Questions to a man on a first date. What question can I ask a guy to find out if he likes me? “What bad habits do you have?”

It's impossible to date a guy these days without finding traces of him online. Many of us are even secretly interested in the right people V in social networks. All these Instagram photos, all these funny Twitter memes make us get to know a potential mate well before the first date.

However, this does not mean that you should abandon the tradition of asking interesting questions at the first meeting. Do not rely on the power of intuition and extrasensory perception. Don't invent something that doesn't exist. The guy will open up better if you touch on topics that really interest him. Are you on a first date? Use the perfect questions to get to know your partner better.

What do you do for a living?

This question is as old as our world, but it will never lose its relevance. Work characterizes a person without further ado. Talking about professional activity chosen one, you get a unique chance to find out if he likes what he does. A person who is passionate about his work will immediately light up his eyes. Well, those who regard work as a duty and the only opportunity to earn money will prefer to evade this topic.

Do you have pets?

Love for animals characterizes any man with positive side. If your acquaintance in real life associated with viewing photos of a guy's pet, this is very good sign. It is believed that men who adore cats or dogs will be good family men and loving fathers. And while it's not the time to look that far, it's nice to know that your partner feels comfortable taking care of someone.

Are you capable of desperate acts?

This is one of those fun questions that don't embarrass the other person. But if, during a dialogue on the topic of spontaneous actions, the interlocutor reveals more and more unimaginable things to himself, this may alert you. Just think, are you ready to maneuver on the crest of an adrenaline wave? Or do you prefer a more sedate and measured life?

What surprises me the most about you?

It is always interesting to learn something amazing about another person. However, all these facts are usually revealed when the acquaintance is left far behind. We suggest you take the conversation in a relaxed direction. Don't be afraid to open up to a guy and tell your amazing story. You never know where this topic will take you two, but you can rest assured that it will. an amusing trip. Even if this guy likes to watch soap operas, it will seem more amusing than repulsive.

Who do you like more: cats or dogs?

This question can be asked even to those who do not own animals. Be sure that dog people and cat people have a lot in common. And this means that your conversation will not be interrupted by awkward silence.

Name your favorite movie from childhood

It's one thing if you like the same TV shows in a given period of time. Modern people are influenced by fashion trends and easily fall into the traps set by marketers. Haven't you been following the events of Game of Thrones or The Hunger Games? But if you figure out what movies your boyfriend liked as a teenager, it will form a more complete picture of him. taste preferences.

What would you do if you won a million in the lottery?

If you still do not understand what kind of person is sitting in front of you, the answer to this question can finally clarify the situation. Perhaps the goal of your chosen one is to travel around the world, buy a house, car or start your own business. You will find out how determined he is, whether he is planning a family or is still striving for freedom. And if a guy says that he will donate part of the money to charity, and give part to his parents, this will indicate his generosity and concern for loved ones.

Name your favorite dish

By asking this simple question, will you find out if the guy is a vegetarian or belongs to the number of staunch meat eaters? You can easily determine if a simple lover is sitting in front of you. homemade food or the one who dine in a restaurant every evening. A gastronomic theme is always nice, even if the guy doesn't share your desire to order a Hawaiian pineapple pizza.

Where would you like to move?

The preferred city to live in is good way find out what your interlocutor is striving for. If he is looking for a big metropolis - he is eager to realize himself in the professional field, if he dreams of living outside the city - he is thinking about a family. This topic is not limited to the opportunity to show off the knowledge of geography. It will allow you to look into the near future.

Before going on a first date, every girl needs to make a list of questions for a guy. They will help you control the situation and get to know the person better. Some important issues will determine the outcome of your further relationship, whether it will be love or friendship. Or maybe after that even a chance meeting with him on the street will be a nuisance for you. In addition, you will kill two birds with one stone - and find out all the important points for yourself, and successfully support the conversation, in any case awkward silence should not be.

1. “What is your purpose in life?”

I can rephrase this question in different ways. The bottom line is to find out what a person wants from life in terms of work, family, what he dreams of. Since this is one of the most common questions to ask on a first date, it helps to start a conversation. It leads to a series of other questions that will help you understand how focused a person is on their goals. If you don't want to sound too dreamy, paraphrase the phrase, ask about the guy's hobbies or work.

2. “What is the worst thing for you?”

I hate going on a first date and trying my best not to do things that might annoy a guy. To make the date easier, I ask the guy what is the worst thing for him. So you know from the first date what really annoys him. If you resolve this issue, then on the second date you will not touch on this topic. Besides, this is your chance to say what gets on your nerves.

3. “What are your hobbies?”

This is a good way to find out if you and your boyfriend have something in common. You will also find out what he likes to do. It was a surprise for me when I found out what humble guy turned out to be a musician. We played the same instruments and talked about it for hours. If you have, this will be a good idea for a second date.

4. “What do you want from a relationship?”

As long as it's the most personal question from the list, it remains one of the main ones. If I need long term relationship I don't want to waste my time on a man who is just interested in a few dates. This is a great time to find out what your partner wants from a relationship. Whether it's the desire to commit to marriage, family, or just whatever, you'll have an idea of ​​whether or not to go on a second date.

5. “What is your favorite book, movie, show or game?”

If you're not sure if he reads books, plays games, or watches TV, ask him that question anyway. From the first date, you already get the impression what the guy does, what his interests are and what he is like. You can always ask why he likes this or that show, book. You will be surprised by some of the answers to the questions.

6. “What is your favorite music?

Music says a lot about a person. For example, if your partner listens to nothing but music that humiliates a woman, he is not worth your time. I know a lot of people accept that their partner listens to certain music based on style, clothes and where they were born. However, I was shocked when it turned out that the guy who was born and raised in the country liked to listen to metal, rock and even techno. Music gives you common ground, remember that.

7. “Is your type a cat person or a dog person?”

As a cat person, I need to know if my partner is the same. You can also ask if he has pets or who he would like to have. In this way you can develop the theme of his plans for the future.

8. “What scares you the most about relationships or dating?”

I always ask a guy what scares him about dating new girl. It's not too personal, but helps me understand what topics or activities make him feel uncomfortable. If you really want to know about the future with this person, ask him about the relationship. You will immediately understand in general what he is looking for and why he has not yet found it. Just don't push him, or you'll scare the guy away completely.

9. “What are your bad habits?”

I asked a lot of questions on the first date, but one of my favorites is about addictions. You can really have fun while learning things about a guy that a lot of people don't know. Maybe the guy likes to watch TV shows, or he does his weekly manicure. Bad habits can be funny, but still unexpected. They break down barriers and can bring you closer.

Questions can help you keep the conversation calmer. Don't worry if you don't follow your list. Ask something neutral that will give you the opportunity to understand what the guy is like. What are your favorite first date questions?

How to choose a topic for conversation on a first date

There are many topics for conversation on a first date, it is easy to choose them, especially for someone who knows how and loves to communicate. What about shy and insecure people?

On the first date, you do not need to try to switch his attention to yourself all the time. Let's say you have achieved a lot by your incomplete 25 years. There is something to envy, but why talk about it all the time unfamiliar person putting him at a disadvantage? With your boasting, you are building a wall that will later be difficult to overcome. Do not make your interlocutor feel inferior in front of you. This causes internal rejection.

During a conversation, do not pretend to be an expert, even if you are very well versed in the topic of the conversation. Try to be as neutral as possible.

Gossip shouldn't be spread either. Shining with your own and irony is also not worth it. Men prefer kind women.

On the first date, try to relax and not pretend to be anyone. Be natural, the way nature made you.

The right questions on a first date

There is a list of questions that will help you get to know your interlocutor better, reveal his personality.

What do you value most in people? This will help to reveal his essence, his perception of life, attitude towards others.

Do you like to travel? How do you feel about outdoor activities and adventure? The question of travel will also show his character and lifestyle. The answer to this question will help you understand who is in front of you: a traveler or a homebody. This question will help you decide whether to continue with this person, because in the future you will have to accept his lifestyle, perhaps even adapt to him.

What are your favorite dishes? If you ask about his culinary tastes, then you can also draw up an approximate portrait of a person. The penchant for novelty and the desire to experiment says a lot about the character of a man.

What is your most cherished dream in life? A question about a dream can also tell about a person, reveal him emotional condition and attitude towards life.

What was your childhood like? What do you remember the most? The personality of a person is formed in childhood. The events of that time, resentment and quarrels, relationships with parents leave a big imprint on later life man, and often even determine his fate.

What is your personality? What makes you different from other people? Men love to show off and show themselves to the woman they like from the most beneficial side, especially when there is something to tell.

The talent of a listener in a woman is simply irreplaceable. This is a real golden key to long-term trust relationship with a man. When talking with a guy, show interest. Don't interrupt and let him talk. If he is frank with you on the first date, then there is Great chance that he saw in you something more than just pretty girl whom he called to talk.

Preparing for a first date comes down to more than choosing a location and cultural program. Very important point- These are topics for communication with a girl. The first impression made on her will depend on how interesting, relaxed the conversation will turn out. In our article you will find a list of a hundred questions for a girl and step by step instructions how to make your own.

For those people who are already familiar with each other (from studies, work, communication in the same company), it is much easier to start and maintain a conversation, since there are already first points of contact and, accordingly, common topics. For those whose first date is, in fact, an acquaintance (for example, the first meeting “in real life” after talking on the Internet), this is a serious test.

Embarrassment, awkwardness, pauses - these are the typical difficulties that the majority of guys and girls face on a first date.

Well, if both are sociable enough, it will not be difficult to start and maintain a conversation. Some harder topics guys who are not so sociable and self-confident, and especially if they have a first date in their life: they painfully think about what to talk with a girl about, what questions you need to ask her so that they are not banal, what you can ask at the first meeting , and what to leave for later, what topics to come up with to make it interesting and fun for her.
Sometimes even the very fact of the first date with a girl can lead a man into confusion. And in stressful situation, which it is, the brain tends to “turn off”, and all the prepared speech and compliments completely fly out of the head. Therefore, the most a win-win- this is an impromptu, but a reasonable impromptu, thought out in advance.

How to effectively prepare for a first date and overcome embarrassment

There is a simple and effective method, the essence of which can be borrowed from the strategy of preparing for an interview, is the development of communication skills (in other words, rehearsal). The first date is no less responsible event that requires a man to be collected, creative, communicative, and ingenious.

Step 1

First you need to decide what is already known and what else you would like to know about the girl: her range of interests, hobbies, hobbies, life views and priorities, occupation (study or work), and already in these directions it is necessary to subsequently develop topics for conversation and look for common interests.

Step 2

Having thought over the main directions, you can sketch for yourself indicative list questions that you want to ask your interlocutor and which it would be interesting to discuss yourself. For the first meeting, up to 10 topics will be enough, but you must have at least 10-15 more reserve topics in reserve (in case the discussion of these issues “does not go” or some topics turn out to be uninteresting). It is better to write down ideas - visual information is deposited in memory quite firmly. At the idea generation stage, you need to jot down a list of up to 50 questions, so that you can then choose the most successful and interesting ones from.

Step 3

Basically a rehearsal. You can work out the selected questions in front of a mirror (according to the list, having played the dialogue in one person), you can record it on a voice recorder or video, you can attract an assistant (sister, for example). At first glance, such an activity may seem silly, but it is far from it.

This practice will give a man a clear understanding of how he looks from the outside, what topics the girl will be interested in, what and how to ask her, and even correct own speech on the subject of “weed” words, which is useful not only in communicating with the fair sex, but in various aspects of life.

Questions to ask a girl on a first date

  1. Tell me about your childhood: did you play pranks, or were you the right, sedate girl?
  2. Did you like school? What did you want to be when you grow up?
  3. Did you have a nickname in kindergarten/school? Maybe you yourself came up with nicknames for classmates?
  4. What is the most vivid memory you have from your childhood?
  5. Do you love circus? Did you often go there as a child?
  6. Did you go to camp as a child?
  7. Do you have childhood friends?
  8. How many people can you call friends?
  9. Who do you mostly spend your free time with?
  10. What is your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend?
  11. What traits turn you off in people?
  12. Who knows you best?
  13. Are there secrets that you have not told and will not tell anyone?
  14. How do you feel about friendship between the sexes?
  15. Was there love at first sight in your life? Do you believe in her?
  16. At what age did you first kiss?
  17. When did you have your first love? Was she mutual?
  18. What is the ideal man for you?
  19. What do you think about significant difference aged in a relationship?
  20. Do you believe in fate: that there are ideal halves destined for each other from above?
  21. What is the most important thing for you in a relationship?
  22. Have you ever confessed your love first?
  23. What would you prefer if you could only choose one of two things: love or be loved?
  24. How do you feel about change?
  25. Is there any justification for "lying for good"?
  26. If you could live anywhere in the world, in any city, which one would you choose?
  27. Do you like to travel?
  28. What cities or countries would you like to visit? Where have you already been? What do you remember, what do you like?
  29. Do you love the sea? Where do you usually spend your holidays/holidays?
  30. What kind of music do you like?
  31. Which celebrity performance would you like to attend?
  32. Do you have a favorite song? Motto song?
  33. What genres of cinema do you prefer?
  34. Is there a movie you never get bored no matter how many times you watch it?
  35. If you were making a movie, what would it be about?
  36. What books and authors do you like?
  37. What would you recommend to read from the last liked? Something that would grab.
  38. Do you watch TV?
  39. How do you usually spend your weekends?
  40. You're a night owl or an early bird?
  41. Which your favorite ice cream?
  42. What is your signature dish?
  43. At your place big family? Do you have a brother or sister, nephews, godchildren?
  44. Do you have pets at home?
  45. What breeds of dogs do you like?
  46. What are your most hated household chores?
  47. What do you dream about?
  48. What would you like to be doing in 10 years?
  49. If you won a large sum in the lottery, what would you spend it on?
  50. If a book were written about you, what would its title be?
  51. How does it feel to be on your own beautiful girl in this city? Yes, in general, on the whole planet?
  52. Do you love to dance?
  53. What sports do you like? What are you doing on your own?
  54. Do you like to go to clubs?
  55. How long can you go without internet?
  56. Do you play computer games?
  57. Have you ever gone hiking?
  58. When was the last time you played snowballs?
  59. If you could know the future or turn back time, which would you choose?
  60. Would you like to be able to read other people's minds?
  61. What are your favorite flowers?
  62. What is the most unusual gift did you give it as a gift, or did you give it to someone?
  63. What is your favorite holiday?
  64. If you caught goldfish What three of your wishes would she have to fulfill?
  65. What would you do in the end, knowing that until the end of the world remains 24 hours?
  66. If you could switch places in your life with one celebrity, who would you choose?
  67. If you were given the opportunity to try on an invisibility hat for one day, what would you do?
  68. If you could be a man for one day, how would you spend that day?
  69. Would you like to live on a desert island?
  70. What is the scariest thing in life for you?
  71. Are you afraid of the dark?
  72. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life?
  73. Do you like spontaneity more, or do you try to plan everything?
  74. Do you believe in omens?
  75. Do you have a favorite number? How did it become a favorite, what is the story associated with it?
  76. Do you believe in such a thing as horoscopes? What is your zodiac sign?
  77. What is your favorite color?
  78. What is yours favorite time year and why?
  79. How does your New Year usually go?
  80. What would you choose: to be twice as happy or twice as smart?
  81. Why did you cry the last time?
  82. What would you choose: a large apartment in a prestigious area, or a small house with a sea view?
  83. What is the most extreme thing you would like to do in life?
  84. You happy man? What do you lack for complete, absolute happiness?
  85. tell about better day In my life?
  86. Do you like surprises?
  87. What is your ideal day?
  88. Have you ever kept a diary?
  89. Do you eat in the shower?
  90. Have you ever played cards for wish? What's the funniest and craziest thing you've ever said to a loser?
  91. Do you like your job/chosen profession?
  92. When did you realize you were an adult?
  93. You are a creative person?
  94. What are you more guided by when making decisions: the call of the heart, or rational considerations?
  95. What do you think is the secret of success?
  96. What would you like to do if you were not studying/working now?
  97. Do you have any talents that have yet to be realized?
  98. Do you agree with the statement that the success and achievements of a man largely depend on the woman who believes in him?
  99. Would you agree to heaven in a hut?
  100. Would you like to become a famous person?

These 100 ideas are just a small part of what you can ask a girl to get to know her better.

Questions not to ask on a first date:

  1. How much do you earn?
  2. Tell us about your past relationships: why did you break up?
  3. How many men have you had?
  4. Why do not you have a boyfriend?
  5. How much do you weigh?
  6. Do you like me?
  7. Can I kiss you?

Such questions are incorrect, and can only confuse or upset the girl. It will be possible to talk about past relationships at further meetings, when a sufficient degree of intimacy and trust is established, but not at the first, even if you really want to. Also, on the first date, you should wait a little with questions about preferences in sex, etc.

No need to ask permission to kiss. It is very likely that, even if the girl does not mind, she will refuse.

Questions about weight, figure parameters, income level for a woman are offensive, and they should not be asked at all.

In many cases, young girls are very worried when they first meet a guy and just get lost not knowing what to talk about. Therefore, they even knowing some generally accepted and all known rules communication, patterns for conversation, questions - they can be violated and make mistakes. As a result, the guy may have a completely different impression of the girl.

For example, one of the most common female mistakes is a discussion of past relationships or ex girls guy. At the same time, the girl risks not only seeming too curious and annoying, but it is also possible to hurt something alive.

Therefore, in order not to get into this kind of situation, every girl should definitely know that it is not worth starting a conversation about personal life or just simply climb into the soul of a person, not every guy may like it.

Therefore, it is best to speak neutral themes, for example, about various kinds of hobbies and interests, especially since this will help you learn more about your chosen one and understand how you suit each other.

If you do not know, for example, what hobbies you can talk about, then you can also ask about what kind of food the young man prefers, or about what music he listens to or what books he may read.

If your conversation starts from the very beginning, that is, if you manage to get your interlocutor to talk with your question, then consider that you managed to find a common language to some extent.
You should not talk about domestic topics and relationships with your parents, especially with your mother - men do not like this. And by asking a guy tense questions, you run the risk of terminating your budding relationship.

If you still decide to find out first of all about what the guy does, who and where he works, then you should not overdo it with this question, and even more so turn it into the topic of the day or evening. Not every man may like the way you ask him about how much he earns, what kind of relationship he has with his colleagues, etc., and even more so, you should not in any case switch to yourself and start talking about How are things going with you and about your possible problems. Try to place more emphasis not on the main activity, but on hobbies, this will help you understand it to a greater extent. inner world and possibly character.
In order to understand more what kind of person he is, you can ask his friends, especially since it is very easy and interesting topic both for you and for your interlocutor.

If you communicate for quite a long time and for enough serious topics, then you should defuse the situation with humor so that you and your interlocutor next to you are more comfortable. For example, you can tell any funny story that happened to you in the past, tell or vice versa ask about his childhood, his childhood dreams and something like that. The main thing is to try to cheer up your interlocutor at least a little.

An interesting topic for conversation can also be the guy's tastes at the expense of girls, i.e. you can ask him about which girls he likes best. But if you suddenly do not fall into this description, then you should not immediately regret that you asked such a question or simply begin to adapt to this description. The main thing is to be confident and be yourself, this is your individuality, which distinguishes you from others.
Try to show your best qualities and please your chosen one, and for this you must first of all remain yourself.

You should not forget about the most important thing, since you have already asked a question, then try to listen carefully, show what you are interested in, ask questions and thus you will keep the conversation going. If you notice that your interlocutor has begun to enthusiastically talk about his occupation, then you can simply admire him, the guys really like it.

If you feel that during the conversation you began to get closer, you can even switch to frank and intimate matters related, including sex.

Of course, I wonder which girls like guys more? First of all, these are those who are physically attractive, but at the same time are not empty dolls. After all, guys get bored with such girls very quickly. They also like cheerful, sociable and at the same time a little liberated girls with good feeling humor. Therefore, when communicating with guys, you should not seem touchy, you can attract few people with this.

Examples of questions you can ask a guy - what to ask a guy
Your favorite movie? Movie genre? What would you like to see now?
What don't you like about women? Why?
What do you like to do when you have free time?
What kind of sex do you like? Favorite pose(s)?
Where are you studying? Where do you work? - how did you get there?
What do you like to listen to? What music?
What kind of women do you like? Why?
Do you like it when a girl dresses sexy?
Do you like to watch erotic films?
What would you do if you didn't work (didn't study)?
Do you like naughty girls?
Where did you go on vacation?
Do you like the sea? (Mountains?)
What technology (computers, cars) do you like?

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