Harmful children's toys. How to understand that the toy is harmful to the health of the child? Harmful toys for children. Chinese harmful toys. Harmful products. Risk factors

Children - they are our all. Our happiness, our health, our grief, our hopes ... Parents are ready for a lot, if only the child grew up healthy, smart, beautiful, kind, happy ... and will someone refuse to his miracle in diapers in new toy? Of course not! What are the manufacturers and sellers of toys of all destinations, pursuing, in principle, the benefit of the satisfaction of parent and guys, but is it altruisting some of those for whom the production of toys is just a business?

Toys accompany baby life with early agestarting with rattles and suspension for strollers and playpen. Even matured, many continue to take care and play their favorite toys or find them "adults" alternatives. This is a psychology, which will not dismiss just like that. Toys attract the attention of kids, develop vision, touch, rumor, color perception, contribute to the development of coordination of movements and much more. But does toys are safe for the health of the child?

The question of the dangers of toys for the health of the child often does not get up to the parents at all. I like the baby toy - take! What do you take? Think, buying one or another product, perhaps a pretty toy can harm your child.

Children will know the world not only for rumor and look, but also taste, and tooth, biting and licking the tools presented to them tools - toys. Therefore, first of all, it is worth learn how toy is made from which materials. And what chemicals are contained in the material from which the toy is made. And much more, what is silent toy manufacturers.

What you need to know about the harmful side of the toys?

The concentration of harmful substances in children's products of some manufacturers is at times exceeding the permissible sanitary standards. For a long time, the media speaks about the dangers of children's goods, in which they are found in unacceptable quantities. harmful substanceslike phenol, formaldehyde, mercury, lead, etc. And most of these toys are intended for young children, but even they do not have certificates of quality and security, do not carry mandatory corresponding labeling.

Harmful products. Risk factors

Conducted by Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation Sanitary-hygienic laboratory research chemical composition Toys show that up to 15% of samples do not comply with the standards.

The practice of checks shows that such toys do not comply with security requirements for sanitary and toxicological, indicators, at a minimum. And they should not buy them already because of the lack of labeling.

Parental security monitoring and quality of the acquired toy is the last barrier separating the child's body from harmful substances that will inevitably fall into the toddler's stomach. But the state does not stand aside, although his activity could be significantly higher, but preventive measures - tougher. Nevertheless, most of the toys offered on the market are tested, albeit voluntary, from the side of the honest manufacturer.

When conscientious toy manufacturers give them to the examination, the samples presented by specialists are tested by certain indicators, the list of which is very extensive.

So, for example, a rattle should not be heavier than 100 g. She should have a durable building, so that the toy is difficult to break, since the small parts producing noise are placed inside. It is clear that if the rattle breaks and crumbling, the child can swallow them, stirred or hurt. Therefore, rattles must be tested for strength, for which as many as 5 times in a row are thrown on a special platform from a height of 850 mm.

Be sure to explore the materials from which the toy is made. Purpose of dough - Detect toxic substances, if any: lead, arsenic, mercury, selenium, barium and very, so different from the table of chemical elements of Mendeleev.

Experts also check the sound that makes a toy, as there are certain sound level standards, which is strictly controlled during the certification process. The sound produced by the toy should not be too loud or annoying, because the child's rumor can suffer from it.

The size of small toys is checked on a special apparatus, which makes the baby's throat with its design. The size small toys Must be greater than the diameter of the reference cylinder. Not ahti what a test, but it is better so.

Toys made from plastics are necessarily checked for edge sharpness. For this purpose, the device is used on which the film is fixed, replacing the gentle and vaporous skin of the child. The test is simple: if the toy left the trail on the film, damaging it, it means that there are dangerous burrs. Consequently, such a toy for sale should not be allowed. In addition, the protective and decorative coating of the toy is subject to inspection for resistance to saliva and sweat.

In addition to the already listed, in Russia there are sanitary and hygienic standards for weight for children's toys. Their existence is justified by doctors by the fact that the bones of the child are not yet frown and an overly heavy toy can injure the bone fabric of the child.

Another test is carried out on the accuracy of the information provided by the manufacturer of the toy, because it is clear that the toys "on the grow" do not buy. The toy is not by age will not have a developing effect and can injure the child.

Harmful products. Risk factors
For the year in the hospital, about 190 children with injuries received due to toys fall into the hospital. 79% of accidents occurred with children under 14.

But everything that was written above can not know, but safe toy Nevertheless buy. How are you entitled to ask? To do this, you just need to be attentive: the main indicator of the quality of children's toy is the presence of information on the packaging in Russian, in addition to which the green point can be depicted - evidence of the environmental safety of materials used in the manufacture of toys.

Harmful products. Think, buying one or another product!
In developed countries, about 20 children's toys related to toys are recorded annually, including more than 60% from suffocation, 25% - from drops from moving toys, 10% - from poisoning poisonous substancespresent in toys.

You were able to make sure that buy a child a safe toy simply simply, it would be a desire to not blindly indulge parental instincts, to go about the desires of a young creature, and in time have time to include common sense. All necessary information You will find on the packaging and label of the toy, if it is not found there after long searches, then the toy does not need your offspring or you.

Today in stores the choice of toys such that eyes are scattering. However, buying a child in a row means to risk his health. How to determine whether this toy will benefit and whether it is in danger, it tells our author Yulia Evstigneev.


Toxic, traumatic, causes of disease And disorders of the nervous system - it turns out that there are many such toys. We list the most common and popular.

Toys with propeller

In fact, helicopters, flying fairies and other toys with a propeller are designed for adolescent children, but not for kids age up to 7 years. And although, of course, I really want to purchase a quadroctor, a flying doll, alarm clock with a propeller or something else, the parents should care about the health of the child and the wallet, too, because the baby can:

Substitute a face or hand under the blades flying to him towards toys;
. Shot a toy not to the side, and my face.

Conclusion: You can take for children school age and adults. Baby wait.

Toys with small details

Lego is good, but only when it is by age and under adult supervision. Not in vain on the packaging of designers is usually written by age qualified. There are also mosaic, beads, butt, in general, everything that contains small details. Baby can:

Swallow the item;
. shove it into the nose or in the ear.

Conclusion: You can buy such a toy, you just need to know, it is dangerous, and the baby needs to follow.

Games with magnets

Magnetic balls, wands, beads and mosaics: they make a danger in themselves because they too small size And they can also be swallowed. But this is not the worst thing. Terrible that inside the body magnetic elements are bonded between themselves and form foreign body This size is not to do without surgery.

Conclusion: children under three categorically not to buy. Tabs older give only under the supervision of adults.

Weapons and sharp objects

Sabls, swords, onions with arrows - in the danger of these toys, I think no one doubts, but still in pursuit of realism, many continue to buy weapons with shelves.

Among the same dangerous and recognizable are all sorts of military equipment (Tanks, cars, guns) shooting with a bullet and rotating in any direction using the control panel. If you acquire such toys, then you need to understand, the wounds can also be quite real, because the child can:

Turn the tank blow to your side and shoot;
. Get under the boom or a blow to the sword of the same warrior as he himself.

Conclusion: It is better to give preference to mild swords and sabers and weapons, which have shells on suckers.

Chemical experiments

Do you know that the first set of young chemist included radioactive uranium? It is good that it was half a century ago, and modern sets for experiments are hundred and proven by scientists. But still they are very dangerous, because in their composition alkali, phosphates and acids, mixing which, you can get an explosive mixture, poison, burn. And the chemical set is important to store properly, away from the fire, elevated temperatures.

Conclusion: such a developing toy can be bought by a child who understands the importance of the situation, that is, a schoolboy. It is necessary to keep track of where he stores his set and how it is engaged in it.

Cheap baudes

Inexpensive dolls and pups with caustic odorThough attracting a low price is actually very dangerous for children. They may contain phenol, which:

Causes allergies, suffocation;
. may cause headaches and insomnia;
. It may affect the child's nervous system and on the digestion system.

In most cases, it is puffs and dolls that contain phenol, but poisonous toys Often find among lysunov, small rubber figures, sets with machinery. There were cases when Rospotrebnadzor was withdrawn from the sale of a pacifier with phenol.

Conclusion: Do not acquire toys with a specific smell and bypass cheap products for kids.

Stuffed Toys

Stuffed Toys So shuffle with your cute faces and fluffy legs. But in fact, it is impossible to call them harmless because:

Conclusion: It is better to admire plush friends on store shelves, but if you still have acquired such a toy your child, do not forget to wash it more often and remove away from the baby during sleep.

Scary monsters

Dolls and figures with a strong negative overtone and arsenals of type saws, coffins, knives are now very fashionable, but, according to psychologists, the psyche of children is very injured, they cause insomnia, phobias, aggression.

Conclusion: buy positive toys.

Non-developing toys

There is another danger: the toy is bought, money is given for it, and there is no sense from it. Because you can only watch or listen to it, but the development is zero.

Interactive dolls

The same dolls that drink, immediately piss, cry, talk and name Mom, it turns out, do not develop children's imagination. Of course, because it is not necessary to imagine - everything knows how doll.

Conclusion: It is better to give preference to anything knowing the dolls, instead of which you have to talk and work for the children.

Click on the button - get the result

These are the most superwood steam locomotives, which they themselves go, let smoke, buzz, puff and, again, do not develop a child at all. What remains in the game kid? Press the button and watch. Much more interesting to design the steam locomotive itself, collect cars, clutch, to carry them yourself, make sounds! By the way, the price is much more attractive! And this applies not only to the locomotives, but also various push-button "development" and gadgets.

Conclusion: Expensive does not mean well. Before buying a toy, think how much fantasy to put a baby in her.

So, fashionable, bright, beautiful is not the most important aspects of choosing toys for a child. It is important for the first place to put safety, on the second - development, and then the toy will only benefit and joy.

Toys surround the child literally from birth. The store shelves are filled with bright packages, and moms and dads (not to mention grandparents) each time sighs: "What is just not! It is a pity that in our childhood there was not all this abundance. " Toy W. modern baby Not just a lot - there are a lot of them, and everything would be fine if not one "but". Some toys in fact are not intended at all for children, on the contrary, for the child they can become very dangerous. Sometimes it is a question of quality, and sometimes - the consciousness of the manufacturer, constructing the toy and assigning it certain age restrictions. On our list - 10 of the most dangerous children's toys.

List of dangerous toys for young children

  • 1. Toys with small details

Dangerous for the child can be small details of the designers, fragilely glued small elements Soft toys, fragile rattles with bulk filler. This can also include new-fashioned homemade toys for development small Motoriki, implicate the disorder of buttons, beads, cereals. All these items can be swallowed by a child, and in the worst case - the child can shove them into the nose, a hearing pass, or even inhale.

  • 2. Magnetic designers

Most. bright example This designer is "neocub", consisting of magnetic metal balls. Such a toy is dangerous not only for the smallest, pulling everything in the mouth of the children. The fact is that the magnetic attraction between the elements of this designer is so strong that sometimes even adults resort to the "help" of the teeth to separate one ball from the other. Ingestion of several balls of such a designer is dangerous in that inside digestive tract they are attracted to each other, causing severe damage internal organs, Up to the formation of through holes. A child, without understanding the danger, may not even say adults that he swallowed several balls, so it is better to not allow such a toy to his hands at all.

  • 3. Sets for children's experiments (young chemist / physicist)

Such sets are intended to carry out simple chemical experiments by children over 10 years old in the presence of adults. Even if in the game of the game, the safety technique is observed, nothing of their reagents is pressed and not spilled on itself, such sets can be dangerous, because the child is dealing with acids, phosphates and other harmful substances, inhaling the pairs of which are very harmful. Lack of control by adults and can lead to deposits: burns, fire, etc.

  • 4. Embossed musical toys

In general, musical toys are useful for the child and must be in every house where there is a baby. However, such toys must be high QualityThis is especially true of sound quality. Many manufacturers sin to the toys have too loud sound exceeding established norm 85 dB. Such a loud sound is very poorly affected by the function of the hearing, and constantly use and can lead to deaf. The sound should be pleasant not only on volume, but also in quality: without noise, wheezing, with normal tonality. But even such a toy can not be played longer than 1 hour per day: constant sound load harms not only hearing, but also nervous system, Caused overwork.

  • 5. Toys from PVC and Phosphorus

PVC is a very popular material in the children's industry. This is something average between soft plastic and rubber. Toys from PVC are cheap, bright, very comfortable in care, but at the same time very dangerous for the child. Mostly due to phthalates that make PVC such plastic material. These substances are strong carcinogens.

Another type of toys containing harmful chemical compounds - These are toys covered with phosphorus. These include different glowing appliques for the ceiling, imitating starry sky, glowing figures of different heroes. High-quality toys of this kind contain safe reflectors, but if a low quality toy is a great risk that it is covered with a poisonous phosphoric compound.

  • 6. Soft toys (China)

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Soft toys themselves are not very environmentally friendly: Vile artificial fur Easy to get a child in the mouth, in addition, such toys are difficult to process, so a lot of dust accumulates in their packing, and sometimes dust pliers even become. All this can cause consequences from irritation to allergies. Very often soft toys are very low quality ( usually chinese). Such toys are sewn from toxic materials, painted with poisonous paints, have a weak fastening of details (eyes, nose, decorations). Toxic soft toys can cause a very strong allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock.

  • 7. Children's weapons, darts

The most popular "boys" toys - pistols with bullets or discs, darts, onions with arrows, swords and sabers with acute ends - can cause the injuries of the child. By negligence, the child can shoot himself in the face, traumating his eyes or ears. Waving a saber is also not difficult to inflate injury. The danger of these toys is growing every year, because their manufacturers hold a course for realism and an increase in the power of children's weapons to the detriment of its safety.

  • 8. Toys with a propeller

Toys with a propeller ( helicopters flying fairies and other toys that need to start and let go or toys on radio control) who quickly rotate or can even fly around the room, are designed for adolescents. Child younger age It can easily be injured, putting a finger where it is not necessary or, moreover, face. Toys on radio control can very much to scare a child, because with the control sometimes even adults do not cope, and then the flying helicopter, for example, suddenly crashes where it fell or sharply falls.

  • 9. Rubber toys poisonous colors (China)

Rubber toys many warmly remind of their own childhood, but they can also be dangerous for a child. Children under 3 years old rubber toys In principle, not recommended, as the child can bite off and breathe or swallow a piece of rubber. For other rubber toys should be proper quality. The main signs of poor-quality toys are a sharp chemical smell, remaining in the hands of paint and "acid" color. These toys are very toxic, it is possible that in its composition they contain mercury, lead or arsenic. Non-quality toys are usually Chinese.

  • 10. Toys and gaming accessories with wire frame

We are talking about poor-quality (Chinese) game tents, labyrinths and baskets for toys. These toys have inside the rustic metal wire frame, usually they are made of durable material. However, some manufacturers do not care about the safety of toys, and make them from a material that literally spreads from tension. Wire can easily break through such a material and straighten with force, traumating the baby. Buying such a toy, you need to carefully study the material and location of the wire, but even if it was initially not foreshadowed marriage, it's better to watch the toy every time before using any damage, to ensure that there were no holes in the seams and did not speak anywhere in the seams Wire ends.

How to protect the child from danger

Although toys are intended for children, buy their parents, which means they are responsible for whether the toy will be safe for the child. Some simple rules Help adults to surround the child only safe toys.

  • Buying toys must strictly correspond to the age of the child. Sometimes parents buy a toy as if "on the grow out" so that the child began to develop new action for themselves in advance. In some cases it can be very dangerous;
  • Buy toys better in specialized stores Or departments, preferring toys of well-known manufacturers. Analogs famous toys can be significantly cheaper, but it always affects quality;
  • Externally, the toy must meet the main security requirements: calm colors, lack sharp odor, Durable fastening of all parts.

Parents not only important to know about dangerous toysBut also telling about them to other relatives who give the child toys. If it happened so that someone from the relatives or friends gave the child to the child whose security is in question, it is better not to be shy and remove the toy away. In the end, the safety of the child is much more important than possible misunderstandings between adults.

Hello, dear readers! With you - psychologist Irina Ivanova. Today I went for a gift in children's shop and wondered how to distinguish harmful toys For children from those that do not apply to him physical or psychological trauma.

It is strange that almost no one seriously thought about this problem. In various television programs, the quality of tea, shampoo, sausages, spirits, medicines, but almost no one seriously studied the market for children's games and toys.

Yes, of course, if you wish, you can demand a quality certificate, but, first of all, only one buyer from 10 knows about its existence, and, secondly, in the era of lime diplomas and the references, not everyone believes that the quality certificate is genuine and characterizes exactly the very toy that we decided to buy.

All the best children?

All begins in early childhood. First toys for baby - The most cute, bright and touch such "warm" animals and dolls. Meanwhile, most of these toys prohibited in many countries are made of polyvinyl chloride, and it is he who gives these charming figures of plasticity.

Kid pulls in mouth bright toy, swallows saliva and together with it in its body penetrate such hazardous substances like phthalates.

They accumulate in organs and tissues and, reaching the critical mass, cause dangerous disease - Allergy, bronchial asthma, leukemia, bronchospasm, poisoning. You can distinguish such toys on PVC labeling, PVC, as well as on the icon depicting a triangle with a number 3 in the middle.

In addition to phthalates, the cheap segment of the toy industry can be found a product containing both phenols, and mercury, and formaldehyde. Especially sinning with such a cocktail Chinese toys, which occupy the most part on the shelves of our stores. Usually these toys are inexpensive, possess a persistent unpleasant chemical smell, have a poisonous color to color. It can be noted that they became very sticky after entering the water, and the smell intensified even more.

Not all that is gold that glitters

And even if it is not gold or silver, and its imitation in the form of brilliant rings, tramples, catulists and talismans, so attractive for girls, it is most often worse.

To give these toy substitutes, gold and silver jewelry and silver jewelry manufacturers use lead connections, both baby Sultuous danger. Penetrating the body, lead negatively affects mental capacity Children, and in large quantities can cause serious poisoning.

Some safety equipment

Even if the toy is made with regard to all imaginable and inconceivable requirements, it can be dangerous. What toys require careful handling them?

  • Toys with small details offered to children under 3 years old, no caution. Swallow them, shove into the nose, the ear is easier than simple. Each Elor is a doctor or surgeon can tell a lot of stories about such incidents.
  • Soft toys that do not pass periodic cleaning. If they do not clean them, after some time, bunnies and testers become seating clubs of a homely dust tick, allergy provocates, and their villi, hitting the child's mouth, move in it airways.
  • Magnetic designers with small details, magnetized balls, batteries from toys - special properties these items, hitting the children's body, can lead to serious pathologies gastrointestinal tract, become a reason for operational interventiondisability is a child.
  • Toys with long ribbons and laces - a careless child without supervision of adults can get asphyxia due to the game with such elements.
  • Toys with bullets, darts, flying elements. From the careless actions of young "warriors" can easily suffer around the surrounding children, and they themselves are not insured against entering the eye bullet.

About mental health and toys

At first glance, no connection between these concepts is not. And, meanwhile, children's psychologists are alarming, arguing that the modern toy does not leave the child any space for creativity, it imitates the objects of adult life.

Indicator mental health the child is the use of so-called substituent items, where the cube can be soap and cell phone, and sand - and soup, and milk in a saucepan.

The second danger of many modern toys - Significant perversion of reality, where familiar dogs and cats can be lilac, and green, and unreal monsters are capable of scaring even an adult.

The mansion is toys provoking the child on the manifestation of aggressiveness, as well as aimed at what they perform some actions after causing physical harm to it - a tongue, a fist. The impressions of childhood remain for life, and only from parents depends whether they will be bright and bright, or the child will remember cruel and evil toy monsters.

Goodbye, dear readers! I am sure that common sense will help your children grow smart and healthy. If you like this article, offer to read it with your friends. Subscribe to blog updates - we have many more interesting topics For conversations.

Our expert - researcherleading laboratory expert comprehensive problems Hygienic assessment and examination of the health of the hygiene and the protection of children's health and teenagers FGAU "NMITs of the health of children" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Nadzhin.

Material interest

Wooden horse, teddy bear, Rubber duck - all these cute hearts have remained in the distant Soviet past. After all, today in 80% of cases, products for children are made from polymers.

To achieve the necessary indicators of plasticity, resistance to temperatures, light, mechanical damage, Polymers producers introduce special chemicals - plasticizers, stabilizers. And if it uses bad raw materials or disturbed technological processThe plastic is low quality plastic. And okay, if the toys, made of it, were simply fragile, but they can highlight hazardous chemicals (formaldehyde, styrene, phenol, phthalates), capable of negatively affect the growth and development of the child. The more difficult the composition of the polymers, the potentially harmful to the toy made of it, because toxic compounds can interact with each other, reinforcing negative influence on the body.

And although the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances are strictly regulated, and their small levels are considered harmless, this, alas, not always. After all, not only the concentration of any harm is important, but also the constancy of their impact. If the baby has loved the toy from the bottom of his heart, and he eats, and sleeps, and bathes, and licks from morning to night, then the quality of this thing needs to be paid special attention. After all, a long accumulation in children's body harmful chemical substances Over time, it can lead to impairment of immunity, allergies, diseases of the liver, kidneys, hearts and other organs.

Experts themselves

Combating producers give their products to special laboratories, which conduct sanitary and toxic and hygienic studies. Toys are not only tested for harmful substances: lead, arsenic, mercury, but also have strength and safety. For example, rattles are repeatedly thrown from a 85-centimeter height. Plastic toys are checked on the sharpness of the edges, for resistance to saliva and sweat. But it is unlikely that all manufacturers do this. How to make sure the safety of their products?

A toy pleasantly smells a vanilla or caramel? Manufacturers often masked poor-quality "chemistry" by polymer by other odors.

Smoke. Intense smell indicates poor quality plastic. Speech, by the way, is not about bad smell. Often, on the contrary, plastic toy exudes attractive for children's nose Fragrances: Vanilla, caramel. So unscrupulous manufacturers mask the "chemical" spirit of the poor-quality polymer.

Opinion of a specialist

Pediatrician Oleg Konstantinov:

- if the child appeared after the games headache or allergic reactions (cough, tears from eyes, skin rashes), sleep disorders, chair disorder, vomiting, shortness of breath or severe heart-tsery, can be suspected toxins poisoning (for example, phenol or formaldehyde). By the way, when you get toys to the water, the selection of these substances can increase several times, so suspicious toys do not in any case use in the bath.

After buying plastic or wooden Toys Be sure to wash with soap (or treat with alcohol), and soft - fold with the children's powder and dry.

Pick up. The seams of plush animals should be durable. Eye, nozzles are sewn so that the kid can not tear them off. And in packing should not contain acute items. If granules are used as packs, they must be packed in an additional case.

Dry nail and lease. In the toys, it is allowed on the weak staining, in the rattles - no. But those and others should not have irritant on mucous. The paint did not tear, the tongue was not painted, no extraneous taste was not felt - well, already well.

Exercise. No jar and glue flips are a plus. The housing is durable, there are no sharp edges and angles - perfectly. Now make sure that the fasteners do not protrude above the surface of the toy, and the folding toys have a limiter preventing spontaneous folding. It's like that? Excellent!

Throwing and flying toys must have soft tips or dull ends, and inflatable toys - Enjoy durable welds. In the electrical toy, the voltage should not exceed 24 V.

Listen. Buying talking or musical toy, Rate the volume of its sound. It's not just that the baby can be frightened. A small auditory passage of a child otherwise enhances the noise than an adult ear. So kids machines and guns emitting too loud sounds, extremely dangerous.

Read. Carefully learn the information specified on the labels. The toy should be indicated: its name, the manufacturer's country and its address, trademark, the age of the child, the main material from which the toy is made (unfortunately, the entire manufacturer does not specify the manufacturer), ways to care products, production date, time Services and storage conditions. The presence of the RT labeling toy (Russian standard) or EAC (confirming compliance with the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On Safety of Toy") should calm you.

Observe age limitations. Do not buy toys to grow. For example, fashionable flying fun (helicopters, drones) are suitable only for schoolchildren. It is difficult to manage them, and recurrent can be injured. In toys for children under 3 years old is unacceptable natural fur, leather, glass, porcelain, pile of rubber, cardboard, paper and small details.

Buy in specialized stores. As a rule, there are following the availability of documents confirming the quality of toys.

Opinion of a specialist

Children's Surgeon Ivan Osipov:

- IN lately Children are often injured magnetic designers. If you swallow only one magnet, there will be a big trouble - it will come out natural way. But if there were several such details, they will attract each other and can break through the intestine. If the contents of the organ in abdominal cavity There is a threat of deadly peritonitis. No less terrible toys running on flat batteries. Being swallowed, "pills" stick to the mucosa of the esophagus and for a long time Eliminate harmful substances. It is fraught with the development of ulcers and even the death of a child.

However, the toys themselves are dangerous, but non-compliance with the safety equipment when playing with them. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions and do not give the kids to play games that are not intended for age. And be always there. Many fun are designed for playing with them only under the supervision of adults. After all, even the influx of balloons can end tragically, if this thing will accidentally fall into the larynx. To block the breathing tracks of the baby can both any small details (for example, parts of toys from an egg-surprise), so even these innocents like fun can be potentially lifeful for life.