What are liposomes? Liposomes: the best guides or just another myth. The use of liposomes in dermatology and cosmetology

Perhaps the most powerful desire of any woman - the desire to maintain health, youth and beauty of her skin - works wonders. It is it that makes her look for the impossible - a panacea for old age, it is it that pushes cosmetic companies to create more and more new drugs that can fix what time has done. One of these achievements - a cream with liposomes - has been present on our market for several years. The range of these products is wide, its advertising is tempting, the price is quite high. Despite the latter, there is no shortage of buyers. So what is liposome cream?

Liposome is a tiny capsule, a kind of microcontainer into which biologically active substances are loaded - extracts of herbs, plants, vitamins, amino acids of plant and animal origin. That is, a liposome is just a capsule shell. They are created artificially from phospholipids, loaded with biologically active substances and then introduced into the base of the cream. It is fundamentally new way receiving cosmetic products.

The qualitative difference between creams with liposomes from traditional ones is that phospholipids have an increased penetrating ability, and when you apply a cream with liposomes on your face, liposomes, as it were, bombard the skin and penetrate deeply into it. Liposome creams are very strong cosmetic product, they are ten times more effective than usual, you will feel the result of their action in two weeks. Biologically active substances are contained in the base and traditional creams, but there they are in a dissolved state and their effect on the skin is much weaker.

So manufacturers do not play with their souls, declaring in advertising about wonderful properties creams with liposomes. Your skin will look younger right before your eyes, it will acquire vibrant colors, become elastic, and wrinkles will noticeably decrease. But some companies are behaving at least incorrectly, saying that women of any age and with any skin type can use liposome cream.

After all, a cream with liposomes can to some extent be compared with hormonal drugs- in any case, according to the strength of the effect on the body. And if, for example, a girl at the age of eighteen begins to use a cream with liposomes, then how, tell me, will she take care of her skin at the age of thirty?

So this cosmetic products, all these liposome creams are designed to correct aging skin, which means they are addressed to those women who are over forty. Of course, the effect of such creams depends on which biologically active substances are included in the liposome. And this should be clearly indicated in the annotation.

Therefore, liposome creams are not for everyone. And the first limitation is age. The fact is that skin care needs to start with simple preparations - cleansing lotions, emollient creams, then add nourishing creams, and so on. If you have already taken the whole range of cosmetics and your skin needs special care- go to strong drugs, the same creams with liposomes. There are other restrictions as well. Some women suffer from the fact that they have a "lady's mustache", chin hair grows. This disease is called hirsutism. In this case, you need to be very careful when using liposome cream, as such a powerful agent can stimulate such unwanted facial hair growth.

Is there any guarantee that, having given a lot of money for this drug, a woman over forty will look as fresh as she did at twenty-five? Unfortunately, this is hardly possible. Miracles do not happen, and the past youth, alas, cannot be returned. Liposome cream is just one of assistive devices that will help you look good at both fifty and sixty. And this is already a lot!


  • When buying a cream with liposomes, carefully read the annotation and find out how this drug works.
  • Only start using liposome creams if you notice signs of aging on your skin.
  • If you suffer from any skin diseases, then approach the purchase of such a cream with great care. Before you just need a consultation with a cosmetologist.

We strive to preserve youth, or at least look younger than their years, which every woman tries to keep silent about, and it happens that she is cunning, decreasing her age. Everyone has long known what to achieve better results to preserve youth and beauty, will help not only healthy image life, but also the right cosmetics. Cosmetologists try their best to help us with this, and sometimes they work wonders. One such miracle is liposome cream.

And so, liposome cream.
In the 60s of the last century, the American scientist Bang Ham drew attention to the behavior of one of the components of the living cell of the phospholipid lecithin in water. It turns out that the molecules of this component, interacting with each other, could form closed hollow microspheres (liposomes), very similar in their properties and structure to the cell membrane of any organism.

Thus, it turned out that the liposome can be an ideal "container" for the transfer of biologically active substances: vitamins, herbal extracts, amino acids, etc., necessary for the body... In other words, the empty space inside the liposome can be filled with any substance.

Liposomes are created artificially from phospholipids, then "loaded" with biologically active substances and introduced into the base of the cream. The liposomes themselves differ from each other in size: from 0.03 microns to 100 microns and in properties. Liposomes actively affect the cell of the body, and this activity depends on their properties. And most importantly, liposomes transfer the active substances with which they are saturated to the cell.

Christian Dior and L'Oreal began developing a line of liposomal products in the mid-1980s.

In Russia, the first liposomal creams - gels with vitamins A and E were released in 1992 by the Nizar company.

Creams with liposomes really have miraculous power, since, penetrating deep into the skin, up to subcutaneous tissue, liposomes are destroyed and begin to interact with skin proteins and cell membrane lipids. Yes, they are really capable of delivering moisturizers or biologically active substances to the skin in this way. They bind to the keratin of the skin, and thus create protective layer on its surface, which reduces moisture loss. In addition to all that has been said, liposome cream reduces irritating effect preservatives included in the cream.

You will see the result of the action of such creams in two weeks. And it is true. In conventional traditional creams, biologically active substances are in a dissolved state, so their effect on the skin is much weaker and more superficial.

You will look younger right before our eyes. But ... it's not that simple.

These creams can only be used by women who are 40+. What does it mean? If a girl at the age of 20 begins to use such a cream, and to some extent it can be compared with hormonal drugs, then what creams should she use when she is 30+? The skin gets used to receiving such supplements from outside. But at the age of 20, the body itself has its own natural reserves and copes with many problems, just not to interfere with it bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol, lack of sleep and eating only chips.

You need to take care of your skin regularly, starting with cleansing with lotions, emollient creams, then nourishing ones. If all this is passed, and the results do not please you, then move on to more strong means, that is, to creams with liposomes. Women over 40 can use these creams if their skin has already begun to fade. Just read carefully the annotation, which biologically active substances are included in liposomes, perhaps in your case you need some specific ones, and not those that are included in this composition.

And so, in order to use a cream with liposomes, you need to have age behind your shoulders and know exactly what your skin needs. But there are other limitations as well. What are they? - You are all right with your health, are there any skin diseases? If hair grows on the chin, or the so-called "mustache", then these creams can not be used or very carefully, as they can stimulate growth unwanted hair on the face.

If there are no restrictions for you, then use it, but within two weeks, then a break of two to three months, and start a new cycle again.

Thanks to new technologies in the field of cosmetology, any chemical substances: moisturizing complexes, vitamins, antiseptics or phytohormones.

1. Liposomal creams anti-aging action... The enzyme that prevents cell aging is coenzyme Q10, which inhibits the process of cell aging and also removes fine wrinkles. However, if “Q10” is written on the tube, but “liposomes” are not indicated, then the quick and wonderful effect wait is not worth it. There are creams that contain the best antioxidant - vitamin E, which has a rejuvenating effect. But the fact is that under the influence of oxygen, it quickly oxidizes, and the expected result is nullified. This will not happen in creams with liposomes - they will deliver vitamin E to the destination safe and sound.

2. Creams with liposomes for sensitive and dehydrated skin. In this case, liposomes deliver protein molecules to the deep layers of the skin, which cannot independently penetrate deep into the skin, as well as vitamin C or oils.

3. Moisturizers with liposomes are the most effective. Conventional moisturizers and serums work only on the surface layers of the skin. Liposomal moisturizers provide long-term (up to 72 hours) skin hydration.

Choice of liposome cream and its shelf life

1. The liposome cream should have a light, semi-liquid consistency.

2. Choose a cream in a small container, as liposomes are quickly destroyed, and you will have to use, as already mentioned, two weeks with a break of two to three months.

3. The cream should be in a tube or in a glass bottle with a dispenser. This packaging of the product will prevent contact with air and oxidation of the cream.

4. Store the cream in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 5 ° C - + 15 ° C.

5. Shelf life - no more than 12 months. Further, the liposomal structure is destroyed. All contents enter the cosmetic product, and a new one is formed chemical compound which will not give the desired results. Therefore, always pay attention to the date of production of the cosmetic product.

Today, cosmetic products with liposomes are considered one of the most promising trends in the beauty industry.

Liposomes in cosmetology have become more and more popular in the past few decades. They are called transdermal transport systems, which are increasingly used by cosmetics manufacturers for skin care and treatment.

They are used in cosmetics to move active substances into the deep layers of the skin.

↓ List of cosmetics with liposomes below ↓

What it is?

The word "liposome" comes from the Greek. Liposome which stands for Lipos"- fat and "Soma"- body.

They are artificially created microscopic lipid vesicles (vesicles) with a liquid content, consisting of phospholipid bilayers separated by an aqueous phase.

The shape and size of the liposome can be different, and depends on their environment- the presence of salts, acidity levels, etc.

Scientists have found that liposomes are effective transport agents.

For the first time, scientists drew attention to them in 1965, and began to be used in medicine since 1971. Even at the beginning of work with liposomes, researchers noticed that in structure they are similar to cell membranes, which, as was already known at that time, performed important functions.

Liposome properties

Liposomes are used to form a transdermal therapeutic system.

They have the following properties:

  • The ability to deliver several substances with complex molecules of different structure and properties at once.
  • The ability to freely integrate into lipid membrane layers, merging with skin tissues.
  • Formation of a structure similar to that of cell membranes.

These properties can be used to deliver substances contained in the liposome to the right fabrics and cells.

It is only necessary to put the desired substance into the liposome, and then direct this small container to the destination point.

There are 2 options for moving active substances using liposomes:

  • Transfollicular.
  • Transepidermal.

In the first case, liposomes move in sweat glands and hair follicles. In the second, they pass through the surface layers of the skin.

The unusual properties of liposomes are used to produce bath foam as a kind of body cosmetics. Special powder poured into water, after which liposomes are immediately formed, which come into contact with the skin of the body.

Such procedures are usually used to restore skin with increased sensitivity and high level dehydration.

Types of liposomes

The classification of these formations is based on several characteristics.

By the number of lipid layers, they are divided into:

  • Multilamellar, that is, multilayer, formed by tens or even hundreds of double layers.
  • Monolamellar large.
  • Monolamellar small.

The belonging of a liposome to one or another species can change, since, despite the relative simplicity of their structure, they are able to change their structure and size.

But whatever metamorphosis occurs with lipid formations, this does not in any way affect their properties.

Changes in the state of liposomes occur as these structures move in the human body. For example, when moving deeper into the skin, the balls disintegrate into fragments. It is for this reason that the release of those solutions that are stored in the center of these formations occurs. The ball disintegrated, the solution poured out, the function was performed.

Methods of obtaining

The invention of liposomes has revolutionized medicine and cosmetology. They are so small that they can overcome the biological defenses of the skin, passing through the epidermis.

  • They are obtained by forming a mixture of the desired biologically active substances with solvents, powder fillers and phospholipids.
  • There is another method of obtaining liposomes - this is the treatment of phospholipid solutions with ultrasonic radiation.

The latter method greatly simplifies the production process of preparations containing lysosomes, improves the transfer of active substances into capsules.

In addition, ultrasonic treatment of phospholipids reduces production costs, which affects the prices of end products.

Composition and properties

The main thing in liposomes is the composition and structure of their membranes. An important role in in this case plays lecithin, which is characterized by an increased degree of stability.

Lecithin is an emulsifier that consists of areas with different chemical properties- some of them are capable of dissolving fats, others - water.

Due to its composition, lecithin has conflicting properties. Ceramides, fatty acids and other high molecular weight compounds have hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties.

As a result of these multidirectional processes, liposomes in water can swell, which contributes to the formation of many closed layers. Spaces filled with water are formed between these layers.

The layers close together, forming vesicles, that is, the very microcapsules that contain certain solutions.

Moreover, each layer is a semipermeable membrane. She lets water through herself. At the same time, the membrane is able to retain active substances that are already inside the capsule.

Liposomes with their properties resemble a very simplified model of a cell. The main feature in this case is the ability to control the movement of substances through layers like the cell membrane.

Due to this control of the movement of substances, membrane liposome phospholipids provide contact processes with skin cells as follows:

  • Passage of lipids across membranes up to their fusion.
  • The adhesion of liposomes to the cell, followed by phagocytosis, which is analogous to the "swallowing" of a capsule with a solution by the cell.
  • The formation of additional channels in the cell membrane, which is similar to an increase in its permeability.

Lecithin walls of liposomes have increased stability, which is combined with their plasticity. This means that if damaged to a certain extent, they can quickly restore their original structure.

Due to the described properties, the liposomes that make up the creams and gels freely pass through the skin barriers, pass into the dermis and even into the fatty tissue.

At the same time, the cells of all these tissues are not damaged, but are partially restored if they were damaged before.

With the help of liposomes, the following can be injected into the skin and subcutaneous tissues:

All these substances achieve their goal in full. This makes it possible to reduce dosage, preventing skin irritation.

Liposomes in cosmetics

The first liposomes were created to protect drugs from destruction when they are injected into the body. They have been used in medicine since 1971.

In the 80s of the 20th century, liposomes became interested well-known firms cosmetics industries such as L'Oreal and Christian Dior, which began producing liposomal cosmetics.

Liposomal gels and creams with liposomes containing coenzymes, anti-aging enzymes were recognized as one of the most effective at that time.

Upon reaching the deep layers of the skin, they participate in slowing down the aging process of the skin, contribute to its regeneration, moisturizing and smoothing fine wrinkles that form after 25-30 years of age and are the first signs of skin aging.

The use of drugs and cosmetics with melanin-containing liposomes in laser therapy and phototherapy in fair-haired and fair-haired people helps to achieve faster effective results due to the delivery of melanin to the hair follicles.

The use of such funds with different compositions is recommended after cosmetic procedures like mesotherapy, peeling, dermabrasion in the remission stage for acne and atopic dermatitis.

Anti-aging liposomal creams and gels, lotions for and after shave, sunscreen, perfume, healing and decorative cosmetics with lipids and liposomes produced by different companies:

  • In France - BioEurope and L'Oreal,
  • In Japan Kanebo,
  • In Russia NPO Pulse and laboratory Nizar,
  • and many others. others.

Usually cosmetics with liposos are packaged in tubes with a narrow neck, which protects the product from contact with air. If the product is in a jar, then it quickly becomes rancid and the risk of microbiological infection increases.

10 best liposome products

Today, in pharmacy and cosmetology, there are practically no such cosmetic companies that would not produce liposomal cosmetics.

Suntivity Cetaphil

Mirielle BelCosmetics

Liposome Multiactive Camomile

Exclusive Cosmetics

RX Complex Serum

Creme Aux de Liposomes

Phytohormone Liposome

Hydro Crema Gel

Liposome Vitamin

Creme Reparatrice

List of popular liposomal drugs and products:

  1. Cream with liposomes Creme Aux de Liposomes. According to the reviews of women who used it, after it you can literally look younger. The components contained in the cream give moisture and nourishment to the skin, give firmness and elasticity to tissues, and reduce the number and depth of wrinkles.
  2. Liposomal face gel Hydro Crema Gel At Liposomi d'Acqua by Collistar has a delicate structure of a cream-gel, suitable for aging skin.
  3. Mirielle liposome face cream by BelCosmetics - worthy alternative expensive foreign creams. Designed for women between the ages of 30 and 40. Eliminates the first signs of skin aging. It contains micro-oils and liposomes that nourish the epidermis, restore its structure and improve the complexion, making the skin velvety and elastic.
  4. Luxury cream Creme Reparatrice Liposomes by Tulipe Doree Paris- a regenerating agent with valuable ingredients. Has a light melting texture. Promotes smoothing of fine wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and radiant.
  5. Exclusive Cosmetics liposome cream contains red caviar extract and is as effective as Asian counterparts. Restores the skin at the cellular level, is versatile, suitable for both day and night use. Recommended for women over 70.
  6. Liposome serum Liposome Vitamin by SkinIdent. comes in a mini-bottle and is very convenient to use, you can take it with you on the road.
  7. Cetaphil Suntivity Sun Cream contains a special liposomal concentrate that perfectly nourishes the skin.
  8. Serum-fluid Liposome Multiactive Camomile by Dr Baumann- easy to apply and spread over the face, acts instantly. Active ingredients included in the funds, incl. and liposomes, quickly penetrate the skin structure, normalize and restore the water-fat balance, give healthy shine, radiance and smoothness of the face.
  9. Phytohormone Liposome - serum with liposomes and phospholipids, restores the cellular structure of the epidermis, restores freshness and youthfulness to the skin.
  10. RX Complex Serum by Le Miuex- Serum from a well-known Swiss company, available in dark glass bottles with a pipette, which keep the product fresh for a long time and protect it from sunlight. The convenient pipette dispenser makes the serum easy to apply to the skin. Effective for smoothing the first wrinkles.

Summing up, we can say that the use of liposomes in cosmetics for face and body takes skin care to a new level.

They allow you to eliminate many skin problems from the inside, gently and naturally penetrating into the structures of cells and providing a healing and regenerating effect without surgery.

Video review

Liposomes in recent decades have received great application in the field of cosmetology. What are these substances that are present in the compositions effective means skin care products?

Liposomes themselves are transdermal biosystems that transport useful and necessary substances to the epithelial cells. V recent times the term "liposomal cosmetics" appeared in cosmetology. Liposome cream penetrates deep into the layers of the epidermis and provides reliable protection skin from harmful effects.


Cosmetics, which include liposome systems, differ in their effect from the usual care products. Regular creams that do not contain biological active ingredients, only cover the skin with a thin protective film. They do not rejuvenate the skin, do not inhibit the aging process, do not eliminate its signs. The liposomal composition of an innovative cream or gel is capable of not only smoothing the most deep wrinkles but also take care of rejuvenation skin.

The use of liposomes is an innovation in modern cosmetology... The substances are included in the formulations of anti-aging and revitalizing cosmetic products. When choosing new products, it is necessary to rely on the degree of penetration of liposomes into the stratum corneum. Substances are able to overcome thick keratinized layers and nourish the skin as deeply as possible.

The liposome capsule is 0.2 to 0.6 microns in size. The skin has pores of 0.09 micron. When overcoming the space, the liposome is deformed and freely penetrates into the smallest capillaries. The particle acts exactly where it is needed. It easily overcomes skin barriers. The effect of many cosmetic products has been repeatedly studied under a microscope. The innovative creams have fully met the expectations of the cosmetology developers.

The main advantages of lipoparticles:

  • natural biodegradation and release active ingredients;
  • excellent biocompatibility with organic human cells;
  • interaction with a specific cellular structure;
  • prolonged exposure;
  • launch necessary processes rejuvenation;
  • non-toxicity;
  • no allergies and tissue irritation.

The intercellular space is filled with lipid compounds. Liposomal substances can overcome them, as well as penetrate through the glandular ducts. The rest of the aqueous components of cosmetics do not cope with this task. In cosmetic creams and gels, liposomal microcapsules are used, inside which there are active biological ingredients. Liposomes contain anti-aging enzymes, vitamins, antiseptics, hormonal substances.

Liposomes have been used in medicine since 1975. However, already 10 years later, the first capsules began to be used in cosmetology. Dior, Loreal and other giants of the cosmetic industry became interested in them.


The liposomal particle has membrane walls that include phospholipids and lecithin. These substances are very resistant to various negative impacts unfavorable environment. The lecithin in the liposome acts as an effective emulsifier.

Experts recommend choosing a gel with liposomes, the size of which is no more than 100-300 nm. Lecithin belongs to phosphatidylcholines. The liposomal membrane interacts only with certain active bio-substances. They absorb the liposome, the process of phagocytosis occurs. The liposome is incorporated into an organic cell, and its membrane dissolves. The necessary enzymes, vitamins, acids and other useful substances are found inside the cell.

Liposome capsules contain a composition of unstable biological compounds. The casing reliably protects these substances during transport in tissue. The liposome membrane is very similar in structure to the cell membrane. That is why the lipoparticle is easily incorporated into the cell walls.

  1. Thanks to the synthetic microcapsule, the enzymes necessary for the skin are not destroyed in the upper layers of the epidermis, but are delivered to its deepest layers. As a result, unchanged bio-substances from the particle effectively smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. The effect of using an innovative anti-wrinkle cream or gel can be seen almost immediately after application.
  2. Liposomes can deliver inorganic ions, coenzyme, vitamins, and low molecular weight compounds. All these substances provide skin rejuvenation. Liposomes in cosmetics are indispensable for achieving a high effect (regenerating and rejuvenating products).
  3. Liposome preserves necessary for the skin vitamin E unchanged. Without the help of the liposome membrane, this vitamin is oxidized already in the upper layer of the dermis. He is rendered Negative influence free radicals... The use of a liposome allows you to deliver vitamin E along with other important components safe and sound in the depths of the epidermis.

At its core, the liposome is a universal carrier that scientists, doctors and cosmetologists have been developing for quite some time. It is possible to put into it too inert components of the cream, and substances whose smell cannot be masked with a perfume, or rapidly evaporating components. The discovery in the form of a liposome made it possible to deliver any bio-substances deep into the skin.

Application in cosmetology

Active substances such as coenzyme and enzymes provide a high anti-aging effect. They inhibit aging, moisturize the skin, and regenerate damaged cells. The use of liposomes in cosmetology provided best efficiency cosmetic products. Nanocosmetics are becoming more and more popular lately. This is due to the high impact of products in this category.

Products with melanin, which are contained in liposomes, allow you to perform photo procedures and use a laser for fair-haired people with very sensitive skin... It is nanocosmetics with lipoparticles that are recommended for use in atopic dermatitis, as well as for peeling and mesotherapy.

Therapeutic anti-aging products with liposomes are produced by the world's famous cosmetic holdings. Their products literally work wonders for healthy, youthful skin. Cosmetological innovative products effectively smooth out the deepest wrinkles, eliminate puffiness of subcutaneous tissue, bags under the eyes, tighten facial features and correct them. Many liposome products may well be an alternative to surgical skin tightening. Innovative cosmetic products also have a healing effect - they eliminate pigmentation, help get rid of acne, inflammation and skin irritation.

Small vials with active ingredients are completely safe for human body... The carriers of the desired molecules deliver them to the very depths of the skin. The transdermal substance delivery system increases the effectiveness of the cosmetic cream several times. Moreover, the liposome is not only a common transport system, but also an independent cell component. Phosphatidylcholine, which is part of the lipoparticle, is also present in the membrane of a living human cell. It is especially important in the deep layer of the epidermis. Lecithin converts ceramides and ensures the penetration of active bioparticles into the keratinized layers of the dermis. When using liposomal cosmetic products there is no accumulation of lecithin in the body.

In cosmetology, liposomes can deliver active bio-substances in two ways - through the outer layer of the epidermis, and also through sweat glands... Some beauty products may use unusual liposome formulas. For example, many bath products contain lecithin, ethanol and triglycerite. This formula is especially necessary for extremely dry skin.

Today patented a large number of innovative novelties with liposomal systems. Their multifunctionality ensures complete regeneration of aging skin. Nanocosmetics protects the dermis from negative environmental influences and initiates the necessary regenerative processes. As tests and practice show, better means for skin care no longer exists.

One of the main tasks of modern cosmetology is delivery nutrients inside the epidermis, bypassing the stratum corneum.

A lot of options have been invented for this - injection methods, ultrasound, ultra-current method, iontophoresis and other hardware-assisted techniques. However, the safest and easiest to use today are creams, lotions and other drugs created with the help of high technologies.

Thanks to scientific advances, modern cosmetics able to convey everything beneficial features and vitamins coming through upper layer skin into the deep layers of the epidermis. Each manufacturer chooses different delivery methods for the ingredients of the drug. Traditionally, cosmetics try to deliver active ingredients to the deep layers of the skin using surfactants and solvents. The latter destroy the epidermal barrier, and then restore it due to the oily components of these creams.

Liposomal preparations - i.e. preparations containing liposomes do not destroy the epidermis, but, on the contrary, restore the epidermal membrane of cells, delivering active components into the living cell.

Today, the liposome is recognized by science as the most effective and safest transdermal carrier.

Liposomes have an affinity for the skin, as they are composed of the same lipids as the cell membrane. Merging with the membrane, liposomes deliver life-giving moisture and biologically active substances (BAS) inside the cell.

Extracts are used as biologically active substances in liposomal cosmetics medicinal herbs, essential and phyto oils, plant amino acids, hyaluronic acid, collagen and natural structured water.

The uniqueness of liposomes is characterized by the following properties:

  • chemical inertness
  • versatility
  • biocompatibility
  • biodegradability
  • practical absence of toxic, antigenic properties and allergic reactions in response to the introduction into the body
  • the ability to effectively and, often, purposefully interact with certain cells of the microorganism, delivering substances enclosed in vesicles into the cells, providing a prolonged biological action these compounds.

On the basis of liposomes, the Alpika company has developed bimolecular spherical microcapsules that provide transdermal (intracellular) delivery of substances - alposomes. Alposomes were created by Alpika scientists on the basis of their own patented technique for biomodelling a living cell. The scientific novelty and significance of the methodology is confirmed by Gold medals and Grand Prix of the sixth and seventh International Salons of Innovations and Investments.

This is a new generation of cosmetics, cosmeceuticals that allow solving not only cosmetic problems significantly pushing back the terms plastic surgery, but also has a therapeutic effect. The composition of miraculous drugs includes extracts of herbs from alpine meadows, extracts from algae, extracts of embryonic phyto cells, phyto placenta, natural vitamins, fruit acids and other active ingredients.