Anime with brown hair and brown eyes. Anime characters: girls, influence on character. Anime girls with two ponytails

Unusual hairstyle anime character, this is the first thing we often pay attention to. Girls in anime as a whole are a kind of pop culture. They tend to wear trendy hairstyles that teenage girls would like to try out on themselves in real life. We present to your attention the coolest hairstyles of anime characters.

10. Anime girls with short hair

Rico Ayda- anime girl brown eyes and hair, has a graceful character. She has very beautiful facial proportions, thanks to this she is very goes short a haircut.

Mikasa Ackerman Her gaze expresses deep feelings of hope for a brighter future. She is very brave and brave girl that overcomes all difficulties in its path.

Nana is an anime character with black hair who prefers to wear dark colors. Red lips stand out against such a background, making it more expressive.

Hinata Hino- anime girl brown hair, which are not amenable to styling. There is a feeling that she just woke up and did not have time to preen yet.

Hinata Hyuga- here she is her young, and so cute that you want to caress like a kitten. She has dark blue hair that accentuates her large eyes.

- anime girl brown hair, but it is not so. We are used to the fact that this color is always dark, but it turned out that it was not. And Hana is proof of this, because professionals also highlight light chestnut shade hair.

9. Anime girls who have their hair in a bun

Mei Chan- a baby doll with large black eyes, the main feature of this hairstyle is its rapid transformation to the surrounding climate.

kagura- it may seem that she is listening to music with headphones mobile phone. It's actually like a scrunchie, but only in the shape of shells.

- such funny balls on her head that look like frog eyes. If you cover her face with your hands, but it's just a joke.

8. Anime girls with a ponytail

Winry Rockbell- the most popular hairstyle for girls in real life. This is all because it does not require special skills and craftsmanship to quickly style unruly hair.

Mion Sonozaki is an anime girl with green hair that is in harmony with nature itself. After all, the green color has a calming effect on the human psyche.

The glasses act as an accessory, giving her a smart look. And this healthy pebble on her neck, says that she is a superstitious little man.

7. Anime girls with dreadlocks

- anime character gray hair, they say that only confident people ready to be dyed this color. For many, he is associated with gray hair, but Rey looks brilliant!

- she really suits dreadlocks, despite the fact that this hairstyle is inherent in Africans. Such a determined look cannot go unnoticed. It contains many experiences and sufferings.

6. Anime girls with afro hair

Banba- how can you see anything through such strands?

Atsuko Jackson- chocolate girl and even a blonde. For anime, this is a very rare combination, one might say exclusive.

Kafi- style from the 80s, this can be judged by the uniform, glasses and of course the afro hairstyle. After all, it was during this period of time that she was so popular.

5. Anime girls with a mohawk

- a hawk pilot must necessarily have a mohawk, thanks to him the flight speed will simply go off scale.

Better not piss off this girl. She is ready to tear you to shreds if you do not please her.

4. Anime girls with long hair

Mistress 9- anime character with the most long hair. Yes, and so thick, I wonder how she cares for them?

S.S- an anime character with light green hair, this shade is often called light green. It gives a slight tenderness and calmness to her image.

Kanzaki Kaori- unsurpassed style of clothing and hairstyles. More likely, summer version, because it is at this time of the year that you can meet such fashionistas who love to dress like this.

- the owner of blond hair among anime girls. She is very strict and sometimes even rude to her enemies.

Saeko Busujima The anime girl with purple hair has a great sense of style. The white and green uniform goes well with her. And the sharp sword shows her lightning-fast reaction in battle.

3. Anime girls with long bangs

- purple eyes and purple hair give this anime girl charming view. Her imperturbable look can take aback any opponent.

- owner of the long bangs among the officers. Although, what is there. She controls everything in this world. Not even all generals are capable of this.

2. Anime girls with braided braids and curly curls

Yamana Akane- her hair is like springs, twisted in a spiral. This gives a certain effect of weightlessness and airiness, as if it flies through the clouds.

Tokiwa Kyoko- rounded glasses and green bows harmonize well with each other. She seems to love taking selfies. The only thing missing is a smile on her face.

Lizzie- anime girl blond hair and green eyes. She is cute and kind. She really suits this red outfit with two small roses located on a pretty face.

Celestia Ludenberg is an anime girl with red eyes and black hair. And look at her skin, it's bright white color! Despite all this, she looks quite sad. Most likely she is thinking about something important.

1. Anime girls with two ponytails

Saya- with pink hair, which speaks of her femininity. Great sense of style, not every kopeck piece in real world able to appear in public with such an open neckline on the cloak.

Misa Amane- very carefree and with an open mind. Ready to listen to you difficult moments life. Many people like to dress like this to a disco.

is an anime character with pink hair and eyes. Embodies the gentle and laid-back shyness of her character. She is calm, but at the same time she is ready to fight for her happiness!

Symbolism of the anime - like in anime, mangaka artists use different characters to convey a story.

So what is symbolism in anime. In general, Eastern culture is very specific. Both anime and manga use a complex symbol system. It is rather based on the love of the Japanese to adhere to traditions, backed up by ancient legends, beliefs and various traditions that the Japanese cherish very much - and this is also said from the very first page of my journey - how to draw anime. Although, it is quite interesting and even very beautiful. In anime, there is a wide range of characters with which the authors convey the mood of the characters, the nature of their relationship, express the subtext of the situation, and so on. This is not unimportant in the study of anime.

Manga and anime differ from their Western counterparts in that they have a developed symbolic and graphic language, which allows them to show rather complex emotions and express the characters' characters with just a few strokes.

First, let's talk about hair color, how the character of the character is symbolically conveyed in anime by using color in the hair.

Symbolism of hair color in anime

Black hair - almost all Japanese people have black hair. This a common person, not much different from the total mass of his fellow tribesmen. Perhaps someone will say that black hair has no symbolic meaning, but it seems to me that we have now considered this meaning of black. Since we have begun to speak in symbols, let's use them to explain ourselves. Black hair color - denotes an ordinary person who does not differ in any noticeable features. It is also supported general view human in clothing and behavior. But this does not mean at all that such a person cannot change in the future. In the anime maybe.

Black hair with purple, blue, brown and other highlights make ordinary characters more diverse and give some personality. This does not mean that the person is becoming different, but there are some changes in his behavior.

yellow hair, or gold - distinguishes an ordinary person from the general mass. Yellow hair shows that an ordinary person is not a local.

Brown hair color - shows that the character has a soft character, is constant in friendship and feelings, sometimes it is simply helpless, but in critical situations, threatening people dear to him, is capable of courageous acts to protect them and is able to be decisive and strong.

White hair - means that the character has a secretive nature, he does not let anyone into his inner world. No one can see the authenticity of his real intentions. They are reserved and aloof from others. We are not talking about the elderly now. There is a combination of white hair color with skin tone and clothing color. If the character's skin is dark and the clothes are dark, then this means that the person has a higher social status or has a leadership position, even if behind the scenes. In any case, such a character is perceived as a "head" higher than others. He does not declare his superiority in leadership, as others perceive him.

Red hair - the character is quick-tempered, prone to manifestations of rage, has an indomitable uncontrollable character. No matter what mood the character is in this moment is (even if now he is in a melancholy mood), you should not hurt his feelings.

Red hair - high the position of a person, almost regal. He is worshiped and adored. There is also such a moment as the sexuality of the character - if he has red hair, then he is the object of adoration of the opposite sex.

Blue hair is about the same interpretation as in the case of white hair. But if in that case the character is removed from society by complete impenetrability, then in the case of blue hair, the character is softer and more prone to dialogue.

Blue color hair character has an independent calm character, it is difficult to bring him to emotions. He is friendly, reliable, an excellent helper to relatives in everyday life, you can rely on him. But if he is nevertheless brought to the point that he can no longer restrain his anger, it will be bad for everyone.

Dark- Blue colour hair - means that the character is damn sexy, even seductive. Characters with dark blue hair often become magicians and vampires, but at the same time they do not seek to reveal their essence. If magicians are dark, if vampires, then this is not immediately recognized.

Hair color is purple - the character of the character in this case depends on the tone of purple - light or dark, and how bright this color is. If the color of purple is light, then the character has a soft character, gentle, even sometimes defenseless. If the dark tone is confident, decisive, always striving to achieve the desired goal. Ordinary purple is not the average, between what we have considered, rather, both those and those qualities together will be present in such a character.

Green color hair- have characters whose character is rather non-standard. These characters are original, have an appropriate system of values, their opinion can radically differ from the generally accepted one. In principle, calm natures, until they have to defend their point of view. They defend it quite worthily, clearly adhering to their position. And often it turns out to be correct.

Pink color hair- these are essentially still young natures, both externally and internally. It can be both at the same time and can be regardless of the age of the character. Young at heart, dreamers, gentle and soft characters, who at one fine moment or moments tend to make spontaneous rash acts and be very purposeful.

If a single strand of hair sticks out on the top of the character, then this is a sign that he is straightforward and simple-minded. He is able to protect his interests in defiance of the current situation. But at the same time, this character has such characteristic features - he can be funny, funny and clumsy. Usually a good guy.

If the character's hairstyle has a single long strand on the left or right side, then he is able to bear responsibility for others, protecting and caring for them, protecting them in every possible way.

If two temples fall from both temples long strands, then this is a sign of genuine intelligence, purity of blood, tact and culture. sign of the aristocracy.

If on any side one strand closes the eye, then at some point a person will definitely commit an act that no one can even guess about. He secretly keeps his true intentions and does not try to immediately reveal his character.

The more uncombed hair than disheveled hair, the more eccentric is the owner of such a hairstyle. In his story there will be many skirmishes, showdowns and various kinds of battles.

The hair is long, even descending below the shoulder blades; it can be in both men and women. If a woman is a carrier of such a hairstyle, then she is characterized or endowed with kindness and sincerity, but she cannot always restrain the static behavior. If the wearer of the hairstyle is a man, then this means that he has succeeded in some business and masterfully owns it. The sophistication of thinking allows him to be in a position above others. Attractive to the female, mysterious, serious.

carriers short hairstyles have excellent intelligence.

Symbolism of eye color

Blue eyes - the character has the makings of a leader and natural charm.

Blue - capable of deep, quivering feelings, is constant in them.

Gray - nature is restrained, does not get involved in the general upheavals, has its own view of things.

Greens - clear sign the fact that the character has some qualities or talents that are not inherent in ordinary people.

purple color eye character He is capable of doing things that often no one even expects from him. Extraordinary personalities with unconventional thinking.

Black or brown eyes - regular character.

The first thing that catches your eye this is the eyes. Kinda funny, but that's how it is. You certainly noticed how anime eyes are drawn. With a lot of glare, with beautiful pupils, well, the lack of glare in the character's eyes means that he is either under someone's control, or his soul was stolen altogether. More shortly, with this person obviously something not good happened and it is possible or probable in its or his head. Even the eyes of the blind may not have glare. Glare is a sign of a PERSON capable of dialogue, emotions, compassion or anger, and so on. And as the eyes are already drawn, it reflects exactly what emotions his inner "I" carries.

How more eyes, the brighter they are, the more highlights they have, the more open they are for the character, the more he is considered positive, the younger, naive, the Great chance that in any case he will take the side of good, fighting evil.

If the eyes are not visible, if they are hidden under the hair, the character does not want to reveal his feelings and true intentions at all.

If the character's eyes are of different colors, he is aggressive, very quick-tempered, determined to fight.

Symbolism in the clothes of anime characters

Yes, there is also the use of symbols. But the topic of clothing is much broader than what is described on the sites that I was lucky enough to meet on my path of learning about anime. Here you need to consider the issue much deeper, it’s not enough just to come up with clothes yourself, it’s not enough to know a few symbolic features in the attire and details of the character’s clothing, and probably it’s not enough to study how the folds of clothes are drawn and what they are. Probably still need to understand what anime characters can generally wear. How in contemporary stories anime and suto traditional. Naturally, traditions and history help us. Character clothing is very important, especially in fantasy. According to it, you can get ahead of the character's occupation. This should be on a separate page. But you already have the keys, if you know what I'm talking about. If I can't keep up with you, you can look for information yourself.

Symbolism of actions

Instead of psychologically preparing the viewer for a long time for the fact that the character is now going to act not very well and do an evil deed, symbolism can be used: a dark flame or black fog with tentacles appears around the character, and all this slowly and frighteningly moves around him behind the back. Plus, the character's eyes become fiery.

Sometimes the same technique is used to say that a character has lost his or her soul or that it has been taken over by evil dark forces.

The image of a dark aura around a character can mean that he is full of bad emotions and intentions, to the point that he has knowledge of dark magic and knows how to bring them to life. Or is just about to do so. It may mean that this is not a person, but a demon in human form, who wants to seem like a person to others.

Fires of flames or stormy waves appear around the character - the character is furious or angry.

Spirals appear around the character - the character experiences great pleasure, delight and joy. Can lose consciousness from an overabundance of emotions.

Spirals appear around the character with three or four vertical lines like exclamation marks - a state of stunnedness from a blow or fall, pain shock, very strong discomfort from something tasteless or exuding a bad smell.

Splashes or bloodstains appear around the character, although there is no reason for bloodshed in the plot - they are going to commit or commit any violent actions against the character under the influence of a very strong outburst of emotions, usually anger, rage or sexual passion.

A drop or drops of sweat on the back of the head or on top of the head means that the character is nervous or afraid. In addition, it can mean amazement at the absurdity of the situation or a remark, an act of another character. Sometimes this means just a strong surge of emotions, but always negative.

Nosebleed - a young man, the young man is embarrassed by the sex scene unfolding in front of him. Maybe he just saw a naked girl.

Light flickering halo around the character - it is shown that the character is standing in the rain.

Involuntary sneezing - someone thought about the character at that moment. We have such a sign is sneezing.

Spraying with water is an old belief that has survived to this day. It doesn't matter how we, for example, cannot cross the road with an empty bucket, it is impossible in front of important meeting cross the threshold of your house right foot and so on .... in Japan, spraying with water is an old East Asian way of cleaning objects and houses from evil spirits. They may sprinkle water on the gates of their houses when they wake up in the morning and before going to bed. This symbol is significant for the simple reason that it is an approximation to the ancient Japanese beliefs, in the story of your anime, this can make it clear to the viewer about the geographical location of the unfolding events. Little things like that can be taken into account as well.

It is believed that by cutting off your hair, a person abandons the current lifestyle and moves to a different level of behavior. After that, he passes into another world, different from the past, cutting off all the ends connecting him with the past.

There is one rather interesting one in East Asian customs. Let's say a relative or friend of your character tragically died without completing his job. Your character can become one. The character takes the name of his friend or relative, thus becoming the incarnation of the deceased. Now he can complete what the deceased could not complete, also live his life to the end, also avenge him, taking a vow of revenge. According to our customs, this is a rather dubious business and hardly anyone would dare to do such a thing in real life. There are still such daredevils, moreover, speaking in the plane of anime, this can allow you to unfold your story in a spectacular way.

If you see how a character exudes whole streams, streams of tears from his eyes, then in fact, the character is not upset to such an extent, otherwise he would probably just have fainted))) He just treats grief with irony, yes and the manifestation of chagrin in this way is rather a demonstration of chagrin itself.

But if you see only one or two single tears on your eyelashes or thin paths of tears on your cheeks, then this is just an indicator of strong and deep feelings and sincere emotion.

An icon of four (sometimes three) ticks appears on the character's head or above the head - the character is angry, a sign of sincere irritation and annoyance.

An icon of four (sometimes three) checkmarks appears on the character's arm, leg, back or stomach - it means strong, almost limiting muscle tension.

Particularly in Japan special meaning attached to the beauty of the face, care for him. And if an anime character reacts very painfully or simply violently even to a scratch on his face, then his behavior is justified by such ethnic and cultural features. And precisely for this reason, very often the characters male anime have cute, almost female faces, with delicate skin, thin graceful noses and small neat lips. You need to remember this, it also makes sense and is present symbolic meaning. We're learning to draw anime.

If any anime hero has enlarged fangs, even if the story does not even touch on the vampire theme, then naturally, this has its own meaning, otherwise they would simply not be drawn like that. The symbolism of the use of fangs indicates that the character is experiencing anger or rage. In general, fangs are a sign of a demon or a black magician of very great power. As a rule, in such cases, an image of flames appears next to the character.

And one more thing... Separately, we probably need to talk about cat, dog ears and tails. This is when a human character suddenly has cat's ears and tail. Here the symbolism is much deeper than it seems at first glance. This is not just a reaction to the inability to express emotions. It is not enough to know that this happens in anime. It is interesting to understand why the characters have cat tails when they cannot express their joy in words and what it is connected with.

In general, cats and everything feline in Japan traditional symbol Good luck. Regarding anime: if a character picks up or feeds a hungry stray cat, then this means that a happy future awaits him and the fulfillment of a wish. If the plot features someone's original domestic cat, then it turns out to be a guide for the main characters to good luck, revealing secrets, unusual events.

Symbolism of details

white ribbon on the head (hachimaki) - a symbol of complete concentration on one's business, everything else loses its meaning.

Food in a box (bento) - means that the character has a loving and caring soulmate or an affectionate caring mother. If, for example, at school a girl gave a boy a cookie made by her, then this means that the girl or girl is showing signs of courtship towards him.

Bells (furin) - they can be found in limbo on the street, at the gates of the house, above front door dwellings, where changing air currents cause bells to ring. Thus, it is believed that by ringing, or rather, the ringing of bells scares away evil spirits, makes the energetically appropriate place where they ring more harmonious with cosmic energy. If the bells ring in a measured way, you feel calmness around, then there is nothing to be afraid of. If the bells are torn in gusts of wind, it means that something bad is going to happen.

Red thread - thread fate. A sign that the fates of two or more characters are inextricably linked.

Handkerchiefs are never used in polite society for blowing your nose, only for wiping sweat and hands. In anime, this is an indicator of the cultural level of the character, or the upbringing of the character, depending on how competently he owns a scarf.

If the character wears glasses, then there is more than one interpretation of their use.
1. If these are ordinary glasses with white opaque lenses, the character is distracted and does not understand how to behave with the opposite sex. Shy.
2. If you add a spiral drawn on the lenses to ordinary white opaque lenses, then this hero is also able to completely ignore and understand the course of events, which is quite understandable to others.
3. If it is impossible to see the character's eyes behind the lenses, then he is secretive and smart, has incredible cunning and the ability to calculate his next steps far. He is cunning and always has secret far-reaching intentions, the intrigue of which will be gradually revealed throughout the film.
4. The darker the lenses, the darker and more mysterious the soul of the character.
5. The character wears ordinary glasses with transparent lenses - the ability to be intelligent.

Hanging lantern with hieroglyphs - they have about the same meaning as bells, they are used to illuminate the yard or street and as talismans. In general, it is impossible to imagine Japan or China without flashlights. The light of a flashlight scares away evil and attracts good luck, and hieroglyphs, as a rule, mean the name of the institution, in front of which a lantern is hung, or various happy words: luck, wealth, joy.

The fan dance is the character's joy at some achievement or major windfall.

Numbers are of particular importance in Japan. All paired numbers are considered unlucky. Unpaired - happy. The happiest - 5. The most unhappy - 4, nine stood out from the unpaired ones. It is believed that the consonance of the number 4 resembles the word "death".

Suddenly it starts to rain or snow falls - symbolizes the final resolution of a difficult and tense situation. Washing away all the hardships and past worries that the character withstood with honor. Well, here's a start for now.

That's all the symbols for now. In fact, by and large, there are many more of them.

P:S/ It is not necessary to clearly use all the symbols when drawing anime. You need to take them into account, understanding how a real Japanese anime is created. If necessary, use to the right extent and in accordance with the chosen style. And vice versa, you do not need to use everything at once and many times. Therefore, before you seriously engage in Japanese animation, you need to know a lot. Especially in modern animation, because young talented artists quickly form their own approach to drawing anime, forgetting about its history and traditions. Personally, I believe that without adhering to at least a little of the traditions of this japanese anime, it will simply cease to be a real Japanese anime. It will be something else. Good or bad, it doesn't matter, it's just different.

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Hey totoric! What color is your hair?

Strange question, isn't it? It would seem that there is nothing in some trifling hair color there. Annette! Hair color in anime is not chosen anyhow. Everything is much more interesting: it indicates certain personality traits of the hero and even determines his role in the plot.


The owners of red on their heads are very passionate personalities andlove adventure. Such characters are very impulsive and make decisions without thinking. Datebane? Datebane.


patient, calm, quiet and soft. Often such characters envy something, but without anger and aggression.


Wow, these are the most cosmic characters. Such heroes have an important role in anime and, as a rule, exist as if outside the human world. Sometimes white hair indicates the seniority of the character, especially if blond hair is combined with dark skin.

Wgolden hair (or yellow)

These guys are very difficult. Yellow-haired characters can be counted, not counted, and their characters are most often different, and this depends on the haircut:

Short hair
Short-haired blonde girls are equated with heroes with white hair, sometimes personifying the forces of evil, but very different from other heroes in character and behavior. Short-haired guys can be equally successful as dark magicians and super-athletes, but most often they are successful with women. What they use (which, for example, cannot be said about Naruto).

Long hair
The girls are a little eccentric, but completely kind and sincere natures. Long-haired blond guys almost always know how to do something first-class, and are often unscrupulous seducers.


Expect a threat from the purple-haired ones. By nature, they are secretive, closed, often suffer from selfishness and rarely show emotions.


Welcome to the show "Clever and clever"! Blue-haired intellectually developed characters. Reason always comes first - feelings are not so important. Our wise men are polite, calm and shy. In general, nyashki-smart.


Pink-haired people always stand out from the crowd in some way, even in real life, they are hot in battle. Rules and conventions? No, they didn't hear that.


Slippery guys: cunning, temperamental, not without demons and devilry. Often they are among the bad guys. But in the detachment of good ones, they also come in handy. R Red personalities are easily excitable and quick-tempered.


Another nyashki, but with brown hair. They are soft, touching, incapable of offending, and always with some tragedies in the past.


Education itself in the flesh. These characters are iron-disciplined, persistent, calm and restrain their feelings in any situation.

Black hair

with them more difficult than in the case ofyellow-haired. The Japanese themselves are black-haired, but directors rarely stick to reality. ness . But general parallels can be drawn. And this time we pay attention not to the haircut, but to the color of the eyes. “Soft” eye color (green, blue, brown) speaks of the softness and sincerity of character, “hard” (dark purple, dark blue, red, ice blue), on the contrary- about temper and secrecy. Blue-eyed brunettes are mysterious handsome men who are popular with girls.

Friends, you now have a whole psychological reception to evaluate your fellow anime people by avatars

We pump our skill as an anime psychologist in this video. Good luck!


    Red hair

    Red hair
    In this color, together or separately, there are two symbols: "fire" and "fox". If a red-haired character uses combat magic, it will most certainly be fire magic. And in every sense - the nature of "do not touch, you will burn yourself", even when it hides it behind external restraint. This is a man of action; serene peaceful life or philosophical contemplation is not for them, Redhead characters are too temperamental to play a long, prudent and cold-blooded game. But they can, as a surprise for the viewer, show a real fox cunning.

    For redheads, hair texture and hairstyle are very important. If hair is stiff, constantly on end or "hedgehog" - a rabid character. More soft hair, similar to flames - a desperate nature, but still better controls himself; such a character may even have enough composure for the role of leader. Lush Fox's tail- do not occupy intelligence and dexterity, fearless, fiercely proud, do not agree to play "second violin" never and in nothing. Straight or curly red hair is rare, most likely it will indicate the character "with a secret."

    Brown hair\
    Sometimes to soften general color anime and make it less gloomy, black hair is not drawn at all, brown instead. But more often brown coexists peacefully with all the others. It is perceived as neutral, "none", although it has a lot beautiful shades: from golden to thick chocolate.

    Its semantic load primarily depends on the style of a particular anime. When the hair of most heroes is bright and unusual, brown hair means mediocrity, "a person from the crowd", someone or she who is destined to always be in the background; sometimes this theme takes on a very touching or tragic coloring.

    When characters' hair is multicolored but relatively natural, brown hair signifies softness. In fact, they look at life just as seriously and responsibly as black-haired ones. But the emphasis is shifted from the volitional sphere to the emotional one. Therefore, in the behavior of heroes and heroines with brown hair, there are more childish features. If they behave closed and restrained, then they are more thoughtful or sad than harsh.

    gentle romantic relationship is their genre. Often their devoted love turns out to be unrequited, and then the sympathy of the viewer reaches its highest point.

    Purple hair

    Sometimes a rather light shade, closer to lilac, sometimes lilac, sometimes black with a purple sheen.
    It is traditionally believed that this color symbolizes the threat posed by the character. But in anime, there are many who and what radiate a threat, often hidden under a fragile and innocent appearance. Perhaps the peculiarity of the characters with purple hair is that they are an instrument of fate. The reason for the threat they pose (usually to those who love them or whom they themselves love) lies not so much in their personal character, but in "karma".

    However, some common features character and appearance can be found in them. Purple-haired characters often look like secretive, withdrawn monomaniacs. They control external expressions of feelings very well, are economical in plasticity and facial expressions, rarely smile (unless it is a polite smile-mask). They may have amiable and pleasant manners, but their face and voice do not shine with sincere warmth. By nature, they are by no means cold, quite the contrary: they love with reckless, serious, “heavy” love, falling into slavish dependence on the object of their passion (or devotion). Possessing strong will, easily become a tool in the wrong hands.

    Hence the manifestation of the masochistic principle in them. While black-haired characters accept hardship and suffering with the proud dignity of a warrior, blue-haired characters with calm self-denial, purple-haired characters draw some dark pleasure from this.
    Unfortunately, I cannot say more about this hair color. Perhaps, if new examples are collected for analysis, I will later be able to supplement the story about them.

    I disagree with some here. For example, with white hair.

    Pikolnenko..But not enough...+3

    Red-haired anime girls are always so… shy! What is written about them?

    I don't like anime, I just passed out for curiosity. here's what happened: pink hair
    Along with explosive spiritual power, they symbolize inner purity, innocence: it is this feature that unites very different tempers characters with pink hair. In reality, this may be a light red (reddish-blond) color. Like redheads, they tend to generally spit on discipline and compliance with conventions, emotional in personal relationships, hot in battle. Perhaps the main difference is that pink-haired characters do not immediately jump on the neck of someone they like, and do not rush into a fight for the sake of a fight.

    In other words, they can be very impulsive and spontaneous; nevertheless, all their actions are deeply and seriously motivated, and not caused by violent mood swings.

    Pink hair color, even for anime, is rather shurikovic. He emphasizes that there is something anomalous about the character. Such a character is not an "ordinary guy / girl", in them at first sight the seal of "speciality" is constantly visible. There is a similarity to white-haired clones/androids, but unlike them, pink-haired characters must assert their individuality, they follow the voice of duty if and only if it coincides with the voice of their heart.

    Therefore, characters with pink hair often play a special role: not only tend to choose their own life path. They break the boundaries of "objective circumstances", paving a new path not only for themselves, but also for others.

    This hair color is considered "girlish" and almost never occurs in male characters.

    White hair
    White hair
    This color is probably the most iconic, its symbolic meaning is the easiest to determine. White hair in anime (when it's not senile gray hair) means: the character stands outside the world of people.

    The point is not that he/she belongs to another world or race, but in a qualitative level. White-haired are abstract entities in human form. We can say that the color of their hair indicates not a character, but a place in the hierarchy: white-haired - the ultimate degree (within this story). They are not “main”, not “the best or worst”, but simply outside the brackets.

    Usually their role in the plot is to serve as a touchstone for others. They are the embodiment of some cosmic forces, and when they meet / collide with them, the inner essence the rest of the characters.
    Their power is limited by cosmic laws, so the white-haired are often in symbolic imprisonment.

    At the same time, the motive of inferiority is associated with them: they are deprived of something very important, something that can only be inherent in people. And the white-haired ones become protectors, guardians, and even servants of those who, by the power of their spirit/human nature, were able to subjugate their extra-human power.
    Something reminds me of my inner world, feelings in my soul…)

    Super! Especially accurately about black-haired and blondes. Just Sasuke and Naruto :)

    I'm red! :3

    Already somewhere read about it) +3

    Its shades range from deep cornflower blue to pale blue. Like any color, it can be both warm and cold, but traditionally in anime, blue hair is considered to be “cold”. Emphasizes the dominant intellect in inner world character. Their volitional sphere is also very developed, but it obeys the dictates of pure reason, consciously and balanced decisions.

    Blue-haired people, first of all, think, secondly, they act, and only thirdly, they emotionally (most often rather restrainedly). They do not need to specifically suppress the voice of feelings (as black-haired people have to do). In behavior, they are polite, calm, sometimes shy, almost certainly laconic. By nature, they are serious, consistent and patient.

    Perhaps blue or bright blue hair is associated with the sky, the element of air. But what blue-haired people probably don’t have is windiness. They are very constant not only in their views, but also in their feelings. Blue hair usually does not flow and flutter in wild strands, they are drawn in the form of a short haircut or (less often) neatly styled. wavy curls. Perhaps the calm behavior of the hair (even in combat scenes) expresses the poise, the intellectual control of the character over his spiritual movements.

    This is due to another defining feature: a very weak, sometimes even emphatically absent craving for the manifestation of one's own individuality, vanity, self-affirmation. In critical situations, blue-haired people make decisions quickly and soberly, they will not hesitate in confusion and helplessly wait for clues. But their life and behavior as a whole are determined by a scenario set from outside (which, however, they follow consciously, based on the understanding that “it’s right, it’s right”).

    In this respect, they are very similar to the black-haired, with one important difference. For black-haired people, the fulfillment of duty is a matter of personal dignity, self-respect, and therefore serves to manifest and affirm their own “I”. Blue-haired people are able to completely abandon their ego. The motif of “change of camp” is sometimes associated with them: initially being on the side of “the forces of evil, destruction and injustice”, the blue-haired ones are able to critically look at their former overlords / patrons / commanders and go against them.


    Can I list a dozen or two redheads? With red hair. Are you talking passionate? Aya from Weiss. What is he? Just not passionate.

When watching anime, you probably wondered: "why does he have such hair", "why does she pink hair, not normal", "is there any explanation for such different colors"and so on .. It turns out there is! Below you can find out some interesting facts about the hair color of anime characters.

white hair

Snow or white hair is usually used in anime characters. In combination with dark skin, this type of hair indicates age. In addition, they are usually among magicians, secretive and cold personalities.

Hair in all shades of yellow

As for the specific description of characters with such shades of hair, it is rather difficult to say. In this case, it is best to look at the haircut. For example,

short hair

When it comes to yellow-haired girls with short haircut, then they can be successfully equated with magicians, negative characters who plot intrigues and most often stand on the side of evil. Such characters are usually radically different from others. Short-cut hair for guys usually speaks of their attractiveness, popularity among the female, which they successfully use. He can be some kind of outstanding athlete, magician, etc.

Long hair

Girls with long blonde hair as a rule, very balanced and sincere natures. Long-haired blondes always do everything better than others, and in the stories they are first-class seducers.

Red colored hair

Characters with such hair tend to be easily "turned on" and quick-tempered. Even if at first it seems that they are calm, it is better not to anger such a hero. As a rule, this hair color symbolizes fire, which means that in anime characters appear in the form of fire magicians.

black hair

With black hair, things are just as complicated as with all shades of yellow. And all because the Japanese themselves are black-haired, and if the authors focused on realism, then there can be no talk of any special character trait. But there are some common features. And in this case, you should pay attention not to the haircut, but to the color of the eyes.

Green, blue, brown are soft eye colors. They talk about the kindness and calmness of the character, about his good character. dark shades blue, purple, cold blue, red - these are hard shades. As you understand, they talk about a difficult character, sometimes about the evil intentions of the character. And here are the brunettes blue eyes are generally popular with girls.

blue hair

blue, blue hair, equated to white. Sometimes they talk about water element. Girls with such hair are usually devoted and delicate natures, excellent housewives. But do not forget that if you poke a sleeping dragon in the eye, something terrible will happen, so it is better not to anger such natures with blue eyes. But dark blue eyes can tell about magical and mystical seductresses.

purple hair

light shades purple - weakness, femininity, perhaps good magic. Dark shades - a decisive character, and self-confidence.

green hair

Possibly related to sea ​​water, secrecy. Light shades - eccentricity, its own system of values.

red hair

Such a regal color. Usually they are charming lovers of women. Sometimes it is an analogue of the red-haired, with doubled character traits.

pink colored hair

Youth, femininity, sharp character. Guys with such hair are rare, as it indicates femininity.

brown hair

Loyalty, the ability to do household chores, kindness. Sometimes brunettes are shown in this color.