Conditioner conditioner at home. Leave-in cream conditioner. Conditioner for oily hair

Leave-in conditioners help hair retain moisture and add extra softness and shine. Typically, these conditioners are applied to wet or wet hair, although some of them can be applied to dry hair. Store-bought leave-in conditioners can be quite expensive, and leaving a regular conditioner on your hair is undesirable as it makes it dull and flaky. Luckily, any type of leave-in conditioner (spray or cream) is easy to make at home.


We use a store-bought conditioner as a basis

Make a simple spray conditioner with water and conditioner. Fill a spray bottle with 1¼ cups (300 milliliters) of distilled water. Add 3 tablespoons (45 milliliters) shop air conditioner which you normally use. Close and shake the bottle to mix its contents.

To make a moisturizing conditioner, add water and oil. Mix the following ingredients in a spray bottle. If you decide to add essential oils, be sure to use glass bottle. Close and shake the spray bottle to mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting conditioner to dry or damp hair - it will help soften and detangle. Here's what you'll need:

  • 30 milliliters of silicone-free conditioner;
  • 30 ml almond, avocado, jojoba, fractionated coconut oil, or olive oil(optional).
  • Add some aloe vera and coconut oil if you want the conditioner to hydrate your hair more. Pour the following ingredients into a spray bottle. Close the spray bottle and shake it until the conditioner and aloe vera dissolve. Apply the resulting conditioner to damp hair to lock in moisture and add shine. If you have curly hair, this conditioner will help to emphasize this. Here's what you'll need:

    • 250 milliliters of light conditioner;
    • 150 milliliters of distilled water;
    • 90 milliliters of aloe vera juice or gel;
    • 30-60 ml fractionated coconut oil
  • Make an intensely moisturizing conditioner with oil and glycerin. Mix the following ingredients in a spray bottle. If you decide to add essential oils, be sure to use a glass bottle. Close and shake the bottle to mix the ingredients. Here's what you'll need:

    • 60 milliliters of light conditioner;
    • 45 milliliters of distilled water;
    • 30 milliliters of avocado or coconut oil, or olive oil;
    • 15 milliliters of vegetable glycerin;
    • 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) silk peptide powder (optional)
    • 2-3 drops of essential oil (optional)

    Leave-in conditioner spray

    Repair dry brittle hair with coconut oil. Pour aloe vera gel and water into a spray bottle and shake to mix. Mix in a separate container Coconut oil and avocado oil. Add the oil mixture to the bottle and shake again to mix the ingredients. Apply conditioner to damp hair. Here's what you'll need:

    • 30 grams of coconut oil;
    • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) avocado oil
    • ⅓ cup (80 ml) distilled water
  • Moisturize your hair and prevent dandruff with aloe vera and jojoba oil. Mix all the ingredients listed below in a spray bottle, preferably glass. Close the bottle and shake well to mix the ingredients. Apply the conditioner to damp hair and shake the spray bottle each time before use. Here's what you'll need:

    • 1½ cups (350 milliliters) aloe vera juice
    • 2 cups (475 milliliters) coconut water
    • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) jojoba oil
  • Lock in moisture in your hair with jojoba and lavender oils. Melt the shea butter first and add to it coconut milk. Then stir in the essential oils of jojoba and lavender. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass spray bottle. Warm up the conditioner before applying to your hair. Among other things, this conditioner stimulates hair growth and relieves scalp irritation. Here's what you'll need:

    • ½ cup (120 milliliters) coconut milk
    • 3 teaspoons (15 ml) shea butter
    • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) jojoba oil
    • 5 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Make a detangling conditioner with aloe vera, glycerin and essential oils. Pour the ingredients listed below into a glass spray bottle and shake it to dissolve the aloe vera gel. Apply conditioner to damp hair, wait 1 minute and gently comb through with a wide-toothed comb. Detangle your hair from the ends to the roots. This conditioner also helps to get rid of dandruff and dry hair. Here's what you'll need:

    • 5 tablespoons (75 milliliters) distilled water
    • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) aloe vera gel
    • ½-1 tablespoon (7.5-15 milliliters) vegetable glycerin
    • 10 drops rosemary or lavender essential oil
  • Control greasy hair, cleanse and soften hair with apple cider vinegar. Pour distilled water into a glass spray bottle with a glass volume (240 milliliters). Add apple cider vinegar and lemon essential oil (to reduce vinegar smell). Close and shake the spray bottle to mix the ingredients. Apply conditioner to damp hair to detangle, remove buildup and add shine. Here's what you'll need:

    • ⅔ cup (160 milliliters) distilled water
    • 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) apple cider vinegar
    • 7 drops of lemon essential oil.
  • Soften hair, smooth frizz and protect against breakage with Ylang Ylang Oil. Mix aloe vera and coconut water in a glass spray bottle. Add distilled water and honey. Melt coconut oil in a separate container, then add ylang-ylang oil and essential oil to it. Add the oil blend to the aloe vera and coconut water. Required Ingredients:

    • 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) aloe vera juice or gel
    • 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) coconut water
    • 120 milliliters of distilled water;
    • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) honey
    • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) coconut oil
    • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) ylang ylang oil
    • 6 drops of essential oil.

    Leave-in cream conditioner

    Make a simple thick coconut oil conditioner. Whisk the following ingredients in a mixer. Transfer the mixture to glass jar. Apply conditioner to wet, dry or wet hair. Store the mixture in a cool dry place. Here's what you'll need:

    • 60 milliliters of aloe vera gel;
    • 30 grams of softened coconut oil;
    • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) avocado oil
  • Use honey and shea butter for a moisturizing conditioner. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil in a double boiler or microwave oven. Add honey and essential oil. Pour the mixture into a small glass jar. Wait for it to dry before applying it to your hair.

    Among industrial facilities hair care products are just wonderful. Developed with the latest scientific advances, they allow hair to stay healthy and shiny for a long time.

    However, industrial shampoos and conditioners have a common drawback, which, unfortunately, will always be present in long-term products: they contain a lot of preservatives. Everyone has heard about the dangers of these substances. Who knows if they are really so harmful, or the rumors about this are greatly exaggerated, but the fact remains: today many people prefer to prepare not only hair masks, but also shampoos and conditioners on their own, so that they get as little as possible that is not very useful for the body. substances.

    Home Air Conditioner Recipes

    How to make a hair conditioner with your own hands? It's not very difficult task, and it is not necessary to understand chemistry to solve it. But you still need to know something in order not to worsen, but to improve the condition of your own hair.

    Note! It should be remembered that air conditioners are different, because they are designed to help solve several problems.

    They are divided into:

    • moisturizing conditioners;
    • restoring hair structure;
    • acidifiers (help strengthen hair);
    • means for giving shine;
    • protecting against temperature fluctuations.

    Restoring and those that have protective functions, at home it will not be easy to make. After all, you still need to know which ones are suitable for which type of hair, so as not to weigh them down instead of giving volume. But moisturizing and giving shine is quite easy to do yourself. DIY hair conditioner can be prepared in a few minutes using only natural remedies. Some need to be washed off, some remain on the hair, forming a thin protective layer.

    Of the moisturizing conditioners that can be of particular help to dry and weakened hair with split ends, the following can be distinguished:

    • Nettle. Pour three tablespoons of dry nettles bought in a pharmacy with half a liter of water and add a tablespoon of vinegar. All this should be boiled for 10 minutes, and then strain. Hair will become stronger, acquire shine.

    • Honey. Mix 50 grams chamomile and ordinary boiling water, leave the mixture for an hour and a half. Then add a spoonful of honey to the mixture. Rinse your hair with the resulting composition, and then rinse them with cool water.
    • Recipe for giving vitality dry hair: mix half a cup of olive oil, egg yolk and a small bag of mayonnaise. Of course, after such a conditioner, you need to rinse your head thoroughly.
    • If in a glass of clean water dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin, a teaspoon of vinegar (table) and add a couple of drops of jasmine or rosemary essential oil, you get a moisturizing, but not weighty conditioner.

    • A real natural hair conditioner is obtained by mixing apple cider vinegar with water in proportions of 1 to 4. If desired, you can add a few drops of an essential oil that you especially like, or put a cinnamon stick. Vinegar, along with infusions of various herbs and water, will also be an excellent way to add shine to dull hair. These funds are also good because they can not be washed off. You can use them at will, but still it is better not every day.

    You can try to make an air conditioner similar to an industrial one using a special base. It will also contain preservatives, but at least you will know most of its ingredients. The base can be purchased online.

    • The base is heated.
    • Add essential oils, vitamins, drops of black pepper.
    • Then everything is whipped with a mixer.
    • A day later, the air conditioner is ready.

    Of course, this is only general scheme cooking.

    Rules for the use of home air conditioning

    Using any conditioner home cooking, you need to remember the basic rules for its use.

    1. Be sure to apply the product to clean, preferably still damp, hair.
    2. Do not pour immediately a large number of on the head, it is better to first warm it a little in the palms, and then distribute it through the hair.
    3. At the roots of the hair, conditioner should not be applied, because this will increase oiliness and make the hairstyle heavier.
    4. Distribute it through the hair closer to the ends. To make it easier to do this, use a comb with rare teeth.
    5. It is recommended to keep home hair conditioner like a mask for just a few minutes.
    6. Never rinse off hot water: in this case, the whole effect will come to naught, and the hair will quickly fade. Wash it off with cool water.
    Note! Any cosmetic and remedy will bring the proper result only if the main condition is observed: the regularity of use.

    If you remember from time to time that it would be nice to prepare a conditioner after washing and apply it to your hair, then they will not look well-groomed. Grooming should be constant, such as fitness classes. Only then will the hair gradually gain shine, become obedient and soft.

    Therefore, before deciding to cook home air conditioner, think about whether you have enough time and patience to do this. Of course, at a price such an air conditioner will be more profitable, healthier, but it will require additional time costs.

    Try making an air conditioner sometime on a weekend. You will see how long the whole procedure will take from preparation to rinsing, and then decide whether you will make a natural conditioner yourself or still use an industrial one. You may even begin to enjoy the cooking process itself: pleasant procedures self-care is also relaxation, almost like in a beauty salon!

    Let's talk about homemade hair rinses. Modern firms are trying to increase their profits. To achieve this goal, they regularly develop various cosmetic innovations, which, according to them, can work real miracles, restoring health, shine to hair and relieving them of problems. And the components included in their composition should really help in achieving this goal. However, time passes, the tube of a miracle remedy ends, but there is no result.

    What is the reason? Isn't there anything else that can help our hair? Do not despair! During processing, valuable ingredients lose almost all of their useful material. Therefore, the product cannot meet our expectations. If you are dreaming about luxurious hair, prepare the rinse aid with your own hands. He, compared to shop means more useful and has no side effects. Thanks to him, hair care will be complete.

    The benefits and uses of hair rinses

    In cosmetology, rinses are used to thoroughly cleanse the scalp and hair. Homemade products contain only natural and healthy ingredients that gently remove dead skin cells, sebum and dust. This helps to strengthen the hair and accelerate their growth. But be aware that some rinses can affect your hair color. In order to prevent this from happening, experts recommend being careful about rinses, which are prepared on the basis of onion peel, rhubarb, shell walnut, sunflower flowers, tea broth and chamomile. These plants are natural dyes, which can give the strands a different shade.

    Also important is the fact that natural remedies rich in vitamins. Thus, even during the period of beriberi, your curls will remain beautiful and healthy. There are many ways to prepare rinse aid. Some recipes require boiling, while others simply add necessary ingredients. picking up folk recipes, it is necessary to take into account the condition of your hair, their type and the presence of certain problems.

    For oily hair use ingredients such as apple cider vinegar (we are talking about natural), citrus zest and aloe juice. But for dry strands, decoctions from herbal preparations and essential oils. If your hair is healthy, but you want to do prevention, use the classic recipes, the action of which is aimed at nourishing and restoring hair. The easiest and best natural rinse for hair, which is suitable for any type of hair, is prepared on the basis of vinegar.

    • liter of water;
    • one spoonful of vinegar;
    • three spoons of honey.

    Preparation: melt honey in warm water and add vinegar, after washing your hair with shampoo, rinse the strands with rinse aid. You need to do this after every wash.

    Those who have hair problems need to choose the recipe more carefully. So, we offer recipes for home rinses:

    Hair Growth Rinse

    If you are interested herbal rinses stimulating hair growth, opt for ivy leaves or burdock root.

    To prepare the recipe, you will need ingredients such as:

    • dried burdock roots;
    • water.

    Preparation: Take the above ingredients in a ratio of one to ten and boil them for about fifteen minutes. Then leave for three hours to infuse the liquid, then rinse your hair. If you prepare the rinse aid from ivy leaves, add about ten drops of lemon juice to the liquid at the end of cooking.

    Hair Loss Rinse

    Hair loss - serious problem, from which to cope in a week, will not work. Folk remedies are excellent for this purpose. At the same time, it is best to cook it from flax seeds.


    • flax seeds - one spoon;
    • water - two glasses.

    Preparation: Bring the ingredients to a boil and turn off after one minute. Then strain everything through cheesecloth. Liquid not only rinse, but also rub into the roots massage movements. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse with water.

    Oily hair conditioner

    If you have fat type hair with your own hands, you can prepare useful rinses for oily hair from oak bark. But it is more suitable for brunettes.


    • a liter of boiling water;
    • three tablespoons of dry oak bark.

    Preparation: Pour the ingredients with water and cook for fifteen minutes. When the liquid cools to room temperature, strain it. St. John's wort grass can also be used instead of oak bark. The conditioner is prepared according to the same recipe. Also, to enhance the effect, water can be replaced with milk.

    Conditioner for dry hair

    Dry hair is recommended to rinse with medicinal herbs. But keep in mind, you need to select those that do not color your strands. The ideal solution that suits everyone is birch infusion. For cooking, only the leaves of the plant are used, and not its buds.


    • dry or fresh chopped leaves - one spoon;
    • water is a glass.

    Preparation: pour raw materials with liquid and leave to infuse. After thirty minutes, strain the rinse aid with cheesecloth. If your hair is severely damaged, it is recommended to use green tea instead of water. In this case, you need to take two tablespoons of tea leaves per liter of water. Use exclusively fresh, as leaves that have already been brewed are less effective and will not meet expectations. You need to rinse the curls with the product after washing.

    Hair Shine Rinse

    The best rinse for hair shine is one that is prepared on the basis of citrus fruits.


    • hot water - three liters.

    Preparation: mix the above ingredients and leave for three hours. However, before the procedure, citrus fruits must be cut into slices, the peel can not be removed, since it also contains useful substances. Prepare the liquid so that you have enough for one time. It is not necessary to make stocks, since the rinse aid loses its properties after a short period of time.

    Volumizing rinse

    Use a volume rinse only when your strands really need it, otherwise the hair will become very lush and look ugly.


    • water.

    Preparation: pour mint with water (hot) and leave to infuse in a closed container for about two hours, then rinse your hair ready mix. But remember, before use, it must be passed through cheesecloth. achieve best effect you can by adding the flowers of the plant.

    Conditioner for fine hair

    For split ends and thin strands, there is nothing better than plantain decoction.


    • plantain - three spoons;
    • water - 1 glass.

    Preparation: crush the plant and fill it with liquid for an hour. Then follow the procedure. However, the water must be hot, otherwise it will not draw the nutrients from the plant.

    Mask-conditioner for hair

    The medicinal properties of nettle have been known for a long time. Such a recipe will not bring harm and restore your hair to as soon as possible without the use of expensive resources.


    • nettle (its amount depends on the thickness and length of the hair).

    Cooking: Skip treatment plant through a meat grinder to get the juice, drain with gauze. Then apply the liquid to your hair and hide it under a cap. Wash off after twenty minutes.

    Hair Conditioner

    Suitable for everyone.


    • glycerin - one glass;
    • oil (use or.

    Preparation: place the herbs in a glass container and fill with warm vinegar. Then close the jar. After two weeks, the mixture can be used. To enhance the effect, add a little store-bought conditioner to the medicinal mixture before use.

    Video recipe: Rinse for cleansing and strengthening hair

    Hair rinses: application reviews

    Lyuba, 38 years old

    The difference between do-it-yourself balms-conditioners is felt immediately. My hair became more beautiful and manageable in two weeks.

    Erica, 26 years old

    I heard that there are contraindications to such recipes. You need to select them carefully so as not to worsen the condition of the hair. After all, many herbs dry the hair, which adversely affects the dry type of hair.

    Katya, 42 years old

    When I read reviews about the use of such conditioners, I decided to try it and did not regret it. I recommend!

    For dessert, video: Rinse for hair growth and shine at home

    If you are a fan natural cosmetics, then homemade hair conditioner, prepared by oneself, must definitely take pride of place on the shelf in the bathroom. Not only does it make brushing easier naughty curls but also help to restore their structure. To make hair conditioner as safe as possible, use only natural ingredients.

    Shampoos are used to wash off all sorts of rubbish and excess oil from the head. Conditioners are designed to restore the keratin layer and return moisture to the hair cuticles, hair follicles and scalp. However, most conditioners on the market today are just products whose sole purpose is to make hair soft. They contain synthetic derivatives of silicone - in particular, dimethicone - which make hair easier to comb. Commercial conditioners usually contain other ingredients - propylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol, formaldehyde, dyes, flavors, mineral oils, petroleum jelly, beef or mutton fat. All of them penetrate the hair shafts, accumulate there and cause considerable damage to the hair. Air conditioners often contain a variety of natural additives: ginseng, aloe, green tea, extracts of plants, fruits and flowers - but in such an insignificant amount that they only slightly improve the aroma.

    What can replace the purchased hair conditioner? What to do if the course of treatment seems incomplete to you because you have dry, damaged hair, or because you find it difficult to comb them? Use the following recipes for products that can be used as a rinse three to four times a week after shampooing.

    Natural handmade hair conditioners

    To make hair conditioner at home, use the following base.

    Conditioner base:

    • 1 glass of pure water
    • 1 tsp any herb of your choice
    • 1 st. l. soy flour or whey protein

    First you need to brew herbal infusion. Bring water to a boil and add one teaspoon of all herbs of your choice to it. Turn off the stove and let the herb infuse for about 6 hours. Strain the infusion, squeeze out the remnants of the herb and discard. Pour dry protein into the strained infusion and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour the finished conditioner for storage in plastic bottle with dispenser. Stick a label.

    This natural homemade hair conditioner is used only after shampooing. It is rubbed into the hair with the fingertips. If your hair is oily, apply conditioner to the ends of your hair, but leave the roots alone.

    Rubbing the conditioner into the scalp will unwittingly provoke an increase in the production of sebum V hair follicles. Leave the mixture on your head for 3 minutes, then rinse with cool or warm water. For rinsing, use the recipe given in the second half of this chapter.

    Just as in the case of shampoos, infusions can be added to the base of homemade hair conditioner. medicinal herbs that improve hair color.

    Herbal infusion in oil.

    It is enough to rub herbal infusion on oil once a week to very quickly tidy up split ends.

    • 1 glass of olive oil
    • 1 cup peanut butter
    • 6 st. l. any herbs of your choice
    • 3 tsp rosemary oil or natural oil basilica

    Pour the olive oil and peanut butter into a non-metallic saucepan, add the herb and stir. Bring to a boil and cook until the herb is crispy. Strain, discard the grass, and pour three-quarters of a glass of oil infusion into another bowl for storage. Add rosemary or basil oil. Pour the finished infusion for storage into a plastic bottle with a dispenser and stick a label.

    Apply this medication to your hair, being careful not to get it on your scalp. Wrap your head in a warm towel and put on a shower cap on top. Keep it on your head for 1 hour.

    Rinse thoroughly, then shampoo your hair. This recipe can be used as a scalp compress. It is especially good for treating dry, inflamed skin. You can get rid of such an ailment if you apply this remedy three to four times a week, applying it only to the scalp. Subsequently, it will be enough to use it as a compress for the scalp once a week.

    Flour and water conditioner.

    Another hair conditioner popular in the best beauty salons Europe, is made from a mixture of flour and water. Rinse your head after it is not so easy, but the game is worth the candle.

    You will need:

    • 1 cup flour
    • 1 glass of water

    Knead the dough from flour and water.

    Apply your homemade conditioner to dry hair and leave it on your head for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly cold water- if washed hot, it will be very difficult to wash off the dough from the head. Rinsing may take 5-10 minutes, but you will see that your hair will be much more manageable, smooth and shiny. After this procedure, you can wash your hair with shampoo and rinse.

    How to make hair conditioner at home

    Molasses, on the basis of which rum is made, performs real miracles with dry hair.

    Rum conditioner for dry hair.

    Mix rum and egg yolk to get a homogeneous mass.

    Shampoo your hair and then apply this homemade conditioner to your hair and let it sit on your head for 10 minutes to absorb. Rinse with water - as cold as you can stand. in warm or hot water the eggs will boil and the head will look like a haystack.

    Can be made even easier- take half a glass of cane molasses, grease your hair with it and hold for 20 minutes until it is absorbed. Then rinse off with cool or warm water. Cane molasses can be drunk as a mineral supplement as it is rich in calcium, iron, nicotinic acid(vitamin B3), phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), sodium - all this is very useful for the scalp. However, one caveat is not superfluous: if you decide to drink molasses straight from the neck, do not forget to brush your teeth immediately after this, as molasses is famous for its amazing ability to cause cavities.

    Below are a few more hair conditioner recipes that are ideal for dry and easily damaged curls. They can be used no more than one or two times a week. These products are perishable and must be used immediately. They need to be harvested just enough to be enough for one procedure.

    Honey Lemon Conditioner.

    • 1 tsp almond oil
    • 1 tsp avocado oil
    • 1 tsp olive oil
    • 1 st. l. honey
    • 1 st. l. fresh lemon juice 1 egg yolk

    Pour all the ingredients for storage into one container and mix thoroughly. Use freshly prepared balm immediately.

    Wash your hair with shampoo, then take a natural honey-lemon conditioner and rub it into your hair. Hold for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.

    And here is another recipe for thin, dry, easily damaged hair with split ends. When you mix gelatin and egg, you get a delicious protein-lecithin conditioner that should be applied once a week.

    Egg-gelatin conditioner.

    • 1 st. l. gelatin (regular, no additives)
    • 1/4 cup water
    • 1 egg yolk
    • 2 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice

    To prepare such an air conditioner at home, you need to slightly warm the water, then dilute the gelatin in it.

    Let cool, then add the egg yolk and lemon juice and stir until you get a homogeneous mass.

    Wash your hair with shampoo, then take an egg-gelatin conditioner and rub it into your hair. Hold for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

    The best conditioner for oily hair is melon.

    Melon conditioner for oily hair.

    • 1/2 cup fresh melon pulp

    Mash the melon with a fork to make a smooth paste.

    Rub the melon pulp into hairy part head and hold on the hair for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

    If you have long or dry hair or, despite constant haircuts, you suffer from split ends, you can treat the ends daily with a special balm. The essential oils used in this recipe are completely absorbed into the hair - as a result, they look smooth, shiny and healthy.

    Conditioner for the treatment of split ends.

    • 1 tsp lavender oil
    • 1 tsp basil oil
    • 1 tsp rosemary oil
    • 1 tsp nettle oil

    Pour all the oils into one small dark glass bottle and shake well.

    Pour a few drops into the palm of your hand and rub into your hair, then comb through. massage brush. In the manufacture of this balm, you can use all of the listed oils, or you can limit yourself to one or two.

    IN last section In this article, you will learn how to replace hair conditioner.

    What else can replace hair conditioner

    Hair conditioner can be replaced with rinse aid.

    Therapeutic and prophylactic rinse (for daily use).

    • 1 liter apple cider vinegar
    • 1 st. l. with a slide of dried rosemary leaf
    • 1 st. l. with a slide of dried sage leaf
    • 1 st. l. with a heap of nettle leaf
    • 1 st. l. with a heap of dried basil leaves
    • 1 st. l. with a hill of chamomile flowers

    Lightly crush the herbs in a mortar or grind them between your palms to finely grind them.

    Pour apple cider vinegar into an enamel or glass saucepan and heat. Pour in herbs. Cover with a lid and cook on low heat for 30 minutes.

    Cool, then strain ready lotion Pour through a funnel into a bottle of vinegar. Stick on a label and keep in the refrigerator.

    Don't forget the label! There's nothing harmful about this lotion, but I'm afraid this herb-flavored vinegar is unlikely to taste good as a salad dressing.

    Dissolve half a cup of therapeutic lotion in 1 liter warm water. Rinse your hair and rinse with tea conditioner.

    Tea softener.

    • 1 st. l. nettle leaf
    • 1 st. l. dried horsetail herb
    • 1 st. l. dried rosemary leaf
    • 1 st. l. dried sage leaf
    • 1 st. l. dried basil leaf
    • 1 st. l. chopped dried Indian hemp herb
    • 1/2 l water

    Bring water to a boil. Turn off the fire, pour the herbs into boiling water and insist them until it turns out strong tea. Strain, pour the finished rinse into a glass bottle for storage. Stick a label.

    Pour out a glass of tea conditioner and rinse your hair with it. If you want, substitute a bowl and rinse your hair again with the same conditioner.

    Rub hair and scalp vigorously terry towel or, even better, "mittens" from terry cloth. The fabric will absorb excess water, and the wiping procedure itself will stimulate blood flow to the scalp.

    Comb your hair with a fresh, clean comb, then style.

    The modern rhythm of life in big cities requires us not only huge amount strength and energy, but special attention to self-care. Women now pay attention to everything, from the figure to the tips of the nails, but one of the most valuable wealth that can adorn any lady is a lush and healthy head of hair.

    Frequent weather changes, wearing hats, combing, styling, blow-drying, hair coloring, and just ordinary elastic bands and hairpins - all this spoils our hair every day. In order not to lose a precious mane, everyday care is required, and very often one shampoo is not enough here.

    Everyone knows brands such as L "Oreal, Estel, which represent a huge line of oils, masks, creams and hair conditioners. Also on every shelf you can find leave-in hair conditioners from Gliss Kur, which buyers give the most enthusiastic reviews. If you do not physically go to the store, choose suitable remedy can be catalogue. Famous retailers will be happy to offer you dozens of Faberlic, Avon, Oriflame express air conditioners to choose from, there are enough variations, and they will also give you a gift as a bonus for such an order.

    What is it needed for?

    After you wash your hair, your hair becomes especially vulnerable and susceptible to any external influences. Even if you dry them without a hair dryer, there is a chance that they will become tangled and combed, you will lose part. To retain moisture, to give softness, suppleness and such a welcome healthy shine and invented hair conditioners.

    How is a conditioner different from a regular balm?

    • the main objective balm - nutrition, and conditioner - a means of protection against damage and harmful effects.
    • The conditioner does not need to be applied to the roots, especially the leave-in conditioner, it is enough to evenly distribute it from the middle of the hair to their tips.
    • Air conditioning is also antistatic. This is especially relevant in winter period. Balms cannot boast of such a property.
    • The conditioner can be left on, and even used on dirty hair, but the balm works best after shampooing on a still damp surface.

    How to use?

    The main rule - do not apply the product under the very roots, because misuse hair can quickly get dirty and lose volume and shine. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the product is suitable for your type - thin, porous, overdried, normal, and so on. It is better if the shampoo, mask, and conditioner are from the same series. The effect of a complex full-fledged impact is always higher.

    Why is a leave-in conditioner better than a rinse-out conditioner?

    Let's start with the fact that leave-in conditioner is not suitable for all types. It is best used for thin, weakened hair, which is often dyed. It also works great on curly and dry hair.

    The main advantages of the conditioner, which does not require rinsing - it does not weigh down the hair, absorbs quickly, additionally protects against high temperatures making your mane obedient.

    With an abundance of options on the market, it can sometimes be very difficult to choose the best one, but it is very important to know the basic things about different types air conditioners for certain types hair.

    • If you have Thin hair , that on the territory of Russia it is enough frequent occurrence, pay attention to the fact that the air conditioner contains nourishing oils. They will help to further strengthen the structure and nourish the hair from the inside.
    • Hair prone to oiliness, sprays are most suitable. Don't use creamy conditioners, they weigh you down. With such means, the head gets dirty many times faster.
    • If you have a split ends problem, it is important that the conditioner has a strong moisturizing effect, because dry ends are the result of an insufficiently moisturizing texture. Frequent stay in rooms with heaters and fans, climate change and banal computer radiation - all this dries our hair every day. Help them by giving extra hydration.
    • If the structure is dense, hard, then most likely a leave-in conditioner is not your option.
    • For curls the best remedy there will be a cream that can structure curls correctly and beautifully.

    Often conditioners are two-phase, they must be shaken before use, they are very versatile and suitable different types hair.

    If you can't pick best option of all the types on the market, try making your own air conditioner at home.

    This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you need a conditioner to detangle your hair, you can make it with apple cider vinegar and distilled water. One tablespoon of vinegar will need to be diluted in a glass. After that, the solution will be ready for application.

    There are other recipes and lovers of experiments can easily try to become a real alchemist. Perhaps you will become the one who invents the best remedy in the world, but until this happens, test your hair, carefully monitor how it changes under the influence of certain remedies.

    And another video recipe from our user how to make a leave-in hair conditioner at home.

    Try not to forget about care, because without it, in just a couple of years, your mop will have no time healthy hair can become dull and lifeless, and rehabilitation will be much more difficult than conventional prevention. Take care of your beauty.