Scorpion cutter calendar for June. Thursday. The moon decreases. Moon horoscope hair rifle on zodiac signs

In June, the lunar disk will crack and fully in accordance with cosmic laws.

And we will continue to care for curls and strands, absolutely not thinking about the fact that it is the moon that affects the results salon procedures and home care.

Grow the lunar disk in the first summer month It will be from the 1st to the 9th, and then from the 26th to the 30th.

On June 10, the full moon will come, and the 25th disk will almost disappear from the skyscland - the new moon will come. The decreasing moon reigns at the night sky from 11th to 24th.

Lunar Calendar Strizhek for June 2017 - Curving Hair

Salon curling made with strong chemicals harms hair health, no matter how much the composition. Therefore, after aggressive exposure, curls can become lifeless, dull, ugly. The moon will help choose optimal days for the procedure. Curling during this period will allow the most maintaining the health and beauty of curls.

The most favorable period comes in time of the Moon with the Virgin. When the moon disk is in this zodiac sign, you can safely plan twist In the cabin - the result will delight, and the hair will suffer the minimum. Virgo ruins in heaven at the beginning and end of June: From the first third number, and then the 30th and 31st.

An unpredictable result can be rich, so and please in the days of the lion. It is possible that the envy will be overly strong on 27 or 28 June. But if no "Khimkaya" does not take hair, does not hold on them, it follows to the "lion's" days.

But in the period of scorpion, Aquarius, cancer and fish should not be frowning. Hair protection these days is minimal, so chemical components are particularly destroying for keratin protection of hair.

Do not plan "Khimku":

From the 6th to the 8th (Scorpio);

14th and 15th (Aquarius);

16th and 17th (fish);

25th and 27th (cancer).

Tip: tight curls are obtained on hair marked "steps". If you want to get elegant waves, you need to squeeze your hair straight so that the curls are the same in length.

Moon Calendar Stregging on June 2017 - Hair Coloring

While the moon grows, staining is quite safe for curls and gives a predictable result. In June, change opportunities natural color Or update the already applied a lot: at the disposal of 2nitz 14 days at the beginning and end of the month.

Refuse to dye better in the thirteenth moon day - This day in June 2017 falls on June 7th. The color will be excessively intense or not at all what I wanted.

Positive will reflect the change in the tone of the hair on the mood and fate on such days:

1st: makes it particularly charming, will return confidence in its own forces;

3rd: natural color improve mood;

4th, 5th, 14th, 19th: natural dyes help establish friendships with the boss will help in solving business issues;

6th: Attract monetary energy;

9th: dark curls will help to avoid troubles;

11th: red tones should choose those who need to establish relationships with relatives and colleagues;

12th 13th: days of magic. You can take good luck again, if you paint in that color you wore at moments full happiness and success;

16th: Bright colors will attract necessary people;

22nd: Complete image change is favorable for health and financial sphere.

Unfavorable for salon and homemade staining 24th June: You can provoke conflicts and financial problems.

Tip: to paint longer lasted on the hair, you need two or three days before staining. Apply a deeply moisturizing machine-conditioning mask on the hair. Moistheld hair is better to hold the coloring pigment.

Lunar Calendar Strizhek for June 2017 - Favorable Days for Hair

Perfect haircut It turns out during the occurrence of the Moon in the Zodiacs of the Virgin (June 1 - 3), Capricorn (June 11 - 13), Taurus (21, June 22), Gemini (June 23, 24). The hairstyle will succeed exactly what you want: lush or smooth, strict or coquetty-disheveled. Hair will not lose shine, strength, beauty.

It is worth paying attention to the next June days:

1st: Strengthen the intuitive understanding of the situation to achieve its goals the most optimal and fast way;

5th: fit vital energy;

6th, 27th: will bring financial success, it will help to get substantial profits;

7th: Improve health and financial position;

11th: Good for those who need to completely change life. Everyone else is worth thinking: do I need to change what suits?

12th, 13th, 16th, 17th: health favorable, enhances attractiveness;

15th, 19th, 26th: attract pOSITIVE ENERGY;

22nd: the sea of \u200b\u200bcharm will give, will strengthen the charisma;

23rd: will extend the life and physical fortress;

24th: short haircut can completely change life;

29th: I will give inspiration for creativity;

The 30s: returns health, attract financial energy.

The hair trimmed during the period of the lion will be thick. Therefore, if the curls have been strongly defined, they are striking them in the "lion" moon day. In June 2017, this is the 27th and 28th.

Moon Calendar Strizhek for June 2017 - Adverse Days for Hair

It is worth abandoning the idea of \u200b\u200bcoloring hair during the Aries (June 18 - 20), Aquarius (14, June 15), Scorpio (June 6 - 8), Sagittarius (9, 10 June). The haircut will turn out absolutely the wrong one. Moreover, the scissors can spoil their hair: the curls will lose strength and charm, will begin to behave unpredictably, quickly dirty and even break.

The consequences of haircuts on such days may be unfavorable:

2nd: attract negative energy, destroy plans and harmony;

4th: bad will affect well-being;

8th, 20th, 21st: threatens depression;

9th, 10th, 14th, 25th: unfavorable for health;

18th: can provoke quarrels.

Tip: to summer sun It did not harm her hair, it is necessary to use air conditioners. Hair will be easier to comb sharpen their fragility.

Hair care should be not only daily, but also reasonable. Do not neglect the tips of the lunar calendar. They will help not only make the hairstyle perfect, but also improve the mood, rid of depression, restore physical and mental health, attract good luck.

Summer - the most suitable time years to improve health. This applies to hair health: with a competent approach, it is possible to significantly reduce their loss, increase the delicate and give them a healthy shine.

Remember both beauty! Summer is the time of long-awaited holidays and hot novels. So that your hair looks breathtically protect them from the scorching sun, make moisturizing masks and use the lunar calendar of the haircut on June.

Moon calendar Strizhek for June 2017 will indicate favorable days For haircuts and painting hair in June, as well as help choose the optimal hairstyle of the day. The calendar contains information about the phases and critical points of the moon, which are capable of providing a tangible effect on female beauty.

06/01/17, Thursday. First quarter

  • Complex styling will attract close attention to you. You want to be the center of attention. Use the chance to become a universal admiration.
  • To strengthen the hair, give them a luxurious volume and intensive color. Use the combination of henna and bass.
  • Stream hair is best in the afternoon. If you follow this advice, then your tever "thanks" you with your excellent look.

06/02/17, Friday. The moon is growing

  • Your desire to become the center of the Universe is still relevant, support it with the help of the causing laying.
  • Today, the hair will paint evenly and will look stunning.

The haircut will emphasize the most visible flaws in appearance and add you age. Better to give up her.

06/03/17, Saturday. The moon is growing

  • Hair should be put in high but quite modest hairstyle.
  • Constructive interaction with the surrounding helps hair color in intense colors.
  • Resolute to overcoming difficulties and strengthening business potential will be promoted by any haircut. Cut your hair on a growing moon, if you dream of a luxurious length and lungs of hair.

06/04/17, Sunday. The moon is growing

  • In the hairstyle should not be interfering with details. Make the most convenient styling. Today is an energy surge day: you should not worry about the perfect appearance of the hair.
  • Radical repainting is not recommended. "Refresh" the color is mild dyes.

One of the most favorable days in June for a haircut. New image It will inspire into internal changes: will add an immotability mind, and sensual perception will make it thinner and conscious.

06/05/17, Monday. The moon is growing

  • Laying should be complex, the use of decor and overhead elements is allowed.
  • Improving the working atmosphere will contribute to the hair color in natural tones.

This day is characterized by high trauma. Full cutting out of the haircut is one of the ways to avoid an accident.

06.06.17, Tuesday. The moon is growing

  • Attract admiring male representatives with the help of intricate laying.
  • Strong shepherd grains, lemon juice, oak bark infusion - prefere solely vegetable components To give hair shine and gloss.
  • This day is ideal for the haircut. In addition to gaining a beautiful hairstyle, you will attract happiness like a magnet.

06.06.17, Wednesday. The moon is growing

  • Maximum natural styling will help to establish relationships with family members.
  • Today it is possible salon dyeing hair. If you decide to perform this procedure at home, get an unpleasant "surprise".
  • The haircut will attract new business partners and will help in establishing positive working relationships.

06/08/17, Thursday. The moon is growing

The lunar calendar of the haircut on June 2017 claims:

  • Straighten, pull the curls, strive for perfect smoothness hair.
  • And again, preferably herbal infusions And brazers for barely noticeable shade in hair and spectacular shine.
  • If you are hypertensive, refuse this day from the haircut. Pressure jumps today can even be healthy people.

06/09/17, Friday. Full moon

  • In the hairstyle should not be kudrey and waviness. Straight loose hair is the most "correct" laying of the day.
  • To protect your aura from invasion " dark forces»Use exclusively dark or black shades of hair paint.

An unacceptable day for the haircut: you can suffer from the actions of chairs and other intruders.

06/10/17, Saturday. Moon decreases

  • Place your hair B. high beam For more effective interaction With cosmos energy.
  • Coloring agents applied to the hair on this day will quickly sweat or instantly scramble.
  • In order to avoid exacerbation of chronic ailments, do not cut the hair on this day.

06/11/17, Sunday. Moon decreases

  • "Solar" accessories in her hair will not just add you excellent moodBut they will attract the energy of heavenly shining.
  • Hair coloring in saturated "solar" tone will help build confidence between you and others.
An extremely negative day for a haircut in June along the lunar calendar: hair shocking can provoke theft of property or damage it, and you yourself can suffer from the hands of offenders.

06/12/17, Monday. Moon decreases

  • Highlight in the hairstyle bangs - it will attract energy to life.
  • Color hair in that color that you have in the most memorable and happy life period.
  • Add charm and charming will be able to haircut made by a professional master of the opposite sex.

06/13/17, Tuesday. Moon decreases

  • On this day, the most natural styling is preferable. It is desirable that the hair freely fell on the shoulders. Combate them more often.
  • And remember again about the gifts of nature: color hair exclusively by natural components.
  • In order to avoid unplanned expenses, give up the haircut.

06/14/17, Wednesday. Moon decreases

  • Day of self-analysis, relaxation, meditation. Try to keep your hair fit your inner confusion.
  • Hair coloring will be able to spoil the mood and cause a headache.
  • To avoid large sudden expenses, put the haircut at a more suitable time.

06/15/17, Thursday. Moon decreases

  • To create hairstyles, use metal elements: studs, "invisible", hairpins, hoops.

One of the most favorable days for haircuts and hair color in June along the lunar calendar. Your image will become impeccable. Competently performed haircut will hide visible shortcomings and advantageously emphasize the dignity. Hair coloring will be held with best result Even if you decide to reincarnate from the brunette in the blonde.

06/16/17, Friday. Moon decreases

  • Touch as easy as possible. Today you should not attach close attention to yourself.
  • Strengthen family budget Hair dye natural components will help.
  • Settlement material issues Any haircut contributes, you can simply fill the tips.

06/17/17, Saturday. Third quarter

  • Check the curls with your favorite way. Today is the day of the splash creative energy: Your hairstyle should be free, volumetric and wavy.
  • To paint hair, attract a friend, sister or mom. It will strengthen your relationship.
  • Trust your hair exclusively to the first-class specialist. Ideal in the technical plan of the haircut makes the features of the face expressive.

06/18/17, Sunday. Moon decreases

  • Use rigid fixation when creating hairstyles. Well, if the hair will be carefully laid in a strict hairstyle.
  • Choose dark colors For hair color: This trick will help win the location of the authorities.

A haircut may cause a disease, an accident or a serious injury.

06/19/17, Monday. Moon decreases

  • On this day, you should protect your inner "I" from negative. It is best for this purpose a headdress.
  • One of the most unfavorable lunar days for haircuts and hair coloring. Radical manipulations with hair are able to weaken the protective forces of the body, "brute" the senses.

06/20/17, Tuesday. Moon decreases

  • Place your hair B. high hairstyle. The main condition - she should look natural.
  • Radical hair painting bad will affect your communicative abilities And it can cause conflicts with colleagues.
  • Fate will prevent you a pleasant surpriseIf you trust the hair haircut with a high-class specialist. Strengthen hair on a decreasing moon only if you want a hairstyle to retain the form longer.

06/21/17, Wednesday. Moon decreases

  • Laconic, restrained hairstyle will best match the spiritual mood on this day.
  • Wonderful day for total hair color change.
  • Confidence in own forces, the rapid resolution of pressing problems will be provided to you if you trim the hair today.

06/22/17, Thursday. Moon decreases

  • Do not resort to the help of rubber bands and hairpins in creating hairstyles. Hair must have maximum freedom.
  • As soon as a noticeable change in hair tone positively affect your image.
  • One of best days For haircut in June. You will attract the "necessary" people like a magnet. Your attractiveness will increase in a hundred times, especially if your image will be engaged in the opposite sex.

06/23/17, Friday. Moon decreases

What made the lunar calendar of the haircut on June 2017 on Friday 23?

  • A small negligence in the hairstyle today will be quite appropriate. Let the hair look free and at ease.
  • Hair coloring can interfere with business ties.

The haircut today will not bring anything other than trouble.

06/24/17, Saturday. New moon

  • Create a hairstyle as convenient for you. Today, everything around should contribute to rest and relaxation.
  • Do not bother your hair on this day. If it is absolutely necessary, refer to the help of natural dyes.

Absolute contraindication For haircut! The lunar calendar warns that the haircut on this day can affect the length of life. Do not tempt fate!

06/25/17, Sunday. The moon is growing

  • Bold, extravagant laying will bring inspiration, will cause a surge of vital energy.
  • It is possible to use only non-intensive natural staining tools for giving light hair Tint and dazzling gloss.
  • Quarrel S. expensive people Not included in your plans? Transfer the haircut.

06.26.17, Monday. The moon is growing

  • Today, leave your hair away. In the morning you have to comb them so many times as you have full years. This will clean your aura from negative.
  • You will win the arrangement of colleagues by resorting to hair coloring in the most natural shades.
  • Haircut will encourage you to crawling money. If this is not included in your plans, give up her.

06/27/17, Tuesday. The moon is growing

  • Today should not make significant efforts to create hairstyles. Place the hair simply and simple.

A favorable day for hair color calendar: a competently completed procedure will strengthen your charisma and emphasizes the originality.

  • The haircut is able to cause scotable fear and inexplicable anxiety.

06/28/17, Wednesday. The moon is growing

  • Luxurious laying performed skillful hands professional Masterswill become the subject of admiration from the outside.
  • Good day for lightening hair. Dream about the image of a beautiful blonde? Today you can fulfill your desire.
  • The haircut that you did not decide for a very long time, today will be more successful.

06/29/17, Thursday. The moon is growing

  • Laying should be classic, but not too boring. Accuracy decorative elements Will be quite appropriate.
  • Any change in hair color can cause misunderstanding with others.
  • Want to avoid depressive mood? Discard the haircut.

06/30/17, Friday. The moon is growing

  • "Light" curls will break away your sensuality, help free from excessive stiffness.
  • Hair coloring will make sexuality, will contribute to staggering success in men.
  • New haircut will attract your life energy Vampires. Today you should not cut even bangs.

Are you interested in hairstyles? We picked up a few video for you:

Our lunar calendar haircuts for June 2017 Let you, without knowledge of astrology and any calculations to find favorable days for the haircut in June 2017. Even if you do not believe that moon haircut Really affects what is worth just take and check it out? You can fully trust the data provided on this page because they have high accuracy. We are constantly striving to improve our lunar calendar of the haircut for June 2017. Be sure to face the days favorable for haircuts and happiness will come to your life and unexpected success!

1 Jun. 2017 11:40 - 8 lunar day

8 Lunar day very well suited for a haircut. She will attract bright and unforgettable moments of happiness. Luna in Virgo - haircut favorable

2 Jun. 2017 12:53 - 9 Lunar Day

Haircut at 9 lunar day is not favorable because it can attract an ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to clean up using soft natural components. Luna in Virgo - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

3 Jun. 2017 14:04 - 10 Lunar Day

In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

10 lunar day is favorable for haircuts and hair coloring. Your strength, good luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthanche) .lun in the scales - haircut favorable

4 Jun. 2017 15:14 - 11 Lunar Day

In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

11 Lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Lev, it's just a "bomb". Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and the mind is insightful. Lunan in the scales - haircut favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "Dandelion" guaranteed. The haircut will add ease and neurosis.

5 Jun. 2017 16:22 - 12 lunar day

12 Lunar day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (SROG LA NGON). Luna in Scorpio - haircut unfavorable

6 Jun. 2017 17:29 - 13 Lunar Day

In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

13 lunar day perfectly suitable for haircuts - you will become more an attractive person And you will attract happiness as a magnet. (BZANG BSKYED) Moon in Scorpio - haircut unfavorable. You can take a chance if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of how to change your life for the better and make it even worse.

7 Jun. 2017 18:35 - 14 Moon Day

In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

14 Lunar day - a wonderful day for a haircut. You will become a more successful person, the results will not wait to wait. You will attract property material well-being. (En Spyod `Pel) Moon in Scorpio - haircut unfavorable. You can take a chance if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of how to change your life for the better and make it even worse.

8 Jun. 2017 19:39 - 15 Lunar Day

In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

In 15 lunar day, it is better not to stand - there may be problems with pressure to appear a sharp feeling of incomprehensible fear. Luna in Sagittar haircut favorable

Jun 9. 2017 20:38 - 16 Lunar Day

In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

16 lunar day is completely not suitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract unhappiness and ill-wishers into your life. Luna in Sagittarius - haircut favorable. The haircut is good in the magic plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, she changes life for the better, brings the richness and luck.

10 Jun. 2017 21:32 - 17 Lunar Day

In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

17 Moon day unfavorable for a haircut - attract disease and unpleasant situationsassociated with outsiders. (Ha Rtsi Sngo Gdan Gnod). Luna in Capricorn - haircut favorable

11 Jun. 2017 22:19 - 18 Lunar Day

In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

18 lunar day is bad for the haircut, since there is a huge chance to attract situations related to theft of property or his spool. Luna in Capricorn - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable periods Moon for a haircut. The hair is smaller, and raptit faster.

12 Jun. 2017 22:59 - 19 Lunar Day

In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

19 Lunar day is favorable for a haircut (TSHE Ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the sign of the zodiac) eliminates the haircut, do not be angry. Luna in Capricorn - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for a haircut. The hair is smaller, and raptit faster.

Jun 13. 2017 23:33 - 20 Lunar Day

In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

20 moon day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty into material and spiritual world. On Tibetan: DBULTOGLUNY in Aquarius - haircut favorable

Jun 15. 2017 0:01 - 21 Lunar Day

In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

21 lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and more attractive (Gzugs Bzang) Moon in Aquarius - haircut favorable. Time is successful for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you, it is better to choose another day.

16 Jun. 2017 0:26 - 22 lunar day

In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get the desired and get needed amount money. Lunan in fish - haircut favorable

17 Jun. 2017 0:48 - 23 Lunar Day

In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

23 Lunar day is good for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid haircuts today, if other aspects speak about it. Luna in fish - haircut favorable. Drag may appear, and the hair can become brittle and dry.

18 Jun. 2017 1:09 - 24 Lunar Day

In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

The haircut in the 24 lunar day will bring in your life of the disease and misfortune (Nad`ong) .lun in the Aries - haircut unfavorable

19 Jun. 2017 1:30 - 25 Lunar Day

In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

24 lunar day unfavorable for a haircut - you can lose the most important thing, not to see coming and outgoing opportunities. (MIG TSHAG ONG) Moon in Aries - haircut unfavorable. Can weaken immunity, diseases appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

20 Jun. 2017 1:53 - 26 Lunar Day

In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

26 Lunar day - a wonderful day for a haircut. She will bring you happiness and destiny to you favorably. Luna in Taurus - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable standing moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less sequently.

Horoscope Stregging for June 2017 will help you to establish your health and financial welfare. After all, the hair is antennas that capture space energy.

June 1, Thursday. At 12:39 begin 8 lunar days. The moon is in Virgo at 16:43 comes 1 quarter.
Today 8 lunar days, any impact on hair is undesirable.

June 2, Friday. At 13:53 the 9 lunar days begin. The moon is in Virgo
Start postpone the haircut so as not to bring trouble. Staining is also better to transfer the other day. If you really want to paint your hair, choose dark shades.

June 3, Saturday. At 15:04 begin 10 lunar days. The moon is in the scales.
If you want to like yourself and others even more - sign up for a haircut. Staining is better to postpone the other day. You can make a chemical twist. It will keep the shape for a long time and will damage her hair less than on other days.

June 4, Sunday. At 16:13 11 lunar days begin. The moon is in the scales.
The haircut will be successful, you will like the reflection in the mirror. And not only you, but also around. It is possible to start new relationships.

June 5, Monday. At 17:22 12 lunar days begin. The moon is in Scorpio.
Today it is better to postpone the hike in the hairdresser, so as not to spoil the hair. Staining only in dark shades with natural dyes.

June 6, Tuesday. At 18:29 13 lunar days begin. The moon is in Scorpio.
Today you can crop the tips or correct the hairstyle, it will attract money. Strike hard not worth not to move good luck. Anyone chemical impact On the hair is prohibited.

June 7, Wednesday. At 19:35 begin 14 lunar days. The moon is in Scorpio.
Today's haircut can lead to depression. And here is hair coloring in the same color that on your hair in this momentwill bring good luck in affairs.

June 8, Thursday. At 20:38 begin 15 lunar days. The moon is located in Sagittarius.
Haircut provokes a disease, so set it aside it. Hair dye is permissible only in dark shades, it says a haircut horoscope.

June 9, Friday. At 21:37, 16 lunar days begin. The moon is located in Sagittarius. At 17:11 comes full moon.
The haircut will influence the problems with the endocrine system. To reach harmony, color hair vegetable dyes In dark color.

June 10, Saturday. At 22:31 begin 17 lunar days. The moon is in Capricorn.
The haircut today is suitable for those who have conceived the cardinal changes in life. To all the rest, who has everything according to plan and do not need any changes, it is better to refrain from visiting the hairdresser.

June 11, Sunday. At 23:19 18 lunar days begin. The moon is in Capricorn.
Haircut will improve the state of health, give energy and strength. Since the moon decreases, the haircut will keep his shape for a long time.

June 12, Monday. At 23:59 begin 19 lunar days. The moon is in Capricorn.
The haircut will bring to the house of troubles and illness, put it up to the best times. Generally try today as you can less attention To spend hair. Make the simplest hairstyle.

June 13, Tuesday. The 19 Moon Days continue. The moon is in Aquarius.
Refrain from the haircut so as not to attract trouble. Hair dyeing only natural dyes.

June 14, Wednesday. At 0:33 begin 20 lunar days. The moon is in Aquarius.
Haircut will help solve health problems. Staining in light colors will attract the right people to your life.

June 15, Thursday. At 1:01 begin 21 lunar days. The moon is in the fish.
Haircut is prohibited, staining only in bright colors.

June 16, Friday. At 1:26 begin 22 lunar days. The moon is in the fish.
Refrain from the haircut, otherwise you will get serious material problems. Staining only natural dyes in dark and copper shades.

June 17, Saturday. At 1:48 begin 23 lunar days. The moon is in the Aries. At 15:34 comes 4 quarters.
Stick to postpone until better times so as not to spoil relationships with others. Quarrels and scandals are guaranteed. Also after the haircut will be large material losses.

June 18, Sunday. At 2:09 begin 24 lunar days. The moon is in the Aries.
Do not cut hair, otherwise you will attract the most negative consequences in your life. Staining only in dark shades.

June 19, Monday. At 2:30, 25 lunar days begin. The moon is in the Aries.
The haircut "will give" major financial troubles. Any chemical impact on hair is prohibited.

June 20, Tuesday. At 2:54 begin 26 lunar days. The moon is in Taurus.
Today, the haircut will turn out very beautiful, in the near future you can wait for a gift of fate. Painting hair can be in any shades, making felting and coloring.

June 21, Wednesday. At 3:20 begin 27 lunar days. The moon is in Taurus.
The haircut will turn out very successful, will open you cash flow. Staining I. perm. Today it will not be better with minimal consequences for hair condition.

June 22, Thursday. At 3:53 begin 28 lunar days. The moon is in the twins.
Put the haircut, otherwise you can shorten my life. Staining only in color, which is currently on your hair.

June 23, Friday. At 4:34 begin 29 lunar days. The moon is in the twins.
Strike hair is categorically impossible. The consequence will be the disorder in the family and financial losses.

June 24, Saturday. At 5:26, 30 lunar days begin. The moon is in cancer. At 6:32, the new moon comes.
Postpone the haircut, today is an extremely unfavorable day.

June 25, Sunday. At 6:30, 2 lunar days begin. The moon is in cancer.
The haircut will affect health problems and material difficulties, transfer it to tomorrow.

June 26, Monday. At 7:43 begin 3 lunar days. The moon is in Lev.
Today, the haircut will turn out incredibly beautiful, will hold the shape for a long time and please.

June 27, Tuesday. At 9:01, 4 lunar days begin. The moon is in Lev.
The haircut will give for strength, energy and self-confidence. Hair color B. golden shades Attracts cash energy.

June 28, Wednesday. At 10:19 begin 5 lunar days. The moon is in Virgo
The haircut very positively affects the health as a whole. Coloring in bright and golden tones will increase welfare. Hair curled on curlers will help to achieve the favor of people with whom you have not previously found a common language.

June 29, Thursday. At 11:36, 6 lunar days begin. The moon is in Virgo
Too short hair is not standing, but cut in 3-5 centimeters - just right. The haircut will give strength to achieve the goals. Hair staining in any tone will contribute to an increase in the financial flow.

June 30, Friday. At 12:50 begin 7 lunar days. The moon is in the scales.
Today, the haircut will turn out incredibly beautiful, give confidence in yourself and will help to cope with difficulties.

Website of the second, reports that the most favorable time Epilation is 10-12, 14-22 June 2017.

Recommendations are given for calendar day (by Moscow time).
Haircut calendar is drawn up with a lunar calendar, in the calendar are given additional information On the position of the moon at a certain calendar day.

Attention! The horoscope is prohibited to overcompublic and copying.
All rights to this material Save behind the site ""

8th lunar day. Moon in Vid.

Very nice day for hair cutting, especially if you strive with this procedure to stimulate their growth. Any cleansing masks are useful - both for hair and scalp, face or body. Use scrubs out natural componentswho also have a tonic impact - for example, from coffee Ground With the addition of olive or other vegetable oil.

9th lunar day. Moon in Vid.

Try to establish the intestinal work on this day. However, it is not worth taking the laxatives - it is better to correct the work of this organ with the help of a sufficient number of water drinks and the corresponding nutrition. Try to eat only fresh and quality products. Good time for pedicure - leather in the footsteps is very resistant to external influence, just like your nails on your fingers.

10th lunar day. Moon in scales

You can cut. On this day, a hairdresser's visiting should be outlined if you intend to change your the usual image and stick to the new appearance for a long time. And therefore it is pre-providing or consult with a stylist, or independently, with fashion magazines and internet, explore fashion trends In hairstyles and make-up, as well as the most popular products for beauty.

11th lunar day. Moon in scales

You can take care of the hair, face, punch ears, visit the dentist - in general, close to their heads. Deep cleaning And peelings can be applied and not afraid to injure the skin of the face. The only thing is to use the funds in which the safe level is not exceeded. chemical substancesSo they will be output through your kidneys, and they are very vulnerable on this day. The haircut may be accompanied by cuts and injuries.

12th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

It's time to take care of the skin of the neck. It can be subjected to even such a radical impact as cleansing from pigment spots, delete papillom. Spend cleansing procedures, use moisturizing and nutritious masks or creams, but try not to apply them to the area. thyroid gland. Do not allow constipation, as the rectum is very vulnerable, it can manifest itself or aggravated by hemorrhoids. You can cut.

13th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Try not to transfer, so do not bathe in cool water in the reservoirs, do not sit in a wet swimsuit on the beach, keep the legs in warmth. All this will help to avoid gynecological problems. On this day it is better to refrain from sex - for the same reason. Also worth avoided acute food - It can easily provoke swelling and, as a result, deterioration of well-being. Visiting the hairdresser is unlikely to satisfy, as the hair will be disobedient.

14th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Today you will have a lot of cases, but the cycles in treating yourself is also important to start on that day. How to lay the beginning of the treatment of diseases such as chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, as well as diseases endocrine system, with the exception of prostate diseases. Keep in the uroda emotion, since on this day we all easily fall into anger and ride hysterics. Useful exercises on strengthening the muscles of the pelvic bottom.

14th and 15th moon days. Moon in Streltsy

The haircut is better planning for the first half of the day. She will have a beneficial effect on your hair, as well as it will remove everything negative emotionswhich you have accumulated for last month And we carry in yourself. Do not load the liver - it is the weakest link in your body on this day. Avoid fat and fried food, as well as alcohol. Planned operations of the liver and gallbladder Plan for other days.

15th and 16th lunar days. Moon in Sagittarius. Full moon

In the first half of the day, control emotions, do not commit impulsive actions, if you feel that you can not stop - go from communication. On this day, long-term walks and running, as you can harm not only hips, but also hip joints. Spend time to expand your knowledge of new procedures in cosmetology, read reviews about cosmetic salonsin which were not yet.

16th and 17th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn

Today it is necessary to stimulate all the processes in your body so that there are no stagnant phenomena. Therefore, in nutrition, use tonic teas, seasonings that accelerate metabolism, and can also be taken biologically active additives. A good time to care for the skin of the mammary glands - cleaning moisture, removal of pigment spots and papillom. The same care is necessary for the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline.

17th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

Especially useful on this day will be warming and tonic massage, bath procedures, Toning and cleansing, exfoliating masks for the whole body. Do not forget to remove solid skin on your knees and elbows. But you need to move carefully not to damage knee joints. On this date you can plan a breast plastic, as well as doing exercises that strengthen it. You can cut, but the laying will not hold on.

18th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

An excellent day in order not to just take care of the skin, but also to improve it, to treat it. All skin rehabilitation procedures that you will spend on this day will have a long effect. We will be very effective techniques designed to smooth out small wrinkles and increase the turgor of the skin. Apply a dentist on another day - today teeth, like all bone tissue are very vulnerable. It is not recommended to do a manicure and pedicure.

19th lunar day. Moon in aquare

Overload is not recommended - this applies to physical exertion, and psychological. Take care of the heart I. nervous system, you should not give excessive eyes. Try to abide by hygiene not only the body, but also the souls, and therefore avoid people unpleasant and improving your self-esteem. Choose simple exercises to maintain the tone of the back muscles and perform in several approaches throughout the day. It is not necessary to cut.

20th lunar day. Moon in aquare

Even normal for you physical activity On this day, it may be excessive for your feet. If there varicose disease - She can exacerbate. So it is worth guarding your legs and reduce the load on them. Refuse from high heel - On this day, the podlings will become frequent, the ankle joints are especially vulnerable. Any impact on the joints is undesirable today, even if it healing procedures. Keep calm.

21st lunar day. Moon in Fish

One of the best days to visit the hairdresser. The hair is obedient today, so when the wizard will almost not allow mistakes. In addition, after the salon procedures, your chapheluor will look stunning. Pedicure and callus removal and natoptysh are not recommended - nails are easy to break and smell, and the skin is very easy to injure. Choose comfortable shoesIf you do not want to graze legs.

22nd lunar day. Moon in Fish

Emotional state will be asked, it is necessary to support it good mood, I can only cry from light sorrow or from joy. Otherwise it's easy to ride in depressive condition, succumb obsessive thoughts And as a result, get insomnia. A hike in a hairdresser is better to postpone - on this day it is easy to damage the hair, if they are mistaken in the definition of their type.

23rd lunar day. Moon in Fish

On this day, plan a diet, refusing, for example, from the use of meat. It will be good to clean the intestine, you can not be afraid to apply an enema or detox procedure for this. A good helper will be water - in cleansing not only the intestines, but also hair, skin. Use non-aggressive, gently affecting the means. Choose a salon with a good reputation where hygiene is respected and sterilized tools.

24th lunar day. Moon in Ovne

Carefully this day, use procedures in the head area. You can rush only if you want to make a more clear line hairstyle without changing it dramatically. Very helpful physical exertion, only first make sure your arterial pressure Normally, since otherwise you can provoke insufficient blood circulation in the brain. Do not treat and prostate the teeth of the upper jaw.

25th lunar day. Moon in Ovne

Caring for me on this day, listen to your feelings: so you can define what means and procedures are suitable for you, and what is clearly not yours. Just come to the choice of beauty specialist. Take away seriously to the prompts that you will send life. Hair can be indulged nutrient masksBut it is better to cut better on the other day. Do not use aggressive facilities for the face.

26th and 27th lunar days. Moon in Tales

One of the best days for massage, especially if you choose a skillful masseur. Energy of man is very important here, positive attitude To the world to whom he will generously share with you and thereby improves you. The only one is not worth making a collar zone massage, since the vertebra is easily displaced on this day. cervical department. You can use the hairdresser, preferably in order to pass the strengthening procedures.

27th and 28th lunar days. Moon in Tales

On this day, plan a visit to the gynecologist. Inspection "intimate" doctor will not have any negative consequences. You can conduct therapeutic procedures in this zone, delete papillomas, facing erosion. But with the neck you need to handle neatly, it concerns the skin of the neck. It can only be cleaned and nourished, no radical procedures It is not worth it. Treatment and prosthetics of teeth lower jaw Transfer the other day.

28th and 29th lunar days. Moon in Gemini

In the first half of the day, deal with your hands - to the shoulders. Manicure is useful for them, whitening (gentle) and skin moisturizing. Exercises aimed at strengthening hands will be productive, but it is worth excluding from the complex those who carry injury for the joints. If you have long wanted to learn the execution of a wise, then it has come for this. In the afternoon, give the body, hair and skin rest.

30th lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Today it is good to sum up the last moon month. This also applies to the scope of care. Analyze what procedures you did which of them have for you positive effectAnd what - no. And from ineffective for the future to refuse. It is easy at this time you refuse and from some addictions that make you non-free. For example, it is today that you can throw smoking, smoking the last cigarette.

1st lunar day. Moon in cancer. New moon

It is undesirable to cut on this day: it is possible that tomorrow you will realize that you have not yet had a final idea that you want to get. But it is possible to plan the procedures for treating yourself for the coming month, it is better to even write their plans and mark the corresponding numbers. It is also nice to share your plans with close friends, at the same time listening to their intentions. So you will better realize what you need.

2nd lunar day. Moon in cancer

The diet that determines and our well-being, and affects the appearance, it is better to choose it today. How? Listen to your feelings at the form of a product. If you want to eat it - it means that he needs your body. If rejection occurs - eliminate the product from your diet for some time. Take care of the stomach today - there will be uncompaired and other disorders. Skin and hair must be fed.

3rd and 4th lunar days. Moon in Lev.

Very nice day to care for your hair. Tree-tried hair will grow very quickly and will be thicker. Also haircut miraculously removes from your head unnecessary thoughts. Take care of your back - not only do not raise weights, but also beware of drafts. Physical exercise Do not be excessive, the heart does not work very well today with them, which can manifest itself in the form of arrhythmias or edema.

4th and 5th lunar days. Moon in Lev.

In the first half of the day, do not go to the first beauty salon to the first oncoming specialist. Choose - Your mood is depends on several days, and then weeks, and appearance. In the afternoon, follow the prompts, which will also meet on your way. And if, for example, in the shop of the saleswoman will give you no means that you asked (confuses), perhaps it is that you need it.

5th and 6th lunar days. Moon in Vid.

Pay attention to how the clean then the towel you are going to take advantage of whether the water does not flow from the crane when you are going to take a shower, and so on. And in beauty salons you will be thrown immediately sterile purity Or, on the contrary, a layer of dust on the floor. Stay where purely. Do not use brushes or combs that have been powdered or combed someone else.

6th and 7th lunar days. Moon in Vid.

Do not allow intestinal failures - it will immediately affect your appearance. Therefore, you choose the easy, such that prevents the formation of constipation. Planned operations on abdominal cavity It is recommended to do at another time. Any cleansing procedures are shown - both for hair and face and body skin. You can rush, and it is better to trust the opinion of a specialist, and not insist on your point of view.

7th and 8th lunar days. Moon in scales

Good day to remove teeth, for the procedures on the face and head, to combat excess weight. At the same time, many chemical tools should not be introduced into its body, as you can provoke stagnant phenomena and even kidney problems. The day is very suitable for putting your appearance in order: paint your eyebrows, make a tattoo line of eyelash growth, improve the contour of the lips. Exquisite manicure Significantly increase your self-esteem.