Abstracts of classes on children's design. Theme: "Mushroom meadow". Theme: "Russian matryoshka"

Nelya Karabanova
Open lesson in middle group. Children's design "Paper Mosaic"

Target: Show the use of the application to create children's design work


1. Develop children's imagination and aesthetic taste.

2. Strengthen the ability to cut strips in a straight line.

3. Learn the ability to independently cut various geometric figures.

4. Teach how to arrange and carefully stick the figures on the object.

5. Arouse in children sympathy and a desire to help younger children.

The children enter the hallway.

caregiver: Guys, today they came to visit us. Say hello!

caregiver: Guys, here is someone's house. Are you curious to know who lives there? I'll give you a riddle and you'll guess right away.

Doesn't look like a human

But he has a heart

And work all year round

He gives his heart.

He writes when they dictate

He draws and draws.

(Children guess - this is a pencil)

(A large pencil appears on the screen)

Pencil: Yes, it's me, wise old and respected pencil. Came to see you to see if you have group colored pencils and where they live

caregiver: Dear pencil, our guys have colored pencils and they live in such beautiful, colorful houses.

(The teacher raises a napkin, under which there are colored pencils)

Pencil: How do you guys handle your pencils? Do you break them? Don't scatter? Do you take your places?

(children's answers)

Pencil: What good fellows you are!

caregiver: Guys, look at the face of the pencil - sad or funny?

(children's answers)

Dear pencil, why are you so sad and sad?

Pencil: Because I want to tell you, my dear guys, a story that happened to my friends - colored pencils.

My friends lived in one group of toddlers. But, these children with their friends - pencils were not treated very friendly. They did not take care of them, they broke, threw, gnawed and they did not have such beautiful houses as your pencils.

Pencils were very offended by the guys and left them. And they came to me for help. Look at them, how miserable they are.

caregiver: Dear pencil, are these guys worried that the pencils are gone from them? After all, they now have nothing to draw.

Pencil: Of course they are worried, they love to draw very much, but now they cannot do what they love, because the pencils have run away from them.

Dear guys, I ask you to help my friends and I want you to do the same beautiful houses. And if the pencils have houses, they will surely forgive the kids and return to them.

caregiver: Well, guys, let's help the pencils return to group for kids?

(children's answers)

caregiver: Dear pencil, and I have one such beautiful house - a glass, do you think your friends will like it

Pencil: Of course you will!

caregiver: Well, then let's go! And you, dear pencil, come with us. And we also invite your friends - pencils with us.

caregiver: Guys, go to the tables, sit down nicely and listen to me carefully.

You have cups on the tables, you will now try and make them smart. You need to cut a strip of colored paper to get different geometric shapes.

What do you guys think, what geometric shapes can you get?

(children answer, and the teacher lays out the figures on the flannelgraph)

caregiver: The sizes of the figures may be different for you. Then you stick these figures on your cups and you need to glue them over the entire surface of the cup.

Also, guys, we must definitely remember how to use scissors correctly. We always hold scissors with the sharp end forward away from us.

Who doesn't understand what?

(independent work of children)

caregiver: And now, guys, go to the table where colored pencils are waiting for you.

A game "Find your home" help the pencils find their home.

caregiver: And now we will give these pencils and beautiful houses to the kids.

Marilov's love
Summary of classes on design activities with children senior group"Wonderful Transformations"


holding educational activities With children

classes with children of the senior group on the topic:

« miraculous transformations

Form of organization of educational activities: activities for older children preschool age.

Integration of educational regions: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development.

Activities for children lesson- communicative activity, experimentation, productive activity.

Target: development artistic creativity children's design activities.



teach children to create useful things with their own hands;

learn how to make and decorate frames.


develop the ability to select material in accordance with the intention to decorate the work.

develop the skills of analyzing the sequence of manufacturing and practical implementation tasks

develop compositional skills fine motor skills hands;


cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste,

to cultivate independence, the desire to bring the matter to the end.

preliminary work:

Organization of an exhibition of children's creative works using printed matter. Master class with parents "The use of waste materials in room design» .


Designer- these are unusual materials for ordinary things

Gallery - exhibition of works of art

Artifacts - an object exhibited for viewing in a museum or at an exhibition.

Estimated result:

1) The level of cognitive activity will increase.

2) Children will develop design thinking

3) Children will get acquainted with the possibilities of newspaper plastic

4) Learn to use newspapers and magazines as decorative material.

5) Will be able to express in speech their attitude to their work.

Means of education:

A projector and a laptop, crafts from newspapers and magazines on a color basis, frame templates, newspaper tubes, finishing materials, stationery glue, scissors.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Hello guys, let's get to know each other. My name is Lyubov Anatolyevna. You say your names all at the same time.

Now join hands and stand in a circle.

Everything is in place,

Is everyone here?

turned around

We looked back.

And they smiled at each other.

Do you love fairy tales?

What is the most interesting part of fairy tales for you?

Of course, there is magic in fairy tales.

Magic - what? This miraculous transformations.

Which transformation found in fairy tales. frog princess - to Vasilisa the Beautiful)

Can there be transformations are not in a fairy tale but in real life?

an egg into a chick

ball - in mittens

Are reverses possible? transformation, When old things become new? –

(children's answers)

I speak: "Can". Now I will prove it to you.

Every home has many old newspapers and magazines. (shows stack) Information that has been printed in them for a long time outdated and no one reads them.

I will tell you one story. Sit comfortably. Listen.

Lived - there was one small newspaper. I read it over and over and looked at the pictures. But then she became of no use to anyone, quietly lay down on the window, lay and looked at beautiful flowers outside the window and sad. But one day the window was left open. With a gust of wind, the Paper Fairy flew in through the window. She decided to take pity on the little newspaper, touched it with her magic wand, and the little old dusty newspaper turned into beautiful rose . (Shows a newspaper rose.)

I heard this story a long time ago and decided that everyone old newspapers and magazines should be given a second life. Here's what I got.

Children get up, approach the table with products.

I have collected a lot of such necessary and unusual things.

I wanted to show everyone what miracles you can do it yourself. - Can you help me with this?

I decided to organize an exhibition. Is it possible to present the work at the exhibition. ?

See how the work is arranged for exhibitions. (slide show)

That's right, there must be limits.

They are different size, colors and shapes. But be sure to be clear and precise. They should differ in color from the background of the picture, but be combined in a general tone.

Frames can be purchased at the store. They are very different

And you can do it yourself. From a variety of materials.

Pay attention to how the work will change once in the frame (shows)

The frames must match the content of the work.

Can these frames be used? (shows patterns).

They are unaesthetic, rough and do not fit with the image at all.

Our crafts are unique. What are the frames for them?

Of course, also unusual.

Do you know what artists are called who create unusual, unlike other things? - designers.

And now we will become small for a while designers.

Take the picture that you like best.

Sit comfortably.

For the design of the frames, I also prepared tubes from newspapers and magazines.

They must be sized. And carefully glue the frame.

If you think the base is too big for the frame, you can cut it off.

But you can leave the original size.

Before you start drawing up the framework, you need to simulate future work. That is, place the frame on the base, attach the tubes. Now you will have an idea of ​​how look work in general. And you will know how many tubes you need.

When working, you must follow some rules.

1. Carefully work with glue.

2. Lubricate the sides of the frame one by one with glue, sequentially filling the template.

3. Press the tubes tightly against the frame.

4. Excess glue can be removed with a napkin.

5. If someone does the job very quickly, he can help a friend.

Let's take a break and relax a bit.

Finger gymnastics "House":

I want to build a house

(Hands folded into a house, and raised above your head)

To have a window in it,

(Fingers of both hands connect in a circle)

So that the house has a door,

(We connect the palms of the hands together vertically)

Next to the pine tree to grow.

(Raise one hand up and "spread" fingers)

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate

(We join hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)

The sun was up, it was raining

(First we raise our hands up, fingers are "spread out". Then we lower our fingers down, we make "shaking" movements)

And the tulip bloomed in the garden!

(We connect our palms together and slowly open our fingers - "tulip bud")

Let's continue work.

In order for you to always recognize your work, so that it becomes unique, use other materials. Just remember the rule that the finish and the base are in harmony with each other.

I propose to place your work on an easel and consider.

Outcome classes. Reflection:

Is it possible to organize an exhibition now? Certainly.

Did you enjoy being designers?

What was difficult for you?

What is new and interesting?

What did you like the most?

Thank you for your help. It was a pleasure for me to work with you.

Related publications:

An unusual incident happened with the guys on game event. We examined vegetables and tasted them. When the turn came.

Recently in our MIRACLE (a private institution preschool education) kindergarten"Gulliver" passed creative competition for parents. Such.

Before we even knew it, AUTUMN had arrived! Autumn is a wonderful, bright and very beautiful time! Only in autumn nature changes its own.

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity with children of the senior group "Ladder" Objectives: - Improve children's knowledge of white, black and gray colors. - Development of visual differentiation in the perception of achromatic.

Goals: Arouse children's interest in creative activity based on emotional and motivational attitude. Develop creative thinking adding details to the images.


  • educational: to consolidate the previously learned techniques of drawing and painting over the image; knowledge of colors
  • developing: to promote the development of figurative representation, imagination of children, fantasy;
  • educational: to cultivate love for mother, accuracy in doing work, the ability to rejoice and please others, to behave at ease.

preliminary work: reading poems and stories about mom, talking about mom.

Material: recording songs about mom, big gift box, doll that says "mom", fabric white color 30 cm by 30 cm for each child, watercolors or fabric paints, brushes, water jars, napkins.

Course progress.

Educator: Dear children, let's play one game with you. magic game. And it's magical because we use the polite word "Hello"!

Communicative game "Hello".

  • Hello palms! Clap, clap, clap. (clap hands 3 times).
  • Hello legs! Top, top, top. (3 times stomp their feet).
  • Hello my nose! Beep, beep, beep. (stroking the tip of the nose).
  • Hello! (stretch hands forward).

Knock on the door. "Knock-Knock". The postman knocks on the door and hands over a huge box - a gift, where it is written: "Guys in the kindergarten" Ship ", in the group" Anchor "".

Educator: What lies there? Here is a gift! Let's see (open the box, and there is a doll in it). This is Katya doll, but she is not simple, she can speak, like this:

- Mom mom!

What did the doll say? (Answers of children).

Poem about mom

Mom caresses us ...

Mom caresses us

The sun warms.

The sun, like mom,

Only one happens.

caregiver: The most precious word in the world is mom. The best thing in the world is mom. You cannot do without your mother, and she loves you very much. Mom is very kind and sweet. And today we will make a gift for our beloved mother. And it will be a "Miracle - handkerchief" handmade.

Each on the table has a white cloth 30 cm by 30 cm, watercolor paints or fabric paints, a brush, a jar of water, a napkin.

caregiver: Guys, our lesson today is not easy: we will draw not on paper, but on fabric. Touch all the fabric with pens, what is it like? (Answers of children). What color is she? (Answers of children). Well done!

In order for our handkerchief to be cheerful, bright, colorful - we must use bright colors. Let's imagine ourselves as little wizards and try to color our Miracle Scarf. You can draw whatever you want. It can be the sun or flowers, mother's portrait or just a colorful drawing. The main thing to remember is that you are giving a gift to your beloved mother!

(While drawing children, songs about mom sound).

Physical education minute"Who is the best in the world"?

- Who came to me in the morning? (walking in place)

- Mommy (hands forward).

Who said it's time to get up? (clap hands)

- Mommy (hands forward).

- Who braided my pigtails? (raise hands behind head and lower braid down)

- Mommy (hands forward).

- You swept the whole house alone? (leaning forward, waving arms from right leg to the left)

- Mommy (arms forward).

- Who picked flowers in the garden? (tilt forward, hands forward).

- Mommy (hands forward).

- Who kissed me? (turning head with hand touching cheek)

- Mommy (hands forward).

Who is a child who loves laughter? (tilts to the side).

- Mommy (hands forward).

- Who is the best in the world? (raise your arms up and down through the sides).

- Mommy (hands forward).

caregiver: These are our caring mothers. All they know how to do. Mom has a lot to do around the house, and she gets very tired. Mom needs help, because you are already big and you can do a lot on your own. Today, each of you can please your mommy and give the most valuable gift made by hand.

Summary of the lesson: The guys show their handkerchiefs to each other and tell what they have drawn.

caregiver:- Well done guys, you did a good job, your moms will be very happy!

(You can also paint a scarf collectively, for example, 1 scarf for 4 people, but in this case, the dimensions of the scarf should be larger. In my work, I used a collective painting of a scarf and this is what we got)

teacher MBDOU kindergarten

combined type No. 42 "Ship"

Yoshkar-Ola, Russia

Municipal government preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 5 "Rodnichok"

Peskovka, Omutninsky district

Kirov region

"House is a flower"

Abstract of an art design lesson with older preschool children

Educator of the highest qualification category.

Contact phone: 88335236753

Summary of classes in art - decorative design in the preschool group.

Subject: "House - flower" (spatial - decorative design)

Tasks: 1.Teaching children to create jewelry from their chosen artistic material. 2. To form the ability to decorate products. 3. Develop imagination, aesthetic taste, accuracy. 4. Develop coherent speech, using the text of a fairy tale as a model.

Material : Illustration material "Flowers"

Cardboard box, gouache, felt-tip pens, a simple pencil, brushes, wax crayons, PVA glue, napkins, foam plastic, pieces of fabric,sequins, beads, natural material, colored paper. CD "Magic Sounds of Nature"

preliminary work: Making attributes for the dance composition "Flowers". Making the cone theater "Thumbelina". Labor in nature: caring for flowers. A story about useful and dangerous flowers. Reading the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina"

Lesson progress:

The buzzing of insects is heard in the group. (CD "Magic Sounds of Nature"), the teacher invites the children to go around the room and find the source of the sound. in a pot with indoor flower find the characters of the fairy tale "Thumbelina".

The teacher reads out excerpts from this fairy tale:

There lived a woman in the world. She had no children, and she really wanted a baby. So she went to the old witch and said:

- I so want to have a daughter, even the smallest! ..

- What's easier! the sorceress replied. "Here's a barleycorn for you." This grain is not simple, not one of those that ripen in your fields and are born to feed a bird. Take him and put him in flower pot. You will see what will happen. - Thank you! - said the woman and gave the witch twelve coppers. Then she went home and planted a barley seed in a flower pot. As soon as she watered it, the grain immediately sprouted. Two leaves and a tender stem appeared from the ground. And on the stem appeared a large wonderful flower, like a tulip. But the petals of the flower were tightly compressed: it had not yet blossomed.

What a lovely flower! - said the woman and kissed the beautiful colorful petals. At the same moment, something clicked in the core of the flower, and it opened. It was, in fact, a large tulip, but in its cup sat live girl. She was tiny, tiny, only an inch tall. That's why she was nicknamed - Thumbelina ...

The teacher invites the children to independently recall the content of the work. Sample stories children: Thumbelina is a tiny girl who goes through many trials. She escapes from the frog, but falls directly into the paws of the cockchafer, which soon leaves her and the poor girl is left alone in the forest. Thumbelina kind heart, because she saves herself and also saves a swallow, which takes her to warm climes on a flower, where the baby meets the king of the elves...

Taking the heroes of a fairy tale on their hands, the children play out fairy-tale dialogues. Motivation : But fabulous guests Bad mood they have nowhere to live. Children offer to make a home for the heroes, and they will stay with them in a group.

The educator creates problem situation: what can we make housing from, so that it would be comfortable, separate, beautiful, functional?

Children disperse in a group, find objects suitable for guests to live in and explain their choice.

The teacher leads to the choice that the most ordinary cardboard box. It can be arranged in the form of a flowering meadow, and voluminous flowers will serve as a home. Children look at pictures of flowers, choose the most beautiful and comfortable flower for living (dense bud, tall and wide petals, a lot of pollen for featherbed, etc.)

The teacher and the children jointly create a collective sketch of the scene - the background (gouache, felt-tip pens, crayons)

Children are divided into groups and distribute the work themselves (background, grass, pebbles, small three-dimensional flowers, a palace in the form of a large three-dimensional flower).

Together with the teacher, they recall the technology of making flowers from paper (origami), grass, stones, leaves (volumetric application)

After completing the main work, they decorate with additional artistic material.

The teacher offers to admire the beauty and fabulousness of the work performed. Children help to “choose and move in” fairy tale characters in finished houses - flowers. They organize a "Ball among the flowers".


  1. G.H. Andersen fairy tale "Thumbelina"
  2. Z.V. Bogateev " wonderful crafts from paper" publishing house "Enlightenment" 1992
  3. I.A. Lykov " Visual activity in kindergarten" publishing house "Sphere" 2007
  4. G.N. Panteleev "Children's design" publishing house "Karapuz" 2006
  5. THEM. Petrov "Application for preschoolers" publishing house "CHILDHOOD - PRESS" 2007

V. - Guys! Today we have guests. Let's say hello to them.

Q. - How else can you say hello in the morning? (Hello, Good morning hello, have a nice day).

V. - That's right, you can say hello in different ways, but it's better to wish each other something kind, good, I'll teach you. You can say these words:

Held communication game with elements of self-massage "Good morning" :

Good morning, (hands raised up)

Smile soon

And then the whole day will be more fun.

We stroke the forehead, nose, cheeks, (stroking the forehead, nose and cheeks)

We will be beautiful like flowers in the garden! (make a spring and smile at each other)

Magical music sounds in the corner of the room, appears magic ball and an envelope. Children pay attention to the envelope on which it is written: "To the guys of the Teremok group" .

V. - Guys, what is it? (letter, envelope).

Q. - Let's read, for whom is it?

Q. - What do you think, who sent us the letter?

Q. - How can we find out who this envelope is from? (open, see what's inside).

The guys open the envelope and take out a split picture. Children on the glass put together parts of the picture, which depicts a wizard.

Q. - Who is shown in the picture?

V. - How did you guess?

Children notice that reverse side pictures something is written.

V. - Something is written here! Will we read?

Dear Guys!

Come to school

modern wizards!


In which unusual invitation sent to us. Guys, what do you know about wizards? What are they doing?

Q. - Do you want to get into the school of wizards?

In the corner of the room, magical music is playing again. Children hear the voice of the Wizard.

To become a real wizard -

All tests must be passed!

All tasks are hidden in a magic box!

And only after completing them,

you can become real wizards!

You are ready?... (pause)

Then a magic beam will show you the way.

Children follow the movement of the laser pointer light and find the magic box. They open it.

1 task. Remember the rainbow. Arrange the letters in the order of the colors of the rainbow and find out what matters most to the Wizard!

Children on a magnetic board arrange letters according to the colors of the rainbow. It turns out the word BEAUTY.

Q. - Why do you think the main thing for our Wizard is beauty?

V. -But it seems to me that magic and miracles are beauty!

Q. - And what or who is beautiful? (person, house, flower, etc.)

Q. - With what help does the Magician work miracles? (With magic words, magic wand).

V. - How interesting that you remembered about magic wands. Now we will turn into them and show the magic. To do this, you need to say these words:


I am a magic wand!

I'll spin a little

And suddenly in an instant

IN (snowflake, car, flower, kitten, etc.) I will turn!

V. - Well done, guys! Well, it's time for the next task.

Children open the lid of the next box and find a puzzle.

2 task. Solve the riddle. "A person of what profession can be called a modern magician?"

Children express their opinion.

V. - Oh, guys! And here's a hint! "Find 8 cubes in the ball pool."

Children in a dry pool look for cubes and put them on a bench.

V. – Shall we check? (Children count from 1 to 8).

Now try the first magic. Place the cubes behind the magic screen and see what happens.

The teacher places the cubes behind the screen. Magical music sounds, large cubes with letters of different sizes appear from behind the screen.

Arrange the letters in descending order and read the answer.

Children arrange cubes with letters in descending order and read:


Q. - A person of what profession is called a modern magician?

Children in chorus: - Designer! (individual repetition).

Music lights up in the corner and the children hear the Wizard's voice.

Well done boys!

You got the job done quickly.

And now I'll help you find out

What wonders the designer creates!

Open the smallest box!

Children open the box and take out a flash drive.

V. - Guys, what is it? (keychain, toy, flash drive)

V. - We can say that this is a small eBook. But how to open it? (requires a computer)

Together with the teacher, the children open "magic book" using a computer.

Let the magic pages

She will open for you.

Let show and tell

About the magic work of the designer.

4-5 slides - landscape design.

Children look at the picture.

V. - See how beautifully the site is decorated by the landscape designer.

V. - Landscape. Remember this word?

V. - Landscape is a landscape, nature.

B. -Parks, gardens, summer cottages are designed by a landscape designer. (individual repetition by children).

Q. - What did the landscape designer use to make such a beautiful country cottage area? (Flowers, grass, sand, stones, earth, moss, etc.)

6 slide - furniture design.

Q. – Did this designer come up with an unusual…? (furniture).

V. - So this is a designer ... (furniture).

7 slide - design of dishes.

V. - And this designer came up with ... (dishes), so he is a designer of dishes.

8 slide - car design.

Q. - Guess what this designer comes up with? (new cars)

V. - This is a designer - (cars!)

9 slide - fashion design.

Q. - Look at the next page of our magic book. What do you think this designer comes up with? (clothing for boys and girls, children's clothes).

V. - So this is a designer ... (clothes) or fashion designer.

10 slide - hairstyle design.

V. - And the designer comes up with ... (hairstyles).

V. - So this is a designer ... (hairstyle) or stylist.

11 slide - interior design.

Q. - Look at this image.

Q. - What kind of room do you think the designer came up with? (children's)

Q. - How did you guess that it was for children?

Q. - What do you think, who lives in this room?

V. - How did you guess?

12 slide - interior design

Q. - And who is this room for? How did you guess?

Q. - How old do you think he is?

What does he like to play?

What is his character?

13 slide - kitchen interior design

Q. – What did the designer design?

Q. - Which designer creates beauty indoors? (interior designer - individual repetition).

Q. – Who invented all these miracles? (designer)

Q. - Let's remember which designers we met (landscape designer, designer of furniture, dishes, cars, clothes, hairstyles, interior).

Q. – What is this profession for?

V. - That's how many miracles the designer creates. Do you agree that the designer is a modern wizard?

15 slide. Wizard image.

  • Guys, now you know

who is the modern wizard.

And what miracles he does.

Now I'm sure you can help my friends.

16 slide. Image of Ray and Snowflake.

Q. - Did you recognize them? (Ray and Snowflake). What do you know about them? They are also called Fire Boy and Snow Girl. Why? Luchik is a guest from a distant hot planet. He differs from the inhabitants of the Earth with his amber skin, sparks in huge eyes and hair like flames. Snowflake came to Earth from an icy planet, where it is always cold and there is a lot of snow. The Snowflake itself also looks like winter - it looks like a snow crystal, and its skin is white and transparent, like the first snow.

V. – Where are they?

Magical music sounds behind the screen, Ray and Snowflake appear.

And here we are! Hello guys!

Hello, Luchik and Snowflake!

We missed you so much! We really liked you, on Earth, and we wanted to settle next to you! The Good Wizard said you could help us!

Q. - How to help the guests? (make room for them)

V. - I think I understand what is at stake. There are 2 empty rooms here. Shall we show some magic? (Yes!) After all, we are designers.

B. - Who will draw up (decorate) the interior of the room for Luchik? In what colors will you decorate the room for him? Why?

(interior). Choose your assistant.

B.- Who will draw up (decorate) the interior of the room for the Snowflake? In what colors will you decorate the room for her? Why?

V.- So you will be a designer ... (interior). Choose your assistant.

Children, together with the teacher, decorate the interior of the rooms for Luchik and Snowflake.

Q. - Guys, who were we now? (interior designers). Who are the rooms for? (for Ray and Snowflake). What were the rooms like? (beautiful, cozy).

V. - It seems to me that the rooms are very small. What do we do?...

I think the magic screen will help us. Maybe someone knows magic words?

Children say magic words, the teacher puts Ray and Snowflake behind the screen, magic music sounds. Little Ray and Snowflake appear from behind the screen.

V. - So the magic happened. You can show Ray and Snowflake their rooms.

Q. - Dear Wizard, did you like our miracles?

Yes! You are great!

And for your efforts

I have prepared for you and your friends

He is in the basket!

And the basket is by the window!

Let's thank our Wizard and say: "Goodbye!"

And now let's say goodbye to Ray and Snowflake! What do we wish them?

Think about whether it was interesting for you to play the role of wizards and throw the ball into the right box. I also want to put the balloon with you.

What do you wish our guests? (goodbye, see you next time).

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 17 of the compensating type of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

Synopsis of directly educational activities with children preparatory group

on the topic of:

"School of modern wizards" .


Mankovskaya Oksana Vladimirovna

St. Petersburg 2014


  1. To form an idea of ​​​​the profession of a designer, to acquaint children with different types design art (landscape design, interior design, clothing, cars, etc.).
  2. Activate and enrich the vocabulary at the expense of words:
  • nouns: design, designer, landscape, interior, e-book, beauty, landscape, nature, stylist, fashion designer
  • adjectives: cozy, beautiful, magical

Verbs: to decorate, decorate, compose, create.

3. Develop auditory attention, visual attention, memory.

4. Exercise in forward and backward counting from 1 to 8.

5. Develop the ability to restore the spatial structure of a whole subject image, divided into parts.

6. Continue to improve sensations from the position of memory images (differentiation in size, arrangement in the sequence of colors of the rainbow, selection in a tactile way of a cubic shape).

7. Enrich sensory-emotional impressions about phenomena, events, objects of the surrounding world.

8. Develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy.

9. To cultivate diligence, independence, interest in design,

respect for the design profession.


  1. Multimedia system with a presentation on the topic: "Magic book." (Design. Types of design).
  2. Music Center.
  3. "Dry pool" .
  4. 8 cubes and 8 modules - cubes with attached letters "DESIGNER" .
  5. 3 task boxes (large, medium and small).
  6. Balloon.
  7. Letter in an envelope.
  8. Peacock feather.
  9. Laser pointer.
  10. Models of rooms and materials for the design of the design composition of interiors (natural, waste material, doll furniture);
  11. Toys-symbols of the Sochi-2014 Olympics Ray and Snowflake of different sizes.
  12. Musical accompaniment.
  13. Screen, screen, flannelgraph.
  14. A split picture depicting a wizard.


  1. Looking at the illustrations various types design art (landscape design, interior design, clothing, cars, art design etc.)
  2. Conversations on the topic: “What is beauty? What is beautiful? , "Moving" , "Housewarming" .
  3. Creation of an apartment interior design group in a developing environment (nursery, bedroom, kitchen).
  4. Construction from natural and waste material « New flat» , "Children's room" , « Playground in kindergarten" , "Country cottage area" .
  5. Di "Fix the mistake" , "Finish the house" , "Continue Pattern" , "Make a Word" , "Choose a Color" , "Fun Labyrinths" , "Clothing store" , "Attentive Motorists" .