Auspicious time for marriage c. What is important to know. Video: marriage numerology

It so happened that before proceeding to important business, people are used to consulting with someone who knows - a shaman, witch, priest or astrologer. And even today, in the age of technological progress, when a person conquered the Cosmos a long time ago, and in every house there are “smart” gadgets, before planning significant events, we no-no - and look into the horoscope - to make sure that we are on the right path and in the direction we are going to move.

And it is hardly possible to find a person more superstitious than a girl about to get married. Even the most purposeful and self-confident young lady, who is usually very skeptical about horoscopes, carefully chooses not only Wedding Dress, bouquet, restaurant for the celebration, but also the date of your own wedding.

No wonder they say that the foundation is laid on the day of the wedding. family relations, which can become both reliable when partners love and support each other in every possible way, and unhappy when relationships are accompanied by constant quarrels. Astrologers advise choosing a wedding date based on several criteria.

2018 year. When is the best time to get married?

There are newlyweds who trust astrology more, and there are those who try to be guided by the laws of Feng Shui, or numerology, or the Orthodox calendar. Let's find out what 2018 will be like for weddings, on what days it is best to enter into a family union.

So, the main criterion that should be taken into account in this plan is the number of days.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that marriage in leap year not worth it, as the risk of divorce is very high. Therefore, immediately note that the coming year yellow dog- not a leap year, it will have 365 days. However, according to popular signs, the two years following the leap year are also not very good for tying the bonds of Hymen. From this point of view, 2018 is not so good for weddings, as for some reason it is considered the year of the widower.

But this does not mean at all that marriages cannot be entered into within three years (in a leap year and two years after it). From point of view Chinese calendar 2018 promises to be very successful for creating a family, because the dog, which will become a symbol of the coming year, is an exceptionally faithful animal. In addition, the union is more influenced not by the year, but by the date of marriage. We will talk about it today.

2018 according to the Chinese calendar

How, according to the Chinese, the year of the Yellow Dog will affect family bonds? Let's start with the fact that it will come into force not on January 1, but on February 16, when China begins New Year, and "will last" until February 4, 2019.

The dog has always been considered an animal, extremely kind and devoted. It is these features that will be endowed with alliances concluded during the "reign" of this totem. They say that these marriages will become the most faithful and long-lasting, and all because the people who enter into them will be open to conversations, they are ready to compromise for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility in the family. Relations between the spouses will be warm and reverent, and comfort and coziness will reign in the house from the first day.

It may seem to many that families created in the Year of the Dog lack passion, but in fact this is not at all the case. There will be passion, and with it there will be the ability to smooth sharp corners, desire by mutual consent get out of conflict situations.

At the same time with all this, the Yellow Dog should not be occupied with tenderness, so everything will be in order with the emotional component in the newly created families.

Importantly, 2018 promises the “cells of society” and material well-being, as well as a quick replenishment in the family: it is possible that already in 2019 the bell will ring in the house of those who have married children's laughter. The main thing is to please the dog and organize wedding ceremony just as the totem animal wants. And it wants sincerely and without excessive chic, not noisy company, but only in the circle of the closest relatives and friends.

The most favorable days for a wedding in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers are sure that the right wedding day is already a guarantee of strong family relationships and the comfort of spouses. Therefore, when choosing a date for going to the registry office, consider the following:

  • painting on the growing moon guarantees the well-being of marriage;
  • try to avoid days when Venus (the patroness of love) is waning;
  • do not postpone the wedding on the day of the new moon, on the days of a solar or lunar eclipse;
  • do not sign in the sign of Aries, Virgo or Scorpio - these zodiac signs do not contribute to harmonious relationships;
  • most favorable months 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th and 11th days after the birth of one of the spouses are considered for marriage.

If you pick up a calendar and paint everything in more detail, then the most favorable days for getting married in 2018 are as follows:

January - the 1st, as well as the entire third decade of the month, in particular - the 21st and 26th, that is, the period of the growing moon. For the first two decades of January, marriage should not be appointed.

February - 25.02, as well as 17, 18, 21 or 26th. These are the most successful days of the month for marriage.

March - 23rd or 19th and 25th.

April - the most favorable days - 20, 27, 29th.

May - 20th, 25th and 27th.

June - 15th and 25th - they contribute to a long and strong marriage. If you can’t postpone the wedding for these days, think about 17, 22, 26 or 27.

July - 15, 20, 23rd.

August - 17th, 24th, 26th.

September - 16, 21, 23rd.

October - 14, 19, 21st.

November - 9th, 14th, 18th.

December - 14th, 21st or 17th, 19th and 20th.

best feng shui wedding day

Choosing the best day for a feng shui wedding is more difficult than according to the lunar calendar, for this you should contact a specialist. He will be able to calculate not only the day, but also the time conducive to the conclusion of a strong family union. It is best to marry on the day of Balance, Stability, Establishment, Good Luck, Discovery. But Shi days, which are characterized by extravagance and quarrelsomeness, should be avoided. All these days can be determined only by personal calculation for each of the partners.

Church wedding in 2018.

Even though we live in a digital world, the vast majority of couples want to cement their marriage. church wedding. Orthodox who go to church regularly know the days on which the wedding procedure is allowed. For everyone else, we will give special recommendations.

Wedding dates are limited to fasts, special days of the week and major church holidays. Days on which you will not be married:

Wednesday and Friday, which are considered "Lenten", as well as Saturdays, which are called the preceding "Little Pascha", that is, Sunday.

Resurrection of Christ, falling in 2018 on 8.04.

12 biggest Christian holidays which can be found in the church calendar.

during the days of Great Lent (from February 19 to April 7, from June 4 to July 11, from August 14 to August 27, from November 28 to January 6, 2019).

in any of the five weeks - from January 7 to 18, from January 29 to February 3, from February 12 to February 17, from April 9 to April 14, from May 28 to June 2.

On other days, weddings are allowed, the main thing is to agree on the date with the priest. The most favorable days for a wedding are the so-called. "Red Hill" (April 15, 2018) and the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. falling on 14 October.

If it is not possible to organize a wedding on the above dates, you should not be upset - just go to the temple and choose another day that is most suitable for you.

Folk omens about the wedding day

The ancient Slavs believed that there are days that contribute to the conclusion strong marriages. It was believed that the February wedding guarantees family life without quarrels, and the June one reads a honey life. August gives partners love and understanding, and September - peace and comfort. A couple who married in November will be rich, and December promises that love between partners will only flare up over time.

In ancient times, it was believed that May was an unfavorable month for creating a family (“they will toil all their lives”), but today this belief can be neglected. As for the dates, odd dates were considered the most favorable for engagements and matchmaking, for example, 3, 9, 17, etc.

After marriage, the newlyweds begin a new, special period in their lives. Now they are one. Preparing before the wedding excites both the young themselves and their loved ones.

I want the day to be perfect. Parents dream for their children happy family. Children dream about eternal love. Therefore, omens are especially relevant on this day. Even the most unbelieving people try to observe them.

wedding omens

Choosing a month for the wedding.

The main signs people have kept and will take into account to this day:

  1. The bride before the day of the celebration must go to bed in a nightgown, worn inside out. Put a mirror under the pillow, then she can drive away evil spirits from their family.
  2. The day before the wedding, the bride and groom should not see each other.
  3. The future spouse should not see the bride's wedding dress, and even more so on her.
  4. Until the moment of the official painting in the registry office, a girl cannot look in a full-length mirror.
  5. Even in hot weather, shoes or boots with a closed toe or heel should be chosen as shoes. It is believed that in this case, happiness will not be able to leak out of the house, but will remain in the family.
  6. A woman who has lived in a happy marriage for more than 7 years should help dress up a young lady in the morning. Then the family of the newlyweds will be successful.
  7. The shoes of both the groom and the bride should not be new. It is worth at least once to go out for a walk in it until the moment of celebration. Old shoes promise stability and good luck in a new life.
  8. Mothers of future spouses wear dresses. You can not choose costumes so that the life of their children is without contention and disputes.
  9. A wedding dress should be kept for life and not given to anyone, even close people.
  10. Nobody but the future wife, especially after marriage.
  11. Young lady on solemn event throws the bride's bouquet. The girl who catches him will be the next to marry.
  12. Keeps wedding rings future spouse. He should not give anyone a fitting.
  13. When painting at the registry office, it is worth removing all existing rings. After registration, only one decoration will show off on the finger.
  14. Approaching the wedding ceremony, the wedding cortege should honk loudly to scare away evil spirits from the future family.

Auspicious for 2018 for the wedding

Wedding day quotes.

It is no coincidence that spouses are considered the most superstitious. Decide on a responsible step and leave the calm why at home It's hard enough. I want everyone around to talk about right choice and encouraged me to make the right decision.

That is why brides most often turn to astrologers in order to find out how next year will be good for marriage.

It can be unequivocally answered that the year of the Yellow Dog is more harmonious than ever for creating new families, because the:

  1. Not a leap year - 365 days means that the year is quite normal, which means there are no possible problems.
  2. The symbol is a faithful and devoted animal. It is like no other capable of being best friend, love children and protect your soul mate.
  3. The dog is able to give the family material well-being and prosperity. As a rule, at this time, alliances of like-minded people who support each other in their endeavors are consolidated. Often such starts end with very successful projects in the future.
  4. it will be summer. The lunar calendar claims that this season ideally coincides with the growing phase, respectively, relations in such families will grow stronger, and marriage will improve.

What month of 2018 to get married

Folk omens represent the wisdom of generations. It is no coincidence that for several centuries in a row weddings are organized mainly only on Saturdays. This is due to superstition, which portends the most successful and happy marriage concluded on this day.

There are also customs indicating which month will be the most successful and harmonious:

  • January is a tough month for building family ties. Initially, the couple may encounter a lot of difficulties. Often men become widowers early.
  • February - promises a calm and peaceful relationship. Often they can even get bored with their cloying. But looking at them from the outside, you want to return to quiet life again.
  • March - the family will change their place of residence more than once, it is even possible to go for permanent residence in another country.
  • April is like the weather, an unstable month. The day may be major quarrels, and on next morning expect warm relationship. If such sudden and permanent changes are suitable for young people, then the family can last for a long time.
  • May has long been considered the most unfortunate month. Husband and wife will suffer with each other all their lives. Quarrels and resentments are their normal relationship.
  • June - a month to create an ideal union. Most strong families are concluded at this time.
  • July is a deceptive period. Some may be lucky, and some will be dissatisfied. The secret of relationships this month is simple - treat your loved ones with respect enough and then they will repay you with love and care.
  • August is a passionate and hot time. At this time, the most sexual unions are concluded, which can hold on to their energy for a long time.
  • September - reliability and stability in relationships. As a rule, marriage at this time is even and reliable.
  • October - frequent quarrels and misunderstandings can become constant companions of family relationships. Misunderstandings can lead to breakups.
  • November is the time to create a financially secure family.
  • December - the union of two loving people capable of supporting and helping each other throughout their lives. This marriage is often born a large number of children.

The patroness and mistress of the year will be the Yellow Earth Dog. This animal is endowed with prudence and natural wisdom. His life principles, moral qualities and fortitude can be envied. The dog will protect those who have the same guidelines, desires and goals as hers. If we turn to the characteristics, this animal is a protector and keeper family values, foundations, traditions. Therefore, people who marry in 2018 automatically fall under the special care of the Dog. The main thing is that the thoughts when entering into marriage should be pure and devoid of any malicious intent.

How to determine the wedding date:

  1. Signs, superstitions and folk beliefs. From time immemorial, people have been guided by superstitions, signs and beliefs, trying to predict what is in store for them in the future. This is everyday experience that was accumulated by previous generations and their ancestors. On the topic of the wedding, there are many similar predictions that often come true. It is very important to interpret them correctly. An inexperienced person in this matter can draw wrong conclusions.
  2. Chinese horoscope. IN this case a special role is played by the characteristics of the ruling animal, its main character traits, habits and habits. In 2018, the Dog will sit on the throne of the ruler. The family for the ruler of this period is the most subtle matter. The animal calls for understanding that the personal happiness of each person directly depends on the degree of strength of the rear, which is provided by the care, love and respect of all family members.
  3. Astrological (zodiac) forecast. Here pay attention to many criteria. This is a characteristic of certain lunar days, and the phases of the night queen - the moon, and its location relative to the planets, and its remoteness from each zodiac sign. The timing of the moon rises and sets also plays a role. The cyclical change of the place of residence of this celestial body can predict, with an accuracy of up to a minute, how favorable this or that time is for marriage.
  4. Calendar of church holidays. In Christianity, there are dates of great celebrations on which it is categorically not recommended to celebrate a wedding and hold a wedding. Of these dates, one can single out the Great and Nativity Fasts, the Annunciation, the Dormition, the Presentation, Easter, the Beheading. The ban on marriage also applies to other fasts, as well as well-known church holidays.
  5. Numerology. A fascinating and exact science based on numbers and their various combinations. Experts in the field of numerology are sure that any life event, especially as important as a wedding, is subject to numbers. Having accurate calculations, a person can understand when it is better to marry so that he is long-lasting and happy.

Characteristics of favorable and unfavorable days for a wedding in 2018 by months

Attention! The numbers of the month that are not included in the list of good and bad days are considered neutral for celebrating a wedding.

wedding in january 2018

January 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

In general, the first month of 2018 is favorable for marriage, if critical dates are avoided, according to astrologers. However, their Chinese colleagues are sure that dates should be chosen taking into account that the Rooster continues to rule the year, and the Dog will ascend the throne only in the middle of the next month (according to Chinese style, the year will begin on February 15). According to signs and astrological forecasts, the most dangerous for celebrating a wedding is the first half of the month, of which only three days (11, 12 and 15) are suitable for organizing an event. The marriage entered into auspicious dates January promises to be strong. It has been noted that many couples who get married in the first month have many children.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in January 2018: 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28 .
  • bad days for a wedding in January 2018: 1 to 10, 13, 14, 19, 29 to 31.

Wedding in February 2018

February 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28

Some days of the second half of the month are favorable for celebrating a wedding. The young will live long and happy life. But astrology and superstitions warn that those who come to the wedding altar not out of love, but, for example, by calculation or coercion, will face disappointment and trouble. Such a marriage is unlikely to last more than 3 years.

We should not forget about the powerful in the negative plan on the 15th day of February, when three global events are expected at once:

In the first case, the new mistress of the year may consider that you are disrespectful of the date of her entry into rights, being distracted by your holiday. In the second case, the marriage may be adversely affected due to the negative cosmic vibrations coming to the Earth. In the third case, a church ban was imposed on marriage.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in February 2018: 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in February 2018: from 1 to 15.

Marriage in March 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

Any Orthodox clergyman will assure you that it is impossible to celebrate a wedding in March, and even more so to get married. The point is that during the first spring month keeps going great post. According to popular belief, those who marry in given period may face an unfortunate fate. And this applies to how family life, as well as other areas. Some priests say that if the March wedding date cannot be moved in any way, it is important to take into account the strict restrictions on the solemn and informal parts of the event.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in March 2018: missing.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in March 2018: The entire month.

wedding in april 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

The first half of April is unfavorable for wedding celebrations and, accordingly, wedding ceremonies, since Great Lent has not yet ended. Starting from April 17, you can register relationships. The special energies of this month will make marriage harmonious. Spouses may not be afraid of divorce. The only thing that is recommended to pay attention to is the solemn registration time. After all, the moon also affects future life four. On days of April, successful for the wedding, she will be arriving, so it is better to appoint registration in the intervals after her sunrise and before her sunset.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in April 2018: 17, 18, 21, 24, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in April 2018: from 1 to 16, 26, 27.

wedding in May 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

Regarding the wedding May Days There are no restrictions in astrology. The Orthodox Church also does not prohibit celebrating wedding celebrations in May, the exception is the 25th, when Lord's Ascension. But according to signs, May is not suitable for celebrating a wedding. Experts are sure that if you set the wedding day for an auspicious day, the "May" couples will live a life filled with many joyful events. The spouses will be firmly attached to each other, and in time between them there will be strong connection on a deep spiritual level.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in May 2018: 3, 6, 11, 20, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in May 2018: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31.

wedding in june 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30

Almost the whole month is unfortunate for selection wedding date, since already on the 4th the Apostolic Lent will begin, which will capture the first ten days of July. There are only three days left when you can register a marriage without violating church canons and following folk signs. According to astrological forecasts, newlyweds who got married between June 1 and 3 will never part, and their mutual love every year it will only get stronger. According to the lunar calendar, during these three days the moon will wane, which can make you wary. But astrologers reassure, saying that in this way the moon will take all the negativity out of the life of the spouses.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in June 2018: number 1 to 3.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in June 2018: from the 4th to the 30th.

Wedding in July 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

The days of the month will be divided almost in half: 16 of them will be favorable for marriage, the remaining 15 will be unfavorable. Until the 12th, Petrov Lent will last, during which another great religious holiday- Ivan Kupala. Astrologers like Orthodox Church, do not recommend signing in the first half of July. Experts refer to the unfavorable location of the night celestial body in relation to those responsible for marriage and the seven planets. In the early morning of July 13, the moon will be born, after which it will begin to grow, then there will be more days favorable for the wedding.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in July 2018: 14, from 16 to 29, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in July 2018: 1 to 11, 12, 13, 27, 30.

wedding in august 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

In August 2018, there are only 10 days when you can get married without fear negative consequences while following church canons, superstitions, astrological forecasts. Experts recommend formalizing relationships on auspicious days in August for couples who have tested their feelings for each other for at least a year. This month has a super-powerful and rather contradictory energy, which can significantly affect the sphere of personal relationships. How exactly it will affect the relationship of a particular couple depends on how carefully the bride and groom will comply with the announced restrictions.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in August 2018: 1 to 8, 12, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in August 2018: 9th, 11th, 14th to 28th.

wedding in september 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

According to superstitions, astrological predictions, folk beliefs, the lunar calendar and signs, this month, along with February, is considered the most successful for formalization relations. Numerology also did not stand aside, expressing its point of view. So, experts calculated the main number of each September date of 2018 and found out that 3, 5, 12, 18 and 30 became neutral numbers. The rest of the dates are very favorable for marriage. In September, all the forecasts surprisingly coincided, which for many other months contradict each other. September is ruled by the number "9", which will endow the spouses with wisdom and incredible luck.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in September 2018: 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 14th, 16th, 20th to 26th, 29th.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in September 2018: 11, 21, 23, 27.

Wedding in October 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

The matrimonial union, created in October, will make a bright tandem out of the newlyweds, based on love and mutual respect. Astrologers have noticed that 50% of couples who later have happy and large families got married in October. During the whole month, you can register a marriage, except for one day, on which the great Orthodox celebration falls - Intercession (14). The prognosis of specialists in the field of numerology is also favorable. The unit, which is the controlling number of the month, will allow young people from the first days of married life to find the right guidelines that will help preserve sincere love on long years.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in October 2018: 1 to 13, 15 to 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in October 2018: 14.

Wedding in November 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

A life deprived serious problems, stable relationships, enduring feelings and understanding - this is what awaits the young who will formalize their relationship in November. Only three will be unsuccessful for a wedding this month last days, which will mark the beginning of the Advent. On other days, astrologers recommend marriage, and folk omens and the Orthodox Church. If you choose a wedding date strictly according to the lunar calendar, you can select the most successful days - 9, 18 and 21. The number of the month will be two, which is formed from two ones (11) by adding them. The characteristic of this number allows us to predict that the November marriage will be devoid of scandals and mutual accusations, and a warm, soft and friendly atmosphere will always reign in the family.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in November 2018: from the 1st to the 27th.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in November 2018: from 28 to 30 number.

wedding in december 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

The church and astrology do not prohibit marriage in December. However, folk beliefs and numerology do not recommend celebrating a wedding this month. In December, severe frosts often occur, bad weather rages, replete with hurricanes and snowfalls. And by the way bad weather on the day of the wedding, predicts young people a troubled life filled with conflict situations. When calculating the ruling numbers of each December day, it turned out that there were no numbers favorable for the wedding. It was possible to find only two neutral numbers - 7 and 26. So, it is better to refrain from getting married in December. If you still plan to do this, choose the two indicated days to register the relationship.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in December 2018: missing.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in December 2018: The entire month.

When choosing a wedding date, the bride and groom are guided by circumstances, their own beliefs and preferences. Of course, the key factors happy marriage are love, mutual respect and the ability to find compromises. Specialists are sure that the newlyweds, who have a mutual desire to create long-term and strong relationship, no signs, superstitions and forecasts are terrible. But if there is an opportunity to increase the chances of a happy married life, why not take advantage of them by listening to the predictions?

Registration of marriage or the birth of a family is very an important event no less important than the birth of a new person. The wedding calendar 2018 will help you choose the right day and hour, a well-chosen period for solemn ceremony perhaps set the tone for your future family life, harmonious relationships, marriage duration, fertility, financial security and much more. When choosing a date wedding celebration it would be right to study this issue from the side of astrology, check with the lunar calendar, check if the wedding date falls on church holidays, and also turn to the ancient science of feng shui. You need to approach this issue fully armed, because the well-being of the future family is at stake!

Wedding calendar by months for 2018

Unlike the date and time of the birth of the child, which we cannot choose, with the date of the official registration marriage, you can decide in advance, appointing it in such a way that the relationship is as harmonious as possible.

The patron and symbol of 2018 is yellow earth dog. This animal is characterized by decency, justice, peacefulness and fidelity. Isn't this one of the main qualities of a happy and long family life. Therefore, if you have planned this important event for 2018, feel free to fulfill your plan under the auspices of the noble Dog.


People have long learned to interpret the signs of fate. Popular belief is not fiction, but centuries-old observations of our ancestors, accumulated and passed on to subsequent generations. A lot of predictions, beliefs and signs are associated with the wedding.

Chinese horoscope

IN eastern horoscope contains all the wisdom of the East. In the coming year, the Dog takes over the reins. Therefore, it is worth studying the qualities and traits of this animal. positive aspects The Dog has so many that it is impossible to list them all. She is loyal, smart and brave. This devoted friend who you can always rely on.

European horoscope

Our ancestors were able to make an astrological (zodiac) forecast in order to be able to find out what twists and turns fate will bring. Whether or not to use astrology in your life, everyone decides for himself. But, do not forget that astrology is a real science, with its theories and evidence. Stars can help you avoid bad luck, not miss out on a lucky ticket, or simply make life easier.


A science that can represent everything in the world as a mathematical structure. Even such a vital event as the union of two hearts and destinies is subject to numbers. Using calculations, you can get favorable dates for marriage and a wedding calendar for 2018.

Church holidays

The Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018 is compiled annually for Christians. It takes into account all the dates of church holidays and fasts. There are prohibitions on holding wedding ceremonies and registering marriages on church-defined days or time periods, such as, for example, Lent.

moon day

Lunar wedding calendar 2018. Every month, the celestial body passes a circle of all 12 constellations, each of which is endowed with certain features. Therefore, they distinguish between happy and unhappy lunar days. wedding 2018 auspicious days moon calendar: the two most auspicious days the 11th day of the growing and the 11th day of the waning moon, as well as 3 days of the full moon are considered.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2018 by month

Attention! Numbers of the month that are not listed as lucky or unlucky days are considered neutral for wedding celebrations.

Check the wedding calendar for 2018, auspicious days, before setting a wedding or wedding date. According to folk signs, families created on auspicious days live happier, and an unsuccessfully chosen date will lead to difficulties in living together.

If the date of the marriage does not depend on you (for example, the registry office has run out of free dates or the marriage must be concluded urgently for certain circumstances), and the ceremony is scheduled for a bad day, take Special attention observance of happy wedding signs during the celebration, this will help neutralize the influence of a bad day.


Wedding calendar for January 2018

According to astrologers, January 2018 will be generally favorable for marriage, excluding some dates. It must be taken into account that Chinese horoscope the whole of January is in the power of the Rooster, and the year of the Dog will begin its reign only from mid-February.

Majority auspicious days for the celebration, is in the second half of the month, with the exception of three days (11,12,15). The marriage union, formalized in January, will be strong. And there is also a sign - more children appear in marriages concluded in the first month of the year.

  • Lucky days: 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28.
  • bad days: 1 to 10, 13, 14, 19, 29 to 31.


  1. According to the Chinese zodiac, the Year of the Dog is coming. The symbol of the year can count disrespectful attitude to yourself, as you celebrate your triumph at the time of the change of master of the year.
  2. A solar eclipse is coming. Marriage registration per day solar eclipse may have unpredictable consequences.
  3. By Orthodox calendar the Assumption of the Lord is celebrated. The church calendar of weddings for 2018 prohibits weddings and weddings on such a day.

The second half of February will be favorable for strengthening family ties. Such a union will be long and happy. Here it is worth heeding the warning of astrologers if your marriage of convenience or with insidious intentions will lead to disappointment and trouble. The duration of such a marriage will not exceed 3 years.

  • Lucky days: 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27.
  • Unlucky days: from 1 to 15.


The first month of spring is not favorable for marriage or marriage. The whole month we are under Great Lent, which does not involve solemn and festive events. Folk signs say that a marriage that began in such a period will be unhappy, this also applies to other areas of life.

Wedding 2018: auspicious days for church calendar not available this month. There are no neutral dates, all dates of the month are unfavorable.

If you and your significant other are not Orthodox, you can celebrate your wedding in March 2018. To select a date, use the lunar wedding calendar 2018.


In April, in its first half, Great Lent continues, so all Orthodox events should be scheduled for other dates. The second part of the month from the 17th is perfect. Marriage, which began this month, promises to be harmonious. Newlyweds may not be afraid of divorce.

  • Lucky days: 17, 18, 21, 24, 25.
  • Unlucky days: from 1 to 16, 26, 27.


Astrology does not put prohibitions on holding a wedding in May. The church calendar of weddings 2018 says that May is allowed for marriages and weddings, with the exception of May 25, on this day the feast of the Lord's Ascension.

But signs do not bode well for those who are married this month. They say - get married in May, toil all your life. Statistical data shows us the opposite, marriage unions, which began in May, will be filled with joyful events. Over time, such couples will find a strong spiritual union.

  • Lucky days: 3, 6, 11, 20, 28, 29.
  • Unlucky days: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31.


The first month of the hot season is not rich in auspicious dates for weddings. On June 4, the Apostolic Lent begins, which will last until the first ten days of July. There are only three days to choose from, which do not contradict church canons and are successful in terms of signs. Astrological forecasts promise such unions a long and harmonious life together. The moon will be waning during this period, but according to astrologers, this aspect will play into the hands of the newlyweds, taking a share of the negative from their family life.

  • Lucky days: from 1st to 3rd.
  • Unlucky days: from the 4th to the 30th.


July will please us with a great church holiday - Ivan Kupala, and also on the 12th, inclusive, Peter's fast will be held, so the first half of the month is not suitable for weddings and weddings. Astrologers also warn about the ineffective location of the night sun during this period, but the remaining 16 days are well suited for marriage. From July 13, the moon begins its growth, and the second half of the month will delight us with a large number of successful days.

  • Lucky days: 14th, from 16th to 29th, 31st.
  • Unlucky days: from 1 to 11, 12, 13, 27, 30.


Following the church calendar, astrological forecasts and folk signs, only the third part last month of the outgoing summer can please us with favorable days. This month, those couples who tested the strength of their feelings for at least a year, before the official date of marriage registration, will be happy.

August is an ambiguous month in terms of its energy, which can make its own adjustments to the relationship of the couple. Therefore, the bride and groom need to weigh the pros and cons, choosing this month to strengthen the union.

  • Lucky days: from 1 to 8, 12, 31.
  • Unlucky days: 9, 11, from 14 to 28.


In the old days, most weddings took place in autumn. Field work is completed, the harvest is harvested, which means that festive table will be richly covered. Nowadays, September is also a favorite for the solemn ceremony, the hype is over summer months, nature pleases with a variety of colors, which is great for photo shoots.

It has long been believed that a wedding in September will bring the newlyweds true love. family happiness and harmony in relationships. September 2018 will give future newlyweds 26 favorable days. The main number of this month is the number "9", which carries wisdom and incredible luck.

  • Lucky days: 1, 2, 7, 10, 14, 16, from 20 to 26, 29th.
  • Unlucky days: 11, 21, 23, 27.


A wedding in the tenth month of the year will bring joy and love to family life. October is suitable for those couples who are really "ripe" for serious and strong relationship. Statistics show that 50% of families created in October can boast of strong and harmonious relations. And the control number of the month - one, will help the young family to choose the right guidelines that will keep family ties in happiness for many years. Under the ban of the second month of autumn, only one number falls on October 14, on this day the great church holiday is the triumph of the Intercession. Do not tempt fate on this day by choosing another date.

  • Lucky days: from 1 to 13, from 15 to 31.
  • Bad days: 14.


Folk signs say that relationships formalized in November are blessed with wealth and prosperity, a carefree and measured family life. Most importantly, choose the right number to connect the two hearts. bad days will be the last three of this month - the beginning of Advent. The remaining dates are recommended by astrologers, the church and popular beliefs. It is recommended to give preference to the most good days this month - 9,18 and 21.

  • Lucky days: from the 1st to the 27th.
  • Unlucky days: from the 28th to the 30th.


December is a very unusual month for marriage. It can bring many surprises. On the part of the church and astrology, there are no obstacles to legitimizing relationships, but folk signs and numerology are against it. December is the first month of winter, and it is marked by bad weather - frosts, winds and snowfalls. And the people thought inclement weather on the day of the wedding celebration, the young will bring serious conflicts in family life. For December, there are only neutral numbers - 7 and 26.

  • Lucky days: none.
  • Unlucky days: the whole month.

2018-2019 - beautiful time for marriage. The energies of these years are stable. Years promise stable and prosperous marriages.

However, choosing the best day for a 2018-2019 wedding is not an easy task. It is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances and aspects.

Don't worry! We have done everything for you! The best day for a wedding in 2018-2019 already defined.

Unfortunately no educational institutions where you can learn to be a good wife. Not all girls are lucky to gain valuable knowledge about right strategies as a wife from mother or grandmother. And after all so it would be desirable to be happy in marriage!

Best wedding day 2018

Newlyweds often choose the best day for their wedding based on the beauty of the date. The most beautiful date for marriage in 2018 recognized 08.08 . But how beautiful dates favorable?

10 years ago - 08/08/2008 many marriages were concluded. According to statistics, most of them ended in divorce, and soon.

Isn't it better, when choosing a wedding date, to focus on natural phenomena and their energy? If you are reading this article, you will surely agree - “Yes!”

August 2018 is generally a favorable month. According to popular beliefs, a man who becomes a husband in August will not only be loved by a woman, but also a best friend.

However, the best day for a wedding in August 2018 is still 25 number.

In the summer-autumn period, in addition to August, are also good months:

  1. June. Promises many years of honeymoon.
  2. September. portends a calm family life.
  3. November. Will provide a very rich life.
  4. December. Over time, love will only grow stronger.

But keep in mind that Orthodox june and december calendar suitable months for Wedding.

According to popular belief, May - worst month for marriage.

Numerologically best wedding day in 2018:

  • in June - 17, 27;
  • in July - 10.20;
  • in August - 5, 25;
  • in September -18.29;
  • in October - 7, 24;
  • in November - 1, 21;
  • in December - 5, 30.

If in 2018 you want to make an alliance not only in the registry office, but also before God in the church, the most better days For weddings:

  • April 15
  • November 4th.

Astrologically, it is best to play a wedding when the planets responsible for family and love favor:

  1. Moon grows (from new moon to full moon). But the day of the New Moon itself, as well as the last quarters of the Moon, are unfavorable.
  2. Venus is in its direct motion (not retrograde). However, not in the signs of the Zodiac Aries, Virgo or Scorpio.

Do you dream of living easily? So that everything goes like clockwork - wishes come true soon after they were made, and in the most favorable way for you? Do you want the whole universe to favor you? Enlist the support of the moon! It's simple! Enjoy!

Attention! This is a secret so powerful that the successful, rich and happy people. And the secret is that they all adjust their daily/monthly/yearly schedule to the moon! - something that does not need advertising, because it is not only sacred, but also essential things.

Your personal free A calendar that will bring you happiness incredibly easily - !


  • Tuesday,
  • Wednesday,
  • Thursday,
  • Saturday.

Best lunar day for a wedding (do not confuse with the usual sunny days!):

At the same time, it is important in which sign of the Zodiac the Moon passes on this day. Favor the marriage union:

  • Sagittarius,
  • Aquarius,
  • Fish,
  • Calf,
  • Scales.

You can get married at a time when the Moon is in Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Leo.

The best wedding day for your couple can only be calculated by an experienced specialist who possesses knowledge in several fields of sciences and teachings about man at once.

On our site you can find such specialists. Leave your questions in the comments.

Another wonderful option- take the training courses presented on the site to learn on one's own understand the mysteries of the universe.

We recommend the University of the Evolution of Consciousness. A bunch of unique techniques energy management, reality modeling, disclosure of extrasensory perception from the instructor and the practice of qigong, hatha and raja yoga help you any make the best day of the year for a wedding!

Best wedding day 2019

The table lists the best days for a wedding in 2019 year by four favorable criteria:

  • day of the week
  • moon phase,
  • lunar day,
  • Zodiac sign.

The days on which all the criteria coincide at once are highlighted.

date Auspicious day of the week Favorable phase of the moon and lunar day Auspicious zodiac sign
Jan. 7 Monday Growing, 2-3 days Aquarius
January 10 Thursday Growing, 5-6 days Fish
January 11 Friday Growing, 6-7 days Fish
January 15 Tuesday Growing, 10-11 days Taurus
January 18 Friday Growing, 13-14 days Twins
January 19 Saturday Growing, 14-15 days Cancer
January 20th Sunday Growing, 15-16 days Cancer
February 6 Wednesday Growing, 2-3 days Fish
February 8 Friday Growing, 4-5 days Fish
February 10 Sunday Growing, 6-7 days Aries
February 13 Wednesday 1st quarter, 9-10 days Taurus
February, 15 Friday Growing, 11-12 days Twins
February 16 Saturday Growing, 12-13 days Cancer
February 17 Sunday Growing, 13-14 days Cancer
18th of Febuary Monday Growing, 14-15 days a lion
March 8 Friday Growing, 2-3 days Aries
10th of March Sunday Growing, 4-5 days Taurus
11th of March Monday Growing, 5-6 days Taurus
March 12 Tuesday Growing, 6-7 days Taurus
March 15th Friday Growing, 9-10 days Cancer
March 16 Saturday Growing, 10-11 days Cancer
March 17 Sunday Growing, 11-12 days a lion
18th of March Monday Growing, 12-13 days a lion
April 7 Sunday Growing, 2-3 days Taurus
11 April Thursday Growing, 6-7 days Cancer
12th of April Friday 1st quarter, 7-8 days Cancer
April 15 Monday Growing, 10-11 days a lion
April 18th Thursday Growing, 13-14 days Scales
April 19 Friday Full moon, 14-15 days Scales
They do not marry in May, but if you are not superstitious and love is stronger, choose one of the days:
the 6th of May Monday Growing, 2-3 days Twins
9th May Thursday Growing, 5-6 days Cancer
May 10 Friday Growing, 6-7 days Cancer
16th of May Thursday Growing, 12-13 days Scales
May 17 Friday Growing, 13-14 days Scorpion
May 19 Sunday Full moon, 15-16 days Sagittarius
26 of May Sunday 3rd quarter, 21-22 days Fish
June 5 Wednesday Growing, 2-3 days Cancer
June 7 Friday Growing, 4-5 days a lion
the 9th of June Sunday Growing, 6-7 days Virgo
June 14 Friday Growing, 11-12 days Scorpion
June 16 Sunday Growing, 13-14 days Sagittarius
June 17 Monday Full moon, 14 days Sagittarius
July 7 Sunday Growing, 5-6 days Virgo
July 8 Monday Growing, 6-7 days Scales
July 9 Tuesday 1st quarter, 7-8 days Scales
July, 12 Friday Growing, 10-11 days Scorpion
the 14 th of July Sunday Growing, 12-13 days Sagittarius
26 July Friday Descending, 24 days Taurus
5th of August Monday Growing, 4-5 days Scales
August 6 Tuesday Growing, 5-6 days Scales
August 9 Friday Growing, 8-9 days Sagittarius
11th August Sunday Growing, 10-11 days Capricorn
August 14 Wednesday Growing, 13-14 days Aquarius
August 15 Thursday Full moon, 14-15 days Aquarius
August 18 Sunday Descending, 17-18 days Fish
August 23 Friday 3rd quarter, 22-23 days Taurus
September 1 Sunday Growing, 2-3 days Scales
September 5 Thursday Growing, 6-7 days Sagittarius
6 September Friday 1st quarter, 7-8 days Sagittarius
11 September Wednesday Growing, 12-13 days Aquarius
12-th of September Thursday Growing, 13-14 days Aquarius
September 13 Friday Growing, 14-15 days Fish
September 29 Sunday Growing, 1-2 days Scales
September 30th Monday Growing, 2-3 days Scales
The 4th of October Friday Growing, 6-7 days Sagittarius
October 8 Tuesday Growing, 10-11 days Aquarius
October 10 Thursday Growing, 12-13 days Fish
October 11 Friday Growing, 13-14 days Fish
October 13 Sunday Growing, 14-15 days Aries
The 20th of October Sunday Descending, 22-23 days Cancer
the 3rd of November Sunday Growing, 7-8 days Capricorn
November 6 Wednesday Growing, 10-11 days Fish
November 8 Friday Growing, 12-13 days Fish
10th of November Sunday Growing, 14-15 days Aries
11th of November Monday Growing, 15-16 days Taurus
November 28 Thursday Growing, 2-3 days Sagittarius
December 1 Sunday Growing, 5-6 days Aquarius
December 2nd Monday Growing, 6-7 days Aquarius
December 3 Tuesday Growing, 7-8 days Fish
December 6 Friday Growing, 10-11 days Aries
December 8 Sunday Growing, 12-13 days Taurus
9th December Monday Growing, 13-14 days Taurus
December 10 Tuesday Growing, 14-15 days Taurus
December 13th Friday Descending, 17-18 days Cancer
20th of December Friday Descending, 23-24 days Scales
27th of December Friday Growing, 2-3 days Capricorn
December 29th Sunday Growing, 4-5 days Aquarius
December 30th Monday Growing, 5-6 days Aquarius
31th of December Tuesday Growing, 6-7 days Fish

Heartily wish to make your wedding day the best day ever!

To this first day became a wonderful starting point in a series of long years joint happiness in marriage!

Be happy together!

Write in the comments which day in your opinion is the best day for a wedding 2018-2019!