Life in complete solitude. What to do if you are lonely? Psychology of woman's loneliness. What is the use of loneliness for a woman

Studies show that loneliness can cause serious damage to health if it weighs you down. Possible problems from cardiovascular diseases, various depressive states. Good news that all these processes are quite easily reversible, and strong relationships with family and close friends reduce stress levels, improve immunity, and can even fill your life with meaning.

Loneliness is contagious

Like any other experience, joyful and uplifting or anxious and depressing. Susan Newman, Ph.D. in psychology, says that when a person tells their loved ones that they are experiencing feelings of loneliness, they begin to discover the same signs in themselves. According to a study published in the journal Social Psychology, the degree of distribution of this feeling reaches three: that is, it goes along the chain you are your friend / friend of your friend / friend of your friend.

Loneliness is like hunger

And just as hunger signals that it's time for you to eat, loneliness signals that it's time for you to get companionship.

You may experience loneliness even if you big circle communication

Because it's not the quantity that matters. social connections, but their depth and confidence. To paraphrase the saying “do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”, it would be more correct to say “do not have a hundred friends, get by with four”.

Feelings of loneliness increase with age

Since the closeness of relationships in our lives is very often due to the similarity of interests and persists as long as the interests coincide. So, first you make friends at school, then at work, then young mothers become your loved ones.

As long as you have a social circle in which you boil in one topic, you do not feel alone. With the course of life, and even more so with retirement, such circles become less and less.

Living alone: ​​a corollary from the previous paragraph

With a divergence of interests, your degree of intimacy will decrease. But this does not mean that every time you have to leave old friends and make situationally new ones. No, just keep in mind that the frequency of your contacts with colleagues in former job will decrease, and with colleagues in a new way - increase. And it’s completely normal to meet very old friends once every six months or a year, but at the same time continue to love and respect each other.

Feelings of loneliness are directly affected by job loss, divorce and growing up children

If you keep this in mind, you can avoid depression by preparing for these events in advance.

Feelings of loneliness are lessened by sharing activities with someone

When a person feels useful, he does not suffer from his experiences. Therefore, even if you have no friends, any collective work, including volunteering will save you from suffering. At the same time, you get a chance to find like-minded people who can become your friends.

The feeling of loneliness is not only harmful to your mental state, but also to your physical state.

How do lonely people live? Can a person live life alone? Doctors note that the development of diseases in single people is comparable to the same diseases as in smokers or overweight people.

Loneliness shortens life

How to live alone childless woman? A five-year study of 300,000 older people around the world showed that single old people are 33% more likely to die in the same period as older people with families.

Since we are talking about the depth of connections, and not about their number. This is how social loneliness arises.

But for lack of a better one, virtual friends are also good.

If only because it is still communication, and with a good combination of circumstances, you can find common ground in real life especially if you live next door.

Technology can bring you back to contacts with your distant relatives

If you live thousands of kilometers apart, then using Skype or other voice and video communication systems, you can communicate with each other even every day.

Even 50 years ago, choosing to live alone was associated with something marginal and unnatural. Practically from birth, everyone received the mindset that living alone is not only strange and condemnable, but also dangerous. Exaggeratedly, this idea appeared in the dystopian film " Lobster"(2015), according to the plot of which loners were prosecuted, and everyone who wanted, but did not find a mate, was turned into an animal and released into the forest.

Indeed, even some 100 years ago, the inability to get married was considered a real grief, and tens of thousands of years before that, punishment in the form of expulsion from the community was often perceived as a measure much more terrible than the death penalty.

Today, more and more people consciously go into free swimming - refuse marriage, live and even travel alone. For example, in 1950, only 22% of Americans lived alone, today more than 50% of US citizens choose to live solo.

How can one explain the rapid abolition of the set of traditions and rules previously honored throughout the world? Kleinenberg argues that transformations modern society At least four causes have contributed: women's emancipation, social media, changing urban spaces, and increased life expectancy.

Indeed, for the first time in history modern realities are such that each individual is a full-fledged cog in the economy, thanks to which a huge number of offers for bachelors appeared on the housing market. Women's emancipation allows you to make a decision about marriage and the birth of children without a threat to your future, and an increase in life expectancy leads to the fact that one of the spouses inevitably outlives the second and is not always ready to connect his life with a new person.

Thus, loneliness today takes on a completely different meaning than it did 50 or 60 years ago. Now the right to live solo is a deeply personal and completely adequate decision, which is resorted to by millions of people on the planet.

However, despite the fact that physically secluded life has become accessible, there are still many stereotypes around loners. You need to understand that today solo life does not mean complete isolation. Thanks to the Internet and the opportunity to work from home, singles are immersed in an active social life. What's more, studies show that most single people have more fulfilling lives than their married counterparts. First of all, this is due to the fact that new look life is a choice in favor of healthy egoism, that is, time intended for oneself.

“The masses of people decided on this social experiment because, in their view, such a life corresponds to the key values ​​of modernity - individual freedom, personal control and the desire for self-realization, that is, values ​​​​that are important and dear to many people. adolescence. Living alone gives us the opportunity to do what we want, when we want it and on the terms we set ourselves.”

This current position is in conflict with traditional model behavior. At the same time, it is known that those who marry or have children just because “it’s necessary”, without too much reflection, often condemn those who choose a life “without obligations”, regardless of their personal level of happiness. Meanwhile, sociological observations show:

“... people who have never been married are not only no less happy than those who are married, but also feel much happier and less lonely than those who have divorced or lost a spouse .... All those who have divorced or separated from their spouse will testify that there is no lonelier life than living with a person you do not love.

Friends and relatives of singles are often worried and want to find their soul mate as soon as possible, get a job in the office, or see their loved ones more often. In fact, those loners for whom solitude - personal choice, are not outsiders and do not suffer. From the point of view of psychology, the one who is not bored with himself is a whole person, not prone to destructive codependency. Kleinenberg notes:

“In fact, the increase in the number of people living alone has nothing to do with whether Americans feel lonely or not. There are many studies open to the public that prove that the feeling of loneliness depends on quality, not quantity. social contacts. What is important here is not the fact that a person lives alone, it is important whether he feels lonely.

In addition, it is quite obvious that today we are forced to spin in a frenzied flow of information. Messages and notifications in in social networks mixed with phone calls and news on TV, turning our everyday life into an information meat grinder. Perhaps the conscious appeal to solitude is also connected with the desire to take a break from external noise.

Recent studies cited in Kleinenberg's work suggest that most modern loners lead an active social life. Many of them have jobs, friends and lovers, and some even get married. Where is the loneliness here? The new social reality allows you to simultaneously have any kind of relationship and take care of yourself on your own territory. So, married couples Those who need personal space prefer to live separately, meeting, for example, on Sundays.

This approach to relationships often causes misunderstanding and even condemnation - a change patterned behavior rarely elicits acceptance from the majority. Also, many accuse loners of egocentrism, high self-esteem and indifferent attitude towards people. It must be understood that most often such attacks arise from those who lead a less eventful social life, have a lot of free time and are prone to psychological dependence. Modern loners are ready to maintain social contacts, but they are strict in choosing friends. Their external isolation (the desire to live alone) does not mean that they do not need people, or that they do not know how to love. In addition, those who have chosen a solo life understand that the number of friends and acquaintances does not guarantee inner comfort.

Also, many believe that singles do not face problems, as they are deprived of any obligations, which is also not true. Living solo as a lifestyle is a completely new phenomenon, the scale of which the world was not ready for. That is why today singles face many problems. Some employers are not ready to hire an unmarried person, suspecting him of irresponsibility. In this case, singles are forced to fight against stereotypes. Travel lovers note that the price of a tour or a hotel room per person is much higher than the cost of a vacation for couples or companies. That is why entire societies for the protection of the rights of lonely people have appeared today. Obviously, business development is possible in the near future, target audience which lonely people will become.

Now, despite the global growth of households of just one person, conscious loneliness causes misunderstanding and accusation of infantilism. However, psychologists and psychiatrists note that the ability to live alone is something required quality which many cannot learn in their entire lives. It is known that everyone needs to be alone from time to time in order to understand their place in the reality surrounding them. Moreover, a high percentage of singles can afford to spend a large number of time for self-realization. It is no coincidence that most often this way of life is chosen by representatives of the so-called creative class.

Eric Kleinenberg published his research just two years ago. In it, he claims "large-scale social experiment in which the whole world is involved. It is interesting that today, after 24 months, the phenomenon of solo life has become much more familiar, which means that soon we will be able to talk not only about an experiment, but also about a really new social reality.

Many people have periods of loneliness. For some they don't last long, for others they last longer. long time. And this episode in your life must be lived calmly, having learned to be happy. How? let's consider.

Learning to live for ourselves

If you don't have a half right now, don't worry. Get the most out of this. Become self-sufficient person that can easily find positive points In current situation.

Dedicate moments of loneliness to your beloved. Start taking care of yourself. Give yourself proper attention. Sign up for a fitness club, walk along the beautiful streets of your city.

Enjoy life. Give yourself gifts. Travel. For example, when I was single, I devoted this stage of my life to getting pleasant experience from tourism and travel. There is nothing more beautiful than traveling around cities and countries and taking pictures of the sights and landscapes of the beautiful places of our abundant universe. If you do not have enough money for long and distant trips, walk around your city and region. This is great too.

Mind your own personal growth and education. Go to study courses that you have long dreamed of. Attend trainings spiritual development. As a rule, if you begin to develop spiritually, you will not feel alone. You will learn to be truly happy because you will understand that happiness is within you.

Or maybe on one of these courses, you will even meet your love! So often it happens in life. Man lets go of loneliness, begins to live full life and everything changes. He finds the right people for friendship and love casual and miraculously.

Let go of resentment

In order to be happy in loneliness, you need to let go of your ex. Forgive them. Bless with love. Only if you let go of the bad will you make room for the new and the beautiful!

"I give up all my former partners God. I forgive them and release them. I wish them all the very best."

Look forward to meeting your loved one

In no case do not suffer from the fact that you are alone, but believe that this is a temporary phenomenon and soon you will definitely find your soul mate, naturally if you want it.

“I am grateful to God for what is now in my life loving relationship with the person I want. I'm happy".

Also, use your imagination. Imagine, for example, how you look at wedding ring on your hand. Or how your parents congratulate you on a successful marriage.

To be happy in loneliness, you need to let go of this loneliness and change your attitude towards it. And to know that this is a temporary phenomenon that was given to you so that you learn to be self-sufficient and happy!

Source -

Loneliness comes to every woman in due time. Parting with a loved one, divorce from her husband, departure of grown-up children from home, loss of a loved one, moving to another country, life without a man and a child - all this often leads a woman to feel that she is completely alone, and sometimes she feels lonely even in society. people, when there is a husband, and children, and work, but inside it is somehow empty and dreary ...

Very often, the astrological period of Saturn or Ketu leads a woman to a feeling of loneliness. Saturn usually just takes away what we are attached to, leaving us alone. And Ketu closes a person inside. Often during the Ketu period, my clients were forced to move to a city with poor communication, a small population, where they lived, as if in a hermitage.

It comes to someone late, and someone gets to know him at all. young age, but whenever it comes, most of us invariably fear it!

Women are afraid of loneliness, because by nature we are more sociable, we feel people well, understand their desires, hints and views, but at the same time we desperately do not want to look into our hearts and our souls ...

« I feel lonely, no one needs ...' is one of the most frequently requested psychological therapy. And also:

  • « How to deal with loneliness?»
  • « I'm afraid of loneliness...»
  • « I don't want to be alone...»
  • « I'm afraid I'll be alone for the rest of my life...»

What is so terrible in loneliness for a woman if she so desperately runs away from him?

Why are we afraid of loneliness

  • Thoughts. When we are left alone with our personality, the first thing is that we are haunted by thoughts. All sorts of different thoughts: exciting, anxious, sad, full of self-pity or even despair. Thoughts that can lead to nervous breakdown And mental disorder. We do not have the habit of thinking well, we have been hammered into other scenarios since childhood. Remember: " If you do this, then no one will marry you."? Or: "E If you behave like this, then no one will need you". If loneliness is associated with the departure of a man, then there is also speculation and winding up about how good he is now, or something even worse.
  • Fear of the unknown. Most women do not have the experience of living alone. First they live with their parents, then with their husbands. And when a period of loneliness comes, and it comes to everyone, then the woman is afraid, because she does not even know what to do and how to live now. Very often, a woman is not even afraid of the departure of a man, but another life with a different life without someone nearby! One client of mine said that when her husband packed up and left, she felt numb and terrified. We began to work with this situation and returned to that moment. And I asked: You are scared now. Let's look at this fear. What is this fear? What are you really afraid of? And then she answered: This fear has nothing to do with a man, I feel that his departure is an important and necessary stage in my life, but this fear is associated with loneliness. I have never lived alone! I don't know how to live alone and what to do! I immediately panic at the thought!» Such is human nature: we are always afraid of the unknown, even if there is a great blessing behind it!
  • Meeting with yourself. If you turn off phones, computers, TVs and music, and are left alone with yourself, you will inevitably begin to hear yourself, your true desires and deep intentions. And it's scary. We are so used to living by someone else's rules, pleasing someone, putting up with some strange principles, agreeing with the generally accepted system of life, constantly denying ourselves sincere wishes and intentions that we are afraid later for a long time“switching off” from the true self to re-meet your personality without all this imposed husk.

A client and I were dealing with a fear of being alone, and in deep therapy, I asked her, “ Why are you afraid of silence and when no one is around? And she, as if from a trance, answered: Because if it is quiet, then I will hear my true values ​​and desires, I will hear my true thoughts. And I'm afraid that I will want to quit everything, all this pretense, and start living differently - the way I really want to. I have a responsibility, a husband, a job, I can't just start living the way I like!»

And can you? Could you start living just the way you like?

Once it is important to admit: we know very little about ourselves, we are almost unaware of our deepest values ​​and true desires.

And they inspire fear in us.

Being a true self is scary, inside of us sits the wild horror of rejection by society. We are afraid that if we begin to live the way we like, then some important people turn away from us. Therefore, we turn away from ourselves and give our uniqueness as a sacrifice to the tribe of society.

We try to fill this void with music, movies, work, deeds, girlfriends, ministry... Anything to keep from hearing the cry of a heart that wants to open and bloom.

But loneliness does not just come. It is not a disease to be dealt with, nor is it a fear to be overcome.

This is an infinitely valuable lesson in real life.

Practically in all world religions and spiritual movements there is a practice of hermitage - being alone. In Thailand, for example, children are sent to early age to the temple, and they live there for several years, following the practices and vows. In Buddhism, there is a practice of renunciation, when an adept is immured in a cave for several months. There is also hermitage in Christianity, and many saints became such only after going through the path of hermitage. In the Vedic tradition, this is a self-evident rule for achieving enlightenment and spiritual perfection.

Hermitage, or life alone, allows a person to meet with himself, to know himself, to reveal his true values, to feel his life path with his heart.

What is the use of loneliness for a woman

The dharma of a woman is not spiritual perfection and understanding oneself through austerities, but sometimes silence and loneliness helps to remember your real female dharma, that you are a woman, that you have personal goals and personal desires, that you invisible thread connected with God and he guides you.

Loneliness teaches a woman to live her life or even simply have plans for her life, and not live someone else's life year after year, playing a role for someone. It is extremely important for a woman to learn to live alone, to rejoice, based on her internal state, to constantly find in yourself a source of happiness and satisfaction.

If a woman is happy to live with herself, this is an indicator that she is ready for a real relationship. Very often, women are eager for relationships, but at the same time they have no personal life, no interests of their own, no inner world, no special connection with the Universe, which makes her life interesting. And then, having entered into a relationship, she constantly demands that her husband be around, she is jealous of his friends, of the garage, constantly reproaches that he spends little time with her, that she is bored without him. Later, this internal dissatisfaction passes to the children: she controls them and binds them to the house.

A woman who lives in contact with herself and with the world is never bored, even without society.

It is very important for us women to learn how to develop on our own, because this is our weak area.

A woman can grow, develop and transform in relationships, she can change and improve in them for the sake of a man, but for some reason, when she is alone, she begins to think only about how to create relationships.

It is very important for us to live our lives, in addition to the family and the life of a man. Then we will arouse admiration and respect in men: they also do not want to live with women who have no interests and goals, who live only the life of their loved ones. Remember: where there is too much attention and tension, there will always be crises and problems. And for women, that zone is relationships.

The personal life of a woman takes away part of her attention from relationships and fixes on her desires, making her whole, valuable and attractive.

Loneliness gives strength. After giving birth, I was with the child all the time, many of the mother readers will understand me. It was not easy, I felt that life was beginning to mercilessly suck all the strength out of me: diapers, cleaning, cooking, feeding, laying, walking - and then all over again. At some point, I felt that it was time to restore my inner potential, despite acute shortage time. And I began my personal recovery with the simplest: when the child fell asleep, I brewed my favorite tea and silently sat in silence and drank it. I had to run to wash diapers, cook food, swim, clean up the house ... But I silently drank tea, enjoying the silence and loneliness. Exciting thoughts calmed down, the chaos in my head turned into space (which translates as "order"). During these 15 minutes of silence, I gained so much strength and inner peace that I had enough energy for all household chores and also creativity in the Women's Sangha.

Loneliness for a woman is a gift, not a curse.

This is the way! Our foremothers spent a lot of time alone, when their husbands went to war, to hunt. Do you think they sat and were sad that no one needs them? They continued to live, were engaged in housekeeping, creative and protective creativity, they communicated with the unmanifested world, communicated with the Goddesses. They also had their leisure, which brought peace of mind and strength to their husbands. And if there were no husbands, then peace of mind and creativity created a wonderful future for a woman.

Now women are familiar with psychology, sacred practices. In general, you don’t need to think about anything - sit at home, pump up your feminine energy🙂 If you go outside to take out the garbage or go to the store - and your husband will be attracted in an unprecedented way. I'm not kidding now.

Women don't need to work at all. active search men. Her goal is to “pump up” herself so that she bursts with joy. Then the man himself will be attracted miraculously into her energy field, he may accidentally enter the house, having mixed up the address, or call the wrong number and get to you.

History from life

Even in my youth, I loved to engage in all sorts of esoteric and practices, and of course, I was interested in seeing the skills in action. I found “victims” for myself 🙂 and conducted energy experiments.

And then one day I came across a girl who really wanted a relationship with a man. I told her with a smart face: You have too much significance of relationships, but at the same time personal vibrations are very low. You need to enjoy life more, focus on yourself and your desires, increase energy vibrations. Then the relationship itself will be attracted!»

I offered her a developed program to increase vibrations. Do not ask me for it: when I made the program, I was 18 years old 🙂 Now I am already embarrassed to demonstrate this "scientific" work :))

And she agreed. For two weeks she took care of herself, rejoiced, did practices, and got so involved that she forgot about the relationship, she felt good without them. And on the penultimate day of the program, we met at my house for tea to discuss everything. She was so filled with joy that her face shone.

We brewed tea, when suddenly a call is heard on her mobile. She picks up the phone and replies with a joyful voice: “ Hello… What? (laughs) No, you must have got the wrong number... and gender at the same time (laughs)... It's okay... Good luck in finding Victor... All the best!"- hangs up and says:" The man mixed up some number.

We forgot about it, we began to discuss our affairs. After 20 minutes, she received an SMS: “And you have such a pleasant voice ...” - and away we go 🙂 He came to meet her at my house that same evening. And two weeks later they started dating. Q.E.D! 🙂

How many of these stories do you know? When a woman waits and waits for a relationship, prepares for them, studies, tries, but still nothing and nothing. No luck, that's all! And one day he decides: I will live all my life alone and without a man I will be happy! And he begins to live, to rejoice, to seek happiness in himself. Men immediately begin to line up around her and offer relationships.

Of course, you need to study, you need to prepare for marriage, to study the consciousness of a man and a woman, to study women's arts, but in addition to external knowledge, one must have internal integrity, be wealthy from the inside.

At modern women too much attention in the outside world and very little in yourself, within yourself. We create some kind of world around ourselves, forgetting to look at the true project written by our heart and our inner wisdom.

The right attitude to loneliness returns strength to the heart, and wisdom to consciousness!

Dealing with loneliness

At first, it is always difficult to face loneliness. We will analyze this moment in detail, what to do, how to be and what not to do.

  1. Stop running from him. Stop looking for ways to drown out the feeling of loneliness: TV, music, girlfriends, work, household chores, sports. You won't be able to mute it anyway. It will only become the background feeling of your life. And we don't need this.
  2. Meet him. Perhaps this will be your most important meeting for the last few year s. Turn off all devices, all sounds, sit down and listen to silence, look at your thoughts from the outside, look at your fears and doubts. Admit to yourself what you were afraid to admit, confess to yourself. You may not have listened to yourself in a very long time! Tell yourself what you want, starting with the phrase: But actually I like..." Or: " Actually I want..." Or: " To be honest, I don't like the fact that...»
  3. Breathe. Sometimes, from thoughts and worries, we are seized by panic, we urgently want to do something, just not to feel it. But there is no need to run away from yourself - start breathing deeper, live the process of loneliness. Feel it in your body. Maybe you feel loneliness somewhere in your chest, or maybe in the uterus ... Direct your breath there and breathe through it, thus removing tension and removing this block.
  4. Accept loneliness as part of yourself. There is you social and needed by everyone, and there is you - a hermit, as in that song: “ The cat that walks by itself". Nobody needs it, but at the same time it is infinitely valuable in its freedom. Accept this part of yourself, renounced, free and independent... Feel it, let it manifest and bring its valuable lessons. Our inner hermit can teach us a lot, bring us wisdom and knowledge, sacred experience and visions of the future! Let yourself be a recluse for a while...
  5. Release the dark side. Sometimes we find anger within ourselves, accumulated over the years, repressed and hidden. Loneliness exposes him, and our task is to let him go. There are practices for releasing the dark side in the webinar of the same name " Dark side women". Below I will give another good practice.
  6. Find benefits. In everything that happens to us, there is a meaning, in each situation there are pluses. Find the good in being alone. Perhaps it is it that is trying to give you the opportunity to relax, rest, fill up with strength and knowledge, live for yourself. In marriage, this is more difficult. Perhaps loneliness will be a resource for creativity and self-discovery for you. Time is the priceless currency of the Universe and it is what gives you life with yourself.
  7. Forge an interesting and exciting life outside of relationships. I mean not only the relationship of a man and a woman, but in general any relationship. In the outside world, many of us have succeeded - let's enrich inner world, fill it with interests and colors. May you always be interested with yourself, there is always something to discover in yourself, to meet the unique and special. And for this you need silence and loneliness. Create your inner world! A person is like an iceberg: in the outside world - only the very top, but the real power is inside! Do you have this power? Is she already known to you?
  8. Become self-sufficient. A self-sufficient person is not one who does not need anyone, but one who feels good both with people and without people, who is happy in relationships and without relationships, and his external world equally rich and beautiful as the interior. For a woman, this is the condition for a long-term and exciting relationship. I'm talking about relationships in which there is a spark, desire for each other, romance, and not just everyday life. For a deep and intimate relationship, two full-fledged and individual personalities rather than complementary imperfect mechanisms. And when a woman finds her life, she calmly relates to the life of a man, easily accepts his friends, lets him go, and from this she becomes priceless in his eyes!

The Simple Practice of Releasing Anger

Pour into the bath warm water, climb into it, feel how your anger bursts you and rises to your throat, like lava of unspoken pain ... Dip your head under the water and scream with all your might! Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the field or the forest to scream, but when we scream into the water, it is absolutely inaudible to neighbors and even family members, but at the same time we can throw out our emotions to the fullest. Shout underwater, you can make faces. Then wash yourself clean water, and drain this one. Together with the water, all your negativity and anger will also go away!

In conclusion

These are the basic steps that will make loneliness not a heavy feeling inside, but a great instrument of transformation.

Remember: loneliness destroys us only when there is no God in our life!

If you have connected your life with God, build relationships with him, try to make friends, see his manifestations in your life, then you will never be alone, because the connection between the soul and God is eternal and indestructible. We can only forget about it, abandon it, but even after that it will not cease to exist.

Most main way stop being afraid of loneliness is to build a relationship with God, trust him, realize that he is leading you the right way that all periods and situations are part of the great puzzle of your life, which adds up to great happiness!

I wish you to live with the feeling of the constant presence of God and turn all your life periods into opportunities and resources!

Here, for a start, it is necessary to clarify what the author means by loneliness.

If complete isolation, directly physical - when there is not a soul around, then, most likely, sooner or later - depending on all the given circumstances, such isolation and the character and inclinations of the person himself, he will move a little with his mind - well, at least, as above noticed that a person is a social being, and this will cause significant harm to the psyche. There are, of course, extraordinary cases such as hermit monks or insanely enthusiastic scientists for whom there is nothing but a subject of study (a la Perelman; although strictly speaking, they are not isolated, they do not live on desert island and they also have some everyday social contacts), but for that they are extraordinary, it hardly makes sense to compare them with ordinary people.

If it is precisely the feeling of loneliness that is meant - and it doesn’t matter how many acquaintances and friends a person has, the main thing is that he experiences an oppressively heavy feeling of loneliness - then this is very difficult and has a very destructive effect on the psyche of a person, and the person as a whole, makes his unfortunate. You can live like this, there are enough examples, but life is mostly bitter.

If we are talking about formal loneliness - when a person is such a giraffe, then with a certain level of self-sufficiency and character, this is completely normal. Sometimes such a person may have few social contacts, and another may populate with his acquaintances and comrades some small European country, this is not the point here, it is important that he is fundamentally alone, he does not have close ties, there are no special attachments, and this does not bother or upset him at all. If we talk about such loneliness, then a person can live like this all his life and not experience discomfort, moreover, often the discomfort just gives him the need to get out of this lonely state, if one suddenly arises.

If we are talking about loneliness in terms of relationships with the opposite (well, or your own, depending on orientation) sex, then everything is more complicated than in the previous paragraph, due to several factors at once: physiological attraction (many deceive themselves and confuse it with desire to be with someone; a small percentage of the population, however, does not have it, this paragraph does not apply to them), traditions (relationships and family are taken for granted, like the fact that children at 6-7 years old go to school, and in winter they celebrate New Year), public pressure - both direct (“all your classmates are already married!”, “When will you bring us a bride?”), And indirectly (relationships, weddings, children - all this is positioned as some kind of achievement, a necessary achievement, without which you are almost defective). But in general, if a person really has no desire to start a relationship (many create the appearance that he is not there because it doesn’t work out, well, this, in general, also applies to the previous paragraph with communication and friends) and he has strong enough willpower and independence from other people's opinions, then he can quite calmly live his whole life alone (it is not prohibited by law, 95% safe .. well, okay, this is already subjective).