What lunar day 17. lunar day: main characteristics. A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

General forecast

The symbol is grapes, a bell, a bunch of grapes, an alarm. This day is also called the day of Shakti. Shakti is a female goddess. Day of women's energies.

This lunar day is a day of accumulation, fertility, joy, inner freedom and access to your ideal love. These days are very suitable for marriage, marital relations, emancipation and fun. On this day, female energy is transformed. It is advised to use warmed Cahors or cold dry wine. At the same time, drunkenness and debauchery is strictly prohibited.

The first half of the day allows you to use energy with maximum efficiency. Marital ties will improve, sexual energy will increase. Any creative process, own business. For many people, intuition rises, a feeling of illumination comes. The 2nd half of the day will be unfavorable. There will be difficulties in the implementation of plans and ideas. You have to be careful and careful sexual contacts. Conflicts may arise between lovers due to feelings of dissatisfaction.

Love and relationships. Since ancient times, it was considered the best day for a wedding from the entire lunar month. There is a sign that if you get married on this day, the union will be long and the love in it will not fade away. In general, 12, 16 and 17 lunar days are good for marriage (on the 16th day - the marriage will be held in harmony, and on the 12th - on higher love). In general, the seventeenth lunar day is one of happy days month. Time of communication, joy and friendly meetings, bright acquaintances and memorable dates. The energy of this day gives birth to a cheerful and carefree time, favorable joyful events. Quite appropriate leisure alone or with a group of friends. The most striking aspect in the description of this day is love. It is very good for romantic dates. At 17 lunar day love can visit you - a passion that most often occurs at first sight, but you should not lose your head and caution: due to uncontrollable energies, it contains many surprises.

Housework. Not designed for work. This is a holiday time, not laundry or cleaning. Can do important things in the garden or garden, but only if you really consider them important.

Business and money. A normal day for money matters. The work is going well, but the mood is not working. Important questions are best left for later. Serious negotiations today will not work. You can have a fun chat, get information from business partners, design, dream, but final decision important issues better save it for later. The energy of the day is so free that it does not favor any work affairs. Serious projects today are unlikely to succeed. Instead of sitting at work in vain, spend the day in a fun friendly company. When planning a month, pay attention to this day and distribute things in such a way that on the seventeenth lunar day you have a day off, or at least part-time work. Having rested and walked today, you will create for yourself good mood and cheerfulness for the rest of the lunar month. The first half of the day of the 17th lunar day is especially successful. In the second half, problems and difficulties in the implementation of the plan may begin. If you start new things on the seventeenth lunar day, then be prepared for the fact that these things will constantly require adjustments, everything will not go as planned, but this does not mean at all that the result will be negative. Good will work out creative projects, today energy is on the rise and intuition works flawlessly. The probability of new discoveries, insights and revelations is great. All people of creativity and art today have the most real holiday inspiration. A great day for writers, science fiction writers, fiction writers. Today, thoughts will flow by themselves and easily fall on paper. Do not miss your impulse of inspiration in the hustle and bustle of household chores.

Dreams. As you know, these lunar days are associated with the activity of female energy, including its sexual part. And as a result, dreams are a reflection of how harmoniously your sexual energy is realized. A dream can show how depressed you are, and what is the degree of not realizing your sexual desires and fantasies. Of course, first of all, you need to understand that what is meant is not passionate sexual desires, but your ability to be creatively realized through communication with the opposite sex. Therefore, if you manage to determine the degree of tension or distortion, try to straighten out the distortions immediately and look for a creative outlet for your sexual energy. So if you take off pleasant dreams, then this suggests that you are showing your creativity, and in relations with the opposite sex you are all right. If not pleasant dreams, then you need to pay more attention to the manifestation of creativity, and improve things in relationships. The dreams of this day may come true within the next three days. They may portend success.

Health. Not exactly favorable. Women can experience severe stress on the psyche. This day is dangerous for the manifestation of infectious diseases. It can also be traumatic. Vulnerable on this day the pituitary gland and the whole endocrine system.

  • The beginning of the 17th lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 21 at 17:03
  • February 20 at 18:52
  • March 22 at 20:41
  • April 21 at 22:21
  • May 20 at 22:28
  • June 19 at 22:59
  • July 18 at 22:03
  • August 17 at 21:06
  • September 15 at 19:42
  • October 14 at 18:17
  • November 12 at 16:57
  • December 12 at 16:21
17th lunar day in other years


In the East, they believe that the 17th lunar day is unfavorable for a haircut, since this action will make evil spirits constant companions of a person, who will send illnesses, injuries and mental disorders to him.


A person born on the 17th lunar day is endowed with a very emotional nature. Feeling for him is in the 1st place. He never suffers from confrontations between the mind and the heart, since the voice of the heart is much louder. In that positive side and its danger. Sometimes it is not enough to listen to emotions, they can be deceiving. You need to remember this in order to save yourself from problems. People of this day are sincere, open, trust people. If you were born on this day, be sure to meet with friends, communicate as much as possible. For such people, love and marriage mean a lot. They strive to find their soul mate, sometimes they see the meaning of life in this. An alliance with a loved one helps them spiritual development, encourages activity, gives willpower and wisdom. prone to demonstrative behavior, often shock the public, make it clear how little someone else's opinion means to them. Such behavior is self-defense, a person is simply afraid to expose his sensitive inner world in front of outsiders. They don’t like restrictions, they can’t stand being led by circumstances, they worry when there is no other way. Main danger– have low self-esteem, depression may develop.
Tip: evaluate yourself realistically and you will be able to use your many abilities and virtues, become successful and happy people. Alcohol is very harmful.

Bathing in the baths

The best day in the bath for lovers. Stay together - will be remembered for a long time!


Dreams of the 17th lunar day are significant. If the dreams are pleasant, then everything is normal in our life. bad dream indicates dissatisfaction in creative self-expression, a lack of inner freedom (it's time to loosen up).

Guardian stones

Obsidian, hematite, zircon.

conception of a child

Despite the fact that on the 17th lunar day it is favorable to drink a little wine, it is better for parents to abstain from alcohol if they decide to conceive a child. Otherwise, he may grow up to be a drunkard and a deceiver. But joy and exuberant fun on this day are favorable. In this case, the person will be lucky. He will have an easy cheerful disposition.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Enhances the energy and attractiveness of a person. Protects a person from negative energies envy and aggression.


The seventeenth lunar day is the most auspicious time for weddings and anniversaries. For marriage, this period is “ golden mean”, it suits everyone without exception - both young and old couples. But especially the seventeenth lunar day is suitable for people striving for a stormy and romantic family life. This is one of the most favorable periods to create a family for circus performers, musicals, comedians, as well as humorous writers.

This is also a good time for original and fun weddings with an abundance of practical jokes, jokes and unexpected surprises interesting games etc.

It is good for family people to arrange on these lunar days family celebration together with the children, take them to the circus or to some colorful performance. Arrange a holiday, a surprise, a prank or a small performance in your family. Spend the whole day at home with your loved ones.


Good day for any purchases. It is especially favorable for buying any toys, flowers, wine and cognac, for everything that somehow brings joy and is associated with the holiday. The main condition: to purchase goods with joy and in high spirits. Otherwise, the purchase will really not bring you joy. This is also a good time to buy vacation packages, tourist travel tickets, and so on.


symbol: bunch of grapes
stones: zircon, hematite
body part: skin of the anterior surface of the body

Day of influence of female energies. Working with the feminine aspect of the Force. The astrological aspect that characterizes the day is the energy of love. Love spells on this day are done only on men, love spells on women fall weakly or may not lie at all. Love spells are best done with a sexual bias, but not the same as on the 15th lunar day, because on this day sex is perceived as an integral part of sensual love, and not as lust. The best day to get married. It is also very favorable for rituals for money and good luck.

When divining, ask only questions related to sexuality, as well as sensual and emotional spheres. Now the answers to these questions will be especially accurate.

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The symbol of the 17 lunar day are vine and a bell. This day is considered the day of feminine energies, when people gain inner freedom.

You can and should do everything that brings joy and satisfaction. This is the day positive emotions, a day of fun.


17 lunar day is one of better days for marriage. These marriages are long-lasting and love does not fade away in them. Life is in full swing today. Today you are patronized by the God of wine - Dionysus. Today is the perfect day for weddings. Dancing and fun, love and joy accompany the 17th lunar day.

Nothing should darken this day. Drop all problems, do not take anything to heart. Just love and rejoice. Sincerity, benevolence and openness should be present in your relationship.

Dancing and fun, love and joy accompany the 17 lunar day

When your emotions are in tune with the entire universe, this is a wonderful attitude. Marriages today are made only for love. Harmony, mutual understanding, inner emancipation, the desire to give to another, to your chosen half, everything that she does not have, and to receive what you do not have. The two halves form a more complete level of freedom. In no case can a partner be considered property. Radiate more on the 17th lunar day of joy, love, positive emotions. What you give is what you get. The boomerang law works.


Sex on the 17th lunar day is wonderful. This day is considered the day of paired contacts. Limit yourself today sexually by no means is it possible. It is necessary to use the energy of 17 lunar days correctly.

At the same time, it is impossible to allow an arbitrary release of energy so as not to provoke uncontrolled actions. Diversity and inventiveness are only welcome, but control over an excess of energy cannot be lost.

17 lunar birthday

Children born on the 17th lunar day are very talented. But they need the support of the second half, or at least parents and relatives. People of this day need a source of steam energy, then they will feel happy. They cannot live alone.

They definitely need pair contact. Otherwise, life will seem boring and sad to them. Parents of children born on the 17th lunar day should always remember that their children will show early interest in the sexual side of human life.


Diseases of 17 lunar days are dangerous. They carry various kinds of complications. On this day, it is easy to catch an infection. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, avoid drafts, in winter - dress warmer, not put yourself at risk, avoid contact with the sick and those with a cold. Be careful, because the day is also traumatic.

On the 17th lunar day, if you feel unwell or physical weakness do not try to immediately swallow the pills, do not abuse the medication. On this day, it is better to drink warm wine, dry or red, resort to traditional medicine methods. Today the God of wine - Dionysus - rules. He will definitely help you. Do not ignore invitations to a banquet, do not neglect a feast. Do not deny yourself anything. Today, fun and wine will only benefit.

Do not overdo it on this day

On the 17th lunar day, the kidneys and adrenal glands are especially vulnerable. It is necessary to use diuretics. Overeating is not recommended. It is better not to eat meat. Detoxification of the body and water procedures are shown.

In women, on the 17th lunar day, an emotional outburst is observed, tension in the psyche is felt. Do not be nervous, contact with friends, have fun, laugh, smile. You can do self-analysis, rethinking your life. This exercise will normalize the state of the nervous system.


The 17th lunar day is considered successful for trade and trade workers, good for personnel changes, good for business trips. Without much zeal, you can calmly carry out the current work. Creative people experience a surge of inspiration during this period.

But businessmen on the 17th lunar day should not start new business and projects, especially on a large scale. Negotiations with partners, routine work with correspondence should be postponed for another day. Operations with large financial flows on the 17th lunar day are not recommended.

On the 17th lunar day, do not promise anything to anyone, do not lend anything, do not provoke conflicts, do not create difficulties for yourself, so as not to overcome them later. Do not shackle your inner freedom.

Haircut and beauty

The moon will always be your helper if you follow the lunar rhythms. Practices on lunar days for beauty and health for women have always been of great interest.

It is forbidden to get a haircut on the 17th lunar day. As a result of this operation, there may be obstacles in business, health complications, mood deterioration, and psyche damage. Don't attract negative emotions. Eliminate hair manipulation on the 17th lunar day.

Don't attract negative emotions

Any water procedures are indicated for entraining vitality: tonic baths, trips to a steam room or sauna. Various rejuvenating agents, masks and massages using creams and oils, aromatherapy are recommended.


There is a deep and intimate connection between man and the Silvery Moon. The moon influences the content of our dreams. Dreams of 17 lunar are true. In some dream books there is information that the dreams of this day come true after three days, and in others - after eighteen. Interpreters of dreams believe that the most truthful information in dreams comes before dawn. The highest probability of the fulfillment of those dreams that occurred on Tuesday or Friday. Any dream of 17 lunar days portends success. Memorize or write down dreams so as not to forget them, and decipher them correctly.


Stones of the 17th lunar day - zircon, transparent amethyst, raven and hawk's eye.

The zircon stone is called younger brother diamond. Many qualities are attributed to him: a monogamous stone, a stone for solving mysteries, a talisman for travelers. Doctors used it to stop blood, to improve memory, to get rid of melancholy.

17 lunar day

The symbol is a bell, a bunch of grapes.

Stones - zircon, raven and falcon eye, transparent amethyst, hematite.

The seventeenth lunar day is a good, happy day, the symbol of which is a bunch of grapes, personifying fertility and the tree of life. On this day, it’s good to reveal your most the best sides, show love for life and everything that surrounds you, enjoy every minute, give warmth and tenderness to others. The day is energetically saturated, those who are spiritually developed can accept revelations, and there is also a chance to know true love.

17 lunar daysholiday time, evenings, new discoveries and unexpected surprises. Behave like children. Be sincere, open and don't be afraid to be funny. Remember that the only way to be close to God, to sound in unison with the Universe is to rejoice and love! Today, if you will be in high spirits, feeling that God is near you, you will be able to feel that your problems are not so problems. You can laugh at them with your friends. Don't take anything seriously. Life is a game.

On this day, it is recommended to avoid everything that can cause the manifestation of negativity. Therefore, despite the ease and simplicity of the day, it is still not advisable to forget about awareness and attention. Only in this way can you catch the first signs of conflict and direct the situation in a peaceful direction. It is not permissible on this day to show fear, hostility, anger, envy.

On the seventeenth day of the lunar month, you may feel a strong emotional uplift. This is due to the fact that the accumulated energy continues to seek its outlet. If you can manage your internal forces, then on this day you will not come across difficulties. The day will go well. Otherwise, there is a risk that uncontrolled energy will take you to the other extreme and a good mood will develop into unbridled fun with unpleasant consequences.

Another pleasant feature of the seventeenth lunar day is the disclosure of creative talents. If you tune in to the energy of the day, you will definitely feel inspired and want to express yourself. This day will bring a lot fresh ideas, discoveries, will help you look at familiar things from a different angle. It is possible that on this lunar day you will be able to discover completely new sides of yourself.

It is believed that on this lunar day it is accepted drink Cahors or wine, symbolizing the moisture of life, revelation, truth and vitality.


On the seventeenth lunar day, it is recommended to observe moderation in almost everything that directly relates to health. You can not overeat, it is desirable to limit physical exercise, reduce sleep time. It is better to give up alcohol and tobacco.

On the seventeenth day of the lunar month, the symptoms of diseases may suddenly disappear, and general state improve. But this is only a temporary phenomenon. On this day, it is not recommended to abuse medicines. If possible, it is better to replace them with natural counterparts.

Cahors and dry red wine are useful. The danger to the body that the day carries in itself lies in infectious diseases. If the seventeenth day falls on Saturday, then this is an extremely negative option. The disease may be incurable or begin suddenly and pass with complications.

In women, due to unspent female energy (“shanti”), mental disorders. The day is traumatic, so it is better not to get involved in fights. No medicines can be taken today. Drugs are especially dangerous. They will not bring any benefit, they will only entail severe consequences. To heal, it is helpful to start by reflecting on your life. Trust nature, use folk remedies or home remedies. You can go to the sauna or arrange a session of anti-aging treatments.

FROM medical point vision on this day, the kidneys and the endocrine system are vulnerable. If possible, it is best to avoid surgical intervention and acupuncture. Diseases that arose on the seventeenth lunar day usually occur in acute form. If this occurs, it is recommended to take immediate action. And most importantly - do not forget that a good mood and good spirits are the key to your health.

Love and relationships.

The feeling of love is of particular importance today. On this lunar day, it is pronounced and is the basis of everything. At an intuitive level, there will be a need to invest it in your thoughts and actions. Women on this day open up and show their feminine qualities compared to other days.

And best of all - make a date with your loved one to a person, if today you confess your love, your feelings will be reciprocated.

It is recommended to spend a day in cheerful company. Sing songs, participate in games, competitions, celebrations, read poetry and give odes or speeches. The day is favorable for meetings with old friends. The energy of the day also favors any intimate relationship.


The seventeenth lunar day is ideal for marriage, which will be long and based on love. Such marriages will be very strong.


The seventeenth lunar day is a holiday of sex and love. The more it is, the better! Good for tactical sex. Make love wherever passion strikes you. Sex in this period is very useful in the bosom of nature, in the forest, in a field (especially a grain field), on a river, lake, sea, in a cave and on a mountain peak, and, of course, sex in a vineyard will be the most healthy and romantic.

It is highly undesirable to restrain your erotic fantasies on these lunar days, relax and surrender to the will of sex. Your love should be reckless, festive, extravagant (even extreme in some ways) and exotic. Don't hold back! Drown in orgasm!


Symbol seventeenth lunar day is a grape, which in turn is a symbol of fertility and is a good day for conceiving a child. In an atmosphere of universal emancipation, the possibility of accidentally conceiving a baby is not ruled out. The child will be endowed with a bright and cheerful character, good luck will accompany him. But in an unfavorable family, he can grow up to be a drunkard and rowdy.


People born on the seventeenth lunar day are emotionally very developed. Feelings and feelings come first for them. They are very sensitive and capable of experiencing emotional upheavals, which ordinary people very rarely able. This is an extraordinary ability. But such a feature can be fraught. It is necessary to teach such children from an early age to control their emotions, otherwise emotions will control them. As a result, life for those born on this lunar day will bring melancholy and devastation instead of joy.

On the seventeenth lunar day, real talents are born. From a very young age, those born on this lunar day show creative inclinations. Being still children, they are already able to gather people around them, ignite them with their energy, give joy and love. These people will always be drawn to, admired for their good spirits, charged with optimism from them.

The creative data of children on the seventeenth lunar day must be developed. It is good to give them to some theatrical circle or to classes in painting, dancing, music. In general, everything that allows your child to express himself to the maximum extent will only benefit. Having learned to realize themselves from childhood, they will be able to apply their talents in adulthood that will make them successful people.

The main life goal of those born on the seventeenth lunar day is the search for their other half. Sometimes it can take half a lifetime. But for them, the result is important. For the most part, they rely on intuitive sensations. And the search for their ideal, for those born on the seventeenth day of the lunar month, will end only at the moment when they feel that they are one with the person next to them. And in this, such people find themselves truly and live a happy life.

the beauty

Astrologers do not recommend changing your hairstyle or your image today. Otherwise, as a result, problems in the business sphere, the emergence of conflict situations are possible. It is also not advised today to dye your hair, do hair removal and generally carry out any cosmetic manipulations. Be patient, soon moon calendar will give green light and you can easily catch up.

ESOTERICS - the seventeenth lunar day

Almost all esoteric traditions use the seventeenth lunar day for a powerful spiritual breakthrough. So, for example, the tantric schools of the left hand conduct a maithunu ritual on this day, which allows adepts to ascend to transcendent spiritual heights and return from there renewed and enlightened.

Enlightenment is nothing but awareness of universal joy and love with all your being.

Many witches, witchcraft and pagan European schools staged sexual rituals and ceremonies on this day, many of which were associated with the cult of fertility.

The original Christian mystical school celebrated this day as the day of Love and Joy. After all, initially Christianity was a religion of love and joy, and not a religion of Suffering.

It is not recommended to carry out any abstinence and ascetic practices during this period. Freedom of the spirit and enlightenment is achieved not by establishing more and more restrictions, but quite the opposite, by destroying any barriers and boundaries. Just as Love knows no obstacles, and God is unlimited, so a person in his spiritual quest should strive for the same.

Now you have the opportunity to get out of yet another prison of your unnecessary principles and limitations and feel that everything is a part of everything, and all beings and phenomena in the Universe are connected by only one thread - Love. But as soon as you set a rule for yourself, for example, refusing to communicate with representatives of other religions and the like, you simply you simply break the Thread of Love and remain alone, cut off from the life of the entire Universe. Therefore, the seventeenth lunar day is the day of the return to Freedom!

LUNAR RITUAL - the seventeenth lunar day

Practice: - Communion, sublimation of sexual energy.
On the 17th day of the first month of this year, one must go to the temple, drink the cup of purification, communion. Thank you immortality.

Exchange or sublimation of sexual energy.

17 lunar day is the day of marital love, the conception of real full-fledged men. Conceived on this day, they will carry all the best male qualities. During a love connection and orgasm, an exchange of life energies occurs, which is produced by the svadhisthana chakra. This energy is universal, it is able to prepare and strengthen all other human chakras. On the seventeenth lunar day, this chakra is strongly filled with energy and requires it to be spent either in sexual contact, or the transfer of this energy to other chakras, to another type of energy.

If necessary, you can transfer this energy to another level using all known

Exercises "Birch"

Lying on your back, slowly raise your legs up, and, standing on your shoulder blades, keep your legs upright, how pleasant it is with your hands on your hips.

Lower your legs down slowly better with being in the transitional position "Plow" when the legs are thrown over the head, horizontal to the floor.

Then slowly put your feet on the floor and lie down for a while in the state of bliss that comes at the end of the exercise.

Then, you need to do an exercise that bends the spine to the other side, to harmonize the energy in the body.

Exercise "Kitty"

Roll over on your stomach, place your palms at shoulder level.

Slowly raise your head and chest above the floor, resting your hands on the floor.

Rise above the floor, bend forward as much as possible and tilt your head back. To be as pleasant as it is.

Then slowly lower yourself to the floor, and the starting position.

You can do these exercises several times if you feel the need.

Time to rejoice Rituals of the 17th lunar day

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Symbolic correspondence: 13th - 24th degrees of Libra.
Anatomical fit:
Action: ecstasy.
Titles: Shakti, bell, bunch of grapes.
The symbol is a bunch of grapes, an alarm, a bell.
This is the period of gaining inner freedom, the day of the mystery of Dionysus.
In ancient Greece, sacred bacchanalia were held in honor of this god. In Sanskrit, this day was called the day of Shakti - female energy. This symbol also denoted dancers, priestesses of love.
This is a day of accumulation and growth, fertility, ecstasy and joy of being. Favorable for marital relations, pair contacts, banquets, holidays and feasts. The most striking aspect in the characterization of this day is love, but one should not lose one's head and caution: due to uncontrollable energies, it contains many surprises.
The day is associated with the transformation of female energies, and unsublimated (unprocessed) female energy can manifest itself as a rampage, as an involuntary exit.
Household influence: Bad for tedious work, reports and overexertion. Good for travel, trade, pleasure, etc. Favorable for marriage. Lucky for thieves.
It is desirable to spend the seventeenth day of the Moon as a day of contacts, fun and emancipation, a day of speeches, songs, mastery of power asanas, group exercises, sublimation of sexual energy.
The results of this day can be very different: on the highest level- exit to the key perfect love, on the lower - riot and drunkenness.
It is recommended to use dry wine or heated Cahors - it is a symbol of the knowledge of eternity and ecstasy, connection with movement, joy.
Medical influence: Day of manifestation of infectious diseases. Tense mentality in women. Traumatic day.
On this day it is good to make marriages that will long time hold on to love. In general, 12, 16 and 17 lunar days are good for marriage (on the 16th day - the marriage will be held in harmony, and on the 12th - on higher love).
People born on the seventeenth lunar day need their "half". They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of paired polarity, otherwise the person will be miserable and weak in life.
Effect on conception: The conception of a child will be in joy and fun, and his character will be just as intoxicating and bright. Capricious success chooses those who can laugh at themselves. But be careful. Your child may grow up to be a drunkard and a liar.
Meditations: Dance.
Signatures: amethyst, zircon, raven eye.
Stones - transparent amethyst, raven and hawk's eye, zirconium.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half is favorable and allows you to use energy with maximum effect. Any own business, enterprise or creative process is activated, improved marital relations, increases sexual energy, intuition improves, creative ecstasy or a state of enlightenment appears. The second half of the day is unfavorable, and there may be problems with the implementation of plans or ideas. Sense pleasures consume time or energy and therefore in given time must be extremely careful in sexual contact. Feelings of satiety or dissatisfaction can cause conflicts between lovers, as well as hinder the prospects for cooperation.

"Birthdays" of the Moon by Albert the Great

The day is unlucky. You shouldn't do anything about it. Diseases are cruel. Dreams come true in three days. Children are happy.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

Symbols - "Grapes", "Nabat" and "Bells". This day is also called the day of Shakti. Shakti is a female goddess. Day of women's energies. On the 17th lunar day, all people go through the process of gaining inner freedom. You can allow yourself to laugh, set yourself up to see the funny, and what gives you joy. It is recommended that you do whatever you can. This will also bring us joy and satisfaction. It is good to arrange holidays, to drink warm wine, it is favorable to arrange a wedding.
A marriage concluded on the 17th lunar day will be based on sexual harmony between spouses. It is also good to register marriages on the 16th and 12th lunar days. On the 12th lunar day, marriage will be based on higher cosmic love, and on the 16th lunar day, marriage will be based on harmony.
On the 17th lunar day, you can’t complex, swear. It is necessary to cultivate a sense of inner freedom. For showdowns with ourselves, we have special days. It is better to try to avoid difficulties on this day and not to create them artificially. You should refuse all the offers that come to you, that is, do not create debts for yourself and make promises, since this is the day of inner freedom. Do not allow conflicts that will destroy the feeling of inner freedom.
The day should be spent in harmony. This is the day of couples contacts. Both women and men are charged with energy, therefore sexual contacts are very favorable.
The endocrine system, pituitary gland, kidneys and adrenal glands, Hara chakra are associated with the 17th lunar day. It is useful to take a diuretic.
If we misuse the energy of the 17th day, create restrictions for ourselves, including sexual ones, this can lead to violence and an involuntary release of energy, as a result of which a person can commit uncontrollable actions.

People born on the 17th lunar day need a source of paired energy, in their half, and, as a rule, all their life aspirations are due to these needs.
Such people cannot live alone, they have an irresistible need for a spouse or a lover - a source of paired energy. Such a person cannot harmonize by himself. If he does not have this source, a person becomes miserable, weak and rarely achieves anything in life. Often people do not realize this, and as soon as this is realized, their life immediately changes. Pair contact is needed in order to acquire inner freedom.
Unfortunately, now we get something else in marriage: there is mutual enslavement, they consider the partner to be property. This is the wrong position. We must approach marriage from a different perspective and understand that the partner is as free as you are, and, in fact, must be the androgynous half. Humans were once a complete androgyne. Only as a result of the war of the Gods, after Phaeton split, did a division of people by gender occur: into male and female.
At the level of a person - an androgyne, and our energy and all actions in life are determined, as well as the division by sex, when for a man Right side is happy, and for a woman - left-hand side. The task of a man and a woman is to connect the two halves in order to restore their androgyne. Two free personalities form another level of freedom, more complete. In marriage, a person must be liberated, reveal what he carries within himself, give it to another person and receive compensation for what he does not have, while at the same time gaining freedom.

You can and should do, eat:
- Energy treatment
- Show independence
- fall in love
- make marriages
- Leisure
- Have sexual contact
- Do only what you know how to do well
- rejoice
- avoid stress
It is impossible to do or it is necessary to refrain, do not eat:
- start new business
- Complex
- make promises
- quarrel, quarrel
- Tolerate conflicts and breakdowns

Features of the seventeenth lunar day:

  • on the 17th lunar day, the atmosphere is saturated with the energy of the satellite, the period contributes to active actions, making important decisions;
  • number 8 brings good luck and happiness;
  • the most powerful natural element is the Earth;
  • from the spectrum of colors, the most favorable yellow and its rich shades;
  • meditative technique The dance affects the practitioner with particular force;
  • when choosing precious stones preference should be given to hematite and zircon;
  • Wednesday and the seventeenth lunar day have General characteristics and harmoniously combined;
  • the northeast direction attracts good luck;
  • in shape, the seventeenth lunar day resembles a square; an elongated rectangle is also possible;
  • the symbol of the period is the Bunch of Grapes;
  • the perfect time to accept yourself, your freedom; The universe allows you to have fun and celebrate to perk up and feel your inner strength;
  • The Guardian Angel of the day is Dorkan, a servant of heaven, who is responsible for the harvest and fertility (helps a woman conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy and strong baby; walks shoulder to shoulder with modest, decent and kind people).

17 lunar day: main characteristics

By your own mood and condition on the 17th lunar day, you can determine whether you have chosen your right life path. If you feel high spirits, fun, joy, you want to laugh and rejoice, then everything is in order. If, on the contrary, longing and sadness creep into your soul, tears constantly appear in your eyes, and the appropriate joke of a friend does not cause laughter, then think about it - this sure sign erroneous actions.

At this time, the air even has a special smell, which allows you to relax, get rid of complexes, show your inner passions. Do not be shy about being sexy - show feelings without fear of condemnation and gossip.

Even in the Holy Books, it was repeatedly said that despondency is a great sin.

A person has 17 lunar days light feeling own importance in the world. But this occurs only for those who really tried to spend the first half of the lunar month for the benefit of themselves and the surrounding reality. Now it's time for complete relaxation.

Perfect time to go out. Visit an exhibition with your loved one, go to a screening of a new film in the company of cheerful friends. And in the evening, be sure to drop by the club to complete the seventeenth lunar day in good location spirit. Even a slight intoxication - from happiness or from alcohol - is allowed. But, under no pretext, do not become a participant in adventurous adventures, the outcome of which is unknown to anyone.

Good time for lovers: you can spend a joint romantic date. Confess your love - on the seventeenth lunar day, such words have a wonderful effect on the heart of your soulmate and will cause mutual feelings.

If you have already started a family and have children, then spend the whole day with them. You don't need to invent something extreme or unusual for this. It is enough just to run together on the playground, eat ice cream, compete in agility.

Council of the 17th lunar day: “Open all your the senses"

The astrologers of the world claim that the period will bring to all people who have followed all the previous recommendations, festive mood. There is a good chance that you will receive unexpected gift. This is the time of surprises and discoveries, of course, pleasant ones.

Open all your feelings - do not hide them behind a mask of indifference. Relaxation is only welcome on the 17th lunar day. Do not take seriously all the words spoken. If someone badly jokes in your direction, do not react violently. A note of confidence and self-irony will not hurt in this situation, but will only strengthen your faith in yourself.

All the events of this period are moments of the game of life - treat them with a smile. At such moments, you will begin to realize that the Universe is connected with you firmly and forever.

But in the Tibetan lands there is a completely different opinion. The sages here are sure that the seventeenth lunar day is unfavorable for entertainment. In addition, they recommend that funerals be held at this time.

Aspects of the 17 lunar day

Social aspect

Man realizes that he has great freedom. He is independent of other people, circumstances, and duties. In the hands of each of us is power, and we independently have the right to determine our mood.

In ancient Greece, at this time, numerous rituals and festivities were held, at which they praised Dionysus, the god who gave fertility. They were not even shy about all kinds of bacchanalia and orgies - it was believed that 17 lunar days are suitable for complete relaxation.

Women were treated especially carefully during this period. After all, it is they who continue life on earth. The feminine energy is getting stronger.

Do not forbid yourself to arrange banquets and feasts on the 17th lunar day. Any kind of fun is allowed.

The day is favorable for love and its manifestation. But in everything one should know a sense of proportion. If you completely miss self-control, you can face a lot of unpleasant consequences.

mystical aspect

Mystical schools are of the opinion that the seventeenth lunar day is not suitable for monotonous, routine work. In this regard, you should not plan to write reports or other important documents for this period. Mental overstrain can have a detrimental effect on the entire state of the body - it is better to take care and give yourself a rest.

It is important that on the 17th lunar day you feel how good and fun life is. Get real spiritual pleasure. You can take a short trip to unwind. Also, an excellent solution would be to update the wardrobe (this process will please especially the fair sex).

At the mystical level, it is believed that on the seventeenth lunar day, group practices have a strong impact on a person.

Mystics say that at this time you can afford to drink some natural wine, preferably dry red. This drink helps to find the way to the realization of one's personality, and also grants new knowledge. But know the measure: one glass will be enough.

Medical aspect

The nervous system during this period is very sensitive. Women are especially prone to breakdowns.

Great risk of contracting an infectious disease. There are also cases of various injuries.


An ideal period for everyone who works with the earth. The symbol that accompanies the seventeenth lunar day is fertility and good harvest. It is worth using this favorable time to the maximum advantage.

If in the yard autumn period, then schedule a harvest on the 17th lunar day. This is especially true for grapes. If spring blooms outside the window, then confidently go to the dacha and do sowing.

Many ancient world cultures did not forget about this day and performed many special rituals dedicated to fertility. In Greece, they held holidays of a sexual nature. Each act was dedicated to the deity Dionysus.

The people have always believed that an animal born on the seventeenth lunar day is rewarded with special powers. It always leaves a divine imprint, giving endless energy and fertility. They also believed that such an animal protects the entire yard and the owner's home. That's just taking care of it should be extremely accurate and correct. If you let the animal get sick or injured, it was worth waiting for trouble.

Remember that your mood on the 17th lunar day is a good indicator of your state of health: mental and physical. During this period, do not burden yourself with a heap of responsibilities. Better to relax and have fun. You don't owe anything to anyone. Trust inner feelings and act according to your spiritual desires. This is the law that reigns on the 17th lunar day!

Conception and birth

On the 17th lunar day, an atmosphere of celebration and fun reigns in the air. This means that conception will occur just as brightly. But a born baby can choose two paths - it will depend only on him. The first is successful and promising. Such people have good reputation in society and have enough high intelligence. The second is filled with constant drunkenness and lies. People who choose this path often suffer from alcohol addiction and are constantly breaking the law.

Those whose birthday falls on the seventeenth lunar day will be able to prove themselves only if they find their true love. Otherwise, they will experience constant insecurity, self-pity and a sense of shame for their own mistakes.

Business and work

If you have prepared a presentation or project, then hand it over to the authorities during this period. Be sure that your work will pass any test, even the most thorough one.

Try not to work alone. Group discussion of work processes will be much more effective. Having worked fruitfully during the day, you and your colleagues can have fun in the evening. This pastime will have a positive impact on your relationship with the team.

Ideally, it would be generally to refuse any work during this period - but, of course, this does not always work out due to modern development society.

As a boss, show your good attitude to the best employees companies. You can reward them with bonus payments and be sure to say a few words of encouragement in front of the entire work team.

Forget about excessive formality - on the seventeenth lunar day, even the most serious issues will be much easier to solve if you do it with a smile on your face. The Universe will help only those who feel festive atmosphere around and let her into your heart. Do not overexert yourself - neither mentally nor physically. The result will please you only when you begin to treat everything easily.

Marriage and marriage

Marriages on the seventeenth lunar day are filled with love and mutual support. These couples never fight. Them trusting relationship they surprise all the people around them, but someone else's opinion will never prevent lovers from walking hand in hand throughout their life together.

Everyone, without exception, can go to the registry office on the 17th lunar day. Both young couples and those who have already crossed the threshold of youth will catch their portion of happiness. In particular, astrologers recommend building families for those whose profession is associated with constant excitement, risk and fun. These are circus workers, comedians, musicians, artists of the humorous genre.

When planning wedding celebration elect unusual scenario. Consult with a professional organizer of such holidays: the more original the feast is, the more pleasant family life will be. Yes, and passion will never go out between partners.

If during this period you have significant date be sure to celebrate it. Or you can just relax with your family. Go to the movies together (see a funny comedy), visit an amusement park (take a ride with your son or daughter on the funniest carousel), have a picnic with outdoor games (and your participation is a must!).

Health and Wellness

A very lucky day for those who suffer chronic diseases. There is a chance to completely forget about such problems - you just need to follow the instructions of the moon. There have been cases when people completely got rid of migraines, from high blood pressure, from dizziness on the seventeenth lunar day. And all this thanks to lunar energy, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all systems. human body. But you must have a sincere desire to change your life and protect yourself from bad habits- only in this case the pain will leave you forever.

The joy of life does not depend on alcohol and food. Of course, we need food to maintain strength and energy. But everything should be in moderation. Therefore, remember that on the seventeenth lunar day, rampant drinking and overeating is extremely prohibited. Allow yourself a couple of glasses of red wine, but no more. The same applies to food - as soon as you feel that you are full, stop.

If you play sports, let the body take a break from exercise on the 17th lunar day.

intimate relationship

On the seventeenth lunar day, release your desire - have sex as much as you want. And we are talking about a wide variety of intimate relationships. Everything is allowed on the 17th lunar day.

Tell your innermost fantasies to your partner and start turning them into reality. The place for classes can be anything: a field, a forest, a lake shore. Particularly symbolic is the act of having sex in a vineyard.

If you continue to hide your thoughts about sex from your loved one, you will Negative consequences. Fill your relationship with passion, extreme, extravagance, erotica and exoticism!

There is an astrological opinion that even group sex is allowed at this time, but not all experts adhere to it.

Dreams and dreams

Many people notice that on the seventeenth lunar day, dreams are filled with erotic meaning. All night images are associated with sex. It turns out that these pictures are just the embodiment of deeply buried real fantasies of a person. Appearing in dreams, they demand release. You need to translate these desires into reality so that the mind is completely calm. Otherwise, these dreams will come constantly.

It has long been proven that complete sexual relations is the basis of healthy well-being. Therefore, this aspect of life should be taken seriously. But forget about rudeness and cruelty. Sex should be about more than just physical body but also the mental component of the personality. Pleasure can be obtained without touching each other. Those who have experienced this claim that it feels much more pleasant than a normal orgasm.

Sex cannot exist apart from platonic relationship. And vice versa: without having sex, your love is unlikely to be eternal. Everything must be in harmony.

Having seen erotic dreams on the 17th lunar day, do not protect yourself from them. Relate to this issue very seriously. Otherwise, you can call trouble on yourself in the form various diseases mental and physical nature.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

Many esoteric schools are currently working with souls. Its development is considered simply necessary for a full understanding surrounding reality and accepting yourself as a person.

There is a special technique, working with which the followers of various mystical directions receive a renewed consciousness. Ancient knowledge and world truths begin to wake up in their thoughts. In other words, enlightenment descends on practitioners. As a result, they feel universal love and are able to enjoy real things. Loss of dependence on base desires and everyday items.

It was believed in ancient times that on the seventeenth lunar day it was allowed to engage in rituals related to sexual desires. After all, in given period rises the cult of fertility.

Christians have always associated the seventeenth lunar day with love, joy and happiness. Rituals dedicated to these feelings were performed. It is forbidden to lose heart and be sad.

Asceticism and loneliness are not recommended. Release your inner being – this is the time to go beyond. Do not stop your own aspirations, do not hide desires. The human personality is unlimited, as it was created by God. And the Creator radiates endless love, infinite Joy.

Unfortunately, modern realities very often contribute to the fact that we set limits, follow unnecessary principles. From childhood, we are told that there are a lot of restrictions that it is our duty to adhere to. The result is not full life, but a prison. On the seventeenth lunar day, this cell should be broken and the barrier that breaks the connection with world energy should be destroyed.

We have a chance to get real freedom - just don't miss it on the 17th lunar day!

Magic rituals: 17 lunar day

Meditation to attract sexual energy is effective during this period. It is desirable if you visit the church on the 17th lunar day. In a sacred place, take communion, repent of sins, communicate on intimate topics with a spiritual mentor. Do not hide the most hidden thoughts: about love, about life, about death, about immortality. Don't be afraid to ask about topics that concern you.

It is believed that a conceived boy on the seventeenth lunar day will become a fighter, a leader and a real man. During orgasm, partners exchange sexual energy - this process is energy-intensive and very powerful. All chakras are strengthened. They overflow in the energetic sense. It is not worth holding on to this energy: like any other, it requires an outlet.

There are several right ways spend it and take it to another level:

Exercise "Kitty"

  • Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Place your palms on the same level with your shoulders (as in push-ups).
  • Start slowly raising your head, then chest. Don't forget to rest your hands on the floor.
  • Raise the body completely. Make the maximum possible deflection of the body - the head is thrown back. Hold this position until you feel discomfort in the muscles.
  • Gradually come to the starting position.

Exercise "Birch"

  • Lie on the floor with your back down. Raise your legs. Pull them up, gradually you should stand on your shoulder blades. Help with your hands while holding your hips. This makes it easier to keep balance.
  • Continue as long as you feel comfortable. Then slowly return to the starting position.
  • As you lie on the floor, feel the bliss filling every organ.