, New Year's mood and the atmosphere of magic, wonderful works that can make us adults kinder, remind us of such values ​​as friendship, mutual assistance, trust and support.

Winter - great time. Instead of spending your evenings watching TV, learn to feel its magic, enjoy its unique charm. Decorate your room with candles, lanterns, snowflakes - just a little something fabulous and warm. Make a collage of wishes, listen to your favorite music, look romantic comedy, and then inclement weather will be powerless, and the winter melancholy will melt like spring snow.

Are you still wondering what to do in winter? Hurry up to enjoy every day, every hour, every minute ... Happy winter to you!

And if you do not know what types of your own business are in question, then you just need to familiarize yourself with this review.

Business idea number 1: Working as Santa Claus is trite, but profitable

This is the most common winter business idea. But at the same time, it is also the most profitable. After all, it is with the help of reincarnation in this fairy-tale character that you can earn good money.

The cost of such a business is quite acceptable. To purchase costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, you will need to spend about 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

Calling such fairy-tale heroes to the house costs from 1000 rubles and more. And if you speak with congratulations at any corporate party, then you can earn from 5,000 rubles or more.

In order to fulfill your "Dedomoroz" duties, you will need a Snow Maiden and advertising. As a snow maiden, it is best to take your own loved one. This will eliminate contention in your small business. But for advertising, you can use everything available funds: word of mouth, newspapers, posting ads, etc. In order not to wait for the appearance of the first customers for a long time, you can hold a promo campaign, congratulating several families on the new year absolutely free of charge. This will draw attention to you and set you apart from the crowd of competitors.

It should be noted that in addition to the congratulations themselves, you can record video appeals to children or send letters from Santa Claus.

Taking into account the fact that the cost of one video appeal to a child is from 200 to 1500 rubles, this is also a good way to earn money. Moreover, video congratulations (unlike personal visits) are relevant throughout the winter.

In this case, the cost of treatment will directly depend on the quality and colorfulness of the captured video. And, therefore, you will have to spend money on the implementation of this case. But such costs will surely pay off quickly.

As for letters from fairy tale hero, then it is difficult to earn a solid amount here. But here's how to help your work as Santa Claus, this type of business is perfect.

Business idea number 2: Rental of skis and other winter sports equipment

Today, many people prefer to actively relax in winter period time, and on this preference you can build your own business.

To implement such an idea, you will need to issue an IP and purchase several sets skiing. After that you can open own point sports equipment rental.

Stationary skiing is best organized near the ski slope. After all, this is where you can find required amount clients.

But in this case, you run the risk of facing intense competition. Therefore, a mobile rental point for winter sports equipment is an ideal option. For these purposes, you will need to acquire your own transport, for example, a Gazelle car. Of course, these are additional costs. But at the same time, you can deliver skis to any place at the request of your client. This will significantly increase the demand for rental services.

As your business develops, you can diversify the range of inventory provided. For example, in addition to skis, your rental should have: snowboards, snow scooters, sledges, skates, etc. Then you can reach a large audience.

In terms of costs, to open a business, you will need to have a capital of about 500,000 rubles. And then you can easily start your own business. This amount will pay off in just one season. And in the future, you will receive substantial profits from your winter business.

Due to European sanctions, many people have become wary of vacationing abroad. This means that this winter the vast majority of Russians will prefer Russian ski slopes to foreign slopes. Therefore, by opening a ski rental business and sports equipment already now, you will definitely succeed.

Business idea number 3: Snow removal is a profitable and rewarding business

As a rule, every winter, many institutions and ordinary owners of residential buildings suffer from heavy snowfalls. No forces and means of the city are not enough to cope with the elements.

Therefore, you can provide snow removal services by clearing your hometown and profit from it. To organize a business, you will need:

  • Automobile
  • Trailer
  • Snowplow
  • Registration of IP

The essence of the business is that you will come with your own snow blower to the address indicated by the customer and clear the area of ​​snowdrifts. This is a fairly convenient service that has been in great demand lately.

Your clients can be large companies, parking lot owners, individuals, and even your city's utilities. At the same time, you can not only remove the snow, but also take it out of the city on your trailer. And this is an additional income from your business.

In terms of costs, you will need to buy a snow blower, which costs about 50,000 rubles, and a trailer, which costs about the same. You will also need to conduct a promotion and pay related costs. As a result, we can safely say that 200 thousand rubles will be quite enough to open your own snow removal business.

Since the type of car for towing a trailer does not matter, you can use your personal car as a company vehicle.

Remember that the main attribute of your work is the snow removal equipment itself. Therefore, it is better to purchase a unit that costs around 80 thousand rubles. As a rule, such machines have high power, an electric starter, an ice removal function, and so on. As a result, you will be able to clean with such a device a large area in short time. And this will positively affect your profits.

On average, such services cost 4-5 thousand rubles for cleaning 1000 m 2 of territory. Therefore, all your expenses will pay off in the first couple of months of work.

But in addition to the usual snow removal, you can provide services for dumping snowdrifts and ice floes from the roofs of houses. In this case, you will not need absolutely any additional devices, except for a shovel and special insurance. As a rule, 1 hour of roof cleaning costs about 1500 rubles.

But the most profitable business in this respect is winter industrial mountaineering. this work is to remove ice and snow at height in hard-to-reach places. This type of activity costs from 9000 rubles for 1 hour of work. Here you will need to hire a professional of this profile by purchasing special equipment. But despite these costs, this case is more than worth it.

Business Idea #4: Selling Christmas Decorations

This winter business idea has high demand, great profitability and huge competition. Therefore, to earn money you have to use your imagination.

If we are talking about directly Christmas tree decorations, then you need to make sure that they are original. You can do this by purchasing wholesale lots of such jewelry, which are rarely found in shops and shopping centers in your city. Also, you can make part of your product yourself. Handmade today in fashion and value.

Symbols of the next year are in special demand. For example, 2015 is the year of the sheep. This means that the image and figurines of such an animal will be sold out, as they say, in 2 accounts. But it should be remembered that to sell such goods on next year will not work. Therefore, you need to have a limited assortment of symbols of the new year.

In addition to the jewelry itself, you also need to sell artificial Christmas trees, the demand for which is growing every year. Your product can also be New Year's gifts, Christmas and Valentine's Day souvenirs, fireworks, etc. To keep your business competitive, you need to have a wide variety of Christmas items and gifts with a general theme. Otherwise, only one Christmas decorations customers can purchase at any outlet. And the ability to buy everything at once is the main advantage of a small shopping pavilion.

This type of business is expensive. Indeed, in this situation, you will have to rent a pavilion in a shopping center, or equip a stall in a passable place. Also, you will have to purchase goods and the necessary commercial equipment.

But at the same time, the profit from such a business is quite high. Moreover, your store New Year's toys can quickly become an 8th of March gift shop or a summer gift shop. This means that this business can be not only winter, but also year-round. And this is a pretty good solution.

Business Idea #5: Snow Fort as a Profitable Winter Business

The vast majority of children are not indifferent to buildings made of snow. Especially if these buildings have a majestic appearance and resemble a real medieval castle. Therefore, by building such a fortress in your city, you can not only please the local children, but also earn some good money.

In order to build a winter fortress, you will need snow and some water. The construction of the fortress takes place by laying snow in a special formwork for the manufacture of special blocks from it. The larger the block, the stronger the fortress will be. Therefore, you should not build your castle from small fragments. In order for the snow to turn into a block, you just need to pour water on it. And to attach these same blocks to each other, you will need all the same water. At a constant sub-zero temperature air, you can build a fortress within a few days without any costs for building materials.

But at the same time, the business itself, of course, will not do without financial investments. After all, you will have to hire workers to build a fortress and use the services of a sculptor who will help develop the design of the castle in order to attract children. Do not forget about paperwork, rent for the place (where the fortress will be located) and related costs. And since your business is located in the city, you should coordinate all actions with the local administration.

The profit from this business will surely cover all your costs. After all, for each visit to the fortress, your customers will pay money. And if your entertainment facility starts to be popular, then numerous entrepreneurs will turn to you with a desire to organize the sale of sweets or toys near the fortress. As a result, you will be able to receive a solid rent.

In order for the fortress to interest children, it should be sculpted from the snow fairy tale characters or cartoon characters that will inhabit the ice building. Also, you can make an ice slide and a small skating rink in the snow castle.

As a rule, the organization of such a business requires no more than 100-150 thousand rubles. And to recoup these costs, you will need about half the season. That's why this idea can be safely attributed to the category of profitable types of winter business.

Business idea No. 6: Snow tubing is a European business for the Russian winter

This entertainment consists in the fact that a person goes down a hill on an inflatable sleigh called a snowtube. This sled is made of durable fabric, so it can support the weight of any "rider" and dozens of trips from the ice slide.

In order to organize this species business, you just need to find a steep descent and purchase a few foreign inflatable sleds, or as they are called in Russia, “cheesecakes”. It should be remembered that the slide for the descent should not have any vegetation, protruding bumps or pits. This is necessary in order to exclude the risk of injury of this entertainment. The ideal option for the descent on the snowtube is the river bank.

"Cheesecakes" have a rather slippery surface. They don't require a perfect track. And even if the hill you choose is covered with a small layer of snow, then it will already be possible to carry out exciting descents from it.

The costs of this business are the acquisition of the "euro sleigh" themselves and the registration of all required documents for legitimate business. On average, high-quality snowtubes cost about 2,000 rubles. At the initial stage of doing business, you will need to purchase at least ten of these sleds. Therefore, as an initial capital, you will need about 250 thousand rubles.

But the rental of such sledges can cost 100 rubles for half an hour or more. Given the high demand for this type of entertainment, you can safely count on several dozen customers during the day. And this means that literally a couple of months will be enough to pay for your business.

Today, snow tubing remains an unexplored European entertainment for many. Therefore, there is not much competition in this area. So, no time to waste. Start your business now. Of course, this occupation will not fall under global sanctions, but competitors can “wake up” at any moment. And the sooner you start a business in your city, the more market share you will get.

Business idea #7: Cold protection jacket and antimicrobial scarves. How to make money on this?

A special jacket called the Germinator Transit Jacket was developed a year ago by Betabrand. This jacket features a waterproof lining and inserts that contain silver ions. As a result, such an attribute of the wardrobe can reliably protect its owner from harmful microbes. And thanks high collar and to the hood, such a jacket is also protection against infection with a cold by airborne droplets.

At the same time, this type of clothing has lengthening sleeves that will avoid infection when touching the subway handrails or other objects in public places.

The competition in the field of selling such jackets is quite small. But the demand for them is constantly growing. Indeed, today people pay truly colossal attention to their health. Therefore, you just have to buy a batch of cold protection jackets at a wholesale price using the Internet and start selling them at retail.

And along with such jackets, you can also sell anti-viral scarves. This invention is also new to the market. It represents the usual wide scarf with a special pocket where a filter is inserted to protect Airways man from microbes.

The design of such products is very diverse. Today you can buy women's and male varieties These scarves are made from various materials.

The relevance of such things is at the very high level. After all, if a person, not wanting to get infected, puts on his face gauze bandage, then others may treat him with fear and bewilderment. But if you have on your face stylish scarf, then it will not cause any negative reaction in society.

The main feature of jackets and scarves that protect health is the fact that they can be washed without any problems. And even special antiviral spacers are washable. But only in the case of scarves, such washing should be carried out exclusively in clean water with the addition of soda.

To implement such an idea, you will need to open your own clothing store in real life or on the Internet. On early stages running a business, the second option is best suited. At the same time, to successfully attract customers, you can sell not only antimicrobial, but also quite ordinary winter items: gloves, warm socks, hats, etc. Then the demand for your product will always be on top, as well as your profit.

Business idea No. 8: Thermal imager - Finding heat leaks in private homes

This business idea is based on the application of new technologies, namely, a device called a thermal imager. Such a device with the help of infrared radiation is able to make a thermal picture of absolutely any object. And if the object is a private house, then all heat leaks will be fixed as soon as possible.

By examining your home with a thermal imager, you can give your customers the best possible comfortable living with significant energy savings. After all, it is precisely due to heat leaks that expensive heating is often inefficient.

The process of providing such a service does not end with a banal examination of the premises. The client must provide a photo of thermal "leaks" and official conclusion. This requires a certain amount of time and effort.

But the cost of such services is high. After all, the approximate cost of surveying a private house is 7.5 - 8 thousand rubles. But the thermal imager itself costs 45 thousand rubles.

As a result, it is enough for you to serve about 10 clients so that your costs are fully paid off.

This service is in high demand. And the basis of this demand are Internet users. Therefore, a video clip on YouTube or other advertising on the network will be one of better ways promoting your business.

Conclusion from HOBIZ.RU

Thus, it turns out that in winter the business not only does not fall into hibernation, but also truly flourishes. You just need to have a little entrepreneurial spirit, imagination and a positive attitude. And then even the coldest time of the year can become a hot time for your earnings.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

What to do in winter? After and so not too warm autumn days cold is coming winter time, pulling sadness, loneliness and depression.

Very often at such a time you really want to sleep. However, there also comes a period when an irresistible desire to do something.

What to do in such a cold but incredible romantic time of the year?

1. Take care of your health. weakens, so it is very important to do proper nutrition just in winter time.

First, give up junk food. Chips, fast food, crackers or "dry snacks" will not bring joy to your body. Replace all these hobbies with fresh fruits and berries, natural yogurts.

Strong good sleep and morning exercises will benefit the body. Walking will also help. frosty days. In addition, it is known that in winter there is more oxygen in the air by 15% than in summer.

2. Take care of yourself. Girls can get carried away with new makeup, manicures or pedicures. There are a lot of ideas! There are many videos on the Internet that teach how to do beautiful arrows how to apply foundation or what hairstyle to choose.

There is time for this in winter. Men should also not forget about the presence of neat nails and hair.

3. Do needlework in winter. Learn to do something with your hands. For example, a postcard, gift bag or notebook can become great addition for a gift!

4. Engage in self-development. Reading, going to museums or visiting exhibitions will be the most appropriate conduct leisure time in winter.

Also good decision a zoo, a dolphinarium or a circus will become a quality filling of leisure. There you can have a great time with the children, and you yourself will be left with an ocean of impressions.

5. Make time for cooking. Winter is the perfect time to learn new recipes. Culinary practice will allow you to pamper your family and friends with different goodies. Among them, hot chocolate, sweets or pies are especially popular.

6.Take care of houseplants. Transplant the flowers that have been living with you for a long time, buy new ones - please yourself in the winter!

7. Don't get busy make love! Warm feelings keep you warm in any frost! Give your love, experience hitherto unknown sensations with the help of a loved one.

8.Take care of others. Do not forget to pay attention to relatives and friends. Visit your parents, invite friends over, write letters to loved ones.

9. have fun! Remember the traditional winter activities- sleds, skis, snowballs. Feel like a child - riding on ice slides will bring a lot of joy and positive emotions. There are also extreme views sports: snowboarding, ice activities or snowmobile safaris.

However, be careful, because this kind active life may well be hazardous to your health! Alternatively, you can take a walk in winter forest, feed the birds, make a snowman. This kind of activity will bring you a lot of positive emotions and bright smiles.

10. Visit the gym. You should not remember about your figure only in summer or spring. Need to keep in shape all year round! Trainers, treadmills to help you. This is also very effective way find new friends.

11. Go to the pool. After all, the winter lack of warmth and comfort of sea beaches can be more than compensated for by swimming in the pool. Warm atmosphere, water and a large number of people around - great way keep yourself in shape in winter and do not lose heart!

12.You can enjoy watching movies. This can be done at home with a cup of hot coffee and croissants, or at the cinema with popcorn. In winter, it is very important to watch New Year's films of different genres. Whether it will be the beloved "Home Alone", or the romantic "Vacation by Exchange" - it's up to you.

13. Update your wardrobe. In winter, it is very profitable to buy summer clothes, as they have crazy discounts. But don't forget about winter clothes. By the way, choose the clothes in which you are going to meet New Year, also important based on the recommendations of astrologers.

14. Decorate your home. Paint the windows - let the passers-by rejoice. Cut snowflakes, hang garlands. Cheer up!

15. Stock up on medicines. In winter, many are very, so it will not be superfluous to buy the most necessary medicines and replenish your home first aid kit.

16. Get ready for the New Year and Christmas. Buy a Christmas tree, go shopping and gifts for loved ones, make a list of dishes for the festive table.

17. Enjoy life!

Winter - beautiful time that to learn new sports, and also to read books for which there was not enough time on summer vacation.

InPlanet has prepared a list of 75 interesting things to try during the winter season. And then the winter will fly by cheerfully and imperceptibly.

  1. Drink hot chocolate wrapped in a blanket.
  1. Knit scarves, sweaters and other cozy things as a gift to loved ones.
  2. Make beautiful scrapbooks with memories for a year.
  3. handwriting letters and New Year cards relatives and friends.
  4. Cut out snowflakes and glue them on the windows with the children.
  5. Have a snowball fight.
  6. sculpt snow figures and castles.
  7. Go to an exhibition of ice sculptures.
  8. Have a movie marathon of your favorite movies with popcorn and other snacks.
  9. Learn to skate.
  10. Try skiing or snowboarding.
  11. Bake cookies and cupcakes.
  12. Draw a snow angel.
  13. Dress in things with New Year's and Christmas symbols.
  14. Go to the theater.
  15. Do new Year decoration with your own hands.
  16. Sledging.
  17. Visit the spa complex or sauna.
  18. Write down plans and dreams for the new year in a beautiful notebook.
  19. Cook mulled wine according to a new recipe.
  20. Buy new pajamas, blankets and slippers.
  21. Be driving a snowmobile.
  22. Go to the Nutcracker ballet.
  23. Revisit New Year and Christmas comedies from the 90s and 2000s.
  24. Come up with interesting scenario for Valentine's Day.
  25. Go to the pine forest and breathe in the frosty air.
  26. Hang garlands throughout the apartment.
  27. Throw a chocolate fondue party.
  28. Make a bird feeder.
  29. cook theme party for the new year.
  30. Go to hockey.
  31. Do charity work by giving away old things or some money.
  32. Sign up for drawing lessons.
  33. Try horseback riding.
  34. Dedicate weekends to art: go to museums and exhibitions.
  35. Chat with friends in a cozy coffee shop.
  36. Start a new sport: Pilates, gymnastics, yoga.
  37. Try spicy oriental food.
  38. visit any winter festival in hometown.
  39. Summarize achievements and impressions for the year.
  40. Cooking and eating donuts with jam for Hanukkah.
  41. Take care and help animals.
  42. Change by rearranging.
  43. Prepare hot cream soups.
  44. Start your own small business.
  45. Sign up to the library and take books home.
  46. Take a course of massage.
  47. Study the starry sky and constellations.
  48. Organize a winter trip.
  49. Take a photo every winter day.
  50. Play .
  51. Swim in the indoor pool or visit the indoor water park.
  52. Start your own book club.
  53. Learn how to perform card tricks.
  54. Build a fortress out of blankets and cuddle with your loved one.
  55. Plan your summer trips.
  56. Arrange "happy hours" - breaks for tea / coffee during the day.
  57. Take a bubble bath.
  58. Reread your favorite childhood books.
  59. Eating cinnamon rolls with a hot latte.
  60. Have a pajama party.
  61. Play video games.
  62. Change your style and wardrobe.
  63. View favorites New Year's programs on TV.
  64. Visit all relatives and friends.
  65. Play: sudoku, crosswords, puzzles, chess.
  66. Disassemble, finally, folders with photos.
  67. Read fairy tales to children in the evenings.
  68. Do New Year's Eve shopping in advance with discounts.
  69. Make a clip with personal photos to beautiful music.
  70. Healthy activities: walking, skating and skiing, cooking homemade food, communicate with loved ones, build positive plans.
  71. Give yourself what you have long dreamed of.
  72. Try .
  73. Go to the Christmas market.

Winter is not only a Christmas tree, a New Year and a snowball... First of all, it's cold and you can benefit from it!
1. Have a snowball fight.
How long have you not played? Remember how nice it was how nice it was to hit an opponent :)

2. Go skiing.
Skiing is a great pleasure and a way to improve your health.

3. Go ice skating.
Go to the skating rink with your friends, go ice skating.

4. Go sledding.
How about going outside with the kids?

5. Make kebabs.
Barbecue is just as fun in winter as it is in summer...

6. Make a snowman.
I rolled three balls: one large, the other smaller and the other smallest, - that's the snowman ready :)

7. Explode firecrackers.
Just in winter - the season of firecrackers and all sorts of fireworks.

8. Winter fishing.
Winter fishing is different from summer fishing, but the pleasures of one or the other are difficult to distinguish, there are pluses here and there. Particularly popular and interesting winter fishing on the Volga.

9. Buy warm clothes.
Have you updated your wardrobe lately? You can buy yourself a couple of new things.

10. Swim in the pond.
First of all, this applies to walruses, people who are not afraid of frost.

11. Go hunting.
Winter hunting also has its own specifics.

12. Blind a slide.
Let the children ride and enjoy such a good building :)

13. Board games at home.
In winter, people sit at home and find all sorts of hobbies like board games, it can be chess, checkers, dominoes, backgammon, cards, computer games...

14. Snowboarding.
If you don't have a Snowboard, then buy it, it's just as much fun as skiing, even more!

15. Get warm in the entrance.

16. Hit wood.
Hit the tree so hard that the snow falls off :)

17. Take your son or daughter to a holiday.
In winter, not only the New Year is celebrated ...

18. Paint your windows in the house.
Let the people who pass by rejoice ...

19. Put a Christmas tree in the house.
Better artificial, but a pity felled Christmas tree ...

20. Go out of town.
You can go out of town to the country or to the village.

21. Play hockey.
As in the old good times get together with your friends...

22. Take a walk in the winter forest.
Better go out together with your loved one together ...

23. Make a little on the snow.
Yellow? So it's winter :)

24. Give gifts to friends.
Buy each of your friends a luminous hat and immediately the atmosphere in the circle will be more fun. Yes and festive mood adding things like this...

25. Break the icicle.
Ahaaa. Do you like it?

26. Watch the stars.
It is known that winter evenings stars are clearly visible in the sky, they can be seen with the naked eye. But, if you want to see them closer, I advise you to get a telescope.

27. Sing a song.
Oh, Frost-Frost :)

28. Business.
IN winter season just accompanies the development of business and trade. While many are hibernating...

29. Go to a club.
In winter, there is always a desire to hide somewhere from the cold, the club is a good place for this.

30. Conquer the mountain.
If you are a rock climber, then go for it!

31. Go snowmobiling.
Scooter in summer, snowmobile in winter or something like that...

32. Dress up as Santa Claus.
Have fun with your friends and acquaintances :)

33. Drift in a car.
If you have a car, then you can perform some kind of show-off and record everything on video :)
Ice in the winter and it's a treat for some drivers...

34. Buy a heater.
You can buy something like a cannon, the heat from it is enough, but the convectors burn the air ... I advise you to better buy an oil cooler.

35. Ride horses.
In this case, you can even choose three...

36. Make an ice sculpture.
Probably, such competitions are held in every city of Russia, so you have a chance to participate in it.

37. Winter kiting.
This is for those who are not afraid of frost or vacationing abroad...

38. Knit.
Well, this mostly applies to female half population. Although...

39. Go to the sauna or bathhouse.
And with a broom so ... A friend, a friend, and then a beer - and it removes illnesses, and raises the tone.

40. You can just go out to the city.
In winter (especially during a snowfall or immediately after it), the city becomes simply unrecognizable. Remember it so that you remember it in gray slushy days...

41. Billiards.
In the billiard club you will not freeze and get a lot of fun...

42. Travel.
You can visit relatives in another city.

43. Get enough sleep.
Most best time The year for this is winter.

44. Play elephants.
Remember this game? This is when several people line up and each bends down 90 degrees, and one person accelerates and jumps?, trying to destroy this mountain of people :)

45. Fisticuffs.
A long time ago in Rus' it was one of the best traditions, 50-60 people gathered, divided equally and such a fight turned out :))) Then, naturally, vodka and a bathhouse ...

46. ​​Bury a friend's car with snow.
The most important thing in this business is to have a camera with you and have time to capture the expression on your friend's face.

47. Take a photo.
Oh winter, winter, always red noses :))) There will be something to remember...

48. Fill the rink.
If you have a place in the yard where you can fill the skating rink - do it! True, for this you have to gather the whole house ...

49. Catching snow with your mouth.
Also an occupation, though not for long and it is unlikely that passers-by will appreciate it :)) So you will admire their reaction.

50. Ride the dogs.
Who cares, and some do it ... I do not advise harnessing dachshunds and small-caliber dogs :)))

51. You can buy winter headphones.
I also wanted to buy for a long time, my hands do not reach :)

52. Just lie in the snow.
I think you will like it ... Especially if with friends or with your children.

53. Get a hotel room.
Spend there with your loved one, and then to a restaurant or, conversely, at the beginning of a restaurant, then a hotel. What if there's a room with a fireplace...

54. Eat jam.
Your grandmother probably prepared jam for you in the fall - it's time to open it already :)

55. Buy mittens with elastic bands.
This is where I caught you, did your mother wear rubber mittens for you?

56. Lean against the iron fence with your tongue.
Well, or at least to the door handle. By the way, don't forget to take boiling water with you :)

57. Make a bird feeder.
The birds will appreciate it.

58. Install winter tires.
No need to drive on summer tires in winter, life is more expensive.

59. Wear boots.
Russian National clothes and don't freeze.

60. Stand under a huge icicle.
Take a camera with you and film how the icicle will fall on you, then sue the housing and communal services, let them do their job, by the way, wear a helmet under your hat :)

61. Dig up your car.
Take a shovel (cool - just for a child) and dig your car out from under the snow :)

62. Drink hot chocolate.
Chocolate will warm and add mood, guaranteed! For those who do not like sweets - mulled wine is an option.

63. Roll down the hill.
Haven't done this in a long time? Find something under the ass and down the hill! And remember childhood, and adrenaline is provided :)))

64. Give your girlfriend (spouse, lover) a red rose.
You have no idea how nice it is for ladies in winter... They told me a secret :))

65. Get tough.
I went out into the street in shorts and jumped into the snow, it is recommended to do it somewhere in the country or outside the city. The most buzz - after the steam room in the bath.

66. Feed the animals/birds.
Our smaller brothers also want to eat ...

67. Stock up on medicines.
In winter, many people get sick, most likely, and you are no exception. You will get a sore throat, flu or just a cold + fever is possible. You should already have medicines for these diseases in your medicine cabinet.

68. Don't forget to bring gloves.
When you leave the house, you constantly forget something, and in winter you can only forget your gloves.

69. Change the site header on your site.
Make the hat more wintery, well, for example, put snowflakes or a sexy Snow Maiden.

70. Grow your hair out.
As a child, my father used to say to me: "Why was your head given to you? To wear a hat or grow your hair?" Here's one of those missions :)

That's it, that's enough. Now it remains to find out how much of the above specifically have you already done or do regularly? If at least a third of the above - well done! So, winter is not in vain for you :))