The reasons for the divorce in the application to the court. What are the reasons to indicate in the application for divorce. Reasons in life

They are determined by incompatibility in character and views, psychological and practical unpreparedness for living together, adultery, health problems, addiction, violence, domestic disorder and material difficulties. Each reason compels a married couple to file for divorce.

Taking into account the circumstances for which it occurs, in statement of claim the reason for the divorce may or may not be indicated:

  1. If a married couple agrees to break off relations and submits an application to the registry office by common consent, concomitant reasons may not be specified.
  2. If the spouse refuses to divorce, the claim must contain a reason that compels one of the partners to seek divorce in court. Based on these data, the judge assesses the likelihood of family reconciliation, appoints a time limit for this process, and pre-determines the place of residence. minor child and questions regarding joint property.

The law does not indicate all possible reasons for divorce. The plaintiff must himself correctly formulate the problem and inform the court about the impossibility of solving it in any other way besides breaking the marriage relationship. Judicial practice several subtypes of reasons for explanation in the statement are identified.

Personal reason

Personal reasons for breaking up include emotional prerequisites: feelings are cooled, affection is lost, respect and trust are lost, and dislike for each other appears. These reasons for divorce in the statement of claim are not serious enough, but the court makes a positive decision, since Chapter 1 Family Code reads:

“... family relationships are built on feelings of respect and mutual love, responsibility and mutual assistance ... "

As a reason to start divorce proceedings they write in the lawsuit: “The feelings of mutual respect and love, which served as the basis for building a family, were lost. Therefore, further family life impossible ", such an explanation is also possible" There is a feeling of hostility towards each other, which can be considered an obstacle to the safety of the family. "

Household reasons

This subspecies include psychological prerequisites and health conditions: dependence of one of the spouses, psychological and physical violence against a child or spouse, refusal to manage a household and a lack of assistance in everyday problems, there is no interest in family communication and raising children.

If such circumstances take place in family life, the reason for divorce in the lawsuit is formulated as follows: “Further family life is considered impossible, since the spouse suffers from an addiction to alcohol. Alcoholism not only puts the family in a financial predicament, but also creates an extremely psychologically tense situation in the family - violence is used against the wife and children, scandals are created, and it has a negative impact on the upbringing of children.

As the main reason for divorce, indicating the alcoholism of one of the spouses, it is necessary to attach a certificate from the neuropsychiatric dispensary about the treatment of the partner, testimony of witnesses.

If the main reason for the official breakup is beatings, a certificate from the police should be attached to the receipt of calls, a protocol drawn up and the application of administrative measures, in addition to this, it is supplemented by acts on the removal of beatings from a medical examination.

Material reasons

The presence of rented housing, and not your own, and living with parents leads to many family quarrels... And if material difficulties appeared with this - unemployment or a long reluctance to look for work, lack of funds, large financial costs, family full life will be under threat.

The material reason for divorce can be formulated as follows: “The spouse has lost his job and refuses to search for work. He is not only unable to provide for his family, but also put her in a predicament financial position... The preservation of the marriage is considered impossible. "

Intimate reasons

Other reasons for divorce are indicated in the statement of claim. This includes adultery and betrayal, intimate disharmony, dissatisfaction with intimate life. In this case, there is no need to describe in detail the problems in family life.

Firstly, similar relationship between spouses family law does not regulate, the court cannot formulate the reasoning part of the decision of the divorce proceedings.

Third, for reasons of morality, the details of intimate married life not worth divulging. However, a public complaint of a sexual nature can offend and injure a spouse.

Instead of directly indicating in the statement of claim, the juicy reasons for divorce are limited to a general wording.

The secret of personal life in the divorce proceedings

Avoid in some cases detailed discussion personal life spouses is impossible (for example, if one of the spouses is a follower of different nature perversion or has a tendency to sexual violence). Proceedings in a miracle may also apply to other features of the partners' personal lives.

In such a case, the parties to the divorce proceedings must apply for a closed court hearing. Such a measure avoids finding unauthorized persons and prevents the spread of information about the case, thereby protecting the inviolable privacy of the spouses.

The inevitability of an official breakdown of relations is caused by a whole complex of reasons related to each other. The plaintiff must unravel the tangle of emotions, grievances and claims, highlight the main reason for the divorce proceedings, and then impartially and reasonably state it in the application so that the court has no doubts about the preservation of the family.

The state seeks to make efforts to preserve marriages. However, they are increasingly common in nature, due to the instability in the country. Often an alliance breaks up simply because it was entered into under the influence strong feeling... But the latter quickly passes, and the couple is unable to withstand family trials.

When it comes to termination in court, you will need to substantiate your decision. Unlike the registry office, where the reason can be indicated is simply formal, in the courts the reason must be objective. - a difficult and serious process, and the parties must provide evidence to the court that it is not possible to maintain the relationship.

The reasons are conditionally divided into personal and everyday ones. If it’s almost easier to justify everyday life, then with personal ones, some difficulties arise. The bottom line is that the court will not accept reasons such as:

  • cannot cook;
  • the husband is never at home;
  • does not wash dishes;
  • arguing with his / her mom.

If the reasons for divorce are based on personal relationships, you need to carefully consider how to reflect them in. It is important to know that the law is based on the fact that the family is built on the exclusive mutual respect and understanding of the spouses.

Therefore, if a personal reason is formulated, it must be presented precisely from such a position for the court to accept the argument. For example, a reason such as the complete disappearance of respect and understanding of spouses can become significant, based on the basis for maintaining a family.

Additionally, it is allowed to list other reasons as auxiliary arguments in favor of the main one. Separately, it must be said about the reasons that relate to intimate relationships couples. Any argument from this area will not be accepted by the court as a motive for termination. Simply because sex is not regulated by law.

The law cannot infer quality intimate life or other conclusions. Therefore, the “he / she does not satisfy me” argument will result in the court giving time for reconciliation and reconstruction.

But such reasons are accepted if there is no other controversy. That is, the couple simply terminates the relationship, while agreeing peacefully on the division and place of residence of the children.

Household reasons

A household reason is a reason that negatively affects the whole family. One of the parties may be addicted to gambling, which expels blood family budget... It may turn out that a person suffers from drug addiction, while the family has repeatedly tried to cope with his vice.

If a party uses violence against another or other family members, such acts must be documented. It is possible to present copies or extracts from the protocols of detention, records of summoning orders at the place of conflict. Also needed medical documents if there were beatings and injuries. Witnesses can contribute to the evidence base.

Maybe and often sounds in the courts for such a reason as. The bottom line is that a person is gaining credit cards and spends money on his own needs, bypassing the family. Banks then impose foreclosures, resulting in different consequences... More often than not, this puts the family at the level of poverty and constant need.

How are household reasons used:

  • evasion of material support;
  • infidelity;
  • physical / mental abuse;
  • does not provide assistance in raising children;
  • does not help in solving financial issues families;
  • spending the family budget on third-party needs.

That is, you need to indicate in the application the reason that makes further relations impossible.

Lack of home as the main reason:

Sexual assault

This is a separate line and article of legislation that is related to restrictions. Such a reason for divorce can appear under different circumstances, but each of them is always painful. This happens in families where a husband or wife (also happens) finds himself with a perverse understanding of sex. In this case, it is necessary to apply in advance to the court with a request that the sessions be held behind closed doors.

It is also necessary to apply with such a petition if the reason is in the home sexual assault regarding minors. This happens if the criminal court has already determined the punishment for the perpetrator, but now the other party wants to divorce for this reason.

In any case, if there are difficult or piquant moments in the case or reasons, circumstances, the initiator has the right to submit a request for a closed process. This protective measure, which will allow you to keep the family secret, since no outsiders will be allowed into the process.

Divorce documentation

If termination is a mutual decision, everything is simplified, even if it is necessary to go to court. At general agreement the statement of claim is drawn up arbitrarily and more freely. There is no urgent need to fundamentally prove the need for termination. When applying, it is indicated that the decision is mutual.

If a claim is filed at the request of one party, a detailed statement of the situation will be required. It is necessary to provide evidence based on or other evidence supporting the need for termination. So, if in fact the couple broke up a long time ago, the application should state from what time the joint residence was terminated.

It so happens that other families have already been created in fact, which is important to reflect. The statement contains a list of documents attached to the claim:

  • original passport;
  • certificate of;
  • metrics of children, if they are minors;
  • certificate of the composition of the whole family;
  • receipt of payment of the required state duty.

If a section is still expected by the court, then it may be necessary to pay an additional state fee, if such a determination is made by the court. According to the circumstances, the list of documents can be supplemented with other certificates and extracts, if required for the process.

Divorce, especially in court, almost always becomes an unpleasant and acute process. The accumulated baggage of mutual reproaches makes it impossible to finish the examination calmly. It is important to understand: the court is not the place where you need to come in order to pour out your emotions. It is necessary to remain calm and constructive here, proving your case with arguments.

Often, during the filing of a statement of claim for divorce, the submitter is faced with a problem when it is necessary to correctly indicate the reason for the dissolution of the marriage. It seems that this is elementary. Feelings have cooled down, approaches to raising children differ, flare up family conflicts, dissatisfaction with life is growing ...

But how to describe all this in official document? And I don’t want to endure quarrels in public, and at the same time, the arguments must be convincing for the judge to give a positive decision on the claim. "Correct" streamlined formulations exist, and if you put them in the document, then everything will be understood in the right way.

Personal reasons for divorce

“We didn’t agree with each other” is the most streamlined and general formulation. If a divorce occurs without the participation of children and disputes over common property then it might work. But in more difficult situations, you will have to specify, otherwise the judge will not consider the reason for the divorce in the statement of claim convincing.

If the parties only need a divorce without the division of property (or if the division of property occurs in accordance with a marriage contract or a free-form agreement certified by a notary), the claim can be formulated based on the norms of family law.

In a statement, relying on the content of Article 22 of the Family Code, you can write simply: "We ask for a divorce, since we have lost the feeling of mutual love, which is the basis for maintaining a family."
If only one spouse is the initiator of the divorce, then the dissolution old relationships can be justified slightly differently, for example, like this: “I have lost (or lost) the feeling of mutual love and respect for my spouse (my spouse), on the basis of this I do not see the possibility of continuing to build family relationships. Therefore, I see divorce as the only acceptable option. "

If the spouses have been living apart for quite a long time and one of them has already acquired another family, then the following wording can be given: “ Living together it didn't work out with my spouse, marriage relationship terminated from such and such a date, there is no joint household, there are no disputes about the property and place of residence of the children. Mutual reconciliation is impossible, please divorce "

If the relationship has gone into such contradictions, then it is worth writing openly: "The preservation of the family is impossible, since we have developed personal hostile relations." Sometimes it is even worth pointing out the reason for these very hostile relationships, for example:

  • treason;
  • abuse of you or children;
  • harsh treatment of animals;
  • unwillingness to provide for the family;
  • self-elimination from the issues of raising children and their support.

In practice, it turns out that it is not necessary to justify your hostile relationship. Sometimes they are not even complicated for some reason. certain reason... Discontent simply accumulates, which at some point splashes out.

Therefore, judges usually give one month to reconcile the parties. Going to court for divorce is a last resort. The hike to apply is sobering for many couples, and they begin to rebuild their relationship.

Is it worth pointing out the reason for divorce treason?

It's up to you to decide. It seems that few people want to demonstrate the wrong side of a relationship. Therefore, they usually get by with a streamlined wording, referring to "hostile relations". If the publicity of the reason cannot be avoided, then the following can be indicated as the reason for the divorce: “Saving the family from my point of view is impossible, since the spouse has demonstrated marital infidelity. This humiliates my feelings and human dignity and shows his disregard for my feelings. Our relationship does not correspond to my idea of ​​family life, so I think divorce is the only way out of this situation. "

Sometimes it is simply necessary to indicate treason as a reason for divorce, for example, if adultery considered a violation marriage contract... In this case, the words need to be supported by evidence, especially if the second spouse does not agree with the accusations made. Sometimes you even need to resort to the services of a private detective to bring your soul mate to clean water... If treason is proven and turns out to be one of the points of violation of the marriage contract, any judge will grant a divorce.

Violation of clauses of a marriage contract as a reason for divorce

A marriage contract as a document regulating legal relations between spouses in the event of a divorce is not as popular in Russia as in the West. It seems that there are more pragmatic people living there who approach starting a family as a rather formal process. We have the same design family relations more inspired by some romantic relationship... And I don't want to talk about a divorce on the day preceding the wedding. And all the more, I do not want to assure my mutual feelings official paper.

  • what property and in what amount goes to each spouse in case of a voluntary decision to divorce;
  • the issue of alimony payments is regulated;
  • the reasons for divorce are described;
  • it may be indicated that in the event of a violation of one of the clauses of the contract (for example, when adultery is caught or in the case of the use of violence against family members), all jointly acquired property goes to the victim.

The last point will not only insure the family against possible trips of one of the spouses "to the left" and limit him in the arsenal of "means of persuasion", but also will give a guarantee of divorce when going to court.

Domestic reasons for divorce

When filing a claim, you can also refer to the domestic reason for the divorce. For instance:

  • spouse alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • psychological illness;
  • inclination to gambling;
  • self-elimination from the issues of upbringing and maintenance of children;
  • family rowdy.

These phenomena usually go "hand in hand".

Sometimes divorce is the only way out for a family entangled in alcoholism, violence, conflict and money problems.

And if relatives are also connected, then a lot of problems only grows.

The reason for the dissolution of the legal relationship can be indicated as follows: “The spouse suffers from progressive alcohol addiction, as a result, cases of domestic violence have increased, and the number of conflicts has increased. In addition, a spouse's addiction puts us in a difficult financial situation... Concerning full upbringing children are impossible, just as it is impossible to continue family relations. "

It is not necessary to paint colorfully what kind of conflicts occur. All people, including judges, perfectly represent the situation in a family in which one of the spouses abuses alcohol. It is clear that the other side is both hurt and offended. This can be expressed during the trial, supported by the words of witnesses. However, there is no place for emotions in an official document.

It will not deprive you to back up your words in the statement with an extract from the medical history in the neuropsychiatric dispensary, which indicates which disease the spouse suffers from. This certificate will be especially useful if the claimant, together with the application for divorce, files a claim for deprivation of parental rights.

If the plaintiff indicates domestic violence as a reason for divorce, you need to attach a certificate from the police department that the district police officers recorded the facts of family rowdy, applied measures of administrative responsibility to the spouse. If there is a medical certificate on the nature of the infliction of bodily harm, they must also be provided at the disposal of the court.

If the husband does not provide for the family

Family parasitism can also become a reason for divorce. It is connected with the fact that the second spouse does not work anywhere and lives exclusively at the expense of the other. V " pure form»Parasitism is rare, usually associated with alcoholism or psychological illness.

The reason for the divorce in the application should be indicated something like this: “My spouse (or spouse) puts the family in a difficult financial situation, since he (or she) does not receive income anywhere. She categorically refuses to look for work, is not registered at the employment center, does not receive subsidies. He regularly abuses alcohol. In this regard, I believe that full development family relationships are impossible. My income is not enough to cover my own expenses, the expenses of my children and my non-working spouse. As a result, I cannot give children enough material resources ".

This statement must be supported by certificates (more precisely, their absence from the responding party - I mean, a certificate of income from the place of work or other source of profit) and the words of witnesses.

Please note that if the second spouse is disabled or retired, or if his entire income goes to repay, for example, a loan or to pay alimony, this cannot be considered a basis for divorce. Income still goes in and goes to cover family income. And if a person does not have a job objective reasons, but receives a state permit (for disability), then this is also considered income, and the judge can easily refuse the statement of claim for this reason.

Sexual dissatisfaction and "exotic" reasons for divorce

Sometimes the reason for the divorce is the spouses' sexual dissatisfaction with each other. Of course, it is up to them to decide what reason to indicate in the statement of claim. However, in jurisprudence it so happened that such arguments are not seriously considered. The Family Code does not regulate sexual relations spouses, it speaks only of "mutual love and respect", and how these manifestations will be regulated is everyone's business. According to the court, more compelling reasons will be required for divorce than the sexual dissatisfaction of a partner.

Sometimes the plaintiffs indicate quite unusual reasons divorces in statements of claim. It is better to avoid such formulations and give some more substantial reasons. For example, the following reasons are encountered in lawsuits:

  • do not like the way the spouse brushes his teeth;
  • does not satisfy how the spouse cooks;
  • does not want to have oral sex;
  • does not want to wear things related to me;
  • does not walk with children in the yard;
  • every weekend he goes fishing with friends and so on.

Of course, there are contradictions in any family. But they should be smoothed out, and not brought up for general discussion. After all, all these statements about divorce will be read by strangers.

Divorce or divorce is extremely painful. If the husband and wife decide to leave together and they have no children under 18, then the divorce procedure is carried out by the authority a month after the application is filed.

It is somewhat more difficult to dissolve a marriage in the presence of minor children. But if the spouses have no material claims to each other and if there is an agreement on the place of residence and the upbringing of offspring, the divorce process is implemented with the help of the magistrates' court.

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Unfortunately, very often divorce is accompanied by various complications when divorce is impossible without the help of the law. In this case, the termination procedure marriage union takes place in a district or city court. In this case, the plaintiff must write statement of claim.

Reasons for divorce in the statement of claim

You can download the claim form here.

The claim for divorce is written:

  • when one of the spouses is against divorce;
  • if the spouse avoids divorce. For example, refuses to write an application for divorce;
  • spouses cannot come to an agreement on the upbringing of children, their place of residence and material security.

In this case, the document must necessarily indicate the reason why it is necessary to dissolve the marriage from the point of view of the plaintiff so that the court can objectively consider the situation for its most optimal resolution.

The divorce statement is governed by article 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation... It is served locally official registration the defendant (not the plaintiff).

Failure to comply with the rules when filling out a statement of claim in accordance with the above article may serve as the basis for the judge to reject the consideration of the issue of divorce of the spousal union.

The reasons for divorce are not regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. They are as follows.

Personal properties

These reasons include the loss of love and attraction to the spouse, the emergence of hostility. According to the principles specified in Chapter 1 of the Family Code, marriage should be based on mutual love, trust and respect. Therefore, the loss of these feelings can serve as a sufficient reason for the dissolution of the marriage for the judge.


These reasons include bad habits spouse, such as drunkenness, drug addiction, addiction to gambling, etc. Also includes domestic violence and intentionally cruel treatment with a spouse.

When indicated in the statement of claim household reasons they must be confirmed by documentary certificates from the police about the summons and medical certificates on the removal of beatings.

If you indicate alcoholism or drug addiction as a cause, you need to attach a certificate from a narcological dispensary to the statement of claim stating that the spouse is registered there.

Material nature

These reasons include the lack of their own housing and, as a result, Cohabitation with parents, as well as insufficient earnings or parasitism of the breadwinner of the family, especially if you have minor children.


Sexual incompatibility is quite often the reason for divorce, but lawyers do not recommend indicating it in a statement of claim. Intimate life consideration married couple in open court may hurt mental health and the reputation of the spouses.

If you hide similar reasons is impossible (for example, in the case of sexual perversion with bodily harm), the plaintiff should write application for a request to hold closed court hearings in connection with the preservation of the secrecy of personal life.

Breaking a marriage vow, or treason

Grounds for dissolution of marriage for the court

According to article 22 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the court terminates the marriage union upon recognition of the fact that it is impossible to preserve the family. Therefore, in the statement of claim, it is very important to write the reason that the judge considers convincing.

Official reasons for divorce

  • One of the most common reasons indicated in a statement of claim is psychological incompatibility or dissimilarity of characters. This also includes the loss of love, respect and trust. In the absence of minor children, the judge will consider this reason sufficiently compelling for divorce, according to Art. 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and abuse are also grounds for divorce, but in this case, these facts are necessary be sure to document with certificates from the police and the narcological dispensary... If the plaintiff is unable to obtain documents proving inappropriate behavior spouse, it is better not to indicate these reasons.
  • Separate housekeeping and the creation of a second family. This is a very compelling reason, but it must be confirmed by two adult witnesses at the hearing.

If the family has children

If there is a family, under 18 years of age, the court may consider personal reasons insufficient for divorce, and postpone the decision. Therefore, in this case, it is better to indicate the reasons of a material and everyday nature.

For example: insufficient income of the breadwinner, his excessive spending on personal needs, unwillingness to work, parasitism; the spouse's lack of participation in the upbringing of children, including the refusal to provide them with material support.

According to Art. 89 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, husband and wife should provide each other with material support, including in raising offspring. Therefore, the court may consider this reason sufficiently convincing for a divorce.

A spouse's bad habits are also a good reason for divorce, but they must be documented.

The most common causes of divorce

Many of the causes of serious family disagreements that lead to family breakdown are related. However, sociologists in collaboration with family psychologists highlighted the following:

  • Violation of fidelity, that is, adultery.
  • Breaking a marriage vow, especially if the other spouse is in difficult situation(for example, a wife is expecting a child, is in a maternity hospital, or one of the spouses is sick, is on a long business trip) undermines trust and leads to a cooling of love between husband and wife.
  • Material difficulties, that is, simply poverty.
  • Lack of your own home. In this case, the young family can live with their parents, which is not the best way affects the relationship, or rent an apartment, which deplorably affects the budget.
  • Bad habits of one of the spouses. This includes not only drunkenness, alcoholism and everyday life, but also excessive spending, addiction to gambling, obsession with personal interests and hobbies.
  • Sexual incompatibility.
  • Lack of common goals in life.
  • Psychological illiteracy, that is, the inability to behave in conflict situations, and unwillingness to understand your half.
  • Infertility of one of the spouses.

Good reasons for divorce from her husband

The most good reason for divorce from a spouse is real threat for physical and psychological health wives and children. This can happen if the husband:

V similar cases a woman with children needs protection from the law. If your husband's health and the health of children is threatened by your husband, you need to call the police and document this call. If the violence has already taken place, then the beatings must be witnessed by a traumatologist at the polyclinic at the place of residence.

What to indicate when divorcing a marriage with the appointment of alimony to one of the spouses?

In this case, you can indicate any reason, including a material one. The main thing is to attach to the statement of claim a copy of the birth certificate of the child, certified by a notary..

Alimony for minor children is assigned to the parent with whom they remain to live.

IMPORTANT! From June 1, 2016, each decision on the establishment of child support will be drawn up exclusively as an application for extradition court order on the appointment of alimony. Cm. the federal law dated March 2, 2016 No. 45-F3.

In case of violation of the clauses of the marriage contract

The contract entered into by the spouses according to Art. 40 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, regulates exclusively property relations how in existing marriage, and in case of its termination.

A violation of such an agreement is considered a violation of obligations and is governed by Art. 25 Civil Code RF, as well as Art. 4 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

According to these laws, violation of the marriage contract cannot be the reason for the dissolution of the marriage, since it does not contradict the essence of family relations.

How to write the correct reason for divorce?

The main thing when indicating the reason for the divorce in the statement of claim is to release the basic from grievances and claims and calmly, without emotion, formulate it in a few general phrases.

Of course, when formulating a reason, you do not need to forget about main goal: to dissolve the marriage with minimal material and psychological costs, as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Reasons for divorce - examples

Personal reasons need to be formulated while emphasizing the loss joint love, respect and trust. For instance:“I have lost respect and love for my husband. For this reason, I consider it impossible to preserve the marriage. "

Or another example:“I have a dislike for my wife. I don't trust her anymore. In this regard, the continuation of the marriage relationship is considered impossible. "

Everyday reasons also need to be described as succinctly and dryly as possible. For instance:"I consider it necessary to terminate the marriage due to the fact that my husband is a drug addict."

Or “The husband is an alcoholic, prone to domestic violence... Therefore, I think the preservation of the marriage union is impossible. "

If you need to indicate a material reason as a reason for divorce, then in the statement of claim it is advisable to justify your decision a little: “The husband does not support me and our child financially, which makes the family live in poverty. In this regard, I consider the preservation of marriage is impossible. "

Or another example:“My husband refuses to work and financially support the family, which puts me in a dire situation. In this regard, I consider the continuation of the marriage relationship impossible. "

It should be noted that in a statement of claim for divorce, one should not indicate reasons of an intimate and sexual nature without sufficient grounds. This will make it difficult for the court to work, which will lead to difficulties in obtaining a divorce.

Popular truth says that marriages are made in heaven. But each person can make a mistake in his choice. Therefore, a timely divorce for many can be salvation and the beginning of a new happy life... The main thing is to do it correctly and efficiently.

Young people and girls remember their wedding day for the rest of their lives. This day gives a lot of joy to the bride and groom, relatives and friends. And this is not surprising, this is a very joyful event - birth new family... It seems that now the young will go hand in hand all their lives, they are sure that their happiness will be eternal. But, unfortunately, many marriages soon break up. There are three divorces for five marriages, and the figure is getting higher from year to year. Sociologists argue that divorce is the problem of the century. Family and marriage are influenced by numerous social and personal factors. These are politics and economics, traditions and customs, ideology, morality, especially the upbringing of people, character, individual characteristics person. The reasons for divorce can vary.

The main reasons for divorce

So, the main reasons for divorce are:

  1. everyone will agree that the main reason the death of a family is alcoholism of one of the spouses, most often the husband. Household drunkenness leads to a deep disintegration of the personality. Such a spouse cannot raise children, feed a family, be good husband;
  2. one more important reasons divorce - jealousy. The number of divorces due to jealousy is enormous! An interesting fact is that this trend is true for couples who are in formal marriage... For couples who are connected civil marriage, less problems on this basis. Mistrust on the part of spouses has a negative effect on emotional harmony, the intimate side of life;
  3. next reason divorce - treason. The perception of infidelity is different for men and women. For a man, the physical infidelity of his partner is a great stress. It is difficult for a woman to realize emotional betrayal when a partner develops a spiritual and physical interest in another woman;
  4. forced, for example, due to pregnancy, or rash marriage;
  5. the struggle for leadership in the family;
  6. emotional immaturity of partners.

Unless problems arise from alcoholism, cheating and fidelity, there are other reasons for divorce. There are five factors, the discrepancy in which the partners cause conflicts.

These factors are:

  1. partners have the same idea of ​​cleanliness and order;
  2. the spouses have similar tastes in literature, cinema, music, television;
  3. both partners have similar eating habits;
  4. they like the same pets;
  5. the spouses have similar opinions about watching erotic films.

The discrepancy between desires, tastes and seemingly frivolous factors has a destructive effect on the bonds of marriage and becomes the cause of divorce. According to psychologists, if 2 out of 5 positions are different, the chances of maintaining a strong and friendly family practically come to naught. Each of the spouses will defend their position, and this will lead to conflict. If this situation repeats from day to day, this may well become the reason for divorce.

Reasons for divorce in Russia

Numerous opinion polls have revealed the main reasons for divorce in Russia:

  1. drug addiction and alcoholism. This reason is the most common, because of it 41% of marriages break up;
  2. there is no home. 26% married couples get divorced for this reason;
  3. interference in the family life of relatives. This is the reason for divorce in 14% of couples;
  4. there is no way to have a child - it causes 8% of divorces;
  5. separate residence long time- about 6% of divorces;
  6. imprisonment - about 2% of divorces;
  7. long-term illness of a spouse - about 1%.

In addition, sociologists have identified a number of reasons why spouses cannot divorce. The most common: it is difficult to "divide" children; difficulties with the division of property; dependence of spouses in material terms; the disagreement of the wife or husband for divorce.

Reasons for divorce in the application

The divorce procedure is quite simple in Russia. The spouse or one of them is applying for divorce. In the registry office or in court, the marriage can be dissolved. In the registry office, you can get a divorce only if the spouses have no minor children and their desire is mutual. Together with the application for divorce in the registry office, the spouses provide a marriage certificate, their passports, a paid receipt of the state duty for divorce. You can pay for this receipt at the register office or through any bank. A month is given to the spouses to think about the decision. If, after the end of this period, they do not change their minds, they will receive a divorce certificate, and, accordingly, they will make a note in their passport - the marriage will be dissolved. If there are minor children, the divorce is carried out through the courts.

When submitting an application to the court for divorce, you must indicate the reason. Usually the following reasons are indicated:

  1. family life did not work out;
  2. did not get along;
  3. there is no close relationship in the family;
  4. there is a marriage relationship with another person;
  5. long-term separation;
  6. conflicts in the family, ruthless attitude towards a spouse or children;
  7. alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse of the spouse;
  8. adultery;
  9. the spouse's place of residence is unknown;
  10. the presence of a spouse in prison.

Testimony that supports your case is evidence in a divorce case.

Divorce is a deep family tragedy, no matter what the reasons for the divorce are. Children are especially deeply affected by their parents' divorce. Before you file an application for divorce, you need to think very hard, weigh the pros and cons, if there is even the slightest opportunity, try to save the family. There are always two to blame for the cause of divorce.