How to learn to breathe during childbirth. Proper breathing during childbirth. Breathing during the period of pushing

Every woman wants to know how to give birth without pain. What is correct breathing and when to use it - let's talk in more detail.

Correct breathing is a complex breathing exercises, thanks to which the muscles of the body are relaxed and the pain of labor is relieved. And no matter what pain threshold a woman has, she can control the process of muscle relaxation even during contractions.

Breathing can help you get rid of fear.

Since ancient times, mothers have passed on to their daughters the knowledge of how to give birth. And these were two parting words: to listen to your body, its desires and to do the correct breathing, then on a whim.

Professional vocalists are well versed in the complex of breathing exercises. Anyone who sang in the choir since childhood knows that when exhaling, the stomach is drawn in, and when inhaling, on the contrary, it should protrude. And don't get confused.

This breathing is ideal for childbirth: calms nerves, conserves strength, relaxes muscles, helps to push the fetus correctly without tearing. With frequent exhalation and inhalation, hyperventilation of the lungs occurs due to rapid breathing... As a result, CO2 is flushed out of the blood, the blood vessels of the brain are narrowed and the subcortex is activated, which causes the experiences that have been displaced from consciousness.

Naturally, in Everyday life such breathing should not be constantly used, because it was invented exclusively for such stressful loads - as, for example, childbirth.

If you doubt how prepared you are for childbirth and proper breathing, then sign up for a course for pregnant women. All over the world, pregnant women are taught to give birth correctly, with an emphasis on breathing and postures that will help.

Breathing training during contractions can be both paired and individual. Of course, partner childbirth is a good example of proper breathing. A loved one reminds a woman in labor how to breathe during labor, which relieves her pain.

A true story of childbirth without pain

From personal experience

Svetlana, 27 years old:

“I can say that I gave birth without“ that ”pain. Yes, there were contractions, there was tremendous pressure on the spine and pelvis. It seemed that now consciousness would fly away into space, but during the birth, I never screamed. The thing is that not only was the whole pregnancy engaged in correct breathing, but also went to give birth with her husband.

He took a huge share of the responsibility- to negotiate with not always polite nurses, carry a heavy IV with me, organized absolute calmness and concentration on the child in the ward.

My husband was always there and made sure that I had the correct breathing. When you are alone, without the help of a loved one, you can get confused during the contractions and forget about how to alleviate your condition.

In such cases, you can succumb to panic, start screaming, tighten the muscles of your face - all this will not help the child in any way, but will knock the woman in labor out of such a necessary balance. The main thing here is to breathe.

Therefore, when during the fights there was close person and reminded me of breathing, repeating the exercises, I never screamed. Oxygen relaxed the muscles of the whole body, I calmed down and even allowed myself to sleep between contractions, which surprised the nurses.

At the ninth hour of correct breathing, my husband put our girl to my chest. It was funny, but when he put our baby on my chest, we exhaled together and smiled. Breathing during childbirth is not only a natural pain reliever, breathing during childbirth is a joint family happiness. "

Breathing helps a baby to be born

Modern gynecologists-obstetricians have long proved that thanks to their breathing, women not only relieve themselves generic process but also make more comfortable conditions for a toddler in times of so much stress.

Doctors constantly remind that even if you do not feel sorry for yourself, then take pity on childbirth, give him the opportunity to be born in peace, without tearing the vessels of the body, providing oxygen, without squeezing the birth canal with a cry.

The method of cooperation between obstetricians and women in childbirth was developed by the French doctor Lamaze. This type of work with correct breathing during childbirth was named “Lamaze” in his honor.

The midwife was engaged in psychoprophylaxis of expectant mothers and trained women different types breathing. It was based on training that improved a woman's ability to control her muscles during contractions.

It was assumed that focusing a woman on her breathing would provide the ability to relax the uterus during contractions. And possession of such skills will not only reduce pain, but also help convince the brain that it is completely absent.

During childbirth according to this method, a woman should not only breathe correctly, but also think about how difficult it is for the child to move along the birth canal now. Breathing is also very important so that the child receives sufficient oxygen.

It has been proven that mothers with an adequate sense of responsibility during labor inflict the least damage on themselves and the child. Women in labor are advised to undergo compulsory courses of correct breathing in order to avoid psychophysical complications during childbirth. It's pretty simple - you need to learn how to breathe correctly.

This method of working with women in labor has become especially popular since the 1960s. Rhythmic breathing (which is synonymous with the Lamaze method) is widely used in various clinics around the world. Such breathing is considered the key to the appearance of a baby with minimal pain, both for him and for the mother during labor.

How to prepare for childbirth

As soon as the waters have departed, you have taken a shower and entered the delivery room, begin to prepare the body for those last 30 minutes when the baby is born. During the pushing phase, breathing will change again. Usually obstetricians tell you what to do, but it doesn't hurt to know.

As soon as the contractions began, you need to deeply exhale all the air and immediately inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale again, but shortly, and take in the air in three short and intermittent breaths.

Breathing varies depending on the stage of labor. When these are the first contractions, it is correct if you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Inhales should be deep, slow, even.

The main thing in childbirth, as it turned out, is not to be lazy to breathe. When contractions are just beginning, women think that they can breathe and not engage. "It will pass by itself." At the same time, important point muscle training.

When the contractions intensify, then without breathing preparation, the women in labor begin to scream loudly, strain the body, independently increasing their pain. This is not worth doing. You need to remember how to breathe correctly.

Strong contractions, unfortunately, lead to panic in women. Women in labor forget about technique and hold their breath at their peak. In such cases, labor pain increases. This is an incorrect setting, as a result of which the pace of breathing becomes disordered, and the child begins to receive enough oxygen.

Childbirth without panic

Contractions are a difficult process for self-control, so mothers are advised already at initial stage find yourself a point of concentration. It can be either a clock, or a door handle, or something else.

So a woman creates a visual impulse for herself and the signal goes to the brain. Each time the contractions intensify, the woman in labor can focus her gaze at the chosen point, calmly breathe in air, which will help not to lose control of her breathing.

Rhythmic breathing should be continued until the contractions begin to weaken. There are several types of inhalation and exhalation during contractions. For example, one long breath through the mouth and then two gentle breaths through the mouth.

It is important here calm rhythm breathing. As soon as the contractions are approaching, it is worth taking a deep breath through the nose and two short breaths through the mouth. The longer the contractions become, which indicates the degree of fetal movement towards the exit, the deeper it is worth inhaling the air. A calm breathing rhythm is important.

At the end of the next contraction, do not forget to breathe deeply: inhale completely through the mouth so that the lungs become free.

In order not to get lost in the correct breathing technique during childbirth, you can simply repeat the scheme to yourself. Remember how to breathe correctly: exhale, inhale (one, two, three), exhale, inhale (one, two, three).

When the doctor says that you can push, then take a deep breath and work exclusively with the diaphragm, pushing the child out. Do not strain your forehead, eyes, do not shout. Just push the diaphragm while there is air in your lungs. Then inhale again and repeat.

You need to start learning correct breathing 2-3 months before giving birth. Classes require a daily effort of 20 minutes so that the breathing technique does not cause questions for childbirth. Childbirth should take place in a calm and prepared environment.

Exercises for proper breathing during childbirth:

  • Take a position that is comfortable for you. It is individual for everyone. Someone wants to lie on their side, someone to stand on all fours, someone to stretch themselves along the wall, like a cat.
  • Take a deep breath while sticking out your belly. Exhale while drawing in your stomach. Repeat 10 times. This breathing will help you relax and focus your energy on labor. If you start training your diaphragm even during pregnancy, the effect will be much more powerful.
  • Breathe faster during frequent contractions. using the same technique. Do not be distracted by external factors, find a point of concentration, think only about the birth of a baby and do not forget to breathe.
  • During pushing, a trained diaphragm will be very useful to you. If you do not scream and do not strain, but work exclusively with the diaphragm, then you will not only help the child in such a difficult moment, but also will not get internal breaks.

Expert opinion:

Founder and Leader family center Yulia Gusakovskaya-Starovoitova:

“Of course, breathing during childbirth is very important and we have such classes in our center. There is a circuit for breathing properly. But for the childbirth itself, you should not take any scheme. During childbirth, the main thing is to turn off the head and listen only to the body. Breathing is the key correct childbirth... The main thing is to breathe. "

Dear Readers! How was your birth? Have you attended childbirth preparation courses? Were these courses helpful to you? Do you know how to breathe properly during childbirth? We are waiting for your comments!

Childbirth is the most crucial moment, the final period of gestation. Several hours of labor and pains precede the magical moment of meeting a mother and her baby. Obstetricians-gynecologists divide labor into three time periods. In the first period, the opening of the uterine cervix is ​​observed, in the second, the fetus passes through the birth canal, in the third, the release of the placenta.

During childbirth, the mother should follow all the doctor's orders. Her own well-being and the health of the child depend on the correctness of a woman's actions. Breathing during childbirth is the basis of the physiological birth of a baby., therefore, the expectant mother should learn the technique of respiratory (respiratory) movements.

The need for proper breathing during labor

At the end of the first stage of labor, the contractions become intense, frequent, long and painful. The cervix opens 8-10 centimeters. The baby begins to descend into the inside of the vagina, which is in contact with the outer wall of the rectum. Due to her squeezing by the baby's head, the woman has a persistent desire to defecate, called pushing.

Attempts - muscle contractions pelvic floor, abdominal and the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the abdominal and chest cavities) to help push the baby out of the uterus and vagina. With their arrival, a period of expulsion begins, which lasts about 2 hours in a primiparous woman or about 60 minutes in a re-pregnant woman.

Correct breathing during childbirth prevents many complications. Adequate respiratory movement prevents perineal and vaginal tears. Strong pushing causes a sharp tension of the above structures at the end of labor after the appearance of the head. Due to improper breathing in this period the vagina and perineum may tear.

Also too early attempts If the cervix is ​​dilated by less than 8 centimeters, it can cause ruptures. With this complication, the risk of miscarriage in the future increases. Respiratory gymnastics during contractions and childbirth prevents early pushing of the baby out of the uterus and protects the cervix from rupture.

Correct breathing technique during childbirth helps to avoid intense pain. Relaxation exercises protect abdominal muscles from excessive spasm and tension, which cause severe discomfort. If the correct rhythm of respiratory movements is observed, childbirth is less painful, so that the administration of analgesics can be avoided.

Adequate breathing during the birth of a child can not only help the mother to relax, but also "push" him out of the birth canal. Strong movements of the musculature provide the final jerk at the end of the second stage of labor. With proper breathing, the mother needs only a few attempts to give birth to the head, and then the baby's shoulders.

Attention! Adequate breathing during childbirth helps the mother to relax, reduce the intensity of pain, prevent rupture of the cervix, perineum and vagina, prevent fetal hypoxia, and make strong attempts at the end of the expulsion period for the birth of the baby.

Also breathing exercises provides clarity of consciousness of the woman in labor. With correct respiratory movements, a sufficient amount of oxygen is supplied to her body, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. With hypoxia (oxygen starvation) central nervous system a woman may not understand well what is happening around her and may not follow the doctor's recommendations.

Proper breathing during childbirth ensures a normal oxygen supply to the fetus. When the muscles of the press and pelvic floor are relaxed, the vessels of the placenta are dilated, due to which the organ is supplied with a sufficient amount of blood. If a woman strains too much, future child may be in a state of hypoxia.

Alexander Kobas: Breathing in childbirth

Correct breathing during the first stage of labor

The initial phase of the first stage of labor is called "latent", during which expansion occurs uterine pharynx up to 5 centimeters. In the latent phase, contractions are observed lasting up to 15 seconds, with a frequency of no more than one in 20 minutes. With them, a woman does not experience severe pain, so she should not waste energy that she will need later.

Breathing in the latent phase of labor between contractions has no peculiarities. A woman should try to relax and distract herself. At the beginning of the contraction, the woman in labor is advised to take a measured deep breath through the nasal cavity. She needs to try to stretch it out for a long period of time, feeling the lungs gradually fill with air. After that, the woman should make the same measured exhalation through the oral cavity.

You should try to stretch the long and measured act of respiration for the entire period of the contraction. This type of breathing is called "abdominal" because it forces the abdominal muscles to work. This kind respiration eliminates organ hypoxia and leads to an improvement in the contractile function of the uterus.

For psychological comfort Doctors recommend women in labor to count mentally while doing breathing exercises. The inhalation should account for about one-third of the time, and the exhalation should be about two-thirds. Thus, with a contraction duration of 15 seconds, one should mentally count to 15. On inhalation, a woman should reach 5, on exhalation, to 15.

The second and third phases of the opening period are respectively called "active" and "transient". In them, the cervix continues to expand at a higher rate, pour out amniotic fluid... By the beginning of the second stage of labor, contractions last 55-60 seconds, the interval between them can be up to 3 minutes.

In case of contractions of a woman in labor, it is recommended to use special breathing techniques... Their principle is based on frequent and shallow respiratory movements to help reduce pain. At the end of the contraction, you need to take a deep breath through the nasal cavity and exhale through the mouth, as described above. This technique helps a woman to regain her strength before the next contraction.

Three basic breathing techniques

#1. "Candle".

This technique is based on fast and shallow breathing movements, when inhalation occurs through the nasal cavity and exhalation through the oral cavity. The woman in labor needs to present a candle in front of her lips, which she should blow out as quickly as possible. Inhalation and exhalation should alternate between each other until the very end of the bout. Candle exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which reduces the intensity of pain due to the release of endorphins.

# 2. "Big candle".

This is a variation on the previous exercise. The main difference between the large "candle" and the standard type is the implementation of respiratory movements with intensification. The inhalation is made as if a woman in labor is trying to do it with a stuffy nose. Exhalation is carried out through an almost closed mouth gap. "Big candle" has more high efficiency to relieve pain.

# 3. "Locomotive".

This exercise is a combination of the previous two. At the beginning of the contraction, the mother should breathe as with the "candle" technique, by the middle of the contraction, one should switch to the "large candle" view, by the end, again to the "candle". "Parovoz" is the most effective exercise during the transition from the first stage of labor to the second.

Correct breathing during the second stage of labor

With the onset of the second stage of labor, the woman begins to feel the urge to push. However, in the given time she must overcome this feeling, since the child must descend as low as possible along the paths on his own. Excessive stress can weaken the woman in labor and cause a rupture of the incompletely opened cervix.

The time when a woman needs to start pushing is determined by the doctor after a vaginal examination. Therefore, a woman in labor should carefully listen to the obstetrician's appointments and follow them.

For maximum efficiency attempts to the woman are recommended to observe the breathing of the "swimmer". At the beginning of the contraction, the woman should draw full lungs of air through her mouth, as if before diving. During the push, the woman in labor should hold her breath, as if she were under water. At this point, you should strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible. In one contraction, a woman should take three breaths, followed by straining. Further, it is recommended that the woman in labor breathe out slowly through the parted mouth, which allows the child to fix the new position in the pathways.

During attempts, a woman should not shout loudly. The cry distracts the doctors, does not bring any relief to the woman in labor, but only exhausts her. Also, the mother should try not to push "up", as the stress will transfer to her head, which can lead to rupture of the capillaries. Wrong pushing does not move the baby along the birth canal, but only tires the woman.

Women should listen carefully to the doctor or midwife when a head appears. At her birth, the attempts should be stopped by starting "doggy" breathing, which helps to prevent perineal tears. After the signal from the specialist, the mother should continue to push to further push the child along the paths.

Primiparas are advised to master breathing techniques before 32 weeks of gestation. V severe stress improper respiratory movements can harm the woman and the child. On special courses future mother learns all breathing techniques, which will help her not to get confused in the maternity hospital.

Why is there so much emphasis on correct breathing? It turns out that soreness, speed, and indeed the entire course of labor depend on correct breathing. With the help of correct breathing, you can relieve your pain without resorting to various medications or limiting them to a small dose. After all, whatever one may say, the medicines received by the mother during pregnancy, to some extent, affect the child. In addition, there are two important rules to remember:

It is as difficult for a child to be born as it is for a mother to give birth, only that the child is absolutely helpless - and can only rely on you. Therefore, remember that you are helping yourself and him;

The baby and the mother have one breath for two - and it is on your correct breathing that oxygen saturation and general state baby.

Each period of labor requires its own type of breathing - the way you breathed at the beginning of the contractions will not help you when the contractions have already intensified.

Latent phase of labor

When contractions are just beginning, they are usually very light - and you may not even notice them right away, but, having noticed, calmly continue to do your own thing. Then you can even ignore the breathing.

But a little later, when the cervix begins to open more strongly, the contractions are already becoming more noticeable - and it is then that you need to start using anesthetic breathing. This period can be recognized by the regular pain of the contractions, and by the way the uterus becomes tight during the contraction. Such pains recur at regular intervals. What is correct breathing during this period of labor?

This type of breathing is conventionally called "swinging on the waves." As soon as you feel a contraction approaching, take a deep breath through your nose for a 1-2-3-4 count, and then exhale with your mouth with lips folded in a tube, for a 1-2-3-4-5-6 count. With this breathing, the body is well saturated with oxygen - and you may even feel a tingling sensation in your fingertips. Do not be afraid - this is absolutely normal. If the tingling sensation causes you discomfort, you can inhale a little less - for example, at the expense of 1-2-3. At the same time, it would be nice to relax - and imagine your body as an opening flower, as if “helping” it to do this. Practice shows that often women are pinched during contractions, hoping in this way to relieve pain - then there is a reverse reaction - and the opening slows down and the pain intensifies. In fact, during contractions, it is better to relax and breathe correctly - and if you wish, you can get up and massage your abdomen. It is done like this: your palms are in the lower abdomen, and as you inhale, they rise up on the sides and meet at the bottom of the uterus. As you exhale, the palms fall down the middle of the abdomen. So the uterus contracts more efficiently, the baby feels you, and the pain decreases.

Active phase of labor

In the active phase of labor, contractions become more frequent, pressure on the bottom increases - this is because the cervix opens even more, and the baby's head sinks down. Only the previous type of breathing will no longer help you - and here on help will come rapid breathing at the peak of the contraction. At the beginning of the contraction, breathe in the same way as in the latent phase of labor, and when it reaches its peak, use short, shallow breathing, "dog-like" with your mouth open. At the end of the contraction, return to slow, deep breathing.

In this phase of labor, the role of the husband is very important, who can massage your abdomen and lower back during a contraction, and distract you in the intervals between contractions. If you expect new pain and tighten up, this will not positively affect either the process of your childbirth or your baby. The husband can turn on your favorite music, distract you with conversations, do crosswords with you, or watch movies. The main thing is that you relax and do not think about the upcoming fight.

Also during this period, your posture is important. There are many positions you can use to relieve pain and help your baby move through the birth canal. For example, get on all fours or put your hands on a table and lean forward. This will relieve the abdominal muscles and relieve pain. If this helps you, try swinging to the beat of your breath or doing circular motion pelvis. Make sure that you do not go astray - only then will pain relief by this method be effective.

Other positions that help relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and move the child along the birth canal: squatting with knees apart; sitting on your knees; sitting on the edge of a chair facing the back, leaning with your elbows on it; hanging from a husband or a crossbar. Remember not to sit on the buttocks during this phase of labor - this can damage the baby's head.

Many doctors agree that screaming during labor is undesirable. This has a reasonable basis - after all, during a cry, breathing can go astray. But what if sometimes screaming makes it feel better? As the saying goes, "if you can't, but you really want to, then you can." So it is here. You can scream, if you really want to, but again, scream correctly: take a deep breath and scream as you exhale.

Transitional phase of labor

The transitional phase is called the phase before the onset of attempts, when the head has already lowered, but the cervix has not yet opened up enough. At these moments, the contractions are usually the strongest and most painful, you want to push - but you can't, otherwise you can get strong breaks vagina, cervix or uterus in general.

What to do in this case? Breathing here should be frequent and shallow, with an open mouth (but not sticking out your tongue so as not to want to drink). Thus, the forces will be directed to the tension of the abdominal muscles (and not the uterus). It is worth changing the position - to relieve the pressure of the baby's head on the cervix - and, accordingly, reduce the desire to push. The best way to do this is on all fours with a raised pelvis. If you feel you can speed up the transition phase, you can sit on all fours and spread your knees wide to help open the cervix.

Fetal expulsion phase

In this phase, there is no more pain, but you must make every effort to help the baby be born. The most common mistake women make when pushing is directing efforts to the head and eyes, not to the crotch. This will not help the baby to be born, but it will “decorate” your face and eyes with bursting vessels.
You also need to push correctly. As the bout approaches, you need to take in more air, press your chin to your chest, grab your knees with your hands - and exhale it while pushing to the end. This must be done 3 times per bout. By the way, it is better to hold the air with the glottis with the mouth open.

After the head is born, you need to switch to shallow mouth breathing and not push. The midwife will turn the baby so that it can be delivered more easily, and on the next push you should help him to come out completely. After some time, the afterbirth will be painlessly born - you just need to push a little.

As you can see, making the process of childbirth easier is quite simple - you just need to breathe correctly and do not forget that nature itself knows everything perfectly - and you do not need to resist it. You just need to relax and hear your feelings. And, of course, it would be nice to practice correct breathing even during pregnancy. Then everything will work out for you!

Correct breathing during labor can work a real miracle!

The cervix will open much faster, and the baby will not suffer from the lack of oxygen, and most importantly, the attempts will be stronger.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: why it is important

Why do you need to control your breathing at the time of contractions? Why is a slow exhalation calming, while a deep breath intensifies the pushing?

The uterus is a fairly powerful muscle. At the time of labor, its contraction contributes to the opening of the cervix, the channel through which the baby will pass expands.

When a woman in labor begins to scream, she tenses a lot, as a result of which the muscles of the perineum contract. The pain intensifies greatly, and tears form on the neck, which will only increase during the period of the child's passage.

With proper breathing, your muscles will relax. The neck can stretch easily and painlessly.

But even if the breathing is correct, it will certainly not be possible to completely get rid of the pain. But still, if you control this process, then pain may not be as strong.

After the onset of attempts, the pain will begin to recede, and the woman in labor will want to relax. But it will no longer be enough to use only the forces of the uterus. You will have to resort to the help of the abdominals and diaphragm. If you hold your breath after a powerful breath, the pressure on the fetus will increase, and the process of its birth will accelerate.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: phases of childbirth and their features

At each stage of labor, there should be certain type breathing - after all, the breathing that was at the beginning of the contractions is unlikely to help you when the contractions increase. There are several phases of childbirth, each of which has its own characteristics.

The first phase is latent

The first contractions, as a rule, are very light - many do not even notice them, and if they pay attention, they continue to do something. During this period, you can not pay attention to breathing.

But a little later, when the cervix begins to open, contractions will be felt - from this moment you need to use anesthetic breathing. The pains recur at different intervals.

Doctors conventionally call breathing at this moment - swinging on the waves. If you feel that a contraction is approaching, take a deep breath with your nose, and then exhale for a long time, but with your lips. Thanks to this, the body will be able to saturate with oxygen, and the woman in labor can feel a tingling sensation in her fingertips. Do not be alarmed, as this is normal.

The second phase is active

In the active phase, the contractions will begin to be felt more often, the pressure on the bottom will increase - all because the cervix opens, and the baby's head begins to sink to the bottom. The previous type of breathing, unfortunately, will no longer help - rapid breathing will come to the aid of the mother at the very peak of the contractions. When the contraction has just begun, breathe in the same way as in the first phase, after it reaches its peak - begin to apply a short breath, otherwise "like a dog", opening your mouth. At the end of the fight, you need to return to deep and slow breathing again.

On this stage the role of the husband is important, he can massage your stomach and lower back, and in the intervals when there are no contractions, he will distract you. There is no need to expect new pain and pinch, this will negatively affect both the baby and you.

It is very important to accept correct posture... For example, place your hands on something and lean forward slightly, or get on all fours. The abdominal muscles will be able to unload, and the pain will recede slightly.

Most doctors are convinced that you shouldn't scream during contractions. At the moment of screaming, breathing is likely to go astray. But it also happens that screaming makes many women in labor a little easier, in in this case you can recall the saying: "if you can't, but you really want to - then you can." Therefore, if you want, shout, but correctly - take a deep breath, and shout as you exhale.

The third phase is transitional

The transitional phase occurs before the attempts, the head has already sunk down by this moment, but the neck is not yet fully open. It is at this moment that the contractions are strong and painful, I really want to push, but this cannot be done - the vagina or uterus may rupture.

What should be done in this case? It is important that breathing is frequent and shallow, the mouth is open, you do not need to stick out your tongue, as you may want water, but you cannot drink. This will direct all your strength to your abdominal muscles. Be sure to change your position - get on all fours, and slightly lift your pelvis up. You might feel like transition phase can be accelerated, sit on all fours and spread your knees wide.

Fourth phase - expulsion of the fetus

The pain will go away completely, but it depends on you how soon the baby will be born, so you have to make every effort. A common mistake most women make is that all efforts are directed to the eyes and head, but not to the perineum. From such actions, the baby will not be able to be born, and the vessels will burst in the eyes.

It is important to push right. Before the approaching fight, you need to take in a lot of air, press your chin tightly to your chest, try to grab your knees with your hands - while trying to exhale the air to the end. In one fight, you need to do this action three times.

As soon as the head appears, you need to switch to shallow breathing and in no case push. The doctor will turn the baby so that on the next attempt he can be born.

After a while, the afterbirth will be born - for this you will have to push a little.

As you can see, you can make the process of childbirth a little easier - you only need to breathe correctly, and also remember that nature knows everything itself, and you should not resist it. Just relax and listen to your body and sensations.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: is it necessary to exercise

In order to breathe correctly at the time of childbirth, it is necessary to train in advance every day, it is quite enough to pay this lesson 15 minutes a day. Oxygen gymnastics can be done both separately and combined with physical exercise.

Remember that harsh breathing can provoke dizziness; you should not panic. Just cover your nose and mouth to form a mask. After that, you need to inhale and exhale several times and everything will return to normal.

During childbirth, voluntary breathing can also aggravate everything, as well as prolong generic activity... Try to control inhalation and exhalation, be sure to count and not be distracted by extraneous matters. In order to learn how to breathe correctly, you can sign up for courses for expectant mothers, where they will tell in detail about how to behave during childbirth, how to breathe or not breathe.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: step by step instructions

Many pregnant women are afraid of upcoming birth... But painless delivery, as you know does not exist. However, you can make them lighter and faster. If you learn to breathe correctly during childbirth, the appearance of a long-awaited baby will not be so painful.

At first, the woman in labor will feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen, this is the beginning of the contractions. It is very important to relax and try to gain strength. In order to distract from anxiety, you need to concentrate all your attention on breathing, you need to breathe deeply and slowly. You can count on inhalation to 5 and on exhalation to reverse order... Moreover, you need to exhale a little more slowly than inhale.

When the neck has opened 4-5 centimeters, the contractions will become more frequent and longer. The interval between their contractions will be about 5 minutes, and the contractions themselves will last about 20 seconds.

During this period, a woman will not be able to do any business and focus on something. But you need to try to distract yourself as much as possible. Deep, slow breathing may no longer help, you need to move on to the next technique.

Breathe like a dog - breathe in and out shallowly.

After the uterus has fully opened, the amniotic fluid has left, the baby will begin to move along the birth canal. The woman in labor will have desire strain, make attempts and push the baby out. But this cannot be done, because you need the baby to go through all the birth canal, and you only need to push him at the end. The midwife will definitely tell you how to behave correctly. It is imperative to listen to her advice and follow them. If the time has not yet come, but you really want to do it, use the dog-like breathing technique. This method will allow you to endure. After the time to push comes, you need to do the following:

1. Take a very deep breath.

2. Hold your breath and start pushing.

3. Be sure to push down, try to press the flow of air on your stomach. Attempts are somewhat reminiscent of pushing out at the time of constipation. Therefore, many midwives say that the baby should not be given birth, but, as it were, “popped out”.

4. In no case should you strain and start pushing your face. The entire effect of such actions will be zero.

5. After a strong straining, slowly exhale, the body can thus relax before the next attempts.

After the head appears, the attempts stop. The second time you will have to push when the midwife asks, this happens at the moment the hangers come out. If you listen carefully to the doctor and do everything right, the birth of the head occurs in just a few attempts.

The birth of a baby is a tremulous and wonderful moment in the life of any man and woman. Nature took care of future motherhood in advance, creating a woman's body and preparing it for the opportunity to give birth. It only takes a little help from you to give birth little man.

Do gymnastics, learn to breathe correctly, exercise and communicate with your unborn child. This is the only way your childbirth will be quick and easy!

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important. It helps to simplify the birth process and to provide him with an adequate supply of oxygen. The birth rate of a baby and the strength of attempts depend on correct use existing techniques.

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you can't panic contractions

Proper breathing during childbirth provides an opportunity to relax initially. During this time, deep breaths should be taken. They can even replace the analgesic for intense, painful contractions.

Any breathing technique during childbirth should be rehearsed in advance. This will greatly facilitate such a responsible event. Explore all kinds of techniques, check with your doctor to make sure you are doing it right. Excessive exercise will make you feel more confident and relaxed during childbirth.

Why breathe right

Even during pregnancy, you need to practice proper breathing, which will be useful during childbirth. If you train every day, then by the end of 9 months a woman will be able to help her baby to be born.

Practicing correct breathing

The ability to breathe correctly is necessary to calm down, relax during contractions, and also keep muscle contractions under control. Moreover, you need to breathe correctly in order to.

  1. The muscles of the uterus received a sufficient amount of oxygen. In this case, the contractions will not be so painful, since it is hypoxia (lack of oxygen) that causes pain.
  2. Make attempts more effective. The pressure of the diaphragm on the uterus helps the baby to be born. If the woman simply draws air into her cheeks, the baby will not advance.
  3. Protect your child from birth injury, control attempts.
  4. The child did not suffer from hypoxia.
  5. The baby's head was born softly.

For contractions and childbirth, you need to use different techniques breathing. You should not neglect them if you want the process to be as painless as possible. There are even special courses where expectant mothers are taught correct behavior at the most crucial moment in their lives.

Among several techniques, there is the most popular one called "candle". It is used throughout the entire birth process.

How to act when trying

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important in the first period when contractions begin. Usually a woman goes to the hospital when the contractions are not very strong and are manifested in stretching the abdomen. After a while, they become permanent, they begin to repeat themselves regularly. During this period, you should not try to suppress pain in yourself. No need to strain, shout, because this will not bring relief. The pain will not become easier, and the body will become very tired, exhausted. Therefore, during labor and labor, focus on inhaling and exhaling.

Many girls who are experiencing their first pregnancy begin to strain strongly during labor, and this suppresses the birth process, interferes with the rapid and correct opening of the cervix. As a result, doctors have to use medications to stimulate labor. In childbirth, improper breathing will not lead to anything good. The fruit will not receive required amount oxygen, which can cause oxygen starvation... And this usually affects the well-being, development of the child. Moreover, inappropriate behavior of the mother can cause perineal laceration.

Doctors will help you in this matter

As soon as the cervix has opened about 4-5 cm, it begins active phase... Correct breathing during childbirth during this period is very important, because the contractions of the uterus become very strong, can cause severe discomfort to the woman in labor. Contractions last about 20 seconds with a break of up to 5-6 minutes. At this time, usually fetal bladder ruptures, and amniotic fluid is poured out. Due to this, the contractions intensify, and after the outpouring of water they become longer and stronger. At this time, try applying the following types technician:

  • "candle";
  • "Big candle".

During labor and childbirth, using the candle technique may cause slight dizziness. This happens because the respiratory center of the brain is oversaturated with oxygen, and endorphins begin to be produced. Of course, if you control your breathing during regular contractions and childbirth.

Endorphins are “hormones of happiness” and therefore reduce the sensation of pain. The "candle" represents frequent superficial sighs. You need to inhale through the nose, and exhale quickly through the mouth, as if you are blowing out a candle that is in front of your lips. You should breathe in this way constantly until the contraction ends. Due to the endorphins produced, this method acts as a natural anesthetic.

There is another technique during childbirth - the "big candle". This is a forced version of a regular candlestick. Also, during the fight, you need to alternate inhalation and exhalation, but you need to breathe with effort. The exhalation should be through practically closed lips, and the inhalation should be as if you are trying to inhale, and the nose is stuffed up. This method it is used during childbirth and frequent contractions, if correct breathing using the candle technique does not sufficiently relieve pain. If you breathe in this way, the pulse will even out, and the body will have time to rest before the onset of the next contractions.

How to breathe during childbirth

When the baby's head begins to press hard on the cervix, one of the most difficult moments... A woman wants to push, then do it early. During childbirth at this moment, a competent breathing technique will help to survive dangerous period, to prevent the development of various complications.

As much as you would like to push, listen to the midwife, do only what she says. There are several correct techniques for childbirth:

  • "Variable";
  • "Locomotive";
  • "candle";
  • "Pulling".

"Variable" breathing is carried out as follows: you need to make a deep exit, and then a series of short inhalation-exhalation for about 4-5 approaches. The last time you should fold your lips with a tube, exhale deeply until the very end. During full disclosure cervix, when the baby's head passes through the hole, you need to breathe in the "train" technique. The uterus is very agitated, so the contractions last about 40-60 seconds. Moreover, the interval between them is very short - sometimes less than one minute. You need to "breathe" the fight, for this a combination of "candles" and " big candle».

If you depict the fight graphically, you get a wave. The fight begins with weak sensations that begin to build up, reach maximum power, and then fade away. The "locomotive" accelerates and intensifies simultaneously with the sensations that a woman in labor experiences during a contraction. First you need to apply the candlestick technique. When the fight intensifies, like a steam locomotive picking up speed, you need to intensify the inhalation and exhalation, and then move on to the "big candle" technique. As soon as the contraction reaches its peak, it is necessary to speed up the inhalation and exhalation of the "big candle" as much as possible. As the contraction begins to subside, breathing also calms down. The "locomotive" drives up to the station, where it stops to rest.

Support of a loved one

Don't be confused about breathing techniques during childbirth. If you go astray and do not listen to the doctor, the process will be noticeably complicated, and will cause even more pain and inconvenience. In fact the last stage(except for the stage of extraction of the placenta), when the cervix is ​​fully opened and the baby is born, the woman must apply maximum amount physical effort. That is why you need to try to stay relaxed and calm state so as not to waste your strength.

If during the period of labor and childbirth you will use correct technique breathing, this will allow you to spend your strength as efficiently as possible. In order not to delay the birth of a child, you need to use a special forced breathing. As soon as the push comes, you need to inhale as deeply as possible, and then begin to exhale. In this case, the exhalation should be directed to the perineum. You can not push in the head and eyes. Please note that such straining is unlikely to do without consequences, and the effectiveness will tend to zero. You will only be tormented and spend a lot of energy, but you will not help the child in any way. Breathe out the air as if you were using it to move the child towards the exit.

This full deep breath should not be weakened or interrupted. Otherwise, all your efforts will go to waste. If you push and feel that there is not enough air, you need to carefully exhale it to the rest, then re-take the maximum amount with a deep breath and exhale. If during childbirth the exhalation corresponds to the correct breathing technique, then it will begin to press on the uterus and diaphragm.

The duration of one push is about a minute. During this time, you need to make three forced exhalations. At this moment, the "candle" breath is required. You breathe in deeply and then slowly breathe out the air. If during childbirth your behavior and breathing are correct, the attempts will be as effective as possible. As soon as the head is shown, it is necessary to breathe very slowly, like a dog, and in no case rush things.

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