Diner equipment. Diner business plan. How to open a small diner: basic steps with calculations

Many girls need to constantly repeat that they are beautiful in order for the fair sex to believe it. Despite their good looks, young ladies are often looking for ways to become beautiful and attractive. However, it is worth noting that what some people like may not be liked by others. Tastes are influenced by geographic location, social circle, etc.

But application universal recipes beauty available to every girl has not bothered anyone yet. If a woman wants to know how to become beautiful, she should follow the recommendations given in this article. They will help others to please, hide small flaws and show benefits.

A good sleep

How to become beautiful girl? To do this, you need to be healthy. A minimum of 8 hours should be set aside for a daily night's sleep. Of course, there are people who need a 5-hour rest, however similar cases rarely come across. Chronic sleep deprivation can cause skin problems, bags under the eyes and deep wrinkles... Even dear ones cosmetical tools v late age will not be able to help if in their youth they did not spend enough time for night rest.

Well-being depends on complete healthy sleep... For a good rest, you need to go to bed before midnight, make sure the mattress and pillows are comfortable, choose only soft hair curlers, and ventilate the bedroom. It is not recommended to have dinner just before bed.

Attractive figure

It is worth remembering that movement is life. If anyone wants to learn how to be beautiful, they can sign up for a fitness club or dance. A magnificent figure will be the result of constant movement. Instead, you can run in the morning or evening. Exercising like this not only makes you healthy internal organs help to reset overweight, strengthen all muscles, but also allow you to get rid of stretch marks. Going in for sports in the morning, a woman will give herself a charge of vivacity and positive emotions for the rest of the day. A good mood will help solve the question of how to become the most beautiful, right?

Minimum cosmetics

All girls know that cosmetics deteriorate and age the skin over time. But rarely does anyone ever abandon their use. After all correct makeup able to make the face more attractive. Therefore, it is worth at least learning how to correctly apply eyeshadow or apply an eye liner. Do not forget what to reduce bad influence cosmetic products will not be helped by creams, but by natural products. The refrigerator contains many healthy vegetables and fruits containing all the essential elements for skin care. It must be remembered that hair also needs attention, even if it is not dyed or styled with a harmless biowave.

Useful food

Products such as eggs, sour cream, lemon, any vegetables and fruits can make healthier skin... How to become beautiful in a day? To do this, in your free minutes, it is recommended to do home shugaring, getting rid of pimples and strengthening long eyelashes... In any case, natural products are much healthier. chemical compounds from store shelves.

Proper nutrition

If you want to find for yourself the answer to the question of how to become a beautiful girl, then you need not to postpone the implementation of what you want on the back burner and pay attention to the foods you eat. In case of problems with overweight you should visit a nutritionist or choose an appropriate diet. If there are no unnecessary kilograms, this does not mean that you need to eat semi-finished products. You need to create a balanced, micronutrient-rich diet. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty, spicy, salty foods.

How to become beautiful and attractive? It is necessary to make sure that food becomes an inexhaustible source of health, and not the cause of problems with well-being or being overweight.

Well maintained look

Many drew attention to the fact that the first thing that catches the eye is the woman's hands and hairstyle. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the skin and hair. If a girl wants to know how to become very beautiful, first of all, she needs to monitor the condition of her nails. Do not allow dry skin or peeling varnish. You can learn how to create French manicure and at home.

Secondly, you should take care of your hair and wash your hair every three days. You can do simple and interesting hairstyles every day. In this case, the girl will need curlers, an iron, styling cosmetics and other tools. You can also independently learn how to weave a spikelet and make curls in half an hour. The main thing is not to be lazy and take good care of yourself.

Selection of clothing style

How can you become beautiful and modern? You shouldn't rush for changeable fashion. One should try to find own style in clothes. The main task: to hide minor flaws and emphasize dignity. When this goal is achieved, the girl will feel comfortable and attractive in the outfits. If you can't find clothes, you need to contact a stylish friend or a professional in the atelier. Only people who are well versed in modern trends can tell which outfit makes a woman look fat, what to wear a jacket with or how to tie a scarf around her neck.

Nice gifts

How to become beautiful at 13 and later? You can pamper yourself with the purchase of fashion accessories such as Sunglasses, scarf, perfume with pleasant aroma, costume jewelry. The basic rule is that the girl likes this thing.

It is recommended to take some time to try on beautiful sets. underwear... Maybe the girl has long dreamed of some model? Do not deny yourself a drop of happiness. Such purchases are good for building self-esteem.

Outdoor recreation

How to become beautiful in summer? For this, it is recommended to spend more often weekends outside the city. There are a lot of leisure options: lie in a hammock with an interesting book, swim in a river or other body of water, sunbathe. If you have children, you should set aside time for visiting a water park or circus, rollerblading, buying ice cream or cotton candy. Otherwise, you can just have fun with your friends or loved one.

Attention to yourself

Now the basic rule for those who wanted to know how to become the most beautiful is to love yourself! Otherwise, nobody will like the girl. You need to radiate an inner light that attracts others! And for this you need to be confident in your own attractiveness. Don't doubt yourself. You need to improve yourself not only externally, but also spiritually.

Every day in the morning you need to eat 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. Flaxseed. Seeds must be chewed and washed down warm water... After half an hour, you can start breakfast. With this tool, you can cleanse the body, improve skin condition, lose extra pounds, strengthen nails and hair. Flax seeds should not be consumed by a person suffering from urolithiasis or cholelithiasis.

Every day, you should eat boiled beetroot salads (at any time of the day). The vegetable perfectly cleanses the blood and makes it healthy, which immediately affects the condition of the skin and the functioning of internal organs.

Nutritious mask recipe

Every day, an hour before the night's rest, it is necessary to apply a mixture on the face, which contains glycerin, vitamin E. It is not difficult to prepare the product. You need to take glycerin (30 grams) and vitamin E (10 capsules). Next, you should take a needle and pierce the capsules with it. Pour all the oil into a small container. The ingredients are sold at any pharmacy. Next, you need to cleanse your face and take a soft brush. Give her a little massage so that the surface of the skin turns a little red. So the cells will better absorb nutrients. The skin will be sticky throughout the entire procedure. In order to eliminate discomfort, you need to sprinkle it with any tonic. Every day in the morning it will be possible to observe the reaction of the skin to receiving nutrition. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, the color will begin to even out. A woman will be able to forget about the "crow's feet" in the corners of her eyes.

Hair care

You need to do a hair mask every 3 days. The mixture contains dry mustard diluted with vegetable or burdock oil. The gruel should be applied to damp hair. Pre-lubricate the ends with oil. Keep on the head for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. In a month, you will be able to see a luxurious shock instead of the old hair.

Foot skin care

How to become beautiful? To do this, it is recommended to have special socks for sleeping made of wool or cotton fabric... You need to select them, taking into account the time of year. Before a night's rest, after a shower, generously lubricate your feet with a mixture of cream and peppermint oil... Then you need to put on your socks and go to bed like that. After a month, the legs will become an object of pride and admiration. The procedure is especially useful before beach season... It will be possible to demonstrate wonderful feet.

Eyelash care

Do not forget about cilia care. You need to take an empty tube of mascara. Then you need to wash it with a soapy brush and dry it. Wheat germ oil should be dripped inside. Such a tool perfectly strengthens eyelashes tired from paint. Before going to bed, you need to apply quite a bit of oil along their entire length. Here again a brush comes in handy. After a month, the eyelashes will become thicker and longer.

Body scrub recipe

How to become beautiful? This requires constant care behind the skin of the body. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of 1 glass sea ​​salt(or cookery) and 1 glass fat sour cream... Using a washcloth glove, massage the body after bathing with the resulting product, not forgetting about the neck. Then rinse with water. Don't be lazy. The mixture can be kept in the refrigerator for a while. Salt removes keratinized particles from the body and disinfects. By using this method you can get rid of small pimples... Sour cream will not allow the salt to scratch delicate skin... In addition, it nourishes the cells. Regular use of the mixture will give good results.

Other effective recipes

Amaranth oil is a treasure nutrients... The basis of the product is squalene. And this is one of the main components of the skin. Natural oil absorbed almost completely. It will help get rid of wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles. Amaranth oil should be lubricated on the body and face daily. The only drawback is the cost. But the tool costs money.

You can prepare special water to rinse your head after washing. You just need to add menthol oil to it (for 2 liters - 10 drops). You should rinse your curls after each hair wash. One has only to try, as all questions regarding the purpose of this tool will be resolved by themselves. Special water will give the scalp a feeling of freshness and lightness. With this remedy, you can get rid of headaches, dandruff and oily hair.

Water procedures

The soda and salt bath is worth a try. It will give slim and radiant skin. You need to take 200 g of baking soda and about 250 g of sea salt. Then you should lie in the bath for 15 minutes, then rinse your body with warm water and thoroughly lubricate the skin with cream. After the procedure, you can rest, pour herbal tea... After the first use of the bath, the skin will become smooth and elastic, and the extra pounds will begin to disappear. The course lasts 20 days, such procedures must be taken every other day. You can repeat it after a month.

A mixture of ground coffee, cinnamon, salt, olive and essential citrus oils, and water will help get rid of cellulite. You can add shower gel. Rub with the resulting mixture, massage the whole body, then rinse. After the procedure, you do not need to moisturize the skin with a cream, as olive oil does an excellent job of this task. Thanks to the scrub, you can forget about cellulite and enjoy even, elastic skin.

Body recipes

To slow down the growth of hair on the skin, you need to prepare a mixture of peppermint, almond and tea tree... With the resulting composition, you need to wipe your feet after epilation using a cotton pad. You will need 30 drops of peppermint and tea tree oils, and 1 bottle of almond oil. The procedure takes just a minute and the hair grows more slowly.

Chocolate wrapping will give you a lot of pleasant emotions. It is necessary to purchase a pack of cocoa (without fillers), cinnamon, the drug "Aevit" (at least a whole blister can be put on the skin). Mix everything, dilute with water to a greasy sour cream and apply after a shower. Wait 15 minutes, then wash off the composition with warm water. The skin will become even, firm and radiant. The mood will immediately become great.

In this material:

A diner is a catering establishment characterized by inexpensive and tasty food. For people of Soviet "hardening", snack bars are associated with the compulsory use of alcohol and an asocial contingent. Everything has changed in the 21st century, since not everyone can afford restaurants and branded cafes. Many of the former drinking establishments have changed their names, re-branded and become inexpensive catering places for the general population. Despite a simple menu and a standard business format, a diner business plan is required with accurate cost estimates, step-by-step organizational steps, and profit potential calculation.

Snack bar as a business: features and relevance

The main feature of the diner is the ability to have a quick and inexpensive snack. On the basis of this, a daily menu of inexpensive products is created, the possibility of placing an order "with you" and even a comfortable rest with a friendly company is provided.

A modern diner is similar to a cafe, but service is available to everyone, from the student to the office worker. Catering often offers set meals at prices that are cheaper than promotional business lunches in well-known restaurants and cafeterias.

The relevance of a diner largely depends on the location. Wanting to save time and money, people choose to eat quickly and inexpensively instead of going home for lunch. In this regard, the catering establishment is popular in the area of ​​industrial enterprises, auto and railway stations, in the area of ​​shopping and entertainment centers, attractions, parks and squares.

Advantages and disadvantages of the idea

As with any line of business, a diner project has positive and negative sides.

  • capital turnover - a catering establishment is regularly visited by a large number of people, so you can earn decent money even on low-cost dishes;
  • investments - opening a diner does not provide for serious investments. The main expenses are rent, renovation of premises and purchase of equipment. The purchase of products and ingredients takes place almost daily, so the investment at this stage pays off immediately;
  • employees - for restaurants, cafes and sushi bars, specialists with education and work experience are required. The diner serves ordinary dishes that people cook at home every day, so any person who knows how to cook can cope with the profession of a cook;
  • savings - the opening of a catering of this kind does not provide for expensive repairs, an exclusive interior, or a luxurious sign.
  • long payback period - due to inexpensive dishes and goods with a low margin, the profit of a diner will be significantly less than any other cafe with a higher status;
  • difficulties in registration - any type of catering provides for compliance with a number of sanitary rules, as well as the obligatory presence of medical books for employees and regular medical examinations;
  • Difficulty finding places - finding a crowded place without competitors is quite problematic, and opening a diner on the outskirts of the city is unprofitable.

Help: when the right approach to the organizational issues of many negative points can be avoided, such as finding a profitable place. It is necessary to conduct a deep analysis of the market, study competitors and build your own line of business.

Market analysis

Without analytical data, it is reckless to start organizational actions, guided only by intuition. Even with the confidence that the chosen location will turn out to be profitable, and the traffic of people will bring a stable income, in practice an entrepreneur can go bankrupt in the first month.

Target audience of the diner

Whoever visits the diner - an unenlightened person will mistakenly answer that only drunks and the lower working class are for the purpose of getting drunk. This is the biggest misconception, because modern eateries can outperform even renowned cafes and popular food outlets.

Target audience depends on the location:

  • city ​​center - office staff;
  • SEC - buyers, employees;
  • railway station - people waiting for transport, or arriving from other settlements;
  • park zone - vacationers.

All categories of diner visitors can be combined into one whole on the basis of a low income level. These are people of ordinary professions and specialties, receiving an average wages and trying to save money on everything.

Based on this, the sphere of activity and the assortment of the institution are built - simple, inexpensive dishes from ordinary products according to affordable price... Product quality is an important factor. Customers should understand that it is foolish to demand the supernatural for little money, but after eating, they should be satisfied with the food and service.

Competition and risk assessment

The main competitors of the diner are catering establishments of a similar type, called pancakes, dumplings, pies. Even pavilions with fast food and hot tea can lure away some of the visitors due to the favorable price and speed of service.

Competitors are assessed as follows:

  1. Determination of the place of opening a sales outlet.
  2. Identification of all the closest competitors in the catering industry, from fast food stalls to cafeterias.
  3. Comparison of pricing policy.
  4. Determination of customer traffic.
  5. Evaluation of popular products or dishes.
  6. Definition of target audience.

Based on the data obtained, a prototype of the ideal diner is being drawn up, responding to most consumer needs.

  • low profit is a criterion typical for the initial stage, when there is still no established customer flow. If a low profit is observed for a long time, it is necessary to revise the financial plan;
  • negative work is a rare situation for catering. It occurs only when there is high competition and the wrong location;
  • complaints about low-quality products are typical for dishonest entrepreneurs who want to save on the health of their visitors. Doing business in this way is doomed to bankruptcy;
  • fines - regular inspections apply to all catering establishments. In order not to pay high fines for non-compliance with working conditions, it is recommended to comply with all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and work according to the law.

The diner is a unique type of business that is not accompanied by high risks, and the activity is not influenced by the economic or political sentiments in the world. Fast food has always been available regardless of external factors.

How to open a diner: an organizational plan

Activity registration

The legal form of doing business is an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. The choice is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance.

For example, it is planned to open a standard eatery with food service in the hall and sale of take-away, including drinks, candies, sweets and other products. In this case, an IP is quite suitable.

Another example is a snack bar selling draft and bottled beer, as well as spirits. To operate, it is necessary to establish a limited liability company, because an individual entrepreneur has no right to sell vodka, whiskey and other drinks with a strength above 15%.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity in both cases is not difficult - the entrepreneur applies to the Federal Tax Service with a package of documents and waits for a decision for several days. The list of documentation can be found directly at the tax office or on the structure's website.

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • paid state duty (800 rubles).
  • decision to found a company;
  • charter;
  • capital data;
  • personal information of the founder;
  • paid state duty (4,000 rubles).

In the process, a taxation system is selected that corresponds to the preferences of the entrepreneur (most often they choose the STS or UTII).

OKVED codes:

  • 56.10.1 - activities of restaurants and cafes;
  • 56.10.21 - sale of ready-to-eat meals;
  • 56.3 - serving drinks inside the establishment.

Search for premises and repair

For a small diner, an area of ​​40-50 sq. m, where 15-20 meters is occupied by the production and trade part, and 30-35 meters is a hall for visitors.

Requirements for the premises:

  • communications;
  • ventilation;
  • fire safety system;
  • evacuation plan;
  • consumer corner.

Requirements that entrepreneurs place on the premises:

  • high permeability of people;
  • convenient location;
  • visibility from several angles;
  • direction of the entrance to the carriageway;
  • low rent.

In any case, you will have to make repairs if the premises were not previously used for catering. In addition to cosmetic measures, it is necessary to take care of the redevelopment of the hall - demolition of partitions (except for load-bearing ones), installation of new double-glazed windows, equipment of the working area, kitchen, distribution lines, renovation of plumbing.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

The list of equipment below is designed for all types of eateries. It is likely that you will not have to purchase everything, however, it is these kitchen utensils that are most often used in catering establishments:

  • showcase, including cooling;
  • fridge;
  • electric or gas stoves;
  • oven;
  • kettle;
  • coffee maker;
  • food processor;
  • grill;
  • cabinets;
  • dishes;
  • audio system for playing music or radio;
  • television;
  • racks;
  • cutting table;
  • deep fryer;
  • pancake maker;
  • mixer;
  • juicer;
  • microwave;
  • furniture for visitors;
  • hangers;
  • cash machine.

Menu compilation

Diner dishes are the simplest and most common. Some of them are prepared on site, while others are purchased separately.

Sample menu:

  • first courses - soup, borscht, pickle, kharcho, cabbage soup;
  • second courses - porridge, potatoes, pasta with garnish, meat, vegetables, fish;
  • drinks - juices, fruit drinks, water, tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • fast food - from sandwiches to pizza, including hot dogs, pasties, pies;
  • kebab - if possible;
  • salads;
  • dumplings;
  • vareniki;
  • pancakes;
  • snacks - crackers, chips, nuts;
  • sweets;
  • fruits;
  • ice cream.

The variety of the menu depends only on the format of the establishment and the owner's imagination. On the spot, you can cook first and second courses, including dumplings and shish kebab, and order flour for delivery.

On the other hand, there is nothing complicated in the production of hot dogs, pasties and fast food, but there will always be a fresh and hot delicacy for customers.

Finding food suppliers

Considering that all food for the diner is regular ingredients, there will be no problems with the purchase. It is necessary to contact wholesalers for the purchase of cereals and pasta in bulk; for meat - to the meat processing shop. The rest of the products are also purchased from wholesalers.

A huge plus is that all the ingredients are located in the region of the outlet, so there will be no interruptions in supplies.


For a diner with a floor area of ​​50 sq. m. you will need:

  • 1 cook;
  • 1 assistant;
  • 1 cashier.

As a rule, there are no waiters in such establishments.

Basic requirements apply to the chef. Education is encouraged, but not required. For example, if a woman worked for 15 years in a cafeteria at an enterprise without a diploma, then in any case she knows better cooking better than a young girl who just graduated from a culinary college.

It would be useful to conduct a small casting and test several applicants.

Marketing and advertising

No publicity is required for the diner, because the establishment is designed to narrow circle visitors who regularly (for work or other business) are in the catering area. The likelihood that someone on purpose from the other end of town will go to the diner for a bite to eat is zero.

  • installation of a sign;
  • installation of pillars;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • 3-4 billboards in the area of ​​the establishment.

Most The best way attracting customers - selling tasty and inexpensive food. After tasting food once, people will definitely return, advise a new place to their acquaintances, who, in turn, will spread the information further.

Financial calculations

Investment in the project

Expenses at the stage of preparation for opening (in rubles):

  • 15,000 - registration of entrepreneurial activity, collection and execution of the necessary documentation;
  • 20,000 - market analysis (remuneration of people who collect information and conduct opinion polls);
  • 35,000 - concluding a lease agreement, making an advance payment;
  • 60,000 - repairs;
  • 150,000 - equipment;
  • 25,000 - advertising and signboard;
  • 15,000 - additional costs.

Result: 320,000 rubles.

Running costs

Costs in the first month (in rubles):

  • 35,000 - rent;
  • 100,000 - salary;
  • 12,000 - utilities;
  • 20,000 - unexpected expenses.

Result: 167,000 rubles.

The expenses for the products are not indicated anywhere, because the cost of the ingredients is extremely low, and the final product has a margin of almost 500%, and sometimes even more. That is why, having purchased the first batch of goods for 10-15 thousand rubles, the entrepreneur sells ready-made meals for 40-50 thousand. The allocation of this amount of funds for the purchase of new products will become invisible to the overall profit.

Revenues, profits and business profitability

The number of people visiting the diner every day is equal to 60. The average bill is 150 rubles. Income per month will be 270,000 rubles.

This is a dirty profit, from which you need to subtract the mandatory monthly expenses.

270,000-167,000 = 103,000 rubles.

Taking away the tax and the cost of supplying products, the entrepreneur is left with 85,000 rubles for personal use.

Profitability is the ratio of net income to gross income, multiplied by 100%.

85 000/270 000*100=31%.

The project will pay off within 3-4 months.

When thinking about organizing a fast food outlet, you should never discount cheap and affordable establishments. Higher requirements are always imposed on cafes and restaurants, so it is extremely difficult to get ahead in the conditions of tough competition. Opening a diner involves a minimum of effort and money at all stages, but a business plan for the idea must be required. Otherwise, even such a business may go bankrupt.

Order a business plan

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Investments: Investments 2,700,000 - 3,500,000 rubles

We are a team of professionals with over 10 years of experience in the food market. During this time, we have implemented more than 40 regional and federal projects in 15 different concepts. In 2017, we launched the Bakery No. 21 project and now we manage a chain of cafes-bakeries, which we want to expand, because we believe that our product is a new level in the world ...


The Khomyak franchise is a turnkey chain of cafes and a workshop for family celebrations, and a cake-confectionery. We offer an alternative to having a rest "in front of the TV", boring children's shows with the same scenarios. For modern parents we provide quality service - organization family holiday at a high level and at reasonable prices. "Family" and "uniqueness" are the hallmarks of the services of the Hamster. The cafe menu includes ...

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Investments: Investments 2,000,000 rubles

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It is quite difficult to open a catering establishment without an impressive start-up capital. Cafes, bars, restaurants require significant investments both for renovation and interior design, and for the maintenance itself. Perhaps the only place that can be opened with a small investment is a diner.

How to open a diner from scratch

As with any business, the first step is to decide on a concept. If you have good imagination and creativity, bring your idea to life. However, no one forbids to spy on it from competitors, combining the most successful moments.

Eateries are divided into two types: specialized and general. The first include establishments that sell a certain type of product:, dumplings,. The second - catering with a more varied menu. What's the best concept? It depends on many factors such as location, start-up capital, competition, etc.

The next step is to find start-up capital. If you do not know where to get the money, be sure to read our recent note on how. In general, there are the following sources of funding:

  • Bank loan;
  • programs state support small business;
  • attracting investors. To do this, you need to develop a competent business plan;
  • own money.

To open a diner, you need about $ 8-10 thousand. Expenses include:

  • renovation of the premises (up to $ 2 thousand);
  • equipment for the kitchen ($ 3 thousand);
  • furniture ($ 1 thousand);
  • registration with regulatory authorities and obtaining all permits ($ 1 thousand);
  • the first purchase of products ($ 2 thousand);
  • transportation costs, advertising ($ 1-2 thousand).

Search for premises, purchase of equipment, recruitment

Asking the question of how to open a diner, the first thing we involuntarily think about where it will be located. Best suited for such an establishment:

  • automobile and railway stations;
  • locations near universities and student residences;
  • busy track;
  • next to shopping and business centers;

The diner does not imply renting a large room, 50 square meters of space is quite enough.

The main requirement for the premises is compliance with fire safety and SES standards.

The next step is purchasing equipment. It:

  • showcases;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • electrical appliances (microwave ovens, multicooker, coffee makers, mixers, toasters);
  • trade furniture;
  • kitchen utensils, special clothing for staff.

The last thing to be done is to hire workers. The diner staff includes: chefs, waiters, administrators. In the first couples of business development, the administrator functions can be performed independently. An accountant is also needed for accounting for financial activities. It is not necessary to hire a specialist; it is more profitable to use the services of an audit company or accounting outsourcing.

As you can see, opening a diner from scratch is not difficult. The main thing is to carefully calculate all the risks, do marketing research and develop an attractive concept for the establishment.

Small cafes made on the principle of "fast food" today can be a very profitable and promising business, especially since they will have to make less effort and cost to open and organize their work than to launch a project of some fashionable restaurant. But the income from such a "bistro" (fast food and service cafe) can become much more impressive.

Opening a bistro: features, opportunities and main nuances of the business

Before starting a bistro from scratch, try to understand the main features of this business. If you are not new to the restaurant business, then, of course, it will be easier for you to delve into all the subtleties. However, the bistro has some features that distinguish it from other catering establishments.

  1. The main task of the bistro is quality and fast service. It is advisable to feed or provide takeaway food to as many visitors as possible in a short period of time, since the main criterion for the success of your establishment will be a high turnover of seats (there should be a lot of them). That is, the visitor should spend no more than half an hour on staying in the bistro, while the maximum service time cannot be more than five minutes.
  2. Bistro is not fast food in the full sense of the word. In establishments of this type, a full assortment of various dishes must be present: that is, hot first, second, snacks, salads, various pastries or desserts, cold and hot drinks.
  3. High quality and tasty food, meanwhile, the bistro is sold and served at very affordable prices. This means that the average bill in your bistro will be very low, much lower than in a respectable cafe or restaurant.
  4. One more hallmark bistro can be called the presence of several distribution lines on which the offered dishes will be displayed, and a large number of cash registers so that potential customers do not waste time waiting. Ideally, the seats near the tables should be adjacent to a kind of racks, thanks to which visitors can eat even while standing.

As with starting any other business, before opening a bistro, you will need to draw up a clear business plan that will help you carefully work out all the main points and avoid unpleasant surprises or risks.

The first steps

You have a choice: open your own establishment or join a network of similar restaurants that have been on the market for a long time and are very popular. In the case of the second option, you do not have to develop a concept, come up with a menu, spend money on advertising and solve a lot of organizational issues. However, in order to operate under the brand name of a well-known restaurant and use its brand, you need to buy a franchise from him and follow all the internal regulations and rules of the company.

If you decide to embark on an independent voyage, remember that any undertaking is always a certain risk. It will take some time before your investment pays off and you start making a profit. However, everything is in your hands. So, you can start creating a business idea or a specific action plan.

  1. Prepare the material base and legalize the business in accordance with all legal requirements.
  2. Develop a concept for the future establishment and determine the focus of its activities (style, specifics of the menu, goals, audience, etc.).
  3. Find an appropriate location and room to open.
  4. Make repairs or decorate the interior, as well as equip it with everything you need.
  5. Schedule work and hire staff.
  6. Find suppliers and purchase everything you need at first (minimum of food, semi-finished products, dishes, etc.).
  7. Carry out an advertising campaign.

The last point could be written: and open. As you can see, the preparatory work is more than enough, but it must be carried out, approaching the matter with full responsibility. Otherwise, you will face surprises and pitfalls of this business at the very start.

Fundamental preparation: investment search and legislative registration

A bistro, like any other catering establishment, requires a fairly large package of documents for its opening.

  1. If you are not registered with the tax office, then you must definitely register there by choosing the form of tax payment and the form of your future business. To carry out an economic business (in your case, this is the opening of a bistro), you can register as an individual entrepreneur, which will require much less material and time costs from you than when registering an LLC. However, with an LLC you will have more opportunities and prospects. The taxation system can also be chosen: either general or simplified. But keep in mind that there are some restrictions for trade in excisable goods (almost all alcohol and cigarettes) in the simplified system. However, if you plan to sell only beer or table wines, then they will not affect you.
  2. Having received a permit to carry out their activities and a license to trade in alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, you can engage in a bistro room.
  3. You must have the appropriate title deeds for the selected premises. That is, a lease or a sales contract. If you are going to build a premise, you will also have to formalize the rights to build a land plot and transfer it to rent / ownership.
  4. For this particular room, you need to obtain permission to place the bistro from the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological service, fire service, Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights. Everything must comply with the main requirements and standards that exist in the current legislation, as well as safety measures.
  5. All employees of your establishment will need to undergo regular checks and preventive medical examinations, which will be recorded in their health records. In addition, you should enter into agreements with various companies for a range of necessary services.
  6. These can be both standard planned procedures: activities carried out by the SES (pest control, disinfection, etc.), and contracts with certain laundries or dry cleaners that will be responsible for washing and cleaning the overalls of employees (on a large scale). In addition, air conditioning or ventilation systems must be regularly maintained and disinfected. Strictly follow that a log book is kept, where the results of all these activities will be recorded.
  7. Do not forget that the activity of your enterprise is based on products (their preparation and storage), which means that organic waste and solid household waste (MSW) will be generated during it. To export and dispose of all this, you also need to find an appropriate company and conclude an agreement with it.
  8. If you want to carry out the delivery of cooked food, then it is better to choose specially equipped transport (thermocouples, etc.). For him, you will also need permits.

Having prepared a legal base for yourself and having collected everything you need to open a bistro, you can start organizing the business itself. Try to look for reliable investors or apply for a government / commercial loan if you do not have sufficient funds at first. A well-written business plan, your desire and enthusiasm will be excellent arguments for investing in a successful business.

Start settling

Choosing a location for a bistro is very important. Many experts in the restaurant business are inclined to believe that the premises are initially better to rent than to buy. It will be possible to get your own later, when things go uphill, in addition, there is a lease with the right to purchase. So there are many options.

The specificity of your institution is such that it simply needs a location at the point of concentration of a large number of people, and their flow should be equally saturated at any time of the day or season. The most popular are the bistros in constantly "walk-through" points:

  • in shopping or entertainment centers or complexes (try to settle on the first or basement floor and arrange a separate entrance for yourself - then you will not depend on the mode or opening hours of the center itself);
  • near or in the immediate vicinity of universities, schools, campuses, office centers and buildings, large enterprises. A busy street is also a good option;
  • you should be located in a concentration of good transport interchange, that is, not far from the metro, stops, etc .;
  • bistros in the station area or not far from the highway are also popular (but this is a slightly different specifics of work);
  • there are options and alterations of an apartment on the ground floor for such a cafe, but usually, for justification in a residential building, SES and other services will require additional checks, and you will not be able to work in all perspectives.

Business on wheels

You can go the other way, that is, give preference to a mobile cafe, and not open in a specific room. However, before you open a bistro on wheels, you need to find a good quality van, which will have a special trailer equipped with everything you need to store and prepare food.

The simplest model of such a bistro can be called small vans, which make it possible to cook only grilled chicken or shawarma. They are popular because of their high return on investment and low investment.

The trailer can be equipped with anything and how you want: you can cook and sell kebabs, barbecues, pancakes, potatoes (in all guises), pies, donuts, any other baked goods, etc. It's just that in these cases, unlike shawarma, you will need own production base, since such products are more difficult to prepare.

However, a mobile cafe will pay off and only make a profit big city or a metropolis, because in small towns it is easier and cheaper for a person to go home to have dinner. Also, for mobile outlets, the seasonal factor is important: in summer, people are afraid to buy food so as not to get poisoned, and in winter there may simply be no demand.

Who and how to be?

Decide on the concept of your business and its format. What exactly do you want to offer people? You can, of course, choose a narrow focus of activity, that is, make a purely pancake or dumpling (focus on one type and type of food). But experts do not advise doing this, since the general format gives you much more options.

But the choice is yours:

  • what audience do you expect and target (students, office contingent, businessmen, etc.);
  • the specifics of your menu and assortment (variety, cuisine of any nationality or orientation, vegetarian restaurant, etc.);
  • purpose of visiting your bistro (whether simple menus for lunch / dinner / breakfast, or the institution suggests holding some holidays, celebrations, children's birthdays, etc.). Consider whether you need alcohol on sale.

Consider demand and competition as you think through these questions so you don't end up at a loss.

Start with a small area, but so that later there was an opportunity to expand. Special design or decoration is not the most important thing here, because people come to you for a short time. The main thing is to be clean, light and comfortable. But try to withstand it in general style your concept. For a small bistro, you will need at least 60-70 sq. m of area (2/3 of the premises will be the hall where visitors come and eat, and the rest of the place is the kitchen, storage and technical rooms).

For clients, it will also be necessary to equip hangers (it is possible next to the tables, so as not to have a separate wardrobe) and toilet rooms separate from the staff.

Necessary equipment and equipment

At this stage, you will have to spend a lot. You can, of course, buy cheaper equipment or even take a used one, but it is better not to save on the quality of your enterprise. At a minimum, you will need:

  • equip the kitchen, where food preparation, heating and storage of food (the required supply) will take place. If you buy ready-made semi-finished products and only heat them up, then you will need a little equipment, but if you make everything yourself, then take care of additional rooms for everything you need;
  • in addition to stoves and cutting tables, for baking you will need a good and powerful oven, and in order to store food - spacious large refrigerators and freezers;
  • all additional equipment can or may not be purchased based on your concept (think about whether you need a deep fryer, coffee machine, etc.);
  • in order not to waste time on washing and preparing dishes, you can buy a disposable one, especially if you are thinking about how to open a bistro for take-out, then disposable tableware, paper bags or special containers in which food can be packed so that the visitor can take it with him will be very relevant. Add your own branding to these accessories.

If you work on your own, you will have to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to stand out favorably among competitors. This applies not only to the specifics of the institution and the form of its work, but also to the assortment or variety of the menu, the design of the bistro itself, service technology, etc.

In the visitor's hall, you need: tables, chairs (possibly sofas), hangers, cash desks, dispensing tapes (possibly showcases or shelves). It is good if pleasant music is played in the institution (as an option, you can hang plasma TVs in several places).

Collect the state

The peculiarity of the bistro is the absence of waiters. However, you will need good experienced chefs (at least 2-3 people), several cashiers and a cleaning lady. This is the smallest state. Ideally, the cooks should have assistants, you can also hire a bartender (if you have a bar), a pastry chef, dishwashers, a hall administrator and a full-time accountant (at first, you can do the accounting yourself or contact special companies with reports).

Remember that all your personnel must be certified and have health records. Give preference to stress-resistant, decent, polite, honest and efficient people.

The staff must also have a special uniform, developed according to the general concept of the bistro. The schedule is drawn up based on how you plan to work.

Almost everything is ready to open

Since you are dealing with groceries, that is, perishable goods, do not buy a lot at once. First, take a look at which dishes are more in demand, what is popular, and what is untouched. This will help you avoid making purchases at a loss.

To save money, you can find permanent reliable suppliers or buy everything yourself in the markets and wholesalers.

Now it's time to advertise yourself. The minimum you need to do is have a prominent large and bright advertisement next to the establishment (or sign). It would also be a good idea to distribute business card flyers to the nearest establishments, leaving them in the lobby, at the administrator, etc.

Approximate costs

(figures are in rubles)

In general, this business is quite profitable (up to 40%) and can pay off in a year and a half. However, you should work diligently and diligently for this, so that visitors, once visiting your bistro, become its regular customers.

Are you worried about how to open a diner from scratch? We will provide step-by-step instructions and explain where to start. After all, such a business, even in the presence of high competition, is considered profitable and profitable. Financial investments pay off in the first year. And if you think it over correctly, you can get a net profit much earlier.

These fast food eateries appear in large numbers in the most different cities and regions. This is understandable, because a modern person has no time to stand at the stove and cook, and there is not enough money for gourmet meals and trips to restaurants. It is much easier to go to the nearest catering establishment and eat inexpensively.

Business specifics

Do not think that the diner is close in organizational aspects to the restaurant. There are enough nuances here, not paying attention to which you will have to spend a lot of money and be left without the expected profit. Let's list the important differences between a small diner and gourmet establishments:

  1. The main clients are students, young families with an average income, office workers, workers in factories and factories. Therefore, the pricing policy of your diner should correspond to their financial capabilities.
  2. But do not try to save on the cost of meals due to poor quality products. Your clients won't forgive that. You must cook deliciously and not harm the health of your visitors.
  3. The ability to take food with you, order it by phone is a good marketing ploy, since not every student or office worker has time for a full lunch.
  4. Even before opening a diner, you need to decide on the main direction and theme of your institution. It should meet the wishes and needs of your future customers.
  5. Choose a location with high traffic, otherwise there will be very few visitors, which will affect the rate of return on your business.

If you are just deciding what kind of catering establishment to open, we will list the main pros and cons. Among the advantages of the diner are:

  • thanks to high level attendance, you will quickly reach large capital turnover even with low prices for ready-made meals;
  • unlike the restaurant business, less investment is required at the start;
  • such establishments are relevant even in small towns, and not only in megalopolises;
  • a fairly small size of the total area;
  • simplicity in the preparation of main courses does not require a highly qualified chef, which makes it possible to save on salaries;
  • in order to reduce costs, it is allowed to purchase inexpensive furniture, a simple interior, as well as the availability of cheap dishes.

But to be objective, it is necessary to consider the other side of the coin. Disadvantages of the diner:

  1. This is a mini-project that, even if successfully implemented, will not bring much wealth to its owner.
  2. When registering a small catering establishment, you will have to complete a complex registration in many instances.
  3. You will not be able to save on renting premises, since you are looking for appropriate place preferably in central regions cities with high traffic.

Types of eateries

Where to begin? With the definition of what exactly and in what format you will offer your customers. Such establishments of this kind are popular today:

  1. Diner general type- unpretentious interior, varied but simple menu, low prices and cheap furniture. It is in this form that we often see this type of catering in American films.
  2. Specialty diner - characterized by a main course that may not even be complemented by anything else. Usually they have a name corresponding to what is being prepared - varenichnaya, cheburek, shish kebab, etc.
  3. - differ from an ordinary diner in a simple self-service system. No waiters are needed here, and the food is prepared very quickly. They became famous thanks to the American McDonald's.
  4. On wheels - a mobile version of a relocatable kitchen. For this, a special van or trailer is rented or bought, in which there is a place for preparing simple dishes. Their variety is small, but such a business benefits from minimal investment and ease of finding customers by moving the van. You just need to clarify in advance with the authorities in which places you are allowed to stop.

Free download here as a sample.


To register a business, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is suitable if you do not intend to sell alcoholic beverages, and also hire a small staff of employees. Otherwise, you need to register a legal entity and pay taxes in the form of UTII. OKVED indicates the standard for such catering establishments - 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes."

Before opening the premises, you need to prepare it according to the requirements of the SES and GPI. Only after checking them and issuing permits can the establishment be opened. If you have specific equipment, it is advisable to have certificates for it, and also worry about the corresponding documents for the supplied products.

Agreements should be drawn up in advance for the supply of goods, for garbage disposal, with utilities, etc. Special licenses will be required only in the case of the sale of alcohol, otherwise - only permission from Rospotrebnadzor. Each employee is obliged to undergo a medical examination and have a health book on hand.

Do not forget about the cash register and its correct registration.

Search for premises

As already mentioned, high traffic of people is fundamentally important for your establishment. This can be achieved by selecting a building next to:

  • shopping center;
  • Universities;
  • offices;
  • train stations;
  • hostels;
  • road junctions, a highway for truckers;
  • factories and factories;
  • on central streets cities.

The dimensions of the room can be small, ranging from 30-50 m2. Make sure to set aside a food preparation area, visitor hall, toilet and storage area. Expensive repairs will not be required, as a simple, discreet interior can be used in this type of eatery.

Furniture and equipment

Having decided on the menu, it is easy to make a list of what you need to prepare the specified dishes. We will offer a wide range of equipment to maximize the range of products.

Equipment and inventory Cost, in rub.
1 Plate 40 000
2 Deep fryer 20 000
3 Coffee machine 20 000
4 Fridge 100 000
5 Toaster 1 500
6 Grill 10 000
7 Food processor 30 000
8 Oven 30 000
9 Hood 50 000
10 Work surfaces 30 000
11 Inventory (pots, pans, etc.) 70 000
12 Tableware for customers 40 000
13 Trade showcase 40 000
14 Cash machine 10 000
Total: 491 500

Also, worry about the presence of plastic tables, chairs, counters, simple clothes hangers, air conditioning for the summer, etc. And although this is the main initial cost, you still need to get acquainted with a detailed example of a business plan with calculations for a complete picture. Keep in mind that if you are preparing only one type of food, then much less equipment will be required.


With a schedule from 10.00 to 22.00, you should take care of having two shifts working, for example, three days in a row.

Each of them needs a cook (3 people), two waiters, a cashier and a cleaning lady. The accountant and manager are hired only at the request of the owner, since he can perform their functions himself.


When compiling a list of dishes that will be prepared in your establishment, be guided by the wishes of visitors. To do this, first you can walk through the local catering and take a closer look at the most popular positions. Also, the variety of assortment depends on the chosen focus. For example, if you only sell hot dogs, then it doesn't make sense to cook anything else.

When opening a general type of diner, be guided by the following recommendations on the compilation of the menu:

  1. Soups (2-3 types).
  2. Salads (5-6).
  3. Main dishes made from meat, fish, poultry and vegetables (up to 10 options).
  4. Garnish (2-3).
  5. Desserts (up to 5 varieties).
  6. Drinks (with or without alcohol)

It is important in this list to take into account the various requirements of the visitors. Try to list several types of vegetarian dishes, low calorie, for children, etc. If you sell any alcoholic drinks, you can add related products to them (for example, nuts and chips for beer).

So that you can always ensure the preparation of all the indicated positions, draw up contracts in advance with reliable suppliers of semi-finished products and fresh food... It is beneficial to conclude them with local producers. The margin is set at 30% of the cost price.

Financial calculations

Obviously, to bring such an idea to life, you need a certain start-up capital. Which one will largely depend on the availability suitable premises in your property, the assortment offered and the appropriate equipment for its preparation.

Let's suggest the average numbers for opening a general diner from scratch.

In addition, you need to take into account the monthly costs of maintaining the establishment:

If you count that about 100 people will visit your diner per day and the average check will be within 200 rubles, and at the weekend the figures will be half as much, then the monthly income will be approximately 520,000 rubles. Thus, even in unforeseen situations, the initial investment will fully pay off within six months.

Competent marketing

It is advisable to take care of advertising your business even at the stage of its organization and preparatory work... You can post ads on the territory of the same offices and universities, near which you open, and also make full use of the Internet - create a website, register on city forums, make a page on social networks. This is enough to attract attention.

To increase your chances, improve your competitiveness and expand customer base use the following strategies:

  • Set prices low for most on-the-go snacks.
  • At the same time, keep an eye on the high quality of the dishes, their appetizing appearance and the freshness of the products used. Remember that a variety of spices, sauces and herbs can make a big difference even to simple potatoes.
  • Your employees should be as friendly and polite as possible.
  • Create a discount program for holidays, various events, reduce prices for regular customers or offer interesting bonuses.
  • Keep your kitchen and dining room perfectly clean.
  • Think about the menu so that a variety of visitors can find a suitable dish for you - vegetarians, believers (for example, during the fast), families with small children, etc.
  • A very important point is the good location of the establishment.
  • Don't forget to decorate the shop windows, entrance and hall respectively upcoming holidays.
  • Run promotions such as end-of-day sales of freshly prepared meals at a discount.
  • With all the economy and simplicity of the interior, think over an original and pleasant design of the room. Perhaps a theme or romantic setting for dates will do.

It is enough to connect your imagination and you will make your establishment the most popular in the city. And this will provide a fairly good profit for the long term.

Video:, diner?